Track Your Failures and Successes…

#life #success

Photo up


Halloween == Christmas

octal 31 = decimal 25

Scary, isn’t it?

Happy Collect Rocks Day

Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity 2024…

#writing #mdc3con

Greetings. It’s back to the normal grind here. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

I’m home again. Had a great time, as usual, at C3. Lots of cool panels and folk, and I sold a few books.

#writing #mdc3con

Greetings. Have a fun day. Sat safe. Stay hydrated. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

Day 2 over. Having a grand time at mdx3con as always. Sold and autographed a few books.

Time to crash for the day.

#weiting #mdc3con

Day 2 of the conference winding down. A few events left