Plan for tomorrow:

– errands

– house stuff

– Python

– eat lunch

– free write

– read stuff

– get outside

What fun are you going to have this weekend?

I know where to return the rental cars. But where do I return the carriage?

People who normally don’t watch or follow sports follow the Olympics. They see nationalism, not sport. They celebrate country more than the individual. And then, there are the governments.

What’s the ASCII code for an old line?

Donny is very impressed with his thumbs. He keeps brandishing them in every photo-op.

I think I should write a script to scan all the devices on my network and log all the IPs and host names. I’m tired of maintaining a manual list.


I guess it’s Olympics time again. And election year here. And leap year. I think that’s a conspiracy that they all fall together each time.


Happy Friday, everyone. Hoot and holler and party on! The weekend starts now-ish. I hope everyone has a fun, safe, and peaceful weekend.

Today’s choice.

#books #dinner #writing

My book, Last Call, fancy juice. And my SuperNote.