PSA: It’s Friday. Take it light.
A to-do list and calendar are not a plan. #planning #life
Observation: People now say, “I appreciate you,” rather than “I appreciate it.” Yes, it’s more personal, but it still seems forced and fake in most cases.
#life #failure #usa
“Son, sometimes you have to wear in your wallet, jeans, and mind enough so that it feel comfortable-like. Otherwise, they feel stiff and not what you want.”
Keep your expectations low.
Keep your mistakes to a minimum.
Keep learning and growing.
Keep trying.
#life #success
Clippy Cam: “Your front door thinks it saw a package delivered while you were killed. Would you like to install the upgrade?”
Clarification: I’m really not interested in the tools you use to plan. I want to know HOW you plan daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
“His parents couldn’t figure out how to spell Noel, or were from another planet. They, however, had money so they asked a faulty AI what to name their son.”
#writing #throwawayline
Yes, it’s lunchtime. Yes, it’s when I tend to mind-dump the most. Apologies. I have too much stuff on the brain. The brain abhors a vacuum. The mind requires it.