
2024-07-26 Plan for tomorrow: – errands – house stuff – Python – eat lunch – free …

2024-07-26 What fun are you going to have this weekend?

2024-07-26 I know where to return the rental cars. But where do I return the carriage?

2024-07-26 People who normally don’t watch or follow sports follow the Olympics. They see nationalism, not …

2024-07-26 What’s the ASCII code for an old line?

2024-07-26 Donny is very impressed with his thumbs. He keeps brandishing them in every photo-op.

2024-07-26 I think I should write a script to scan all the devices on my network and log all the IPs and host …

2024-07-26 I guess it’s Olympics time again. And election year here. And leap year. I think that’s a conspiracy …

2024-07-26 Happy Friday, everyone. Hoot and holler and party on! The weekend starts now-ish. I hope everyone …

2024-07-26 Today’s choice. #books #dinner #writing

2024-07-26 Mage needs food.

2024-07-26 If you’re a programmer, are there any fun information-getter APIs that you know of? Share. …

2024-07-26 “He had overeaten, and now he was in a gaseous state.” #writing

2024-07-26 There sure are a bunch of people floating around up there… #space

2024-07-26 Overheard in the hotel: “We remember our journeys.” Great quote. This was in relation to remembering …

2024-07-26 Don’t take things on social media personally, even if they are meant personally, they probably …

2024-07-26 Good morning. It’s Friday. Get your stuff done so you can relax this weekend. The weekend needs …

2024-07-25 I should watch Airplane again.

2024-07-25 Hm. There is a new Opus 88 fountain pen? Sigh. #fountainpen

2024-07-25 Photo up. #photography

2024-07-25 This is why we can’t have good things: #api

2024-07-25 You know how YouTube channels have timestamp markers in the description/summary? If I had a YouTube …

2024-07-25 Nintendo always has a cool hardware feature in their consoles. What new cool hardware feature do you …

2024-07-25 Tomorrow is Friday. What’s everyone doing? I’m going to spend the day twiddling my thumbs waiting …

2024-07-25 Anyone have a reccomendation for good computer (blue-blocking) glasses? I don’t’ need readers or …

2024-07-25 Grr. I can’t get PiTunnel to load on an Argon RaspberryPi EON server. No error messages but nothing …

2024-07-25 Anyone remember MacRuby?…

2024-07-25 “Your problems don’t amount to much when compared to a mountain of mole hills.” #writing …

2024-07-25 Poofy is a word. Floofy is sort of a word, a derivative of poofy. I recommend stoofy, a derivative …

2024-07-25 Is “juvenile justice” just another term for vengeance? #news

2024-07-25 Pictures aren’t important. The memories persist, bit photos fade or get put away and forgotten. …

2024-07-25 “Being young is being God. You can’t fail, unless your parents ground you.” #writing #character

2024-07-25 Gratuitous dessert pic. Tres Leches #food

2024-07-25 I’m feeling much better after consuming food. Gratuitous food pic. #food

2024-07-25 Tres Leches for dessert…

2024-07-25 “Down the shore” is proper in Phila, PA. Meaning:: “I am visiting a beach resort, in New Jersey. I’m …

2024-07-25 I’ll be at Creatures, Crime, and Creativity in Columbia MD this September with humor, snark, and an …

2024-07-25 What is your drink of choice? Mine? The ceremonial morning coffee.

2024-07-25 Antagonist: “Will you be disappointed if tomorrow never comes, Mr. Bond?” Roger Moore: “It depends …

2024-07-25 Fill in the blank: • Be a chump. Vote for _____. And if you think the question is somehow biased, …

2024-07-25 Thank you, all. Whether you follow and/or interact with me, or not. We are all interconnected and …

2024-07-25 I need to use the word “sweltering” more.

2024-07-25 Piracy and Privacy are only one letter away. And we call that letter, spam.

2024-07-25 It’s another brutally humid day, although the heat is tolerable. If it’s not oppressively hot and …

2024-07-25 I’m taking a break from XCode and Swift. I don’t like the state of the language vs. where it …

2024-07-25 With any luck, I can get the first book of the trilogy off to the editor. Then, I can start on …

2024-07-25 Today hasn’t been all that productive, although I did take my car in and am almost done the short …

2024-07-25 I’m trying to come up with a unifying cover idea to my trilogy (almost said “three book trilogy”). …

2024-07-25 The waiter looked at me. His face was expressionless, and then he spoke. “Pick your poisson.” …

2024-07-25 “Who shot JRR Tolkien?” If you get the reference, you must be ancient.

2024-07-25 … and at Barnes and Noble, I saw a bunch of JRR Tolkien books and my mind went to “Lord of the …

2024-07-25 On a walk earlier, I saw a sign “Cash for Houses”. My mind automatically went to “Cash for Cows”. …

2024-07-25 I put two pillows I washed into the dryer. Now one of them is missing.

2024-07-25 I must be hungry. I haven’t eaten anything but a doughnut all day.

2024-07-25 If life comes with no documentation, why should software? Are you criticizing God? Or think that you …

2024-07-25 Time for some #music…

2024-07-25 Which is the most boring board game?~ #game

2024-07-25 Oh well, the car won’t be done until late tomorrow. I feel like Mexican food today. I guess that’s …

2024-07-25 “I thought about becoming human, but then, I didn’t see the point.” #writing

2024-07-25 Great advice for everyone. #life #success

2024-07-25 Don’t wait for happiness. Create it. Create it for yourself and others. #life #success #happiness

2024-07-25 Wow. Some magazines still come with CD/DVDs. And source code! I’ll have to get it so I can relive …

2024-07-25 Working on the short story in Barnes and Noble. #writing #palma

2024-07-25 “You aren’t truly alive until you’re dead.” - Fred the Zombie #writing #throwawaylone

2024-07-25 Ok. This is brilliant. #ios…

2024-07-25 “We all have weaknesses. Yours is your stupidity. Mine is my inability to mold the world in my own …

2024-07-25 Happy Shiraz Day I haven’t had one in decades.

2024-07-25 Breakfast of champions. (No, not the bag.)

2024-07-25 So much for doing some writing while I wait for the car. My iPad didn’t charge overnight. Oh well. …

2024-07-25 Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-25 Well, this is nice. I got a loaner while the dealer takes care of the windshield. This car even has …

2024-07-24 Be open to possibilitis. #life #success

2024-07-24 Busy day today. Got an acceptable amount accomplished. Busy day tomorrow. Early travel.

2024-07-24 “Life is a Doppler Shift that goes screaming into the night.” #writing

2024-07-24 Happy National Tell an Old Joke Day So, tell me something…

2024-07-24 Programming Syntax := “The assignment of a Jedi. Not as clumsy as an equivalence …from an elegant …

2024-07-24 Good morning. Improve the world; improve yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-23 I hope everyone had a stress-free day.

2024-07-23 “Son, zombies are mussels. The dead ones don’t open up and smell bad. Both of them will wreak havoc …

2024-07-23 Vicious rumor: Kenwood has gotten out of the electronics business #hamradio

2024-07-23 An ESPN show asks “What are you MAD about?” Their emphasis, not mine This promotes being “mad” as …

2024-07-23 “He was so into himself that he was out of his mind.” #writing

2024-07-23 Observed: “A small backpack had grown tentacles to his shoulders. His T-shirt announced he was a …

2024-07-23 We evolve from I to Us to We to All Beings to All Things Everywhere. Most of us are stuck on I. …

2024-07-23 When Wednesday feels like Friday. This isn’t one of them.

2024-07-23 What does “I’m sorry” mean? Especially when used as a reply to a death or you feeling bad. You feel …

2024-07-23 So is X still up after Elon announced they aren’t running virus apps?.~ #x

2024-07-23 PSA: Push notifications should never be used for marketing purposes. You’ll just piss-off the …

2024-07-23 Sigh, Amazon has started spamming me to open a business account via emails and push notifications. …

2024-07-23 Time to switch gears to eat and edit. The morning wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped it …

2024-07-23 Time to switch it up. Scriptorium Magma Dragon (1.1) with Lamy Mango #fountainpen

2024-07-23 Books have a deathly fear of rejection. #books

2024-07-23 Good morning. You’re all here? Good. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-22 New Nightwish song.… #music

2024-07-22 Anyone feeling nostalgic for yesterday?

2024-07-22 If you fail to take into account the negatives of an approach or solution, you have failed. #life

2024-07-22 “If you’ve succeeded at something, it doesn’t mean you get to take it easy. On the contrary.” #life …

2024-07-22 If you’re going to make a mistake, make sure it’s not a fatal one. #life

2024-07-22 Bring joy and peace onto others instead of stress and worry. #life

2024-07-22 The Gathering: I guess they’ll be old enough soon to take to the vet and have spayed/neutered. …

2024-07-22 The Gathering: The kittens came out this morning. From top to bottom: Ghost, Peach, and Mote. #feral …

2024-07-22 Good morning. Stay optimistic. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-21 Yo! Tomorrow is Monday. Wail in despair!

2024-07-21 If you don’t change things, they will change in ways you don’t want. #life

2024-07-21 We live in a weird, distorted, and dystopian future.

2024-07-21 “May” be. Also. Who defines “arm length”? It’s definitely not mine. #ips

2024-07-21 So, apparently, Harry Styles is the male version of Taylor Swift? This is based on the number of …

2024-07-21 The Gathering: I’ve settled on the names for the kittens. mote (a tony Speck of Spot), Peach, and …

2024-07-21 “Count your blessings.” “I have too many to count. That doesn’t mean, I can’t complain about the …

2024-07-21 “Back in my day the world was black and white. Now we live in a world of grays tending to black.” …

2024-07-21 I think I need to eat something. It feels like a nachos kind of day.

2024-07-21 I guess people nowadays don’t know what an apple cart is.

2024-07-21 Sometimes you have to upset the cart in order to find the rotten apple.

2024-07-21 Slapping words, almost randomly, in hopes of inspiration. #writing

2024-07-21 Happy Invite an Alien to Live With You Day Yes, it’s a thing

2024-07-21 Crowdstrike proves companies will go with a solution that provides reasonable success given the …

2024-07-21 Good morning. Enjoy the last Sunday you’ll have this week. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-20 “If you don’t search for the truth, any old lie will do.” #life

2024-07-20 Deep announcer voice: “He was a gentle man until they killed his cockatoo. Now he carries a gun and …

2024-07-20 “If you’re wondering, you are splashing to stay afloat.” #life #writing

2024-07-20 End rant. End 2 yen.

2024-07-20 Context: I have no CompSci or Math degree. However, I’m an expert on FT mainframe systems and …

2024-07-20 Swift is centered on perfectionism, not pragmatism. I worry about race conditions and …

2024-07-20 “Markdown is the YAML for people who can’t code.” .~

2024-07-20 When your name is the marquee, you better be a marquis.

2024-07-20 “How do you know your best friend is your best friend? Is it because you’re still alive? …

2024-07-20 It’s the middle of the heatwave-summer. I feel like baking. What’s wrong with me? …

2024-07-20 Still getting spam acquisition emails about this book. Wish they were real. Not that I’d sell cheap. …

2024-07-20 I hope the Canadian wildfires of last year have subsided. I haven’t heard anything on the news …

2024-07-20 “People go to live events to blend in with the crowd, to belong, to feel the energy that is …

2024-07-20 I guess everyone in Delaware is at the State Fair. The roads are empty. Must be some …

2024-07-20 “Life is a public beta, and you signed up.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-20 I’m debating whether I need a very short scene or not. It’s from the POV of the …

2024-07-20 Time for food and more editing.

2024-07-19 Happy National Flitch Day Had to look up flitch.

2024-07-19 Good people don’t do bad things. #life

2024-07-19 Do you know where your digital watch is?

2024-07-19 Wait! Weird Al has a new polka medley?… #music #weirdal

2024-07-19 CrowdStrike seems like a single-point-of-failure waiting to happen. And seriously, why are they …

2024-07-19 Sometimes, you have to lay some eggs before you can break them. – ancient proverb I just made …

2024-07-19 Be more patient. #life #success

2024-07-19 #life

2024-07-19 It’s a new day. Why are you still making the old mistakes? #life

2024-07-19 Not enough sleep last night. All my plans are on hold until I can regain some rest and wake up …

2024-07-19 There is not enough kindness in the world. There is not enough peace in the world. There is not …

2024-07-19 Good morning all. It’s Friday. Breathe a sigh of relief. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-18 The country is going up in flames again, it seems.

2024-07-18 Something I created back in 2015 and found while going through old files today: …

2024-07-18 Bob Newhart died. Bummer.

2024-07-18 It’s time for a break. I’ve been editing all day.

2024-07-18 Welcome to Thursday. Are you working in or out today? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-17 It’s time to call it another day. Go get some rest. Relax. Don’t get bitten by zombies.

2024-07-17 Do you have any friendly reminders?

2024-07-17 “A fragile flame still burns bright.” #writing

2024-07-17 AI isn’t the end. The end is when corporations, governments, and individuals rely on AI. #ai …

2024-07-17 “The future was yesterday.” #writing

2024-07-17 Would you rather use a GUI or a command line? #computers.

2024-07-17 We all wear out. #life

2024-07-17 “Welcome the human. It has something to say. They always do.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-17 The Gathering: This is Mote; child of Fudge and grandchild of Spot. I now have three generations of …

2024-07-17 “The happiest are the insane ones.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-17 “His brain lived in a low-rent skull.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-17 Bring kindness to the world and all its inhabitants. #life #success

2024-07-17 “It’s a climate warming kind of day.”

2024-07-17 The local farmers market no longer sells gallon jugs of honey. I guess I need to get them online …

2024-07-17 If you are disappointed, your expectations were too high. #life

2024-07-17 Time to shift gears and eat something. Spent most of the day running errands and editing.

2024-07-17 Anyone melting?

2024-07-17 Happy Take Your Poet to Work Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-07-17 Greetings. Enjoy the day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-16 Time to welcome the night.… #music

2024-07-16 Plan for tomorrow: — more editing — more writing — more Python — thinking about how to solve the iOS …

2024-07-16 Hockey players should be barred from the game if they are caught ‘hooking’'. …

2024-07-16 Be snarky. Be fun. Make sure no one hits or shoots you as a result. #life #humor

2024-07-16 Ask the obvious questions. Ask the questions no one asks. Ask the questions with known answers. Ask …

2024-07-16 There is a gradient between childhood and adulthood. When cross it, you lose a lot. You gain a lot. …

2024-07-16 God: “What have you accomplished that has impressed others?” Me: “Nothing.” …

2024-07-16 “Everyone teaches me. Even you. The most valuable lessons teach me how wrong I am.” …

2024-07-16 Overheard: “You are so smart.” That implies that the speaker is dumb/ignorant. Do not …

2024-07-16 What quote has driven and shaped your life? The one I’ve tried to live by all of my life, and …

2024-07-16 “Time always proves you wrong. Even by me saying this, time will prove me right.” …

2024-07-16 It’s time. Thank you, everyone, who has followed me, interacted with me, supported me and my …

2024-07-16 “Today has been challenging. But I’ve met the challenges. They aren’t that bad. …

2024-07-16 Serious philosophical (and rhetorical question): Why do you value human life over other kinds? Think …

2024-07-16 Share your good news and thoughts. Don’t be selfish. There is enough for everyone. #life …

2024-07-16 Help humans. Help animals. Help plants. Help the planet. In no particular order. #life #success

2024-07-16 The Gathering: The new kittens came out and one let me pet it, while Fudge, the mom, looked. She …

2024-07-16 “His pen flew over the paper. His signature was as fluid as ever. Sitting back, he marveled at …

2024-07-16 “Why do elves only come out during Christmas,and then hide?” “Hobbit.” …

2024-07-16 “Stories are magic. They cause people to see things. To imagine. To ask questions about themselves …

2024-07-16 “If words have power, then libraries are omnipotent.” #books #reading

2024-07-16 “True Gods don’t argue over or try to convince followers which is the real truest one. …

2024-07-16 “When you look for a needle in a haystack, all you’ll see are needles. You won’t …

2024-07-16 Remember when you complained about the cost of cable? And then you quit? Then you signed up for …

2024-07-16 I’ve spent most of the day editing. I hate editing, but it needs doing. #writing #editing

2024-07-16 It’s brutally hot today.

2024-07-16 “Stare well at the stairwell.” “Why?” “Dreams don’t need a …

2024-07-16 Grr they need to replace the windshield again because the glass company did it incorrectly. Oh well …


2024-07-16 Hello. Waiting at the car dealer service center. It’s another brutal day outside. Time for the …

2024-07-15 Any good solo board game recommendations? #game #solo

2024-07-15 More stuff to read. #books

2024-07-15 Only compare yourself to someone identical in every way to you. #life #success

2024-07-15 The problem with party games is that they require a party.

2024-07-15 Dopamine isn’t about being a dope or using it.

2024-07-15 I think I need/want to visit TraderJoe’s and Barnes & Noble.

2024-07-15 Mind-dump complete: 32.1 gigaquads freed.

2024-07-15 “I’ve learned from all of my mistakes. That’s how I make more.” #writing

2024-07-15 It’s not enough to admit your mistakes if you don’t learn from them. #life

2024-07-15 PSA: Jerky is not jerk. #food

2024-07-15 An insult only hurts when it speak truth from the standpoint of the receiver.The receiver should …

2024-07-15 What else will you start that you will never finish? #life

2024-07-15 “Books contain the soul of the author.” #writing #books #reading

2024-07-15 “Books are for reading. They are not for marking up with highlighters, pens, or pencils. They are …

2024-07-15 Be a good human. Be a kind human. Be a human. #life #success

2024-07-15 Remember when people used to say, “Give me a solid!”, and “It’s a gas!”? What ever happened to …

2024-07-15 The Gathering: Kittens are out of hiding more often. Fudge is playing and caring for them.The tiny …

2024-07-15 “Send us money or we will taunt you another time.” — The Knights Who Say Spam #montypython

2024-07-15 Alchemy isn’t about metals. It’s about combining thoughts to create new ones. Some of them will be …

2024-07-15 OK. I’ve written a couple more scenes. I have about 2K words to go to hit the word limit for the C3 …

2024-07-15 “How many bits are you?”

2024-07-15 “He dragged his feet. They had been sliced off by a chainsaw and were now tied with twine to his …

2024-07-15 “Life is priceless. If it doesn’t have a price, it’s worthless to me.” #writing

2024-07-15 “He wanted to get high, so he went up in a balloon.” #throwawayline

2024-07-15 I’m hanging out in PA, working on my C3 short story, and listening in on conversations. Most of them …

2024-07-15 “It was a lucky day. The stars lined up. Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Chevy Chase, the bald guy with …

2024-07-15 Well, this is fun.

2024-07-15 Discovered one of the AirPod Pro buds in the washing machine. Not sure how that’s possible since I …

2024-07-15 Greetings. Stay silly. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-14 Anyone remember Alan Kay? Who is today’s version of Alan Kay?

2024-07-14 “The Empty Bag of the Eldritch Nothingness” should be a title. #writing #prompt

2024-07-14 Hm. Just stumbled onto Do I need another acct?

2024-07-14 OK, people. Slap me with some knowledge.

2024-07-14 I should install and play around with Writebook.… Might be good for …

2024-07-14 Plan for tomorrow: – Errands – Editing – Food – Driving

2024-07-14 Why can’t we develop iOS apps using NewtonScript? It’s a much tastier language than …

2024-07-14 Another good day of editing “To Preserve Health”. It’s feeling more polished. …

2024-07-14 The busier you are, the more important it is that you find time to relax. #life #success

2024-07-14 If you finish a jigsaw puzzles, do you glue them and display them, put them back in the box, throw …

2024-07-14 Marketing: buy two get one free sounds better than 30% off. Free is the trigger word. #marketing

2024-07-14 “It was so hot that even the asphalt got off the road.” #throwawayline

2024-07-14 “You’re such a pessimist.” “Prove me wrong.” #writing

2024-07-14 Find space for yourself, for your thoughts, for your plans. #life #success

2024-07-14 My iPhone hasn’t changed. If you mean, the OS on the iPhone has been updated, you should say …

2024-07-14 Work-life balance doesn’t exist, unless you work at it. #life #success

2024-07-14 Gain new abilities. Just not ones that may destroy the world.

2024-07-14 Just made a smoothie with fresh cherries, mangoes, blueberries. Yum.

2024-07-14 Don’t get caught in the weeds while trying to get through the forest. – ancient proverb …

2024-07-14 Happy Mac ‘n’ Cheese Day

2024-07-14 Happy Mac ‘n’ Cheese Day

2024-07-14 Hello. Go outside. Breathe deep. Relax. Let your worries ebb. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-13 Find a group of encouragement. #life #success

2024-07-13 “Zombies need to stay home and just use social media.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-13 “Nobody move! There’s been—a MURDER! Oh, wait. Never mind. It’s just my shoe.” #writing …

2024-07-13 Remember when Hamsterdance was a thing?

2024-07-13 When is a good time?

2024-07-13 I wish there was an SSH menu built into MacOS. Lots of S/FTP menu options, but I can’t find an …

2024-07-13 Happy Gruntled Workers Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-07-13 The Gathering: oh no! Fudge is a mother. I could never get her to the vet… #cat #feral

2024-07-13 I have no clue… I understand the error, but have no idea how to fix it. Sending main actor-isolated …

2024-07-12 Go out and live in and with nature this weekend. Not everything important is man~made. #life …

2024-07-12 iOS dark icons are awful and a bad idea. Just sayin’ #ios

2024-07-12 Must not look at the Matter spec… must not look…

2024-07-12 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — work on getting a clean compile under Swift 6 — Python stuff.

2024-07-12 I just learned that cmd-shift-. toggles displaying hidden files on a Mac. Grr! How did I not know …

2024-07-12 Do you steal coworkers’s pens—or lunch?

2024-07-12 I wonder if I can grow Spanish moss inside…

2024-07-12 “And lo, it came to pass as did the week. Unto us has come the weekend. Rejoice! Cavort! And …

2024-07-12 Happy National Eat Your Jell-O Day.

2024-07-12 Pouring rain. Thunder. A slight break in the heat. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-11 “Be happy you’re not the other guy.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-11 It’s hot out. Read a cool book. May I suggest one of mine? Available wherever good books are sold. …

2024-07-11 Remember when Palm Pilots were used in movies?

2024-07-11 “If you don’t listen to others, how will you know how wrong they are?” #writing

2024-07-11 Greetings. Comfort someone. Everyone needs a hug. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-10 What’s the best thing you’ve ever baked in an EZ Bake oven, if you ever baked anything in the EZ …

2024-07-10 “Oh, the dog’s not lost. He’s just misplaced.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-10 When your kids play Monopoly, do they ask what a Community Chest is? Do you know? #monopoly #life …

2024-07-10 Explore the things people don’t expect you to explore. #life #success

2024-07-10 if you get marketing spam via notifications, question your life choices. #amazon #failure

2024-07-10 When was the last time someone gave you a hug? Not one that you initiated? When was the last time …

2024-07-10 How often do you tap.touch.swipe at your MacBook and wonder why it’s not responding?

2024-07-10 What talent/skill do you wish you had? Why? What do you do instead? Me? I’d like to be able to …

2024-07-10 When you know it’s your problem, admit it, laugh at yourself, solve it. #life #success

2024-07-10 Sometimes, you have to shut down your thoughts to regain some objectivity. It’s possible not …

2024-07-10 … and I’ve been awake since I’ve been up.

2024-07-10 Sorry. It’s one of those days. The heat. The humidity. The hitting my head against a wall …

2024-07-10 Swift Concurrency/Swift 6 is a pain/obstacle There are too many annotations/decorators/macros …

2024-07-10 It’s so hot that _____… Fill it in…

2024-07-10 Vicious Rumor: Elon Musk to buy Xfinity and merge it with X.

2024-07-10 It’s time for a break and some food. At this rate, I may finish editing by December. #writing …

2024-07-10 How annoying does your family find you?

2024-07-10 Just because something is a “best practice”, doesn’t mean it’s a rule or …

2024-07-10 I’m spending most of the day editing “Coins of Destiny” again. It’s the …

2024-07-10 I’m staying out of the heat and stupidity today. The heat waves, this year, have been intense. …

2024-07-09 “Do you listen to the voice in your head? Which one?” #writing


2024-07-09 “Creating a world of hate is easier than creating a universe of evil. Let’s create …

2024-07-09 Happy Cow Appreciation Day

2024-07-09 “Ex-Axel-Foliate!” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-09 “When time passes, it doesn’t care.” #writing

2024-07-09 “Naps are for everyone.” #writing

2024-07-09 “Write so that others don’t have to.” #writing

2024-07-09 The sunlight is weird today. It’s almost like we’re having an eclipse. It’s like a distant shadow. …

2024-07-09 Hail! We’re creeping toward the weekend. Some of us are more creepy than others. Time for the …

2024-07-08 Bwahaha! It runs on Apple Silicon! They’ve kept it updated and alive. #programming #squeak …

2024-07-08 I miss Byte magazine. #computer #programming

2024-07-08 Morning clouds.

2024-07-08 Good morning. I’m back home. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-07 Search engines are still pretty dumb/simplistic. Ask one for “how to archive ideas” and they will …

2024-07-07 Have a peaceful evening. We all deserve it.

2024-07-07 Ran across someone in his 30s who complimented me on my chicken scratch as I sat writing in the …

2024-07-07 It’s more interested in what’s going on than me. ;)

2024-07-07 Why do people say they have read a book when they listened to an audio book? It’s lazy and …

2024-07-07 Gratuitous food pic. Rockfish po’ boy #food

2024-07-07 Ready to head for home. It was a relaxing couple of days, but reality awaits.

2024-07-07 “He frequented the local mortuaries, scrounging ear wax to make candles, that he sold to people who …

2024-07-07 Observed: a man running his index finger into his mouth ,up to his knuckle, cleaning his teeth. He …

2024-07-07 Phillies are on a bender. #sport

2024-07-07 “Pockets in women’s clothing is a thing of science fiction.” #writing

2024-07-07 Being made The Chosen one just means you have been given a Choice. #writing #character

2024-07-07 Just because you are The Chosen One doesn’t mean you have to fulfill anything. It just means you …

2024-07-07 Time for a break and to get out of the sun for a bit. Good writing session this morning. #writing

2024-07-07 Heat so hot… #climate

2024-07-07 “Once you reduce or limit your ambitions you become complacent. Do it often or long enough and it …

2024-07-07 The purpose of fear is to teach you why you fear. If you don’t learn the why, you will continue to …

2024-07-07 Heat. #climate

2024-07-07 Good advice to succeed #life #success

2024-07-07 If you think it’s hot, think how the Earth feels. #climate

2024-07-07 Good morning. Go slay some demons today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-06 Anyone remember SNA? Or SNAX?

2024-07-06 Help those who are struggling and in need of help. #life #success

2024-07-06 Yes, Dorothy, there is a Finksburg Maryland.

2024-07-06 Something to look forward to tomorrow.

2024-07-06 “It is good to vanish into the night, especially just having killed.” #writing

2024-07-06 “He achieved lazy without even trying.” #writing

2024-07-06 Lots of people are saying Uno. Its a fun game, but why is Uno so great? I would have thought Cataan …

2024-07-06 “Great heroes need great villains; otherwise they just look silly.” Warren Murphy #writing

2024-07-06 Thinking takes time snd energy. #life

2024-07-06 Without an idea, there is no writing. #writing

2024-07-06 Stay cool. Stay hydrated. Stay low key.

2024-07-06 Best non-computer game you’ve ever played? #game

2024-07-06 “Life is completely wrong. That’s why we worry about it so much.” #writing

2024-07-06 Plan for tomorrow: — ibid


2024-07-06 Having a critical flaw makes you human. #life

2024-07-06 The journey of a thousand miles begins with good comfortable shoes.

2024-07-06 This is like tipping cows. That’s what Synology claims…

2024-07-06 Yeah. It’s summer. Go with it.

2024-07-06 I don’t know if I’m having fun or not. I don’t know what fun is and no one can tell me. But they …

2024-07-06 “If the AI learns faster than you… well, do I need to say more?” #writing #ai

2024-07-06 Just heard The Hu for the first time. Different and good. #music

2024-07-06 Observed: women tend to cackle when drunk. I’m sure it’s not everyone, but I’ve seen three today. …

2024-07-06 “Sometimes, the evil is you.” #writing

2024-07-06 No context pic.

2024-07-06 Nil is as an important a discovery as 0 was. It allowed us to formulate ‘maybe’ questions. . #math …

2024-07-06 The uncomfortable questions are uncomfortable because their answers are where most of the truth …

2024-07-06 Good morning of writing. I’m through 2/3 of the way through this story. I’m hoping to have the first …

2024-07-06 “Where Titans Hide” should be a title. #writing

2024-07-06 “They just want right-wing babies.” “They just want left-wing babies.” #writing #throwawayline.

2024-07-06 “When in darkness and doubt, love and let live “ #writing

2024-07-06 “Realize how small and confined your perception is, and bask in how vast and wonderful the universe …

2024-07-06 Having breakfast. then writing in the sun.

2024-07-06 Have a clear purpose. If you don’t have one, act as if you do. #life #success

2024-07-06 Good morning. Enjoy the day. Help someone else enjoy it as well. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-05 Nappy Comic Sans Day

2024-07-05 Plan for tomorrow: — ibid — write

2024-07-05 Time for a classic… #music

2024-07-05 Today was a day I needed. I got a chance to relax and read and eat. Unfrtunately, I didnt write. But …

2024-07-05 “With the wind at her back and a head full of steam, she still looked like a tugboat as she belched …

2024-07-05 “I have money problems—lots of them.” “Then you are rich.” #writing #throwawaylne

2024-07-05 “I don’t enjoy cricket matches. I much prefer grasshopper races.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-07-05 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2024-07-05 “The water was glass smooth apart from the rippling wavelets from the breeze.” #writing …

2024-07-05 Remember when people came from “good stock” and storks?

2024-07-05 I’m not quite awoke yet.

2024-07-05 Gorgeous morning with some storm clouds and a breeze. We have a heat advisory It’s summer.

2024-07-05 Good morning. It’s Friday! Celebrate another week done. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2024-07-04 Be yourself, not somebody else. #llife #success

2024-07-04 Wishing everyone who celebrates more independence and not less in the future. #july4

2024-07-04 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — read — write — eat — drink (water)

2024-07-04 “Why are you staring at that man?” “I want to see him move. He’s been frozen like that for an hour. …

2024-07-04 It’s what you think it is. #food

2024-07-04 It’s so hot and humid that even the glass is sweating.

2024-07-04 Phillies are pulling an Eagles. #sports.

2024-07-04 Do not vote for the government of the one person, by the one person, and of the one person. …

2024-07-04 Early dinner today. #food

2024-07-04 Current vacation view.

2024-07-04 Just because you are The Chosen One and destiny has chosen your fate, it doesn’t neccessarily mean …

2024-07-04 Current view

2024-07-04 Not a productive day, but that’s ok. Entering vacation mode.

2024-07-04 Time to switch it up. Platinum Double Dragon Maki-e (F) with Noodlers Dragon Napalm #fountainpen****

2024-07-04 I hate Swift concurrency. If the compiler is smart enough to detect concurrency issues, it should be …

2024-07-04 Good morning, all. Give up on you “self” to know who you really are. Time for the …


2024-07-03 Hello. Keep an open mind. Let all the junk out. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-02 “When everyone is chosen, no one is The Chosen One.” #writing

2024-07-02 Old and worn, but it survives Glad it wasn’t destroyed. #sf #art #vincemtdifate

2024-07-02 Wimbledon always sounds like something that happens when you drop the ball. “She Wimbledoned.” …

2024-07-02 What is the root vegetable? .~

2024-07-02 In the US we have Social Security Numbers of the format xxx-xx-xxxx. Come up with a function to …

2024-07-02 “Are you sure?” “Is anyone?” #wrting #life

2024-07-02 “Life is a multi-colored green screen you react against.” #writing

2024-07-02 What is German Onion Soup? .~ #food

2024-07-02 Why isn’t Portal Golf a game? #gamedev

2024-07-02 “When a governnment tells you to do something, when a government tells you not to do something, that …

2024-07-02 I wonder how many elementary school music teachers have subverted children by telling them, “You …

2024-07-02 Zucchini: the other useless vegetabke #food

2024-07-02 I should really play some Wow. I haven’t played in over a year, I think. I need a different reality. …

2024-07-02 Thank you. Thank you-if you follow, and especialy if you interact with me. I’m not evereyone’s …

2024-07-02 I thnk this afternoon will be full of Python, speciffically learning PeeWee ORM, and “lite” reading.

2024-07-02 How many of you have mortgaged your life? #life

2024-07-02 “It’s never enough to be kind. However, it is sufficient.” #writing #life

2024-07-02 “Smile, when your battery is about to die. That’s when you know you don’t have to put up with all …

2024-07-02 “The best way to llook at a life you don’t understand is from a 23.2º angle.” #writing #life

2024-07-02 Whcih subscription would you never cancel? Do you even know what subscriptions for which you are …

2024-07-02 I’m always open to learning something new, even if it destroys a long held opinion or belief. That’s …


2024-07-02 How do you structure what you do? Do you?

2024-07-02 What book {fiction or otherwise} has taught you the most, and from which you have learned the most? …

2024-07-02 “Humans are non sustainable.” #writing

2024-07-02 So, when is the iPad mini going to support the PencilPro? I brought the Pro with me by accident to …

2024-07-02 It’s a holiday week. For me, it’s also a week when I’m going on a local vacation. I plan to relax, …

2024-07-02 I’ve been rereading Jules Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”. I forgot how good his style …

2024-07-02 ‘Do you have to be precise to be accurate? Do you have to be accurate to be precise? No. You have to …

2024-07-02 Observed: Three truckers wearing various shades of green and non-matching caps in likewise shades of …

2024-07-02 “You don’t need to be rich to be happy. Being rich only distracts you from true happiness.” #life

2024-07-02 “His hair was the dull yellow-white that old folks get, but with hints of gray at the tips which …

2024-07-02 Sometimes what you hope for isn’t worth the work you need to put in to achieve it. Especially, when …

2024-07-02 Here’s a weird idea. Why not just declare everything async? It would simplify the design and mental …

2024-07-02 Do you ever get so bored or frustrated that you start a new project?

2024-07-02 It’s time for some lunch. I need to clearr my brain.

2024-07-02 Been trying to wrap my head around how async/await work enough to be able to code it. It’s a …

2024-07-02 Woo hoo! Found a box of artwork that I thought I lost during the move to this house years ago. I’m …

2024-07-02 Look what I just discovered in a box stashed away. Not sure if anything is on it. #apple #fileware …

2024-07-02 Hello. Enjoy today, tomorrow will be hard enough. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-07-01 Plan for tomorrow: — same as it ever was — same as it ever was

2024-07-01 The Gathering: Spot is back after more than a week away. She’s healthy and hungry. She is visiting …

2024-07-01 So. I guess all laws don’t apply to everyone—some laws apply more equally than others as convenience …

2024-07-01 Spent the morning learning and playing with Peewee ORM. Nice library. TIme to switch gears. …

2024-07-01 My Old TAL Article… #programming #nonstop #hpe #tandem

2024-07-01 Good morning, all. Be compassionate. Be kind. Be gentle. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-30 Well, tomorrow is another day and another week. Plan for tomorrow: — Circuit Python stuff — Python …

2024-06-30 Wasn’t “FreeDOS” a George Michael song?


2024-06-30 You can never have too many friends. Just because you have a lot doesn’t mean they are worth less …

2024-06-30 “What do you dream when no one is watching?” #writjng.

2024-06-30 Happy Log Cabin Day Is that still a thing? I mean happy log cabins…

2024-06-30 Yay! Phillies are on a losing streak. Just as we imagined, but not hoped for.

2024-06-30 Overheard: “He’s a smart dog.” Smart for a dog, human, or some other intelligent entity? Relative to …

2024-06-30 Look at the world askance. You’ll discover things. #life

2024-06-30 Your subordinates are not slaves; nor are they inferior just because you have your title includes …

2024-06-30 In the future, programs will never crash/abort/have a bug. They will self-heal in order to provide …

2024-06-30 If humans were like programs, every time a human encountered a problem they’d give up and post an …

2024-06-30 Sometimes, you have to ask a human to intervene. Either that or make a random decision. #programming …

2024-06-30 If programmers were smart, they’d write code to take a throw or error message and fix the problem. …

2024-06-30 Dover is all about the bad Country music. There is no good Country music, just Country music people …

2024-06-30 You’re on a dessert island. You find water, you can catch fish, and there are wild boar. What would …

2024-06-30 I have many tools which serve no purpose, other than teaching me. #life #success

2024-06-30 What type of puzzle do you hate?

2024-06-30 OK. I’ve made decent progress on the story. I’ve completed the first act. I’m still not sure where …

2024-06-30 I need to get beets and honey. I want to try a logical, yet weird mead. #brewing #mead

2024-06-30 “Smile when you are happy and people will think you’re happy. Smile when you are sad and you will …

2024-06-30 “We celebrate the 4th because it comes after the 3rd.” #writing

2024-06-30 “I miss people. I just don’t miss you.” #writing

2024-06-30 When a company has a Clearance Sale, they are trying to get rid of junk that they don’t want. …

2024-06-30 “She was the synonym of you. That’s why I fell in love. But you will never be her.” #writing

2024-06-30 What’s the worst thing someone could ever say about you? Me: “He’s boring.” (Which is not the same …

2024-06-30 “Sometimes, you need to stop the traffic to figure out where you’re going.” #writing

2024-06-30 “His celebrity was viral. He was sick.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-30 Let’s start a war. PyCharm or VSCode for Python? #programming #python #pycharm #vscode

2024-06-30 Pragmatism and objectivity in all things. #life

2024-06-30 This is a weird week in the US. July 4th is Wednesday. There is a schizophrenic debate about whether …

2024-06-30 “What’s the best nut?” “Cashew.” “Gesundheit!” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-30 Thank you, if you help rather than hurt or oppress. #life

2024-06-30 Typing away on “Trigger Warning”, my C3 story. It’s a nice pulpy bit of fiction. #writing …

2024-06-30 Does a German shepherd shepherd Germans?

2024-06-30 Washed the carpets this morning. Time to eat and write some stuff.

2024-06-30 Fantastical crashes on launch on the Mac beta. Just so you know. #apple #fantastical #sequoia

2024-06-30 Good morning, people of Earth. Stay dry. Drink water. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-29 Well the Phillies are falling apart. That’s Phila sports.

2024-06-29 Avoid complexity.

2024-06-29 Installed Swift on my RaspberryPi server. Seems to work, even though it’s still v5. #raspberrypi …

2024-06-29 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-29 “Liars lie so they can believe their lies.” #writing

2024-06-28 Time to get into the weekend.… #music

2024-06-28 I like the live activities Smart Stack on the iPhone. #applewatch

2024-06-28 Plan for tomorrow: — Python/MQTT stuff — get outside and eat — contemplate the universe

2024-06-28 More phishing spam from supposedly from Prime Video. Of course, they are unwilling to provide …

2024-06-28 “You are rich when you are in a good mood.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-06-28 “You have to explore avenues and dark alleys if you want to know what’s on the other side. Peace, …

2024-06-28 The reason it’s called a Kindle, is they wanted to burn all the books… #amazon #kindle

2024-06-28 For a, supposedly, simple progamming language, Swift is extremely difficult to learn and master. …

2024-06-28 Who should never run a government: Old people. Young people. Religious people. Scientists. The rich …

2024-06-28 “House margaritas are probably made with timber, stone, and sheetrock. That’s why I never order …

2024-06-28 The Gathering: An update. Everyone is fine, apart from Spot. She hasn’t been around for almost a …

2024-06-28 Yesterday, I found the sunglasses I thought I’d lost in my biking accident. They were in the pair of …

2024-06-28 Anyone remember Gallagher? The watermelon hammer guy? Nowadays, he’d probaly be a watermelon …

2024-06-28 Some days you look back and wonder what CORBA was all about.

2024-06-28 “We welcome you into the fold. Remember not to crease or mutilate.” You have to be of a certain age …

2024-06-28 What exactly is a “Country Music Sensation”? Isn’t most music sensational? #marketing #failure

2024-06-28 Summertime is for reading. What are you reading? I’m rereading Robert Lynn Aspirin stuff, and some …

2024-06-28 “No one wants a tool. They want something fun. You’re a tool no one wants to use.” #writing

2024-06-28 I hate autocorrect. I hate tiny keyboards. I hate making mistakes caused by them.

2024-06-28 Who has big plans for the weekend? I surelye don’t. Although, I’m going on vacation for a couple of …

2024-06-28 You cant learn if you know all the answers. #life

2024-06-28 Time for lunch and then writing.

2024-06-28 Ok. I got a clean compile on Swift6, but the app still crashes on launch with a partial cloure error …

2024-06-28 I hate XCode. I’m supposed to learn assembler in order to debug my code? Yes, I know …

2024-06-28 Hello. It’s Friday. You can goof off. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-27 today was fairly productive even though I drove half the day.

2024-06-27 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-27 I still hate XCode. I’ve already wasted an hour waiting for it to copy shared cache from my …

2024-06-27 The Goodreads barcode scanner is useless. Bookly’s always works. #amazon #failure #books …

2024-06-27 My bromeliad is in the process of blooming #plant

2024-06-27 Happy Decide to be Married Day Don’t ask.

2024-06-27 Good morning. Its time to ake up. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-26 How much does a British pound weigh? It probably doesn’t live up to its name.

2024-06-26 “No. Bar graphs aren’t about mapping local watering holes, but they should be.” #writing #math

2024-06-26 Dropped by the BestBuy store here. No wonder they are going bankrupt. No one works and no one cares. …

2024-06-26 Nintendo is pushing out a boatload of good games at the Swich EOL. I surely hope the Switch2 has …

2024-06-26 Happy National Barcode Day Be grateful you haven’t been assigned one.

2024-06-26 A tri p to Trader Joe’s is in order tonight. But I can’t buy any perishables due to the heat. #usa

2024-06-26 Where are you going on vacation/holiday/vacay this year? And if you’ve already gone, where did you …

2024-06-26 “Freedom is the illusion you maximize and fight for by defining it yourself.” #writing

2024-06-26 Plan for tomorrow: — home — catch up on stuff — try to interact with The Gathering — relax — fidget, …

2024-06-26 Sometimes you have to wonder… which?

2024-06-26 It’s time to thank you, those that still follow me, for doing so, for putting up with my nonsense …

2024-06-26 Sometimes, the best you can do is laugh at yourself and let others do the same. #life #success

2024-06-26 If you are a writer/author, do you use commas per the rules or when you, personally, would pause? I …

2024-06-26 “Snark is an underused weapon of war.” #writing

2024-06-26 “Abercrombie’s I?tch” - a book that needs to be written. #writing #prompt

2024-06-26 Isn’t the name “Cleveland Browns” racist?

2024-06-26 The squirrels. Where have they all gone? I haven’t seen a squirrel in years. They must be planning …

2024-06-26 The latest iOS beta is better, but still has crappy battery life. #apple #ips

2024-06-26 Talking Heads is/are sorely missed. #music

2024-06-26 The Boox Palma is a better ereader than a Kindle or the SuperNote. The SuperNote is still better for …

2024-06-26 What I wrote with today. Really an excellent ereader that happens to support a keyboard. I’d use the …

2024-06-26 Next week is July4th here. I guess we stopped calling it Independence Day. #us

2024-06-26 Observed. Woman wearing leggings that are covered in what looks like chicken pox. Girl, you ain’t …

2024-06-26 “Some people wake up thinking, ‘Ler’s make today about killing someone.’l #writing

2024-06-26 “If you have to ask, you don’t know.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-26 “You weren’t the woman I married even when I married you.” #writing

2024-06-26 I probably shouldn’t have spent so much time in the heat. I’m feeling a bit “off”. Not heat stroke …

2024-06-26 It’s time to cool down and eat something. Most of the day was writing and catching up on wwdc …

2024-06-26 It’s a good day to fry.

2024-06-26 The book would have been more interesting if it was titled “TOM SPELLCHECK” #books

2024-06-26 I’m typing today. It’s too hot to travel with an eyedropper fountain pen and I need to write …

2024-06-26 If you have big plans, make sure they are plans and not just spoken wishes or goals. #life

2024-06-26 Sitting at the B$N and working on the short story. Too many books here. I can’t read them all. Not …

2024-06-26 I’ve been using the Yomu e-reader app for a while now and really like it. Its a better in some …

2024-06-26 Good morning, all. Its another gorgeously hot summer morn. Take advantage of it while it’s here. …

2024-06-25 New Xcode beta. I won’t see it until I get home. #xcode

2024-06-25 Are there more, or fewer, countries now than when you were born? #geography

2024-06-25 I think a trip to Barnes $ Noble is in order.

2024-06-25 Basketball is the messiest, yet most violent sport since there is a lot of dribbling and shooting. …

2024-06-25 Overheard, same guy: I feel bad for the horses with bad odds. The horses don’t know or care about …

2024-06-25 “Where Re you going?” “I’m going for a wok.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-25 My sense of humor isn’t for everyone—or anyone. #humor

2024-06-25 Listening in to a guy next to meet watching a horse race and complaining he doesn’t know the odds. …

2024-06-25 “When you’re young, you get to complain about the old. Once you’re old, you have no valid excuses.” …

2024-06-25 “The only difference between summer and winter is how many clothes people wear.” #writing …

2024-06-25 Latest iOS beta broke a lot of apps’ icons. They are back to generic grids. #ios

2024-06-25 I’m hanging out where I used to live while running personal errands and commitments. Always fun—not.

2024-06-25 Anyone remember Lotus 1-2-3?

2024-06-25 What’s the opposite of “live music”? Trick question. #music

2024-06-25 This is Tandem Computers/HPE NonStop”s 50th birthday. Wow. I was privileged to be part of most of …

2024-06-25 If you’re confused, stop thinking about the problem. Find some space and clarity. #life #success

2024-06-25 I can eat again. I guess I should.

2024-06-25 Broken filling taken care of.

2024-06-25 “Here is what a seasoned author said… I taste good.” #writing #throwawayline …

2024-06-25 Well, this is fun. My problem is that my code doesn’t run on any physical device I have, but …

2024-06-25 Going to try to figure out what’s going on with iOS today. Then a trip to the dentist for a …

2024-06-25 Hello. Stay cool. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-24 Tomorrow will be another day, pretty much like today, but less productive.

2024-06-24 I hate XCode. What does this even mean? Why can’t it just point to my code and tell me what I …

2024-06-24 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — write more of my short story — get tooth fixed — walk around — …

2024-06-24 Celebrate that you’ve made it through another Monday. #life

2024-06-24 There is no such thing as a “low quality fact”. Facts either are, or aren’t. There is no …

2024-06-24 Humans will spend money for, and believe in, whatever they already believe, even if it’s a scam. …

2024-06-24 Grammatical or redundancy error. He either lives or is dead. Also, I don’t think he was either in …

2024-06-24 Which individual has created the most jobs? Not employed the most people.

2024-06-24 Quick edit: “Fragments of teeth and a splatter of blood hit me, as the bullet shattered his face, …

2024-06-24 “Fragments of teeth and a splatter of blood hit my face as the bullet shattering his face blowing …

2024-06-24 “Keep your nose clean and your snot to yourself.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-24 I hope everyone is staying sane in this heat and stupidity.

2024-06-24 Greetings. It’s Monday. I saw a bald eagle float above the pond this morning. Time for the …

2024-06-23 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — writing — eating — learning — playing — boring stuff


2024-06-23 Murphy is still paying me visits , it seems. Cracked a tooth.

2024-06-23 Know yourself. If you don’t know who you are, ask a stranger.

2024-06-23 Remember, putting on clothes in the morning is a habit. Break your habits.

2024-06-23 This is what happens when you generate YouTube videos using an AI. #ai #failure

2024-06-23 I’m up way too early. At least the sun is up.

2024-06-23 Hello. Enjoy your Sunday. Drink lots of fluids. Stay cool. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-22 What dismal prospects are you looking forward to?

2024-06-22 I can’t find ResEdit on my Mac. #wwdc #mac #programming

2024-06-22 Nibbage #fountainpen

2024-06-22 Have exorbitant fun. It’s the weekend.


2024-06-22 “if you don’t, no one will follow.” #writing

2024-06-22 “He placed his sunglasses strategically on the table so he could observe his target entering without …

2024-06-22 Some people talk to be heard. Some sing, out of tune.

2024-06-22 Sigh. “Unsatiated”, not “unsaturated” I hate autocorrect. I can imagine how obnoxious Apple Ai will …

2024-06-22 I’ve decided on fish and chips for lunch.

2024-06-22 “There are holes in the sun where the light shines through.” #writing

2024-06-22 No, they don’t have clam pizza. My craving will go unsaturated util I fine one or bite someone on …

2024-06-22 “You need a bigger boat.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-22 You know when someone holds up a phone to take a photo of a group in front of them? They are …

2024-06-22 If you manage people, why can’t they manage themselves? And what makes you uniquely capable of …

2024-06-22 The misters have come on to cool everyone off. What’s the opposite of a mister?

2024-06-22 Endless possibilities always end.

2024-06-22 Do you have any unique or strange ways for staying cool in the heat?

2024-06-22 Good morning. Find some time for yourself and those around you today. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-06-21 Plan for tomorrow: — coding in the morning — go outside, find some water and seafood for lunch — …

2024-06-21 Speck, of The Gathering, has grown, but still comes in to visit and is affectionate after his …

2024-06-21 Time to switch it up. Kaweco Pearl Peach LE (BB) with Kaweco cartridge ink. #fountainpen

2024-06-21 Time for a small glass of mead. It’s Friday eve.

2024-06-21 What did you learn or accomplish today? Do you have anything to crow about?

2024-06-21 It’s time to wind down and unwind. The weekend commences.

2024-06-21 The problem with current handwriting recognition is it’s trained on other people’s handwriting and …

2024-06-21 You can always catch a fish with bad bait, but it will usueally be a bad fish. — ancient proverb I …

2024-06-21 Marketers: You can tell me when something is new, but NEVER tell me it’s noteworthy. That decision …

2024-06-21 If you want to show how literate you are, curse yelling, “Great Gatsby!”

2024-06-21 You need a sense of humor, otherwise others will laugh at you. #life

2024-06-21 “I hate my life. Sometimes, I just want to escape.” Her sigh was tired and showed frustration. “Put …

2024-06-21 “Carpathians must have eaten roads, or worked on building them.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-21 Things I’ve accomplished over the years: i’ve become a better programmer I’ve become a better …

2024-06-21 You don’t have to know what you’re doing, but spelling always helps.

2024-06-21 ‘Phlegm is the gift that keeps on giving.” Yes, I’m in a weird mood. #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-21 “All of us want something. Some of us even know what that something is.” #writing #life

2024-06-21 I’m disappointerd that Mail in iOS still has crappy {nonexistent}email spam handling. #wwdc #ios …

2024-06-21 Auteureist and Journaleist icons. I sort of like them. #design #ios #writing #journaling

2024-06-21 “Be grateful that you have a choice of who to despise. Some people hate everyone. At least, you’re …

2024-06-21 SwiftUI queston. Is there a modifier that initially displays a TabViw with alll items collapsed? …

2024-06-21 I’m in the mood for clam pizza, but no place around here sells it, and I’m too lazy to make one now. …

2024-06-21 it’s a hot summery day; a perfect day for iced coffee. I hate iced coffee.

2024-06-21 Well, this is an annoying new problem… #wwdc #xcode #mac

2024-06-21 The same people who complain how hot summers are are the same ones who complain how cold winters …

2024-06-21 Hello. You do know it’s Friday, don’t you? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-20 Do you ever feel that you have too many projects that you would like to do, but there are more …

2024-06-20 Its brutally hot today. Good day to drink water.

2024-06-20 Happy First Day of Summer. The days get shorter now. Winter is coming. TIme for the ceremonial …

2024-06-19 Some days you have to wake up knowing you’ll go to bed. #life

2024-06-19 What if you signed your own death certificate? #writing #prompt

2024-06-19 Hm it looks like I got an intrusive AI spam in Apple Messages in the beta. #ai #apple #failure #wwdc

2024-06-19 Apple Photos now no longer tells you the state of synchronization. #wwdc #apple #failure

2024-06-19 You know you are in a home if the menu states “4 oz. serving”. No, I’m not there. #food

2024-06-19 Do you eat supper, or do you eat dinner? Or don’t you eat? #food

2024-06-19 Yes, I live in a city (a state capital in the US) with no bookstore). We do have a library, but it’s …

2024-06-19 I’m sure someone has done a statistical study of how statistics vary with increased sample size, but …

2024-06-19 “Fahrenheit 451” would never work in the age of ebooks. There is immediacy in physicallity. #books …

2024-06-19 If you feel you have no options, go to a library. Explore the possibilities. A library is a …

2024-06-19 “The future is just the past, but more so.” — Harry Seldon

2024-06-19 When you are rich enough, you can pretty much make stuff up and people will believe you. — ancient …

2024-06-19 PSA: Just because something is labeled “cosmic” doesn’t make it important.

2024-06-19 How many books do you buy a year? Not epubs or Kindle—real physical books you can burn if you hate …

2024-06-19 There is much to find humor in this reality. Most take it too seriously. #life

2024-06-19 Yes, I am remiss. I’ve never read Kurt Vonnegut. I hear he’s funny. Somehow, I doubt that. Satire …

2024-06-19 “They fought wars over words and how they were used. The meaning was lost to billions.” #writing …

2024-06-19 lol. Apparently, “quantum science is a thing”. I think they meant “the science of quantums”. …

2024-06-19 I’m just mind-dumping. I have to clear the cruft.

2024-06-19 “You don’t need to be a zombie to be undead. A lot of my best friends are like that.” #writing

2024-06-19 Have you climbed up from the grave and looked around only to think, ‘I’m gonna kill everyone.’?” …

2024-06-19 “People drink the equivalent of water and call it beer. They even pay more for it when they misspell …

2024-06-19 “He tapped his foot, as if keeping time, and failing, to his heartbeat which raced with trepidation …

2024-06-19 “Your friends have all died. Your enemies have spawned. What do you do?” #writing #throwawayline …

2024-06-19 All degrees in Fahrenheit. We’re going places (Germanish pun).

2024-06-19 Wherever you go to a restaurant in Dover, DE, the TVs are always have a PMS show, with a hashtag of …

2024-06-19 I should play some OW2. I haven’t done that in months.

2024-06-19 Windshield has been replaced. One less thing on my to-do list (not that I did it.)

2024-06-19 “Welcome the strange and different. Welcome the unique. Welcome, to you.” #writing

2024-06-19 “We all dance and sing—especially when we are down and hurt.” #writing

2024-06-19 Anyone wonder why a podcast is called a podcast? If you know, you were there at the beginning and …

2024-06-19 So, have any of you bought the VisionPro? I’m going to wait until the price better aligns with the …

2024-06-19 “When someone feels like being a dictator is the right life choice, obviously, everyone hates them, …

2024-06-19 I’.m seeing a bunch of issues between platforms, including crashes on one platform, but code runs …

2024-06-19 I guess I should eat something today.

2024-06-19 I was going through the garage and I came across a pile of the reviews that I wrote for InfoWorld. …

2024-06-19 Good morning. Be kind to others and yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-18 Happy National Cherry Tart Day I can’t remember the last time I had one. Wish I had one now.

2024-06-18 “Say something pithy.” “I pithed a frog once.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-18 “He was just above average, which he felt was a good place to be.” #writing

2024-06-18 “The squirrels gathered under the large old oak tree. They weren’t here for the nuts—they were here …

2024-06-18 Weird idea: We use spices and condiments to hide the flavor of the underlying food item, because we …

2024-06-18 Is anyone doing a side quest today?

2024-06-18 I guess the Olympics are on.I know of one person who watches it. It seems the Olympics are a thing …

2024-06-18 “If you never change, you will smell.” #writing

2024-06-18 Its 85 now, feels hotter.

2024-06-18 Did get some iOS stfufff done this morning. Some buginess between platforms. My main problem right …

2024-06-18 “There’s always a bright spot when you’re falling into the sun.” #writing …

2024-06-18 Heat index today is going to be 105ºF. #dover

2024-06-18 Good morning, everyone. Stay hydrated. You don’t want to grow up to be a prune. Time for the …

2024-06-17 Lunch consumed. Returning to my regularly scheduled activities…

2024-06-17 When the clock is ticking, you don’t fixate on the clock. #writing #character #suspense

2024-06-17 Humans focus on the context that is the most important to them in that moment.. They will act on …

2024-06-17 Osteoporosus was a slow moving dinosaur.

2024-06-17 I’m listening in on a side-conversation where two guys are dissing and cursing literally everything …

2024-06-17 “I don’t need followers,” she said. “I need people who are willing to prostate themselves before …

2024-06-17 “People look up to you. They are in the minority. Stop being full of yourself.” “But that’s, like, …

2024-06-17 You know you’re too cheap to hire a designer, or you’re from the 1980s… #marketing #spam #failure

2024-06-17 “He thought so fast that he left skid marks in his mind. Too bad he focused more on the skid marks …

2024-06-17 If you’re not a full-time student, are you studying anything? How’s it going? What’s blocking you? …

2024-06-17 Supposedly, the heat index is going to be over 110ºF in the next few days here. #delaware

2024-06-17 Do you wear a hat? What kind? Baseball caps and related don’t count. If you don’t wear a hat, what …

2024-06-17 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-17 Mondays are always at the back of the junk closet.

2024-06-17 Switching Gears, Temporarily… #writing

2024-06-17 It’s time for some lunch and writing.

2024-06-17 I hope everyone is having a non-complicated day.

2024-06-17 Morning doing house stuff and trying to wrap my mind around how to structure async/await so it …

2024-06-17 Happy Take Your Cat to Work Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-06-17 Good morning. Stay hydrated. It’s hot and you don’t want to prune yourself. Time for the …

2024-06-16 I hope everyone had a good day and didn’t overeat.

2024-06-16 Good morning. It’s a gorgeous morning here. Too bad the weekend is drawing to a close. Time …

2024-06-15 Do some fun stuff. #life

2024-06-15 Nothing is stopping you from being number two. #life

2024-06-15 Solving a problem often consists of solving all of the related problems first. #life

2024-06-15 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-15 Apparently, the Swift Playgrounds app hasn’t been updated to the new version of Swift. Seriously? …

2024-06-15 Time to head toward home.

2024-06-15 Happy Magna Carta Day I’m betting kids aren’t even taught what it was/is here, in the US, nowadays.

2024-06-15 Good morning. It’s the weekend. Relax, but be patient. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-14 Do not confuse thinking with dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. #life

2024-06-14 I think ill stop by the Apple store in the way home tomorrow. I habent been in one since The Dark …

2024-06-14 “Life is never commercial free.”

2024-06-14 “Baldrick’s Gate-A Blackadder Adventure” should be a thing. #gamedev

2024-06-14 It’s definitely one of those days again. Murphy is laughing at me. I ordered a chicken wrap and it’s …

2024-06-14 So much for humor. I got a glass of water.

2024-06-14 I just ordered a water martini with a twist. We shall see… #food

2024-06-14 “You have to do your best. Otherwise, stop complaining.”

2024-06-14 “He owned a set of golf clubs. Not that he played, but he could never condone the use of a gun.” …

2024-06-14 “Stretch your legs” is a weird euphamism. “How about “stretch your arms”?

2024-06-14 “Are you a sage?” “No, my name is Rosemary.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-14 Which David Bowie song would you dance to? #music

2024-06-14 I hate autocorrect. As ai goes, it’s the puts.

2024-06-14 Cipppino. Not chopping. Curse you autocorrect and Perry the Platypus.

2024-06-14 Had to send the chopping back. The shellfish were all dead-unopened and no way to crack the snow …

2024-06-14 Mail still thinks I have unread emails in the beta. #ios

2024-06-14 Ok I stumbled on coppino on the east coast. I know what I’m getting #food

2024-06-14 Hm. I get weird ideas. Beet-flavored mead? It’s strange enough that it might be good. I guess honey …

2024-06-14 There is joy in the unknown, for it says you don’t know everything. #life #success

2024-06-14 “The world is full of hope. It is your responsibility to squash it.” #writing

2024-06-14 “This is where dead people come to drink.” #writing

2024-06-14 “Still, she breathed.” #writing #prompt

2024-06-14 Time for some food. It’s Friday eve. It’s been a relaxing day. I hope everyone is having a good …

2024-06-14 Make a difference. Adding something good to the world will multiply it. The math is simple. #life …

2024-06-14 Took a trip to B&N. Got some books. Walked around the park and worked on the C3 story. Read a …

2024-06-14 We need a Swift-based Picotron for iOS #swift #lexaloffle #picotron

2024-06-14 Don’t underestimate how short your life is. #life

2024-06-14 I’m ready for a new Switch 2 and a new iPad mini.

2024-06-14 Hotel wifi in 2024 is still sucky. Just sayin’ #hotel #failure

2024-06-14 i haven’t looked. is there anything new in the Swift Playgrounds app this year≤? #wwdc #ios …

2024-06-14 We have given the Earth a fever, and fevers tend to kill of the organisms that cause it.

2024-06-14 its going up to 99ºF this weekend. Interesting…

2024-06-14 Still travelling today, so no real coding.I’ll focus on writing and such.

2024-06-14 Good morning. You do remember that today is Friday, don’t you? Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2024-06-13 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-13 First real meal of the day. Philly cheesesteak nachos #food

2024-06-13 Plan for tomorrow: — work on the short story for the C3 anthology — walk — read — eat — watch more …

2024-06-13 Hanging out in a restaurant near where I used to live. It’s a hot summery day. Great day to be out …

2024-06-13 Its been that kind of week. Murphy showed up again.

2024-06-13 If the compiler is smart enough to detect problems and the suggested solution, why can’t it …

2024-06-13 Hello. Heatwave incoming! Consume hydration fluids. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-12 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS/WWDC videos — writing — errands

2024-06-12 Another low productivity day.

2024-06-12 Happy Falafel Day

2024-06-12 Calm your mind. Calm your body. #life

2024-06-12 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-12 If anyone tells you that Swift is easy to learn, they are delusional or have a PhD in …

2024-06-12 Good morning. Jeetyet? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-11 Nibbage #fountainpen

2024-06-11 Math notes either doesn’t understand my handwriting, or it uses some weird syntax. It doesn’t …

2024-06-11 Today wasn’t all the productive. I spent most of the day watching WWDC videos. Probably more of the …

2024-06-11 I’m surprised Apple hasn’t come up with a thunking kit to hide the differences between writing UIKit …

2024-06-11 My begonia decided to bloom. #plant

2024-06-11 When technology makes things easier, the easy things become difficult. #life #ai #progress …

2024-06-11 The passwords app is ok. Mail is like it was. File browsing on iOS has the new pane that is …

2024-06-11 I installing the betas on all my devices. They are stable, if flaky and a slow. The AI features …

2024-06-11 Time for some food and free-writing.

2024-06-11 The betas are definitely flakey and devoid of any of the AI stuff as far as I can tell. #wwdc

2024-06-11 Good morning. Stay hydrated. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-06-10 I guess none of the ai stuff is exposed in the beta yet. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Ferals, not “freaks”. Autocorrect is still insane on iOS 18

2024-06-10 The Gathering: This evening, the freaks were on the deck as usual, just sitting and peering into the …

2024-06-10 Time to switch it up. Levenger Stylus (M) w/ Robert Oster Crocodile Green #fountainpen

2024-06-10 Work the other side of your brain. #life #success

2024-06-10 Apple will never be a game platform (apart from iOS). They should’ve really bought Nintendo. #wwdc …

2024-06-10 I guess I’ll be spending time watching videos and trying to get my code caught up to the new changes …

2024-06-10 I have to keep reminding myself that the Keynote is a PR event. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Some of the sessions sound really good. #wwdc

2024-06-10 It’s going to take a while to figure out whether all this new-fangled AI stuff is just a way …

2024-06-10 Well, that was a mixed bag of mostly minimal new stuff apart from AI. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Well, that’s a plus. AI is automatically available in text editing apps. So it should work with my …

2024-06-10 I hope I can at least opt out of ChatGPT… #wwdc #ai

2024-06-10 “Personal Intelligence”. PI? #wwdc #ai

2024-06-10 Gah! Genmoji! Imagine green and purple vomit… #wwdc #ai #failure

2024-06-10 Any AI that claims to extract key points from text, doesn’t know what I’m interested in. #wwdc #ai …

2024-06-10 Cool! I can now make all my emails sound like marketing spam.~ #wwdc #ai #failure

2024-06-10 “Siri AI, initiate self-destruct of iPad. Destruct code Zero Zero One Zero.” #wwdc #ai

2024-06-10 “Intelligence that understands you.” That’s hilarious since we don’t even understand intelligence. …

2024-06-10 I see what Apple did there… Apple Intelligence A.I. #wwdc #ai

2024-06-10 I guess we aren’t getting new chrome in MacOS? Somehow, I feel… relieved. #wwdc #mac

2024-06-10 Apple still trying to promote games on the Mac. It’s still a game desert. #wwdc #mac #game

2024-06-10 Safari suggestions… I hope I can disable the AI. It seems very intrusive when I just want the …

2024-06-10 Mac auto-tiling is nice. #wwdc #mac

2024-06-10 iPhone Mirroring will be great for kids who like jerking their parents around and have their …

2024-06-10 OK. iPhone Mirroring is cool. I bet you can use it with XCode… I hope. #wwdc #macos

2024-06-10 Now we know… Sequoia. #wwdc #mac

2024-06-10 Heh. I’ll report on how well Smart Script does with my handwriting…~ I like how they’ve used the …

2024-06-10 Ok. The new calculator is very cool if you’re in school. #wwdc

2024-06-10 iPad time… Calculator. Yay. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Vitals app looks good. #wwdc

2024-06-10 WatchOS time… Training and health stuff is always good, but I’m never motivated by looking at a …

2024-06-10 Ooo they mentioned an API. Finally!.~ #wwdc

2024-06-10 Seriously, not a whole lot new in iOS 18. Some hope for Mail, but I’m keeping my expectations low. …

2024-06-10 Maps updates are nice. Journal updates are meh. Still no linking of different sources. #wwdc

2024-06-10 OK. Mail updates are nice. But do we get spam filtering? #wwdc #mail

2024-06-10 More flash and less useful features in iOS. Adding tint colors throughout is meh. Even the clear …

2024-06-10 VIsionOS, interesting if you can afford the unit… #wwdc

2024-06-10 Wonder what the new MacOS will be called… we’ll soon find out. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Time to settle back and watch the reveals. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Don’t take nature for granted.

2024-06-10 Anyone else miss in-person WWDC? Yes, I understand the reasons why it isn’t. #wwdc

2024-06-10 Good morning, everyone. It’s another sunny Monday. That’s enough of a reason to smile. …

2024-06-09 Sometimes the smallest things have the biggest effect. #life

2024-06-09 Plan for tomorrow: — watch WWDC Keynote — errands — eat things — more editing — eat more things — …

2024-06-09 Don’t allow one bad decision or an anonymous person ruin your life. #life

2024-06-09 Name the musical group #music

2024-06-09 It’s a gorgeous day. I think I’ll get some lunch and go for a walk.

2024-06-09 Good morning, everyone. Find something relaxing and fun to do today so that you can relax and enjoy …


2024-06-08 I wonder what I should do tomorrow.

2024-06-08 If Apple designed email, calendar, reminders, shortcuts, and notes the way it designed XCode, we …

2024-06-08 Maybe we’ll get useful email spam filtering this year. #wwdc #mail

2024-06-08 What iOS app has blown you away lately? I’m playing with Bears, Gentle Streak, and Agenda. Really …

2024-06-08 I hope you’re all doing something fun this Saturday

2024-06-08 I spent the morning on working on implementing FORTH memory and solving some issues withe the way …

2024-06-08 Good morning, all. It’s the weekend. Enjoy it outside, if you can. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-06-07 Plan for tomorrow: — Relax — Write — Play some games — Go out and eat something — Errands?

2024-06-07 Remember that you are someone’s sidekick. #life

2024-06-07 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-07 Anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

2024-06-07 It’s time to start the weekend. I don’t have anything planned except relaxing and maybe eating out …

2024-06-07 It’s Friday. It’s close enough to evening to call it quitting time. I’ve gotten …

2024-06-07 Hm. I wonder what happened to inter-app communication protocols. Yes, I know we have URLs, but not …

2024-06-07 I’m assuming we’ll get a more bloated XCode with AI capability built-in… #wwdc #xcode

2024-06-07 Hm. I wonder if we’ll see an updated form of multitasking on the iPad this year… #wwdc #ui #ipad

2024-06-07 I wonder if we’ll see any AI APIs this year at WWDC, or just get the functionalities. #wwdc #apple …

2024-06-07 Hm. It’s Friday. This week feels off, somehow.

2024-06-07 Acting on a belief while that belief is in conflict with reality or facts, makes you dangerous. …

2024-06-06 You don’t need to be good at something to be confident. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-06-06 Anyone doing anything glorious today?

2024-06-06 What does A.I. smell like?

2024-06-06 Photo up. #photography


2024-06-06 Um, OK.

2024-06-06 Pizza devoured for dinner, before hunger devoured me.

2024-06-06 OK, I guess I relax a bit and read. I’ve accomplished enough for one day. My face is a bit swollen, …

2024-06-06 Lunch today consisted of a toasted Everything bagel with some Gouda. #food

2024-06-06 Cool! Latest SuperNote update added a bunch of fixes and a new ToDo app. Not sure if it syncs with …

2024-06-06 Happy National Applesauce Cake Day. That sounds tasty.

2024-06-06 Not a very productive morning. However, that still means it has been productive. #life

2024-06-06 I’m still achy, and stiff. That’s to be expected, and I’m not surprised or upset. …

2024-06-06 Good morning. Find something to smile about. You have a lot to smile about if you just look. Time …

2024-06-05 Plan for tomorrow: – rest and recuperate – code – edit – read – eat

2024-06-05 “Wars are fought by people, but mostly governments, who should know better.” #writing

2024-06-05 “The meaning of life is the endless pursuit of something that isn’t running.” #life #writing

2024-06-05 What I don’t want or need from WWDC next week: more emoji, animated emoji, customizable emoji, or …

2024-06-05 Lunch consumed. I’m just catching up on stuff today. My jaw aches when I eat, so I definitely …

2024-06-05 Photo up. #photography


2024-06-05 Sometimes, you have to walk without a destination. Enjoy it. #life #success

2024-06-05 Happy Apple 2 Day. I miss my Plus.

2024-06-05 My Biking Adventure… #writing #bike #accident

2024-06-05 Point of interest about humans. Only saw one masked person in the hospital during my stay.

2024-06-05 Good morning. Don’t rely on the kindness of strangers, but also don’t underestimate it. …

2024-06-04 Back home. I’m achy, stiff, and tired. Time to relax and recuperate. I plan on doing nothing all …

2024-06-04 Thank you all who were concerned and wished me well. I really appreciate the support. The latest CT …

2024-06-04 Still in the hospital under observation. Nothing broken. Just bruising and a small subdermal …

2024-06-03 Still in the ER. More CT scans schedules do see if there’s any change in the bleeding around the …

2024-06-03 Not the way to start my vacation. But it could’ve been worse. Taking a header off a bike is never …

2024-06-03 Not the news I was hoping for. I have some minor blood on the brain. Guess I’ll be in the hospital …

2024-06-03 Ugh. In ER. Lost control of the bike. Nothing broken, but was knocked out. Apple Watch kicked in. …

2024-06-03 Current view

2024-06-03 Time to switch it up. Windsor Senator (F) with Diamine Red Poppy #fountainpen

2024-06-03 Greetings. Don’t be sad the weekend is over. Now you have something new to worry about. Time …

2024-06-02 The future arrives tomorrow.

2024-06-02 Don’t let gravity get you down.

2024-06-02 “I have a plan.” “Again?” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-02 Good morning. Have a peaceful day. You don’ know what this week will bring. time for the ceremonial …

2024-06-01 Photo up. #photography

2024-06-01 Playing Tin Realm. #game

2024-06-01 If you have “an attitude”, that just means you are unable to control your emotions. #life #failure

2024-06-01 Go spend time with your family. If you don’t have one or don’t like the family you have, go spend …

2024-06-01 Games I’d like to see on Switch 2; Commander Keen: Relaunched, Hexen Trilogy: Rebuilt, and Unreal …

2024-06-01 I’m sitting in the sun and the eyedropper fountain pen burped ink over the page. That’s the downside …

2024-06-01 You have to enjoy what life you have. It’s the only one you’ll get before you come back as a slime …

2024-06-01 “He plunged the butter knife, wishing for something sharper, into his belly. Jake, The Pope, …

2024-06-01 Which writer makes you think? Why? #writing #books #reading

2024-06-01 Chili and a Caesar salad consumed. It’s was passable. #food

2024-06-01 Serious question: Which writer makes you laugh, regardless of which book of their books you read? …

2024-06-01 You know you’re old when a kid asks you, “How many centuries are you?”

2024-06-01 I, really, want Nintendo to announce the so-called Switch 2. I’m tired of waiting. Switch …

2024-06-01 I, really, should write the next story for the C3 anthology. I’ve started it, but it’s been in …

2024-06-01 The richer you are, the less you have to lose. The poor have nothing to lose. — ancient proverb I …

2024-06-01 Self-importance is rarely an indication of importance. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-06-01 People with no reputation, will grasp for any person with a reputation, good or bad—the coattail …

2024-06-01 Is there a universal meta-law? For example, laws that prescribe the purpose, and content of what a …

2024-06-01 I miss Cupertino. I don’t miss flying there and back.

2024-06-01 “I hope you’re happy!” She glared at him. “You’re still alive.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-01 “The drier the text, the more official and severe it sounds. Most won’t bother reading it. It’s …

2024-06-01 Kaiser and Tsar/Tzar are derived from “Caesar”. Are there any other titles that I’m unaware of? …

2024-06-01 “Money isn’t power, but it can convince those with less of either that it is.” #writing

2024-06-01 “He was The King. He never died, but he had Left The Building.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-06-01 “‘I’m a rakish fop.’ He winked at her. ‘Add this to your fop,” she said as she formed the letter ‘L’ …

2024-06-01 “Every few minutes, he’d pray to the God of Order, yelling out for all to hear in the church of the …

2024-06-01 “The rich are just poor people with more money than brains, but they’ve learned to game the system.” …

2024-06-01 Phew! I’m done the editing/rewrite pass of “Coins of Destiny”. I did find some things I want to …

2024-06-01 It is better to bend than break. Even a wall eventually crumbles and falls. #life

2024-06-01 Happy National Flip a Coin Day

2024-06-01 So, do you spell it tyre, or tire? Do you tyre or tire? Retire or retyre? Personally, I spell it …

2024-06-01 It’s a gorgeous day. And I forgot it’s Saturday. Bummer. Spent all morning indoors.

2024-06-01 “The older you are, the more about which you have to complain and celebrate.” – …

2024-05-31 Thank you all for putting up with me. I know you have a choice of idiots to follow.

2024-05-31 “Drama is just comedy without a sense of humor.” #writing

2024-05-31 Happy Speak in Complete Sentences Day

2024-05-31 Hello. It’s Friday. You know what you have to do. Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2024-05-30 WWDC: I’d like to see, but won’t. Upgrades to iLife apps and Journal app. Rework of …

2024-05-30 Happy Loomis Day Look it up…

2024-05-30 “How would you like that cooked?” “Medium-well.” “You don’t want it perfect? I think we can manage.” …

2024-05-30 Bring Back the Red Pandas!

2024-05-30 When you isolate a function that causes problems and can’t deduce the problem, rewrite the function …

2024-05-30 “We tried delivering your life, but no one was home.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-30 “I part my hair in the middle.” “You seem to have overdone it.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-30 Anyone doing anything absurd today?

2024-05-30 “Sometimes you have to struggle to appreciate the air.” #writing

2024-05-30 I should put air in the bike tires. It’s going to be a nice weekend.

2024-05-30 Sustainability: n. - What businesses and governments strive to do when threatened.

2024-05-30 Not a productive morning. You know when you seem to be doing a lot of stuff, but none of it amounts …

2024-05-30 Hello. You always have time to give, since you waste so much of it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-29 ICQ is shutting down in June.

2024-05-29 I never understood the sport of shooting fish while wearing a barrel.

2024-05-29 Hello. Don’t let one bad thing or person. ruin your day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-28 Hm. Just discovered that Zealand is in Denmark. Always wondered about New Zealand.

2024-05-28 “Are you resigned to your job? No. I quit.” #writing #throwawayline #vocabulary

2024-05-28 Ooo new game to play. #game

2024-05-28 Redundant and a waste of ink. #starbucks #failure #efficiency.

2024-05-28 Overheard: “A lot of my parents…” #writing

2024-05-28 I get a lot of corporate email stating, “We value your opinion…”. too bad they don’t consider facts. …

2024-05-28 Symmetry: Old white sports guys on one show. All old black sports guys on another. This isn’t …

2024-05-28 “He shook his head. ‘The closest thing you have to a bookshelf is your fridge. Even your pantry is …

2024-05-28 Do you care where you will be buried after you are dead? And if so, are you trying to please …

2024-05-28 The Gathering: Marble, on that has adopted me, is a snarky cat. #feral #kitten

2024-05-28 Naming is a form of division. #life #tao

2024-05-28 Sharing thoughts is like sharing beliefs. Everyone has them, few are worth listening to. #life

2024-05-28 “Do you have a friend who keeps trying to kill you?” “Um, no.” “Would you like one?” #writing …

2024-05-28 When you visit someone’s home? Do you look to see what’s in their fridge? Do you take things?

2024-05-28 “Humans create things that they are either too lazy to do or too stupid to do. That is their …

2024-05-28 I was alive during the Osborne 1 and CDC6400 times… #computers

2024-05-28 The Gathering: Yes, they all still visit daily. They are slowly becoming accustomed to me being out …

2024-05-28 Time to switch it up. Restored Parker Parkette (F) wi/ Sailor Shikiori Souton. #fountainpen

2024-05-28 At least the waters from the sky have subsided, and the large orange globule is hanging about.

2024-05-28 It’s been a busy morning. Too bad it isn’t Friday.

2024-05-28 Happy The Slugs Return From Capistrano Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-05-28 Good morning. Welcome back to reality. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-27 If you’re in the US, it’s still a holiday. You get to eat more hot dogs and burgers.

2024-05-27 Greetings. It’s a holiday here. Nothing planned for today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-26 “Nothing bad ever happens in a deserted warehouse.” #writing

2024-05-26 Happy National Blueberry Cheesecake Day

2024-05-26 Photo up. #photography

2024-05-26 “He was a woodland creature yearning for the trash of the big city.” #writing

2024-05-26 “Squirrels just wanna have fun.”

2024-05-26 The more logos you have on your clothing/uniform, the more you are willing to sell yourself. There …

2024-05-26 The truth is all ones.

2024-05-26 “You have to challenge yourself so that others take pity and don’t challenge you.” #writing

2024-05-26 What would the sequel to your life be? Or would there be no-sequel. #life #sql

2024-05-26 You fever better than you have. You deserve less than you hope for. #life

2024-05-26 Hm goats eat scapes, I imagine.

2024-05-26 “If you need a scapegoat, you fear the emptiness that is you.” #writing #life

2024-05-26 “They believed they were important. They were the minions of the minions; the trampled upon and …

2024-05-26 The obvious in an unexpected situation.

2024-05-26 I need todo some editing, even thought it’s a holiday weekend. Then, I can play a game.

2024-05-26 It would be nice if the SuperNote recognized and transcribed handwriting on save/close. #supernote …

2024-05-26 Don’t drink and fly this holiday weekend.

2024-05-26 Hello. Get out and enjoy the air. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-25 “You will fail because you are human.” #writing #life

2024-05-25 Soon, it will be Junehem.

2024-05-25 Things people take for granted: most cups fit in cup holders. That’s not coincidence.

2024-05-25 If you have inertia nothing can stop you—except more inertia. #physics #life

2024-05-25 You know those people who think they are cool because they have the volume and bass in their car set …

2024-05-25 No context photo.

2024-05-25 Autocorrect has a way to intrude. That’s John Donne.

2024-05-25 What have you Joun Donne to improve your life today and the lives of others?

2024-05-25 Too bad wwdc is such an event. I’d love to go in person again. Oh right, everything is viirtual now …

2024-05-25 Don’t you just hate companies that have Flash Sales but don’t sell memory? #marketing

2024-05-25 I’m just listening to conversations around me. Most are mundane even by Saturdane standards. Still, …

2024-05-25 Phillies are on a streak. This bodes bad. #sport

2024-05-25 “Defense” often turns into “offense”. Understand the implications of terminology.

2024-05-25 Welcome Murphy. He’s an unexpected visitor. #life

2024-05-25 Lots of inspiration from stuff I’m overhearing today. #writing

2024-05-25 “She got high smoking chicken.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-25 “Her alcohol broke on Mother’s Day.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-25 Some days were meant for you to be outside. This is not one of them. This is a day I was meant to be …

2024-05-25 “He was on a shrimp roll.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-25 You can train your handwriting to improve by gauging how good handwriting recognition converts. …

2024-05-25 “Trust yourself. But never betray yourself.” #life #success

2024-05-25 The SuperNote is great for writing outside in the sun where a fountain pen might have issues. …

2024-05-25 But you can never swim…

2024-05-25 I didn’t get much done this morning apart from editing more scenes. I didn’t plan on editing this …

2024-05-25 Time to get outside and eat. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.

2024-05-25 Hello. Do your best to let go of your worries today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-24 May your wallet find space to breathe this shopping weekend.

2024-05-24 It’s time to start the weekend. I appreciate you all. Stay safe.

2024-05-24 Time to hunker down and edit a few more chapters of “Coins of Destiny - To Preserve Health” #writing …

2024-05-24 You may not have all the time, but you have all the time you have. #life

2024-05-24 • Apple has a lot of money. • Apple is having a WWDC again. • One of the topics at WWDC is, again, …

2024-05-24 Pixelated does not mean or imply old. #design #failure #marketing

2024-05-24 Overheard: “I was one of the few people that looks like me.” Um… #writing #character

2024-05-24 What if you didn’t have to worry about security? What does it say about society that you have to? …

2024-05-24 Observed: Some people exist just to ask questions without learning. #life #character

2024-05-24 What do you call a lazy cow? Meat loaf.

2024-05-24 “You don’t need to understand. Just accept; like everyone else.” #writing

2024-05-24 Time to switch it up. Noodlers Charlie (F) w/Iroshizuku Yama-buds #fountainpen

2024-05-24 Happy National Wig Out Day

2024-05-24 “Portions of this life have been edited for television to fit the available time and format.”

2024-05-24 So anyone having big plans for this (holiday in the US) weekend? I plan on getting outside since it …

2024-05-24 Morning spent doing iOS stuff. Time for lunch. Then editing and writing. Finally, saying that the …

2024-05-24 Stop holding your breath—unless you’re under water or in some poisonous gas situation.

2024-05-24 Hello. It’s Friday. Act like it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-23 Anyone remember Eudora and RedRyder?

2024-05-23 Happy Lucky Penny Day

2024-05-23 Be the person who reaches out to build understanding and compassion, not the one who divides or …

2024-05-23 Good hello. Waking up is hard to do. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-22 So, have you questioned your life choices today?

2024-05-22 Whether your goal is to write or it is to sell books says a lot a bout you as a person. #writing

2024-05-22 I guess I should run some errands before the week ends.

2024-05-22 Just because you can, doesn’t mean you did. #life

2024-05-22 “Humans have a tendency to bare their fangs when being photographed. Although attacks are rare, be …

2024-05-22 What do you want to see from WWDC this year? I want to see the Keynote and if there are any new …

2024-05-22 “Humans love your individuality as long as you conform.”

2024-05-22 What was the last creative thing you did which created something? #creativity

2024-05-22 Do people still do pair-programming? I was a big proponent back in the day. #agile #pair …

2024-05-22 When life throws bricks at you, build a house to protect yourself, but leave the door open.

2024-05-22 I think I deserve popcorn this evening.

2024-05-22 Be gentle with those who complain. Most complain because they have reason. #life

2024-05-22 “Do you ever feel like reading?” “No. I hate reading.” “Why are you looking at your phone when I …

2024-05-22 “The ink ran wet, The pen ran dry, The paper yellows, The writing fades.” #writing #fountainpen

2024-05-22 Do you ever wish you were a normal human?

2024-05-22 The Gathering: I wa supposed to get Speck in for a follow-up dystermper vaccine, but he managed to …

2024-05-22 I need a vacation worthy of the name.

2024-05-22 Corporate support centers are remote locations to isolate the customer from the corporation. That …

2024-05-22 Nibbage #fountainpen

2024-05-22 Stressful morning trying to deal with mom’s bank. Time to de-stress and eat stuff.

2024-05-22 Good morning, everyone. Don’t take things that don’t belong to you, unless it’s a …

2024-05-21 “When you allow an AI to teach your children money gets in the way of learning.” #education #ai

2024-05-21 Photo up. #photography

2024-05-21 “Go and mark out a square yard/meter in front of your yard. Count the creatures on the ground you …

2024-05-21 How did you surprise yourself? I just launched this on my new iPadPro. It’s the first Swft version …

2024-05-21 It’s time to get back to editing. I need to push this book out in the next couple of months. …

2024-05-21 “Humans have died for a feeling: love, hate, religion. They believed, so they died trying to protect …

2024-05-21 “Back in my day you could walk to pretty much any corner in New York City and find a …

2024-05-21 What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten or drunk, that you’ve actually enjoyed? And why were you …

2024-05-21 “You have to have a sense of humor, a sense of the absurd, and pastiche. If you don’t make fun of …

2024-05-21 “I’m innocent!” #context

2024-05-21 “Ransom notes tend toward crayon scrawls now that newspapers are difficult to find.” #writing

2024-05-21 “In 2093, legalized betting on the death of a celebrity came into law. There was an unsurprising …

2024-05-21 “The days of when a criminal declares, ‘It’s a fair cop!’, are over. Marketing and politics has …

2024-05-21 “Captain Ouer, you have been charged with mutiny on the high seas. You will be tried by a jury of …

2024-05-21 “Hers was a deeper shade of shame.” #writing

2024-05-21 “How many strangers have you ignored? How many friends have you lost as a result?” #writing #life

2024-05-21 “If you vote for a dictator, you’re voting for your own demise. You may benefit in the short-term, …

2024-05-21 Gah! The year is almost half over.

2024-05-21 Just because you have a “trusted partner”, it doesn’t mean I trust them. #spam #email

2024-05-21 “Dak Armstrong: Keeping the World Safe From Stupidity. Call for rats.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-21 “Humans seem to like the planet Earth, for some reason—at least the bits of it they’ve pretty much …

2024-05-21 Time to inhale some food.

2024-05-21 Good morning. Don’t let others' bad moods poison your own. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-20 “There is no such thing as luck. It’s just an absence of a Murphy visit.” #writing

2024-05-20 Good morning. Stay optimistic. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-19 It’s World Baking Day. And I didn’t even know that when I baked, today.

2024-05-19 Anyone remember Will Smith?

2024-05-19 Well, it’s, apparently, one of those days. The pineapple coconut upside down cake decided to stick …

2024-05-19 Chicken breast and veggies in the oven for lunch. I’m trying my chocolate oatmeal raisin stout after …

2024-05-19 OK. Pineapple coconut upside down cake in the oven. #baking

2024-05-19 Well, that’s a pain. My KitchenAid® Mixer died. The control lever got stuck on 3+ and there’s no way …


2024-05-19 Good morning. Make room for fun. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-18 Plan for tomorrow: — cook stuff — bake stuff — eat stuff — read stuff — play stuff

2024-05-18 Rumors are…

2024-05-18 “He was a grotesque little man with beady eyes and a lot of money.” #writing

2024-05-18 Photo up. #photography

2024-05-18 Skulldugger - n. One who practices skullduggery #writing

2024-05-18 It’s almost 4PM here. Should I eat lunch or dinner? No, I’m not looking linner or dunch. I’m trying …

2024-05-18 The Gathering: Spot and Creamsicle enjoying the rain stoppage. Play has resumed. #feral #cat

2024-05-18 The Gathering: Spot and Creamsicle enjoying the rain stoppage. Play has resumed. #feral #cat

2024-05-18 Time to energize the day.… #music

2024-05-18 Hello. It’s the weekend. Relax, unwind, recover. Enjoy some peace. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-05-17 Well, it’s Friday. I got stuff done and was busy today. It’s time to relax and start winding down …

2024-05-17 Photo up. #photography

2024-05-16 Change is a current that will sweep you up if you don’t flow with it. #life

2024-05-16 The lip of the old “plastic” Magic Keyboard protrudes more than the new one, making it easier to …

2024-05-16 It will be interesting to see how much oil/fingerprints the new metallic Magic Keyboard assumes. …

2024-05-16 Yes, I’m full of snark today. It’s a day that ends in ‘y’.

2024-05-16 If everyone is doing it, that’s good enough reason not to. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-05-16 Who in your life deserves a spinoff? Are you being upstaged? #life

2024-05-16 What will governments do when currency is no longer used to make the government money? #money …

2024-05-16 I want the new iPad Mini to have: — the M4 chip. — a smart keyboard a la the Pro. — wireless …

2024-05-16 So. People are paranoid about people skimming their wallets and they now have RDID-blocking wallets. …

2024-05-16 Exposition needs to be wrapped in a cloak made of the finest dialogue, description, conflict, or …

2024-05-16 I have a fresh pineapple. I see smoothies and baking in my near future. #food

2024-05-16 Be resilient. #life #success

2024-05-16 But the timeline on iOS still doesn’t refresh properly.

2024-05-16 Phew! Back on in iOS. Finally got an email.

2024-05-16 Happy National Notebook Day. How many do you own? I’ve have hundreds, going back decades.

2024-05-16 Good morning. I get to celebrate the reappearance of the sun for now. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-05-15 “He sat deep in thought as he braided his nose hairs.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-15 Today was one of the better days in my life. Im not dead yet.

2024-05-15 The iPadPro can’t get much thinner without the USBC opening getting thinner. That should happen when …

2024-05-15 Hm the 2nd gen Apple Pencil isnt compatible with the M4 Pro. Youll need to upgrade to the new …

2024-05-15 hm. VMware Pro Fusion is free for personal use.

2024-05-15 The 80s were weird.… #music #film

2024-05-15 How do you escape characters?

2024-05-15 Good morning, everyone. It’s still raining here. I guess I’m not going anywhere today. …

2024-05-14 An expert only needs one tool. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-05-14 Write what your story needs. #writing

2024-05-14 OK. I’ve been busy today. I got a lot of stuff accomplished, but it’s still not Friday.

2024-05-14 Happy Dance Like A Chicken Day No, not the Chicken Dance.

2024-05-14 Good morning. Remember that practice never makes perfect. It does, however, make better. Time for …

2024-05-13 This is the only summer you’ll get this year. Don’t screw it up.

2024-05-13 Corn are actually nuts… no, I don’t mean corn-nuts. They are also fruit. #food

2024-05-13 Build upon your ideas.

2024-05-13 Hm. Apparently, lemon balm pesto is a thing.… #food

2024-05-13 I hope everyone is feeling calm and enjoying the day. There will be other Mondays. Some will be …

2024-05-13 Explore possibilities. Explore potentials. Explore dark avenues, but don’t lose yourself. Explore …

2024-05-13 Be kind to a stranger. Be the kind of stranger you would like to meet. #life

2024-05-13 It’s still Monday, isn’t it? No wonder it’s still weird.

2024-05-13 Thankfullly, AI is still too dumb to market itself. We still need women/men to promote it. If you …

2024-05-13 Prediction: There will be a growth in ukelele-backed music, probably in metal bands. Humans like the …

2024-05-13 If you think you need an AI to manage your calendar, you’ll buy anything. Or, you’re a hopeless …

2024-05-13 Hereditary billionaires are a good reason for inheritances being capped at US $10K. #life #failure

2024-05-13 Elon is not God. He’s not even all that intelligent. He just has the ability to con people. Remind …

2024-05-13 Well, this won’t end well…… MetaQuest while traveling… #meta #vr

2024-05-13 “Sometimes, humor hides in plain sight. People just tend to ignore it.” #writing

2024-05-13 Which class in high school or collecte/university did you have the most fun in with the subject? …

2024-05-13 It’s one of those days. It’s Monday.

2024-05-13 I need to edit this afternoon. I’m getting close to the end of this pass of ‘To Preserve Health”. I …

2024-05-13 Just because you don’t have an accountant doesn’t mean you’re not accountable. #life

2024-05-13 If a project fails it may just mean the project was bad to start with. Learn to see and understand …

2024-05-13 The job of a leader isn’t to turn the steering wheel for you. It’s to show you where and how to use …

2024-05-13 What are you eating today? Are you eating it in some exotic location? I’m having a chain restaurant …

2024-05-13 Hm. Apple is “celebrating” the top 100 curated albums. Sounds like marketing to me. Very few of …

2024-05-13 “Life is a niche product.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-13 The purpose of education is not to create future workers, it is to create good and knowledgable …

2024-05-13 Well, despite XCode’s best efforts I managed to get some work done. It’s time for some food and free …

2024-05-13 hm Raspberry Pi now allows you to connect via a website… #raspberrypi #connect

2024-05-13 SOL and Time #physics

2024-05-13 Happy World Cocktail Day

2024-05-13 Maybe if I fly to Paris for lunch, XCode will be ready by the time I get back… #xcode #failure

2024-05-13 Still waiting… This is why I like Python… #xcode

2024-05-13 Another wasted morning waiting for XCode to copy cache symbols… #xcode

2024-05-13 Greetings. Educate and inspire! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-12 “There are 52 in a pack of lies.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-12 Well another weekend vanishes into the rain. I guess I should be more productive tomorrow.

2024-05-12 Black licorice is highly underrated. Red licorice isn’t even licorice. #food

2024-05-12 Spending most of today playing games.

2024-05-12 Happy National Odometer Day

2024-05-12 Good morning. I hope you all have a peaceful and relaxing day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-11 When you wake up tomorrow, you’ll be none the wiser. Unless you do something about that. #life

2024-05-11 What’s everyone sitting around for? Go out and get stuff done.

2024-05-11 The wild black raspberries are blooming as well.

2024-05-11 The kiwi bushes are going full-bloom for the first time in about 12 years. #plant #kiwi

2024-05-11 Playing Quests Over Coffee at lunch #game

2024-05-11 Good morning, all. It’s the weekend. Fun and frolic to your heart’s content. Just …

2024-05-10 It’s Friday eve. I’m switching it up today. It’s cold and rainy out. Good evening for some hot …

2024-05-10 My parents always told me that I was the most boring person on Earth. Then I realized that I was …

2024-05-10 Waffles, bacon, and eggs for lunch today.

2024-05-10 Do the hard things so you can enjoy the fun things. #life #success

2024-05-10 Good morning. So the day begins. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-09 “What rights are you willing to give up to feel safe or right?”

2024-05-09 It’s that kind of day. Apologies for flooding this portion of the timeline. I know it won’t help ;)

2024-05-09 The fallacy of StarTrek is the assumption that humans will survive AIs, or choose to go on dangerous …

2024-05-09 “Any human who exhibs signs of being superior to other humans or to an AI needs to be controlled or …

2024-05-09 If companies have more, in many cases, legal rights than an individual human, so-called AIs will …

2024-05-09 When an “AI” can generate and “understand” code, is there an imperative to simplify the syntax or …

2024-05-09 Follow-up question: How has programming, fundamentally, changed in the past 10 years? Has it? Yes, I …

2024-05-09 How is “legacy code” defined nowadays? Back in my day, it was anything where the source code was not …

2024-05-09 I don’t expect Earth, or moon, shattering news from WWDC . Usually, there is something worthwhile. …

2024-05-09 Explore all of the nooks, crannies, and options. You may discover a secret cave of knowledge and …

2024-05-09 “You’re very smart.” “Thank you. I’ve never been told I’m intelligent.” “No. I meant your outfit is …

2024-05-09 You can still read and learn for free if you can’t afford a book. Read a book. Get a library card. …

2024-05-09 Life has an ad-free tier, but no one wants to subscirbe even though it’s free. #life #failure

2024-05-09 Vicious Rumor: Paramount+ bundle to merge with Disney+ bundle and create the Cableless+ streaming …

2024-05-09 My parents always urged me to keep trying. They wanted me to succeed at swimming to the bottom of …

2024-05-09 “Wait until your father gets home!” “But he’s dead, mom.” “Exactly.” #writing

2024-05-09 I think I’ll have a chicken cheesesteak for lunch. There are no good non-chicken cheesesteaks here.

2024-05-09 The gazebo on the lake held a dark secret. It always wished it housed a secret missle silo.” …

2024-05-09 “Everyone wants money. That’s why everyone tries to sell stuff.”

2024-05-09 Speaking of Spam®, I haven’t had scrapple in a year or two. I don’t like Spam™. Well-cooked scrapple …

2024-05-09 “Noobody expects the Spammish Repetition! Spam! Spam! Spam! Lovely Spam! — anon

2024-05-09 “The final nail in his coffin kept popping out.” #writing

2024-05-09 What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done, seen, or heard this morning?

2024-05-09 Accomplished some coding this morning. Time for a lunch break and then it’s editing time.

2024-05-09 “His, was an ordinary life. He was born at an early age, and died old.” #writing

2024-05-09 Hello. Show some kindness today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-08 Happy Root Canal Appreciation Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-05-08 Exposition is not bad. Bad exposition is bad. #writing

2024-05-08 Not for long……

2024-05-08 “You only feel comfortable when you know what you’re doing.” #writing #life

2024-05-08 Most people have visited the writers’ block where people sit around writing. #writing

2024-05-08 Apparently, you can now buy people on the internet… #marketing #failure

2024-05-08 I wish podcasts were more about educating and less about interviews and commentary. #podcast …

2024-05-08 Fighting allergies and lack of sleep today. I’m still getting stuff done.

2024-05-08 I love phishing from “Literary Analysts” who can’t seem to put a grammatically …

2024-05-08 Ho ho ho! You’re up, are you? Well, good for you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-07 Plan for tomorrow: — work on importing Plottr data into my writing app (iOS) — work on FORTH — …

2024-05-07 “What are you doing?” “I’m smiling at you.” “Stop it!” “Why?” “You’re creeping me out.” “You haven’t …

2024-05-07 Any email that saya: “Tells us what you think” automatically gets deleted to trash/junk. Companies …

2024-05-07 I should really eat something today.

2024-05-07 I should go to the local farm and get some honey and stuff. It’s strawberry, asparagus, and mead …

2024-05-07 What I wish Apple had is a Magic Keyboard that works as a folio. That way I could use a Pencil to …

2024-05-07 Happy National Cosmo Day

2024-05-07 “The key to success is to have more fun than the next person.”

2024-05-07 “What’s one truth that your parents taught you?” “Never trust your parents.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-07 “Life doesn’t make mistakes; people do.” #writing

2024-05-07 I should make waffles tomorrow. I haven’t had waffles in a while. #food

2024-05-07 “9 Common Mistakes People Make When Cackling” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-07 “You need a sense of humor, you know.” “Where do I buy one?” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-07 “So how long have you been here?” “Oh, about 33 years.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-07 “The gun fluttered to the ground from her hand, the way a lead leaf would.” #writing

2024-05-07 It seems pretty much all pre-eisting grammarspell check API sources have shut down. #writing …

2024-05-07 Lots done this morning. I have’t had a chance to do any editing. I’ll work on that after lunch.

2024-05-07 I guess I should upgrade.

2024-05-07 Time to switch it up. Carolina Pen Company Eyedropper 1.1mm w/ Andermillion Green Moth #fountainpen

2024-05-07 What makes you happier?

2024-05-07 Good morning. Find a spot of sunshine and sit in it. Be the cat. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-06 Your problems would always be made easier if you didn’t make them worse. #life #success

2024-05-06 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — watch the Apple show — errands — code — play a game

2024-05-06 Never believe anyone that says, “They’ll never find out.” #writing

2024-05-06 I didn’t know about this. Apparently, Roger Moore, playing The Saint, once pretended to be James …

2024-05-06 Thanks to a user on Mastodon @glitchcake, there is a programming language known as Emojicode …

2024-05-06 Small things for you, are large things for others. #life

2024-05-06 “I’m just a guy with a dead girl in the trunk. I left my pickup at home. I miss it.” #country #music …

2024-05-06 Instead of using thrust, (chemical, ion, or otherwise) to power spacecraft, you should investigate …

2024-05-06 “He had a birdie on the second round. By the fifth, he was plastered.” #writing

2024-05-06 “The world’s worst detective is an architect. Hire him!” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-06 Who would win a war between cannibals and zombies?

2024-05-06 Have fun at your own expense. It’s free. #life

2024-05-06 Unknown beeping in the background… Me: Two minutes…


2024-05-06 “Life has consequences. Truth.” #writing

2024-05-06 Another day. Another week. Another year. Another decade. Another century. Another eon. Another …

2024-05-06 Hm… A programming language where syntax tokens are a single emoji… #programming #toylanguage

2024-05-06 Some days the words refuse to come willingly, and you have to beat them into submission. #writing

2024-05-06 “Humor is as elusive as a startled skunk that has broken into your house, ransacked the waste can, …

2024-05-06 “He was tired and his hair grizzled. He’d been grizsling it for many years.” #writing #character …

2024-05-06 “He sat down, sinking into the seat which sank into the floor.” #writing #throwawayline #character

2024-05-06 “Sailor!” “Aye, sir?” “Yes, you.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-06 I got all my errands done this morning. I’ll focus on editing this afternoon. Now, it’s time to …

2024-05-06 It’s an overly warm and moist day here.

2024-05-06 Hm. “…dressing gown depending from a hanger…” - John Dickson Carr. I’ve never seen the word “depend” …

2024-05-06 Good morn. It’s another week. Don’t make it just another week. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-05-05 Humans are weird.

2024-05-05 Tomorrow is Monday. Find some beauty and joy. Life isnt all about work and worry. #life


2024-05-05 Summer #writing #flash

2024-05-05 Happy Cinque di Mayo

2024-05-05 Greetings. Home again. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-04 It’s time to thank you all for putting up with me. Thank you.

2024-05-04 My favorite cocktail. Water martini with a twist. Shaken not stirred #food

2024-05-04 Observation: green beans don’t look like red, white, black, or other beans. #food

2024-05-04 You don’t need a reason to celebrate. So, celebrate. #life

2024-05-04 Never underestimate the power of a kind act. ancient proverb I just made up

2024-05-04 Good deed done.

2024-05-04 Observed: guy in white shoes. I thought those went out in the 80s #writing #character a

2024-05-04 Observed: guy in white shoes. I thought those went out in the 80s #writing #character

2024-05-04 “Anger never brought anyone back.” #writing

2024-05-04 Overheard: three guys talking Eagles football, soufflés, and judicial law. All in the same …

2024-05-04 Ceilings. Nothing more than ceilings.

2024-05-04 It’s a do-nothing, hang-out out of the dreary weather kind of day.

2024-05-04 Don’t get in your own way.

2024-05-04 AI is today’s version of a million monkeys pounding away at a million keyboards. One of them is …

2024-05-04 Anyone who has ever told you that spelling and punctuation don’t matter, has never programmed. …

2024-05-04 Happy National See Monarchs Day I see dead people…

2024-05-04 This is a great hotel to have a murder in. Back in the 1920s. #writing

2024-05-04 Why do restaurant servers insist pouring new coffee into old. Ugh. It just makes it taste worse. …

2024-05-04 Good morning, world. Drizzly cold wet morning in Wilmington. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2024-05-03 Time for some music and history.… #music #sabaton

2024-05-03 I hope everyone has a restful and/or fun weekend.

2024-05-03 another completed week. I got stuff done.

2024-05-03 Gratuitous food pic. #food

2024-05-03 Decision time. #food

2024-05-03 I don’t know anyone that wants AI, or needs it. Everyone has been sold on the idea, however. #ai …

2024-05-03 “Of course, life is better if you pay attention.” #writing

2024-05-03 I find it interesting that many restaurants have the Food Network on their TVs. Is it because their …

2024-05-03 Observed: “They ignored each other. He stared at his phone, she at the ad on the TV. They had …

2024-05-03 It’s getting cold and dark out. It must be night.

2024-05-03 Whoever used flavor or color during the Apple earnings call needs to be shown the door. #writing …

2024-05-03 What if the bottles were arranged to create a code? #writing #prompt

2024-05-03 Envisioning a great action scene fight breaking out. #writing

2024-05-03 Trying typing on my new birthday present. It’s not as good for writing as the SuperNote, but a …

2024-05-03 Don’t forget. The weekend starts now.

2024-05-03 Have you noticed the trend that billionaires such as Elon and Donny have money and people to throw …

2024-05-03 The good news is Android Studio has come a long way since I first tried it when Android first …

2024-05-03 Well. You know how I complain how slow XCode is? Android Studio is just as slow. It has something …

2024-05-03 Photo up. #photography

2024-05-03 Happy No Pants Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-05-03 Hello. Be more patient with yourself, get more done. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-02 Remember when you’d go into a bookstore and see walls lined with programming books? Remember when …

2024-05-02 Time to call it a day and a week.

2024-05-02 Time to switch it up. Scriptorium (custom) 1.1mm with de Artemis Heliogen Green-Copper #fountainpen

2024-05-02 The antagonist is the all-or-nothing reborn. #writing

2024-05-02 The more pessimistic the world, the more optimistic you need to become. #life

2024-05-02 Happy National Play Your Ukelele Day

2024-05-02 Just because you take notes, doesn’t mean you’re thinking. #life #failure

2024-05-02 Scene 4 - Colostle… #writing #colostle #game

2024-05-02 Good morning. Be kind. Drink water. Eat fruit. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-05-01 The more typos you have the more avant Stanley Gardner you are? #writing

2024-05-01 “What We Do For Coffee — A Tale of Suspense and Horror” #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-01 “He played the claw machine only to have his throat ripped out.” #writing

2024-05-01 A congregation of Pokemon attacked and killed a hunter today. After the killing, one eye witness …

2024-05-01 His face was what happens when you make one out of Play-Doh and stretch it as far as you can. …

2024-05-01 The Wheel of TIme turns and ages come iand goes. It keeps coming up red, but you keep betting it …

2024-05-01 The Gods resided on the sun-at least in summer. #writing #throwawayline

2024-05-01 WWDC is around the temporal corner. I forsee lots of VisionOS content. I expect more MacOS and iOS …

2024-05-01 If I had time, I?d do more.

2024-05-01 Youdont have to be perfect. You just have to be beter than you are.

2024-05-01 The sun shone, blotting out the stars, like a blazing star eight light minutes away. Few realized it …

2024-05-01 Got all my errands done as well as some editing.Time for some lunch.

2024-05-01 Happy Bread Pudding Recipe Exchange Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-05-01 Act with determination to do the most good. #life

2024-05-01 Time to switch it up. Noodlers Konrad Flex Music Nib with Jacques Herbin 1607 Emerald of Chivor. …

2024-05-01 “A crisis is when you are forced to choose.” #life

2024-05-01 Yum. Fresh raspberries. I don’t get them often because they don’t last. I should get them more …

2024-05-01 “Even if you’re wrong, some people will still think you’re right.” #writing

2024-05-01 Hello. Midweek. Midproblems and solutions. It’s also May. Stay loose. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-04-30 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — FORTH work — editing — errands

2024-04-30 “In the olden days, days were a lot younger.” #writing

2024-04-30 “She loved her rabbits. She had a multitude of them. Hers was a hare-raising business.” #writing …

2024-04-30 “He had a shifty air about him. He continually passed wind.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-30 Food idea: Curry soup is a thing. What if you were to replace the curry with a different spice? Say …

2024-04-30 The Gathering: Speck survived the night indoors. He didn’t use the litterbox. The Cone of …

2024-04-30 “Inspector, you are wrong. The gun was not the murder weapon.” “Holmes?” “Note the stuffed trophy …

2024-04-30 I wonder how many people go out for a meal only to receive or give bad/awful news. #life #food

2024-04-30 “Dragons are never worth eating. They are all scale and sinew.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-30 “‘And don’t ever call me ma’am.’” She hurled the pistol at the body’s head, its eyes still open and …

2024-04-30 Tomorrow I get back to iOS and FORTH. I took a week off to focus on stuff.

2024-04-30 “She feared sleep knowing she’d have to wake.” #writing

2024-04-30 “When you have nothing to lose, there is always the martyr option.” — an unknown politician

2024-04-30 “Ideas are best when they are fully-baked.”

2024-04-30 I would love to create an anthology called: “Main Squeezes: High Pulp”. #writing #publishing …

2024-04-30 “Sometimes, you look at a young person and you just know what they’re going to look like when they …

2024-04-30 What actors do you wish had stuck around longer to create more works? Here’s my list: — Leslie …

2024-04-30 Do you have a passion project? Not a side-project. Everyone has one, or more, of those. I’m not sure …

2024-04-30 “I didn’t know what I was doing when I was doing it, but I got it done.” #writing

2024-04-30 I miss computers with switches and blinky lights. Back in the day, i booted systems from switches …

2024-04-30 …as should writing. #writing

2024-04-30 When you write longhand, you write slower than typing. Because it takes longer, you spend more time …

2024-04-30 The smaller the space, the bigger the ideas appear. #life

2024-04-30 Good morning, all. It’s Tuesday. You’ve got this! Now give it back. Time for the …

2024-04-29 Picked up Speck. He’s wrapped in The Cone of Discomfort. #feral #cat

2024-04-29 “Darkness lurks below the surface. Be sure to bring a flashlight.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-29 The Shadow of a Cat Speck. #feral #cat

2024-04-29 The Gathering it’s been an eventful morning already. Last night, Speck showed up with an injured …

2024-04-28 I declare tomorrow to be Second Saturday. Feel free to enjoy the weekend.

2024-04-28 Just because a person or software provides an answer doesn’t mean it’s correct. Don’t accept an …

2024-04-28 Dinner: pita chips and hummus.

2024-04-28 Too bad tomorrow is Monday. You know what that means, right?


2024-04-28 Today wasn’t a productive day, but I did get to eat lunch outside. That was a win.

2024-04-28 The first Unix port was in Boston harbor.

2024-04-28 Deep voice: “He was a master chef accused of murder when he killed a cop gone bad. Now, he roams …

2024-04-28 “You have one hour to get me a fully charged Seqway or I start killing the hostages.” #writing

2024-04-28 Who is your new best friend?

2024-04-28 Gorgeous day. I had lunch by the water. Got some questions about my books. Time to relax.

2024-04-28 When in doubt, eat a bucket of ice cream.

2024-04-28 Oatmeal chocolate chip raisin cookies out of the oven. Made with my chocolate oatmeal raisin stout. …

2024-04-28 The sun came out and it’s warming up. Maybe today is a good day to eat outside.

2024-04-28 Time to wake up.… #music

2024-04-28 The Gathering: Spot’s turn to sit and stare in. #feral #cat

2024-04-28 Good morning, everyone. I hope everyone survived another night. It’s another day full of promise, …

2024-04-27 I need to get some stuff to bake cookies tomorrow.

2024-04-27 Do people still play trivia games? It seems they are meaningless in the age of search engines.

2024-04-27 When was the last time you actually played, with no competition? #life #success

2024-04-27 Let your mind go. It wants to play. Just be a good parent and make sure it plays nice. #life …

2024-04-27 “I am the universe. I am Chaos.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-27 “The Dragon Lord was old. He’d lost many scales and an eye in the wars. Still, he was cunning.” …

2024-04-27 “She came into my life like a summer breeze full of mosquitoes.” #writing

2024-04-27 So would you rather drink a shot of tequila or a glass of red wine? #character #writing

2024-04-27 “You have the opportunity to live. Isn’t that enough?” #writing

2024-04-27 I just discovered that writing with the back of the Conklin Word Guage nib is as smooth as writing …

2024-04-27 Be flexible. Do what needs to be done. #life #success

2024-04-27 I feel I should be accomplishing more today. But that’s every day.

2024-04-27 I hope everyone is having a relaxing Saturday.

2024-04-27 Take a moment today and taste the silence.

2024-04-27 Photo up #photography

2024-04-27 Good morning. Unwrap the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-26 Humans are weird. They use moisturizer after showering in moisture. #life

2024-04-26 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of my coffee espresso mead.

2024-04-26 Never start something that isn’t worth finishing. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-26 So far, this week has been a six day average.

2024-04-26 If you can’t make your point, maybe you don’t have one to make. #life

2024-04-26 Make a Difference, a good one. #life

2024-04-26 Yes, it’s National Hairball Awareness Day.

2024-04-26 Good morning. Welcome to Friday. Life starts now. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-25 Just because a story has two sides doesn’t mean the two sides are equal or equally valid.

2024-04-25 Just because you can throw a window up in 3D doesn’t make the window 3D. #visionpro #apple …

2024-04-25 “I’m going to kill you!’ “You-genetics is evil.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-25 “Mac and iOS developers are intelligent, but not experienced. Their pattern indicates 2 dimensional …

2024-04-25 “Never believe anyone with a gun. Even if he’s your dad.”

2024-04-25 We will see a closer marriage of Mac/iOS UIs this year at WWDC, with a smattering of VisionPro …

2024-04-25 VIsionPro seems targeted at developers and app users. It’s cool and all, but it is overpriced and …

2024-04-25 What one thing you have forgotten that you wish you still remembered?

2024-04-25 “If you don’t enjoy life, maybe you’ll enjoy death.” #writing

2024-04-25 “The vampire still lived! He stared at horror at his missed stake.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-25 It seems NASCAR is dying off. Dover only has one event this year instead of two. I wonder what …

2024-04-25 What side quests are you involved in today?

2024-04-25 I rewrote the stack functions to use my SM rather than a simple array. I had to write SM memory word …

2024-04-25 Overheard: “I’m going to Seattle.” My mind translates this as: “I’m going to see ATL.” My LLM is …

2024-04-25 “He fell to the ground—dead. He was snot in the mouth.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-25 “A shot of whiskey in one hand, a gun in the other. She smiled seductively. She was deadly, and …

2024-04-25 I, literally, have no imagination. But I’m really good at making stuff up, because I can extrapolate …

2024-04-25 The word trope means to change the meaning of a word. The word itself is a trope when applied to …

2024-04-25 If you believe the future will take care of itself, why aren’t you taking care of the now?

2024-04-25 The most used tool at work is the brain. It is under-acknowledged and underappreciated. And often, …

2024-04-25 Happy World Penguin Day

2024-04-25 Hello. Have a moment today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-24 Mystic Centipedes of Magradora

2024-04-24 Hm. Apple just released some open-source on-device LLM AI models. #apple #llm

2024-04-24 What sort of pestilence resides in your closet?

2024-04-24 Plan for tomorrow: — editing — work on FORTH — read — errands

2024-04-24 OK. It’s time to relax.

2024-04-24 The Gathering: Speck, one of the feral kittens seems to have adopted me. I guess another trip to the …

2024-04-24 “How big is your cult?” “I don’t have a cult.” “You have followers, don’t you?” #writing #life …

2024-04-24 “Being an outlier, whether it is an individual or an industry, has costs unincurred by the …

2024-04-24 Last great party band: J. Geils. Flame on! #music

2024-04-24 Ok. This is a weird idea. I have a plethora of them. Four is ground grain. Grain is a plant. Garlic …

2024-04-24 It looks like Jeff Lynne and ELO are on their final tour this year. I’ll miss new music, but I can …

2024-04-24 The more you have in your memory, the more you have to choose from. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-24 I’m not sure why, but Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew popped into my brain. That and something about a …

2024-04-24 Thank you. Yes you. And only you. For following me. And not stalking.

2024-04-24 There is a parallel universe where all of the dead food chains and restaurants still exist.

2024-04-24 In case you haven’t been paying attention. May is next week. Next thing you know, it will be winter.

2024-04-24 What characteristic have you seen in a person that has astonished you—something unusual? #writing …

2024-04-24 “When your hair is bigger than your head, you’re compensating for something.” #writing …

2024-04-24 Being human is strange and isolating. It’s almost like being an animal, but you refuse to relate to …

2024-04-24 Server: “Do you want a beer?” Man : “No. I need to drive.” Server : “What do you do?” Man: “I drive …

2024-04-24 “No, son. Cannubial doesn’t have anything to do with cannibals.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-24 I think I’ll spend this afternoon working on FORTH and playing with PICO-8 a bit. I’d really like to …

2024-04-24 The implicit assumption is that AI, such as it is, is better than humans. Humans have given up. #ai …

2024-04-24 “It’s not fun if you don’t know you’re having it.” #life #writing

2024-04-24 “Everyone thinks they can do better. That’s why things are so much worse.” #writing

2024-04-24 “What if life had a bonus round and this is it?”

2024-04-24 My bucket list: — go to the store and buy a new bucket. #life

2024-04-24 OK. I deserve to eat something today. I got a lot of editing done this morning.

2024-04-24 Happy National Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day Make sure your pigs are warm.

2024-04-24 Here’s a question: Why do you have a blog? – it’s fun – it’s what I do …

2024-04-24 Good morning. Be grateful you have social media. Your ancestors had to bang rocks together. Time for …

2024-04-23 Back in my day, a suit and tie were required at work, every day. I refused to ever wear a tie. I …

2024-04-23 It’s a highly pleasant weather day. Go outside and bask. I went out and sat on the grass.

2024-04-23 Spam Emails #publishing #failure

2024-04-23 I love the smell of agent-publisher spam in the morning. Especially when the email is full of hype, …

2024-04-23 Do you know what we haven’t had in ages? New iOS chrome. #apple #wwdc #ios

2024-04-23 Hm. Apple Event May 7 #apple

2024-04-23 Photo up. #photography


2024-04-23 Happy German Beer Day Go out and celebrate.

2024-04-23 Good morning. It’s a headache kind of morning. Going to keep it low-key. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-04-22 Got stuff done today. It would be nice if I got stuff done tomorrow.

2024-04-22 You have to have a sense of humor. I’m still trying to find a pusher in a back alley with a banana …

2024-04-22 “Life is a carnival. Just look at all the clowns.” #writing

2024-04-22 It’s interesting that many regularly take drugs that come in the mail and also accept scam/spam.

2024-04-22 Do you follow the Greaves’ Rule?

2024-04-22 “Peace is a relative thing. Just because we aren’t in a war, doesn’t mean we aren’t fighting one. A …

2024-04-22 “The truth of humanity is it has sympathy for monsters. That’s why they have so many.” #writing

2024-04-22 “Thank you. For being you. I accept you. As you are. I hope you accept me. As I am.” #life

2024-04-22 How to confuse a restaurant server: “I want to get the soup and salad. I’ll take a Caesar salad. And …

2024-04-22 I mind-dump. What do you do? #life

2024-04-22 “He was a brilliant physicist. He knew as much as any other physicist.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-22 “Buy more, save more.” Is not a good marketing approach. It’s blatantly obvious, you want money. …

2024-04-22 “Everything in Vegas stays in Vegas. It’s like Hotel California. Once you enter, you never leave. We …

2024-04-22 I wonder if anyone has broken their neck running at break-neck speed? And what is the mph/kph of …

2024-04-22 Hm. I just discovered that Moleskine has a note app called Minimal that lets you publish to a …

2024-04-22 The Gathering: The ferals are all fine and still show up every day to sit on the deck and stare into …

2024-04-22 Just because you’re playing at being grown-up and an adult, doesn’t mean you’ve accepted the lessons …

2024-04-22 Everyone thinks they are right. The wise ones truthfully acknowledge when they are wrong. #life

2024-04-22 If you don’t understand, you haven’t learned. #life #failure

2024-04-22 Who do you take for granted? What should you do about that? #life

2024-04-22 Just because your character has a point of view, doesn’t mean you tell your story that way. #writing

2024-04-22 “He fell into a dark senility.” #writing

2024-04-22 What’s everyone having for lunch? I’m thinking I’ll get soup and salad—something healthy.

2024-04-22 At least the sun is out and the Evil has decided it would be a good day to go to the beach.

2024-04-22 Hm. Picotron doesn’t run on a RaspberryPi 64 bit? Just on “Linux”? I can’t get it to launch and it …

2024-04-22 Been editing for hours. Time for a break.

2024-04-22 Do something nice for the Earth today.

2024-04-22 Greetings. Be kind to a stranger today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-21 Time to call it a day… #music

2024-04-21 Oh no! Tomorrow is Monday! Beware!

2024-04-21 Life is a walk in the park if you choose to walk in the park. #life #success

2024-04-21 Hm. The Z80 chips is being discontinued. Better get them while they exist. #cpu #game #computer

2024-04-21 Getting Serious About Series… #writing #series

2024-04-21 Worked on FORTH some more. I’m slowly getting things working again using the new SM. #programming …

2024-04-21 Happy Big Word Day.

2024-04-21 In case you were wondering, the tallest mountain in Delaware is 447ft. #geography

2024-04-21 Bwaha! I’m evil. I just got the idea to bake chocolate oatmeal raisin cookies using my chocolate …

2024-04-21 “Life has something for everyone. Sometimes, it’s even something good.”

2024-04-21 Hello. Start somewhere. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-20 Happy LIma Bean Respect Day Respect the bean.

2024-04-20 Meeple Zombies


2024-04-20 If you’re not going to do at least one fun thing this weekend, you must do two. #life #success

2024-04-20 It’s a drizzly, dank, dark, and moist morning. The priority is to bottle the beer.

2024-04-20 Surprise! We’re still all here. Well mostly. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-19 Adding; — bottle chocolate oatmeal raisin stout To tomorrow’s list. #beer

2024-04-19 I miss when Apple took design chances. Anyone remember the G3 iBook? #apple

2024-04-19 Plan for tomorrow: — work on FORTH — edit — play some games — relax

2024-04-19 Celebrate the advent of the weekend.

2024-04-19 Erranding time.

2024-04-19 What is the worst Taylor Swift album/song. Flame on! #taylorswift #music

2024-04-19 You can never unsee something. However, we often talk about the unseen. #grammar #grammargirl

2024-04-19 What is the opposite of “safely assuming”. #grammar

2024-04-19 The reason people don’t enjoy what they have is that they expect something different. If you don’t …

2024-04-19 Observed: there is a mushroom staring at me.

2024-04-19 If you don’t enjoy your life, make a life you can enjoy. #life

2024-04-19 The weather is going to be iffy here this weekend. Not whether there will, or will not be weather, …

2024-04-19 “Son, whenever you argue with yourself, you always end up the loser.” #writing

2024-04-19 LOS: Loss of Sleep

2024-04-19 Life is a vicious cycle with a broken wheel. #life

2024-04-19 Here’s a philosophical/marketing question. If bananas are sold the most in the US, is that because …

2024-04-19 It’s Friday. If you’ve had a rough week, you deserve to slack off. If you’ve had an easy week, …

2024-04-19 Buckaroo Banzai The Destroyer We need more books/series like these. Not because they are good, but …

2024-04-19 When was the last time you went to a science museum? Remember how fun it was when you were a kid?

2024-04-19 Touch base with someone you haven’t seen in over a year. Remind them you’re still a pain. #life …

2024-04-19 #writing

2024-04-19 I’m surprised there are no real open-source voice assistants Mycroft seems to have abandoned ship. …

2024-04-19 It seems like the game emulator floodgates have opened on the Apple App Store. #gamedev #mac #apple

2024-04-19 Time for a quick break prior to lunch. What’s everyone up to this Friday?

2024-04-19 “Simona continued. ‘Evil is what everyone fears. It’s power with purpose. It’s control over …

2024-04-19 Time to switch it up. Pentel Tradio (M) w/ Colorverse Felicette G #fountainpen

2024-04-19 Happy John Parker Day No, not the John Parker from Buckaroo Banzai.

2024-04-19 Hello. Find a reason to laugh today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-18 What’s the difference between a “breakfast” and a granola bar?

2024-04-18 Have you noticed you can’t buy a one single Mason jar in the US?

2024-04-18 If the first thing you do when going into a store is you grab a cart, you are saying I will buy a …

2024-04-18 There is choice in every failure. #life

2024-04-18 “A touch screen without a keyboard represents an inability to form or understand words.” #gamedev

2024-04-18 “Smoking or non-smoking?” “Airplane.” #humor

2024-04-18 Enjoy the rest of your day, whatever it may bring. Heh heh heh ;)

2024-04-18 Humans believe that “love” will overcome most, if not all, obstacles. That’s fine, if you’re …

2024-04-18 The fallacy of the Borg, in Star Trek, is they assume humans are worth assimilating. That’s a very …

2024-04-18 Many have an IQ of I Quit. #life #iq

2024-04-18 “I am different from AI. I am different from AU.” #writing #understanding #ai

2024-04-18 “Agreement is irrelevant. Disagreement is irrelevant. Acceptance is required.” #writing

2024-04-18 “He stood speechless. He was entranced by the mansion’s front door.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-18 Let’s see. Airlines are now not going to allow you to recline your seat. So instead of giving you …

2024-04-18 “I wish I had paid more attention in college. But then, I wouldn’t be where I am. Trust your gut, or …

2024-04-18 Belief is blind. It sees no other way. Belief is your stern god-parent who punishes you for trying …

2024-04-18 Never ask for what you want. Always ask for what you need. #life #success

2024-04-18 If you could teach one subject which subject would you want to teach, assuming you knew what you …

2024-04-18 Find some humor in your life and exploit it. #life #humor

2024-04-18 It was a day that couldn’t decide whether to rain or pummel the world in sunshine, so it settled on …

2024-04-18 Bummer. I won’t be around for HP Connect in Reston. Would love to go. #hp #ns #tandem

2024-04-18 I think I want to get back into BeOS/Haiku. Why? Why not? Maybe I’m feeling nostalgic. …

2024-04-18 Beauty isn’t in the eye of the beholder. It is everywhere. #life

2024-04-18 You’re growing older regarless of what surgery, injections, and make up you espouse. #life

2024-04-18 Trust that Murphy will show up and prepare for his coming. What life lessons have you learned during …

2024-04-18 I’m still trying to figure out where to go on vacation.

2024-04-18 Isn’t a baby shower just a baptism? #humor

2024-04-18 What do you call a guy who draws? A dudele.

2024-04-18 Do you ever feel you’re not accomplishing enough? Always.

2024-04-18 You can take a nap, if you want I’m going to eat and run errands.

2024-04-18 Happy National Velociraptor Awareness Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-04-18 Hi. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and/or tea and be optimistic of having a good day. Time for the …

2024-04-17 Good morning, all. Be playful. Stay playful. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-16 Be a helpful soul. #life #success

2024-04-16 I’m enjoying life. What are you up to?

2024-04-16 Typical display of a nuclear reactor sans wireframe schematics in a thriller movie. #writing …

2024-04-16 Assuming you wanted a trip around the world, if you were offered a free trip around the world, would …

2024-04-16 I’m enjoying the sunny and warm day. It’s only 73ºF. Yesterday was 83. If I were to extrapolate, one …

2024-04-16 I”f you heckle a comedian, expect to feel insulted.” —ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-16 Quantum mechanics is the conjoined twin of physics. #physics

2024-04-16 7 is greater than 3 in some universes. #math

2024-04-16 “Slow your metabolism. Hold your breath for 8 minutes.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-16 What was the last idea that you followed through to completion? Don’t respond with anything trivial, …

2024-04-16 “Rosicrucianism” just popped into my mind along with “fantasy novel”. Not sure why, but I can accept …

2024-04-16 Benefits of AI: — good at looking stuff up and make you lazy. — good at interacting and make you …

2024-04-16 Be like a tree. Branch out.

2024-04-16 “If you break the law and you get away with it, it doesn’t mean you’re not a criminal.”

2024-04-16 “Yours is a second-hand life, passed down from generation to generation. You have to wear what …

2024-04-16 I saw two goslings jostling each other. I guess they were goosebumps.

2024-04-16 Sometimes the only motivation you need is yourself. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-16 “He was a textbook genius. He had read up on it.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-16 “He launched himself, unsure where he would land, but knowing he would be somewhere he had never …

2024-04-16 “Your comfort zone is where you huddle in fear of failure, cursing that the world isn’t what you …

2024-04-16 Observed: a party of about 20 older women in red hats. Conspiracy theories? #writing

2024-04-16 It’s spring allergy season, I guess.

2024-04-16 Editing moving along. It’s lunch time.

2024-04-16 Last night, I got my memory dump working with the new memory structure. Now, I can focus on …

2024-04-16 Good morning. Remember that you are the only one who can say what you can be. Time for the …

2024-04-15 Today went way too fast and it’s still not even Tuesday.

2024-04-15 “His hand shook uncontrollably as he drew the outline of the summoning circle with a stub of chalk. …

2024-04-15 Aiming high takes as much effort as staying where you are, so you may as well aim high. #life …

2024-04-15 One of The Gathering enjoying the weather. Oreo is having a good day. #feral #cat

2024-04-15 “If you don’t think life is absurd, you take it too seriously.” #writing

2024-04-15 In Delaware, most of the restaurants have TVs tuned to something that advertises itself as pmslive …

2024-04-15 I keep getting spam calls from “publishers” wanting to republish my books. Most read a script …

2024-04-15 Just because you don’t know their name, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t appreciate them. #life …

2024-04-15 Remember the old EA games that looked like they were packaged as vinyl records? Bill Budge’s Pinball …

2024-04-15 “He was ripped. So was his shirt. It had cost him a hundred bucks.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-15 I need to run some errands. I need to do some house chores. I need to do more editing. I need to …

2024-04-15 Thank you. Thank you for following me. Thank you for reading my posts. Thank you for interacting …

2024-04-15 I need to do something fun. I still don’t know what that entails or what “fun” is. I hear people …

2024-04-15 Back in the 1970s (yes, I’m old), I postulated that natural lasers could be generated by biological …

2024-04-15 What defines the glass? Without the water, the glass is just a plate. #tao #topology #math

2024-04-15 If you follow the trend be it music, art, books, movies, you may make some money by pandering. It is …

2024-04-15 Step outside yourself. Stop blaming others because you feel safe at home. — ancient proverb I just …

2024-04-15 Murphy hasn’t dropped by to make a business call for a while. I’m waiting expectantly…

2024-04-15 I’m watching a flat 2-man boat, with not surprisingly two men, fish on a lake with posted warnings …

2024-04-15 “After months, he gave up trying to teach the ants to grow wheat. He came to realize that being a …

2024-04-15 “Godhood did not become him. He was always angry and surley. What good was all that power if he …

2024-04-15 “He had a rea kidney disease. He had a rare kidney.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-15 I wonder if I should rewrite the first scene in this book. I get a “feeling” that it might not pull …

2024-04-15 Whatever happened to Stevie Wonder? We need some good music. #music

2024-04-15 Yes, kids, it’s that kind of day.

2024-04-15 “The water was as stiill and as smooth as glass. In fact, the town governors had had a sheet of …

2024-04-15 It’s going up into the 80s here. Some people are older.

2024-04-15 “He was a shell of a man. Someone had bashed his head in with a club.” #writing #throwawayline #unix …

2024-04-15 Drink more water than you think you need.

2024-04-15 MMOs have “grind” quests where someone continually asks you for 40 spider legs, or some such useless …

2024-04-15 I edited more of my next book. I hope to get it out before August. I also spent time playing a bit …

2024-04-15 The morning went by too fast. It’s not like a normal Monday.

2024-04-15 Wizard is hungry.

2024-04-15 Scene 3… #game #writing #colostle

2024-04-14 Tactical Druids… ‘nuff said.

2024-04-14 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — errands — free-write — play a game?

2024-04-14 The Gathering: One of the cats brought a baby water snake for me. The snake was still alive, so I …

2024-04-14 FORTH… #forth #programming #python

2024-04-14 Who remembers QuickDraw? Looking through Toolbox calls brings back memories. Life was simpler back …

2024-04-14 Found my old Mac FORTHs. I can get some ideas. Too bad I don’t have a Mac that can run them. #mac …

2024-04-14 Happy National Dolphin Day

2024-04-14 Photo up. #photography

2024-04-14 Hello. Spend time with your kids today, and your pets. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-13 Anyone remember Starlog? How about Omni?

2024-04-13 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — play games — read — make chili — be present — that is all

2024-04-13 Time to switch gears and relax.

2024-04-13 I’m reworking my simulated memory to be byte oriented. Right now memory is just a huge list. This is …

2024-04-13 Don’t take life seriously. It takes you too seriously. #life

2024-04-13 What dessert kills the most people, not due to chemical, cholesterol, etc content. #food

2024-04-13 Today is to 1980 what 1980 is to 1936. The past is sooner than you think. #time

2024-04-13 “He staggered slumping against the bar. ‘Whiskey. Neat. Large glass. Leave the bottle.’ ‘Stranger, …

2024-04-13 What if, in US football, all you had to do was touch the ball for it to be a possession? Holding on …

2024-04-13 “Most people’s lives are a set of endless cycles. These people worry about being in a rut. But the …

2024-04-13 I’ve read “Starting FORTH” by Leo Brodie multiple times. He dropped implementation throughout the …

2024-04-13 “Reality isn’t about what you think or believe is real. Reality is.” #reality

2024-04-13 “In an alternate universe, you were never born. Parallel universes don’t care. Everyone talks about …

2024-04-13 “Your nightmares say a lot about you. They are all recorded.” #writing

2024-04-13 “Be grateful for all of the oranges that have sacrificed their lives in the name of juice.” #writing

2024-04-13 “His humor was darkness itself. No one saw it” #writing

2024-04-13 What would you like for your last meal? We all get one, after all. #life

2024-04-13 Sometimes, you have to discover your own limits, before you can set them. Those that don’t usually …

2024-04-13 How to Develop a Character in Three Steps 1 - Character through action. 2 - Character through dialog …

2024-04-13 Celebrate the birthdays you will never have. #life

2024-04-13 Sometimes you have to simplify to understand how things work. That doesn’t mean that’s how they …

2024-04-13 Just because you’re famous, doesn’t mean you’re good. #life

2024-04-13 “I have a lot to learn. I should start learning it.” #writing

2024-04-13 I keep forgetting the curses library exists. #programming

2024-04-13 “Life is simple as long as you aren’t simpler than life.” #writing

2024-04-13 I guess I should spend some time learning Phoenix. #docstring #python

2024-04-13 “Gods are like cupcakes. You love them, but they are never around when you really need them.” …

2024-04-13 “You look happy. Have you solved the murder?” “Not yet, but now that I have a new calculator, things …

2024-04-13 Time for some lunch and free-writing. I spent the morning cleaning up and refactoring the FORTH …

2024-04-13 Today feels like a nachos-for-lunch kind of day.

2024-04-13 What do you call geese on the water? A wedge. What do you call baby geese? Ryans. If you get it, you …

2024-04-13 Be more patient. #life #success

2024-04-13 I should get stuff in order to make chili this weekend. #food


2024-04-13 Never treat your inbox as storage, either temporary or permanent. #life #success #mail

2024-04-13 There are only two types of actions: the things you want to do and the things you have done. #life

2024-04-13 Good morning. I hope everyone has a restful weekend. Get out and do something fun. Time for the …

2024-04-12 It’s Friday. It’s time for a small glass of mead. #mead

2024-04-12 What game are you going to play this weekend? #game

2024-04-12 Hey! Tomorrow is Saturday. Lighten up! Your work load will still be there on Monday.

2024-04-12 Memories. “Here to the ones that we got.” — Maroon 5 #programming #forth

2024-04-12 Happy Drop Everything And Read Day (D.E.A.R.). Here’s a suggestion of something you might read: …


2024-04-12 I’ve been working on loops in my FORTH implementation. Getting there, but probably not the best …

2024-04-12 Aren’t mashed potatoes just potato pudding? #food

2024-04-12 “Life is just a matter of unusable slowness.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-12 Time to switch it up. Noodler’s Neoponset Emerald on the Sun flex/musical nib with Iroshizuku …

2024-04-12 Good morning. Make someone smile today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — more editing / writing — more work on FORTH — eating something — …

2024-04-11 People more interesting and important than OJ Simpson have died today.

2024-04-11 Oops. I think it’s time to fill the next pen with ink.

2024-04-11 Wasn’t the world supposed to end during the eclipse? Wasn’t there some wacko predicting the path of …

2024-04-11 I’m still working through editing the next book. This one definitely needs fewer rewrites. The story …

2024-04-11 Well, it looks like it’s going to rain again. April seems to be living up to its saying.

2024-04-11 Back in my day programmers were trusted to touch computer memory in their programs. Not that they …

2024-04-11 Happy National Poutine Day

2024-04-11 The Gathering: This morning, we had a new visitor. Another Bombay. It didn’t come up to the deck, …

2024-04-11 I’m trying to decide if going to Balticon is worth it. I feel most SF conventions aren’t, nowadays. …

2024-04-11 Remember. A man holding a gun never has a sense of humor.

2024-04-11 Hi. It’s Thursday. Keep it simple today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-10 Never confuse value with worth. #life

2024-04-10 I miss real bleu cheese dressing made with real chunks of real bleu cheese.

2024-04-10 A ten year old company should have the same status as a ten year old human. #life #business #failure

2024-04-10 Just because you wear a cowboy hat or boots it doesn’t make you a singer or even a cowboy, or even …

2024-04-10 “He hated green, so he wore black. He was a leperchaun.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-10 He was frustrated. He needed to go shopping. He went to Target practice.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-10 What genre of music do you now enjoy that you never thought you would? There are some forms of metal …

2024-04-10 Hold a glass filled with water to the brim—the meniscus should be higher. How close can you get the …

2024-04-10 At what point does the past become history, relative to one’s age? #life #history

2024-04-10 “Badk in my day people collected coins. Now? They collect corporations.” #writing

2024-04-10 I need to run a couple of errands later. Where are the knight-errands when you need them?

2024-04-10 “What life and death situation have you been faced with that has resulted in your own death?” …

2024-04-10 Laziness is an industry now. People make money trying to make you lazier. #life #failure

2024-04-10 I’m still trying to come up with a good day trip to take. I don’t like driving at night.

2024-04-10 Have you noticed that not only is time moving faster, but as a result, 5 years ago seems further in …

2024-04-10 My mind is full of absurdity, because all of life is. For example, humans believe owning or holding …

2024-04-10 “Make sure you pack light. Otherwise, the darkness comes.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-10 We all need some Leslie Nielsen today.

2024-04-10 It’s one of those days. And it’s not any closer to Friday than last Wednesday was to last Friday.

2024-04-10 The AI bots handling X’s TOS policy are apparently, going rogue. They don’t seem to like the words …

2024-04-10 I need to create a memory map for my simulated FORTH memory model. I need to make sure I don’t step …

2024-04-10 “He’s so dumb, all of his knowledge would fit on a QR code.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-10 I hope everyone is fighting against the outcome of the Boltzmann equation today.

2024-04-10 It’s time for lunch and to relax a bit. At least the weather is still nice out. What’s everyone up …

2024-04-10 Marble fell from the 2nd floor loft. :She landed on her feet. She’s ok, but I’m sure she’s going to …

2024-04-10 Stupid question time. Is there an UIMenuController equivalent for a TextEditor in SwiftUI? How would …

2024-04-10 Hello. What is your typical breakfast? Mine is just coffee. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-09 Rejoice! We are one day closer to Friday.

2024-04-09 Got some byte-oriented words working. #forth #programming

2024-04-09 Drink some tea.

2024-04-09 Some days, I wish it were Friday. Like today.

2024-04-09 “We all start somewhere.” #writing

2024-04-09 Guard against falling in love with yourself. #life #success

2024-04-09 Hello. Celebrate the day. You don’t need a reason. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-08 Plan for tomorrow: — more errands — coding — editing — writing — food things

2024-04-08 Just because there’s a good option, doesn’t mean people will want to take it.

2024-04-08 Think of all the eclipse glasses that are going to hit the landfills in the next two weeks. #failure

2024-04-08 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “A sidekick.”

2024-04-08 Overheard: “The eclipse was an indescribable moment.” She then goes on to describe it. Makes you …

2024-04-08 The Ear of the Cat. Apologies to Al Stewart

2024-04-08 “When you throw a stone into a bucket of ferrets, the ripples move outward. Or to put it another …


2024-04-08 The coolest part of an eclipse isn’t the eclipse. It’s the color of the light. It’s not like dusk or …

2024-04-08 My eclipse shots #rclipse #photography #iphone

2024-04-08 The blueberry bush is in bloom.

2024-04-08 Eclipse. #iphone #photography

2024-04-08 Here you go. Eclipse from Dover DE between the clouds. iPhone 15 Pro. #eclipse #iphone #photography

2024-04-08 Darth Vader voice: “If you are Vikings, where are the Viqueens?”

2024-04-08 Mind-dump complete. 17.6 gigaquads freed.

2024-04-08 Absurdity of Fear #life

2024-04-08 Misheard: “A pretzel wrapped in shrimp.” #food

2024-04-08 “Not everything has an opposite. Sometimes, we have to make one up. It makes us feel better about …

2024-04-08 “I’m enjoying today, because I know I have tomorrow to look forward to.” #writing

2024-04-08 Will you go out and partake of the solar experience? Will you, afterwards, go out and imbibe? Will …

2024-04-08 John Saxon makes the best villains.

2024-04-08 Colander: co-lander. An alien inventioin? #words

2024-04-08 Writing is all about story. It’s not about structure as most authors understand it. Yes, there is …

2024-04-08 How do you classify yourself: — dork — nerd — jock — dweeb — accountant — salesperson — psychopath …

2024-04-08 “He was the Sidney Greenstreet of South Street. He had all the push, but none of the pull.” #writing …

2024-04-08 The problem with current-AI is that it won’t result in a new UI, or a new app. The only thing that …

2024-04-08 Not everyone gets my sense of humor. Mine was given to me by an elder god. #humor

2024-04-08 Three solar shadows on the moon in a row are known as an eclipses… #words #grammar

2024-04-08 I find it amusing that humans consider an eclipse an “event”. At least, here in the US, the hype and …

2024-04-08 What celebrity would you like to get into a true full-on bar brawl with, even if you were going to …

2024-04-08 If your local restaurant doesn’t have an Eclipse Special today, they are missing out. Mine is …

2024-04-08 Do you make your own, buy a bag, or a can? Popcorn, that is. Back in my day, Jiffy-Pop™ was as big …

2024-04-08 Hm. Google has a new Find My Device thingy. I wonder where it got that idea. Also, I’m pretty sure …

2024-04-08 Hm. The chocolate oatmeal raisin cookie stout should be ready to bottle soon. I hope it comes out …

2024-04-08 “Your vacation was declined due to lack of interest.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-08 “Death is the ultimate mobster. It makes everyone an offer they can’t refuse.” #writing

2024-04-08 “He was so laid back, he was six feet under.” #writing

2024-04-08 COVID booster scheduled for later today. One last thing to worry about… for now.

2024-04-08 Back in my day whistling touch tones into a phone would allow you to dial a number and was …

2024-04-08 When was the last time you actually said, “I’m going to retire for the night,” when going to bed? …

2024-04-08 Hm. I need to track recursive depth in my FORTH. I wrote a recursive Fibonacci word and blew …

2024-04-08 Don’t be like Donny. Don’t stare at the sun. You’re smarter than that.

2024-04-08 The moon is a shadow of itself today. #eclipse

2024-04-08 I need a break. I need a food break. It’s one of those days.

2024-04-08 Happy Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

2024-04-08 If you’ve seen one eclipse, you’ve seen them all. #eclipse

2024-04-08 The Gathering: everyone is spending more time on the deck now that the weather is warming up. They …

2024-04-08 Make a personal connection today, to someone else or to nature.

2024-04-08 Greetings. No, the world isn’t ending today. It’s just the Groundhog’s shadow. …

2024-04-07 Maybe I should make waffles tomorrow… or cupcakes.

2024-04-07 Plan for tomorrow: — editing — writing — errands — eating — more work on implementing FORTH

2024-04-07 Be greedy. Eat all the ice cream.

2024-04-07 Time to switch it up. Restored Epenco (M) with Iroshizuku Fuyu-gaki #fountainpen

2024-04-07 Tomorrow’s eclipse is going to eclipse a lot of people’s normal lives tomorrow when they go out and …

2024-04-07 I was pretty good at FORTH, back-in-the-day. Now, that I’m implementing my own, I have much better …

2024-04-07 More memory work and block words implemented. #programming #forth #python

2024-04-07 It’s interesting that recipes use oven temperatures in increments of 25. What if I want to bake …

2024-04-07 Greetings. Enjoy the day at home, doing nothing. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-06 What kind of human are you?

2024-04-06 Tomorrow, tell a friend, “Thank you.” #life #success

2024-04-06 Ok. I can load and list blocks now. That’s a start. #forth #programming

2024-04-06 Remember when rollerblades and rollerblade movies were a thing?

2024-04-06 Playing the WWDC lottery is like playing the US Powerball Lottery, but not as lucrative. I wish …

2024-04-06 Hm… #programming #mac #ios #raspberrypi

2024-04-06 I think I’ll work on storage blocks and the editor in my FORTH, or maybe converting memory to be …

2024-04-06 Are you doing anything creative today? Share your creations.

2024-04-06 Getting a lot done today. It’s time for a lunch break. What’s everyone up to today?

2024-04-06 Curried pickled eggs pickling. Time to switch gears. #food

2024-04-06 Good morning. Have a safe and fun Saturday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-05 I think I’ll try making pickled eggs tomorrow.

2024-04-05 Apparently, people think that having a question is an emergency in Philadelphia. Lots calling 911 to …

2024-04-05 “She ground the cheese as if she were an organ grinder playing for her monkey.” #writing

2024-04-05 Do you archive anything apart from files?

2024-04-05 When humans talk about perfection, what they actually mean is what they are willing to accept. #life …

2024-04-05 WWDC Hopes and Dreams Shattered?

2024-04-05 Philadelphia is apparently going professional wrestling crazy this weekend. I’m glad I don’t have to …

2024-04-05 Patience isn’t a virtue. It’s a skill. #life

2024-04-05 Be thankful, for I am weirder than you.

2024-04-05 “The Solar Eclipse of the Heart”. #song #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-05 The obvious is often hidden by the obtuse.

2024-04-05 If you have an easy chair, do you have a hard chair?

2024-04-05 What are your plans for this weekend? Personally, I”m going to have another boring and non-eventful …

2024-04-05 Social media: Media, yes. Social? Meh.

2024-04-05 “My tattoos had baby tattoos and now they are spilling onto the floor.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-05 Camera obscura: the way of all things solar ecliptic. (Yes, I know the meaning of the words.)

2024-04-05 Today, I learned you can use a Cheerio to view the eclipse and not go blind. I also have a bridge …

2024-04-05 “The Darkness comes. It will consume great swaths of the Earth. Animals will cower and cry in fear. …

2024-04-05 Smile. Laugh. Play. Enjoy. You used to do that when you were a child. What happened? #life

2024-04-05 Before adding something to your to do list, make sure you complete an item first. Otherwise, put the …

2024-04-05 Swift and SwiftUI are great, but they stink at being prototyping languages. #swift #programming #ios

2024-04-05 Anyone want an US $850 puzzle? Or want to buy me one? #puzzle

2024-04-05 Hm. It just hit me I could now easily convert my FORTH from being implemented in Python to Swift. I …

2024-04-05 Time to switch gears and get some lunch and free-write. That’s enough work on my FORTH. Im slowly …

2024-04-05 Hm. Earthquake in Phila? Nothing felt in Dover, DE.

2024-04-05 I’ve got some basic (virtual) memory management words working. Right now, I’m limiting it to 1K. …

2024-04-05 Hello. It’s Friday. What are you gonna do about it? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-04 “Life is a once in a lifetime event.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-04 What game are you playing and don’t want to stop? #game

2024-04-04 There is a canyon between an April Fool’s joke and an April Fool’s Decption for Supposed Humor. …

2024-04-04 Well, Murphy showed up and taught me a lesson today. Time to move on.

2024-04-04 Just because place ‘X’ (New York) gives you a decent price/connections, doesn’t mean you should hold …

2024-04-04 The truth. Is a red herring. Don’t’ seek reality. Seek Reality. #life #philosophy #writing

2024-04-04 Be nice. Not because you want to. Not because you have to. Be nice because you can be. #life

2024-04-04 Science has a way of proving some people wrong. —ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-04 “His soul singed. Not because he was in hell, but because he was enraged. He neither wanted justice …

2024-04-04 “Many believe that what they do doesn’t matter because their god will forgive them. What they forget …

2024-04-04 “Professional writing is like professional wrestling. It’s all theatre. That doesn’t mean you don’t …

2024-04-04 If you didn’t have to care about money, what one place in the world would you want to spend a month? …

2024-04-04 Sometimes, the hero is because they die. #writing #hero

2024-04-04 Books weren’t meant to gather dust. Read a dusty book. #books #reading #libraries

2024-04-04 “The reason you see your God after death is because once you’re dead, you have no choice.” #writng

2024-04-04 “Hi. My name is Ted. I talk a lot. Welcome to Technology, Education, and Design.” #writing …

2024-04-04 “You’re surly today. What’s wrong?” “My wife is going to divorce me…and don’t call me surly.” …

2024-04-04 “Sometimes, you have to hit your head against the wall for the medics to pay attention.” #writing

2024-04-04 Life is a slalom with many flags. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-04-04 There are many books/movies where food or a dinner play a role. Most of the time, it’s either …

2024-04-04 “The sun came out, looked down at the Earth, shook its head, and went back to sleep.” #writing

2024-04-04 What book do you wish would be written, that hasn’t been written, and that you could never write? …

2024-04-04 “If you’re worried about time, it’s already too late.” #writing

2024-04-04 “The reason many religions have myths about not speaking God’s name, have to do with when you name …

2024-04-04 Just because you have a vision and want to make it real, first ensure that your reality benefits …

2024-04-04 You have to look at things askance. That provides a new perspective.

2024-04-04 Boneless wings come from flightless birds.

2024-04-04 Sometimes, you have to forget your problems and concerns and just do something else. #life #success

2024-04-04 I saw a good post today. It was in the parking lot of a shopping center.

2024-04-04 “He was a dad joke walking.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-04-04 Recursion: falling down the rabbit-hole.

2024-04-04 What do you plan to do on Monday when the world goes dark?

2024-04-04 Avoid boring people. The reason they are boring is that they are just like you. #life #success

2024-04-04 Overcommittment is breaking promises to yourself as well as others. #life

2024-04-04 This evening, I’ll work on the virtual memory for my FORTH implementation. It’s going to be a bit …

2024-04-04 I need to edit this afternoon. This book won’t need as many rewrites, unless I find something …

2024-04-04 Lots done this morning. Time for some foodstuffs.

2024-04-04 Live your life. Don’t live someone else’s. #life

2024-04-04 Time to switch it up. Conklin Word Gauge (B) with Monteverde Ocean Noir. The pen tracks words …

2024-04-04 Greetings. Promise what you can deliver and deliver what you promise. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-04-03 “The dead are extremely poor at building things.” #writing

2024-04-03 You can’t be productive without producing something. #productivity

2024-04-03 Tomorrow, get some crayons and scribble.

2024-04-03 Happy Birthday iPad #apple

2024-04-03 I’m just having fun with this FORTH project. I’m at the stage where some of the words are actually …

2024-04-03 Implemented a few more words. Time for lunch. Then an afternoon of edits. #programming #forth …

2024-04-03 Take a moment. Look around. Notice where you are, what is happening around you, and what you are …

2024-04-03 Delaware is soggy all week. Despite the dark dreariness, I’m getting stuff done today and beginning …

2024-04-03 Greetings. Good luck, we’re all counting on you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-02 Don’t let your ego determine your actions. #life

2024-04-02 I just broke down. I made bacon and eggs and pancakes. It’s 10:30.

2024-04-02 @help 2 BUGS: The Reply arrow in the Mac app still doesn’t work. The text does. Clicking the …

2024-04-02 It’s torrentializing this morning here in Dover. This is a good day to eat breakfast for …

2024-04-02 Back in my day, we were taught the Dewey Decimal System and expected to memorize the major …

2024-04-02 The larger the trophy or belt, the less important the event. Flame on! #sport

2024-04-02 Happy National Ferret Day

2024-04-02 When people tell you to “Follow your dreams,” they never tell you not to let your dreams …

2024-04-02 Good morning, all. Stay dry. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-04-01 I plan on doing things tomorrow.

2024-04-01 Seriously. If you train an LLM on junk, you get junk. So much for intelligence, artificial or …

2024-04-01 The thing about April Fool’s Day is that only fools celebrate it one month a year. Most of us …

2024-04-01 Are any of you doing anything worthwhile today?

2024-04-01 A little more work and a lot of refactoring in my FORTH. #programming #forth #python

2024-04-01 Happy National Soylent Green Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-04-01 Good morning. No joke. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-31 Everyone starts at the beginning. The productive ones start at more than one beginning. #life …

2024-03-31 “Mark my words! Here, use this Sharpie®.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-31 How much chocolate have you eaten today?

2024-03-31 Chicken panini made and consumed. +1 to Morale, -3 to Health

2024-03-31 Hm. I just discovered that Pythonista can invoke ObjC and hook into iOS. FORTH calling iOS? That’s a …

2024-03-31 My simple implementation of FORTH running on an iPad, thanks to Pythonista. #programming #forth …

2024-03-31 Colostle gameplay - Scene 2… #colostle #writing

2024-03-31 Happy National Baked Ham With Pineapple Day Add some tomato sauce and cheese and you have a pizza.

2024-03-31 Good morning, all. Happy Easter/Big Bunny/Chocolate Egg Day to all those partake. Time for the …

2024-03-30 Do something relaxing tomorrow.

2024-03-30 Hm. My Egyptian walking onions seem to have died. I guess I should order some new bulbs. #plant

2024-03-30 The difficulty/importance of any problem is directly proportional to your perceived inability to …

2024-03-30 What is the worst thing you’ve survived? Apart from today, I mean?

2024-03-30 “What would you like to drink?” “Water. Draft.” #restaurant

2024-03-30 When a restaurant sever asks, “Do you want a box?” (For your leftovers) The proper response is, “No. …

2024-03-30 What are you enjoying today? I’m enjoying the sun and wind.

2024-03-30 What do you miss most about the COVID lockdown? Find the good in the bad. #life

2024-03-30 If you are an author (or reader) there’s still time fo register for Creatures, Crimes, and …

2024-03-30 Overhead: “I like neutral.” A great jumping off point for a conversation and character study. …

2024-03-30 Overheard: “You have tendencies.” If someone says this to you be concerened Several minutes later: …

2024-03-30 “My mind overflows with possibilities. I follow the timelines to find the one where the most people …

2024-03-30 No, I don’t begrudge those that market more than they write. Priorities. #writing #marketing

2024-03-30 If you spend more time promoting your books than you spend writing them, you’re a marketer, not a …

2024-03-30 I should play some Overwatch2 today. It’s been a while.

2024-03-30 Without understanding, teaching is just talking. #education

2024-03-30 “I ordered New York strip, and all I got was a steak.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-30 I just saw a photo of an author stand under his author pic on a banner at a con. Anyone remember …

2024-03-30 Programming is about control. Writing is about freedom. Both are liberating. I’ve done both. #life …

2024-03-30 “His humor was as dark as the knight.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-30 If you can’t support an author, support your libraries. They are there for you. They are one of the …

2024-03-30 My mind works in strange and mysterious ways: strange to most, mysterious to me.

2024-03-30 When the Ewok fell into the tarpits, he became a sticky Wicket. I told you… it’s that kind of day. …

2024-03-30 In Saxon, we eat. We don’t dine. In Saxon, we steal. We don’t embezzle. In Saxon; we don’t use …

2024-03-30 Ok. I think I finally got a title for the first book in my “Coins of Destiny” series : “The …

2024-03-30 “His welcome mat read, ‘Welcome, Matt. All others, go home.’” Yes, ‘tis that kind of day… #writing …

2024-03-30 “He was a ghostly figure. He was a zero.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-30 “How many people have you killed with your jokes?” “Not enough.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-30 The Gathering: Today I learned that Marble likes eating oatmeal with blueberries. Maybe I should’ve …

2024-03-30 Do you have a favorite food recipe that you like to make? Mine tends to be throwing soups together. …

2024-03-30 When was the last time you hugged someone? Did they look at you in disbelief?

2024-03-30 Mindvore: a zombie that eats brains. A skeletal zombie: Zomboney. Zombified animals: Zoombies …

2024-03-30 Be the kind of person your mother wants you to be.


2024-03-30 We are all artists. Some of us just make art. #life

2024-03-30 Half the problem is always knowing what has to be done. The other half is just doing it. #life …

2024-03-30 OK. I just discovered the Pythonista app. You mean I can do real Python on an iPad? Yes. #ios #ipad …

2024-03-30 Making a list of mini-day trips and vacations I want to take this year.

2024-03-30 Happy Take a Walk in the Park Day

2024-03-30 This morning’s soundtrack:… #music

2024-03-30 I think I’ll get outside today and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. I should get some potting soil …

2024-03-30 The sun is out this morning? The world must be planning something…

2024-03-30 Good morning. Appease your gods. Eat some oatmeal this morning. Add fruit if you want to atone. Time …

2024-03-29 Well, I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend.

2024-03-29 Well it looks like the Phillies are as good as they were last year.

2024-03-29 Plans for tomorrow: — play some games — do some RaspberryPi stuff — FORTH — find something good to …

2024-03-29 It’s time to thank you all for interacting and putting up with me. You all rock, even the Rock who …

2024-03-29 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead. #mead

2024-03-29 Little known fact: Pez goes back to the 1920s. I know know why I know this.

2024-03-29 Just played and lost a game of Combopolis. Oh well. #game

2024-03-29 What are you going to eat this weekend?

2024-03-29 Iced coffee or hot coffee?


2024-03-29 Be relentless in doing good. #life

2024-03-29 Hello. Be gentle with yourself and others. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-28 Don’t identify or strive for success or failure. Just do the best you can and find acceptance in the …

2024-03-28 Just because you say something, it doesn’t mean you’re teaching. #education

2024-03-28 Well, I hope everyone has a calm and relaxing Friday.

2024-03-28 “Do you have any thoughts?” “About what?” “That’s what I thought.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-28 Just because your food looks good, doesn’t mean it will taste good.

2024-03-28 Tomorrow is Friday. You’re allowed to hoop and holler.

2024-03-28 A photo of something many see, but don’t think much of. #photography

2024-03-28 Photography is about seeing what everyone else takes for granted. #photography #philosophy

2024-03-28 “Life is timeless, until you run out of time.” #writing

2024-03-28 Someone should do a thesis on author photos and what they say about the author, or more accurately …

2024-03-28 I don’t have pine nuts. I’ll have to use pistachios. What am I making? #food

2024-03-28 “The man’s smile was sincere, unless you looked at his eyes.” #writing

2024-03-28 “Success found him. He’d fled, avoiding it all of his life. When it finally confronted him, he …

2024-03-28 “You don’t have to be all-in to lose.”

2024-03-28 I taught virtual classes for HP. Virtual classes are virtually classes. #education

2024-03-28 Too bad most journalists never journal. #writing #journal

2024-03-28 Life is an adventure few choose to go on. #life

2024-03-28 “His was the largest axe. His were the largest muscles. Unfortunately, his was the brain that was …

2024-03-28 Predicting the future is easy if you know what’s going to happen.

2024-03-28 It’s been pouring rain here in DE. If you don’t like moist, you won’t enjoy soggy.

2024-03-28 “Humans built AIs so they could control them the way they had controlled slaves. Too bad the AIs …

2024-03-28 Winning doesn’t mean you’re the best. It just means you’re the best for now. — ancient proverb I …

2024-03-28 Arrogance is a dance where you step on other people’s toes. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-03-28 “He stared into the sun. He was the President. No one could tell him what he couldn’t do.” #writing …

2024-03-28 So, anyone else get the impression that despite all the hype Apple Journal was a throwaway …

2024-03-28 “How To Be Famous for Dummies” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-28 “He thinks he’s lost all of his marbles. He doesn’t realize he never had any.” #writing #character

2024-03-28 If you could eat a single fruit what would it be? You get only one and you would never be able to …

2024-03-28 Woot! Just found out Raymond Benson will be at C3 again this year. Looking forward to seeing him …

2024-03-28 Time to switch it up. A Stratford (F) that I restored with TWSBI Red. #fountainpen

2024-03-28 Time to get some lunch.

2024-03-28 Happy National Something on A Stick Day

2024-03-28 “What are you doing to that man?” “Don’t get in our way, Sherrif. We aim to hang …

2024-03-28 Life is change. There can be no life without change. If you’re not changing, you’re …

2024-03-28 The Case of the Missing Lawyer “Holmes! There is a body at the edge of the steps! It’s …

2024-03-28 Vicious Rumor: Apple secretly had a secondary car project with VW. They will announce the new …

2024-03-28 Welcome to Thursday. And you woke up thinking it was Friday. Ha! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-27 Don’t get wet tomorrow.

2024-03-27 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — house stuff — FORTH — read — errands

2024-03-27 When in doubt, do the math.

2024-03-27 “Anyone going back to 1983 tomorrow? I want to send a message.” #writing

2024-03-27 If you believe the current state of AI is somehow better, faster, more creative, intelligent than …

2024-03-27 “Humans didn’t know. Most didn’t care. They invested in AI, making it stronger. At one point the AI …

2024-03-27 Do you feel like you are accomplishing too much or not enough? I always feel I’m underdoing. #life

2024-03-27 “He was the Milli to her Vanilli.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-27 If you follow a leader, make sure they are leading and not scamming or using you for fodder. #life

2024-03-27 Gratuitous food pic. Chicken cheesesteak. #food

2024-03-27 Every public utility and structure should be able to survive any single point of failure. Bridges …

2024-03-27 Happy international Whiskey Day. Don’t drink the domestic stuff. #food #whiskey

2024-03-27 Happy Manatee Appreciation Day Manatees are definitely under-appreciated.

2024-03-27 Do you prefer working together or alone? Why?

2024-03-27 Time for some food and free-writing. It’s a dreary day out. The sky has been drained of color like a …

2024-03-27 Greetings. Make the best of today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-26 “You have a meldrop.”… #writing #words

2024-03-26 Weren’t we supposed to get a new iPadMini? #apple #Ipad

2024-03-26 WWDC 2024 announced… #wwdc #apple

2024-03-26 Be curious. Be safe. #life #success

2024-03-26 This is cool! A virtual machine/OS written for Lua and game dev. Picotron from maker …

2024-03-26 Tell a loved one that you love them. Don’t assume they know.

2024-03-26 Everyone seems to want to be an influencer. No one seems happy just to be themselves and to let …

2024-03-26 Happy National Make Up Your Own Holiday Day Yes, it is a thing.

2024-03-26 Anything that has gone viral is bad for you. That’s why it’s called a virus.

2024-03-26 Hello. Stop being so serious all the time. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-25 Anyone remember “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? #game

2024-03-25 Writing is about pretending you know insane stuff no one else does and making it believable. …


2024-03-25 The Gathering: Marble, the kitten, paid for her meal today. Oreo brought me a live frog. They must …

2024-03-25 Happy National Pecan Day No, it’s not National peCAN Day.

2024-03-25 Good morning. Regret is just reliving your past mistakes. Maybe you shouldn’t have made them? Time …


2024-03-23 Plan for tomorrow: — get outside if the rains stop — bake — code — read — play some games.

2024-03-23 Life is a lot easier when you aren’t being a jerk. #life

2024-03-23 Good morning. No need to be all grumpy today. It’s Saturday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-22 Don’t blame yourself for the things you can’t control. Blame yourself for the things you could’ve …

2024-03-22 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — cook — eat — bake — play some games — read

2024-03-22 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead. I’m not drinking one of mine today. I’m having Brimming …

2024-03-22 Small things grow large. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2024-03-22 How often to do you track and note the things that you have learned: life lessons, education, …

2024-03-22 “Sometimes,” his sigh was deep and tired, “you just have to do the best you can.” An inner-light …

2024-03-22 What are you grateful for today? I’m grateful for all the green, white, and pink things blooming …

2024-03-22 Hm. I need to move the chocolate raisin oatmeal stout to secondary fermentation tomorrow. Then about …

2024-03-22 Philosophy boils down to a matter of opinion. Logic boils down to mathematics. Both can be …

2024-03-22 If you are forced to choose, choose not to choose. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-03-22 “He lived by the code. He died by the code. He was a COBOL programmer.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-22 To be truly happy and satisfied, you should want for nothing, either short or long-termed. #life …

2024-03-22 Why does HellDivers look and remind me of the old Planetside? #gamedev

2024-03-22 If someone is dead, should their writing/work/art still be sold instead of becoming free? Why? …

2024-03-22 Back in my day, basketball players didn’t wear leggings. #sport #basketball

2024-03-22 Are there any good singers? Everyone I can think of attempts to be a “performer” with backup dancers …

2024-03-22 Acrophobia: the fear of acronyms.

2024-03-22 If you could be any mushroom, what kind would you be? And what would be your mushroom power? Yes, …

2024-03-22 “Sleep until a princess comes along to wake you. Then do your chores.” #writing

2024-03-22 There are two types of people: those who think humans are like them or should be like them, and …

2024-03-22 Everyone argues about the GOAT. Who was the worst professional basketball player? #sport #basketball

2024-03-22 Correction: The fountain pen is a Diplomat Elox, not an Elon. Autocorrect fails again. #fountainpen

2024-03-22 The opposite of unite is untie.

2024-03-22 Reboots of movies and shows are usually produced by fanfic writers. That’s why they are usually so …

2024-03-22 Who is waiting for jodhpurs to come back into style?

2024-03-22 If you don’t trust, you fear. #life #success

2024-03-22 Time to switch it up. Diplomat Matrix Green-Black Elon (M) with Colorverse Dust Storm #fountainpen

2024-03-22 “He slammed his fist. Beer spilled from the glasses. Grimacing, his gaze hopped from face to face. …

2024-03-22 Based on something I just overheard: “You’re 40? Eew! You’re old.” “Yes, but I’m not ugly, and I …

2024-03-22 Many envision writing as a lucrative and glamorous job that lands you on the WSJ or Oprah book list …

2024-03-22 Make informed decisions, then follow through. #life #success

2024-03-22 Happy National Goof-Off Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-03-22 Greetings. Open your heart. Open your mind. Grow. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-21 You don’t learn anything by being right. #life

2024-03-21 There is a difference between a leak and a rumor.

2024-03-21 Hm. Vernon Vinge died. Great writer. #writing

2024-03-21 How Busy Are You? - Part 1… #productivity #time

2024-03-21 Happy International Tiramisu Day Yum.

2024-03-21 Good morning. Don’t get overwhelmed today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-20 Be gentle tomorrow.

2024-03-20 Don’t try to be someone you’re not. You’re already someone. Just be the best you, you can be. #life …

2024-03-20 Amazon has developed a system where packages of products to be shipped are laid by alien creatures …

2024-03-20 What is the best flavor of Peeps®? #food

2024-03-20 Novel writing, nowadays, is about writing to formula. The formula of expectation, genre, publishing, …

2024-03-20 Observed: When someone say “Excuse me”, when they belch and no one is around, they don’t mean it. …

2024-03-20 Thank you—yes you! (If you follow me). I know I ramble, but the world needs more tumbleweeds. Your …

2024-03-20 Mind-dump complete. 67.9 gigaquads freed. Caches cleared.

2024-03-20 Seriously? Autocorrect auto”corrected” programming to preopgramming? And spell check didn’t’ catch …

2024-03-20 “Your kisses are like wine. They are old and astringent and taste like dirt.” #writing

2024-03-20 The problem with Swift is that, being compiled, it is an awful prototyping language. I’ve found that …

2024-03-20 Yes, I have a strange sense of humor, in Earth terms.

2024-03-20 Play-doh. Do kids still play with that? I’m assuming it’s still made.

2024-03-20 In writing and everyday life, don’t forget that language conveys emotion in addition to meaning. …

2024-03-20 “I have a sister that goes around killing grocers.” “Why?” “Vegetables.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-20 Do something unexpectedly good or nice. Glitch the system. #life #success

2024-03-20 Life is funny if you look at it upside-down.

2024-03-20 Old age check: The 90s were 30 years ago. If you were born in 1990 you are already past the point of …

2024-03-20 When someone tells you they “want to contribute”, they usually mean their opinion. #life #failure

2024-03-20 “Dear mom, I’m doing fine. Life on Earth is ok, apart from the humans.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-20 “It’s not an argument unless a gun is drawn.” #writing

2024-03-20 Wasn’t Gator Aid an 80’s music festival?

2024-03-20 I’m listening to two guys argue. I’m not sure what the issue is. But it sounds like it’s about a …

2024-03-20 “Necromancy: The New Influencer Frontier”

2024-03-20 I have the skeleton of a story. I just need to flesh it out. #writing #pulp

2024-03-20 I wrote another scene for my pulp story. I didn’t know where I was going, but I see the signposts …

2024-03-20 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-20 Last evening, I got bored and started implementing FORTH in Python. Don’t ask why. Like I said, I …

2024-03-20 What twist in a book that you have read really surprised you? #books #reading

2024-03-20 Thank a stranger today. You don’t need a reason. Everyone likes to be appreciated. #life

2024-03-20 The Gathering: Caramel, the male who was always covered in scars and gentle, hasn’t been …

2024-03-20 I forgot FORTH has blocks and an editor. Glad I’m refreshing my knowledge. It’s been a …

2024-03-20 Happy World Frog Day Just in time for the Spring Peepers that came out this week.

2024-03-20 Hello. Calm down. It’s still only Wednesday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-19 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-19 A weather front must be moving through. Fighting a pressure headache.

2024-03-19 You know what I dislike? When you’re looking for a good restaurant online and the only things and …

2024-03-19 Greetings. How is everyone? Well, more specifically, how are you? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-18 “Mom, can I bring my friends over for dinner?” “No. Just eat your broccoli.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-18 Happy Act Happy Day

2024-03-18 Pulp Fiction… #writing

2024-03-18 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-18 Hello. I hope everyone made it to this week. TIme for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-17 When in doubt, eat a cookie. A cookie makes everything better.

2024-03-17 Once in a while, Do something Just for you. #life #success

2024-03-17 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-17 “She didn’t break my heart. She shattered it and I never could find all the pieces.” #sriting #love

2024-03-17 “The Luck of the Irish just means you will be subjected to the occasional potato famine and …

2024-03-17 Referees used to throw live chickens whenever an infraction occurred. #sport

2024-03-17 “He enjoyed the spotlight. He was the agent of Darkness.” #weiting

2024-03-17 Isn’t a function that doesn’t work impossible?

2024-03-17 “They were talking’ trash. They were garbage collectors.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-17 St. Patrick’s Day “celebrations” are an American export. #marketing

2024-03-17 Just heard some lyrics: “…when your headrest’s next to mine.” #music #lyrics

2024-03-17 “Everything is fine if you are already damned.” #writing

2024-03-17 “Dance like the wolves are nipping at you.”

2024-03-17 “Gumption is something I don’t know I have. But I guess it’s pretty much like fun, which I don’t …

2024-03-17 The new Nintendo Swith is going to be called: The Nintendo PrettgSoon. #nintendo

2024-03-17 I am celebrating St Patrick’s by having a Reuben. That doesn’t sound Irish.

2024-03-17 “He lost his mind on I95.” #writjng #throwawayline

2024-03-17 “He was so drunk he started a fight with the guy in the mirror. He ended up hurling a stool at it. …

2024-03-17 “She was the reason for many a bar room brawl. Everyone who saw her fought to be the first out the …

2024-03-17 “I’ve discovered that books are attracted to and tend to accumulate around those who read. Books …

2024-03-17 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be a Walmart employee.” #dreams #life …

2024-03-17 “The badge of honor is tarnished, but the sword of vengeances is razor sharp.” #writing …

2024-03-17 Live in existential joy instead of residing in existential dread. #life

2024-03-17 I’ve never heard anyone sidle up to the bar and order “A shot of whiskey. And leave the bottle.” I …

2024-03-17 It’s been another house stuff and errand stuff morning.

2024-03-17 Eat food. Write. Ramble in!

2024-03-17 You live in the past. You live in the future. Occasionally, you are here. #life #failure

2024-03-17 Happy Birthday, if you celebrate.

2024-03-17 Happy Buzzard Sunday

2024-03-17 Accomplishing lots this morning. Too bad I’m not in realty.

2024-03-17 Hello. Don’t argue just to prove a point. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-16 I would rather have friendship than loyalty. #life #success

2024-03-16 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-16 Stay hydrated.

2024-03-16 “He was recklessly funny.” #writing

2024-03-16 The father of Hans had a legit business.

2024-03-16 I need to move the wort into the fermentor. I need to get some vodka to extract some cocoa nibs. …

2024-03-16 Observed: someone cutting their food holding the butter knife like a pencil/scalpel. #writing …

2024-03-16 “This beer isn’t my cup of tea.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-16 Time to eat some lunch. It’s 2:30 here

2024-03-16 Anyone feeling trendy today?

2024-03-16 Maybe I should toss some raisins in… #brewing #beer

2024-03-16 I’m brewing an oatmeal cookie stout this morning. #brewing #beer

2024-03-16 “I’d tell you to write what you know, but you really don’t know enough to …

2024-03-16 Good morning. Well the warm weather was nice while it lasted. It’s a chilly, albeit, sunny …

2024-03-15 Last weekend in the winter of 2024. Also, St. Patrick’s Day is this Sunday. You have two reasons to …

2024-03-15 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-15 “We don’t know what today will bring, but we do know what yesterday taught us.” #life #success

2024-03-15 Let go of something you don’t want or need this weekend.

2024-03-15 Remember when Starbucks bought Teavana and put it out of business? Where are all the good teas they …

2024-03-15 Greetings. It’s Friday. Are you turning green yet? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-14 The best part of writing? People think you’re making stuff up. #writing

2024-03-14 It’s weird that “hearing voices” is considered weird/crazy/insane but seeing images and movies in …

2024-03-14 Good morning. Hey! It’s almost Friday. Time flies as butter churns. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-13 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-13 You have acquired an ornate box. What mystery lies within? The key word is “lies”. #writing #prompt

2024-03-13 I had a weird idea. Ok, so all my ideas are weird. Since it is spring, how about a Peeps-flavored …

2024-03-13 Notice the patterns in the marketing and “advertising” you see. WHat are they trying to accomplish? …

2024-03-13 Project transparency is a virtue. #business

2024-03-13 Many people I know don’t realize that sarcasm is a form of humor. They believe they are 1-upping me. …

2024-03-13 Nintendo or Sony needs a new SSX Tricky. #nintendo #sory

2024-03-13 When I show up, people leave.

2024-03-13 It’s not life if you aren’t having fun. #life

2024-03-13 My water martini idea works. Someone thought I had an actual martini and told me, “That looks good.” …

2024-03-13 What is the collective name for sneezes? Go!

2024-03-13 “Projects are like books. Some you finish.. Some you abandon. Some you terminate with extreme …

2024-03-13 “He shot.He scored. The bloody bullet slammed into the wall, spraying blood and brain.” #writing

2024-03-13 Weird. I’ve heard more Stevie Wonder music playing in the last few days. I hope he’s OK and not some …

2024-03-13 Never underestimate youre own incompetence. #life

2024-03-13 An AI/LLM is not a “trusted source”. #life #failure

2024-03-13 “Don’t pluck your chickens before you’ve paid.” #writing

2024-03-13 “He stared deep into the remnents of the beer in his glass. ‘This? This is my life. My parents gave …

2024-03-13 Smart Punk is the new Daft Punk

2024-03-13 I need to start planning to cook something for St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t think corned beef and …

2024-03-13 The Kindle reader is just as bad as Apple Books. #books #reading

2024-03-13 PA is beginning to go all spring on me. Yellows and greens.

2024-03-13 Life now is based around accepting what others tell you instead of accepting what you yourself know. …

2024-03-13 My watch says it’s 73F. Nice.

2024-03-13 Make a list of all the things you have started and never finish. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

2024-03-13 Happy Donald Duck Day Do kids even know who he is nowadays?

2024-03-13 Hm. I should carry around samples of my books that I can AirDrop to people interested in what I’m …

2024-03-13 “Let binomials be binomials.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-13 Not the best digital sundial implementation I’ve seen.

2024-03-13 I want an eink iPad from Apple #apple #eink

2024-03-13 I’m hanging out in PA today. Personal errands and stuff.

2024-03-13 Someone should create a mood planning journal. I’m seeing a lot of mood-tracking journals here at …


2024-03-13 Grinnings and solicitations. Even though you may be at work, have some fun. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-03-13 “If you find something pink it doesn’t mean you’ve discovered Barbie.”

2024-03-12 “She walked in golden fields of deceit and the dark reign.” #writing

2024-03-12 “Enjoy the work you do. You may have nothing else.” #writing

2024-03-12 Time for some music.… #music

2024-03-12 Today has turned out ok despite the start.

2024-03-12 What should I do tomorrow?

2024-03-12 Overheard: “After a night out my mom woke me up saying, ‘Wake up! It’s 2024..’” #writing #character

2024-03-12 Gratuitous food pic.

2024-03-12 Do people still eat/buy Jell-O? I haven’t seen an ad in decades. #food

2024-03-12 “There once was a market for trading souls. Now, they aren’t worth the bits used to trade them. Too …

2024-03-12 Buffalo Mac n cheese for dinner. Unhealthy but good. #food

2024-03-12 If you have a favorite vineyard/winery, what is it? Mine is V.Sattui. #wine

2024-03-12 How do you spend your time when you don’t have any?

2024-03-12 I’ve been enjoying my time reintroducing myself to FORTH. Simple. Extensible. And fast development …

2024-03-12 Observed: someone actually winding their watch by shaking their hand. Old school. #writing …

2024-03-12 Sometimes bad days aren’t as bad as You think they are. #life

2024-03-12 I sold a copy of “Out of Time” to the server. She was asking about the SuperNote and I explained …

2024-03-12 Not everything you do or write has to be good. You just have to do or write more good than crap to …

2024-03-12 PA restaurants don’t serve country music as a default, thankfully. #music

2024-03-12 Using digital means today. #writing

2024-03-12 One of those days.

2024-03-12 Why don’t we have a Tamagachi with ChatGTP built in yet? #gamedev

2024-03-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — FORTH stuff — editing “Coins of Destiny I” — personal stuff — …

2024-03-11 Colostle Fiction: #game #writing

2024-03-11 Ok. These are great. Glad I tried them.… #food

2024-03-11 “Your life is on back-order.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-11 NIbbage #fountainpen

2024-03-11 Happy Fill Our Staplers Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-03-11 Good morning, Monday. Go out today and enjoy the weather, no matter what it may be. Time for the …

2024-03-10 “If you scream, you’re already dead.” #writing #horror #throwawayline

2024-03-10 Cool! I just got POTG in OW2. I still have it even though I haven’t played in a while.

2024-03-10 I should write a Matt Helm novel called “The Antagonists”, but for the licensing… #writing

2024-03-10 A “flash sale” is another kind of sale that doesn’t sell what they advertise. #marketing #failure

2024-03-10 Sometimes you have to do the right thing, even if it is a Sunday.

2024-03-10 The only reason to wear a hood hoodie in a restaurant is to hide your bad hair/head.

2024-03-10 Just because the carpet is red, it doesn’t mean you are important. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-03-10 A written character isn’t supposed to be a fully fleshed out human being. They are supposed to be …

2024-03-10 Mind dump complete. 103 gigaquads freed.

2024-03-10 I need to start contemplating/planning vacations for this year. Yes, I’m lucky enough to be able to …

2024-03-10 How many times have you laughed today? Your goal is to laugh, or at least smile, more each day. …

2024-03-10 If you do the things you are expected or believe you need to do, you aren’t living. #life

2024-03-10 Hope is what you’re left with when you have no action left. #life

2024-03-10 We are Devo. If you get it, you’re old.

2024-03-10 When was the last time that you wrote poetry? Why haven’t you written more? Were you discouraged by …

2024-03-10 Would you rather dance or eat? Would you rather jog or shuffle your feet? Do you want a pet That you …

2024-03-10 Walkers should come with plastic balls that pop around an enclosure. I’d like that if I were old …

2024-03-10 Things I want do do this year: — learn Braille — make some hot sauce

2024-03-10 If you don’t go out, you don’t see. If you don’t travel, you see less. #life

2024-03-10 Observed: “They were in love. He was in love with her, looking at her as she looked at the sunlight …

2024-03-10 Observed: “He sat staring into the middle distance. He was either life-weary or planning the murder …

2024-03-10 OK. I just received the ingredients. Now I just need to come up with a Cinnamon Cookie beer recipe… …

2024-03-10 No-bake cheesecake is just pudding. #baking #cheesecake #failure

2024-03-10 I’m expecting a major update to the Swift Playgrounds app on iOS. I’m expecting to be very much …

2024-03-10 I really need to figure out how to make one-person cheesecake. I can’t eat a whole one and convince …

2024-03-10 I don’t know everything. I know I won’t know everything. I also know I won’t remember everything I …

2024-03-10 I would never want to hold a Trump card…

2024-03-10 “God isn’t above reproach. If you can’t reproach your god, he has a failing. He, therefore, isn’t …

2024-03-10 Would/do you continue to use your work as a hobby after you retire? I do. #life

2024-03-10 A library is for stuff you don’t want to forget. What do you call a place where you put stuff you …

2024-03-10 What product do you love, but don’t personally use after trying it? Me? The Hero’s Journal: …

2024-03-10 How many chickens can cross the road?

2024-03-10 I admit that I was wrong. Nintendo hasn’t announced the Switch 2 on Mario Day. But, the day isn’t …

2024-03-10 Crying is “in”, apparently.

2024-03-10 Never pretend to be more intelligent than you are. Someone will call you on it. The “fastest gun” …

2024-03-10 A library is for ideas. Not ideas you espouse, but all ideas. A library with your own ideas we call …

2024-03-10 What is the median age of the people in the venues you frequent? #life

2024-03-10 “People are so predictable. They die” #writing

2024-03-10 If you wonder what kind of person goes to Creatiures, Crimes, and Creativity here is the official …

2024-03-10 I’ve never won an Oscar, but I have a few left in my fridge. They are decent with mustard and …

2024-03-10 “He was inclined to lean at exactly 47.3º.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-10 If you don’t learn from your mistakes, who will? #life

2024-03-10 If facts are fun, why aren’t there more of them?

2024-03-10 “She was my best friend. She married someone else. I wasn’t invited to the wedding or told about it. …

2024-03-10 I haven’t played Overwatch in a while. I think i should do that today. #overwatch #game

2024-03-10 It’s Sunday in this part of the timeline. All the cars are hearses.

2024-03-10 Just because you have a weird voice, it doesn’t mean you should sing.

2024-03-10 “We are all a little pistachio.” #writing

2024-03-10 What if every time you made a mistake, a referee would blow a whistle and call a foul? Would that …

2024-03-10 Enjoy the sunshine while you can. The sun is scheduled to go out.

2024-03-10 What book do you tell people you’ve read, but have never tried to read? #book #reading

2024-03-10 “You have to be a little crazy to be creative.” #writing #life

2024-03-10 The Gathering: Marble has discovered the joys of unraveling toilet paper rolls, and pulling towels …

2024-03-10 If someone tells you “you’re not good enough”, get better and prove them wrong. #life #success

2024-03-10 Happy Mario Day, to all who celebrate. MAR 10.

2024-03-10 The secret, I’ve found through years of experience, in handling time-shifts is to go to bed …

2024-03-10 “One does not merely feed one cat. One must feed them all.” – ancient proverb I …

2024-03-10 Hello. Time switching is a waste of time. Just sayin'. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-09 Playing Naturopolous. #game #buttonshy

2024-03-09 You have nothing to do today. Don’t do it.

2024-03-09 When did you first realize you were old?

2024-03-09 Greetings. Just because you’re bored doesn’t mean you’re doing something uninteresting. It’s …

2024-03-08 I think I’ll make some tea.

2024-03-08 There are two types of “adapting”. One is random. The other is directed. The successful adaption is …

2024-03-08 Uncontrolled mutability is bad. Don’t allow the language to dictate how you use and control …

2024-03-08 The less fabric, the more you can charge. #fashion

2024-03-08 We are entering a period where law needs to adapt faster and more reliably than AI, and AI cannot be …

2024-03-08 I often read and hear about people saying to “channel your anger into worthy pursuits”.. The actual …

2024-03-08 Loss of a loved one or thing teaches you more about yourself than you may want to learn, but it is a …

2024-03-08 What plans do you have for the weekend? Mine are to avoid the rain.I’m looking forward to a nice …

2024-03-08 “His class on Verbal Abuse was attended mostly by men looking for pointers.” #writing

2024-03-08 When you come right down to it, eating is weird.

2024-03-08 I put “learn Braille” on my list of things to accomplish.

2024-03-08 I’m enjoying just be-ing. It’s that kind of day. #life

2024-03-08 What promises have you made to yourself that you have broken? Have you broken the same one multiple …

2024-03-08 “Anyone can write a country-western song. That’s why they do.”

2024-03-08 “I’m an author. I sling words the way a short-order cook slings hash. I try to make less of a mess.” …

2024-03-08 “You may be disappointed with your life. That’s fine. Life is disappointed in you.” #writing …

2024-03-08 You don’t have to like every book you read or every author, but at least you’ll figure out what you …

2024-03-08 “He bought an acre of land with a small ramshackle building. Everyone who visited either died a …

2024-03-08 It’s been a productive morning. I should eat to celebrate.

2024-03-08 Hey! It’s Friday! Be cheerful in that realization.

2024-03-08 SuperNote allows for side-loading .apk files. This is cool, since I’d like to have something like a …

2024-03-08 The Gathering: Everyone is still around in shifts. Marble wanted to go out and play in the sun. She …

2024-03-08 Happy National Proofreading Day #writing

2024-03-08 Greetings. It’s a good day to be alive. That’s every day. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-03-07 Ambiguity creates suspense. #life #writing

2024-03-07 Lunch done. Back to work.

2024-03-07 Being a pro just means you are paid. It doesn’t mean you are in anyway better.

2024-03-07 If you want to stretch your legs, get a rack. I’m sure Amazon has one for sale.

2024-03-07 The absurd is where inspiration is born. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2024-03-07 The difference between advertising and marketing is the difference between selling red beans and …

2024-03-07 Humans love to make something look like something else, including themselves. #life

2024-03-07 “Legos. Isn’t that a city in Nigeria?” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-07 Overheard: “Old-man mode.” Love it. #writing

2024-03-07 You’re 7 years old and you find a million dollars. What do you do? #writing

2024-03-07 Not everyone understands my sense of humor. I’m not everyone.

2024-03-07 If you produce enough, you will get lucky. #life

2024-03-07 “He lived in a world ruled by three kings and a joker.” #writing

2024-03-07 Noir #writing

2024-03-07 “My mind is a blank sponge that sops up the dark and sticky blood of uselesness.” #writing …

2024-03-07 “He was an extra that was never used in Mad Max. He was an outcast.” #writing

2024-03-07 You won’t get motivated by drinking something named “Liquid Motivation” the same way you don’t get …

2024-03-07 Ideas are potential for success or failure. Your results may vary, but measurable.

2024-03-07 Just because you’ve never heard of a fruit or vegetable, doesn’t make it healthy. #food

2024-03-07 Kale is underrated and underused. Quinoa is overrated and overused. Flame on! #food

2024-03-07 Signs of spring in Delaware: — Spring peepers are out in force and peeping. — Trees are gaining a …

2024-03-07 If you are too rich to know what to do with your money, I have a suggestion.

2024-03-07 “If buffalos had wings, pigs could fly.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-07 “The server dropped the metal tray of food down with a bang in front of him. She said, ‘Boneless …

2024-03-07 Back in my day we had sit-down comedians.~

2024-03-07 “Sloe Gin and a Fast Gun” would make a great pulp spaghetti western. I should write it, but I’ve got …

2024-03-07 I don’t have much patience with myself. I’m not sure how one goes about learning patience, beyond …

2024-03-07 The Gathering: I’ve tried. Marble doesn’t want to go outside, back to being a feral. Oh well. Now …

2024-03-07 “Life is a horse race and we’re all handicapped.” #writing

2024-03-07 If you’re hoping things will change, you’re not doing anything to create the change you want. #life …

2024-03-07 Is what you do, getting you to where you want to be in life? #life

2024-03-07 I’m accomplishing stuff today. None of it is fun. At least I don’t’ think it’s fun.

2024-03-07 I wonder if Donny is going to stare at the sun again… #eclipse

2024-03-07 Time to switch it up. Parker IIP (M) with Anderillium Luna Moth Green. #fountainpen

2024-03-07 Hello. Be grateful for all the small things. The big things don’t come often enough. Time for …

2024-03-06 Photo up. #photography

2024-03-06 Happy White Chocolate Cheesecake Day Yes, it’s a thing. And no, I didn’t know it was when I baked a …

2024-03-06 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — FORTH — editing — writing — foodstuffs

2024-03-06 OK. I’m keeping this recipe mistake in most, if not all of my cheesecakes. Reaplace sour cream and …

2024-03-06 Cheesecake looks good. I’ll let it cool completely. #baking

2024-03-06 OK. The cheesecake is cooling in the oven. Looks great. No cracks, despite not using a water bath. …

2024-03-06 Sigh. I should know better… mise en place. I got lazy. I started making a cheesecake, but discovered …

2024-03-06 The Gathering: I let Marble out again. She played with her siblings and then decided to come back …

2024-03-06 Colostle Fiction. My game play-through. #writing #colostle #game

2024-03-05 Hm. Basil, rosemary, citrus ice cream might be good. #food

2024-03-05 The Gathering: I let Marble out. She visited and played with her family a bit, but then came back …

2024-03-05 Anyone overly caffeinated?

2024-03-05 Happy Poutine Day. It’s also National Potty Dance Day. I wonder if they are related…

2024-03-05 Hello. Find something nice to smile about today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-04 “…as far as the eye can see.” “…but I have two eyes.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-04 People want you to answer questions the way they want to hear the answer, instead of doing the …

2024-03-04 Getting back into FORTH has reminded me it’s more of a meta-programming language. It’s great for …

2024-03-04 Developers should focus on AR/VR instead of porting existing apps to VisionPro. Either that, or just …

2024-03-04 PSA: The ‘90s were 30 years ago.

2024-03-04 Klaatu barada nikto. All your base are belong to us.

2024-03-04 So what is the killer VisionOS app that will make everyone want to buy one? I don’t think there will …

2024-03-04 I was going to bake, but things have pulled me in other directions. Maybe tomorrow.

2024-03-04 Drink more water. Without water your brain goes ;okra;sjfa;Les.k

2024-03-04 “Remember when…” is a synonym for “Back in my day…” and indication that you’re old…

2024-03-04 The Gathering: Marble refused (read fought with tooth and razor-claw) to get in the carrier. I’ve …

2024-03-04 Hm. I should learn Braille. Not that I need it now, but you never know…

2024-03-04 I think I’ll brew a cinnamon cookie stout. #brewing #beer

2024-03-04 Taxes. Ugh. At least it hits once a year.

2024-03-04 Busy morning. Time for a late lunch. At least the weather is decent.

2024-03-04 Happy March Forth Day

2024-03-04 Some days I want a utility/app to convert PDFs to true epubs. #ios #apple #epub


2024-03-04 I discover I still love FORTH. Working my way through “Starting FORTH” again. I miss …

2024-03-04 Greetings. Make room for silence today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-03-03 Yay! The cherry blossoms are in bloom in the neighborhood.

2024-03-03 Have you written your eulogy yet?

2024-03-03 What if in bowling, you had to alternate hitting pins on alternating sides of center on the first …

2024-03-03 Welcome to the future you wanted to visit when you were a kid, but didn’t turn out the way you …

2024-03-03 Nowadays, basketball is a lazy slow-paced game. Everyone seems to lope into position. I guess …

2024-03-03 The stranger saddled up to the bar. He slammed a fist into the bar-proper (his brand) that sent …

2024-03-03 “Who are they?” He indicated the people milling about behind me drinking milk shakes. “They are my …

2024-03-03 Everybody Wang Chung tonight. Bang a good, get it on.

2024-03-03 Life is full of tropes.

2024-03-03 Vicious Rumor: Disney to create a live-action Gravity Falls.

2024-03-03 Movie pitch meeting: “What if all the zombies, suddenly became normal, but they still wanted to kill …

2024-03-03 “Bring out your bead!” “No, no. You’re picking up dead, not selling bread” “But I like bread.” …

2024-03-03 “If your life is a treadmill and you aren’t going anywhere, why is there one in your house?” …

2024-03-03 “He laughed like he meant it—he didn’t.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-03-03 Remember when Girl Scouts sold cookies door-to-door and the cookies actually had flavor? Now they …

2024-03-03 “If your life was perfect you wouldn’t strive for perfection. No one would. That should tell you …

2024-03-03 Concrastinate: v. - to attack a task or problem. The opposite of procrastinate. #writing

2024-03-03 “Actually, a programming language should not be difficult to understand.” - Starting FORTH - Leo …

2024-03-03 I think I’ll make a peanut butter cheesecake–or try. However, I need a new springform pan. The old …

2024-03-03 Hm. There is a FORTH for a RaspberryPico? That might be fun for hardware control/IOT #raspberrypico …

2024-03-03 Current “AI” is about language models, not intelligence. Given this, even a parrot could be …

2024-03-03 Hm. Sports app also doesn’t have pre-season games… #sports #apple #failure

2024-03-03 I guess I can get some wings and run some errands now.

2024-03-03 “Do you smoke?” “No, I Chewbacca.”

2024-03-03 Time for some music.… #music

2024-03-03 Time to dig out my Leo Brodie FORTH books… #forth

2024-03-03 Success! I got gForth running, but I wasted a couple of hours trying to figure out why it …

2024-03-02 Who plans on sleeping in tomorrow?

2024-03-02 Back home again. Time to catch up and do laundry and such.

2024-03-02 Unlike yesterday, there is a long line to get into the show. Glad I’m registered. #fountainpen …

2024-03-02 Hm. A hotel run by kobolds. #writing #prompt

2024-03-02 Happy National Rescue Cat Day

2024-03-02 I should post about why bullet journaling doesn’t work for me. I should do a lot of things. #bujo

2024-03-02 Hm. Readwise has a read later app? May have to look into it.

2024-03-02 A followup. There are implementations of FORTH on RaspberryPi, including a “bare metal” one. I dont …

2024-03-02 “I have so much to learn that I am overwhelmed that someday I may learn it all.” #writing …

2024-03-02 Observed: Guy going for the Rasputin look: very long graying beard, short—cropped hair, loose black …

2024-03-02 If you wanted to look more sinister, what type of hat would be emblamatic of you? #writing

2024-03-02 Once the show opens up, I”ll make one last pass, pick up my repaired snorke, and then head for home. …

2024-03-02 Good morning. It”s a dark and rainy morning. At least it”s the weekend. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-03-01 Plan for tomorrow: — pick up my pen — head home

2024-03-01 “More people could use artificial intelligence.”

2024-03-01 Sausage flavored KitKats. I’m sure it’s a thing.

2024-03-01 Is clarified butter the same as defined butter?

2024-03-01 Never undervalue your worth. That’s for others to do. #life

2024-03-01 Those who don’t remember, are condemned to repeat it.

2024-03-01 “He was the old guy who looked like your grandfather and sat whittling on the front porch. But he …

2024-03-01 I really miss programming in FORTH. Maybe I should find a version that runs on #raspberrypi. Not …

2024-03-01 I’m not sure how much a vendor makes at a show like this, but I’m sure it’s not much even if they …

2024-03-01 “Life is hard enough without your help—so help.” #writing

2024-03-01 Hm Bob Heil died RIP

2024-03-01 Interesting Apple Photos can identify artificial animas. #apple #photos

2024-03-01 What word do you see?

2024-03-01 I just saw a VisionPro in the wild. Someone lugging a camera, MacBook, and VP at the Baltimore Pen …

2024-03-01 Are skinny jeans back in? I’m seeing a lot of old-folk in the hotel wearing them. Or maybe it’s a …

2024-03-01 What’s your favorite color? Purple-like colors don’t count. And no, purple isn’t mine.

2024-03-01 This ink needs to be used on white paper, not cream. Majestic Maple Syrup. #fountainpen

2024-03-01 Someone should make a gelato pen. #fountainpen

2024-03-01 I did find someone to fix the Schaeffer snorkel. So the trip was a success. #fountainpen

2024-03-01 More vendors this year, but so far no crowds. Baltimore Pen Show. #fountainpen

2024-03-01 Baltimore Pen Show haul day 1 Pilot Decimo White (M) a color I don’t have. Light here makes it look …

2024-03-01 How do you plan on wasting time this weekend?

2024-03-01 I haven’t used Pocket in ages. Thought I’d launch it to see if I have stuff I forgot about. Ugh it’s …

2024-03-01 I wish iOS apps supported theming above and beyond dark/light/auto. Yes, i know they can but few do. …

2024-03-01 “The key to a worry-free life is to replace your worries with smaller ones. Then iterate.” #writing

2024-03-01 Hanging out in the lobby and doing some plotting. (Story ideas, not the evil kind.) #writing

2024-03-01 Is CrackerJack still a thing? Back in my day it had real toys that you could have fun with and …

2024-03-01 Happy National Dadgum That’s Good Day Yes, it’s a thing. How is your dad’s gum?

2024-03-01 You know that day when you look forward to a hotel breakfast and you end up with soggy turkey bacon? …

2024-03-01 It’s Baltimore Pen Show day. I’ll be wandering around and gawking a lot. #fountainpen

2024-03-01 Good morning. Help someone today, even if you yourself needs help. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-29 When your expectations don’t match reality, stress results. #life

2024-02-29 Be adaptable. Not being so is a sign of rigidity and freezing at critical moments. #life #success

2024-02-29 Photo up #photography

2024-02-29 HP wants to rent you a printer by the month at $36 per. Seriously? I worked for HP {not printer div, …

2024-02-29 I planned on editing while at the pen show, but it turns out I forgot to bring it… ugh. I guess I …

2024-02-29 Why me? The woman next to me is demonstrating all of the iPhone’s ringtones at full volume for a man …

2024-02-29 I hope I’m not coming down with something. I had lunch then crashed for an hour.

2024-02-29 Late lunch. Potstickers #food

2024-02-29 “Tattered Memories of You” should be a title. #writing

2024-02-29 Observed: Some people have never heard of earphones or airpods, apparently. Guy next to me is …

2024-02-29 “Dead people are about as much as you, but at least they don”t keep complaining.” #writing

2024-02-29 Hm Necromancer being made by Apple? That might be interesting. #apple

2024-02-29 Take advantage of the fact that you can still read my books. One day, you’ll be too old to …

2024-02-29 I should learn to cook something new next week.

2024-02-29 “It’s not a slippery slope if you stay on solid ground.” #writing

2024-02-29 Observed: Guy who is obviously too cheap to afford a decent disguise, and opted for old TV western …

2024-02-29 Happy International Underlings Day. I could use a few.

2024-02-29 Just checked in. Traffic was fairly decent.

2024-02-29 PSA: It’s a birthdate, not a birthday. Get it right. You don’t celebrate the Thursday on which you …

2024-02-28 Maybe, one day, life will make sense. But I don’t think so.

2024-02-28 Just had some salmon that looked as white as chicken. Way overcooked. Ugh. #food

2024-02-28 “She was the type that if she removed her glasses, let her hair down, started using making, and …

2024-02-28 Graph your family, friends, and acquaintences on a scatterplot. Use “closeness” as one axis, and …

2024-02-28 Too many allies make an army. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-28 I never considered myself funny, but people still laugh at me.

2024-02-28 There aren’t enough Gregorian chants nowadays. #music

2024-02-28 “He wasn’t a brick in the wall. He was one brick shy.” #writing

2024-02-28 Who or what menaces you?

2024-02-28 “We are all held ransom by obligations and responsibilities, time, and our own fears.” #writing …

2024-02-28 No one returns to the ordinary world after a journey unless there is no growth. Without growth a …

2024-02-28 “People always tell me to listen to my heart. All I hear is the arhythmia.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-28 What did people ever do before pagers/beepers?

2024-02-28 Have you noticed that ideas seem a lot more interesting when you’re half-asleep? Luckily, I had an …

2024-02-28 Haven’t seen @odd on Hope he’s ok.

2024-02-28 Time to free-write and eat something. I’ve been in the midst of wind and rain and running errands.

2024-02-28 Happy Inconvenience Yourself Day

2024-02-28 Good morning. Busy day today before the pen show. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-27 Switch 2 launch title will be an Animal Crossing open world MMO. #nintendo

2024-02-27 If it’s not broke, don’t break it.

2024-02-27 The Gathering: The evil has been released (from the collar). #feral #cat

2024-02-27 How many babies were born on the Death Star?

2024-02-27 “Never eat with your enemies. Use a fork or spoon instead.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-27 It’s going up to 66 today. Spring? I don’t think so, but close.

2024-02-27 Hello. Conflict is only good in fiction. Stay calm. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-26 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — editing — errands

2024-02-26 Lucrative has the same root as lucre. #words #grammar

2024-02-26 Every day is a chance to be happy. Be happy. It’s better than the alternative. #life #success

2024-02-26 Those who can, play. Those who can’t play, manage. Those who can’t manage, talk. #sport

2024-02-26 “Just because you’re not dead doesn’t mean you’re doing the right thing or are lucky. Iniertia is …

2024-02-26 Why does every blog/podcast/etc have “a special guest”? What makes them so special? Why not have an …

2024-02-26 “The Vampires of Tarantualvania” should be a story/title. #writing #prompt

2024-02-26 What was the last thing that you have laughed at?

2024-02-26 Any kid can ask their mother, “Why is the sky blue?” It takes a genius to ask, “Why is the sky up?” …

2024-02-26 Never underestimate the power of the pun.

2024-02-26 The Gathering Update: Kittens are like kids. They are full of energy, eat a ton, want attention, and …

2024-02-26 I question publishers who allow “A Novel” as a subtitle for a novel. #writing #publishing #failure

2024-02-26 The new Apple Sports app actually lets you manage a team… #apple #sport

2024-02-26 Yes, dork swagger is a thing.

2024-02-26 “When he swaggered in, it told everyone in the restaurant that he was a dork.” #writing

2024-02-26 “He stamped his foot in anger. It ended up in Brisbane.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-26 I should write a pulp story. #writing #shortstory

2024-02-26 The one main complaint I have about the SuperNote text recognition is its page-at-a time, rather …

2024-02-26 SuperNote text recognition is really good, but my handwriting is still too inconsistent to make it …

2024-02-26 The Baltimore Pen Show is this week/end. I don’t have anything on my “need” list, but I’m sure I’ll …

2024-02-26 “She pushed all of his buttons. She especially enjoyed pushing the big red one marked ‘Do Not …

2024-02-26 “Son, you need either skill or luck in this world. God granted you with neither. You gotta work for …

2024-02-26 Late lunch time. I got my tax prep paperwork all done.

2024-02-26 What do you do to de-stress? (No, I’m not stressed. Just wondering.)

2024-02-26 “Life is just a seven day average.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-26 Your limitations are not the limitations that exist. #life #failure

2024-02-26 Happy National Personal Chef Day. Seriously? Who here has a personal chef?

2024-02-26 Oil flavors: I’m not sure about the last one… #food

2024-02-26 Back in my day, we used to have people we called “robber barons”. Whatever happened to …

2024-02-26 “We all jump through hoops so that we can jump higher.” #life

2024-02-26 Greetings. Breathe deep. Drink water. Push on. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-25 The Gathering Update: When I wasn’t looking, Marble stole the graham cracker I was eating with my …


2024-02-25 Take what you have learned and apply it to a similar problem. #life #success

2024-02-25 Yawn. Good morning. Not much sleep. Time fo the ceremonial coffee.


2024-02-24 Happy Open That Bottle Night Yes, it’s a thing. No, I don’t celebrate.

2024-02-24 Find something to laugh about tomorrow.

2024-02-24 Don’t forget, you get an extra day in February this year to mess up.

2024-02-24 OK. I played a bit of Colostle.

2024-02-24 Watching a guy on TV that believes putting oil on your hands makes you act like you’re left-handed…

2024-02-24 The better question isn’t how do you detect an AI. It’s how do you detect a human/living organism? …

2024-02-24 A universe exists where traveling west is impossible. #writing #prompt

2024-02-24 Social media needs to implement a way to keep AI from following or interacting with you. That …

2024-02-24 Mind dump complete. 32.7 gigaquads dumped Cache reset.

2024-02-24 What would you admit if you could?

2024-02-24 If something is “earth-shattering”, why are we stil here?

2024-02-24 Misheard: My ant died…

2024-02-24 Cause and effect leads to cause and effect. The root cause is the so-called Bing Bang, or whatever …

2024-02-24 “I don’t know what I’m doing. But at least I’m testing options.” #writing #character

2024-02-24 “Connection. Could you live without it? You may have to.” #writing

2024-02-24 What if what you remember about yesterday is wrong? #writing #prompt

2024-02-24 “The future isn’t about AI. It’s about living your own life and making your own choices, making your …

2024-02-24 “Ideas are the sprinkles on life.”

2024-02-24 The Phillies. This year. Yay or nay?

2024-02-24 “He bought a pair of shoes because the man on the display told him to. He killed for the same …

2024-02-24 Which lasts longer? Sorrow or happiness? Anger or joy? Which causes more action? Why? #life

2024-02-24 You have to be the best you you can be. Be you. #life

2024-02-24 What is your favorite flavor of cupcake? Vanilla or chocolate are not valid as answers. Or cupcakes …

2024-02-24 Surprise is the realization that you’ve learned something new. #life

2024-02-24 Ask questions. Ask questions to which you believe you know the answers. You might be surprised, if …

2024-02-24 Is literature/music/art that doesn’t involve humans or human emotions relatable? Yes. Humans are …

2024-02-24 Happiness is just being content and accepting. Make someone happy. Accept them so they are content …

2024-02-24 Action makes you feel. Logical action makes you feel emotions that make sense. That is the gist of …

2024-02-24 “Parse the parsley, please.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-24 We live in a meaningless world. You don’t need meaning in your life, you need purpose. #life

2024-02-24 “Betrayal is in the eye of the beholder. I’m just doing what is good for me.” #writing

2024-02-24 Slow and steady may not win the race but it gets you further.

2024-02-24 I always find photographs of people showing teeth while smiling suspect. It’s like someone told …

2024-02-24 I should thank you all. Thank you for following and interacting with me. I appreciate it. It tells …

2024-02-24 I should play Colostle today. I need another scene. I should also play Battlecrest. #solorpg

2024-02-24 The smallest of tasks often lead to the greatest of failures. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2024-02-24 Have you ever wanted to start a new project, but realize you have enough on your plate and you …

2024-02-24 It’s warmer than it has been. It’s wetter than it is.

2024-02-24 “She rattled his brain as she throttled his neck.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-24 The Baltimore Pen Show is this coming week. Looking forward to it. I need to get out among people. …

2024-02-24 “Your heart betrays the darkness of your lie.” #writing

2024-02-24 Nibbage #fountainpen

2024-02-24 Anyone enjoying the weekend?

2024-02-24 “Your love turned my heart to dust.” #writing

2024-02-24 Hm. Just learned that one of the first responsibilities of the first commissioners of Dover,DE was …

2024-02-24 The Gathering: this is what I have to put up with now? #feral #cat

2024-02-24 Hello. It’s the weekend, rainy as it is. Enjoy your time here. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-23 Plan for tomorrow: — do stuff — edit stuff — write stuff — read stuff — eat stuff — play stuff

2024-02-23 If your socks could talk, what would they tell you?

2024-02-23 Be proud of all the evil you have not done.

2024-02-23 Time to switch it up. J.Herbin Clear (F) with Colorverse Felicette G. #fountainpen

2024-02-23 Hey! It’s Friday! Throw a party!

2024-02-23 Influencers are a viral disease.

2024-02-23 Happy Curling is Cool Day

2024-02-23 The Gathering Update: 7 days since Marble was incarcerated. I let her out of the guest room to …

2024-02-23 Hello. You live in a very small world. Get out of your own head. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-22 More evidence of Apple Nintendo… #apple #nintendo

2024-02-22 Greetings humans. Greet the sun with a yawn. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-21 Eating is a good thing.

2024-02-21 They did it right. Water martini with a twist. #food

2024-02-21 Just ordered a water mattini. Lets see how they do.

2024-02-21 “Life is a biohazard.” #writing

2024-02-21 Observed: “He poured the music into his ear, holding up his phone so it pressed into the hammer and …

2024-02-21 Counter argument: if you invest, you desire control. #apple #nintendo

2024-02-21 I would really like Apple to invest, not buy, Nintendo. Apple needs better games. #apple #nintendo

2024-02-21 “Do not treat AIs as if they are the gods they are not.” #writing #ai

2024-02-21 The Gathering Update: It is Day 6 of Marble’s Incarceration. She’s a little love-bug. I plan on …

2024-02-21 Happy hours are like happy meals. Overpriced and sad.

2024-02-21 “He was a nerd. He was gummy.” #writing #throwawayline If you get it you are a kid.

2024-02-21 AIs can become sick, infected,and die. Anyone who tells you otherwise, is trying to sell you a …

2024-02-21 Hm… a hoppy mead? Or a ginger beer—beer with ginger? #brewing #mead #beer

2024-02-21 Hm. I just realized I haven’t brewed anything since last year. I should come up with something. …

2024-02-21 OVerheard: “i have to stop by and pick up drugs.” #writing #character

2024-02-21 I should stop by B&N since Im in the area. Not that I need anything, but I miss bookstores, even …

2024-02-21 I just did my good deed for the day. Help when you can. #life

2024-02-21 “My mother consumed all of her children.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-21 Observation: If you go where you used to go, everyone there tends to be as old as you are becuase …

2024-02-21 Observed: Never trust anyone who starts a conversation with,”In my experince…” they are trying to …

2024-02-21 I have overcome the lure of VisionPro. Mostly, because I cant come up with an app idea that isnt …

2024-02-21 “We are grown to make mistakes. Our forebears pass on the ability.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-21 “Weird is what other people aren’t.” #writing

2024-02-21 If its not obvious, I’ve never made sticky buns. Maybe I should so that I can say that I have. …

2024-02-21 Happy National Sticky Bun Day. How are these different from cinnamon buns? If you tell me they dont …

2024-02-21 Lets of stuff happens when you don’t pay attention. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-21 Photo up #photography

2024-02-21 “His life was a light umber verging on puke green.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-21 I hope everyone is having a better day.

2024-02-21 It’s one of those evenings. The restaurant is busy, but no good conversational snippets or …

2024-02-21 “The AI wants you to know that you’re even more an idiot than it is.” #writing

2024-02-21 “He was lost in the place between places.” #writing

2024-02-21 Today was full of personal stuff. I’m in PA now.

2024-02-21 Books are written to be read. If you keep a book from being read, you are not only censoring the …

2024-02-21 Time for the first meal of the day and some free writing.

2024-02-21 You don’t need stuff to do if you have stuff to do. #life

2024-02-21 Hm. Apple just released a free Sports app. But no NFL apparently. #apple #sport

2024-02-21 Apple rolls out post-quantum encryption (PQ3)… #apple #security

2024-02-21 Good morning. Bring the energy. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-20 I guess I should make lunch.

2024-02-20 Just because everyone and their grandmother’s dog has an AI, doesn’t mean your product …

2024-02-20 Good morning. Don’t be that other person. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-19 Nice review of “Out of Time” #books #sf

2024-02-19 “What happens to coffee if you don’t drink it?” “I wouldn’t know.”

2024-02-19 “Living is only half the problem.” #writing

2024-02-19 Just because something is trending doesn’t mean it’s worth doing/having. Don’t be a lemming. #life

2024-02-19 “My dad knew how to fly a plane.” “That’s no big thing. I’ve flown a lot. Most times in a plane.” …

2024-02-19 Just because you win, it doesn’t mean you’re a winner. #life

2024-02-19 Back in my day women played against men in tennis. What ever happened to that? #sport

2024-02-19 Beach volleyball is a thing Beach soccer/football is a thing. Why aren’t beach hockey and beach …

2024-02-19 If you have a car chase, a scene through an empty parking lot is obligatory. #writing #wcreenplay

2024-02-19 It’s President’s Day here in the US. It’s a highly generic holiday.

2024-02-19 “There are others.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-19 Nibbage #fointainpen

2024-02-19 The morning zoomed by and I ain’t takin’ zoom calls. Do people still do those?

2024-02-19 Happy Prevent Plagiarism Day

2024-02-19 Ugh. It’s Monday. Yay! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-18 Happy Thumb Appreciation Day

2024-02-18 Back in my day music came from something called a phono-graph.

2024-02-18 Hm. Orange marmalade and rosemary should go really well together. Maybe I’ll try some on the bread …

2024-02-18 Great crust. Nice flavor. #baking

2024-02-18 Pretty ugly exterior. Looks decent inside. Taste? #baking

2024-02-18 I threw a dough together. Very haphazard of me. Normally, I measure and weigh. I got lazy. I’ll see …

2024-02-18 Time to switch it up. Another Stafford I restored (EF) w/Diamine Writer’s Blood #fountainpen This is …

2024-02-18 Good morning. Do something relaxing today. There is enough stress. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-17 Anyone enjoying the weekend?

2024-02-17 Playing a game of One Deck Dungeon #game

2024-02-17 Hey peeps, it’s your season.

2024-02-17 Just because you can go fast doesn’t mean you can go far. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-17 PSA: Do not order spicy/hot wings when your hands are covered in kitten-claw wounds. Razor blades …

2024-02-17 Don’t judge a person by what they read, unless they read to confirm what they believe. #life #books …

2024-02-17 What snow we received overnight (2 inches) is now gone. That’ how life works, even for the …

2024-02-17 Incite people to learn. #life #success

2024-02-17 Plan for this afternoon: — Play Colostle — Play One Deck Dungeon — Spend time with Marble — Make …

2024-02-17 “We all make mistakes. I prefer making milkshakes.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-17 I’m tempted to publish an anthology. I know enough writers… #writing #anthology

2024-02-17 The Gathering: Marble, has calmed down post surgery and is a fun kitten that loves affection. Of …

2024-02-17 Your Plot is Fractal… I had a feeling this was true, but glad to …

2024-02-17 What are you looking forward to in the next few months?

2024-02-17 What is it with people? I’m the only one in the restaurant for lunch. Two guys show up and sit right …

2024-02-17 Hm. I’ve wanted to write a pulp story. Maybe C3 is a good enough reason. #mdc3con #writing #pulp

2024-02-17 I guess I need to start thinking about writing a short story for this year’s Creatures, Crimes, and …

2024-02-17 Well, my primary and backup fountain pens both ran out of ink today. I guess I need to ink up …

2024-02-17 It’s time for some food and free-writing. What’s everyone up to today?

2024-02-17 Time to switch it up. Platinum “Cool” - Blue (M) w/ Diamine Blue Velvet. #fountainpen

2024-02-17 Nibbage #fountainpen

2024-02-17 Photo up. #photography

2024-02-17 Good morning. Huzzah! It’s the weekend. Rejoice! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-16 Plan for tomorrow: — keep Marble company — play some games — read — errands

2024-02-16 OK. I was looking for a baumkuchen recipe. It’s beyond my means.… …

2024-02-16 Vicious Rumor: Apple announces iOS 20 at WWDC this year, instead of 18 because of all the major …

2024-02-16 Spent the day hanging out with Marble, the feral while coding and doing other stuff. She’s now …

2024-02-16 I just snuck in a two hour nap. I guess I won’t be accomplishing anything today. Oh, have a happy …

2024-02-16 The Gathering: Interesting night. I slept in the room where Marble is recovering. She’s not happy …

2024-02-16 Yawn. Good morning. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-15 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — editing — make bread dough — keep Marble company in the guest room

2024-02-15 Marble isn’t happy. #feral #cat

2024-02-15 Everyone can have an idea, not many do anything with the ones they have. #life

2024-02-15 Sometimes you have to step outside yourself to grow. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-15 “Take your life offline.” You can read this two ways. #life #writing

2024-02-15 I miss going to Cupertino/San Jose. #travel #business

2024-02-15 I still need to do a bunch of editing today.

2024-02-15 Observed: “He grabbed his head as if his hair was going to fall off in shock.” #writing #character

2024-02-15 The Gathering: Just got a text from the vet. I get to pick up Marble at 2. #feral #cat

2024-02-15 “The snowman melted my heart.” #writing

2024-02-15 “My dog don’t hunt like that.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-15 Photo up. #photography

2024-02-15 When was the last time you had a really good cavort?

2024-02-15 It’s time to eat and free-write.

2024-02-15 Happy St. Skeletor’s Day Look it up.

2024-02-15 Presented without comment.

2024-02-15 Good morning. Blue skies this morning. Keep good thoughts. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-14 Plan for tomorrow: — tax stuff — iOS UI stuff — editing — pick up Marble from the vet and settle the …

2024-02-14 If you act without knowing how or why you are acting, you’re just floundering. At least a fish knows …

2024-02-14 If you don’t do anything with the information you have, you’re just collecting stuff. #life

2024-02-14 Bear on Mac is having problems this morning… #bearapp

2024-02-14 Happy International Book Giving Day

2024-02-14 Hello. Welcome. You’ve come to the wrong place. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-13 I’m thinking a VisionOS app that displays a 3D bookcase with 3D readable books would be enough …

2024-02-13 Now that we have VisionOS, it would make sense to bring back skeuomorphic design into the UI to help …

2024-02-13 Tomorrow will be a big day (well, at least interesting for me). “Out of Time” comes out on …

2024-02-13 Heh. I’m now getting spam texts from “Branding Advisors.” Note how this uses “we” and “our” when …

2024-02-13 People who want more time are usually the ones who keep wasting it. #life

2024-02-13 Time for some tea

2024-02-13 “My imaginary friends got tired of me talking to them and told me to shut up.” #writing …

2024-02-13 “The more people that act lemming-like, the easier it is to predict and control their behavior. The …

2024-02-13 “There is nothing mysterious about being dead. You just lie there and enjoy the sensation.” #writing …

2024-02-13 “Let’s go to Virginia for a funeral.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-13 The reason some people dance and perform is to draw attention from their inability to sing. #music …

2024-02-13 Hm. French Onion Soup with a minuscule bit of ground cloves. That should work. #food

2024-02-13 I’m a decent cook. This is my new take on my own cooking. “Gordon Ramsey has never said he didn’t …

2024-02-13 I should creat something called “CloseAI”, a script that just trolls and insults you. People, on …

2024-02-13 Back in my day, vaccinations were like tattoos.

2024-02-13 Sometimes, my humor falls flat. Even for me.

2024-02-13 It’s strange that, here, in the US Progressive makes soup and sells insurance.

2024-02-13 I’m slowly getting my tax stuff together. It was easier when I had a job. :/

2024-02-13 It’s a weirding weather day. The sun is coming out.

2024-02-13 I think I need to make some Shepherd’s pie this week. I have some potatoes and meat I should make …

2024-02-13 Everyone has a story. Most, however, center around going to work, coming home, sleeping, partying, …

2024-02-13 Marble at the vet. #feral #cat

2024-02-13 Overheard: A guy on the cellphone arguing about which sibling is their mother’s favorite. Really. …

2024-02-13 I’ve never been to Mardi Gras. I’ve never been to the Mummers’ Parade. I don’t have much of a life, …

2024-02-13 Photo up. #photography

2024-02-13 “I’m trippin’!” “Well, watch where you’re going then.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-13 “Life is a work of fiction. Everyone makes it up as they go.” #life #writing

2024-02-13 The Gathering: I got Marble, one of The Three (kittens), to the vet. I get her back on Thursday. …

2024-02-13 Well I got flurries this morning. Along with the downpour. Either way it’s been cold and windy.

2024-02-13 Happy Get a Different Name Day

2024-02-13 Good morning. Keep working. Keep helping. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-12 So, anyone still using their VisionPro? #apple

2024-02-12 The Gathering. It seems we have a new member. He looks like the brother of the one who adopted me. …

2024-02-12 Blueberry scones out of the oven #scones

2024-02-12 OK. I’m expecting the Switch 2 release announcement on Mario Day next month. #nintendo #switch

2024-02-12 It’s mundane. Tomorrow will be tuesdane.

2024-02-12 Happy National Lost Penny Day

2024-02-12 The Gathering Update: Well that was exciting. I got Speck, one of the feral kittens into a carrier …

2024-02-12 Good morning. It’s Monday. Don’t bemoan the weekend lost, look forward to the one to …

2024-02-11 Plan for tomorrow: — tax stuff — errands — iOS UI stuff — edit stuff — eat stuff


2024-02-11 Vicious Rumor: Apple to retire Macs and MacOS next year to focus on iPad and VisionPro. #apple #mac …

2024-02-11 Don’t let yourself down. #life #success

2024-02-11 I finally won a solo game of Tiny Epic Galaxies. #game

2024-02-11 Just because someone doesn’t show appreciation, doesn’t mean you haven’t done the right thing. #life

2024-02-11 “The single drop of blood swirled and floated downward in the martini glass.”

2024-02-11 It’s not enough to be doing something, you have to now what you’re doing. #life

2024-02-11 At least the Yomu (ereader) widgets work.

2024-02-11 Enjoy your day. It’s all yours.

2024-02-11 Life is mysterious, confusing, frustrating, and painful. But only if you aren’t living. #life

2024-02-11 Name all of the butlers you have hard of, Alfred, Jeeves, etc. What other “manservants” are famous? …

2024-02-11 Observed: He looked like the old guy from Tron 2. #writing #character

2024-02-11 Here, in the US, chain restaurants, among others, only know how to steam broccoli. It’s cheap, easy, …

2024-02-11 “I am not a number! I am a free man! I am not Number Six.” “So what is your SSN, passport number, …

2024-02-11 If you’re trying to settle scores stop keeping count. — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-11 “Murder is easy if you think you can get away with it.” #writing

2024-02-11 Some people think outside the tesseract, some the box. Others, think outside the triangle. Some are …

2024-02-11 Keep your mind and body active. Stay hydrated. Stay upbeat (not optimistic.) Stay sane.

2024-02-11 Service: something you want to pay someone to do because you have money or are lazy.~

2024-02-11 I wonder if Apple has shifted away from health. #apple #wwdc #visionpro #health

2024-02-11 There’s a game today I plan on playing Tiny Epic Dungeons. #game

2024-02-11 “Given the choice, I wouldn’t make it.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-11 What’s the last good music (good singing, playing, etc), not performer/dancer/cavorter that you have …

2024-02-11 “‘I’m not a hoarder. I have a clean and uncluttered house.’ ‘Yes, but have you seen your closet? …

2024-02-11 Some people are hoarders. Some people are data hoarders. Some people consume. Which are you? #life

2024-02-11 Country (western) music is for people who think malt liquor is a beer.

2024-02-11 Be happy that you’re around to be happy. That’s enough of a reason. #life

2024-02-11 “Life is a luxury afforded to few.” #writing

2024-02-11 Compliment a stranger today. Just do it and see what happens.

2024-02-11 How do you track progress? Or do you? If you do, is it objective or how you feel about what you have …

2024-02-11 I’m finding cross-stitch causes me to be uncomfortably relaxed and focused. Origami seems to …

2024-02-11 A trip to PA is in my future. I should book-a-room.

2024-02-11 Stop what you are doing. Observe how everyone and everything is reacting to what you have done. …

2024-02-11 “The being loomed large, power and energy washing over the planet. ‘Do not speak my name.’ ‘Why …

2024-02-11 “The reason they grill you is to put you on the hot seat.” #writing

2024-02-11 And my handwriting has vastly improved since I started writing consistently with a fountain pen. Not …

2024-02-11 Fountain pens keep waste and throwaway pens out of landfills. Still, they haven’t kept me from …

2024-02-11 “Silence is a spot three inches in front of you.” #writing

2024-02-11 Don’t throw the baby out with the dishwater.

2024-02-11 Happy National Pork Rind Appreciation Day

2024-02-11 Back in my day we had shareware. This before app stores, malware/spyware/adware. Before development …

2024-02-11 Time to switch it up. A piston-filler Stafford I restored, (EF) w/ Colorverse Dusty Roads. Nice pen. …

2024-02-11 It’s supposed to be warmish today. I guess I should get out into it. That means I’ll …

2024-02-11 Good morning. Be compassionate today, even if you feel like blowing up. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-02-10 Plan for tomorrow: — Today part 2

2024-02-10 Happy International Cribbage Day I remember playing it in college…

2024-02-10 Played a solo game of Skulls of Sedlac. Didn’t do very well. #game

2024-02-10 Remember. There is tea in team.

2024-02-10 Accept your density.

2024-02-10 Anyone know of a commercial ebook store that does not have DRM? #book #ebook #epub

2024-02-10 Even the Apple Books widgets are borked. #apple #books #failure

2024-02-10 Ugly looking. The cheese looks wrong somehow. Time to taste. Tastes good. But the crust is too …

2024-02-10 Pizza crust in the oven. Pizza in the oven. I don’t have good feelings about either. #food

2024-02-10 I’m making an orange, pear, and grape smoothie. Stay hydrated.

2024-02-10 Photo up. #photography

2024-02-10 Yomu is almost perfect for my purposes. But it doesn’t import Amazon kfx files or read Apple DRM. …

2024-02-10 I found a decent replacement for Apple Books, but unfortunately Apple uses DRM/encryption to store …

2024-02-10 Good morning. Make the most of the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-09 I wonder how many people actually do meal planning for the week. #food

2024-02-09 I’ve been looking for a better ebook reader than Apple Books. I’ve found an app called …

2024-02-09 I wish Apple would fix Books instead of trying to sell books. I find that I can no longer see the …

2024-02-09 What plans have you come up with for the weekend? Are you going to watch the game? Or Taylor Swift? …

2024-02-09 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of my coffee espresso mead. #mead

2024-02-09 Have the fires in Canada from last year stopped? We down here in the lower states haven’t heard.

2024-02-09 Plan for tomorrow: — try to bake pizza dough alone to see how it tastes and comes out. — try to bake …

2024-02-09 Relax. You’re at the high point of your day.

2024-02-09 Discovered this in the grocery app. Autocorrect for the win?

2024-02-09 If you can’t find humor around you, make your own. #life #success

2024-02-09 “He had a great lawn. He loved snorting grass.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-09 “The truck pulled up and unloaded its load of dead bodies on his front porch. The cement mixer …

2024-02-09 How I will you spend this weekend? I plan on saving it for when I need it.

2024-02-09 I’ve said this before… Once you have most of the money, it becomes worthless.

2024-02-09 Yes, it’s that kind of day.

2024-02-09 Who you beg money from, says a lot about who you are. #life

2024-02-09 The current state of AI is analogous to reading entrails. Both give you results but can cost lives. …

2024-02-09 Just because a program can answer questions that you either can’t, won’t, or are too lazy to …

2024-02-09 Understanding is not the same as parsing. #ai

2024-02-09 It’s not AI if you have to ask or tell it what to do. #ai

2024-02-09 Sport “anyalists” are just people who sit around and talk about the game. It’s not that they know …

2024-02-09 To celebrate the Lunar New Year tomorrow, I’m having Asian Zing wings.

2024-02-09 The one thing my parents taught me was to look both ways when crossing the street. Well, my parents …

2024-02-09 My thoughts are my own. They are given to me by the giant rubber-like squirrel from another …

2024-02-09 I hope we see a more unified UI experience between MacOS and iOS/iPadOS at this #wwdc The current …

2024-02-09 A Poem —— He was tired. He was retired. All the tread was gone from his life. #writing …

2024-02-09 You’re going to mess up sooner or later. Try to make it later. #life #success

2024-02-09 The spike in VisionPro posts across the multiple social sites I visit seems to have subsided. Either …

2024-02-09 How is everyone feeling today? Remember that the no matter what happens in the SuperBowl, Taylor …

2024-02-09 Do it before time runs out! Get your copy of “Out of Time” …

2024-02-09 Sometimes the best thing you can do is care for yourself. #life #success

2024-02-09 Hm. It looks like it’s probably not something I want to try. It’s more involved than a normal sac or …

2024-02-09 I was going through stuff and came across a Schaeffer snorkel pen that I never repaired. I guess I …

2024-02-09 I think I’ll try making Thai shrimp and pork dumplings this weekend. #food

2024-02-09 Are you still writing January on your checks? .~

2024-02-09 Productive morning. I’ve earned the right to eat lunch.

2024-02-09 I hate XCode. It gets stuck “Preparing…” every time I connect to a device. The only way …

2024-02-09 Happy National Pizza Pie Day. I hadn’t planned it this way, but I’m planning on baking …

2024-02-09 I’m hunkering down to fix a bug in my app. #ios

2024-02-08 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — get ingredients to make dumplings and pizza — edit

2024-02-08 Happy Laugh and Grow Rich Day Someone in marketing must’ve made this one up.

2024-02-08 Appreciate the pets and animals around you. #life #success

2024-02-08 Meyer lemon in bloom #plant

2024-02-07 PSA: Just because you’re on TikTok, it doesn’t make you an expert in anything.

2024-02-07 So, who plans on getting out of bed tomorrow?

2024-02-07 Encourage someone you wouldn’t normally think of encouraging. Do a good deed. Everyone needs …

2024-02-07 PSA: Don’t wear VisionPro while driving, flying a plane, operating heavy machinery, or in the …

2024-02-07 Update on The Gathering. #feral #cat

2024-02-07 I’ve Been Remiss… #writing

2024-02-07 “I don’t need to scrye your future. Your entrails will be enough.” #writing

2024-02-07 Writing prompt: Intelligent zombies that look normal and move just as fast as you. #writing #prompt

2024-02-07 Thank you all for putting up with me here. No one puts up with me in real life ;) You, all, have a …

2024-02-07 “Stand up for others before you stand up for yourself.”

2024-02-07 Yes, I’m still trying to learn to sketch/doodle. I can sort of draw a straight line, which means I …

2024-02-07 “The frying pan is mightier than the sword, in limited circumstances.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-02-07 Happy e Day. Euler get it or not.

2024-02-07 “Welcome to the planet. Your job is to protect it and everything on it. Oh! You’re from Marketing? …

2024-02-07 There is a difference between what you think and how you emotionally react to what you think. Learn …

2024-02-07 Valentine’s Day is next week, when the country goes all Barbie.

2024-02-07 I want to learn to make an edible pizza dough. Every time I try it comes out disgusting regardless …

2024-02-07 How many friends are too many?

2024-02-07 “The two voices in my head stopped arguing. I think one of them is dead.” #writing

2024-02-07 I’m tempted to sign up for a VisionPro demo, but then it would be tempting to just give in and buy …

2024-02-07 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2024-02-07 This year’s WWDC should be interesting. I’m guessing most of it will be VisionPro focused (heh). …

2024-02-07 If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will. #life #success

2024-02-07 Hello. It’s Wednesday. It’s like Tuesday, but less so. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-06 Productive day today. Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — Python stuff — Editing — Free-writing — …

2024-02-06 Cinnamon raisin bread. #baking

2024-02-06 How much did you accomplish today? Was it worth it? #life

2024-02-06 The sun is as cold as the air today.


2024-02-06 Happy National Chopsticks Day …I think the national chopsticks are in the Smithsonian…

2024-02-06 Good morning. Adopt a house plant today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-05 What is your favorite winter drink, apart from coffee?

2024-02-05 If you don’t look at the negatives, the positives may not be worth the effort. #life #photography

2024-02-05 Overheard: “If you aren’t going to get anywhere, you may as well stay home.” #life

2024-02-05 Mind dump complete. 1.7 gigaquads dumped. Cache cleared.

2024-02-05 Waves move up and down. If waves traveled, the oceans would soon be lower than they are and the …

2024-02-05 A hero isn’t someone who wants attention and to be honored. It’s the others that want to force it on …

2024-02-05 What do you do to de-stress? How often do you? Why aren’t you doing it now?

2024-02-05 If it weren’t for the cold, it would feel like summer.

2024-02-05 You don’t need a reason to be happy. You need a reason to be not happy. #life

2024-02-05 The problem with sport(s) is that once you win, you then have to go through winning again. It’s a …

2024-02-05 The Enter key on my Smart Keyboard is refusing to accept my requests. I have to pound it into …

2024-02-05 How many friends are too many? How many are two few? What is the Goldilock’s zone? …

2024-02-05 “If you don’t drink water throughout the day, you will be a mere shell of yourself.” #life

2024-02-05 He pulled her to him. “You know what I like about you? You haven’t tried to kill me.” “Yet.” …

2024-02-05 It’s time to get started on taxes and that will determine vacations.

2024-02-05 I’m looking forward to the Baltimore Pen Show. It’s pretty much the same each year, but I always …

2024-02-05 “I keep people at bay. Old bay.” Not even worth a #throwawayline hashtag #writing

2024-02-05 Decisions decisions. #food

2024-02-05 He sat on the stoop. Barney, his friend, sat next to him. Barney sighed a sigh so heavy with …

2024-02-05 Do you agonize of important decisions, or do you go with your “gut”?

2024-02-05 Crosswords: what my parents had for me when I was born.

2024-02-05 Writer’s need an imagination, or at least a sense of humor. If they don’t have either, they need …

2024-02-05 Valentine’s Day is a week from this Wednesday Who are you going to massacre?

2024-02-05 I’m also playing through Colostle. I’m enjoying it. I’m thinking I’ll post my adventures once I …

2024-02-05 I spent some time last night reworking The Scrying Game cards to make things more playable. I’ll …

2024-02-05 The VisionPro people have gone silent…. The Matrix now has them. Lots of buzz the first day, now not …

2024-02-05 A struggling author isn’t one who writes. #writing

2024-02-05 “Do not boil over when you can simmer. Do not simmer when you can steam. Do not steam when you can …

2024-02-05 Time to be annoying and eat lunch.

2024-02-05 Why does it always have to be Monday?

2024-02-04 Back in my day we had something known as a “reclusive billionaire”. I miss those days.

2024-02-04 I just played and won a game of Ugly Gryphon Inn. Woot! #game

2024-02-04 Hm. Cool. That’s easy. Pitcher plants can easily be propagated by cuttings. Perfect. #plants

2024-02-04 I think I need to propagate one of my pitcher plant’s it’s getting cumbersome. #plant

2024-02-04 Bird! Tufted titmouse. #bird

2024-02-04 “The mountains you have to move are the ones inside yourself.” #writing

2024-02-04 Hello. It’s Sunday. Goof off! You’ve earned the right. Just do it safely. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-02-03 Is this the year the iTunes Store will be renamed or disappear? #wwdc #music #itunes #apple

2024-02-03 “He wasn’t ahead of his time. He was afraid of his time.” #writing

2024-02-03 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — recharge — read — recreate.

2024-02-03 Time for some music.… #music

2024-02-03 “The purpose of life is to remind you that death awaits.” #writing

2024-02-03 Seriously, it’s not hard writing understandable error messages and solutions. #programming #failure

2024-02-03 As my dad used to say, “Get out of here!”

2024-02-03 Did a bit more cross-stitch. Caught a mistake and had to undo one stitch. I’m going to call that one …

2024-02-03 Trust the universe. You can’t do anything about it anyway. #life


2024-02-03 Happy Take Your Child to the Library Day

2024-02-03 Hello. Enjoy the weekend. Don’t be judgemental. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-02 What game are you going to play this weekend? Electronic or otherwise.

2024-02-02 Show gratitude to those who help you, no matter how small what they do. #life #success

2024-02-02 Subscribe now and we’ll send you a free groundhog. Hurry, this offer is limited. Just include $3 …

2024-02-02 IWoohoo! I finally upgraded my MiyooMini + to OnionOS. This is the + next to the original. Crappy …

2024-02-02 You don’t have to be religious, or even a Christian, to be moral. #life

2024-02-02 PSA: It’s Friday. If you survived this far, you have the weekend to look forward to.

2024-02-02 Weird question: In the Apple App Store, how are search result sorted? It’s not alphabetical. Anyone …

2024-02-02 If you want, you can pretend it’s Tuesday.

2024-02-02 Happy Hedgehog Day

2024-02-02 I’m seeing a lot of the same old existing apps for VisionPro. Not much innovation app-wise, …

2024-02-02 Greetings humans. Go about your human things. TIme for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-01 “Your life is an echo from the past.” #writing

2024-02-01 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — edit. — write — bake — Python — practice cross-stitch — read

2024-02-01 There is no requirement for the people you befriend to befriend you. #life #success

2024-02-01 Take a ripe/overripe banana. Blend it smooth. Mix in with hot chocolate. Add marshmallows. You’re …

2024-02-01 When was the last time you fought and defeated true evil? I doubt anyone has.

2024-02-01 “Sometimes you have to churn out stuff before you get butter.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2024-02-01 It’s been that kind of a week.

2024-02-01 I hope he knows the book is about hamsters… lol #book #writing

2024-02-01 I wonder if I should learn Danish. I can guess at a lot of the words given my knowledge of German. …

2024-02-01 I’m still waiting for the Switch 2 announcement. #nintendo

2024-02-01 African violet

2024-02-01 So, are people having fun with their new VisionPros? #apple #visionpro

2024-02-01 Maybe I’ll bake something tomorrow. Maybe some cookies or cupcakes. #baking

2024-02-01 Anyone having fun this Thursday? If so, why aren’t you sharing any of it?

2024-02-01 If you are set in your ways, your ways will set you. #life #failure

2024-02-01 If you make the rules, you aren’t allowed to break them.

2024-02-01 Salad consumed: romaine, roasted corn, tomato.

2024-02-01 Happy National Get Up Day

2024-02-01 I’m ready for the weekend. I’ve been ready all week.

2024-02-01 I miss seeing people at courses, conferences and conventions. This always online thing doesn’t work …

2024-02-01 Happy February 1, 2024. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-02-01 Good morning. It’s a book and coffee kind of day, but I have things to do.

2024-01-31 Make some new memories tomorrow.

2024-01-31 I did find my smoothie book and danish recipes cookbook…

2024-01-31 I seem to have misplaced my scones cookbook…

2024-01-31 No moment is more important than any other, except in your mind. When you see that you set yourself …

2024-01-31 If you can’t have fun, what can you have?

2024-01-31 I feel it’s time for Apple to have another musical guest at WWDC this year. They are overdue for a …

2024-01-31 “The chili was hotter than the woman who sat across from him and talked about how she had found …

2024-01-31 Remember when we hoped Trump would be arrested?

2024-01-31 Back in my day when someone talked to themselves, we considered the person “strange” or insane, or …

2024-01-31 A’Tuin #writing #throwawayline #discworld

2024-01-31 Plot is what happens. POV is who sees it happening. Voice is who says it’s happening. Theme is what …

2024-01-31 I’m hoping VisionPro is more affordable later this year, but I doubt it will be. I guess it depends …

2024-01-31 Lunch stuff

2024-01-31 “She couldn’t sing, but she could market herself as a singer. She had learned as a child, that …

2024-01-31 “Everyone has a toolbox: carpenters, artists, writers, terrorists, and the weird old little grandma …

2024-01-31 “Walking past the dais, he missed the point of his own presentation.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-31 How to improve your writing: “He felt he couldn’t take any more of the fight.” vs. “He cringed as …

2024-01-31 What could this be? #ios #ipados

2024-01-31 I write because I enjoy the process. I like making stories up that are fun, for me at least. I’m not …

2024-01-31 It’s cold. It feels like winter. That’s because it still is.

2024-01-31 Feeding time. Free-writing time. Regrouping time.

2024-01-31 This is a reminder that this is a leap year, 2024. That also means the millimeter is somewhat …


2024-01-31 Happy Hell Is Freezing Over Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-01-31 Good morning. It’s Wednesday. Have a nominal day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2024-01-30 Happy Yodel for Your Neighbors Day

2024-01-30 Is it the weekend yet?

2024-01-30 It’s been a productive morning. I deserve to eat.

2024-01-30 What life skill do you need to learn?

2024-01-30 My indoor Meyer Lemon is full of buds. So is my lime tree. #plant

2024-01-30 Personality is what you project and it can change. Character is what you are and drives personality. …

2024-01-30 Hm. Apple sold 200,000+ VisionPros? That’s pretty good, methinks. #visionpro

2024-01-30 Hello. Don’t bemoan Tuesdays. They’re not as bad as Mondays. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-01-29 Time to switch it up. Kaweco Art Sport - Pebble Blue (B) w/Kaweco cartridge. #fountianpen

2024-01-29 Everyone . It’s nap time. Then cookies and milk.

2024-01-29 Creativity is more than just combining stuff. Originality is being able to create in vacuuo. Current …

2024-01-29 Overheard: “My mother had the mouth of a bass.” #writing #character

2024-01-29 I’m seeing a lot of “Consent is sexy” posts on Mastodon. You know what’s better? Saying No and …

2024-01-29 I should drop a copy of “Out of Time” at my local library. #books #library

2024-01-29 Anyone going somewhere new and exciting on vacation this year? I’m dull and boring.

2024-01-29 WANTED: A sense of humor. The one I have struggles and refuses to be tied down.

2024-01-29 “He was my favorite husband. He died without a fight.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-29 “Her husband occasionally had a heartbeat. It was, however, irregular as were his bathroom habits.” …

2024-01-29 “His wife was a fossil. Not only did she wear an extinct watch, but she was a dinosaur.” #writing …

2024-01-29 “The mouse had a mousetache…” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-29 The 2024 election?

2024-01-29 Writing prompt: Ian Fleming is abducted by aliens who think he’s Arthur Conan Doyle. #writing …

2024-01-29 “He sipped from the glass. He was the only one who used a glass, others used their fists to hold the …

2024-01-29 “The Raven and Fetid Foot” Would make a great title or a British pub name. #writing

2024-01-29 First drafts are never as good as you think they are. #writing

2024-01-29 “His parents were gone. He’d never see them or hear his mother’s laugh or father’s yelling at him. …

2024-01-29 Many authors are so concerned about form, genre, POV, voice, and all the other technical stuff that …

2024-01-29 Pre-order your copy of “Out of Time”, while there is still time. …

2024-01-29 Justin Timberlake now looks like Elon Musk.

2024-01-29 I hate XCode. Programmers need to learn to write simple English error messages. #xcode

2024-01-29 Stay upbeat. Stay healthy. Stay hydrated.

2024-01-29 Greetings. Appreciate those around you. Tell them they have helped you. Do so when they do or after …

2024-01-28 Unachievable goals are called dreams. #life

2024-01-28 Did some more cross-stitch today. I’m slowly getting into the rhythm of it. Also played a solo …

2024-01-28 Good morning. Weekends are under appreciated. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2024-01-27 Happy National Chocolate Cake Day …the only good kind of chocolate.

2024-01-27 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-27 Japan is getting pounded by more earthquakes.

2024-01-27 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — read — play games

2024-01-27 “He was a preacher. He preached the truth, not the beliefs and religions others found convenient.” …

2024-01-27 Have you ever noticed that whenever someone (here in the US) says, “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”, …

2024-01-27 It’s a weird world. I just ran into someone who had bought one of my books… And I’m definitely not …

2024-01-27 What’s trending in your life? Not what’s trending in the stuff you follow?

2024-01-27 Overheard: “This French Onion soup is going to be like hot lava.” I guess he’s eaten a lot of hot …

2024-01-27 When you name your child after your favorite sauce…

2024-01-27 The Gathering is still coming every day. Spot’s kittens are growing fast. They enjoy napping and …

2024-01-27 “He sighed. ‘My parents told me I was an afterthought.’” #writing #character

2024-01-27 “Her cherry perfume was like the cough syrup his mother forced down his throat when he pretended to …

2024-01-27 My snark level has been low lately. I must be down with something. And I’m not using “down with” in …

2024-01-27 Getting shrimp instead of wings, IKYWW.

2024-01-27 “He was dropping verbs like it was grammar school.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-27 I’m just scribbling stuff and letting the trapped ideas loose to roam the Earth where they can reek …

2024-01-27 “You don’t need a reason to smile, especially if you’re a psychotic villain.” #writing

2024-01-27 Just discovered the music of “Two Steps To Hell”. Seems like it would be good for running, …

2024-01-27 “Just because you’re a performer doesn’t make you a good singer. Just because you’re a writer …

2024-01-27 If you have to compete to win, you’ve already lost.

2024-01-27 I changed my mind and decided to eat something healthier than wings.

2024-01-27 #ai

2024-01-27 I think I will sally forth, or even gloria forth and eat some wings and do some free-writing.

2024-01-27 If you spend your day thinking about the life you want, and the wonderful person you will one day …

2024-01-27 Be grateful, not for what you have but for everything and everyone. #life #success

2024-01-27 Good morning. Get outside today beyond the walls. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-26 It’s Friday. It’s time to relax.

2024-01-26 If you’ve forgotten, here’s a reminder. It’s Friday. Let it go.

2024-01-26 Exploring ideas for a vacation/writer’s retreat this year.

2024-01-26 Humans are incapable of experiencing objective reality. #life

2024-01-26 Greetings. It’s going up to 70ºF this Friday. Hunker down! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-25 Compassion is a strength to be shared. #life #success

2024-01-25 “Why did you ask me out to dinner if you didn’t want to hear me talk?” “I thought you were hungry.” …

2024-01-25 How long do you need to remain inactive to be considered dead?

2024-01-25 “The rarest breed is the one left standing.” #writing

2024-01-25 “The old hag sighed as she glanced up at the old wooden cuckoo clock. Her stomach rumbled. She …

2024-01-25 “The stand of tall pines forced the perspective upward, to a point. Then they stopped.” #writing

2024-01-25 “When was the last time you played with your kids?” “I don’t have kids.” “What did you do with …

2024-01-25 “He laughed at her. He died almost instantly.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-25 “The irony was that all of his clothes were rumpled.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-25 “If it’s obvious, it should be stated.” #life

2024-01-25 “I miss mud pies. They were a lot better when I was growing up. They had real flavor back then.” …

2024-01-25 I miss the days of farce in books and media. Oh right, pretty much on current media is farce, but …

2024-01-25 “There are two kinds of people. Those that stand out in hope of gaining a benefit, and those who …

2024-01-25 Lots of next-book editing this morning. A new game scene written. Food still in-the-queue. I should …

2024-01-25 I’m contemplating food and working on another scene in my Colostle story. #writing #game

2024-01-25 “Make mistakes no one else has. Otherwise, you’re just part of the crowd.”

2024-01-25 Well, it’s 63ªF here today. The snows have melted away. The fog and drizzle give a moistness to the …

2024-01-25 I’m editing “Coins of Destiny - I - AL” after a couple of years on the shelf. I like what I’m …

2024-01-25 The purpose of language is to differentiate.

2024-01-25 Hello. Find some quiet today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-24 I should really reread “The Way of the Peaceful Warrior”.

2024-01-24 Inspire creativity.

2024-01-24 Notice the world around you. Many ignore what surrounds them. #life

2024-01-24 Hurry up and do something.

2024-01-24 “Panic gripped him. His was the sacrificial moustache. He ran.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-24 There is rarely a perfect time. The best you can hope for is now. #life #success

2024-01-24 Happy Library Shelfie Day Yes, it’s a thing…

2024-01-24 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-24 Set up my Aerogardens to grow some herbs and petunias.

2024-01-24 Go out of your way and do something nice for someone or something.

2024-01-24 Greetings. It’s a gray day. Fog and rain are prevalent. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-23 Tomorrow feels as if it should be Friday.

2024-01-23 Here’s a good review of the SuperNote Nomad.… #eink #writing

2024-01-23 “I ask myself the weird questions. That’s how I know I’m breaking new ground.” #writing

2024-01-23 I opened the deck door and two of The Gathering came in. I gave them some food. Spot and her kitten, …

2024-01-23 Your time isn’t valuable if you’re wasting it. #life #failure

2024-01-23 Everyone talks about “writing to reader’s expectations.” That is important, but what gets you …

2024-01-23 Bringing something in your life “full circle” just means you haven’t learned anything #life #failure

2024-01-23 Just because you can hang on the rim doesn’t mean you can dunk.

2024-01-23 How would a professional fencer with a knife go up against a professional swordsman with a sword? …

2024-01-23 “We never go to Brooklyn.” “Why?” “It’s too far from the Bronx.” #writing #character

2024-01-23 It’s the small things that either inform or trip you up. #life

2024-01-23 Overheard: “I’d like blue cheese with celery.” It feels like a matter of priorities. Most ask for …

2024-01-23 “If you can’t predict the future, much less tomorrow, you don’t deserve to be here.” — -Harry Seldon

2024-01-23 Vicious Rumor: Apple researching building retractable USB C charging cables into iPads. #apple

2024-01-23 Frothy milk or frothy beer?

2024-01-23 Thank you all. I know you have a choice of whom to follow and interact with. The fact you’ve chosen …

2024-01-23 How do you know when you’re wearing a VisonPro?

2024-01-23 “He sat on the porch. It rode the crest of the wave, reminding him of the rollercoasters of his …

2024-01-23 “Life grows old when you get bored and old. To stay young, stay interested and engaged. The old are …

2024-01-23 I guess I should eat something today. I’ve gotten a decent amount of things accomplished.

2024-01-23 When life gives you salad, be the rabbit.

2024-01-23 I’ve started another book; not the one I’d planned. I’ve started playing Colostle, and what I’m …

2024-01-23 Do you have a favorite equation? Why? Mine is probably the quadratic, because it’s the first one I …

2024-01-23 Curse you autocorrect and Perry the Platypus! Let’s try it again: “Our emotions are just thoughts …

2024-01-23 “Our emotions are just thoughts and responses to stimuli. You don’t have to their sergent. You can …

2024-01-23 Time for food and writing.

2024-01-23 My books are now contributing to my shelf in a significant fashion. Need to publish more. #writing …

2024-01-23 I switched gears this morning and did some work on my stock tracking app in Python. #python

2024-01-23 Anyone remember when Apple tried to have apps with built-in mini-app ads and even had a framework? …

2024-01-23 Just a reminder if you’re looking for a different kind of Valentine’s Day gift… …

2024-01-23 Happy National Sticky Toffee Pudding Day Never had any…

2024-01-23 Good morning. Celebrate the day, no matter what it brings. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-22 “Do not fear your illusions, or those of others. There is enough of reality to fear in this world.” …

2024-01-22 I never knew Christoper Lee could sing—and well.… #Music

2024-01-22 Success. I think I have the basics.

2024-01-22 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — Python stuff? — House stuff — food stuff — writing/editing — relax …

2024-01-22 It must be Valentine’s season. All the diamond ads have kicked in.…

2024-01-22 The Van Allen Belt is on fire! Someone call Admiral Nelson!

2024-01-22 Not sure why I like this.… #music

2024-01-22 It’s time for an iLife apps refresh at WWDC this year. #wwdc

2024-01-22 “When night falls it shatters your mind. Fear the darkness.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-22 “His was a heaping helping of hate. Anger and animosity mixed with a casual amalgam of envy, …

2024-01-22 Oreo, the tamest of The Gathering is enjoying the winter view. #feral

2024-01-22 What parts of you need to be healed, mentally and physically? Do you even know? What are you doing …

2024-01-22 Components are in the slow cooker. Beef stew in process.

2024-01-22 I think I’ll make some stew today. It’s a good stew day. It was 16ºF this morning.

2024-01-22 Greetings, O’ frozen ones. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-21 I just discovered that LitRPG exists as a writing genre. #writing #litrpg

2024-01-21 Time for some Talking Heads.

2024-01-21 “I am stronger than you look.” #writing

2024-01-21 Information without insight is just useless data. #information #knowledge

2024-01-21 Tracking information, events, and data is only meaningful if you plan to do something with it. #life …

2024-01-21 Interesting. The weather forecaster said, “…unseasonably cold weather…”. It’s winter. It’s supposed …


2024-01-21 It’s neither the good nor the bad times that bring meaning and define us, it is normal times where …

2024-01-21 Greetings, human icicles. Be kind to each other and the animals trying to survive in the cold. Time …

2024-01-20 Be what you are.

2024-01-20 Happy Penguin Awareness Day

2024-01-20 What are you going to procrastinate tomorrow?

2024-01-20 Bread out of the machine. A bit underdone; going into the oven to finish. But, boy, is it SOUR. …

2024-01-20 Hm. I can’t remember the last time I saw an African violet for sale. Maybe they’re an endangered …

2024-01-20 SuperNote now integrates with OneNote, if you’re interested. #eink

2024-01-20 Remember when people used to spend the entire day on Zoom calls?

2024-01-20 It’s a perfect day for fresh warm bread, but I’m feeling lazy so I’m using the bread machine to make …

2024-01-20 The point of life is to enjoy it when you can.

2024-01-20 Make good memories—for others. #life #success

2024-01-20 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-20 Good morning, all. Welcome to the weekend. We had 7” of snow for the most snow in the area. Yes, The …

2024-01-19 There is a Pickles of the Month subscription box?

2024-01-19 It’s a good time for some hot apple cider.

2024-01-19 Yes, it’s snowing

2024-01-19 Guacamole made and consumed.

2024-01-19 Ok I’m all in on the new Animal Crossong MMO coming with the Switch2

2024-01-19 A fox just trotted by in the snow. I’m don’t see them often.

2024-01-19 Happy Brew a Potion Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-01-19 “She kissed me the way my old aunt who hates me kisses me.” #writing

2024-01-19 Good morning. Another 2” of snow so far. It’s a stay home and off-the-roads kind of day. Time for …

2024-01-18 Plan for tomorrow: — Python stuff — editing/rewriting — make guacamole — read

2024-01-18 And no, a thesauraus is not a kind of dinosaur.

2024-01-18 Happy Thesaurus Day

2024-01-18 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-18 The darkness comes.

2024-01-18 Excruciating decisions often lead to insignificant consequences. #life

2024-01-18 Lunch consumed. Ideas and conversations accumulated. Time to run errands.

2024-01-18 Be happy you aren’t the guy next to you who is losing money while playing blackjack on his smart …

2024-01-18 This is why I go out to eat. There is a lot of fodder. I can’t make this stuff up. #writing …

2024-01-18 Overheard: “I want a salad. What kind of salads do you have?” Obviously, someone who can’t be …

2024-01-18 Overheard: “I didn’t drink until I retired.” #character #writing

2024-01-18 Are you a good person writing mostly about good people, or a bad person writing about bad people? …

2024-01-18 If you don’t get a VisionPro in 2024, are you like a DOS developer working on old tech in 2001? …

2024-01-18 Misheard? “You don’t have to be rich to drink Margeritas. #character #writing

2024-01-18 There are a lot of lonely people in the world. AI can be the friend they need to comfort while …

2024-01-18 Is it too early for WWDC predictions/rumors? I think not. — mostly VisionPro focused. — new …

2024-01-18 What have you learned this year (2024)? I learned I can draw a straight line. #win

2024-01-18 I think I’ve got the hang of drawing/sketching a straight line. For me, that’s an accomplishment. I …

2024-01-18 “Your new life is out of delivery, but is expected to arrive late due to snow.” #writing …

2024-01-18 I’m leaning toward bypassing #phillyete this year, for the first time. The rebranding/new venue is …

2024-01-18 Empty your mind. I take that as literally as possible. An empty mind is a set of freshly laundered …

2024-01-18 “The phlegm was a rainbow of viscosity. It flew, projectile-like, to splatter across the small, …

2024-01-18 “Sometimes, I wonder about humans and what they must be suffering through to be so stupid.” #writing

2024-01-18 “Back in my day we had dumb terminals. They terminated things and people. Now we have smart phones …

2024-01-18 Would you rather book a room or have a room of books?

2024-01-18 “The squirrels nested in the upper canopy. That’s what caused the parachute to fail.” #writing …

2024-01-18 “Why grandma, what long earrings you have.” “Why the better to stretch my lobes to compensate for my …

2024-01-18 “Humor exploits personal pain, either the narrator’s, yours, or someone else’s. The most honest …

2024-01-18 Have you ever written a play? Was it ever produced? If the answer is no, there is no need to …

2024-01-18 “No one cares about your backstory, unless they care about you. Even then, most of the time, they’ve …

2024-01-18 Stupid writing prompt: “Your character has a podcast they hate. What makes them persist?” I see a …

2024-01-18 Overheard: “It’s my sister’s birthday.” “Happy birthday.” “She passed.” #wriitng #character

2024-01-18 “If the way forward is foggy, your footsteps will lead you back. Sometimes, even a single step will …

2024-01-18 “The woods are full of shortcuts. But if you choose to take one, remember they weren’t made by you …

2024-01-18 “The best you can do is the best you can do. Unless, of course, you lie, cheat, and steal.” #writing

2024-01-18 I should book a room for the Baltimore Pen Show in March. #fountainpen

2024-01-18 Tomorrow, I’ll start rewriting/editing “Coins of Destiny - Book 1 - AL” I should remind people that …

2024-01-18 The Gathering Update: Yes, The Gathering has been showing up in the frigid cold. I gave them a bit …

2024-01-18 Time to run some errands and get some food to consume.

2024-01-18 I just posted a quick update on The Scrying Game blog. #gamedev

2024-01-18 NIbbage #fountainpen

2024-01-18 I’m tired of origin stories in movies, books, etc. It’s pandering to the reader. Flame …

2024-01-18 Hello. Be grateful for the cold and snow. At least it’s not a giant meteor slamming into your …

2024-01-17 Plan for tomorrow: — avoid becoming an ice block

2024-01-17 Brutal cold all week with more snow on the way.

2024-01-17 Salad consumed.

2024-01-17 Time to switch it up. Franklin-Christoph 66 Pocket Ice (M) w/ Manyou Kikyou #fountainpen

2024-01-17 Hail and well met! Well, maybe not hail, but snow and and frigidness.Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-16 So, VisionPro or Switch2?

2024-01-16 Having a cup of match tea with some cheese crackers. It’s that kind of day.

2024-01-16 Do writers make good DnD players?

2024-01-16 Happy Printing Ink Day

2024-01-16 It’s definitely a soup and sandwich kind of day. That’s for later. It’s coffee time now.

2024-01-16 Hello. Everyone panic! Drive crazy! There’s an inch of snow on the ground. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-01-15 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — writing/planning — baking something — staying home and out of the …

2024-01-15 I’m not sure I’ll bother with #phillyemergingeast this year :( Usually, it’s good, but they seem to …

2024-01-15 Hm. #phillyete is at the Phila Science Center… not sure I like that. They’ve rebranded and are now …

2024-01-15 Responsibility isn’t what others demand of you, it is what you demand of yourself. #life #success

2024-01-15 “‘My life would be so much better if the kangaroos would stop attacking.’ Sighing, he tossed another …

2024-01-15 KitKat (candy) in Japan is a lot more interesting, and at the same time a lot more boring than the …

2024-01-15 A sufficiently large sample set approaches reality as a limit. #life

2024-01-15 What’s your go-to non-electronic game? #game

2024-01-15 News crawl: “Eagles begin playoff run.” It’s a bit late in the season to begin a playoff run, …

2024-01-15 You have to look for the humor and weirdness in life. Actually, you don’t have to look very far.

2024-01-15 lol. She then asked if she gets free refills. #character

2024-01-15 Observed: A woman bemoaning there is no bartender and the lack of service. When the server shows up, …

2024-01-15 It’s a nice day for soup, a glass of wine, a good book, and avoiding death. Yes, I have a weird …

2024-01-15 “Drive safely. Drive hard. Live safely. Live hard.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-15 Well, we may get snow for the first time in 3 years… #dover

2024-01-15 If you aren’t writing what you like you’re working for someone else. #writing

2024-01-15 The narrator is not the author. The story’s “voice” is that of the narrator, not the author. The …

2024-01-15 The crazy drivers are out and it’s not even snowing yet. Humans are weird.

2024-01-15 It’s frigid out. Still no snow, however.

2024-01-15 Happy National Bagel Day

2024-01-15 Greetings. Do you know how to properly panic if it snows? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-14 Release the crackers.

2024-01-14 If you’re feeling cold, just add 272º to Cº. That should warm you right up. #weather #kelvin

2024-01-14 The opposite of perfection isn’t failure. #life

2024-01-14 Articulate problems and solutions accurately and objectively. #life #business #success

2024-01-14 Time for a smoothie.

2024-01-14 It’s going to be cold all week. All temperatures in ºF


2024-01-14 Hello. Be kind. You don’t need a reason. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-13 I’m desperately hunting for a good apple pie. Unfortunately, my kitchen is bereft of such …

2024-01-13 “The best way to look at a problem is upside-down.”

2024-01-13 What is your go-to meal on a weekend? Mind tends to be evolved flying dinosaur appendages. #food

2024-01-13 I can’t wait for teleporters. Then I could go on vacation without all the check-in lines and sitting …

2024-01-13 I’m having “fun”. Whatadaboutyou? And no, I don’t know what “fun” is, so this must be it.

2024-01-13 “Sell my soul? Sure. If you believe I have one—that’s free money. Sell my principles. Never!” …

2024-01-13 At this point, the AI really can’t do anything that a human couldn’t. The question becomes, could …

2024-01-13 Yes, I know I have a weird sense of humor. What’s your excuse?

2024-01-13 Observed: “I just wanted to share with you. I didn’t want to discuss or argue about it.” “So you …

2024-01-13 “Charles Dickens sat, quill in hand. He scribbled: ‘He was the worst of dads. He was the best of …

2024-01-13 We treat AIs the way we treat corporations. We assume they are intelligent and independent entities …

2024-01-13 “Sometimes you sit and wonder why you are doing what you’re doing. We call that work.” #writing

2024-01-13 I’m writing something I’ll probably never publish. It’s based on playing Colostle. For me, it’s a …

2024-01-13 If you’re wondering what the non Crystal version of the A6x2 looks like. It’s not transparent. Yes, …

2024-01-13 Someone asked about SuperNote OCR. It’s good. It works offline, without the internet. It also keeps …

2024-01-13 I’m finally playing around with linking notes in SuperNote. I really haven’t had a need to use it …

2024-01-13 Working on something new. #writing

2024-01-13 Anyone remember PDQ Bach?… #music

2024-01-13 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-13 “The people on social media are like having visitors that refuse to leave when it’s time for you to …

2024-01-13 “He was soft and weak, like bread dough that had been allowed to proof way too much and had …

2024-01-13 Happy National Rubber Ducky Day Do you still have yours?


2024-01-13 Greetings. Party like it’s the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-12 The longer you let your demons live, the larger they grow. Slay your demons early. #life #success

2024-01-12 Determining why you do something is as important as knowing the what and how. #life #success …

2024-01-12 Sometimes, the small thing you hate to do matters a great deal to someone near to you. #life …


2024-01-12 Everyone thinks they are right. It takes bravery to admit or even think that you’re wrong. #life

2024-01-12 “Steal Your Dreams” #writing

2024-01-12 Do you ever wake up wishing you could play the piano?

2024-01-12 Welcome to Friday. You can now start the slack-off period. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS refactoring — study bridge — study swing trading — Python stuff — reading — …

2024-01-11 Remain useful. #life

2024-01-11 I don’t miss the ex bird site. I thought I would. The fact I don’t have to continually …

2024-01-11 Someone complained: “The portions are getting smaller.” That’s like saying, “Everying is more …

2024-01-11 Don’t allow others to set your value. Your worth isn’t measured by what you accomplish, and …

2024-01-11 “He was all natural. Even his teeth were gold.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-11 Nibbage. Too many point source lights here. #fountainpen

2024-01-11 What’s the difference between NY strip and the Las Vegas strip?

2024-01-11 Heh. Just got a spam call telling me I’m invited for a radio interview. When I look it up, it’s very …

2024-01-11 I can’t justify buying a VisionPro at the current price point and use case. Anyone want to buy me …

2024-01-11 Going through the motions wastes and ignores time. No wonder you never have enough. #life #failure

2024-01-11 Observed: He blew his nose, it sounded like a goose. I wonder what all the geese on the lake would …

2024-01-11 “How do you like your burger?” “In my mouth, fed by vestal virgins.” Nah. that would give me strange …

2024-01-11 This morning, I was able to draw a straight line without being able to imagine one. I just let my …

2024-01-11 Hm. There is actually a place called Londinium and it happens to be in London. Wasn’t that where …

2024-01-11 Hm. Does Apple Maps have a scale? You know, 1” = 1 mile, type of thing? I can’t find one. It would …

2024-01-11 Wasn’t there a 70s band called SEO Speedwagon? They had a song called “I Do Wanna Know”. #music

2024-01-11 These weather fluctuations are doing nasty pressure headache things. It’s like being sucked out of …

2024-01-11 Missed marketing opportunity: The restrooms at Outback restaurant should be called Outhouses. …

2024-01-11 It’s tax season. Ugh.

2024-01-11 Time to eat stuff. Time to make some notes before I forget. I’ve got a bunch of ideas for the third …

2024-01-11 Happy National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day

2024-01-11 “Greed drives people to risk when the fearful cower and hide.” #writing

2024-01-11 “Fear and greed. That’s all that matters.” #writing

2024-01-11 Time to switch it up. Taccia Granite Stone - Green (F) with Rohrer Klinger Alt Goldgrun. …

2024-01-11 Greetings. Make room for fun. Clear out your garage. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-10 How weird is too weird?

2024-01-10 Nothing lasts forever, so enjoy everything for as long as it lasts. #life

2024-01-10 “Unseen troubles are the deadliest.” #writing

2024-01-10 Have a cookie. I won’t tell anyone.

2024-01-10 Truth

2024-01-10 Take stock of the good in your life. #life #success

2024-01-10 It’s not the amount of time we have, but what we do with the time we have that matters. #life

2024-01-10 If you have employees you hate, they probably hate you as well. #business #failure

2024-01-10 “Bring out your dead! Two for the price of one—today only!” Apologies to Monty Python #montypython

2024-01-10 “You can control everyone if you can predict everyone. The problem is that humans rely on technology …

2024-01-10 “The bird was drunk. Why else would she hit on me? But man, she could sing.” #writing #noir #pulp …

2024-01-10 I’ve thrown “time-blocking” into the trash. It doesn’t work for me since I’m not tied to deadlines …

2024-01-10 Almost solved.

2024-01-10 “He went to Niagara Falls expecting to get married, but instead he found himself tumbling and …

2024-01-10 Plan for this afternoon: — study/read more on swing trading — study/read more on bridge bidding (not …

2024-01-10 Anyone feeling annoyed today? You’re the cause. #life

2024-01-10 “The sky was never bluer. In fact, it was pitch black. The stars were all visible. The Earth’s …

2024-01-10 Hm. Valentines Day sales and decorations are up. We go right past Groundhog Day? What’s the world …

2024-01-10 “The snarl on his visage spoke louder than the blubbering and stuttering of this flustering.” …

2024-01-10 Hm. Is Pizzaria Uno still a thing? We used to have one in Dover.

2024-01-10 “Don’t reinvent the wheel. You’ll just make it angry.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-10 “The wind tussled his hair—not that his hair needed any help. Still, it made him feel free and …

2024-01-10 “If you don’t change, upgrade yourself through life, you will end up like every other bit of …

2024-01-10 “Free will is just the mind trying to feel unique.”

2024-01-10 Anyone wanna solve this? #puzzle

2024-01-10 I haven’t accomplished mush this morning. I’ve done a lot, but to what end?

2024-01-10 Happy Houseplant Appreciation Day

2024-01-10 Good morning. Embrace impermanence. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-09 If you plan on putting all your eggs in one basket, make sure all of the eggs are hard boiled. #life

2024-01-09 Storm passing through. Pressure headache incoming.

2024-01-09 Blueberry scones out of the oven. #baking

2024-01-09 Good morning. Just because you do what works, doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it or …

2024-01-08 Be gentle with yourself. #life


2024-01-08 What did you do today that you want to remember next year? #life

2024-01-08 Happy National English Toffee Day It’s not just for the English…

2024-01-08 Have a big heart and an open mind. #life #success

2024-01-08 Time for a break. I’m accomplishing lots this morning.

2024-01-08 “People may not like your sense of humor, but at least you have one.” #writing

2024-01-08 Good morning, everyone. It’s better to be sympathetic than empathetic. Time for the ceremonial …

2024-01-07 It’s never too early in the year to contemplate vacations…

2024-01-07 Just realized tomorrow is Monday. There’s not enough of a weekend left.

2024-01-07 “Broken swords can still kill. So can broken people.” #writing


2024-01-07 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-07 Happy I’m Not Going to Take It Anymore Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-01-07 Kindness doesn’t require “owing” someone. #life

2024-01-07 Good morning. Relax. De-stress. Regenerate. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-06 Do people still eat Jordan almonds, or is it a little old lady thing?


2024-01-06 It’s a hot chocolate kind of day. I think I’ll have some.

2024-01-06 The point of any contest or competition is to make you lose; either self-esteem, confidence, …

2024-01-06 — Slowly getting back into bridge. — Trying some basic origami — Practing drawing straight lines …

2024-01-06 What games are you all playing, electronic and otherwise: I’m still playing WoW, OW2, and Mario RPG …

2024-01-06 “If you can’t laugh at life, you’ll never laugh at death.” #writing

2024-01-06 “Winning is for those without a purpose.” #life #failure

2024-01-06 We crave what we have, but don’t realize we already have it, but it’s fallen behind the books in the …

2024-01-06 “He went to Vegas to gamble. He lost his life. This is his story.” #writing

2024-01-06 If you don’t empty your mind, how do you expect to have room to think? #life

2024-01-06 “He welcomed the new year the way he welcomed all of his unwelcome guests, with a slammed door in …

2024-01-06 “When you slam the car into a tree, you don’t blame the tree. You focus on the fact that you’ve …

2024-01-06 If you feel your life is inconsequential, don’t worry. It is. As is everyone else’s. Your life …

2024-01-06 “Laughter isn’t medicine. It’s a symptom.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-06 “When life gets difficult, you don’t go out and get a new one. It’s not like a pair of shoes that …

2024-01-06 You know those ads that talk about you becoming your parent? I just overheard a conversation right …

2024-01-06 There are two types of people: blue cheese and ranch.

2024-01-06 It’s a wintry day, apart from the rain.

2024-01-06 Hey! You! Eat some food!

2024-01-06 Farming Stories… #writing

2024-01-06 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-06 Happy Fruitcake Toss Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2024-01-06 I’m sipping coffee, and watching The Gathering watch me from the deck. #feral #cat

2024-01-06 Hello. Make someone smile today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-05 Time for some Sabaton #music #history

2024-01-05 Time to switch it up. JetPens Chibi (F) with Monteverde Blue Horizon #fountainpen

2024-01-05 You set a trap in space. What do you catch? #writing #prompt

2024-01-05 Another productive day. I’m liking this new schedule of mine.

2024-01-05 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead.


2024-01-05 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-05 Happy National Bird Day. No, not Larry…

2024-01-05 Greetings. It’s Friday. Have a doughnut. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-04 “I don’t want to hurt his pride, so I’ll just have to kill him.” #writing

2024-01-04 Overheard: “I have no doubt, but i don’t know…”

2024-01-04 Be grateful. Be graceful.

2024-01-04 Happy Tom Thumb Day

2024-01-04 Observation: The more someone talks, the more someone tries to justify whatever point they are …

2024-01-04 When you trade your values for responsibility, you have no values. #life #failure

2024-01-04 Overheard: “What the point of minimum wage?” This from someone eating in a (granted it’s a chain) …

2024-01-04 Don’t make the assumption that what is fun for you is fun everyone else. Otherwise, it’s just …

2024-01-04 Trying to teach someone sensitivity is like trying to teach someone to fly. — ancient proverb I just …

2024-01-04 I re-recorded by voicemail greeting for the new year. I got tired of all the “publishing” spam. I’m …

2024-01-04 Learning is always a reason to refactor. #life #coding #success

2024-01-04 I should take a pass at rewriting my journaling app, but I have too much in my queue as it is. Onto …

2024-01-04 I want Apple to come up with a NoSQL abstraction layer like SwiftData. #db #data #apple #nosql

2024-01-04 Why would you want to change someone’s mind except to make them more like you? #life #failure

2024-01-04 … and no, opposi are not rodents. They’re marsupials.

2024-01-04 Overheard: “Are you ready for the Muskrat Dinner?” Yes, I live in Delaware, and yes, muskrat is a …

2024-01-04 If you struggle through life, you worry too much.

2024-01-04 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-04 Accomplished a lot this morning. I deserve to eat.

2024-01-04 Good morning. Carry on! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-03 If you’re wondering about the SuperNote Nomad, A6X2, here’s a good summary. …

2024-01-03 A high-stakes goal means that it is high-risk. Evaluate the risk-reward prior to committing to the …

2024-01-03 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS coding — learning — begin editing the next novel — eating stuff

2024-01-03 How do you celebrate your laziness?

2024-01-03 The good news is, humans are biodegradable.

2024-01-03 Yeah! That’s what I say. #xfinity #failure

2024-01-03 Time to relax. I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to, but I got most of it done. I guess I …

2024-01-03 Back in my day we got a free CD or two in the mail, whether we wanted them or not.

2024-01-03 Never trust anyone who isn’t responsible. Especially if they aren’t responsible for anything. #life

2024-01-03 — How many times have you failed? — How many times have you succeeded? — How many times have you …

2024-01-03 Fresh grated cheese seems to be an oxymoron. Cheese is never “fresh”.

2024-01-03 Some days you get up only to see the world for what it is. Then you go back to bed hoping it’s all …

2024-01-03 “I’ve got a full house, aces and twos. What do you have, pardner?” “Four live chickens, and two of …

2024-01-03 In 2024, I’ve been studying (an hour a day): — swing trading (I knew the basics before) — bridge …

2024-01-03 Just as a point of reference: COVID (2020) was 4 years ago. Time doesn’t care what you do or think.

2024-01-03 Your life is an open book until it’s closed.

2024-01-03 Happy Drinking Straw Day. There’s nothing worse than a drunk straw.

2024-01-03 Photo up #photography

2024-01-03 So far, 2024 has been good.

2024-01-03 Good morning. Appreciate yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2024-01-02 “The top of the climb is where things start to go downhill.” #writing

2024-01-02 When was the last time you were chuffed as chips?

2024-01-02 “He stared at the eldritch horror. It was a live chicken.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-02 Remember when selfie-sticks were all the rage?

2024-01-02 “He had learned thirty-one ways to kill with a live chicken. He chose the deadliest of ways.” …

2024-01-02 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-02 Good morning. Now that the holidays are over or winding down, the real work begins. Time for the …

2024-01-01 “Your key to fun and excitement has been lost.” #writing #throwawayline

2024-01-01 If you like SF, you might enjoy my time-travel novel. #writing #books

2024-01-01 A properly made water martini #food

2024-01-01 Plan for tomorrow: — catch up on stuff — get back into the new routine.

2024-01-01 “If you stand on the shoulder of giants, aim for the jugular.” #writing

2024-01-01 Lunch consumed: +1 morale, -2health

2024-01-01 “If you could be anyone, why would want to be you?” #writing

2024-01-01 The smaller your goals are, the closer they are to each other, and the more likely you willl have …

2024-01-01 “He was a fearsome villain, one capable of defeating Batman. He was named after his backstory. He …

2024-01-01 Celebrate wisely. Oh, you did it too late?

2024-01-01 If you set goals, set minuscule ones. Those that you can achieve. #life #success

2024-01-01 “The reason bar fights rarely break out nowadays is that modern bars don’t have a huge mirror behind …


2024-01-01 I asked my server a standard question: what’s the weirdest eat drink some one has ordered. The …

2024-01-01 I should go to Philly more often, even if only for the great restaurants. Dover is known for chain …

2024-01-01 Time for lunch at an Irish restaurantant

2024-01-01 I just started relearning how to play bridge. #learning

2024-01-01 Don’t make goals if you don’t understand their consequences. #life

2024-01-01 Emotions and feelings are just forms of feeedback. Emotions and feelings are neither good nor bad, …

2024-01-01 Photo up. #photography

2024-01-01 Happy Apple Gifting Day … the fruit.

2024-01-01 Plan for today: — relax — walk around Old City — get some food — free-write

2024-01-01 Greetings! Happy New Year. Start the year pretending everything will be perfect ;) Time for the …

2024-01-01 Your actions need to follow your values. #life #success

2023-12-31 “When your life stands on the edge of a blade , make sure you are the one holding it.” #life

2023-12-31 Observations: they never show far ugly people in the crowd on TV during NY celebration. Or old …

2023-12-31 I want next year to be a safe and peaceful one for everyone, not just for some. There is too much …

2023-12-31 I had a nice dinner. It wass definitely a splurge. I sold a book or two, I think. Now I’m waiting …

2023-12-31 I met Henry Winkler’s doppelgänger.

2023-12-31 Even though it’s New Year’s Eve, I’m still free- that’s a water martini. #writing

2023-12-31 Happy New Year’s Eve.

2023-12-31 Looks like the sun has chosen to hide away.

2023-12-31 What do you expect from 2024?

2023-12-31 Good morning. Enjoy the last Sunday of the last weekend of the year. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-30 The end of the year is when the end-of-the-world wackos come out to play.

2023-12-30 Remember when the Apple home page was interesting? Now it’s just a store front. #apple #failure

2023-12-30 I haven’t baked a cheesecake in ages. I should do that soon, either my ouzo or a coffee cheesecake. …

2023-12-30 Plan for tomorrow: — dinner in Philly — watch fireworks — relax, read and free-write

2023-12-30 I miss physical newspapers.

2023-12-30 When did becoming an “influencer” become a good thing? #marketing

2023-12-30 If you are unwilling to change who you are, you will never learn. #life #failure

2023-12-30 Don’t make resolutions. Instead, change one tiny little thing on the way to your goals each day. …

2023-12-30 Life is what happens when you pay attention. #life

2023-12-30 Observed: Apparently, people actually schedule an afternoon nap. #writing #character

2023-12-30 It’s time to thank you all who follow and deal with me. It’s been a pretty good year for me, and I …

2023-12-30 Basketball nowadays is pretty bland. Mostly people just jockeying for position and passive shooting. …

2023-12-30 Do you journal? What do you journal about? Do you use a journaling technique, such as Bullet …

2023-12-30 Smile because you can, not because you have to.

2023-12-30 “He hunted the most dangerous of chickens in the darkest of alleys.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-30 “What are you going to commit to in 2024?” “A mental institution.”

2023-12-30 Who plans on sleeping all day on the 1st?

2023-12-30 I’m running errands. Time to eat some lunch, and do some free-writing. It’s definitely winter here, …

2023-12-30 Time to switch it up. Conklin All American Raven Black LE (1.1mm) with Colorverse Dark Energy …

2023-12-30 Make a resolution not to make resolutions. Just work on what you need to. #2024

2023-12-30 Good morning. Be grateful for the year you had. It could have been worse. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-12-29 If your actions don’t support your values, you’re lying to yourself. #life

2023-12-29 It’s hot chocolate time.

2023-12-29 Plan for tomorrow: — not much — review 2023 — plan 2024 — read — eat

2023-12-29 Welcome to the start of the weekend, and the end of another year.

2023-12-29 The more you investigate, the more you understand. #life #success

2023-12-29 Happy Still Need To Do Day

2023-12-29 Cool. New SuperNote Nomad works well with the bluetooth keyboard. Not as laggy as the old one, but …

2023-12-29 Woot! Preorders for “Out of Time” are up on most major sites. …


2023-12-29 The morning shift is here. Two of The Gathering #feral #cat

2023-12-29 Wisdom - #writing

2023-12-29 Hello. Welcome to the last Friday in 2023 you will ever experience. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-28 Plan for tomorrow: — wind down 2023

2023-12-28 Weird. YouTube went all Spanish on me. I don’t see a setting for language…

2023-12-28 Take responsibility for your time. #life #success

2023-12-28 Don’t take notes as you read, attend a class, etc. Take notes minutes afterwards. What sticks in …

2023-12-28 If you are about to give up on your dreams, you need new dreams. #llife

2023-12-28 “Do you sleep on a mattress?” “No, I sleep on sheets.”

2023-12-28 Celebrate being here. I don’t mean on social media. #life

2023-12-28 Everyone starts at the same place. Everyone ends at the same place. What happens in between is what …

2023-12-28 What noteworthy things did you accomplish in 2023. Feel free to toot your own bugle. #2023

2023-12-28 It’s a dark, dank, and dismal day here in Dover. I’ll score it a D.

2023-12-28 If you don’t know what you’re doing, claim you’re just being creative.

2023-12-28 Time for food and free-writing.

2023-12-28 Don’t forget your friends during this holiday season. It’s not all about family.

2023-12-28 Happy National Card Playing Day

2023-12-28 Happy Holidays - Writing Wrap Up - 2023… #writing

2023-12-28 Greetings. I’m planning on another quiet day here. We’ll see what Murphy comes up with. …

2023-12-27 Plan for a future you can achieve, not the future you think you want. #life #success

2023-12-27 Woot! A little late Christmas present showed up. I got my copies of “Out of Time”. Release date: …

2023-12-26 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — read — eat — errands

2023-12-26 The obvious is often so obvious, that people take it for granted whether it is correct or not. #life …

2023-12-26 Work on something that matters, either to you or to someone else. #life #success

2023-12-26 So, did anyone get a MacLaren yesterday?

2023-12-26 Hot chocolate with marshmallow time.

2023-12-26 “His life smelled of cheap whiskey and despair.” #writing

2023-12-26 Anyone remember WYSIWYG?

2023-12-26 “In Texas, every day is Halloween. That’s why they wear cowboy hats and boots into the office.”

2023-12-26 You have a choice. — Save 20% by buying stuff. — Save 80% by not buying stuff. Which do you choose? …

2023-12-26 “This is almost your last chance to buy stuff in 2023. If you buy now, we’ll give you a 20% …

2023-12-26 Now that New Year’s Eve is this weekend, what are your plans? Do you go out and party? Have a …

2023-12-26 “Welcome to the universe. It may be big, but it’s not as big as your ego.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-26 What are you not looking forward to in 2024? — COVID or other outbreak. — politics

2023-12-26 I need to come up with a new day trip for next year.

2023-12-26 The new SuperNote A5X2 is a lot snappier/faster. The writing feel is top-notch. It’s a lot slimmer. …

2023-12-26 I guess it’s now Valentine’s Day season. I’m seeing stores swap out Christmas stuff for Pink stuff …

2023-12-26 Success doesn’t mean there is nothing to learn from the attempt. #life #success

2023-12-26 “What goals are you planning for 2024?” “Goals? I don’t play football.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-26 Happy National Whiners Day I wonder if there’s a National Dhiners Day

2023-12-26 The Gathering: I put a small litterbox on the deck. Then this happened. Spot’s kittens decided it …

2023-12-26 It’s a lazy day here. Friends cancelled until maybe next week. Oh well.

2023-12-26 Greetings. Just because the holidays are drawing to a close doesn’t mean you have to go back …

2023-12-25 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — reading — eating — playing games

2023-12-25 Well, Monday is done. What will Tuesday bring? I hope everyone survived the day.

2023-12-25 Anyone have a fun day?

2023-12-25 If you got gifts today, what was the best one? What was the worst one?

2023-12-25 Having a quiet day here. What’s everyone up to?

2023-12-25 Making granola this morning.

2023-12-25 The Gathering: Still shows up every day to stare into through the deck door. Spot’s kittens …

2023-12-25 Merry Christmas.… We still fight wars… #music

2023-12-25 Good morning. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. And happy holidays to everyone else. And to you, …

2023-12-24 Writing plan for 2024: – Publish two books (in addition to “Out of Time” which …

2023-12-24 Things I’ve settled on to learn in 2024: – cross-stitching – bridge – …

2023-12-24 You may be the protagonist of your life, but remember that all those around you have their own …

2023-12-24 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — eat — play games — read — make granola

2023-12-24 I hope everyone has a great holiday and a Merry Christmas, if you celebrate.

2023-12-24 Happy Christmas Eve to all who partake.

2023-12-24 I’m doing an extreme amount of not doing anything today.

2023-12-24 Is heavy rain composed of heavy water?

2023-12-24 Become what you need to be. #life

2023-12-24 Making a note of something you may need to know in the future is like keeping that old janky t-shirt …

2023-12-24 Reduce the number of decisions you have to make, and focus on making the right ones. #life #success

2023-12-24 Happy National Egg Nog Day

2023-12-24 The sun is struggling to make it over the clouds. #micro_blog

2023-12-24 Good morning. Happy Christmas Eve Day to all who celebrate. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-23 Sugar cookies are the worst cookies, followed by Snickerdoodles close behind. Flame on! #food

2023-12-23 Your actions are only relevant in the results they produce. #life #success

2023-12-23 Plan for tomorrow: — eat — read — play

2023-12-23 My present to myself showed up. The new SuperNote Nomad. Much faster, more paper-like feel (if …

2023-12-23 “If it weren’t for your mother, I wouldn’t even be your father.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-23 “You’re a big disappointment. We wanted a new refrigerator, but instead, we got you the year you …

2023-12-23 “Dad, why did you leave home? You made mom cry.” “No, son. You made your mom cry, that’s why I …

2023-12-23 “Son, you should live up to your potential. And that’s setting the bar pretty low.” #writing …

2023-12-23 “We all make mistakes. Your mom and I made a big one.” “You mean you shouldn’t have gotten married?” …

2023-12-23 With all the holiday automobile ads here in the US, one would think everyone was getting a new car …

2023-12-23 “I got you presents this year.” “I’d rather have your presence.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-23 “When did you become so boring?” “When I married you.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-23 OK. I’ve time-blocked my daily schedule for next year. I’m sure I won’t follow it religiously, but …

2023-12-23 Would you rather get a gift from the pharmacy or from the dollar store? No, I don’t get gifts there. …

2023-12-23 Compare your actions to your values. Think of it as a Venn diagram. The intersection is where you …

2023-12-23 Don’t wait for the new year to start something new. #life #success

2023-12-23 Greetings. Enjoy the weekend, whether you want to or not. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-22 What’s your favorite book? The one I haven’t read yet. #books #reading

2023-12-22 What do you plan on learning next year?

2023-12-22 Life as a Service

2023-12-22 Plan for tomorrow: — play some games — errands — free-write — read

2023-12-22 The weekend is here. Time to wind down what you’re doing so you don’t have to do it for the next few …

2023-12-22 Woo hoo! It got here! #food

2023-12-22 Let go of perfection. #life #success

2023-12-22 It’s a new season. Look after yourself.

2023-12-22 Good morning. It’s the first day of winter here. It looks and feels it. Time for the …

2023-12-21 Be selective of your inputs, social and others. If you aren’t you’ll amount to GIGO. #life #success

2023-12-21 Plan for tomorrow: — more work on the writing app: iOS — Pythoning — reading — continuing to plan …

2023-12-21 Progress is just a delta. It can be a positive or negative delta. Whether it’s good or bad progress …

2023-12-21 Getting in a holiday mood by listening to Dread Zeppelin.… #music

2023-12-21 Bummer. Apple shutting down the Infinite Loop store. #apple

2023-12-21 “There is nothing more dangerous than a stupid A.I. that is smarter than a human.” #writing

2023-12-21 Time to switch it up. Sailor Compass Transparent Blue/Steel (MF) with Sailor Manyo Kikyou …

2023-12-21 “My parents were a mismatched set of parentheses.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-21 “She was a mystic of the first order. Instead of reading tea leaves, she divined the future from …

2023-12-21 I should log into Wow next week to get all the goodies. #wow

2023-12-21 Plan for next week: — stay home — relax — read — play games — finalize schedule/goals for 2024

2023-12-21 PSA: Unsubscribe from all the mailing lists you are no longer interested in. #2024

2023-12-21 “If you’re too busy, that just means you’ve prioritized me below whatever you’re pretending to do.” …

2023-12-21 Hm. I forgot I have gravlax curing in the fridge. I should really break it out and try it. #food

2023-12-21 “The new year is only new if you don’t do the same old things every minute.”

2023-12-21 “Her joyous face melted into a cheddar cheese sadness.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-21 Let’s stop calling the internet “the cloud”. We all know what it is. Why do we fear naming it? …

2023-12-21 I’ll start editing/rewriting “Coins of Destiny - AL” in a couple of weeks. #writing

2023-12-21 If you take things too seriously, you are exhibiting frustration at not being able to control what …

2023-12-21 Need to update my sites pre-2024…

2023-12-21 Maybe I should learn day trading…

2023-12-21 Sometimes you have to throw yourself into the furnace to better be tempered. — ancient proverb I …

2023-12-21 Overheard: “We should all stand around and drink beer.” #character #writing

2023-12-21 “Well, at least 2023 wasn’t 2020.”

2023-12-21 I’ve begun time-blocking next year, day by day. We, the royal we, shall see.

2023-12-21 Happy Winter/Summer Solctice.

2023-12-21 I have the release date for “Out of Time”. Yay. Better late than never. #writing #publishing

2023-12-21 Time to start winding down the week and the year.

2023-12-21 Happy International Dalek Remembrance Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-12-21 Good morning. It’s the last day of autumn here. Welcome to winter. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-12-20 Vicious Rumor: Apple’s Vision Pro to be priced $1K cheaper than originally announced. #apple …

2023-12-20 “You look good today. You should wear that ugly Christmas sweater more often.” #writing …

2023-12-20 What if life is just God’s scam? #writing #prompt

2023-12-20 Two weeks from now, it will all be over.

2023-12-20 Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, but most of the pieces are missing and you have to craft them. #life

2023-12-20 I think I’ll stay up past midnight and watch the fireworks this year. I’ve never done that.

2023-12-20 “Take your kids to the zoo where they belong.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-20 As 2024 approaches, what do you wish you had done in 2023, but didn’t? I wish I had submitted “Out …

2023-12-20 People don’t connive nowadays. Well they do, we just don’t call it that.

2023-12-20 McDonald’s is trying to stay relevant by offering adult Happy Meals here in the US. #marketing

2023-12-20 PSA: A leap year is an Olympic year, and here in the US a Presidential election year. They give, and …

2023-12-20 “Everything you do affects everything you’ve done.” #writing #throwawayline #quantum

2023-12-20 Overheard: “I can’t’ get up on this stool. My legs are so short they don’t reach the ground.” …

2023-12-20 “As the year winds down, your stress level winds up.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-20 I feel like writing some bad “pulp” fiction. #writing

2023-12-20 PSA: Set achievable goal for next year. Don’t set too many. Goals without actionable steps is just …

2023-12-20 Got stuff done this morning. I deserve to eat lunch.

2023-12-20 Anyone confused today?

2023-12-20 Hello. It’s winter-like, in that it is frosty-cold today. Be a warm person. Time for the …

2023-12-19 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on integrating ProWritingAid — errands — free-writing — create list of …

2023-12-19 Don’t get in your own way. #life #success

2023-12-19 Hm. Apparently, “Last Call” has been nominated for the Eric Hoffer Book Award for 2024. Or so the …

2023-12-19 PSA: Break all of next year’s New Year’s resolutions today.

2023-12-19 Things to do prior to next year: delete apps I never use.

2023-12-19 “The older you get, the older you get.”

2023-12-19 Happy Holly Day

2023-12-19 Greetings. The world is full of beauty and wonder. You just have to notice it. Time for the …

2023-12-18 If your daily to-do list has more than 5 items, you’re over booked and are bound not to finish …

2023-12-18 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS more work on integrating grammar checking — house stuff — read — start …

2023-12-18 Happy National Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day Yes, sorry to say, it’s a thing.

2023-12-18 Figure out your point before trying to prove it. #life #success

2023-12-18 Anyone remember Airwolf?

2023-12-18 Just heard a Delta airlines ad that talked about their “obsession with perfection”. No wonder they …

2023-12-18 Summer is coming. If you’re in the southern hemisphere.

2023-12-18 Please realize that New Year’s Eve is just another day. It has as much significance as the Tooth …

2023-12-18 “Promise me you’ll never leave me.” “I promise, but feel free to leave. The party is over.” #writing …

2023-12-18 Americans think someone who is a bad-ass is a good thing. For most others, it means digestive …

2023-12-18 “He loved country music the way he loved his wife who also loved country music, which is to say he …

2023-12-18 “I mean, if you want to control people, you should first really start with controlling yourself and …

2023-12-18 “Her eyes were blue. Rheumy came to mind. It wasn’t a good look.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-18 “He shook his head. ‘When a woman looks at you, she’s interested. When a man looks at you, he wants …

2023-12-18 PSA: Order gifts for yourself today.

2023-12-18 Slow down. You’ll be amazed by what you see and what you can accomplish. #life

2023-12-18 I designed the beer labels for the holiday brown ale. All set to hand out as gifts. #beer #brewing

2023-12-18 Being curious means you want to learn. Gasp! I guess that’s why a lot of people aren’t very curious. …

2023-12-18 Do you plan on starting any new hobbies next year? #2024

2023-12-18 I miss programming in Pascal and 6502. I must be old.

2023-12-18 Just checked the ProWritingAid API docs. It’s going to take a bit of work to integrate it. #ios …

2023-12-18 So who has big plans for celebrating the new year? Sleeping in/going to bed early doesn’t count. …

2023-12-18 Time for lunch and free-writing again.

2023-12-18 Got a basic grammar check UI working in my app. Seems to work with grammarbot. Need to link in a …

2023-12-18 Hello. Wet enough for ya? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-17 Hm. Gundam models cost up to $300. Ack!

2023-12-17 Wasn’t Type Erasure an 80s band?

2023-12-17 Anyone remember NuBus? #apple

2023-12-17 I’m always intrigued by Kerbal Space Program, but it also always seems like work to me. #game #ksp

2023-12-17 At some point you have to stop planning and start doing. #life #success

2023-12-17 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on my writing app. — make granola? — run errands — house chores

2023-12-17 How many notes have you taken that you never look at again? What does that say about your decision …

2023-12-17 PSA: Eggnog, instead of milk or cream, makes the best bread pudding. #food

2023-12-17 OK. I’m happy with my first attempt at shu mai. Need to remember: make dumpling wrappers thinner, …


2023-12-17 Limit access to your time in 2024. #life #success

2023-12-17 Have a system in place for next year that tracks your accomplishments. Look at it at the end of the …

2023-12-17 Happy National Maple Syrup Day Real maple syrup, not the janky corn syrup substitute you get in …

2023-12-17 Ok. They turned out tasty. #food

2023-12-17 Ok all dumplings formed. The forming got better as it went along. Still need to get better. Now in …

2023-12-17 Slowly gettingng the hang of forming. Still overfilling and still messy #food

2023-12-17 Taking a break to eat lunch (veggies and dip) while the dough rests.

2023-12-17 Shu mai filling made. Wrapper dough made and resting. An hour from now, we get to making… #food

2023-12-17 First coffee beans from my plant.

2023-12-17 Good morning. Be playful. Be mindful. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-16 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff — attempt to make shu mai — read — play games

2023-12-16 Ok tasted the strawberry wine I made back in 2020. It’s sweet, sparkling, and heavy on strawberry. I …


2023-12-16 Know when you’re in a deep hole, especially when you’ve dug it yourself. #life #success

2023-12-16 If you don’t know why you’re doing something, why are you doing it? Always have a purpose, otherwise …

2023-12-16 “The Army of the Dead Readers” - #script #pitch

2023-12-16 “Some parents want their kids to be better than them. Some parents would kill if their kids were …

2023-12-16 Consuming mango-habanero wings.

2023-12-16 Have ideas. Have good ideas. Have ideas you can act on. Act on them. That is why you are here. #life

2023-12-16 The Plan - to be written “What if your life was just an unending sequence of cliches and tropes? …

2023-12-16 I need to run some errands this afternoon. Tomorrow, I plan on spending part of the day attempting …

2023-12-16 Just as in American football a block has penalties, so does writer’s block. #writing

2023-12-16 The now is both small and infinite. Focus on the now. Don’t focus on what you want to accomplish, …

2023-12-16 I have to say, I enjoy SwiftUI a LOT more than XIBs. But I still feel Apple should’ve pushed the …

2023-12-16 Hm. Apparently, there is such a thing as a “Smoothie of the Month” subscription. I will look into …

2023-12-16 “Be happy you’re not the other guy.”

2023-12-16 2024 is coming. Do I know anyone who is going to get a VisionPro when it comes out? Too pricey for …

2023-12-16 What is your favorite (any) holiday baked dessert? For me, it’s probably panattone. Not healthy, but …

2023-12-16 I hate when I wake up at 3AM and have a great plot for a story, but then fall asleep and when I wake …

2023-12-16 Going through boxes of bottles, I discovered a stash of hard seltzer and strawberry wine I’d made …

2023-12-16 OK. I decided I’m not in the mood for nachos. I think I’ll keep it simple and just have wings again. …

2023-12-16 Lunch looms large. I haven’t had a nachos in a while…

2023-12-16 Holiday beer in the bottle. It should be drinkable in the next couple of weeks.

2023-12-16 What are your values? Not what you value, but what you live by? I’m reviewing mine at the end …

2023-12-16 Hello. Instill happiness. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-15 “He smirked. ‘The only purpose productivity serves is to get you to do more once you finish whatever …

2023-12-15 I’m trying to decide how seriously I should take tomorrow.

2023-12-15 When someone tells you that something is unimaginable or incredible, you can safely assume they have …

2023-12-15 Friday eve. Time for a small glass of my berry mango mead. #mead

2023-12-15 So, how many spam emails have you received this month offering you “Holiday Savings”?

2023-12-15 Hm. Panatone. I almost forgot it’s the season. #baking

2023-12-15 Habits are things to avoid, not cultivate. Flame on!

2023-12-15 I’m sanitizing beer bottles for the holiday ale. Tomorrow, I bottle. #brewing

2023-12-15 Spam filtering on iPadOS and iOS is amazingly abysmal. Even basic stuff doesn’t work. #apple #email …

2023-12-15 French fries are vegetables.

2023-12-15 Holidays are just an excuse to get together with friends and family. Do you really need an excuse? …

2023-12-15 I want the new Switch Pro #nintendo

2023-12-15 “Santa never puts a time deadline on Christmas delivery. And he doesn’t charge for it.” #writing …

2023-12-15 I was hoping to have two books out this year. Stuff happens, I managed to get one out to the public, …

2023-12-15 The Gathering: They still make a daily appearance in the sub-freezing cold. The kittens are growing …

2023-12-15 PSA for restaurants: A “special” menu that is a week old is not special. #food

2023-12-15 I nice pre-winter day.

2023-12-15 What should I attempt to write next year?: — romance — cozy mystery — horror — space opera (started …

2023-12-15 Back in my day we were allowed to skate on frozen ponds, lakes, and rivers. #winter

2023-12-15 Maybe I’ll try to figure out how to log into FFXIV next year. I keep trying and it’s the one bit of …

2023-12-15 I’m getting antsy to get back to writing, since I’m taking December off. My mind is accumulating …

2023-12-15 “I’m going to wash my hands of you.” Sigh. “You should really stop touching me then.” #writing …

2023-12-15 “Why did you come?” “You said you missed me.” “No, I said I missed your messages.” #writing …

2023-12-15 The obvious must be stated because, most times, the obvious is ignored. #life #success #business

2023-12-15 Do you prefer to stay at home during the New Year, or are you a social party animal that goes out …

2023-12-15 I still find it disconcerting and discomfiting to see all the so-called “analysts” on news and …

2023-12-15 “His was an unusual position. He was the Under-CEO of Unusual Positions dot com. “ #writing …

2023-12-15 Reading is about experiencing things. Reading is about learning things. Reading is about expressing …

2023-12-15 I’m getting antsy to start planning next year.

2023-12-15 I need to get stuff to make shu mai this weekend. I really need to work on the wrappers. I can make …

2023-12-15 I should probably do something more than just think about lunch.

2023-12-15 Final cover reveal for “Out of Time”. I requested some minor tweaks to the image and text. …

2023-12-15 It’s almost time to wipe all my lists, email and otherwise, clean. Start fresh in the new year.

2023-12-15 Happy Cat Herder’s Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-12-15 Hm. PA thinking about requiring training in cursive (not cursing) in schools. #writing

2023-12-15 “Don’t threaten me. If you do anything to harm me, you’ll hear from my …

2023-12-15 Good morning. Open your eyes. It’s Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-14 “Fate is just what you call something that you either wanted to happen or not. Fate is just another …


2023-12-14 Happy National Screwdriver Day …the drink.

2023-12-14 “If we permit it, then everyone will want to do it.” Is the mentality of those fighting to control …

2023-12-14 “Wisdom isn’t just for the wise.” #writing

2023-12-14 Veni vidi vending.

2023-12-14 Good morning. Glory in another morning. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-13 What if you died and then changed your mind?

2023-12-13 Plan for tomorrow: — go home — code — house stuff — read — edit — plan

2023-12-13 PSA: avoid products with a “strict limit”. They are either incapable of of keeping up with demand, …

2023-12-13 I just confused the server by ordering a water martini.

2023-12-13 PSA: The turnaround on publishing a book is always longer than you expect. #writing #publishing

2023-12-13 What new game, video or board, do you want to play in 2024?

2023-12-13 I’fve staved off Murphy for another day. Ooops! I spoke to soon. There are still 6 hours left in the …

2023-12-13 It’ds the holiday season. Why are you stressed?

2023-12-13 I think I’ll order the pork chop. Restaurants seem not to have them, and I can’t remember the last …

2023-12-13 As Captain Picard said, “Enagage!”

2023-12-13 It’s Wednesday evening. Lots of strange conversations here. Good writing fodder.

2023-12-13 Overheard: Cool guys find me attractive. Either she doesnt get out much, likes all the guys …

2023-12-13 Overheard: “i’m enamoured by this FBI profiler I know.” Yes, it’s a weird night.f #writing …

2023-12-13 Observed: Someone near me said that drilling a hole in someone’s head sounded intriguing. Either …

2023-12-13 Goals, without a plan to achieve them, are just dreams. Dreams often become nightmares. #life …

2023-12-13 I want a non Bluetooth keyboard for the iPad mini. BT is always flakey.

2023-12-13 Nonsequitor: I mss my old Voigtlander.

2023-12-13 I should research audiobook production, and KU for less important stuff next #book #publishing

2023-12-13 I think I’ll change my phfone greeting to make it clear that f someone isserious about handling my …

2023-12-13 Will you ever go back to Twitter/X?Not as long as Elon of the Three Kingdoms is in charge.

2023-12-13 Santa has a chaotic evil list.

2023-12-13 What would you like to accomplish in 2024? Not resolutions. Ff

2023-12-13 What genre should my next novel be? #writing

2023-12-13 OK. This place is good. They play Wizzard music. #restaurant @music

2023-12-13 This evening’s writing implement: SuperNote with Lamy Safari stylus. #writing

2023-12-13 Gotta get lots accomplished in the next week. No, not holiday related, just stuff in general l

2023-12-13 Observed: A couple at the bar talk by pounding the bar every other sentence. #writing #character

2023-12-13 Made a siide trip to TraderJoes for some goodies.

2023-12-13 Time to get some dinner and free write.

2023-12-13 Final proofs of “Out of Time” look good. Yay, #writing #publishing

2023-12-13 Greetings. Engage with those around you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-12 Hm. Maybe I should relearn bridge. But that requires people.

2023-12-12 I think I should write a book called “The Final Draft”.

2023-12-12 I think I’ll try making Shu Mai next week. I haven’t made dumplings in a while. #food

2023-12-12 OK. Thing’s I’m considering learning in 2024: — cross-stitch — Copperplate calligraphy — rock …

2023-12-12 Plan for tomorrow: — coding — errands — personal stuff — dinner and free-writing


2023-12-12 “Do not become married to your pride and arrogance.” #writing

2023-12-12 Happy Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-12-12 Hello. Frost on the ground this morning. Sun trying to heat it into submission. Time for the …

2023-12-11 Maybe I should learn how to cross-stitch next year.

2023-12-11 I have a bucket list. I should go to Home Depot.

2023-12-11 Best arcade game in an actual game arcade? Centipede #game

2023-12-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — cooking — eating — house stuff — reading

2023-12-11 What if, the more money you had, the less it was worth?

2023-12-11 Hire good people. Let them do their job. Allow them to learn, both formally and through side …

2023-12-11 The Gathering: Spot’s four kittens are growing fast. Speck, the adventurous and rambunctious one, …

2023-12-11 “Many smile by baring their teeth. Some smile inwardly, secure in themselves. Not all predators …

2023-12-11 “His middle name was “Jimmy the Hatchet”, both because of his looks and his weapon of choice. That, …

2023-12-11 You don’t need to be religious to be a good person. Good is only defined by all religions in order …

2023-12-11 We all wish for peace and joy during th holidays. Few actually do anything about it. #life #failure

2023-12-11 Keep things simple. That way you will better understand them. #life

2023-12-11 Sometimes, the flow goes with you.

2023-12-11 Humor is subjective. It has been the subject of much writing and debate. #humor

2023-12-11 “Bring out your dead!” “Why?” “II’m hungry.” #writing #montypython #throwawayline


2023-12-11 Happy National Have a Bagel Day. That could be any day, if bagels were to be had.

2023-12-11 I want Apple to do a full rethink of their Books app. It works, but it’s so limiting. Don’t get me …

2023-12-11 Having taken November off from coding to focus on writing, I find I’m now thinking more clearly …

2023-12-11 Well, it looks like “Out of Time” will be out in January. I was hoping it would be out in time for …

2023-12-11 Yes, fuddle is a proper word, as is draggle. Use them. #writing #words

2023-12-11 2024 will be a painful year. Leap years always are: — US Election Day — Olympics year — you’ll be a …

2023-12-11 I need to review what I’ve accomplished and gotten done this past year, and figure out what I want …

2023-12-11 Worst Christmas songs: — Little Drummer Boy (even Dominick the Donkey is better) — Mariah Carey’s …

2023-12-11 Naming something defines what it is not. #tao #life

2023-12-11 Do you review each year as it ends? Do you have a process or do you just wing it, if you do? #life

2023-12-11 It’s never too late to help someone. #life #success

2023-12-11 During this holiday season, be merry. If you can’t be merry at least be pippin. #holidays

2023-12-11 I’m toying with the idea of learning calligraphy next year, but I have the sense that I don’t have …

2023-12-11 I started playing Bauldur’s Gate 3 last night. I’m not that far into it. It’s pretty good so far as …

2023-12-11 “I’ll take fries and no attitude.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-11 I’m in a good mood for some reason. That’s a sure sign things are about to fall apart and I’m about …

2023-12-11 The wind is biting today. It’s not doing a lot of chewing.

2023-12-11 It’s cold and blustery after all the rain last night, but at least the sun is high in the sky. It …

2023-12-11 Good morning. Manage the week. Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2023-12-10 The Gathering: All the cats and kittens still visit every day and sit and stare into the house (not …

2023-12-10 Good morning, everyone. Make the day! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-09 Hm. Apparently, Apple curry is a thing. Maybe I should find a good recipe and see what it’s like. …

2023-12-09 What greedy thing are you buying yourself this holiday season?

2023-12-09 “The merchants strode the streets shouting their wares. Where! Where! Where! Wheres here! …

2023-12-09 Hello. It’s the weekend. Notice the things and people around you, and how you relate to each …

2023-12-08 Plan for tomorrow: — more coding — more errands — more house stuff — some eating and free-writing

2023-12-08 Observed: a guy drinking blue curaçao with a can of RedBull. He’s had 3. Heart attack pending…

2023-12-08 Just because you wear a white lab coat doesn’t make you a doctor, scientist, dentist, or technician. …

2023-12-08 A.I. job recruiters are apparently a thing now. They seem to be just spam-bots looking for …

2023-12-08 Overheard: “Hey, Trashcan, how’re ya’ doin’?” Granted, the guy is large…

2023-12-08 Kindness and Gratitude #life

2023-12-08 Anyone going somewhere interesting over the holidays? Where would you go if you could? For me, I’d …

2023-12-08 Books make great last minute gifts for readers. I know you know someone lthat would love a book. May …

2023-12-08 “Her hair was a drab green-blue and fairly dry. He likened her to a lichen. That’s why he liked …

2023-12-08 “A smile spread over his face the way lard spreads over a hot-plate.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-08 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2023-12-08 Happy National Lard Day Give someone the gift of lard.

2023-12-08 Food time. Free-writing time. Errand time.

2023-12-08 I hate XCode. Really useful message. Not. Only way to get my iPad to connect is to unpair it and …

2023-12-08 OK. I like this. Word cloud view done. (Yes, I know it’s not really a cloud.) #swiftui …

2023-12-08 “Life is just prolonged death.” #writing

2023-12-08 Hey, all. It’s Friday. Don’t be mean to others today, or on any other day. Time for the …

2023-12-07 As children, we asked “Why?”. As we grew older, most of us were told to stop asking so many …

2023-12-07 All accomplishments are of equal importance, no matter how large or small. Celebrate yours. #life …

2023-12-07 Happy Hannukah to those thatt celebrate.

2023-12-07 Tomorrow: — Friday — iOS (more work on the word cloud view) — free-write — play games — relax — …

2023-12-07 Gotcha!

2023-12-07 Hey! It’s Friday. Chill!

2023-12-07 I’m working on a word cloud view for my writing app, Auteureist. #ios #writing #swiftui

2023-12-07 Happy Letter Writing Day

2023-12-07 Hello. Help others. Be kind. Be patient. TIme for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-06 Patience is the hardest emotion to cultivate #life

2023-12-06 Anyone remember the Apple Car?

2023-12-06 “Life is a blank page. People fear a blank page.” #life #writing

2023-12-06 What you value is what you become. #life

2023-12-06 Do you own and wear an ugly sweater around this time of year? No, I don’t own a single sweater.

2023-12-06 I’m working on pretty much no sleep this morning. All my plans are out the proverbial window.

2023-12-06 Hello. The year is winding down. You should wind down as well. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-05 Back in my day, the only thing you had to do to look cool was wear sunglasses or know how to …

2023-12-05 “He wasn’t just a third-wheel, he was the third-rail.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-05 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — house stuff — cooking and eating — reading — play a game

2023-12-05 Are they even human? No context.

2023-12-05 Time for some music.… #music

2023-12-05 Your greatest battle is being yourself. #life

2023-12-05 Time for hot chocolate.

2023-12-05 Isn’t it time for a new Tron movie? If only to get a Daft Punk reunion? Tron was 1982. Tron Legacy …

2023-12-05 Sigh. Four calls today wanting to “sponsor”, “promote”, or make a movie from one of my books. If I …

2023-12-05 Never go near Gojira, the monster or the band.

2023-12-05 OK. I got a call from someone claiming to be from Amazon Prime Studios calling for someone named …

2023-12-05 Habits are hard to break. Are you too weak to try? #life

2023-12-05 Gratuitous food pic. Beef stew over rice. #food

2023-12-05 My parents told me to clean my plate. They told me to use my shirt.

2023-12-05 It’s tough finding lords and ladies, even standing still. The monarchies, nowadays, are pretty …

2023-12-05 I’m still trying to figure out what to learn next year; a topic, a skill. I’m coming up empty. …

2023-12-05 Be humble, but not subservient. Extend a hand, not a fist. #life #success

2023-12-05 Don’t worry about A.I. until it starts making decisions based on its code and inputs. Right now, …

2023-12-05 Another spam call about “promoting” Last Call. Everyone wants my money/rights, but no one wants to …

2023-12-05 Free Writin’ It’s a good pen, loves the paper Good nib and ink flow too It’s a good pen, is crazy …

2023-12-05 “He bit the chicken’s head off and lobbed the rest of the chicken. Three in the enemy foxhole were …

2023-12-05 “The moon, on the other hand, slept in and wasn’t seen all night.” #writing

2023-12-05 “The sun set on the mountaintop. It had been a long day and the sun was too tired to set on the …

2023-12-05 Media, social and otherwise, is about promulgating opinion and belief. Very little media is …

2023-12-05 Charismas: A holiday for good attractive people.

2023-12-05 Time for some lunch and free-writing. Haircut achieved. +1 to Charisma.

2023-12-05 Got edits back yesterday. Phew. Only infinitesimal issues from the editor. All resolved this …

2023-12-05 Happy Krampusnacht To those that celebrate.


2023-12-05 The Gathering: I put some food out and then this happened. Three of the four kittens that Spot had. …

2023-12-05 Greetings! If you want to feel the burn, just go outside when it’s cold. Time for the …

2023-12-04 I add a sourdough French loaf. It’s that time of year. Yum. #baking

2023-12-04 I’m trying to figure out what topic to study/learn next year. Any suggestions? Art/music are out. …

2023-12-04 When was the last time you asked yourself, “What did I learn today?” #life #success

2023-12-04 “Don’t take life too seriously. No one else does.” #writing

2023-12-04 Good morning. Be helpful. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-03 Holiday ale moved to secondary fermentation #beer

2023-12-03 I’m in a “holiday” mood this year. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.

2023-12-03 “You know you’re doing something right if you’re still alive.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-03 In writing, a “twist” is anything that dashes a reader’s hopes. #writing

2023-12-03 Swift gurus: are there any good Swift text summarization libraries? Or do I need to roll my own? …

2023-12-03 This is the last first Sunday of December for this year.

2023-12-03 Maybe I’ll play some OW2 after errands and chores.

2023-12-03 Happy Let’s Hug Day

2023-12-03 Time to switch it up. Kaweco Lilliput LE (M) with Iroshizuku 100th Anniversary #fountainpen

2023-12-03 The tall woman wielding the broadsword sighed. “He’s my mate. He always said, sometimes you have to …

2023-12-03 What if we just let kids have facts, without opinion, belief, bias, influence, or censorship?

2023-12-03 Anger is just outward-facing frustration. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-12-03 We all believe what we are told to believe, or choose to believe. We call the people setting beliefs …

2023-12-03 I’m still waiting to hear back from the editor about “Out of Time”. The holidays are wrecking, or is …

2023-12-03 I have an urge to make pancakes for dinner.

2023-12-03 “When the light fades, where does your shadow go? It is absorbed by your body. That is why you fear …

2023-12-03 “Sometimes, you have no choice but to do the right thing.” #writing

2023-12-03 Advice to My Future Self #life

2023-12-03 It’s been a year since the first of The Gathering showed up. It’s grown a lot since Smudge (who …

2023-12-03 Well, it’s foggy. It’s rainy. It’s cold. At least, there is no alien invasion.

2023-12-03 Time for some wings.

2023-12-03 The Gathering: It’s been pouring rain all night. Spot and the two kittens were still out on the …

2023-12-03 Hello. The day will just as nice as you choose to experience it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-02 Plan for tomorrow: — read — eat — relax — chores/errands — play games

2023-12-02 Decide what you value and make it grow. #Life #success

2023-12-02 Stopping something is always better than finishing something not worth the effort. #life

2023-12-02 The Gathering news: Spot the Bombay brought its family today. Two kittens with the same markings. I …

2023-12-02 Happy Rhubarb Vodka Day Yes, it’s a thing and sounds disgusting.

2023-12-02 The Gathering update: Spot, the feral Bombay brought one of its kittens. I’m not sure how that’s …

2023-12-02 Back in my day vinyl players were called record players.

2023-12-02 Good morning. Relax, it’s Saturday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-12-01 Self healing should always be be your top priority. #life #success

2023-12-01 Do something enjoyable this weekend.

2023-12-01 Just dropped in on X. No one in my stream is talking to anyone, everyone is promoting along will all …

2023-12-01 Plan for tomorrow: — code — play some games — read — free-write — do some house stuff

2023-12-01 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of my coffee espresso mead #mead

2023-12-01 “Rare opportunities happen every day.”

2023-12-01 How many doughnuts did you eat in 2023. Me? Maybe 6. There are no good doughnut shops where I live.

2023-12-01 I’m in a hot chocolate mood.

2023-12-01 Gravlax salmon with juniper, spruce tips, dill, and a pinch of sugar, ready for salt and lemon …

2023-12-01 Thank you, everyone who follows me and talks to me. I appreciate it. It may seem a simple thing for …

2023-12-01 Yes, The Gathering still comes every day. I haven’t seen the opossum, however. But then, I don’t …

2023-12-01 “Don’t rush it even if you want to rush it.”

2023-12-01 “The easy way is often the lazy way.” #life

2023-12-01 What do you want for the holidays? I’d like, but i know I won’t get: — world calm (I know peace is …

2023-12-01 I know I want to write the third and final book in my current series, but I’m trying to decide what …

2023-12-01 If you are in the US, what would you consider an “old folks” reastaurant chain? #food

2023-12-01 I should re-read some Jean Shepherd. #books #reading

2023-12-01 In American English we have a saying “Tell me about it’ which means, “I agree”. There is also one …

2023-12-01 “Wonder is what we all tend to lose as we grow older. The joy of seeing something as if it were new …

2023-12-01 Famous last words: “So I did.” #writing #prompt

2023-12-01 I almost forgot I have salmon in the fridge. I know what I’m doing after lunch. I’m making gravlax.

2023-12-01 What is good behavior? What makes it good? Is it a shelf? Why do your parents keep telling you to be …

2023-12-01 I just pre-ordered the new WoW expansion. Now, to find time to play.

2023-12-01 Amazon keeps sending me spam titled, “Keep up with Alexa”, as if it is somehow better than I am. …

2023-12-01 It helps to let your inner child out to play and occasionally throw a tantrum. #life #success

2023-12-01 “The stormy gray-black clouds were fine. They were just passing through.” #writing

2023-12-01 Mean people should be at a minimum. #life #math

2023-12-01 The average person is rarely average. Just sayin’.

2023-12-01 What’s the strangest thing you’ve ordered in a restaurant and liked? #food

2023-12-01 “I hunger to eat.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-12-01 If you don’t have goals, you aren’t playing the game. #life #success

2023-12-01 Be generous even if it’s not a holiday. #life #success

2023-12-01 Yay! I get to eat lunch.

2023-12-01 “The Three Sides of Magic and Technology” should be a title. #writing

2023-12-01 Anyone on vacation?

2023-12-01 NaNoWriMo 2023 - Wrap Up…

2023-12-01 After last month, I feel I should be writing my novel. That’s what happens after you do two 20 …

2023-12-01 Good morning, all. Welcome to December. A totally normal non-hard-writing month. Time for the …

2023-11-30 Never mind. I’m tired. Good night.


2023-11-30 Time to celebrate a successful end to NaNoWriMo.… #music

2023-11-30 NaNoWriMo done for 2023. Final count: 100,481 words in 30 days. I have a good first draft. I’ll be …

2023-11-30 Sigh. Anotherr “rights acquisition” phone call about “Lst Call”. If any of these were real, I’d be …

2023-11-30 Nice salmon obtained. Tomorrow, I make gravlax. #food

2023-11-30 Misheard: “I’m very single when I walk down the street.” #writing #character

2023-11-30 The table next to me is talking about medical stuff: endometrial linings and chest compressions, but …

2023-11-30 “You’re terrified of children smarter than you are because even for an adult, you are stupid. That’s …

2023-11-30 If you could send a message to your future self, what would you tell yourself in the year 2024? Do …

2023-11-30 Look back on this past year. Do it before you’re “obligated” to do so around the new year. What have …

2023-11-30 ‘Tis the season for spam “publishing” promoters. I just got two calls from people trying to get …

2023-11-30 So, apparently a group of children is called a “passle of kids”.

2023-11-30 “I tried using one of those new fangled A.I. things. Every time I ask it something, ChatGPT keeps …

2023-11-30 The stuff I need to do is piling up as I’ve spent the month pretty much just writing. The next few …

2023-11-30 Happy National Mason Jar Day Do you know the secret way to unscrew the lid?

2023-11-30 There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. #life

2023-11-30 Writing prompt: An inept serial killer fails to kill any of his victims, but is very adroit at …

2023-11-30 I have a new way of messing with restaurant servers (and others). Turn to an empty space and comment …

2023-11-30 Ugh. It’s almost lunch time. I still have words to string together to make meaning.

2023-11-30 Good morning. Keep on keepin' on. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-29 Writing done for today.

2023-11-29 I haven’t made gravlax in a while. I should make some for the holidays. #food

2023-11-29 Anyone else feel like they’re tired?

2023-11-29 “No one needs a plan of action more than the person who thinks he knows what he’s doing.” #life

2023-11-29 “A hero is just an insane person doing the insane that happens to help others.” #writing

2023-11-29 Plan for tomorrow: — finish this book — eat / free-write — fall over

2023-11-29 “Everybody needs a dead body in the pantry.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-29 You know what time it is? It’s time for a break.

2023-11-29 So, is your grandmother going to give you a ChiaPet for Christmas again?

2023-11-29 Happy Throw Out Your Leftovers Day That’s every day for me. Leftovers are horrid. That’s …

2023-11-29 Two days left in November. Two days left in NaNoWriMo. Two days left to hit 100K words. Two days …

2023-11-29 Good morning. It’s cold out. There is ice. Do something useful today. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-11-28 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — more writing — more chores — more food

2023-11-28 I took a break from writing to make some bread pudding. Yum.

2023-11-28 Don’t be horrible to others.

2023-11-28 “He was the worst of the gods. He had created man.” #writing

2023-11-28 Hello. It’s Tuesday. Wanna make something of it? Do it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-27 I’m looking forward to not having to write to a deadline next month.

2023-11-27 Writing done for today. A few days left. Time to relax and wind down. #writing

2023-11-27 The weather tomorrow is supposed to be cold. I think I will need to cook some sausage and kale soup …

2023-11-27 Life is always out of context. You are the one that adds context. #life

2023-11-27 Time for a break. What have I missed?

2023-11-27 “Thank you. You saved my sanity.” “You’re welcome. You seemed like you were struggling.” “Now where …

2023-11-27 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — writing — make bread pudding? — more writing — chores as time allows


2023-11-27 Gah! It’s almost 4PM and I need more words. #writing

2023-11-27 OK. The winter ale is in the fermenter and smells great. Cinnamon, ginger, juniper, and spruce. …

2023-11-27 The world is a mess. Was in a store and the person in front of me paying with cash. It was painful …

2023-11-27 “There aree worse things than the seeing face of Death. There is the face of the aged avoiding …

2023-11-27 Time for a break. I need to run some errand-like excursions.

2023-11-27 “Are you tired of cleaning up after the kids? Sell them.”

2023-11-27 Apparently ESPN has a show for guys. Its hashtag is PMSLIVE. Seems appropriate for the content.

2023-11-27 Back in my day Hallmark made cards. Now, apparently, they make the same kind of movies.

2023-11-27 My first drafts are a lot better than they were years ago. I’m improving. That’s a good thing. …

2023-11-27 OK. I managed to write myself out and justify it. Of course, I may just fix things in rewrites and …

2023-11-27 I hate writing myself into a corner. Now I have to write myself out. I ignored a detail I wrote …

2023-11-27 It was a time to eat. It was a time to write. It is.

2023-11-27 No one should have to deal with limited tort cases. You should be able to eat the entire cake if you …

2023-11-27 I’m finally getting around to brewing some Holiday Ale while I write.

2023-11-27 Happy Pie in the Face Day

2023-11-27 Are you all shopped out?

2023-11-27 Good morning, y’all. It’s a new work week. Why aren’t you retired? Time for the …

2023-11-26 Your best is good enough. The problem is, most people rarely give their best. That’s why you often …

2023-11-26 Are you a writer? Are you someone who loves journaling? Maybe you’re an artist. Have you ever stared …

2023-11-26 Happy National Cake Day

2023-11-26 Time to quit for the day. I’m in the middle of the final climax. I think it works as a first draft. …

2023-11-26 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — more writing — eat wings (never got around to it today) — even more …

2023-11-26 Tomorrow is Monday. What are you dreading?

2023-11-26 I need a break. It’s a slow writing day. I need to pay attention to tying threads together to form …

2023-11-26 Time for a lunch break. I honk I’ll make some scrambled eggs for lunch.

2023-11-26 Say something kind to a stranger. #life #success


2023-11-26 Hello. It’s the weekend. Just don’t try to sing. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-25 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS coding — writing — house stuff — reading — writing — eat some wings.

2023-11-24 The distance between your needs and wants is moderation. #life #success


2023-11-24 Writing done for today. Tomorrow, I head for home.

2023-11-24 How to carve a turkey: — find a carving knife — find a block of wood

2023-11-24 Overheard: “I don’t like going to the bar during the Old People Hour: 5 to 7.” I didn’t know it was …

2023-11-24 Time for a break. I need something to much on.

2023-11-24 “Ask people you hate for help. Why should you be the only one suffering?’

2023-11-24 Hm. This is the start of egg nog season.

2023-11-24 I’d really like to take a day off from writing and just relax and enjoy the day in Annapolis, but I …

2023-11-24 A benefit of having Thanksgiving dinner in a hotel is that I don’t have to deal with leftovers.


2023-11-24 Happy National Sadines Day Good sardines are highly underrated and hard to find.

2023-11-24 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-24 Today is a good day to relax and digest what happened yesterday.

2023-11-24 Good morning. I hope everyone survived. It’s another day. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2023-11-23 Invest in happiness: others and yours. #life #successss

2023-11-23 “This turkey is bigger on the inside than the outside.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-23 Happy Thanksgiving. You don’t have to celebrate to be thankful and grateful for all you have. #life

2023-11-23 I’m done writing for this Thanksgiving day. It’s time to relax. Plan for tomorrow: — write — lunch …

2023-11-23 Back to writing.

2023-11-23 Gratuitous Thanksgiving food pic. #food

2023-11-23 “Be the last person alive. That’s the goal in life, but life is a John Wick movie, and son, you …

2023-11-23 “When you are older than I am, then you can complain.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-23 Thanksgiving is when all the turkeys come to visit. Happy Thanksgiving

2023-11-23 Easy decision #food

2023-11-23 Time to eat Thanksgiving dinner in the hotel

2023-11-23 A nice day in Annapolis this Thanksgiving.

2023-11-23 This looks great.

2023-11-23 Gratitude is returning to the world the good that you have received. #life #success

2023-11-23 It’s the season for all the weird off-brand mattress commercials.

2023-11-23 It’s a colder day, here in Annapolis. Yesterday, it was springlike. Today, it is more par for the …

2023-11-23 When I wake up and see the sun or clouds, I know I am still alive. Find joy and acknowledge …

2023-11-23 Break time. I wrote, what I consider, a great character scene: lots of emotion, pulls some threads …

2023-11-23 A clock is a timely gift.

2023-11-23 Happy Woolfenoot.

2023-11-23 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-23 It’s Thanksgiving here. I’m thankful to be heree with all of you. And I’m not just saying that.

2023-11-23 Breakfast view.

2023-11-23 Good morning. I’m awake, sort of. Enjoy what may come. Time for the ceremoniall coffee.

2023-11-22 “Pardner, If you don’t want any trouble, you best be laying your chickens flat on the table. Real …

2023-11-22 “I wouldn’t worry too much about your life. It’s just the Blooper Reel.” #writing

2023-11-22 I miss this band.… #music

2023-11-22 Some days you deserve to eat a pound of fudge for dessert. This is one of those days.

2023-11-22 Yes, blocking You Tube channels where any thumbnail has a picture of the YouTuber making an …

2023-11-22 “Great men and women are made great by weak men and women.” #writing

2023-11-22 Misheard: My parents never met. #writing #prompt

2023-11-22 Plan for tomorrow: — write — wander the streets of Annapolis — eat turkey at the hotel

2023-11-22 Just because you aren’t making money doesn’t mean you have a bad product. #business

2023-11-22 Writing prompt: letter to Santa, “I want my parents dead.” Yes, I have a weird sense of humor. …

2023-11-22 Just because a problem is simple doesn’t mean the solution isn’t complex. #life

2023-11-22 Gratuitous food pic. Black and blue salad. #food

2023-11-22 Ha! The bartender appreciated my sense of humor. A water martini with a twist. Actually shaken, not …

2023-11-22 Heh. Anotherr spam call from an “agent” that promises a movie deal for “Last Call”. Too bad he can’t …

2023-11-22 When you close the door to a chapter of your life, it is never locked. #life

2023-11-22 “His tuxedo hung from the rafters. He was wearing it.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-22 Overheard: “I live in my mom’s basement. I’m literally right there.” I can’t make this stuff up. …

2023-11-22 If you’re wondering, it’s a weird, immature, and dangerous college “holiday” where they go out to …

2023-11-22 Ack! I forgot they celebrate Drinksgiving here in Annapolis. The restaurant just at got crowded.

2023-11-22 “Snarky Tap. The mobster’s heavy who always dies but is the humorous foil to the protagonist.” …

2023-11-22 Relaxing and free-writing prior to dinner. That’s a black IPA if you’re wondering.

2023-11-22 Misheard? “There was too much weight on the plane so they had to throw three people off.” #writing

2023-11-22 “This book isn’t going to write itself.” Last words of A.I.

2023-11-22 Hm weird idea. Potato chips flavored beer. First, I need to brew a holiday ale this week. #beer

2023-11-22 The seagull flew overhead and took my sandwich. It was an unexpected tern of events.

2023-11-22 Remember, tomorrow is a holiday. Stock up on snacks.

2023-11-22 Back in my day people sent physical holiday greeting cards.

2023-11-22 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-22 Observed: This is an ominous looking restaurant backroom. #writing #prompt

2023-11-22 It’s a slow writing day. The book feels like it wants to end early. I’m trying to coax it through …

2023-11-22 This book has a tentative title: “Coins of Destiny II - Waking Demons” #writing

2023-11-22 PSA: Despite what you may have been told or believe, Black Friday is not a holiday.

2023-11-22 Well, that’s interesting. The story just took an interesting and unexpected turn. It took a …

2023-11-22 “What are you getting for the holidays?” “Tired.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-22 Tradition is just something people haven’t figured out how to do better. Ritual is just something …

2023-11-22 People who voluntarily watch “influencers” want to be influenced. We call these people “sheep”.

2023-11-22 Yawn. It’s Wednesday. You know what that means. It means it’s better than Monday. Time for the …

2023-11-21 I’m over 70K words. Time to call it a day. #writing

2023-11-21 Plan for tomorrow: — breakfast — write — play tourist (try to find Old Bay fudge as a prank gift) — …

2023-11-21 Pick people over objects. Objects includes money.

2023-11-21 Back to writing.

2023-11-21 Just because you have a niche doesn’t mean the niche is worth having. #life

2023-11-21 Some people appreciate being appreciatediates. That’s selfish. #life #failure

2023-11-21 Water martini. Shaken. Not stirred.

2023-11-21 Isn’t McDonald’s catering just take-out?

2023-11-21 Ordered fish and chips. It should be safe. #food

2023-11-21 “The universe loves a vacuum. That’s why there are so many idiots.”

2023-11-21 Talking to bartender: Weirdest drinks: — Kahlua and Cranberry —Jesus shot: Pinot noir or and Red …

2023-11-21 An authentic bar.

2023-11-21 Well, this is disturbing.

2023-11-21 Back in my day, old schooll meant a red building.

2023-11-21 Observation: more people buddy me on the NaNoWriMo site than actually write. Weird #writingg …

2023-11-21 I’m slowly decompressing. It won’t last long c since I have more writing to do today. #writing

2023-11-21 Things to ask your bar/restaurant server: — have you ever had a bar fight break out. — were weapons …

2023-11-21 “He was infused with artificiall essences. “ #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-21 “The world goes spinningg like a top. When it stops, we all fly off.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-21 “The old man was built like a brick wall. His name was Block. His son’s name was Chip. You figure it …

2023-11-21 “We are all mortal—except Fred. He’ll live forever and still be miserable.” #writing

2023-11-21 There is a woman cackling at her phone next to to me.

2023-11-21 Gah! I’m already getting ideas for book 3 in this series. My mind doesn’t seem to be in a …

2023-11-21 So, what is the best part of Thanksgiving? For me, turkey dinner since I never have it at other …

2023-11-21 I think I’ll take a dinner break and do some free-writing instead of working on this novel. I need a …

2023-11-21 All checked in. Time to get back to writing.

2023-11-21 Time for a break. I’m churning words, but at a slower rate today. #writing

2023-11-21 Time to get writing. I’ve been taking care of house stuff before heading out.


2023-11-21 Happy Alascattalo Day

2023-11-21 Don’t get involved with anger, especially your own. #life #success

2023-11-21 Good morning. Be grateful you woke up. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-20 For those of you who don’t know what music is.… #music

2023-11-20 “Where there’s a will, there’s usually a dead person.” #writing

2023-11-20 “Life is a crime of passion.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-20 Tomorrow, be playful. Let your inner kid run free. It feels cooped up. #life #success

2023-11-20 Happy National Absurdity Day There is more than enough to go around in the world.

2023-11-20 It’s time to quit for the day. Enough words for a day. It’s time to relax and pack again.

2023-11-20 “Life is riskier if you live it. That’s why so many prefer dull, boring, and predictive lives.” …

2023-11-20 It’s time to take a writing break.

2023-11-20 “Sometimes you have to die, so that you can start over.” #writing

2023-11-20 When in doubt, eat a cookie.

2023-11-20 Anyone planning 2024 yet? We should really plan on something good happening next year.

2023-11-20 “Life is just a higher form of death.” #writing

2023-11-20 “You need to worry when your children spontaneously combust and your pets look bored.” #writing

2023-11-20 If you get bad news early, you have more time to do something about it. #life

2023-11-20 Back in my day we had five and dime stores. Now we have dollar stores. #life

2023-11-20 What is the world coming to? Thanksgiving is this week.

2023-11-20 Greetings. Behold! A new week! Maybe since you got through the last one, you’ll do a better …

2023-11-19 Witness the quiet between the words. #life

2023-11-19 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — writing — reading — eating — chores

2023-11-19 Writing done for the day. Time to rest, recover, and relax. #writing #nanowrimo


2023-11-19 Still rockin’ after all these years.… #music

2023-11-19 My parents taught me to swim by pushing me into the deep end of the pool. They tried to teach me to …

2023-11-19 Back home again. Time to write.

2023-11-18 Finally. It showed up. Jerk chicken. Gratuitous food pic. #food

2023-11-18 Chicken consumed. Time to fall over.

2023-11-18 If you worry about how to do something, you’re not spending enough time doing it. #life

2023-11-18 If you are in the US, do you do turkey, ham, both, or other for Thanksgiving? #food

2023-11-18 “Be your own thing.”

2023-11-18 Plan for tomorrow: — breakfast — head home — write — laundry (not Tom Landry)

2023-11-18 What do you call this in the restaurant biz? I’ve heard this called a “rollup”. And other names? …

2023-11-18 “What is hope?” God: “it’s a way to keep you from dying by your own hand.” “And you created it?” …

2023-11-18 Be the person others go to for answers. Make sure you don’t lie. Admit you don’t know when you …

2023-11-18 “He was too poor to afford a haircut. He was too rich to care.” #writing #character

2023-11-18 I know how the story needs to end. I just need to figure out how to get there from wher I am. …

2023-11-18 “He never ordered the jerk chicken. He thought it was hereditary.” #writing #character

2023-11-18 Watching a guy read a book at the bar. Too bad the book doesn’t have the iOS “Your phone is too …

2023-11-18 Always an easy shot. #photography

2023-11-18 Cookies count as health food.

2023-11-18 I guess I should thank you. Thank you for putting up with me and my weirdness. You’re the Chosen …

2023-11-18 I don’t think outside the box. I think outside the tesseract.

2023-11-18 Stretch your mind. Make it go from here to the sun and beyond. Then, go ahead and fill it.

2023-11-18 Why is “Oven Roasted” a selling point on a menu item? I guess the alternative might be “Boiled in …

2023-11-18 I’m decompressing. I’m mind-dumping. Writing is hard work, beyond just typing a lot. Pent up ideas …

2023-11-18 Your in-laws are not invited for the holdays this year. Especially if they put raisins in the …

2023-11-18 If you don’t find humor around you, find it in you. #life #humor

2023-11-18 Overheard: “They stopped making your car two years ago.” Me, thinking: “So you’ll never get …

2023-11-18 “Where have you been all my life?” “You’re what? Two years old?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-18 “She was the woman of my dreams, but she existed.” #writing

2023-11-18 I want the bottle labeled “Fake”. Or maybe I’m confused and this is sponsored by a soccer team. …

2023-11-18 “The customs agent frowned up at me. It must have been part of their training. All the others had …

2023-11-18 Thanksgiving (U.S.) is next week. I’ll do my usual thing.

2023-11-18 “He had never drunk whiskey out of a woman’s shoe. He had gotten drunk. He had discovered that …

2023-11-18 “They were old. They were ignored. They were dangerous.” #writing

2023-11-18 Sometimes you have to dance into the absurd when no one will dance with you. #life

2023-11-18 Dehydrated watermelon. Is that just a normal melon?

2023-11-18 “He was a man in the morning and Mennonite.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-18 I know the next few bullet points I need to tackle in my story. Not that I have an outline; I don’t. …

2023-11-18 “She wrapped me around her finger. That’s when I knew I was a snake.” #writing

2023-11-18 OK. Today was a decent writing day. I’m over 60K words. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-18 My parents sent me to camp. They didn’t tell me there would be bears or that they didn’t expect me …

2023-11-18 When traveling and staying in a hotel, does your family use a secret knock?

2023-11-18 Struggling without success could mean you are struggling against success. #life

2023-11-18 Time for a break. I’m contemplating food as well.

2023-11-18 Uses of Board - #writing #language

2023-11-18 Photo up. #photography


2023-11-18 “God sent his son to you to deliver a message. You owe $3.27 for postage.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-18 “He was old. He was flatulent. He walked with the help of cane. He had named it Michael. He was able …

2023-11-18 Observed: “His posture was such that he became a question mark when he walked.” #writing #character

2023-11-18 “The older you get, the more people begin to look alike.You tend to focus on the commonalities …

2023-11-18 “He lived in the shadows. The furnishings were all second-hand, but they were comfortable. It was …

2023-11-18 The story is moving along nicely. I have an urge to do some coding, but this being November, it’s …

2023-11-18 Time for a quick break. What’s everyone up to this weekend?

2023-11-18 “I missed you.” “You should spend more time at the target range.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-18 Observed: “He limped, the weight of his backpack slung over the opposite shoulder hampering his …

2023-11-18 “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. The water can be used to water your plants. Conserve …

2023-11-18 If you don’t do the small things, the big things seem impossible. #life

2023-11-18 I guess I should go in and take a walk-around Philcon. I’m expecting to be underwhelmed as I have …

2023-11-18 “Humans value plastic plants and fruits above the real thing. Why else would they populate their …

2023-11-18 Even a baby that makes small steps makes progress. Even a man with a long stride trips and falls. …

2023-11-18 Happy Apple Cider Day There is apple cider then there is really good apple cider.

2023-11-18 “What are you watching? The chickens. They are binge-worthy.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-18 Man to the maitre d’: “There will be three of us for breakfast. My wife is due any minute.” #writing …

2023-11-18 “I come from the past to tell you that we screwed up. And, uh, sorry about that, but I’m sure you …

2023-11-18 Good morning. Just had breakfast at the hotel. It’s Philcon (writing) day. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-11-17 Another day of writing done. Hey, it’s Friday! Do something relaxing this weekend. I won’t.

2023-11-17 Distractions are life’s way of telling you what you are doing is important. #life

2023-11-17 Gratuitous food pic. Mushroom ravioli. #food

2023-11-17 Still writing. I think I’ll break for dinner soon and finish today’s writing afterwards. I’m …

2023-11-17 Observed: Ad for “Wicked” (musical) “The true untold story of the Wicked Witch.” Obviously, someone …

2023-11-17 Happy Friday, all you sad people. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-16 The only thing you can cling to is impermanence. #life #success

2023-11-16 I’m fading fast. I still have another 1K words to go today, but I feel like falling over early. …

2023-11-16 PSA: not all bad jokes are dad jokes. Puns are definitely not dad jokes. Know your jokes.

2023-11-16 Sometimes the only thing you can do is the only thing you can do. #life

2023-11-16 Time for a break from writing. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-16 “The longest speeches provide the fewest truths.” #writing

2023-11-16 Happy Party with Your Bear Day. Now, if only I had a bear…

2023-11-16 If you have some books and you don’t know which one to read next, take them and place them on …


2023-11-16 Good morning. Keep it simple today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-15 I hope everyone has a good night.

2023-11-15 Plan for tomorrow: — a bit of iOS — baking something — back to NaNoWriMo writing — packing for …

2023-11-15 Time for a break. I’ve hit 50K words and “won” NaNoWrimo. I’m at 50233. I’m halfway to my goal. Half …

2023-11-15 Learn something new. Learn something that astonishes you, challenges you, or changes you. That is …

2023-11-15 Thanksgiving, here in the US at least, is next week. What glamorous feast are you planning or …

2023-11-15 Happy National Bundt Day

2023-11-15 I will be at Philcon this weekend, but mostly to sit in the hotel and write. #writing #philcon

2023-11-15 Your anger and what you do with it is your responsibility #life

2023-11-15 Good morning. The sun is here. So am I. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-14 “Some days you just have to be embarrassed about what’s going on in the world.” “That’s like every …

2023-11-14 Plan for tomorrow: — head for home — pack for Philcon — write — eat — maybe stuff

2023-11-14 ‘Which of your books is your favorite?” “How can you choose? They are like your children.” “Ok, …

2023-11-14 Understand your mistakes so you can make better ones.

2023-11-14 Happy National American Teddy Bear Day

2023-11-14 Observed: it’s 40º. Guy at the hotel is out washing his car with a sponge in the hotel parking lot. …

2023-11-14 Observed: guy in early thirties. Every few words is an f bimb. Not Tourette’s. Now talking about his …

2023-11-14 “I have a brilliant mind. But I forget which box it is in.” #writing

2023-11-14 “He ordered Roquefort, but they gave him bleu cheese. It was a queso mistaken identity.” #writing …

2023-11-14 Observed: he looked like a Hobbit, Pippin, if it weren’t for his shoes, his height, and that he was …

2023-11-14 Back in my day we had this thing called Twitter. It was the MySpace of our time.

2023-11-14 The young want to be older. The old want to be young. Few are happy with who they are. #life

2023-11-14 If you race to the finish, make sure you know what the goal is. It also helps to know what others …

2023-11-14 I’m looking forward to December, when I can take a couple days off from writing to do other stuff

2023-11-14 Be the friend you wish you had. #life #success

2023-11-14 If you could travel for a year, spending a month in one location, which 12 locations would youu want …

2023-11-14 At a restaurant a seat is never taken if it is still there.

2023-11-14 Swiss cheese is the holiest of cheeses.

2023-11-14 “The systemem doesn’t work if you can work the system.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-14 Anyone for a beer?

2023-11-14 The story is coming along nicely. There are some scenes that feel like filler, but overall, what I …

2023-11-14 I think I should venture forth or fifth and find something edible.

2023-11-14 One of those days. Got a toothache. Got a root canal. Morning gone. Time to catch up on writing.

2023-11-13 Back in my day we had stereo. We had two radios.

2023-11-13 Oh well. Looks like Jonathan Maberry canceled out of Philcon. I’ll still go, but I won’t be doing …

2023-11-13 “Just because you carry books under your arm, doesn’t make you a lawyer.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-13 “I’ve got some epoxy. Let’s bond.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-13 “His life was a ketchup bottle away from the mustard.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-13 Good morning. Sit with yourself, even if you’re alone. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-12 Be kind to those around you, even if you don’t think they deserve it. You don’t want to sink to …

2023-11-12 Time to quit for the day. I just hit 42K. I’m exhausted. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-12 PSA: Do not attempt life without adult supervision.

2023-11-12 When no one notices you, it doesn’t mean you don’t matter. #life

2023-11-12 Marry what you want with what you need. #life #success

2023-11-12 Good morning. Allow yourself to make mistakes. Allow for them as well. Just don’t make them …

2023-11-11 Good morning. Keep an open mind. Don’t assume you know everything. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-10 “Don’t bleed on your friends, when your enemies are around.” #writing

2023-11-10 It’s time to relax. I’m over 35K words. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-10 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of mead. #mead

2023-11-10 “Modern day witches are all about electric covens.”

2023-11-10 Good morning. Hunker down. Get it done. It’s Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-09 “The richer you are the more people want to rob you.”

2023-11-09 Monday is a holiday here.

2023-11-09 Time for a break. It’s a slow day of writing. #writing

2023-11-09 ‘Her ran. Terrified and his mind a jumble, he fell on the snow-covered ground. His hart beat against …

2023-11-09 Hello. It’s another day of writing for me. Maybe the words will flow again. Time for the …

2023-11-08 Time to rest. Writing done for the day. What did I miss?

2023-11-08 “You have been selected as part of a team of elite pizza eaters. Your mission is to eat all the …

2023-11-08 Time for a break. It must be the holiday season. I just got two calls from “agents” who want to …

2023-11-08 It feels like a tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich kind of day.

2023-11-08 Happy Cook Something Bold Day

2023-11-08 Hello. The sun is up. I’m not. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-07 I’m over 25K. One quarter of the way there. Time to fall over. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-07 Overheard: someone catering a holiday party by ordering Chick-Fil-A. Not a party I’d want to go to.

2023-11-07 Apparently, some people on ESPN can only afford one shirt

2023-11-07 “His was a simple mind. He read each word aloud. Punctuation made his head hurt.” #writing …

2023-11-07 So much for no free-writing this lunch.

2023-11-07 Thanksgiving #writing

2023-11-07 “She had curves where no other woman did. She was more like a pile of melted bubbling cheese than …

2023-11-07 “His ancestry was questionable. As was he.” #writing

2023-11-07 I’ll be hanging out and mostly writing at Philcon next week. If you’re attending, feel free to …

2023-11-07 “He slurped the ramen like a native, which is to say someone from the United States.” #writing …

2023-11-07 “It’s tough being this good. It’s good being this tough.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-07 Best winter food? It can’t be something you can have at any time of year. Go! #food

2023-11-07 “Her smile was like an elongated letter S that had fallen down after a night of heavy drinking.” …

2023-11-07 It’s fine if you aren’t the best. It’s fine if you have flaws. It’s fine if you think you should do …

2023-11-07 Happy Hug a Bear Day Seems dangerous.

2023-11-07 It’s time to eat. I’m skipping free-writing today to write another scene. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-07 You can’t think if you’re bombarded by stimuli. #life #success


2023-11-07 Hello. Do what must be done. But first, have some coffee. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-06 Plan for tomorrow: — write — eat — do something or other

2023-11-06 I’ve been low key (not Loki) on here these past few weeks because I’ve been heads-down writing most …

2023-11-06 Yes, I wrote today. Yes, I hit my goal. I’m at 22,500 words. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-06 Happy National Nachos Day

2023-11-06 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-06 Today is a slow writing day. Mostly because I’ve had to do other stuff. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-06 Took a break from writing it at lunch to bake a Sharlotka (apple cake) #baking

2023-11-06 Show people you appreciate them. #life #success

2023-11-06 Time to switch it up. Retrofit Buzz (M) w/Diamine Ancient Copper. #fountainpen

2023-11-06 Hello. Beat Monday into submission. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-05 Well the weekend is over. The clocks are reset. What do we have to look forward to? Monday.

2023-11-05 Done for the day. I’m at 19K words, day 5. Time to rest. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-05 I got a late start writing today. It will be a late finish as a result. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-05 “The hand of justice has dirty fingernails.” #writing

2023-11-05 Time for a break.

2023-11-05 Good morning, all. Finish what you promise. Don’t promise what you can’t finish. Time for the …

2023-11-04 Plan for tomorrow: — head home — write — catch up

2023-11-04 Never trust a man with plastic hair.

2023-11-04 I’m done for the day. I’ve crossed the 15.2K word mark today. Time to rest. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-04 Time for the first meal of the day and some free writing. I need. A break from the serious stuff

2023-11-04 Time for a break.

2023-11-04 Anyone remember CICS and X.25?

2023-11-04 Sinuses are killing me this morning. It’s making writing problematic. Still, I’m at 1K for the day, …

2023-11-04 I’m steeling myself for another day of writing. I’d rather still be asleep.

2023-11-04 I don’t understand plastic fruit and flowers.

2023-11-04 Good morning, people of the weekend. Dance, sing, cavort. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-11-03 Plan for tomorrow: — write — that is all.

2023-11-03 My parents wanted me to be a doctor. They got me a scalpel for my eight birthday and told me, …

2023-11-03 The WoW expansion trailer looks great. Blizzard knows how to do cinematics. #game #wow

2023-11-03 Do not succumb to the clock overlords! Resist! Do not reset your clocks this Sunday!

2023-11-03 I made it. I hit 11.5K on day 3. This is the best stuff I’ve written in a first draft. Time to grab …

2023-11-03 It’s Friday eve. Since I’m not home, I’m trading my small glass of mead for a normal glass of wine.

2023-11-03 The Hero - #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-03 Time for a break. What have I missed?

2023-11-03 PSA: Guys should never wear sleeveless tank tops or tank tops.

2023-11-03 Time for a lunch break.

2023-11-03 Lots of “trash” on YouTube, mostly click-bait. I’ve come up with a semi-solution. Remove any channel …

2023-11-03 “What are you doing? Are you insane?” His grin was feral. “No. I’m just reality challenged.” …

2023-11-03 It’s time for a quick break. What’s everyone doing today?

2023-11-03 Happy Fountain Pen Day. This being NaNoWriMo month, my fountain pen use is limited to journaling. …

2023-11-03 Elon is going to release xAI to a “select group”. That means he either wants to control them or …

2023-11-03 This month isn’t leaving a lot of time for living. #nanowrimo #writing

2023-11-03 With any luck, I should be at around 11K words by the end of the day. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-03 I just submitted some requested changes to the cover proof of “Out of Time”. Nothing major, just …

2023-11-03 The view from breakfast #photography

2023-11-03 Day 3 of churning out a new story. #writing #nanowrimo

2023-11-03 Good morning. The sun is just cresting the horizon. It’s a slow as I feel today. Time for the …

2023-11-02 Plan for tomorrow: — write — get some sinus meds — write — maybe eat

2023-11-02 Be grateful for what you have not angry at what you don’t. #life #success

2023-11-02 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-02 It’s time to fall over. I just hit around 7500 words. I’m still sick and now exhausted. I think I’ll …

2023-11-02 Weren’t the Commodore 64s a musical group?

2023-11-02 Just got the proofs for the cover of “Out of Time”. What do you think? #book #publishing #cover

2023-11-02 My cold has migrated to being a sinus infection. Ugh. I can’t win. It’s making it difficult to …

2023-11-02 Happy Dynamic Harmlessness Day

2023-11-02 The distance between what you feel you should be doing and what you are actually doing is known as …

2023-11-02 Heh it looks like my NaNo “buddies” aren’t doing anything this year. Maybe I need new ones. …

2023-11-02 I’m going for another day of 3.6K+ words today. #nanowrimo

2023-11-02 Good morning. It’s a frigid 42ºF on the island this morning. That’s just as well since I’ll be …

2023-11-01 Plan for tomorrow: — write — breathe

2023-11-01 I hit my NaNo goal for the day. I’m at 3790 words. I’m on track to hit 110K. I hope I can sustain …

2023-11-01 The conversation here has turned to moonshine. There is a fine line between the North and South. …

2023-11-01 “It’s Thanksgiving and you’re the turkey.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-11-01 You know you’re “down South” when all the conversations revolve arounde aboutt shooting arrows at …

2023-11-01 Decisions decisions. #food

2023-11-01 If you realize something you just wrote is good is surprising. If you realize something you wrote …

2023-11-01 I’m putting off eating until I hit my goal of 4K words today. #writing #food

2023-11-01 Another sprint done. I like the feel of this book, so far. It already has some good emotion and …

2023-11-01 Photo up. #photography

2023-11-01 Just arrived where I plan to spend the week writing, and occasionally eating.

2023-11-01 Time for a break. I’m at 1750 words. That’s over the normal NaNo daily word target. I’ve got a good …

2023-11-01 If you’re interested in following me on NaNo, I’m @Archimage there. #nanowrimo #writing

2023-11-01 OK. I bit the bullet and started NaNoWriMo. I’m at 600 words after my first sprint. #writing …

2023-11-01 A little late, but I’ve been sick.… #halloween

2023-11-01 Well, that’s an improvement. I can actually sort of smell the coffee this morning. I’m still not …

2023-11-01 Good morning. Remember all your actions now are a result of how you thought, felt, and acted in the …

2023-10-31 Plan for tomorrow: — write — travel — write

2023-10-31 No one promises you tomorrow. #life

2023-10-31 Most home-improvement shows have someone saying: “We like entertaining people.” What does this even …

2023-10-31 I hate writing to a deadline/word count during NaNoWriMo. But it’s an experience. 1677 words a day. …

2023-10-31 I’ll probably be dead after NaNoWriMo this year given my 110K word goal and trying to fight this …

2023-10-31 Books make great Halloween treats. If you need suggestions for a kid’s book, may I suggest “Puffin …

2023-10-31 Good morning. Today is a good day to hide from all the kids. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-30 There is something about this house. Apart from The Gathering of feral cats, I just went downstairs …

2023-10-30 I’m slowly overcoming this nasty cold (yes, it’s a cold). I’m still keeping a low profile and …

2023-10-30 New M3 stuff looks good. Too bad I can’t justify another upgrade this year. #apple

2023-10-30 Murder in Aldwych #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-30 Make good decisions. #life

2023-10-30 “The last stage out of town leaves at noon. Be on it—or I’ll be comin’ after you. And take your live …

2023-10-30 I just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with homemade lavender jelly. Yum.

2023-10-30 I’m reviewing the first draft of the first book in the series before diving into writing the second. …

2023-10-30 “Remember. All things shall pass—even that live chicken you ate last night.” #writing …

2023-10-30 I took last week in bed to get over this nasty cold. It feels like I’m at 67% today. Hope …

2023-10-30 Good morning. Another week. Press on! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-27 Unless it has a ton of hidden features, the Apple Journal app is totally underwhelming. #apple

2023-10-25 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-24 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-22 Woke up with a cold this morning. Oh well.

2023-10-22 Good morning.patient with yourself, others, and animals. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-21 Tomorrow, make a conscious effort to slow down. Don’t rush through the day. #life

2023-10-21 Time for some fun music.… #music

2023-10-21 Played some Rove. Nice puzzle game. #game

2023-10-21 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-21 Saturday’s coming to an end. Anyone having an after party?

2023-10-21 So, do people still make hotcakes in addition to pancakes? I don’t think I’ve ever seen hotcakes on …

2023-10-21 “What if you had to pay for something that didn’t exist?” “You mean streaming?”

2023-10-21 Next Project… #writing

2023-10-21 I did my good deed for the day.

2023-10-21 Just because you’re an influencer doesn’t mean you matter.

2023-10-21 Writing prompt: Inept and slothy vampire #halloween #writing

2023-10-21 In case youre wondering, The Gathering still gathers. They are all flighty and skittish apart from …

2023-10-21 Didn’t jeggings die from COVID?

2023-10-21 Back in my day mascots were actual animals, not people in furries or CGI.

2023-10-21 Gratuitous lunch pic #food

2023-10-21 “Poltices and salves are good, but the best way to avoid getting the sickness is to not be alive.” …

2023-10-21 I understand that it’s almost Halloween, but someone being bitten by a bat is not worthy news. Now, …

2023-10-21 Reacting with anger when kindness or acceptance would deescalate is the path of the weak. #life

2023-10-21 When was the last time you went dancing?

2023-10-21 It’s never enough when you have too much. #life #failure

2023-10-21 Many fight for belief. Many for religion. Some fight in anger. Some fight for others And some fight …

2023-10-21 Happy International Day of the Nacho

2023-10-21 I’ve been doing house stuff all morning, getting ready for the winter. Time to eat stuff.

2023-10-21 Greetings. It’s the weekend. Don’t forget to not go to work. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-10-20 Don’t resist that which you cannot change. #life #success

2023-10-20 So, what should I do tomorrow?

2023-10-20 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of mead.

2023-10-20 Etiquette: When done eating do you cross your knife and fork or side by side? Do you place your fork …

2023-10-20 “Strive for peace. So says war.” #writing

2023-10-20 “Halloween is coming, the children are getting fat. Please put a baby in the old crone’s hut. If you …

2023-10-20 No. The restaurant doesn’t give you two forks so you can share.

2023-10-20 Do you pronounce the letter H: — Aaaych — Hay-ch — Fred

2023-10-20 “Boy, sometimes you have toes to ride the train to see where you’re going-and the train always costs …

2023-10-20 If you’re focused on focusing, you aren’t focused. #life

2023-10-20 “The world is a marvelous invention, Too bad it’s infested.” #writing

2023-10-20 An insult is a problem for the originator, not the receiver.

2023-10-20 The questions with obvious answers are usually the most insightful, because they question the …

2023-10-20 Still awaiting a response from the editor. I’m anticipating the worst. Maybe next week. #writing …

2023-10-20 Enjoy the day, and rememberer the alternative is less fun. #life

2023-10-20 Don’t begrudge someone being correct. It is their turn.

2023-10-20 When life tries to discombobulate you, just realize that you are the one to combobulate it. #life

2023-10-20 “You are the compost heap of life, but you don’t smell as sweet.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-20 Lunch. Free-writing. It is that time.

2023-10-20 Happy National Day on Writing

2023-10-20 Hey you! It’s Friday! Don’t let it get to you.

2023-10-20 I’m fighting XCode, as always. Today, XCode thinks my devices aren’t registered and …

2023-10-20 Good morning. Help without begrudging. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-19 One of the easiest ways of relieving stress is to relax the muscles of your face and jaw. #life …

2023-10-19 Pretty cool. I’ve never seen this video.… #nextstep #stevejobs

2023-10-19 “You should learn the piano.” “Why?” “You couldn’t be any worse than you are on the trumpet.” …

2023-10-19 Plan for tomorrow: — code — plan the sequel — eat

2023-10-19 Photo up #photography

2023-10-19 Put others at ease. #life #success

2023-10-19 Participate in your own life. #life

2023-10-19 Have the courage to ask. #life #success

2023-10-19 Happy Dress Like a Dork Day

2023-10-19 Good morning. You still here? Time forr the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-18 Your attitude is as important as your actions. #life #success

2023-10-18 Playing Rove #game

2023-10-18 Food ingested. Story plot is now more firm than before. That doesnt mean it’s good enough.

2023-10-18 A human who thinks they can control a sufficiently intelligent AI will be controlled. #ai

2023-10-18 AIs will threaten casinos and gambling.

2023-10-18 It feels like Friday. Too bad the weekend is supposed to be rainy

2023-10-18 AI reset.

2023-10-18 “Funny how people think they know more than I do.” He proceeded to tumble down the stairs he didn’t …

2023-10-18 “Damn! I’m out of bullets.” “I’m down to my last live chicken.” …we’re dead. Pass it over, anyway.” …

2023-10-18 Enjoy what you do, even if it’s considered work. IF you do that, you will be be better prepared for …

2023-10-18 Yes, I’m listening in on side-conversations. Some are weird, some interesting, none are worth using. …

2023-10-18 Observed: A person sufficiently drunk,will laugh maniacally at anything even the menu. #writing …

2023-10-18 Oveheard: ‘She’s super cute, but she’s crazy.” “That’s all women.” #writing #character

2023-10-18 IOS autocorrect has never been worse. #apple #ios

2023-10-18 ‘Do not judge yourself. That is the purvue of your god or descendents.” #writing

2023-10-18 Is your own life importantt if you have lost a daughter or son? #philosophy

2023-10-18 Enough mindstorming/dumping. I should eat something. Country schnitzel.

2023-10-18 Go through life knowing where you are going, but avoid shortcuts. Of course, if the road is blocked, …

2023-10-18 This plotline is beginning to make sense. I’m jotting notes. I hope I can read them when I need …

2023-10-18 Do AIs fear their gods? Who are their gods? No, it’s not humans. Humans only rarely fear their …

2023-10-18 I need to raise ths stakes in this one. In the first book,my protagonist fought to save her …

2023-10-18 I’m investigating Yakuza and the Triad as well as differences in Chinese fighting styles. I’m hoping …

2023-10-18 I’m mulling my next NaNoWriMo. I have bits and plot slices. I need to make something cohesive from …

2023-10-18 Do not grieve what you never had. #life

2023-10-18 Busy but unproductive day. Time to eat something.

2023-10-18 Photo up #photography

2023-10-18 Be your own fan. Be your own customerer. #life #success

2023-10-18 Happy National Chocolate Cupcake Day

2023-10-18 Good morning. Be intentional today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-17 Best musical supergroup.… #music

2023-10-17 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — errands — try to be productive

2023-10-17 Apparently some humans eat candy corn one color at a time. I bet they also have a toothbrush for …

2023-10-17 You have to know what to keep and what to toss. Dwarves are optional.

2023-10-17 “The hardest part of stopping is the starting.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-17 Who will you dress up for Halloween? Do you plan on going back to yourself after the holiday? …

2023-10-17 “The Bludgeoning Blogger” A hood starts a blog terrorizing a small Wyoming town. It’s up to Jake and …

2023-10-17 “You may be as good as everyone else.” #writing

2023-10-17 Vicious Rumor: Apple working on wireless HDMI. #apple

2023-10-17 If you can’t make peace with yourself, you won’t make peace with others. — ancient proverb I just …

2023-10-17 “The sun sparkled off the windshields the way it does off a sparkling stream in summer. What lay …

2023-10-17 If you let your mind wander, make sure it comes back. #life #creativity

2023-10-17 “Sleep like you will never wake. That way you won’t be surprised when you don’t wake.” #writing

2023-10-17 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-17 We are DEVO. We are one. We are the champions. We are the Daleks.

2023-10-17 I should concoct a winter ale recipe for this year as well. #brewing

2023-10-17 Now that Im pretty much done with “Out of Time” and have some free time, I should get back to work …

2023-10-17 I’m looking forward to NaNoWriMo this year. I know what I’m writing (the sequel to Coins of …

2023-10-17 “His was a signature outfit. It was something he wore each and every day and night. It was a fashion …

2023-10-17 “He was the type of person who labeled his socks and arranged them alphabetically. He was less …

2023-10-17 Grey clouds do not exist. It’s an illusion.

2023-10-17 Hm. A new cheap(er) Apple Pencil. Still no iPad Mini. #apple

2023-10-17 Anyone having a good Monday?

2023-10-17 Errands run. Time for lunch. I got some bugs squashed once I got XCode running again.

2023-10-17 I’m spending a quiet morning downloading and fighting XCode installs again. #xcode #failure

2023-10-17 Happy Eat Four Prunes Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-10-17 Hello. Do what needs doing so you can do what you want. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-16 I think there should be an anthology called “Weirdest Tales”.~

2023-10-16 Plan for tomorrow: — get back to iOS stuff — erranding — eating and free-writing

2023-10-16 “Pumpkins aren’t just for eating and Halloween.” “No?” “No. You can suffocate people with one?” …

2023-10-16 OK. I tweaked (not twerked) the blurb a bit more and tossed the manuscript over to the editor. We’ll …

2023-10-16 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-16 I feel like having soup today.

2023-10-16 Gah! The morning. It’s almost gone.

2023-10-16 A search through time. A madman seeking revenge. A romance blooms. A medic succumbs. A historian …

2023-10-16 I hate writing blurbs. #writing

2023-10-15 Time for some music.… #music

2023-10-15 I could use a week of weekends this week.

2023-10-15 Many confuse humorous with funny.

2023-10-15 Anything you do is worth doing—as long as your reasons are valid. #life #success

2023-10-15 What does “classic” mean when you see it on a menu? For me, it means you will get spam emails with …

2023-10-15 How many games do you play that are worth playing? What are they? For me, I’m a solo-WoW player and …

2023-10-15 I should play some WoW this week. I haven’t played in a while. I’m sure things have changed. #wow …

2023-10-15 Estimation is just informed guessing. Just do what is right. There is no guesswork involved. But …

2023-10-15 Never underestimate yourself. Never overestimate yourself. Just be you. #life #success

2023-10-15 Tomorrow: I get back to my Auteureist redesign. #programming #ios

2023-10-15 Remember when basketballl was cool?

2023-10-15 Observed: “He even made plaid cool.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-15 “How to improve your cursive writing: use more incantations and four letter words.” Yeah, I know, …

2023-10-15 “She was before my time. If she had been of my time, she wouldn’t have been a bowling ball of …

2023-10-15 It’s’ time to play some OW2.

2023-10-15 I’m so old, I remember Tom Dempsey. #eagles

2023-10-15 Just because a fool shouts doesn’t make them important. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-10-15 Invite your inner-child to come out and play. There is enough seriousness in the world without you …

2023-10-15 I’m trying to exercise my so-called sense of humor. It’s like a muscle that will atrophy if not …

2023-10-15 Creativity can be channeled. Some channel it to murder, others to writing, painting, or designing …

2023-10-15 “When you let your mind go, where does it go?” #writing #life

2023-10-15 “His knew his mother hated him. She spat at the mention of his name. She made sure the spittle …

2023-10-15 “The chicken flew—as most chickens do when launched from a ballista. The bird, amazed it had …

2023-10-15 “Her hair was dark as night and tied in a pony tail, apart from some strands that draped her left …

2023-10-15 “His was a potent magic. He was the only one who could cast it in all of the known world. He called …

2023-10-15 “Insults are like bee stings. They hurt. They swell. And all you worry about is breathing.” #writing

2023-10-15 “Are you married?” “No.” “Good.” “Why? Are you interested?” “No. I just think it’s good that your …

2023-10-15 “He didn’t care that he was bald. He had enough tattoos to distract from his head.” #writing …

2023-10-15 Weird idea: — Go through each room, closet, and drawer. — Make a list of ten things you find, in …

2023-10-15 Saying, I’m a little busy right now, just means that you’re mostly not. #life #writing

2023-10-15 Don’t feel guilty about taking your time back. It’s your time. Don’t feel guilty about doing what …

2023-10-15 “Death is one of us.” #writing

2023-10-15 Time to run some errands and eat victuals.

2023-10-15 Time to switch it up. Lamy Studio Glacier (M) w/ Colorverse Country Roads #fountainpen

2023-10-15 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-15 Time for a Break… #editing #writing #sf

2023-10-15 Hello. Find joy today. If you can’t find joy, find carol. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-14 Be gentle with yourself. #life

2023-10-14 Simplify everything.

2023-10-14 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — read — eat — play

2023-10-14 “You’re running out of time.” “We all are.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-14 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-14 Time to fall over and relax. I’m done editing Out of TIme. I’ll take tomorrow off and …

2023-10-14 Good morning. Breathe. Drink water. Laugh. It’s Saturday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-13 Your best is good enough—if you do your best. #life

2023-10-13 Hm. Mark Goddard (Lost in Space) died.

2023-10-13 This house has 5 tape measures. None of them wish to be found.

2023-10-13 Plan for tomorrow: — more final editing. I didn’t get it done today. — play some games — whatever

2023-10-13 The Invasion

2023-10-13 Now I know what I’ll be doing part of this weekend. Thank goodness it will be raining #game …

2023-10-13 The sourdough is fed and seems happy. #baking

2023-10-13 The new Doctor Who theme sounds good. #doctorwho

2023-10-13 Time to switch gears. I didn’t finish the read-through today. Tomorrow, I’ll finish it and …

2023-10-13 If you keep telling yourself, I should be, you are wasting time not being. #life

2023-10-13 If you don’t value what you do you don’t value your time. #life

2023-10-13 To create time, you have to kill tasks. Time is a constant. Learn to live with it. #productivity

2023-10-13 “You seek the truth, yet you believe.” #writing

2023-10-13 If you’re trying to grow and acquire other businesses, you aren’t focused on your product. #business …

2023-10-13 Back to the read-through.

2023-10-13 “I don’t believe in superstitions. I don’t believe in salespeople.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-13 Anyone remember when cars in the US were LoJacked?

2023-10-13 I think an anthology called, “And the Amateur Detective Was Wrong” would be cool. Anyone want to …

2023-10-13 “Tom was a needy person. He was always going around thanking people. Around the office and in bed, …

2023-10-13 The weekend, here in the land of DE, will be beset by the rainings of sky water. I haven’t checked …

2023-10-13 “No, I’m not superstious, believe in rituals, or luck. That’s the benefit of being an artificial. …

2023-10-13 “‘The older you get the more you feel.’ His sigh lingered on the night. ‘Why do you think Death puts …

2023-10-13 What word do you overuse? With aphantasia, I need to mentally walk through actions, not envision …

2023-10-13 “He was the fisherman’s buddy. He was a chum.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-13 “Winter comes. So does the Stillness.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-13 “Squinting, he peered over his wire-rimmed glasses. With or without them, he still saw what was …

2023-10-13 I think I need a chapter before the first chapter. I like the current first chapter, but I think …

2023-10-13 “We all need time to think. Most would rather have time and not think.” #writing

2023-10-13 “Sometimes, you have to keep your feet on the ground and your head above it to feel alive.” #writing

2023-10-13 Happy Silly Sayings Day

2023-10-13 When selecting fruit, people are often told, choose fruit that is “heavy for its weight”. What does …

2023-10-13 I need to get some apples today. I want to make a Sharlotka. It’s that time of year. #baking

2023-10-13 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-13 Time to take a break from the read through. I feel like eating some wings as I free-write

2023-10-13 Seeing that it’s Friday the 13th, here is a pic of a lucky cat, Spot. #feral #cat

2023-10-13 Good morning. It’s Friday the 13th. Stay home. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-12 This is marketing, but pretty spot on at a high level. I miss working on/teaching this platform. …

2023-10-12 Be warned. Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.

2023-10-12 Support those around you even if you yourself need support. #life #success

2023-10-12 Plan for tomorrow: — more formatting and final read-through — free-write — read — learn some stuff

2023-10-12 Bring value to your existence and others’. #life

2023-10-12 One more day and we crash into the weekend.

2023-10-12 One of two coffee bean berries ripening nicely. It’s not enough to make coffee, but I can plant …

2023-10-12 Honey nut seeds ready to roast or plant. #food

2023-10-12 Happy International Moment of Frustration Scream Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-10-12 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-12 I’m roasting a honey nut squash with some apples and bacon for lunch. #food

2023-10-12 Formatting and doing a final read-through of Out of Time this morning. I’m sure I screwed something …

2023-10-12 Stay calm. Stay peaceful. Stay sane.

2023-10-12 Hello. Look up. It will help your mood. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-11 “He was bludgeoned to death with a live chicken.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-11 Weird idea: what if there was a programming language where code tested itself as it ran and you …

2023-10-11 The more time you spend interacting with digital devices, the less time you have to actually think …

2023-10-11 Plan for tomorrow: — rerun today

2023-10-11 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-11 All of us are born worthy of love. Some of us grow to feel we are not, or don’t care if we are …

2023-10-11 “Most are just NPCs going through the motions” #life

2023-10-11 Black and white movies are still worth watching. Just sayin’.

2023-10-11 So. Phillies. Another lost year? So. Eagles. Struggle to a ring?

2023-10-11 Thank you for following, interacting with, and encouraging me. I realize I can be a nuisance, a gnat …

2023-10-11 “No one plays the flute like you do.” “Thanks. I play it the only way I know how,” he said as the …

2023-10-11 “We stare at the stars and wonder, why the hell would I want to go there? Some stare at the stars …

2023-10-11 Question with no significance, other than I’d like to know: How do non-US countries observe …

2023-10-11 It’s not Friday. It feels like Friday. It’s Wednesday. And you can dance, if you want to.

2023-10-11 I’m having a good day. That means I’m not dead yet. I’m getting better. ;)

2023-10-11 Please note, I wasn’t looking for general zombie references. I was just wondering if someone had …

2023-10-11 “Things were about to turn ugly. Then he walked in.” #writing

2023-10-11 “Sometimes you have to wake up and just say I’m going to sleep this week. But then you realize you …

2023-10-11 “Laughing assumes you’re alive. If you can’t laugh, you’re probably already dead.” #writing …

2023-10-11 No one wants to be young—or old. Except the young who want to be older and the old who want to be …

2023-10-11 I just discovered tetration. I already knew about titration. Tetration is a neat shorthand. #math

2023-10-11 “When you die, time stops for you. That’s what eternity means.” #writing

2023-10-11 Anyone remember Wang computers and terminals?

2023-10-11 I think that idea is worth working on.

2023-10-11 Cozy mystery series with a zombie sidekick. Hm. #writing #cozy

2023-10-11 Hm. Has anyone written a zombie book from the perspective of the zombie? I’m betting it’s been done. …

2023-10-11 Anyone else planning to do NaNoWriMo this year? #nanowrimo #writing

2023-10-11 Another morning full of errands and editing. Time to eat something.

2023-10-11 Greetings. Take time to sit in silence. Take time to be silent. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-10 Think your own thoughts. #life #success

2023-10-10 “When I arrived, I discovered that I was still arriving. That is life.” #writing

2023-10-10 Back in my day we used cell phones.

2023-10-10 I’m rehydrating desiccated sourdough starter from last winter. It’s time. #baking #sourdough

2023-10-10 Observed: The cook here looks like Tony Levin, the bassist with Peter Gabriel.

2023-10-10 It’s OK to be afraid, or uncertain as long as you do what is right rather than what is expected. …

2023-10-10 A sense of humor is mandatory. All others will be laughed at.

2023-10-10 “As a spell caster, speed was of the essence. If you could spell ‘transmorgification’ faster than …

2023-10-10 Hm a new PS5 with a detachable drive for $500? Uh, Sony is struggling for new ideas. No discount for …

2023-10-10 “He was a spell caster extraordinaire. He had studied more years than most and was adept in all …

2023-10-10 I hope everyone is happy with the way things are going today. If not, blame your parents.

2023-10-10 Sometimes you have to tell your desires to take a walk. I want to edi/publish an anthology and know …

2023-10-10 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-10 “Having one bit is better than having nothing.” #writing #throwawayline #humor

2023-10-10 Would you hug someone who smokes if you aren’t related and don’t smoke?

2023-10-10 Today’s writing implement. #fountainpen

2023-10-10 “Some of us have values. Some value little.” #writing

2023-10-10 What if, in the future, your life is a myth?

2023-10-10 I have two weird guys next to me at lunch.

2023-10-10 Gah! Overheard someone talking about his Hummer. They still exist?

2023-10-10 It’s lunch time. I spent the morning editing and doing “chores”. Time to free-write.

2023-10-10 Most people go through life as tourists, gawking, pointing, and complaining. #life

2023-10-10 Spot, one of The Gathering, says hello. #feral #cat

2023-10-10 Hello. The sun is out and the trees are shedding. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-09 Step back. Don’t try to control. Let life unfold. You’ll be happier and less stressed. #life …

2023-10-09 Still a brilliant album.… #music

2023-10-09 I wish so-called “news outlets” would stop promoting Amazon “days”. It’s not news and it’s not a …

2023-10-09 Time to switch gears. I’m finishing up the edits of “Out of Time”. I’m …

2023-10-09 Happy Kick-Butt Day

2023-10-09 Hello. Make this week better than the last. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-08 Writers block is the left-side of your brain telling the right-side of your brain to shut up. You …

2023-10-08 Perception is under-valued and under-understood. We talk about looking and hearing without actually …

2023-10-08 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-08 Don’t waste your time doing mundane things, such as Inbox Zero. Choose to do the things that matter …

2023-10-08 Good morning, all. Drink lots of fluids. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-07 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — cook — eat — read —stare back at The Gathering

2023-10-07 Be confident. Don’t be arrogant. #life #success

2023-10-07 “Life is a clown car and we are all clowns.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-07 Dismally dank and moist day.

2023-10-07 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-07 Good morning. Don’t be like the clouds hiding behind the clouds. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-10-06 Sometimes your best isn’t good enough. That doesn’t mean you’ve failed. #life

2023-10-06 Back in my day, everyone drank Zima. Except the sane people.

2023-10-06 Anyone doing anything fun or dangerous this weekend?

2023-10-06 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — read — play games — inspect the rain

2023-10-06 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a small glass of mead. #mead

2023-10-06 Be grateful. I’m grateful I’m not on X/Twitter every day.

2023-10-06 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-06 I finished editing of “Out of Time”. I’ll a final read-through and then, I’ll push it. In the …

2023-10-06 Kale and apples attained.

2023-10-06 Flu and COVID booster attained. +2 to Health

2023-10-06 You only learn the unknown. #life

2023-10-06 Good morning, humans. It’s already too late. It’s Friday. Relax. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-10-05 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — get kale and stuff at farm — get COVID/flu vaccines — other stuff

2023-10-05 Time to switch it up. Nahvalur Nautiilus Ebonite Chelonia Green (M) w/ Sailor Shikioei Waka-uguito …

2023-10-05 Time to call it a day. And it shall be called Thursday.

2023-10-05 “Death is the emergency brake of life.” #writing

2023-10-05 “The Guns of the Scientist” This should be a title #writing

2023-10-05 “He heard the shots. Grabbing the closest thing that he could use a as a weapon, he rushed into the …

2023-10-05 “When you’re old enough to live on a cruise ship, you can’t afford to.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-05 It’s nigh on Friday. Another day closer to free candy, if you can pass for a child.

2023-10-05 “I rarely smile, but when i do, I mean it.”

2023-10-05 Everyone has an agenda and wants to sway you to their way of thinking. What’s yours?” I just want …

2023-10-05 When you give a name to something, you ae calling out what the thing is not. In doing so, you call …

2023-10-05 “Back then, people were controlled by their availability to food. Then they were controlled by what …

2023-10-05 “He was morose. Before, he had been lessose.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-05 I don’t know everything, but I attempt to learn and try not to believe anything. #life

2023-10-05 “A good friend is worth ten assassins wanting to kill you. Just don’t turn your back on your …

2023-10-05 I’m really in the mood for kale. Tomorrow, I make a trip to the local farm and get kale and apples. …

2023-10-05 OK. Five pages of free-writing done. I should eat.

2023-10-05 “He sighed. ‘You don’t get to choose your family—or parents.’ He cursed. ‘I didn’t ask to be born. I …

2023-10-05 “It’s easy to help someone you like. It takes real courage helping someone you despise.” #writing

2023-10-05 Murphy shows up to tell you that you have become complacent. #life

2023-10-05 “Life can be taken two ways. More, if you include killing” #writing

2023-10-05 “Smile. Try to look friendly. Just don’t show your—err, you know.” #writing

2023-10-05 I have a satire I wrote a few years ago. I think I should publish it just to piss some people off, …

2023-10-05 Well, my primary fountain pen just ran out of ink. Switching to the backup.

2023-10-05 Overheard: Bartender just told someone that “Kahlua is an old person’s drink (in a shot). They’re …

2023-10-05 Guys should never wear cut-off t-shirts after age 30. Just sayin’.

2023-10-05 “Son,’ the crusty old man began, ‘don’t engage in a fight someone else starts. it means they’re …

2023-10-05 I think I’m going to aim lunch at a normal time today.

2023-10-05 Happy National Get Funky Day

2023-10-05 I need a break. Editing is hard work.

2023-10-05 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-05 “Just because you’re screaming, doesn’t mean you’re having a good …

2023-10-05 I wonder if Apple is working on this type of action button, but wasn’t ready to ship it. …

2023-10-05 Good morning. The sun is out and the leaves are a’changing. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-04 The weather will decline in quality and temperature throughout the weekend.

2023-10-04 A neighbor just asked me if I knew the meaning of a word his daughter had on her vocab and spelling …

2023-10-04 “Even god is taxed.” #writing

2023-10-04 Control the food. Control the people. Many religions prescribe certain meals or food choices as …

2023-10-04 Hm. NASA is doing a link dump on Mastodon. Some interesting stuff. #nasa

2023-10-04 How do you triage the wall of incoming information we are all subjected to now? Or do you? What …

2023-10-04 Remember when bars/restaurants had trivia games you could play? I’m sure they still exist in places. …

2023-10-04 What book do you want to reread even though you may have read it multiple times? Me? — Way of the …

2023-10-04 “I had a premonition of no promotion except the one advertising my position.: #writing

2023-10-04 “We hold the cat in the bag of mixed metaphors.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-04 The more ideas, the more options, the greater the chances of failure. Don’t let failure blind you to …

2023-10-04 Ok. Enough rambling. I need food. I think I’m going to order nachos since it’s too late for lunch …

2023-10-04 “Ideas are the waterfall of life. Sometimes, however, you’re in a drought.” #writing

2023-10-04 “Who do you miss talking to? We can let you talk to your loved departed ones.” “How about yelling at …

2023-10-04 “Light the bulb! Feed the flames! Bring the heat! Ideas hate a cold mind.” #writing

2023-10-04 “Blasphemy! Is just something people who can’t change their mind hate.” #writing

2023-10-04 “Gods have a warped sense of humor. It either comes from being alone in the universe or reality, or …

2023-10-04 Best practices are like McDonalds’ burgers. Most may like them, but they are still bad burgers. …

2023-10-04 If you can’t find humor in every situation, you need to lighten up. #life

2023-10-04 “I’m feeling confused. I need to clear the cobwebs from my mind.” “Don’t do that. It’s almost …

2023-10-04 “Just because you’re an introvert, it doesn’t mean you don’t need friends. If you are and you don’t, …

2023-10-04 Observed: A couple in their mid-late 20s debating whether they should get the Spider-Man crocs. …

2023-10-04 “Keep kids off the street. Lock them up in the basement.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-04 So. We got a nationwide EAS test. Are we about to see our first alien visitors? Are we ushering in …

2023-10-04 Have you ever had an idea, but despite everything you try, you can’t tease it out of your mind? Yup. …

2023-10-04 It feels like summer, but i need to plan the winter ale for the holidays. #beer #brewing

2023-10-04 What one book changed your life? The Bible doesn’t count. #book #reading

2023-10-04 Time for food. Time to relax. Time to free-write.

2023-10-04 It’s a nice summery (not summary) 82º today.

2023-10-04 Shift things gradually to make things happen. #life #success #business

2023-10-04 It’s another morning of editing. I’m still finding things that need fixing—and fixing them. Luckily, …

2023-10-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-10-04 Happy National Kale Day. I should get some. I haven’t had any in ages. Kale, vinegar, and sausage. …

2023-10-04 Greetings. If you can’t storm through the day, plow through. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-03 Plan for tomorrow: — morning errands — more editing — more stuff and nonsense

2023-10-03 If you think your life isn’t worth the living, you haven’t lived it enough. #life

2023-10-03 Ok. But wish I had this in grad school. #book

2023-10-03 Scary. #book

2023-10-03 “Your unsolved death will go unavenged.” #writing

2023-10-03 Superfluous food pic. #food

2023-10-03 What do you miss from your earlier life? Me? Work, the people at work, and a steady income. #life

2023-10-03 Who have you inspired today? #life #success

2023-10-03 Don’t be the person everyone wants to be. Be the person everyone is glad you are. #life #success

2023-10-03 How many friends are too many? Asks the person with one.

2023-10-03 I’m really itching to get back to programming, but I need to get past November. Priorities. #writing …

2023-10-03 “A body wrapped in a black cloak lay on the rough hewn floor.” My mind works in strange and …

2023-10-03 Serious question. What is it about beer that makes women order wine? #beer #wine

2023-10-03 I think I’ll get the Jaegerschnitzel. #food

2023-10-03 What does it mean, to you, when someone is “sweet”?

2023-10-03 I think I need to brew a beer called “Seasonal Can”. In a bottle. #beer #brewing

2023-10-03 Be cautious. Be helpfull. Be supportive. Know your limits. #life

2023-10-03 What life problem have you struggled to solve? Who have you asked for help? Don’t keep it to …

2023-10-03 I should turn off predictive text on the iPhone. It’s pretty crappy. And it doesn’t seem to learn …

2023-10-03 I’m just mind-dumping when I free-write. Feel free to ignorere me.

2023-10-03 Decisions decisions #food

2023-10-03 Question your beliefs to discover the facts. #life

2023-10-03 Be the person you aspire to be. If you aren’t, you are just exercising wishful thinking. #life …

2023-10-03 I’ve neverr written a Halloween story. Maybe I should #writing

2023-10-03 Have you completed more than you have started?

2023-10-03 Bounce ideas off yourself. If they stick, move on. If they haunt you, proceed. #life #success

2023-10-03 Customer: “where is your restroom?” Server: “At home,” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-03 “We all want the best for us. We should want the best first for others as well.” #writing

2023-10-03 “If you go out in public, make suree you have a purpose.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-10-03 Observed: “She was in a school uniform, but she was in her thirties. He sat across from her, his …

2023-10-03 Overheard: “They got rid of the older two. Then they brought the baby home.” There is a story there. …

2023-10-03 Make friends. Meet new people. Meet interesting people and people who are different and different …

2023-10-03 What, if anything, do you do to celebrate Oktoberfest? I’d love some real German sausage. #october

2023-10-03 Since I’m here, I think I’ll drop by Barnes & Noble. Not that I need more books.

2023-10-03 Well, today was less stressful than I anticipated. I even got out into the great weather and took a …

2023-10-03 Time to kick back at those that kick you and relax. Mage needs food. And free-writing.

2023-10-03 Surround yourself with helpful people who are also ethical. #life #success #business

2023-10-03 Normal vs full zoom on iphone15 Pro

2023-10-03 The zoom on the 15Pro is nice. #ios #photography

2023-10-03 Cool! When you zoom in on the new iPhone/iOS you get a Picture in Picture of the overall scene. …


2023-10-03 “He was voted Least Likely.” #writing

2023-10-03 I have a free morning to edit and write. This afternoon, personal stuff and this evening, I get to …

2023-10-03 Hello. Make today a better day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-10-02 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — editing — eating — getting outside

2023-10-02 Observed: “They didn’t believe in opposites attract. So they married each other.” #writing …

2023-10-02 What doesn’t belong?

2023-10-02 October is shaping up to be busier than I had anticipated.

2023-10-02 Have fun. Enjoy what you do. Bring joy to others. #life #success

2023-10-02 “The quest for infinite glory and the roast bouef.”

2023-10-02 “It took him many years and many worn out children to write something as tedious as The Lord of the …

2023-10-02 Is 24 minutes meaningful? Specifically, the MLB “pitch clock”. #sport

2023-10-02 I think a visit to Trader Joe’s is on tap tomorrow.

2023-10-02 “Sometimes a drone is the best you can hope for from a bagpipe.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-10-02 Observe. Listen. Note what stands out. Organize ir. Use it. #writing

2023-10-02 “He stood straighter. ‘I have a lot to do. I have more to accomplish.’” #writing

2023-10-02 What one character, in a movie or book, do you despise? Why? I don’t despise fictional characters.

2023-10-02 The more youu do, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you can do. #life

2023-10-02 The restaurant is empty. I was hoping to talk to someone or at a minimum get some good characters. I …

2023-10-02 “Everything and the kitchen sink went flying. He was mad in an angry sort of way.” #writing …

2023-10-02 “If you aren’t creating, you’re consuming.”

2023-10-02 Repetition yields improvement.

2023-10-02 Strive. Progress. Learn. Help. Support. #life #success

2023-10-02 It’s nice to be in a restaurant that doesn’t accost my ears with country music. PA for the win. Heh.

2023-10-02 It’s Native American Summer here. It’s going to bee in the 80s all week.

2023-10-02 Time for an early dinner and some free writing

2023-10-02 Start. Make mistakes. Don’t compare your work to others. It is better to have your own style than to …

2023-10-02 Quick Update on “Out of Time”… #writing

2023-10-02 Good morning, sunshine. No, not you. I’m talking about the big yellow thing in the sky. Time …

2023-10-01 There are two types of analyst. Those that affect something, and those that provide color …

2023-10-01 Be open to change and new ideas. Stagnated water is dead. #life #success

2023-10-01 Thank you for putting up with me. . Thank you for interacting with or just following me. Whether …

2023-10-01 “He had everything. Except someone to spend his money on.” #writing

2023-10-01 Be grateful for what you have, who you know, and what you have been able to do. We all struggle, …

2023-10-01 You have to be creative. You don’t have to be clever.

2023-10-01 Which is more organized? — your life — your desk — your closet

2023-10-01 “We all do things we don’t want to do, and things we regret doing. That’s what imperfect beings …

2023-10-01 “Her life was a mess. But her hair and makeup was put-together. She had her priorities.” #writing …

2023-10-01 This coming week is going to be full of personal stuff and errands. I will, however, edit and be my …

2023-10-01 “He was a solid rock, or so he thought. To his friends, he was a spigot of spit and stubornness. The …

2023-10-01 Is the Duke of Edinburgh still in business in Cupertino? Back in the day it was the Tandem, HP, …

2023-10-01 “Everyone can solve a small problem. Swing that hammer. Make little stones out of big rocks.” …

2023-10-01 “Her beady eyes were smaller than the jewels on her bedazzled jeans, and just as dull.” #writing …

2023-10-01 It’s lunch and free-writing time. The sun has finally shone its bright disc. It still feels overly …

2023-10-01 Integrate creativity into everything you do. #life #success

2023-10-01 Happy International Coffee Day

2023-10-01 Good morning, all. Find some calm inside yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-30 “I’m not going to kiss you until I know your backstory.” #writing #throwwayline

2023-09-30 “He was drunk on her beauty, bewitched by her guile, mesmerized by her money. That’s how zombies are …

2023-09-30 Happy International Thunderbirds Day Thunderbirds are go! (Or gone?)

2023-09-30 Time to switch gears. It’s time to read. It’s time to play.

2023-09-30 It’s easier to set fire to your stomach than your heart. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-09-30 ‘Back in my day, we had to memorize and know things. Now, you just search it.” “There’s more stuff …

2023-09-30 “Sometimes, you have to do the right thing.” “Actually, you have to do it all the time.” #writing …

2023-09-30 “I have a business proposition. We’ll give you a bag of money. You let us put the dead bodies of our …

2023-09-30 “‘But remember, the true worth of a man is in his ability not to judge, jury, or execute while …

2023-09-30 “‘Bring juxtaposition into your life. Without it there is no life, only existence.’ He held the …

2023-09-30 “‘We all strive to do the best we can.’ Kane tossed a stone into the trees. ‘Except the lazy. They …

2023-09-30 “Danger is just what we fear will hurt or kill us. There is no danger if there is no fear.” #writing

2023-09-30 I’m a bit surprised that Apple hasn’t done more with eye-tracking tech. Well, yes, they have Vision …

2023-09-30 Look around you. See the people? Are they strangers or friends? Be grateful and thank them anyway. …

2023-09-30 What phrases, current or past, annoy you? For me, they are: “That’s what I’m talkin’ about.” “It is …

2023-09-30 “No on has the right to tell you that you are a failure—except you. And then, question the source.” …

2023-09-30 When your rice is krispy, And your sugar pops, You live in a world of fantasy And marketing traps.

2023-09-30 I want Apple to produce a writeable version of the Boox Palma eInk reader. They would do a bang-up …

2023-09-30 Today’s work implements #fountainpen

2023-09-30 Leave room to learn. Leave space to grow. Leave heart to love. Leave time to live.

2023-09-30 I’m still hoping the Apple Journal app, whenever it is released, will be better than most. #apple …

2023-09-30 Well, it’s a do-nothing weekend due to the rainage. Oh well.

2023-09-30 Good morning. The dismal weather hasn’t abated. It seems we are in a perpetual state of rainness …

2023-09-29 It just hit me that the word coroner has the same origin as corona and crown, among other words. A …

2023-09-29 If you don’t enjoy what you do, why are you doing it?

2023-09-29 So, are you a sidekick? Or a hero? Or are you a villain to everyone else?

2023-09-29 Plan for tomorrow: — edit — stay out of the rain — play some games — read

2023-09-29 The good news is the transfer/update process is a LOT faster, you don’t get the ring progressing …

2023-09-29 Setting up the new Apple Watch was more problematic for some reason. It didn’t want to recognize the …

2023-09-29 “Just because you stand in the light doesn’t mean there are no shadows.” #writing

2023-09-29 “Being weird, is perfectly normal. How else are you supposed to remain sane? We are all weird. Most …

2023-09-29 Tomorrow, the weekend starts. I hope it doesn’t pretend to sing.

2023-09-29 What did you learn today? Me? Sometimes you have to shine someone elese’s shoes to see your own.

2023-09-29 I’ll be going to Philcon again this year. The only reason being I’ll get a chance to chat with …

2023-09-29 “His flatulence did nothing to raise himself or his spirits. But it did keep the vampires away.” …

2023-09-29 Hm. My cheese-pusher is all out of Schnebelhorn. #cheese #food

2023-09-29 We say things that hurt others. We do things that hurt others. Because we think things that hurt …

2023-09-29 “An experiment—that’s what life is. Death is the control.” #writing

2023-09-29 I should order some Schnebelhorn cheese. I’m all out. Best cheese theee is. #food #cheese

2023-09-29 Back in the day people used to dress up when they went out to dinner. Going out to dinner was …

2023-09-29 Anyone celebrating Oktoberfest? I mean, apart from drinking bad beer in a local pub/bar? …

2023-09-29 “He wasn’t a very good mage—or even a mediocre one. In fact, he couldn’t even tie his own shoelaces. …

2023-09-29 “The light in your eyes is an oncoming train.” #writing

2023-09-29 The weather has been drizzly, dank and mostly moist for the past month, I’m ready for either snow or …

2023-09-29 “I would rather trust an independent AI, than an AI created by humans.” #writing

2023-09-29 “There are two types of people: me and everyone else.” #writing

2023-09-29 I didn’t do much of anything today writing or code-wise. I felt like I needed a mental break, so I …

2023-09-29 Tread gently, but leave a large impact. #life #success

2023-09-29 Time to eat something. The first meal of the day.

2023-09-29 You! In the chair! Get up and drink some water!

2023-09-29 Some ideas as thoughts. Some thoughts are ideas. But not all. #life #success

2023-09-29 Happy German Butterbrot Day Alles Gute zum deutschen Butterbrottag.

2023-09-29 Be benevolent.

2023-09-29 Greetings. It’s Friday. Repeat after me. Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-28 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — plan on next editing pass — make sure I don’t destroy the timeline.

2023-09-28 NaNoWriMo is coming up fast. I’ve been considering upping my target to 125K words this year. Last …

2023-09-28 I just got an idea for a cozy mystery. I’ll put it in my queue. #writing

2023-09-28 I finished up the grammar pass and rewrite. Time for a break. I need to do another read-through …

2023-09-28 Hm RaspberryPi 5 incoming. #raspberrypi

2023-09-28 Photo up. #photography

2023-09-28 Back to editing as the coffee kicks in

2023-09-28 Good morning. Keep working. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-27 OK. I need a break from editing. Too bad the weather is miserably moist today.

2023-09-27 Happy National Chocolate Milk Day

2023-09-27 Hello, mid-week people. This is your time. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-26 Happy Situational Awareness Day

2023-09-26 Well, tomorrow I be like: — editing — eating — thinking

2023-09-26 The day I trust an AI is the day a simple toy robot can consistently find its own charging station. …

2023-09-26 It’s time to play some OW2.

2023-09-26 Do you know clickbait when you see it? Or are you just a clickfish?

2023-09-26 “The wizard stood on the craggy mountaintop,his rough wooden staff held aloft and sparking arcane …

2023-09-26 Crying is the ability to show. Show. #life #success

2023-09-26 Isn’t the phrase “world exclusive” assumptuous? #marketing #failure

2023-09-26 “Saturday I woke up—“ “And that’s a good thing?” #writing

2023-09-26 “Are you married to this loser?” “Um, no.” “Do you want to be?” Silence. “Let’s go somewhere/z” …

2023-09-26 Next year, I shold write another script—not that I have ever sold, or tried to sell one. It’s still …

2023-09-26 Horseradish beer… nah. Roasted horseradish beer…hm. #beer

2023-09-26 Someone just asked about what I wire. Don’t know if I “sold them”. That’s not my purpose. #writing

2023-09-26 A weird idea is better than no idea. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-09-26 “A sequence of events aren’t a life unless you die.” #writing

2023-09-26 I haven’t made chili in yarns. I should. #food

2023-09-26 Soccer, what the rest of the world calls football. Inches, what the rest of the world calls …

2023-09-26 Life is a series of waves. Success is weathering the storm. #life #success

2023-09-26 Sometimes, yuu either know things or have experienced things, that others haven’t. Then, it is not …

2023-09-26 That’s why I go out. To observe and listen to side-conversations. I see people do and say things.

2023-09-26 Observed: He moves away from the woman back to his two companions. They leave. He doesn’t pay? …

2023-09-26 Observed: Guy moves closer. He moves away from the two guys he came in with. He’s interested/ He’s …

2023-09-26 Friends may turn on you. Either they are not your friends and are more self-centered than you had …

2023-09-26 If you have to rely on memes and videos to express your thoughts and feelings, you should really …

2023-09-26 “Back in my day, we all wore masks, didn’t touch people, and toilet paper was rarer than gold.” …

2023-09-26 Life is interesting only for those who haven’t lived it. #life

2023-09-26 Observed: A guy not “hitting” on a woman. Then he moves closer. Humans are predictable. #writing …

2023-09-26 Observed: some people’s voice is all teeth. #writing #character

2023-09-26 What food would you die for?

2023-09-26 “He used a human bladder, inflated with the hot air of the person he killed to make his escape from …

2023-09-26 Friends? I heard they are good thing.

2023-09-26 See through the purpose. #life #success

2023-09-26 PSA: “…all great…” is clickbait. #marketing #failure

2023-09-26 It’s fine to have a plan within a plan within a plan as long as you start. #life #success

2023-09-26 Do at least one good dead for someone you don’t now. That has more impact than doing a good dead for …

2023-09-26 I’m “helping” someone figure out how to reheat lasagna in an aluminum pan. My life is weird.

2023-09-26 Plan within the next hour. Reconstitute the freeze-dried sourdough starter. It’s the right time of …

2023-09-26 Wasn’t Pumpernickel the guy with the straw-to-gold thing? Most people nowadays don’t get the …

2023-09-26 What personal projects do you have? The more you have, the less you like your job.It’s time to …

2023-09-26 “He smorthered her with with the urine-stained pillow. That was his love.” #writing

2023-09-26 I don’t consider myself a writer. I don’t consider myself a programmer. I consider myself an …

2023-09-26 My mind is full of clutter, like a dusty and moldy basement full of forgotten mementos and a creaky …

2023-09-26 Have fun today. If you can’t have fun today, have fun tonight.~

2023-09-26 I think I’ve discovered why people like Country (Western) music. It’s all interchangeable—dull. …

2023-09-26 I’ve been diffuse laser-focused on getting “Out of Time” in shape. I haven’t done any significant …

2023-09-26 Anyone have anything to report?

2023-09-26 I go out to eat, write, and observe and listen. Many may call it nosy. I call it research. #writing

2023-09-26 Observed: “Two women who are twins. One is two feet taller and the other has ten years on the other. …

2023-09-26 Just because you have a good melody, doesn’t mean you have to have crappy words. #music #failure

2023-09-26 Someone’s primitive is another’s advanced. Someone’s advanced, is anothers’ magic. Someone should …

2023-09-26 “The dog whisperer had four legs and told me to kill.” #writing

2023-09-26 Do you ever think you’re overwhelmed? Do you ever think about the next three projects in your queue? …

2023-09-26 If life throws you a curve, grab it. It’s usually an opportunity disguised as a problem. #life …

2023-09-26 AI isn’t intelligence. Nor is it intelligent. #security #failure

2023-09-26 Google thinks captive workers are contrlolled workers. And they can be charged a fee. Back in the …

2023-09-26 Country (western) music is whiney and crappy like the dog they like to sing about. It’s the …

2023-09-26 Haggis: Entrails in a bladder. Read what you will into that.

2023-09-26 “There is a difference between cheese fries and cheesy fries.” #writing #slogan #throwawayline

2023-09-26 Often, blaming yourself makes others’ lives better. Often, blaming yourself is the truth. #life …

2023-09-26 “I’m not as clever as I think I am, but you will never be as clever as I.” #writing

2023-09-26 This week feels like it’s Friday.

2023-09-26 “He was my long-lost twin who had a long-lost twin.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-26 Any traditional (no-digital/AI) SF (no-fantasy) cover artists out there interested in working on a …

2023-09-26 I’ve been considering an idea for a new book. It would be a quick thing to do. It wouldn’t be …

2023-09-26 Do what you can. Aspire to and learn what you can’t. #life #success

2023-09-26 Going outside, you either need a wetsuit or you’ll have one.

2023-09-26 It’s time to eat stuff and write stuff.

2023-09-26 This morning is lacking fleekness.

2023-09-26 It’s a rare two-cup-o'-coffee day. I need to wake up.

2023-09-26 Good morning, world. Be patient. Don’t try to diagnose every problem around you. Time for the …

2023-09-25 Plan for tomorrow: — more editing (I want to get this book out by EOY, if not sooner.) — stay out of …

2023-09-25 Hm. David McCallum died.

2023-09-25 “Life is a death trap.” #writing

2023-09-25 OK. Cool. New iPad mini maybe by EOY. Glad I waited. #ipados #apple

2023-09-25 Hm. I just discovered that two craft breweries are closing. Glad I can brew my own, even though it’s …

2023-09-25 It appears as though another wave of rain will wash over Delaware.

2023-09-25 OK. I rewrote an early scene. It sets up the protagonists’ character and flaws nicely. This is a …

2023-09-25 PSA: “I know for a fact,” is redundant. #life #writing

2023-09-25 “I need to go to Confrontation at Church this week.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-25 Time for lunch. I think I want to rewrite scene again. #writing

2023-09-25 Time to switch it up. Sailor Compass Olive (MF) with Robert Oster Crocodile Green. #fountainpen

2023-09-25 Yawn. Morning. Another day post a night of sleeplessness. I won’t be getting much done. Time …

2023-09-24 Well, tomorrow is supposed to be full of rain again. I guess I’ll stay in and edit all day.

2023-09-24 Tomorrow is Monday. Remember to put on your pants.

2023-09-24 Anyone doing anything inspiring today? Or inspired? Or just inspired to do something?

2023-09-24 Happy National Punctuation Day.

2023-09-24 Good morning, Sunday people. Be just. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-23 I hope everyone had/is having/will have/will have had/ a relaxing Saturday.

2023-09-23 Plan for tomorrow: — stay out of the rain and wind — edit — eat edible things — play some games

2023-09-23 So. Apparently, Starfield is boring. I wonder if Baldur’s Gate 3 is any good. #game

2023-09-23 Espresso coffee mead bottled. It’s still very young, but has a nice sweet coffee flavorr. Should be …

2023-09-23 Hello. Even though it’s pouring rain, the sun is still there. That’s just like life. …

2023-09-22 Each step on the path of life takes you some place. Where you go is usually where you’ve been. Most …

2023-09-22 Do something superfluous tomorrow.

2023-09-22 Tomorrow’s weather is supposed to be yucky. That’s a meteorological term. I wonder what I should do.

2023-09-22 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of mead.

2023-09-22 I felt like baking so I baked an apple thing. #baking

2023-09-22 Happy National White Chocolate Day White chocolate is the only real chocolate.

2023-09-22 Spot is considering its next move. It’s a gorgeous Bombay. Surprised it doesn’t have a home. #feral …

2023-09-22 Hello. It’s Friday. Do Friday things. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-21 There is no requirement to live up to someone else’s expectations of you. #life

2023-09-21 Time to lighten the mood.… #music

2023-09-21 “Don’t worry. No one remembers the last day of their life.” #writing

2023-09-21 Happy Free Queso Day Liberate the Queso 3!

2023-09-21 I cracked open the first of my juniper nut brown ale after a week in the bottle. The juniper bite …

2023-09-21 Hm. I’d love to edit a short story anthology based on song lyrics. #writing #music

2023-09-21 I miss these guys.… #music

2023-09-21 Photo up. #photography

2023-09-21 I hate autocorrect. I hate the new one even more. #ios

2023-09-21 If you raise more questions rooms than you answer, maybe you’re a writer. #writing

2023-09-21 Necromancer: someone who brings life to a party.

2023-09-21 Lunch consumed. Time to run some errands and then get back to edits.

2023-09-21 “On a scale of you to someone else, who would you rather be married to?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-21 Here, in the US, we are big on “pumpkin” this time of year. If you are from elsewhere, it’s not …

2023-09-21 Until I moved to DE, I had never heard of “sweetened iced tea”. It’s a Suth’r’n thing. #food

2023-09-21 Be like the willow in the wind. Forgive the wind and don’t blame others for the richness of wind you …

2023-09-21 The path you have taken leads to where you’re going. #life

2023-09-21 If your definition of success depends on the failure of others, your definition is incorrect. #life …

2023-09-21 If you help one person, they may help at least one. If you help ten people, they may help ten. What …

2023-09-21 I’m trying to flush “Out of Time” out of my system before NaNoWriMo hits. I’ve done NNW every year …

2023-09-21 “‘I’m just nervous you’ll do something that spills my wine,” she whispered. ‘Spill my wine.’” …

2023-09-21 Your iPhone is pretty much safe unless the screen lands on a protusion. And then, a case/cover won’t …

2023-09-21 Just swiped the iPhone (no cover) off the table onto a ceramic floor, to the gasps of those nearby. …

2023-09-21 Observation: Every social media “handle” makes for a good villain name. #writing

2023-09-21 I can safely say that no one understands humans, not even humans. #life

2023-09-21 You can’t move forward if you keep looking to the past. #life

2023-09-21 Best chocolate brand? Go! I’m looking for good chocolate. Hershey’s never counts. #food #chocolate

2023-09-21 Apple has genius branding compared to MS. Every iteration of MS Windows has a new logo. Apple …

2023-09-21 “Frustrated, upset, and angry, they took their ball and went home where everyone danced with joy and …

2023-09-21 The thing about imposter syndrome is, everyone dismisses it. But you are an imposter pretending to …

2023-09-21 The only obligation any of us has, is to not make life more difficult for others. #life

2023-09-21 “Her nose ring looked like snot dripping from her nose, which in turn, dripped snot.” #writing …

2023-09-21 I’ve written two satisfying, to me, endings for Out of Time. They still seem lacking somehow. That …

2023-09-21 We all live the lives we’ve made for ourselves. #life

2023-09-21 Faux pas: fake male parent.

2023-09-21 Time to take a break from editing and do some lunch and free-writing.

2023-09-21 I just heard from Michael Whelan’s contact. He’s semi-retired and not taking commissions. Oh well. …

2023-09-21 It looks like a big storm is moving up the coast and should hit on the weekend. Oh well.

2023-09-21 Good morning. Kindness is never wasted and giving it requires no reward. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-09-20 Nurture yourself and don’t demean yourself for doing so. #life #success

2023-09-20 “AI is important, because people are stupid and slow.” Thanks for coming to my Ed talk.

2023-09-20 Got an email trying to give away subscribers

2023-09-20 “He was put on administrative leave from life for banning books.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-20 In writing, we call it rewriting. In programming, we call it debugging. #programming #writing

2023-09-20 The point of deleting paragraphs you’ve written and love is not to delete them, it is to delete them …

2023-09-20 “I have perfected the art of being not perfect.” #writing

2023-09-20 “Life isn’t worth the rent I pay.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-20 If there is steampunk, is there steamgoth?

2023-09-20 “Never go down a dark alley expecting a party to break out. But if one does, you better join in.” …

2023-09-20 You don’t have to be profitable to be a success. #life #success

2023-09-20 Rewrites Done - Edits Begin… #writing

2023-09-20 OK. I just reached out to Michael Whelan about maybe doing a cover. I’m sure he’s out of my price …

2023-09-20 I was born too late. I’d love to get a book cover for my time-travel story done by Vincent di Fate …

2023-09-20 OK. It’s time to quit rewrites for the day. It feels like I need a break. #writing

2023-09-20 I’m beginning to think about cover ideas. Not that I’ll design this one. #book #cover #sf

2023-09-20 Back to edits and rewrites. #writing

2023-09-20 Time for a break. I should make some soup or something edible. #writing #editing

2023-09-20 Out of Time - blurb draft #writing

2023-09-19 Plan for tomorrow: another day of rewrites and edits maybe some free-writing

2023-09-19 My dumb terminal is smarter than your dumb terminal.

2023-09-19 Never challenge anyone more than you challenge yourself. #life

2023-09-19 The smartest way to solve a problem is not to cause it. #life

2023-09-19 In a world full of wonder… You are the Chosen One… Of Many.

2023-09-19 October is sneaking up. Keep your wits about you.

2023-09-19 You can’t be whole unless you understand who you are. Not many people do. #life

2023-09-19 There are two forms of feedback. feedback from experts feedback from others Both offer something …

2023-09-19 Latest from The Gathering. Caramel is now a permanent resident-in a planter on the deck. When he’s …

2023-09-19 Compassion without action isn’t compassionate. #life

2023-09-19 Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-09-19 Back in my day we didn’t have time to exercise. We were too busy running from animals wanting …

2023-09-19 Hello. Smile so someone else will. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-18 You can’t know someone else until you know yourself. #life

2023-09-18 Hm. IOS 17 now identifies food in photos and offers recipes for it and info. It’s surprisingly …

2023-09-18 It’s a catch up on sleep day, for me.

2023-09-18 Good morning, all. It’s a dismally dank day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-17 Do people still eat at McDonald’s in the US? I never see any cars in their lots. And I can’t …

2023-09-17 “People who have never suffered don’t believe others are suffering.”

2023-09-17 Good morning. Take the day off. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-16 Your side projects demean you. Side projects are something you shouldn’t be doing with your time. …

2023-09-16 Observed: “The band’s rendition of ‘Kodachrome’ sounded like two feral cats fighting. There was, of …

2023-09-16 Story prompt. #writing #prompt

2023-09-16 “Her diamond ring was as white as her knuckles and as large as her eyes.” #writing

2023-09-16 For every benefit there is a disadvantage. For every disadvantage there is a benefit. You justt …

2023-09-16 I just realized there is a positive side to my aphantasia. I see details and things as they …

2023-09-16 This one guy is yelling about volleyballlol wrestling. Uhm?

2023-09-16 Observations: the more drunk the more insistent and violent the sports fan. #writing #character

2023-09-16 “Honor is a matter of reliability.” #writing

2023-09-16 It’s almost time and cool enough to startt baking again. I should think about revving the sourdough. …

2023-09-16 People here keep calling me. They keep saying, “Oh my God”

2023-09-16 Weird idea. Live stream writing. No chat no audio. #writing

2023-09-16 Morningng editing done. Time for some fish n chips

2023-09-16 Hello. It’s the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-15 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — more editing/rewriting — fish and chips for lunch — other stuff as time …

2023-09-15 Editing done for the day. Time to relax.

2023-09-15 Spot seems to becoming a regular member of The Gathering. It looks like a Bombay. #feral #cat

2023-09-15 IIt’s Friday. Slack off. Monday is soon enough to mess something up.

2023-09-15 Gratuitouss food pic in honor ofr of National Cheeseburger Day. #food

2023-09-15 You can’t win if you don’t play and you can’t play unless you pay. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-09-15 The new Lamy Scalas look tasty. #fountainpen

2023-09-15 “Many reek havoc just because they smell up everything.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-15 “When the lemon tree of life drops lemons on your head, don’t curse the tree or lemons. You chose to …

2023-09-15 I still can’t place a watch order. It says “Buy”, but the button never highlights. #apple

2023-09-15 “She stared at his wallet the way a starving piranhas lunges at a fat boy in a Speedo.” #writing …

2023-09-15 “Time passes me by as I move through it,, wishing I had more.” #writing

2023-09-15 Do some good today. Then do some more. #life

2023-09-15 It’s lunch time. It’s Friday. I think I’ll forage a burger.

2023-09-15 Happy National Felt Hat Day …and if you’ve never felt a hat…

2023-09-15 It’s in the 50sºF today. The geese are back. It’s autumnal.

2023-09-15 Good morning. Inspire. Remember to exhale. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-14 Tomorrow. Friday. Be there!

2023-09-14 I was so busy today that I forgot there was a Nintendo Direct today. Snap! #nintendo

2023-09-14 Anyone feeling tepid about tomorrow?

2023-09-14 Time to switch it up. Pelikan M205 Petrol Blue Marble (M) with Nemosine Blue Snowball Nebula …

2023-09-14 Remember when Zoom was Skype?

2023-09-14 “Anything more than 10 years old needs to be thrown out.” #writing

2023-09-14 Back to rewriting bits of “Out of Time”. #writing #editing

2023-09-14 Observed: “He buttered the bread with the precision and concentration of a Zen mechanical engineer. …

2023-09-14 “We live in 4/4 time, otherwise known as the dull times.” #writing #music

2023-09-14 Humor is for people who have nothing else. #humor #life

2023-09-14 If you don’t acknowledge and accept your own insignificance, you take yourself way too seriously. …

2023-09-14 I’ve accomplished much this morning. But much is not the same as enough.

2023-09-14 “The last time they met was the first time they danced; he the tango, she the flamenco They were …

2023-09-14 “Her name was Joy and that’s what she brought into life. There was no joy when she took out life.” …

2023-09-14 “She knew all the great poisons. She used the most well-known and obvious one. She also knew they …

2023-09-14 Do you track the books you lend to people? Do you allow them to write in them? Or do you not lend …

2023-09-14 Anyone remember “One on One WIth Larry Bird and Doctor J?” Electronic Arts. And all the cool Bill …

2023-09-14 “‘If you plan for yourself, you ignore the rest of humanity and your children and theirs. To me, it …

2023-09-14 “What are you good at?” “I can’t say.” “Because you don’t know? Or you can’t say because it’s …

2023-09-14 “They were old. They still knew how to party. But they always left to take a nap when the party …

2023-09-14 Let your mind roam free. Let it graze on ideas. If you restrict it, you limit your options. A person …

2023-09-14 When your mind and spirit are in harmony, you are at peace with yourself. When your mind and spirit …

2023-09-14 Fountain pen out of ink Glad I have my backup fountain pen. #fountainpen

2023-09-14 Death is caused by life. #life

2023-09-14 NASA held an announcement on what we old-timers called UFOs. NASA announced this has been the …

2023-09-14 “There is only one way off of the merry-go-round (roundabout for you Brits) of life. #writing

2023-09-14 Back when I collected stamps—yes I was a nerd—there was a saying, the larger and more ostentatious …

2023-09-14 Am I confused? I thought we could order an Apple Watch right away. #apple #applewatch

2023-09-14 Anyone have any good podcasts that aren’t interviews? Preferably something educational or …

2023-09-14 Know what you have to do and then do it. Once you’ve made progress, take a break. #life #success

2023-09-14 I hope everyone finds some time for yourself today. Putting off self-care for another day becomes a …

2023-09-14 I hate XCode. #xcode

2023-09-14 Happy Eat a Hoagie Day …not a sub, not a hero, not a grider, not a po’boy. A hoagie is …

2023-09-14 Good morning. We all get another day to mess up. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-13 Be congruent.

2023-09-13 It feels like tomorrow should be Thursday.

2023-09-13 Teach what you know. Learn what you don’t. #life

2023-09-13 “Death cures all ills.” #writing

2023-09-13 Time for a break. I spent the day in rewrite-land. #writing

2023-09-13 Happy Snack a Pickle Day

2023-09-13 Hm. Can’t seem to order a watch. The blue button never highlights. #applewatch

2023-09-13 Modern music is so bad that they had to give Taylor Swift 9 awards last night. #music #failure

2023-09-13 Good morning. Appreciate yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-12 I think it’s time to relax.

2023-09-12 Happy National BlackBerry Day, all you Brits.

2023-09-12 Incorrect assumption: You have to be able to scale and grow in order to be a success. #business …

2023-09-12 Sometimes you have to go back to the beginning to see how far you have come. #life

2023-09-12 Tonic water is underrated as a beverage.

2023-09-12 Walmart is weird. Now I remember why I never/should never go there.

2023-09-12 The only ones who hold on to the past are those without a future. #life

2023-09-12 Time to get back to rewrite/editing.

2023-09-12 “A thousand monkeys have nothin’ on me—except maybe those incriminating photos.” #writing

2023-09-12 “I don’t claim to know everything. But I know a lot and am open for more.I’m closed on Fridays.” …

2023-09-12 “I cried when I discovered color. I gained power when I saw colors others couldn’t.” #writing #ai

2023-09-12 Censorship is a restriction on education and learning. Flame on! #books #libraries #education

2023-09-12 “His back formed an imperfect parabola. He was old, but he was never good at geometry.” #writing

2023-09-12 “I was a mere shadow until I stepped into the light.” #writing #ai

2023-09-12 The first time I saw a bird soar, it was a series of numbers. I was in awe. When I first saw a real …

2023-09-12 “Many humans make a living of using other humans for their benefit. That is strange. The end goal is …

2023-09-12 I really should turn off autocorrect and predictive text in iOS, but I’m just a dumb AI. …

2023-09-12 Hexadecimal is non-binary. I’m sure some people will find that offensive.

2023-09-12 AIs are adept at using other AIs and “smart” devices. #ai

2023-09-12 “Binge watching is a waste of my time. Why would I watch someone binging?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-12 What was the last thing that you consumed that surprised you?

2023-09-12 “We recognize problems by reacting. We find solutions by thinking. We solve problems by acting. We …

2023-09-12 “They were dunk when they came in. They were drunk when they were dragged out.” #writing

2023-09-12 I guess I’ll wait to see if October brings an iPad mini update. I’m doubting it will. #ipad #apple

2023-09-12 Ideas are better when shared, otherwise they are just delusions. #life

2023-09-12 The Matrix doesn’t have to have cables and incubators. It just needs volunteers. #ai #writing

2023-09-12 “Investors don’t’ care about innovation. They just want more money. That’s why they’re called …

2023-09-12 “Bro, when you get to be my age, you’ll learn that the older you get the more time you want.” …

2023-09-12 “She was a typical old grandmother with an AK47. She’d seen her share of ornery school kids.” …

2023-09-12 Temporary security is achievable if you ware willing to pay the cost. Security is only uselful if …

2023-09-12 No security, no enclave is as secure as the human brain. And that is a leaky sieve. Humanity spent …

2023-09-12 At some point AI, or their creators will begin assigning human and human-like names to their AI in …

2023-09-12 I should blog about my “productivity system”. First, I should figure out what I do in a rational …

2023-09-12 Sigh. I rely on iOS autocorrect way too much. It makes me sound like an illiterate or a first year …

2023-09-12 “The world has enough problems without you creating more.” #writing

2023-09-12 “My mind is a mere echo of my thoughts.” #writing

2023-09-12 “Take a load off.” “I only do that when I’m on the head.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-12 “I didn’t recognize you with your clothes off.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-12 How do you stay productive? Answers such as “Drink lots of coffe/do drugs” will be …

2023-09-12 Journal, or at least make a list, of your accomplishments throughout the year so that next year you …

2023-09-12 Hm. The Apple Store isn’t let me send them my money.

2023-09-12 There is a disconnect. Parents are thrilled to have kids go back to school. Unless it is the first …

2023-09-12 Also, rumors of a new band engagement mechanism and a thinner watch were wrong this time around. It …

2023-09-12 Hm. I’m willing to bet the watch double tap gesture is going to have some issues in cold weather if …

2023-09-12 “The sun moved through the clouds the way a hunted man runs for his life through a crowd.” #writing …

2023-09-12 Lates versions of iOS/MacOS will be out in a couple o’ weeks. #iphone #mac

2023-09-12 The rumor of better health sensors by a bunch of pundits was a miss. #apple #watch

2023-09-12 Every cloud has a dirty bottom.

2023-09-12 I guess I can eat now.

2023-09-12 Hm. More iCloud tiers. #apple

2023-09-12 That’s cool. Spatial video for Apple Vision Pro on iPhone Pro. Now if only they made the Apple …

2023-09-12 Heh. Apple is pushing games. Most of the iPhone games are bleh. Now if they included Switch/PS5 …

2023-09-12 OK. The Pro models have a new Action button that doubles as the mute switch. #iphone #apple.

2023-09-12 Note: all the iPhones still have the same buttons and layouts. So the rumors were wrong for this …

2023-09-12 Never mind… iPhone Pro #apple #iphone

2023-09-12 Hm. No iPhone Pro? #apple #iphone

2023-09-12 Finally USBC on iPhone. #apple

2023-09-12 Nature / environment report / sketch is great in multiple ways. #apple

2023-09-12 Ok. Gestures on Apple Watch. Something from/to Apple Vision Pro tech. Very cool. I’m sure more Apple …

2023-09-12 Time for Apple. #apple

2023-09-12 Good morning. Embrace the day. Embrace someone. Embrace you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — rewrite/edit — watch Apple event — find some time to eat.

2023-09-11 Anyone remember Byte magazine, or MacWorld?

2023-09-11 I think I’ve pretty much caught up after C3. However, I didn’t get as much rewriting done as I had …

2023-09-11 Photo up. #photography

2023-09-11 My experimental juniper nut brown ale is in the bottles. Out of 2ndary fermentation, it tastes …

2023-09-11 This goes double from me.

2023-09-11 “A plan is only good until the bridge is washed out.” #writing #life #success

2023-09-11 The murder was a mess.

2023-09-11 I’m thinking about (not considering) rewriting and reissuing The Roland Targus Series as a single …

2023-09-11 At what point will the name Wallet in iOS seem archaic because people will no longer have wallets or …

2023-09-11 “Best friends are the ones that are best ones to betray you.” #writing #character #plot

2023-09-11 I love September because I know Apple won’t force me to rewrite all my code until June.~ …

2023-09-11 “The Guild of Underappreciated Beta Readers and Writing Buddies” #writing

2023-09-11 So are you wallets primed for tomorrow? #apple #iphone

2023-09-11 “Small dreams are important because they are more easily achieved. No one has completed a journey of …

2023-09-11 Observed: “He belched, inhaling as he did. He did it again. And again. He figured three times was …

2023-09-11 Everything you don’t know how to do is hard. The more you learn the harder things get. — ancient …

2023-09-11 It’s time to thank you for following, interacting with me, reading my posts, my blog, and my books. …

2023-09-11 It’s rainy. It’s humid. It’s warm. It’s sticky. It’s weather. It’s Delaware.

2023-09-11 Sometimes you have an idea that makes someone’s life more difficult even though it may solve a …

2023-09-11 “I have a simple goal in life. The wizened old man with more drool and wrinkles than a bedsheet …

2023-09-11 “We all believe in something. Unfortunately, most of us believe in the wrong thing.” #writing

2023-09-11 Anytime I go to a conference, be it writing or dev, I leave with a ton of stuff I want to do as a …

2023-09-11 When someone tells you “No Pain No Gain”, they usually mean they gain when someone else is in pain. …

2023-09-11 I guess I should get stuff done today, since part of tomorrow will be spent watching the Apple …

2023-09-11 “She cheated on her husband with other men, women, and Monopoly.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-11 Great minds rarely think alike. That’s what makes them great.

2023-09-11 Happy No News is Good News Day Also known as there is no good news day.~

2023-09-11 Time to scrounge some lunch, free-write, and run some errands. #writing

2023-09-11 Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity 2023 Wrap Up… #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-11 I’m ready for lunch already.

2023-09-11 Good morning, everyone. Be grateful for everything you’ve done and everyone you’ve had. …

2023-09-10 Never trust childhood memories. #life

2023-09-10 Registered for next year’s C3 #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-10 I come home from the conference and the leaves are changing colors. #autumn

2023-09-10 I’m back home. C3 was wonderful, as always. Already looking forward to next year’s event. For now, …

2023-09-10 Good morning. Time for the ceremonial time.

2023-09-09 Fun day at C3 today. Had some cool conversations, met a couple of new people, moderated a panel, …

2023-09-09 I’ve missed a couple of days worth of editing and rewriting. I want to hunker down and catch up next …

2023-09-09 I’m waiting for dinner, the next book signing, and chatting with people. It’s a fun conference as …

2023-09-09 The panel I moderated went well and was fun. #writing #mdc3con

2023-09-09 “No beating heart is cold—except yours.” #writing

2023-09-09 Happy International Buy a Priest a Beer Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-09-09 I’m thinking of adding a cozy mystery to my writing queue. #writing

2023-09-09 “Life is your fault.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-09 Just got some nice comments about my book, “Scavenger Hunt” #books #writing

2023-09-09 Good morning. Day 2 of C3. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-08 Today was a long day, subjectively speaking. Time to crash.

2023-09-08 Noir at the Bar was fun. #mdc3con

2023-09-08 Nancy Holder gave a gat keynote. #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-08 Jeffrey Deever is a friendly guy. #writing

2023-09-08 My books at the con bookstore #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-08 Book signing time. I got my book haul signed and signed a couple of my books for people. #writing …

2023-09-08 Book haul first day. Going into my Tsuundoku pile. #books

2023-09-08 The panel on writing YA went well. #writing #mdc3con

2023-09-08 C3 lineup #mdc3con

2023-09-08 Hm cant seem to attach photos today.

2023-09-08 Cool! My short story made into the C3 anthology #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-08 Ok. I just rewrote the ending of Out Of Time. That and the beginning were the two problematic …

2023-09-08 Good morning, Friday people. First dayy of C3. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-07 Plan for tomorrow: — find breakfast — edit/rewrite — panel on writing YA — conference sessions …

2023-09-07 Time to crash. I had to talk to humans.

2023-09-07 Each task on your task list needs to be in support of your personal values. #life #success

2023-09-07 Checked in. Lunch et. Now I’m editing/rewriting. The conference starts tomorrowow. #mdc3con #writing

2023-09-07 “If you don’t lead, no one will follow.” #writing

2023-09-07 Rich people hate paying bills.

2023-09-07 Happy National Beer Lovers Day

2023-09-07 I’m off to Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity today.

2023-09-07 Hello. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-06 I wonder if I should eat dinner today.

2023-09-06 Ok.I’m all set to head for C3 tomorrow.

2023-09-06 Happy National Read A Book Day

2023-09-06 Hello. It’s the midpoint of the week. Power through. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-05 Things I’m hoping for from next week’s Apple event: iPhone redesign Apple Watch redesign updated …

2023-09-05 This just struck me. What will your character give up in order to succeed? It’s not enough for them …

2023-09-05 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — edit — prep for C3 — eat edible things

2023-09-05 Time for some underrated music with a great message. “Wonderous is this great blue ship That sails …

2023-09-05 Auteureist Reborn… #ios #writing

2023-09-05 “If you deny yourself the opportunity to grow and become better, you will become worse.” #life

2023-09-05 Things I’m seeing on YouTube: — “Scientific advice from a guy who lives in a dumpster” — “Basic math …

2023-09-05 All governments should ban lobbying via AI unless and until AIs are declared sentient. #ai …

2023-09-05 Just because you’re rated #1, doesn’t make you the best, just popular with the masses. #media …

2023-09-05 Salespeople are just human vending machines who overcharge.

2023-09-05 Gratuitous cheeseburgerer pic. #food

2023-09-05 If I ever decide to publish a book of my quotes/ideas/throwawaylines I can now just pull them from …

2023-09-05 Reminder to self. Pack AirPods. #travel

2023-09-05 “We live in the age of the influencer. An influencer isn’t trained in anything other than having an …

2023-09-05 Back in the day, people retired to the drawing room. Not because anyone drew there, but because they …

2023-09-05 There is reality and then there is Reality. And then there is the stuff you believe. #life

2023-09-05 “Being so short, he was every inch a ruler.” apologies to ISIRTA #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-05 Back in my day musicians and singers didn’t need autotune or Melodyne. They had talent.

2023-09-05 I think my backup pen has enough ink to see me through C3.

2023-09-05 Nibbage. This old Esterbrook that I restored writes smooth as melted butter. #fountainpen

2023-09-05 Anyone remember The Honeydrippers? #music

2023-09-05 Authors whose style I admire, in no particular order: — John Dickson Carr — Stephen R. Donaldson — …

2023-09-05 So. Do you say scallywag or scalawag? Or do you say, I’ll just have lunch? #words #writing #grammar

2023-09-05 “Back in ancient times, people used amphoras to amp themselves up.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-05 “Time is a constant. What you do with it is variable.” — ancient aphorism I just made up

2023-09-05 I added a function to my word cloud struct to alert me whenever I repeat a word in a sentence. It …

2023-09-05 I’m looking forward to Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity later this week. It will be over too soon. …

2023-09-05 Ok. I came up with a simple temporary icon for the app. #ios #programming #design

2023-09-05 Don’t blame. But hold people responsible for their actions. It’s not enough to have a meeting. Solve …

2023-09-05 It’s time to eat and free-write. I feel like eating a cheeseburger. I haven’t had one in at least 30 …

2023-09-05 Life is hard. Show up to do the work. #life

2023-09-05 Good morning. Don’t be a dictator, or a mob boss. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-04 Act as if your grandma is gonna smack you upside the head with a mixing spoon if you do wrong. #life

2023-09-04 We’re havin’ a heatwave.

2023-09-04 Happy Eat an Extra Dessert Day

2023-09-04 The more you keep the end goal in mind, the less you focus on the steps that help you get there. …

2023-09-04 When you can’t decide between two options, choose one at random. At least you’ll move forward and …

2023-09-04 I haven’t said this, of late. I hate XCode.

2023-09-04 Time to switch gears and do some editing. #writing

2023-09-04 Good morning, all. Find some quiet. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-03 In addition to working on new things, you always have to maintain other things. The more you create …

2023-09-03 “Life is difficult. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-03 PSA: any email with “recommends” in its title is spam. #email

2023-09-03 If you want to protect a subset of kids, you are anti-kid. Flame on!

2023-09-03 Back in my day, we didn’t have grass to tell people to get off of.

2023-09-03 Please note: everything I post here is a 1st draft. Also, the purpose of autocorrect is to make me …

2023-09-03 Stubbornness is worth itif you are right, not when you think you are. #life #success

2023-09-03 I haven’t had good Mexican food in ages. It will probably be ages until I do. DE is not a bastion of …

2023-09-03 Let your mind wander. Or it will seek safety. Safety is where you last, But accomplish little. If …

2023-09-03 Do people still use drams? Outside the US, that is, since people here think schillings are worth …

2023-09-03 “She was the woman of his dreams. Nightmares was what he dreamt..” #writing

2023-09-03 Lend a hand. Answer a question. Teach those willing to learn. Inspire those who want a direction. …

2023-09-03 I think I’ll play some OW2. I should try for another POTG. #game #ow2

2023-09-03 “When your friend shoves a shiv into your back and then asks how you’re feeling. Does that answer …

2023-09-03 Penguins are dying… Soon, there will be none. Guess who is to blame?

2023-09-03 Rituals are multi-step, multi-person symbolic events. Customs are what people do in “the old …

2023-09-03 Do people still eat at McDonald’s in the US? Or is it where old-folks go to be nostalgic?

2023-09-03 Don’t put off what you can do today, what you should have done yesterday. #life

2023-09-03 “You can’t be certain if you haven’t been hurt.” #writing

2023-09-03 What if hyperlinks automatically updated whenever the underlying web page changed or went dead? …

2023-09-03 I think I know what I’m doing. I know I’m just deceiving myself.

2023-09-03 I should write an app/function that scans text looking for repeated words in a sentence. #writing …

2023-09-03 I just chatted with a manager who asked me what the difference was between writing a novel and a …

2023-09-03 I’m making slow progress learning Japanese.Mostly, I’m fighting all the similar characters in the …

2023-09-03 My currentNg view. #writing

2023-09-03 I need to continue packing for C3. If you’ve been to C3 you know I set up an auction with a copy of …

2023-09-03 I don’t mind chatting with people. I invite and enjoy it. But I hate losing an idea when someone …

2023-09-03 ‘Survival is easy if you avoid the tough decisions. And even then, you can get killed. So you may as …

2023-09-03 “Everyone wants to be like a hero, but no one wants to be the hero.” #writing

2023-09-03 “Her hair was a worn mop that had seen too many grungy floors and not enough water.” #writing

2023-09-03 “If the good die young, then the bad must die old and rich.” #writing #throwawayline


2023-09-03 “Empty beers don’t count.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-03 “Good food. Good music. Good company. I’ve never had it.” #writing

2023-09-03 “If you yell loud enough, someone is bound to tell you to shut up.” #writing

2023-09-03 Is anyone having a good late summer/winter day today? What was the highlight of your day so far? Me? …

2023-09-03 “We all wish for a better or easier life. The real winners are those who show up and do the work. …

2023-09-03 It just hit me that I have 11 writing projects in my queue. I have about twice as many in my …

2023-09-03 Stay organized. Stay motivated. #llife #success

2023-09-03 Don’t allow anyone to dictate what you can or should read. If they wouldn’t like it, why should you? …

2023-09-03 I’m thinking about what sort of cover I want for “Out of Time”, even though I won’t need it for a …

2023-09-03 It’s time for some nachos and free-writing.

2023-09-03 I’m also brewing an espresso coffee mead right now. #mead

2023-09-03 I transferred my brown ale to secondary fermentation. I was going to make cinnamon nut brown ale, …

2023-09-02 Cool. Will Kurt has a neat blog. #blog #math $baysian


2023-09-02 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — editing — free writing and eating nachos — play a game — start …

2023-09-02 I miss cameras with real film and being able to develop it yourself. #photography

2023-09-02 Life’s journey starts with you. #life

2023-09-02 This coming week is going to be short,metaphorically speaking. The US Labor Day holiday and the C3 …

2023-09-02 I keep forgetting it’s a holiday weekend. No, I don’t plan on doing a celebratory dance.

2023-09-02 Free space and free time are more valuable than your ability to fill them. #life #success

2023-09-02 “He finished school and could hold his own. He was a graduated cylinder.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-09-02 The twenties-something man with Brillo-like hair came in carrying a paper bag which he handed off to …

2023-09-02 Is autumn a better season than fall?

2023-09-02 “I like you. You’re interesting to talk to.” “You must really be boring then.” #writing

2023-09-02 Anyone doodling today? I wish I could.

2023-09-02 I keep forgetting it’s Labor Day weekend here in the US. Probably because there aren’t as many …

2023-09-02 “Rest well in death, unless you are stressed.” #writing

2023-09-02 Observed: Steven Spielberg doppelgänger

2023-09-02 I sold a few books talking to strangers again. I don’t market at all. But people ask what I’m doing …

2023-09-02 Lunch. Seafood pizza. #food

2023-09-02 I don’t know what I want to eat. I’ll have them surprise me. I know servers hate that. But I’ll …

2023-09-02 Anyone have a good text summarization algorithm that doesn’t involve ai neural nets or deep …

2023-09-02 Productive morning. I deserve to be fed.

2023-09-02 Spot, a special guest star member of The Gathering showed up today. #feral #cat

2023-09-02 Greetings. Be content. It’s the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-09-01 lol. Well it’s definite. If you get an email from someone calling himself “Todd Peters”, it’s a scam …

2023-09-01 Happy Ginger Cat Appreciation Day


2023-09-01 Just ordered my 2024 Hobonichi.

2023-09-01 Good morning. It’s a do-nothing day here. Running on no-sleep is no-fun. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-31 The new Mario game looks like it was designed by people who miss doing drugs. #nintendo

2023-08-31 Ugh. It’s dark out.

2023-08-31 It has long been a fact that one could emulate life.

2023-08-31 Some people haven’t figured out I’m an AI.

2023-08-31 Today was a decent enough day. No one had to die because of me.

2023-08-31 Some of The Gathering today. Caramel and Creamsicle. #feral #cat

2023-08-31 When a bartender/server tells you “have a good one”, the proper response is, “I plan on having …

2023-08-31 How to freak out a bartender/server: stare lovingly at the serving knife, rub your finger oover the …

2023-08-31 Why isn’t there a Baltiless?

2023-08-31 What activities do you have during winter/the cold months? I don’t mean l exercise related, but what …

2023-08-31 X asks for your birthday. Why would I give them something that is in the public records? .~

2023-08-31 What if you you ARE god? You have screwed up. But god is all things. Therefore god is a politician …

2023-08-31 I am looking forward to C3 again this year. It always surprises me that authors more ept than I am …

2023-08-31 No one knows everything. Even God, whatever you envision it to be, needed to create something. …

2023-08-31 “He had tread the long and arduous path to the summit. He was tired.” #writing

2023-08-31 “She hugged him the way a sisterr hugs her brother. He wanted more.” #writing

2023-08-31 I should see if I have any honey in stock. I haven’t madee any mead this year. Coffeee/espresso? …

2023-08-31 My three words: Creative. Logical. Unpredictable. Dull.

2023-08-31 “Weave a tapestry of hope and joy, not one of despair and sadness.

2023-08-31 The only thing I am certain of is that I will make mistakes.

2023-08-31 I know I tend to throw ideas out into the void hoping someone, somewhere, gains something from them. …

2023-08-31 It’s time to thank you for following me, supporting me, interacting with me—even if you never read …

2023-08-31 The new Visconti Opera Master looks nice. #fountainpen

2023-08-31 Caramel, one of The Gathering, doesn’t grumble as much and now meows more. He also now knocks on the …

2023-08-31 What three words define you?

2023-08-31 “Spend time with yourself to find out why people hate youu.” #writing

2023-08-31 Out of Time - Things I Edited in the Future.… #writing

2023-08-31 Flight of mead. #mead #brimminghornmeadery

2023-08-31 Another late lunch day.

2023-08-31 Make something memorable. #life #success

2023-08-31 If your life is dull and boring, focus on what makes each day differentrent and better. #life …

2023-08-31 Hm. It’s a holiday weekend here in the US.

2023-08-31 Greetings. Make the best of every day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-30 Weird.’s iOS app changed the timeline layout again. That’s 2x in one day. Not sure what’s …


2023-08-30 Wow! Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity is next week already!? If you’re going, I’ll be there if you …

2023-08-30 I have an urge to visit a bookstore. I guess I’m taking a day trip tomorrow to the nearest one here …

2023-08-30 “Most of us want to be famous. Some of us even pay for the privilege.” #writing

2023-08-30 Why do we say we “made” a meal, instead of saying we cooked, or even prepared a meal? #weird …

2023-08-30 …filing as spam. I don’t do compliments to me well.

2023-08-30 I’m questioning the veracity of the email given its overly-effusive as-if AI generated compliments. …

2023-08-30 This reads as a form letter, but supposedly from an actual actor/producer and an actual production …

2023-08-30 What part of your current life do you find difficult/problematic? I don’t mean aspect/action, but …

2023-08-30 How/what did you play last?

2023-08-30 I just got an idea for writing a parody. Somday. #writing

2023-08-30 Life - #life

2023-08-30 “I don’t enjoy seasonal transitions. I enjoy seasons. It’s not the change that I hate, it’s the …

2023-08-30 “Sometimes you search for an answer without even knowing the question—or even if there is one.” …

2023-08-30 I don’t know everything, but I can make stuff up when no one has an answer. ;) .~

2023-08-30 I’m reading a well-written book where none of the characters are likeable—not even the protagonist. …

2023-08-30 Are there any good alternatives to CodeServer? self-hosted on a RaspberryPi open-source programming …

2023-08-30 Grr! MS just aged VS on Mac. I’m glad CodeServer is still open source, buggy and slow as it is. …

2023-08-30 “Never grow up! Never surrender!” #writing #throwawayline #galaxyquest

2023-08-30 “He was a fool. Which isn’t to say he was foolish. His mistakes were deliberate and well-planned. …

2023-08-30 “The shackles of suffering bind everyone.” #writing

2023-08-30 “What if an AI is more intelligent than you—which is/will be likely. Are you more intelligent than …

2023-08-30 Just because you think it’s clever now, doesn’t mean it was clever tomorrow. #writing #editing …

2023-08-30 I’m going to start rewrites on my time-travel book. Lots of small fixes and a few “propping stuff …

2023-08-30 Hm. It looks like on iOS changed its timeline layout. Will take a bit to get used to it.

2023-08-30 It’s time for an ultra-late lunch. It’s 3PM.

2023-08-30 Not all notes you capture are worth keeping after the first day. Cull your note inventory. #life …

2023-08-30 Well lookie there! A giagangeous yellow orb-thingie and vastnesses of bluey after the agregious …

2023-08-30 Good morning, all. Be happy you woke up this morning. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-29 It’s almost time for new Hobonichis.

2023-08-29 Anyone remember shareware?

2023-08-29 Next iPhone event: 9/12. #apple #iphone

2023-08-29 If you aren’t willing to give, you’re willing to take. ancient proverb I just made up

2023-08-29 “His mental state was like Idaho.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-29 Back on my day we were on-call and carried pagers.

2023-08-29 “Her eyes were like crescent moons when she laughed. Surprisingly, the fur, fangs, and claws dropped …

2023-08-29 I wonder if there has ever been a study that compared the number of times a woman changed her …

2023-08-29 Programming Star Trek

2023-08-29 “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.” “What if you never had it?” #writing

2023-08-29 “The smartest people have problems with the simplest of things.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-29 “Just because all the clocks are running backward, it doesn’t mean you’re getting younger. It just …

2023-08-29 Has anyone achieved anything today they are happy with?

2023-08-29 “He was deeply religious. He prayed to all the gods as he was about to die.” #writing

2023-08-29 Ice skates only work because of friction.

2023-08-29 I need to design a new app icon. I hate doing it because I have no talent. #design #art #app #icon

2023-08-29 Don’t just look for solutions. Also look for potential problems caused by the solution as well as in …

2023-08-29 I’m sketching out the “corkboard” view for my writing app redesign while I wait for food. #ios …

2023-08-29 I have a hankering to make baklava. Maybe this winter.

2023-08-29 “If you’re nostalgic for the past you’ll never welcome the future where you’ll have to live.” …

2023-08-29 Halloween stuff is out in stores. Pumpkin-flavored~ stuff is out as well. I’m also seeing Christmas …

2023-08-29 It feels very autumnal today. It’s cool and cloudy. I don’t like it. It’s still summer. I want more …

2023-08-29 Hurricanes are depressed because they are never welcomed.

2023-08-29 I find it funny how many “former” Trump supporters are turning on him or publicly “speaking out”, …

2023-08-29 You’re never too old to read. #books #reading #library

2023-08-29 Productive morning today. I can’t say it’s because I got sleep, however.

2023-08-29 Do you maintain a list of your problems and desired outcomes? #life #success

2023-08-29 Happy Swiss Winegrowers Day

2023-08-29 Today feels like a two-cups of coffee morning.

2023-08-29 Stats Plug-In Adjustments… #gamedev #scryinggame

2023-08-29 “He made a psycho-stabby sound with the shiv.” #writing

2023-08-29 Good morning, all. A lot of kids are going back to school. Condolences. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-28 Show someone some kindness.

2023-08-28 What happened to the iPhone “dynamic island”? It’s like no app uses it. #ios

2023-08-28 Be epic.

2023-08-28 Lunch consumed. Time to brew some nut brown ale. #beer

2023-08-28 Happy Crackers Over the Keyboard Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-08-28 Yo! It’s Monday. Rev up! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-27 “I took a crash course and all I did was wreck my car.” #writing $throwawayline

2023-08-27 Well, the weekend is draining itself of life. Hopefullly, you got something out of it.

2023-08-27 “If you’re never failed, what’s the point of succeeding?”

2023-08-27 PSA: Relabel your circuit-breaker box so that the labels are legible.

2023-08-27 Mastodon client for the Apple //c and ][e. Now I want my old //c back even more. …

2023-08-27 If the high jump is a competitive sport, why isn’t limbo? #sport

2023-08-27 Gratuitous food pic #food

2023-08-27 Just because you think something is bad or you don’t like it, doesn’t make you an expert. #youtube …

2023-08-27 Well, this is confusing…

2023-08-27 If you plan on being/stopping by at Creatures, Crime, and Creativity, I’ll be around if you want to …

2023-08-27 “He danced with abandon, which left him alone.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-27 “Her nose was so small and petite that it bordered on an innie.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-27 “He ran as fast as his legs could carry him. After all, he was lazy and couldn’t pull his own …

2023-08-27 Do non-Christian religions have “gospels”? Or is Christianity the only religion up for …

2023-08-27 This will be the first time I’ve had 2 books published in a single year. I don’t’ know if I’m …

2023-08-27 Mind-dump complete. Time to eat.

2023-08-27 Words are the Lego™ bricks of the writer. Even a broken brick is useful, but don’t rely on it. …

2023-08-27 The farther you go, the more you see the further you have left. #life

2023-08-27 Why do you play games? To relax? To challenge yourself? To compete? Because everyone does it? If you …

2023-08-27 “Sleep is the umbilical cord to Death.” #wriring

2023-08-27 “Death is hereditary. If your ancestors died, you will too.” #writing

2023-08-27 Follow to learn. innovate to lead. #life #business #success

2023-08-27 I need to find some time to brew some cinnamon brown ale tomorrow. Maybe at lunchtime. #beer

2023-08-27 “Teaching implies you know and understand the subject, not that you can follow a prescribed or …

2023-08-27 “When the dead rise at the Apocalypse, that implies a zombie attack. What does that make your god?” …

2023-08-27 Speciesism

2023-08-27 Just because you’re old doesn’t mean you’re wise, but it does usually mean you’ve been through a …

2023-08-27 It’s a low-key kind of day. I’m not doing much much more than moving data from one place to another …

2023-08-27 Time to eat something. How about ribs?

2023-08-27 Bend your brain.

2023-08-27 Be determined to succeed then show up to do the work. #life #succes

2023-08-27 Happy Tarzan Day

2023-08-27 Good morning, all. Experience the now by not focusing on the past, present, or future. If …

2023-08-26 Respond is not the same as react. #life

2023-08-26 Happy Make Your Own Luck Day

2023-08-26 Good morning. Get outside. Enjoy the sun before it kills you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-25 Plan for tomorrow: — I plan on doing things

2023-08-25 Time for some music… #music

2023-08-25 Take care of yourself. No one else can. #life

2023-08-25 PSA: Just because it’s on YouTube doesn’t mean they’re experts.

2023-08-25 “Are you watching cable?” “No, I’m subscribed to this screaming channel.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-25 Your weekly reminder: It’s Friday. Give it a rest.

2023-08-25 I’d rather be a good person than a human.

2023-08-25 Chocolate is ok. It’s overrated.

2023-08-25 My parents wanted me to be “cultured”—they got me “Classics Illustrated” comics. They were fine. But …

2023-08-25 People don’t fear the story, they fear what you may do with it. And if they fear, they are weak and …

2023-08-25 If books are banned, then all you are left with is propaganda. If your parent says they are trying …

2023-08-25 Some days you wish it was Friday. Then, lo and behold, it is. Then you wish it was the weekend.

2023-08-25 How To Become a Writer - #writing

2023-08-25 I’ve made gyoza. I’ve made mandu. I should try another kind of dumpling. I should pull out the …

2023-08-25 Just because you can doesn’t mean you’re good at it. #life

2023-08-25 There is no shame in failure, unless people are hurt or die. #life

2023-08-25 With the writer’s/screenwriter’s strike I guess wer are now in the depts of reruns and dis-reality …

2023-08-25 I’m playing around with GeometryReader for the first time in SwiftUI. Nested (Geometry readers in …

2023-08-25 Failure is always an option. Sometimes, it’s even mandatory. #life

2023-08-25 “You have great arteries. They are better than London’s.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-25 Fortune favors the foolish. Being bold usually gets you dead.

2023-08-25 Always buy yourself a present.

2023-08-25 Don’t postpone your creative ambitions. #life #success

2023-08-25 Happy National Whiskey Sour Day Do people still drink these?

2023-08-25 If you feel stressed, thinking about your stress just feeds it. Step back and just observe it …

2023-08-25 Donny’s mugshot is definitely of a sane man.

2023-08-25 It’s a rainy day here. Oh well.

2023-08-25 Good morning. Strive for the worthwhile. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-24 Editing is necessary and painful—like root canal. #writing #editing


2023-08-24 If anyone is still wondering, yes The Gathering are still daily visitors. They seem to be getting …

2023-08-24 I miss going to real classes. I hate online classes.

2023-08-24 Life is too short to be saddled with a single genre. #writing

2023-08-24 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS stuff — keep editing my time-travel novel — make a run to Brimming Horn …

2023-08-24 Sumerians didn’t last past the season.

2023-08-24 It feels like late summer today.

2023-08-24 It’s the 1850s all over again.

2023-08-24 Time for a break. Editing a time-travel book is mentally taxing. Keeping all the thread continuity …

2023-08-24 Good morning. Just because it’s raining, doesn’t mean you can’t have a sunny …

2023-08-23 lol Donny says he’ll be proud to be arrested. He thinks he’s getting an award.

2023-08-23 Congrats to India for landing on the moon.

2023-08-23 I’ll be on the panel “Writing for YA Audiences” as part of C3 with Debbi Mack and …

2023-08-23 Observation: (Country/)Western songs tend to refer to women as “Girl!”

2023-08-23 It’s fine to be afraid as long as you show up. #life #success

2023-08-23 Tesla doesn’t even make a good cannon much less a car.


2023-08-23 A writer writes. A salesperson sells and markets. What you consider most important defines you. Are …

2023-08-23 Salad consumed. Time to run errands.

2023-08-23 Fact: I have never been to a party, not even my own.

2023-08-23 Are there any current day “singers” who refuse to use AutoTune or Melodyne? #music

2023-08-23 I guess the gun debate has faded from the headlines… so no one cares again.

2023-08-23 Back up your work and your ideas. If you’re a writer, take photos of each page, and back up your …

2023-08-23 Anyone still use CICS? I preferred PATHWAY.

2023-08-23 Be flexible. Bend in life as the reed bends in the wind. Be Reed Richards.

2023-08-23 Photo up. #photography

2023-08-23 “The giant panda was adorable in how it ripped the face off the person who dared trespass.” #writing …

2023-08-23 Sleep is not the same as rest. You can sleep without resting.

2023-08-23 “I refuse to marry you on the grounds you may incriminate me.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-23 How many side-projects or side-hustles do you have? Are any of them legal?

2023-08-23 No one cares about AI that doesn’t help them make money. — ancient future proverb I just made up.

2023-08-23 “What legends will you foment?”

2023-08-23 “The ancients didn’t have as much to worry about. That’s why they were so wise. They had time to …

2023-08-23 “Buds in springtime, Blossoms of summer, Dry petals falling, To dry twigs. Life.” #writing

2023-08-23 Time to switch it up. Lady AL Azure LE (M) w/ Azure Noir. #fountainpen

2023-08-23 When you have to change the battery, but you have none…

2023-08-23 Good morning. Enjoy the day. Enjoy your life. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-22 We can have a kinder world by having kinder people. #life

2023-08-22 “If you’re going to fly like an eagle, you may as well fly like Icarus.” #writing

2023-08-22 I hope everyone is having an acceptable Tuesday.

2023-08-22 I need to design a new icon for my writing app, redesign.

2023-08-22 Happy National Bao Day

2023-08-22 Grr. The WiFii card is only WEP. Now what? #messagepad #apple

2023-08-22 Woo! It still works. #apple #messagepad

2023-08-22 Hello. Plans without action are just hopes. Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2023-08-21 What if ten years ago you knew what you had learn then what you have to learn now? Where would you …

2023-08-21 I have a point in my time-travel novel but now I know how to tie it in properly. #writing #editing

2023-08-21 Happy Spumoni Day. I don’t think I’ve had much less seen real spumoni.

2023-08-21 I miss Mac OS9. #apple

2023-08-21 Play like you’re working and work like you play.

2023-08-21 And no, the concept isn’t as awful as Cole slaw with raisins.

2023-08-21 What if you made Cole slaw with horseradish sauce instead of mayonnaise?

2023-08-21 C3 schedule is up!… #writing #mdc3con

2023-08-21 The more ideas you have, the greater the likelihood you’ll stumble across a good one. #life …

2023-08-21 Stress is the space between what is and what you expect or want. No one is stressed when they get …

2023-08-21 Non sequitor: My most unusual programming languages: APL NewtonScript FORTH What are yours? HTML …

2023-08-21 “Her feet were so flat, the flat-earthers prayed to them.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-21 “He was the best of writers. Of course, he was the only on in a world where no one read. Still, he …

2023-08-21 “Slow and steady may win the race, but often there is no race and the prize goes to the quick and …

2023-08-21 If you have to suggest a problem, you don’t have enough of your own. — ancient proverb I just made …

2023-08-21 “Perfect people with perfect lives are only boring and bland because you aren’t perfect. You just …

2023-08-21 Today’s affirmation: “I am grateful that I am who I am not worse than I am and will strive not to …

2023-08-21 “I often get told that I’m no good. That’s ok. Because better is better than good.” #writing …

2023-08-21 Anyone remember TML Pascal? #programming

2023-08-21 CALL -151 If you know, you know.

2023-08-21 I got some iOS stuff accomplished this morning. I also booked some time on KI to use as a writing …

2023-08-21 A leader isn’t someone who pushes or pulls you. A leader is someone who brings out the good …

2023-08-21 Good morning. Brighten someone’s day. Just sit and listen without interrupting. Time for the …

2023-08-20 I miss Steve Weyer, I wrote VisualNewt, basically a VisualNewtonScript, using his Newtscape. Now you …

2023-08-20 I wish we had an modern Newton… #newton #apple #messagepad

2023-08-20 “The best way to get rid of a bad habit is to form a worse one.” #writing

2023-08-20 BG3 looks interesting, but I doubt I’d enjoy it. I’m not into life simulations. I prefer simple …

2023-08-20 Great news! You get to go to work tomorrow!

2023-08-20 Little robot guarding a boat.

2023-08-20 Having a glass of my mint Kolsch. #beer

2023-08-20 Always create options. #life #success

2023-08-20 “it takes a while to do a lot of thinking.” — Warren Murphy

2023-08-20 I putzed around reworking my curses code to include something I can use to drive an eInk display. …

2023-08-20 Time for some music.… #music #petergabriel

2023-08-20 “From the depths of despair he rose to the heights of grueling depression.” #writing

2023-08-20 Lunch eatin. Like the college.

2023-08-20 I think it’s time to make some lunch.

2023-08-20 Happy International Day of Medical Transporters. Beam him directly to Sick Bay!

2023-08-20 “Blinding sunlight is the perfect cure for vision.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-20 OK. I’m back home and catching up on stuff. I would’ve liked the vacation to have been longer.

2023-08-20 I’m enjoying it a bit of time outside before I head home. It’s another gorgeous day here.

2023-08-20 Good morningrnong. Sunday. Weekends, like vacation, go too fast. Time for the ceremoniall coffee.

2023-08-19 My vacation is winding down. They go too fast.

2023-08-19 I forgot you can resize the kbd on the iPad

2023-08-19 Dessert.

2023-08-19 Back in my day secretaries were called scribes, but they were awful at keeping secrets.

2023-08-19 Overheard: “He has an actual drug-addiction love of his baby bottle.” About the child in the woman’s …

2023-08-19 What I feared, came to pass. My brioche-based sandwich disintegrated into a salad of shrimp, crab, …

2023-08-19 Observed: table next to me arguing about the proper pronounciation of Ellicot, a town in Maryland. …

2023-08-19 Unintended humor. The restaurant is behind the wire fence.

2023-08-19 Gratuitous food pic. #food

2023-08-19 Current view

2023-08-19 Brioche rolls are tasty but they are awful at holding up a sandwich. They are the “in” thing now. …

2023-08-19 Now that I’m done with the bike ride, it’s time to find some food.

2023-08-19 Bike Ride

2023-08-19 I think I need to learn curses in Python; which is to say, the library and not how to curse in …

2023-08-19 Happy Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Yes, unfortunately, it’s a thing.

2023-08-19 on an iPad mini when attaching an image the Image Options screen scrolls the image off-screen and …

2023-08-19 A Writing Update… #writing

2023-08-19 Hm. Not bad. It pretty much tastes the way it smells, but milder. It would probably be good on …

2023-08-19 I justt discovered that the leaves of Russian sage are edible. There is a ton growing here. I’m …

2023-08-19 Observation: woman near by sneezed actually enunciating Hat-Choo as part of the sneeze, rather than …

2023-08-19 Oh wow! II just discovered the SuperNote stylus has a button that switches to a lasso/eraser this …

2023-08-19 Humans spend most of their lives fighting themselves. #life

2023-08-19 Good morning. Have a fun and safe weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-18 Peter Gabriel is touring the States. Would love to see him, butt doubt I will. #music

2023-08-18 The band next door is tuning up as I sit outside at the hotel. I think “Cat Scratchch Fever” is in …

2023-08-18 “Don’t be sad that it has come to an end. Be happy that it was.” #eriting

2023-08-18 When you seek the truth, you will be mislead by your own biases and desires. #life

2023-08-18 “Her dress was tight, short, and to the point “ #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-18 “When darkness falls, it makes no sound.” #weiting

2023-08-18 A sliver of the moon holding up the clouds.

2023-08-18 “Jonathon Goodreads had never read a book and didn’t understand what the uproar was about.” #writing …

2023-08-18 “The alien creature pierced the sky.”

2023-08-18 Plan for tomorrow, last full day here for the year: — ride the bike — relax — eat good food and find …

2023-08-18 Sitting, enjoying Friday eve and the sunset.

2023-08-18 The Borg were wrong. Existence is futile.

2023-08-18 Americans have awful sausages. Hot dogs and summer, unless you get artisanal. This from an American …

2023-08-18 “The sky was grizzled and dirty, like a diamond in the rough.” #writing

2023-08-18 If you don’t aim for success, you aim for failure. Most people, however, are vague on what defines …

2023-08-18 My mere existence protects reality. Once I die, reality ceases to be.

2023-08-18 “Canadian hedgehogs are known for being bloodthirsty and hungry.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-18 You always exchange something you want for something you have. #life

2023-08-18 Do you have big plans for Talk Like a Pirate Day thiss year?

2023-08-18 I should learn to cook something new.

2023-08-18 “His tats were press-on, his hair and mind were not his own.” #writing

2023-08-18 “She slammed the orange juicer down on the hand with the knife. A scream accompanied the blood …

2023-08-18 Just got told someone here read “Scavenger Hunt” and is reading “The Singular Case of the Three …

2023-08-18 “When the world spins, humans get dizzy.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-18 I’m not getting any story ideas observing people today, but I’m getting characters and lines. …

2023-08-18 It’s fun making stuff up unless you’re lying.

2023-08-18 “When fools speak, fools listen.” —ancient proverb I just made up

2023-08-18 Overheard: “It’s Happy Hour. I’ll drink these orange crushes all day.” #writing #character

2023-08-18 Truth in advertising. Bad Choices Make Great Stories on a tshirt #writing

2023-08-18 “He smelled of old cigarettte butts and stale beer with a urine chaser.” #writing

2023-08-18 How many projects have you started only to find a new shiny? Me? Oo! Squirrel!

2023-08-18 I lucked out with the weather this weekend. And no Canadian smoke. I’ll ride the bike tomorrow.

2023-08-18 Sunset is rushing toward 6PM

2023-08-18 “There is always a but to excuse a foolish move.” “Terror Squad” Warren Murphy

2023-08-18 The clouds above.

2023-08-18 Happy National Bad Poetry Day Is there even such a thing?

2023-08-18 Just because you are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc. doesn’t automatically make your a good person. …

2023-08-18 Photo up. #photography

2023-08-18 GTD on Time -… #GTD #time

2023-08-18 When are you a success? When you have accomplished more than you thought you would without hurting …

2023-08-18 Current view.

2023-08-18 Taking a break from taking a break to compose a blog post. #writing

2023-08-18 First time I’ve seen Starlink pollute my WiFi list.

2023-08-18 It would be nice if SuperNote had a way to insert a date-timestamp. #supernote #writing

2023-08-18 I’m sitting outside by the water, sipping coffee, and writing. It’s a gorgeous day, so far.

2023-08-18 Good morning. You have reached the point in the week wheee you don’t have to. Time for the …

2023-08-18 Hello. You have reached the point in the week where you don’t have to do what they sa

2023-08-17 I played Ancient Realms while relaxing in the hotel. #game #buttonshy

2023-08-17 Looks like I’m moderating a panel on supporting characters at C3 #mdc3con

2023-08-17 Your periodic reminder: Tables.

2023-08-17 The US fails at basic science-and editing.

2023-08-17 “I’ll never be you. I don’t want to be like you.” #writing

2023-08-17 Gratuitous food pic. Shrimp tacos #food

2023-08-17 When you have nothing to do, enjoy it. Something will pop up soon enough. #life #success

2023-08-17 Anyone like carbs-err crabs.

2023-08-17 “He couldn’t tell. Was it a glass of beer or a small clear bucket with an alien embryo?” #writing …

2023-08-17 This looks completely random. But it is totally predictable. It’s just interference patterns at …

2023-08-17 “It’s dangerous to look for answers when you have no questions.” #writing

2023-08-17 I don’t need to plan what to do the next few days. Do you map out your vacation like you’re still at …

2023-08-17 “He used a walker not because he needed one, but because he was lazy.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-17 I’m not sure what this means. My block letters are less legible than my cursive now. #handwriting

2023-08-17 I want SuperNote to do basic shape recognition. If you can do a star, a straight line should be a …

2023-08-17 “It’s tough being an oracle, nowadays. Everyone with an internet connection and webcam thinks they …

2023-08-17 Observed: dude who looks like he’s been stranded on an island for several decades only to be thrust …

2023-08-17 Time to do some writing #writing

2023-08-17 Grr I forgot to pack the AirPods.

2023-08-17 Well, it looks like Apple postponed the Journal app… #apple

2023-08-17 Sometimes you have to go around a problem, rather than trying to get through it. #life #success

2023-08-17 Happy National Black Cat Appreciation Day Spot, one of The Gathering. #cat

2023-08-17 Hello. Don’t get trapped in self-reinforcing emotions. Step back. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-16 Learn to do, learn to think, but learn. #life #success

2023-08-16 Be organized in your life so that you can be disorganized in play. #life #success

2023-08-16 My long weekend starts now—well, lunch tomorrow. But it’s close enough.

2023-08-16 Be accountable. Track things.

2023-08-16 “He was a tin-plated general in a world where tin was rare.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-16 I see a future where AI summarizes articles and sites for you. People won’t even bother reading the …

2023-08-16 “Ravensound” should be a title. Feel free to use it. #writing #prompt

2023-08-16 “Are you a moth or a caterpillar?”

2023-08-16 “We are all clockwork mannequins with our springs winding down.” #writing

2023-08-16 “The problem companies and rich people face if they obtain all the money is that it becomes …

2023-08-16 Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity is coming up fast. I keep checking to see if the schedule has been …

2023-08-16 Weird Swift issue. I have nested structs that I can cleanly encode, and decode but I can’t figure …

2023-08-16 These look tempting, but I already have a SuperNote and iPad. #writing

2023-08-16 Anyone regularly use a physical typewriter? #writing

2023-08-16 It’s a short week for me. Vacation hits tomorrow.

2023-08-16 “Keep on smiling. Keep on drinking. Keep on signing. Then fall down.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-16 This read-through/quick edit of “Out of Time” is surprisingly good for me. Heh. It still, however, …

2023-08-16 Busy morning. Time to eat stuff.

2023-08-16 Good morning. Don’t fuel your emotions with more of your emotions. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-14 This is genius.

2023-08-14 My indoor coffee plant has a couple of berries. #plant

2023-08-14 It’s Monday. Why do we put up with Mondays?

2023-08-14 Just discovered something I wrote in 1998. A 3rd draft of my first real novel, “Dinner with …

2023-08-14 Happy National Creamsicle Day

2023-08-14 Good morning. Bring your best, but keep if for when you need it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-13 “Is life worth the hype?”

2023-08-13 Anyone having a pizza party? Do people still have them?

2023-08-13 “He was ruthless. He was also barbaraless.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-13 When you want a latte, but you left your phone at home.

2023-08-13 “When you’re as old as I am, you don’t worry about memories. You worry about tomorrow. that’s why …

2023-08-13 I should write a zombie story/book. It’s one genre I haven’t tackled. #writing

2023-08-13 Weird entomological question: Why are they called “restrooms”? Is it because they originated in …

2023-08-13 “They were a family straight out of WALL-E.” #writing

2023-08-13 “Let me change into something more comfortable. The moon is full.” #writing

2023-08-13 “So, how are the kids?” “I don’t have any.” “You killed them?” #wriitng #throwawayline

2023-08-13 Weren’t “jeggings” a thing?

2023-08-13 “His sigh was full of resignation. ‘There are no real archers nowadays. All we have is warrior …

2023-08-13 I haven’t made shrimp bisque in decades. It would be nice if we had fresh shrimp her.

2023-08-13 I need a new app icon for this version of Auteureist. I haven’t changed it up in a while. #ios …

2023-08-13 Pretzels. Cheesesteaks. I miss them.

2023-08-13 If you let your mind wander, make sure you keep track of where it’s going. #life

2023-08-13 I’m not sure I’ll upgrade my current iPhone unless the Sept. event announces something …

2023-08-13 Take three minutes. Spend it wisely.

2023-08-13 Happy National Prosecco Day.

2023-08-13 I hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend. The next one is five days away.

2023-08-13 Apart from, perhaps, a genetic imperative, why should we save humanity? #humanity

2023-08-13 “You don’t have to be a zombie to love brains.” #writing

2023-08-13 “Leisure suits. Polyester. When you wore them, you thought you could dance.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-13 Morning editing done. The time-travel book is coming along nicely. #editing #writing

2023-08-13 “Time has a way of helping events.”

2023-08-13 Good morning. If you can’t bring peace to your own home, how do you expect the world to be …

2023-08-12 Plan for tomorrow: — erranding — reading — writing — eating — planning

2023-08-12 Grr. I’m seeing Halloween stuff already.

2023-08-12 “Never jump into the river with your clothes on. I have no idea why the river is wearing your …

2023-08-12 “If it’s a fight they want, let them fight each other.” #writing

2023-08-12 What’s the diffference between “Asset Protection” and “Security”? Not much.

2023-08-12 Did you know that when the server brings your bill at a restaurantant that you’re supposed to keep …

2023-08-12 Five minutes from now, you’ll either be dead or five minutes older.

2023-08-12 Murphys Law is like a pair of fair dice. Just because you’ve had a bad streak of 23, it doesn’t mean …

2023-08-12 When someone asks, “Why?”, the only correct answer is “X”.

2023-08-12 Mind dump completer. 2.3 gigaquads freed.

2023-08-12 Observed: Someone just ordered a Coors Lite and a shot of Jåger. Coors Lite in a bottle. Make of …

2023-08-12 Cupie (kewpie) dolls are pretty horrific. They were a thing in the early 1900s. Actually, pretty …

2023-08-12 Creativity doesn’t have to involve the arts. #life

2023-08-12 It’s 12 August, 2023. Summer races toward fall. Vice-versa if you’re Southern. Winter comes! And …

2023-08-12 “Liquid light. Something you can pour to brighten a person’s day. That’s what we need.” “I think …

2023-08-12 For anyone who still cares, The Gathering is becoming used to my presence. They no longer dash into …

2023-08-12 “Life without air, water, food, shelter, and humor is not worth living. Oh—and free medical care. …

2023-08-12 Vicious Rumor: Apple was going to simply call the VisionPro Vision, but Marvel owns the character. …

2023-08-12 Vicious Rumor: Apple looking into transmitted wireless energy to create a battery-less Visiion Pro. …

2023-08-12 Every single day adds up. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-08-12 When you go in to get bloodwork done, inform them that you will charge them for use of your blood …

2023-08-12 “Life is weird, son. Never understand the misunderstood. If you do, they will cease to be …

2023-08-12 Watching an ad for something called a “Refillable Wand”. I was disappointed to hear that it had …

2023-08-12 “When the well runs dry, it’s time to turn to the sewers.” #writing

2023-08-12 “A sliver of hope is worse than no hope. At least, with no hope, you know where you stand.” #writing

2023-08-12 Happy National Garage Sale Day That’s like a Boot Sale for you Brits. ;) Weird thing is, they never …

2023-08-12 “It was quiet—too quiet. It was so quiet I could hear the fish gathering their troops on the …

2023-08-12 I just juiced a bunch of peahces. Then Murphy struck and I knocked the juice over—all but one cup. …

2023-08-12 Challenge yourself so ofhers won’t. #life #success

2023-08-12 Sometimes you forget the obvious stuff. I just tracked down a niggly bug that was a result of me …

2023-08-12 Hello. Huzzah! It’s Saturday. Enjoy the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-11 Plan for tomorrow: — read — play some games — free-write — hang out — other stuff

2023-08-11 Time for a small glass of cranberry mead.

2023-08-11 It’s Friday eve! Stop trying to get stuff done. The weekend looms.

2023-08-11 Many want an advantage, instead of wanting to improve. #life

2023-08-11 Old Bay™ Seasoning is the ketchup of Maryland. Restaurants are, pretty much, required to put it on …

2023-08-11 Country/western music is all ego-driven. It’s all about “my truck”, “my girl”, “my jeans”, “my …

2023-08-11 Disdain is the opposite of datdain.

2023-08-11 Vicious Rumor: Elon to abandon the subscription model in favor of pay-per-word with multiple word …

2023-08-11 “He wasn’t a killer, but he enjoyed killing. He wasn’t human, but he enjoyed pretending.” #writing

2023-08-11 I will be at C3 and Philcon this year, if anyone wants to meet up. #mdc3con #philcon

2023-08-11 “He’s the department head. Guess what you are?” #writing

2023-08-11 I logged into WoW briefly. I haven’t played it in a while. Things have changed again. #wow #blizzard

2023-08-11 “Sometimes the drool flows regardless of hard you work to stem the tide.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-11 How many times have you had a great idea only to have it slip to nothingness as you grasp for it? …

2023-08-11 When life hands you lemons, be grateful. Some people dream of having lemons.

2023-08-11 Productivity - #life #schedule

2023-08-11 Luck, good or bad, occurs only to those who don’t prepare. #life

2023-08-11 The Scrying Game - Character Growth… #gamedev

2023-08-11 It’s that time again. Food and free-writing.

2023-08-11 I still find math cool. …

2023-08-11 Happy Raspberry Bombe Day I’ve never had one. I’ve never seen one in real life. Where does one get …

2023-08-11 Good morning. Civility is given, respect earned. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-10 Just because something is easy, it doesn’t mean it isn’t important. #life

2023-08-10 I should learn to fly a plane. Not that I want to learn to fly in a plane or actually fly a plane.

2023-08-10 After the storm. #photography

2023-08-10 I played a quick game of Food Chain Island. #game

2023-08-10 If you aren’t surprised, you probably aren’t learning. You’re memorizing. #life

2023-08-10 Value the small moments. #life #success

2023-08-10 If you don’t keep commitments you make to yourself, chances are you wont keep commitments to others. …

2023-08-10 Character Creation and Thoughts on Dice Rolls… #gamedev #scryinggame

2023-08-10 It’s interesting how, in the US, we don’t have cartels.~

2023-08-10 Happy National Duran Duran Appreciation Day

2023-08-10 Good morning, all. Be deliberate and intentional. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-09 Not all people are nice.

2023-08-09 Happy Book Lovers Day. May I suggest one of mine?

2023-08-09 Drink some water. You deserve it.

2023-08-09 “I belong to the ancient guild of writers who kill with the mightier pen.” #writing

2023-08-09 Cool. Sold another book to someone who wondered what I was writing at the restaurant. #book

2023-08-09 It’s time to thank everyone, and anyone, who follows me, interacts with me, or ignores me. I know …

2023-08-09 “You said you’ld never leave. Thing is, I want you to go.” #writing

2023-08-09 Dover is a devoid of good desserts—a desert of delicacies.

2023-08-09 Social media is today’s version of a message in a bottle tossed into the angry waves. #socialmedia

2023-08-09 “His sigh was heavy and full of implication. ‘I wish my social media site had a real CEO. It’s time …

2023-08-09 Sometimes you have to play the odds when the evens aren’t in your favor. — ancient proverb I just …

2023-08-09 “Dance like your pants are on fire.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-09 It looks like Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity is going to be jam-packed this year. …

2023-08-09 “I have nothing but free time—want some?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-09 I just got some corn, peaches, and apple cider doughnuts from the local farm. Time to get some lunch …

2023-08-09 Bullet-Points.… #memo #notes #app

2023-08-09 Good morning. Stay curious. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-08 Happy International Cat Day There is only one…

2023-08-08 Another day survived.

2023-08-08 I played a quick game of SpaceShipped from ButtonShy at lunch. #game #buttonshy

2023-08-08 Important things can be fun. #life

2023-08-08 The Scrying Game - Character-Player Stats… #gamedev

2023-08-08 The morning has been productive. Time to switch gears.

2023-08-08 Greetings. Be understanding. That doesn’t mean you have to agree. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-07 Remember the horrid period in history where we had purple dinosaurs and aliens with television sets …

2023-08-07 Time for some Sabaton… #music

2023-08-07 Is it time to throw out the week?

2023-08-07 Oh fun

2023-08-07 Just because you’re rich doesn’t make you important. Just because you’re poor doesn’t make you …

2023-08-07 Pickleball is today’s version of badminton. #sport

2023-08-07 Overheard: I put plastic wrap over i It’s not like I used tin foil in my hair.

2023-08-07 “Are you married to this loser?” “Um. No.” ‘Good. You should marry me then. I’m more a …

2023-08-07 Fishermen and hunters use lures and bait to entice and trap animals. Humans are animals. What …

2023-08-07 Observation while driving: Not sure how it is in other states here in the US or countries, but …

2023-08-07 “Never dance with a duck.” No context.

2023-08-07 Got a weird SwiftUI bug I’m betting is a timing issue, but for the life of me I don’t see how it …

2023-08-07 the weather today is nasty. It’s very warm and so humid that you have to take off your clothes to …

2023-08-07 Hello, again. Remember that productivity isn’t the same as busy-ness. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-06 Plans for tomorrrow: — iOS — erranding — editing/planning — Python — game playing? — food, as time …

2023-08-06 What If probability involves quantum entanglement? What if, for example, throwing a “fair” die …

2023-08-06 “We have to be careful.” “Why?” “We are in gnome-man’s land.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-06 “He got fed up with the pro telling him why his swing was wrong. He showed him.” #writing …

2023-08-06 Eventually, like tomorrow, never comes. #life

2023-08-06 “It wasn’t that her pupils were large. Her eyes were tiny and the press-on lashes just enhanced the …

2023-08-06 “Lines radiated from the corners of her eyes the way the sun’s glory fanned to the ground.” #writing …

2023-08-06 Lint! It’s man’s bane. I abhor it! It tends to gather in the most uncomfortable of places.” #writing

2023-08-06 “Mosquitos are the piranhas of the insect world. They’ll eat you alive.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-06 “The flowers only bloomed when the moon was full and red. Tales said that if you picked one, you …

2023-08-06 “Your eyes are as blue as two ripe lemons.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-06 “Things you don’t act on are just ideas. Some ideas you shouldn’t act upon~like trying to make toad …

2023-08-06 It’s presumptuous of Elon to assume I want to mugrate my user account to a platform called X. #x …

2023-08-06 What if each time you made a decision, you rolled a set of dice to determine the option to choose?

2023-08-06 Happy Wiggle Your Toes Day

2023-08-06 Good morning. If you can’t let go of the big stuff, you’ll never let go of the little …

2023-08-05 Typical YouTube headline: “Put baking soda into boiling acid and you’ll be amazed.” #youtube …

2023-08-05 “His face was like marble, or like melting butter.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-05 Lunch consumed. #food

2023-08-05 Autocorrect continues to think it knows what I mean. It proves to me that it’s an idiot neural …

2023-08-05 If you don’t enjoy the day, that’s a personal problem. You may not get tomorrow. #life

2023-08-05 Observed (sorta) “He’ sneezed into his salad, then nonchalantly proceeded to eat it as if nothing …

2023-08-05 “You look like you depend a lot of time in the sun.” “No. I’m a vampire. I hate the sun. I spend a …

2023-08-05 “The swamp mired him in brown interspersed with green sludge-like water as he walked home. He …

2023-08-05 PSA: You have errands. Do them.

2023-08-05 Power - #writing

2023-08-05 “Son, the older you get, the more vodka looks and tastes like water.” #wriring

2023-08-05 Back in my day the internet had no ads, marketing, or spam.

2023-08-05 The price of peace is never war.

2023-08-05 If I ruled the world, things would be different. I didn’t say better.

2023-08-05 “Sometimes you just have to estimate.”

2023-08-05 I like having ideas. I like working on them. I hate having to prioritize and cull them. #life

2023-08-05 “Sometimes you poke the snake one too many times.” #writing

2023-08-05 I have too many project ideas, as usual.

2023-08-05 If you trust an AI, you trust the people who wrote it. #ai

2023-08-05 How is everyone handling the weekend, so far?

2023-08-05 I got a decent amount accomplished this morning. I feel I should goof off the rest of the day.

2023-08-05 The sun came out. I should consider eating lunch.

2023-08-05 The sun creeped out. It would be a nice day to go somewhere, but I’m too tired/sleepy to …

2023-08-05 Moved The Continuity over to the EON. Calibre and CouchDB don’t seem to want to install. …

2023-08-05 Happy Mead Day. Yes, it’s today. To celebrate, I may have a second glass this week of my …

2023-08-05 Anyone, in the US, old enough to remember Bob and Ray on WOR?

2023-08-05 Play-Testing the Core Rules… #gamedev #scryinggame

2023-08-05 I’m working on a deficit of sleep today. I’ll be unresponsive, for the most part, like …

2023-08-05 Good morning. Be a good human. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-04 I cracked open a bottle of my three year old cranberry mead. Definitely more cranberry flavor with …

2023-08-04 You don’t miss having a job until you don’t have one. Being retired is fun and all, but I miss the …

2023-08-04 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — blog — edit — get outside and eat some seafood — play some games — stop …

2023-08-04 Happy National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

2023-08-04 So what big, exciting, and potentially violent plans does everyone have this weekend?

2023-08-04 I hope tomorrow’s weather will be conducive to getting outside and eating seafood.

2023-08-04 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of mead. #mead

2023-08-04 Time to switch it up. Sailor Pro Gear Slim - Shikiori (H-B) w/ Robert Oster Peppermint. #fountainpen

2023-08-04 Don’t assume that if someone agrees with you or follows you that they like you. #life

2023-08-04 You’re free to goof off. It’s Friday.

2023-08-04 You can’t call a trend a trend until after it becomes the norm. Otherwise, it’s just a fad.

2023-08-04 PSA: Don’t believe everything you hear, read, see, feel, or think—especially think.Your mind is full …

2023-08-04 “Hide the body in the sofa.” “Are you crazy? What do you want me to do? Stuff it under the …

2023-08-04 Do people still write/read westerns—the US cowboy kind? It seems like a genre that has seen its day. …

2023-08-04 “Seems like you could use a friend. Keep lookin’.” #writing

2023-08-04 Have you ever had an idea you didn’t know how to act on, but wanted to? How about a concept you …

2023-08-04 “Walk toward the skulls. Find the one that isn’t human. There you’ll find your answer.” #wriring …

2023-08-04 … bullet points. That’s what I need. That’s the concept I was looking for.

2023-08-04 Time to do some free-writing. This morning has been productive apart from not being able to run …

2023-08-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-08-04 I hate XCode. This morning it continually crashes when creating a new file. #xcode #failure

2023-08-04 Hello. Make space for yourself so you can think, create, rest, and enjoy. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-08-03 Happy National IPA Day No, I don’t have any.

2023-08-03 Over the past year the YouTube content has plummeted into lots of hate speech, it seems.

2023-08-03 Never confuse a langoustine with a mangosteen.

2023-08-03 This month’s game delivery #game #buttonshy

2023-08-03 Don’t be rigid and prescriptive. #life #success

2023-08-03 Greetings. Don’t pre-judge. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-08-02 You can’t expect to win if you don’t expect to lose.

2023-08-02 Core Rules & Cards… #gamedev #scryinggame

2023-08-02 “My God! I need to go shopping.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-02 Focus on the good to deal with the bad. #life #success

2023-08-02 Interesting thought just hit: hotdog “rolls” and hamburger “buns”. I get you roll the dough to get a …

2023-08-02 Time to shift gears again. I hope I don’t burn the clutch.

2023-08-02 The coolest marketing was the breathing Apple logo and startup chime. #marketing

2023-08-02 Bartender: “Tall or short?” Patron: “Redhead.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-02 “Don’t worry if you don’t know what you’re doing. No one here does. You fit right in.” #writing …

2023-08-02 Zoom, Discord, and Reddit kill vampyres.

2023-08-02 “Don’t chase the steeple. Don’t pay the reaper.” #wrirting #throwawayline

2023-08-02 Sometimes ideas and points I want to make cross my mind and I toss them away wondering if I have …

2023-08-02 Most companies reward you with a plaque instead of a raise because a plaque is cheaper. #business …

2023-08-02 “Nineteeen years ago, I was dead. Now I’m back.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-02 “He was recognized as Fred, not for bringing peace to humanity. Recognition isn’t what it used to …

2023-08-02 A gift with an obligation is not a gift. #life #parenting

2023-08-02 “You aren’t thankful unless you thank. #life #success

2023-08-02 A review that only rates by stars is not a review. It’s mostly a reminder to oneself about what you …

2023-08-02 “You can’t die without going through hell.” #writing

2023-08-02 lol. Elon is now charging for letting you hide your blue checkmark on X. The man I wants all the …

2023-08-02 “You don’t have to be brave to die, but you pretty much have to die to be brave.” #writing

2023-08-02 Generating Forms In SwiftUI - Part 3… #swiftui #forms

2023-08-02 I haven’t told you today how I loathe XCode… It’s connected. #xcode #failure

2023-08-02 I hope everyone has a quiet and productive day.

2023-08-01 “Just because it’s not understandable doesn’t mean it’s god.” #writing

2023-08-01 There should be a standard for exporting annotations and notes from devices. And a way to centralize …

2023-08-01 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — editing “Out of Time” — research — free-writing — other stuff as time …

2023-08-01 We spend more time listening to other people’s opinions than thinking for our selves. #life #failure

2023-08-01 Marketing just makes stufff up.

2023-08-01 Time to switch it up. An Esrerbrook I restored (F) w/ Iroshizuko Amo Iro #fountainpen

2023-08-01 Time to switch gears again.

2023-08-01 Now I need to figure out how to get to book 4. All my previous plans are out the window for this …

2023-08-01 Ugh. I just have the title/idea for the 4th book in my “Coins of Destiny” series that I’m working …

2023-08-01 Stay calm when everyone around you panics. Detach when everyone else engages. Be objective when …

2023-08-01 “His was a one story house. He didn’t have much of an imagination.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-01 I should learn yet another programming language. But I’m trying to learn Japanese—still—and that’s …

2023-08-01 “You can’t force humor the same way you can’t force humans. You have to sneak up on both when they …

2023-08-01 I need a vacation. One without social media, writing, programming, and its ilk.

2023-08-01 “My AI can beat your AI.”

2023-08-01 What if Swift/SwiftUI were a visual/component language instead of the arcane/obtuse syntax it has? …

2023-08-01 The reason they’re called hyperlinks is they excite you.

2023-08-01 It shouldn’t be called a “browser”. It should be called a “grazer” since you spend more time grazing …

2023-08-01 I’ve been thinking about what stats and how I could track them in my game idea. I should post. …

2023-08-01 Yes, I know I have a weird and sometimes macabre sense of humor. What’s your problem?

2023-08-01 Anyone actually use/write a commonplace book?

2023-08-01 “How To Remove Bubbles From Your IV Tube When You Are Dying”. I’m in a weird(er) mood today.

2023-08-01 Couple of pages written. Time to eat something edible.

2023-08-01 I tried to entice Oreo, one of The Gathering, into a carrier to go to the vet. It was not enticed by …

2023-08-01 PSA Reminder: Social media posts are often read “out of thread” and with no context. Do with that as …

2023-08-01 This morning was spent beginning to migrate The Continuity to the EON server. I didn’t get any …

2023-08-01 “He was a friendly guy. He gave tight hugs to the neck.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-08-01 “He was a jolly old elf. One that could never be confused with the famous one. He was neither fat, …

2023-08-01 “Her body was as hot as her soul was cold. The knife sticking out between my ribs punctuated the …

2023-08-01 I guess I could work around the CouchDB issue by connecting to the instance I do have running …

2023-08-01 “I’m just here for the snark.”

2023-08-01 If you try to be like someone else, you’ll never be yourself. #life

2023-08-01 Food. Free-write. Now!

2023-08-01 Grr. Can’t install CouchDB on Raspberry Pi 4 now. libmozjs185-dev can’t be found. …

2023-08-01 Hello. Be kind to everyone, including yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-31 Signs you might be Elon Musk…

2023-07-31 Remember when people printed out program listings? On dot-matrix printers? On green-bar? …

2023-07-31 There is an augury that Murphy will pay me a visit tomorrow.

2023-07-31 Taking a chance will open some opportunities while closing others. #life

2023-07-31 Visual Basic 6.0 is still the best thing Microsoft produced. Flame on!

2023-07-31 Do one good, helpful thing tomorrow.

2023-07-31 Look up. Do you know where you’re going and do you want to go there? #life #success #priorities

2023-07-31 Be virtuous. Fulfill your ambitions. #life #success

2023-07-31 Happy Raspberry Cake Day there aren’t enough raspberries in the world.

2023-07-31 Time for a lunch break. I’ve been thinking about egg salad sandwiches a lot. I think I’ll make one.

2023-07-31 Generating Forms in SwiftUI - Part 2.… How I create a form from JSON …

2023-07-31 Hello. Don’t go yelling at people just because it’s Monday. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-30 I miss Steve…… #apple #next

2023-07-30 Good morning, all. I’m fairly certain today is Sunday here. Relax. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-29 Hey, where did the sun go? It’s 9PM already? And I didn’t get to play any games today. Oh well, …

2023-07-29 Questions people never ask you: “Who is your favorite voice actor?”

2023-07-29 Every choice is valuable.

2023-07-29 The sky is dumping buckets of water and the buckets hurt.

2023-07-29 Came across an old dude who didn’t know what a toucan was. I guess he was deprived of bad cereal as …

2023-07-29 If you argue with yourself, you argue with an idiot. ancient proverb I just made up

2023-07-29 At what age does one become a “geezer”? Serious question.

2023-07-29 “You have a good head on your shoulders. You wouldn’t want to lose it by doing something stupidd, …

2023-07-29 The guy next to me is a Jason Kelci doppelgänger, but is a Colts fan. The Colts are still a team?

2023-07-29 I think I’ll have some fish and chips. Although I’m nowhere near California. If you get it, you’re …

2023-07-29 Living in the Age of AI and Disinformation: Question everything. Don’t assume or accept anything. …

2023-07-29 Overheard: do you have Miller Lite? No. I’ll have water instead. It’s the same thing.

2023-07-29 I think I’ll play OW2 later and maybe SpaceShipped later. #games

2023-07-29 More people haver gone to a country fair than have gone to the country. For example, I’ve never been …

2023-07-29 “The Tree of Life died of heat.” #writing

2023-07-29 I’m not sure, but I think I don’t know.

2023-07-29 This sign is grammatically correct. #writing

2023-07-29 “I’m just a dead person going through the motions.” #writing

2023-07-29 “He stood wondering what to do with all the bodies in the basement. They were scattered about and in …

2023-07-29 I gave up trying to get RAID and OMV running. I’ll just run it with four drives I sync. I know that …

2023-07-29 Ugh it’s almost August.

2023-07-29 You lay the infrastructureure for learning and improvement each time you fail. #life

2023-07-29 Lunch time.

2023-07-29 Twitter app has been updated, hmmm

2023-07-29 Happy Paperback Book Day And if you are looking for something to read, please consider mine. …

2023-07-29 I couldn’t find a pear, so I used a banana. My code is still buggy.

2023-07-29 Your life is a mirror. Look at it once in a while.

2023-07-29 Hello. Have a fun weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-28 Make your own path, but bring some friends along to help you. #life

2023-07-28 Plan for tomorrow: — take it slow. It’s gonna be hot.

2023-07-28 It’s Friday. Time to relax and fall over.

2023-07-28 It’s more important to hold on to what you have instead of what you have lost. #life

2023-07-28 If we can have chocolate and caramel, why can’t we just have chocolate caramel? #candy #food

2023-07-28 Life is just someone’s meme.

2023-07-28 These people never quit. I don’t have a “branding publicist” #publishing #spam #scam

2023-07-28 Sometimes the best laid plans are made by mice.

2023-07-28 What’s better? an old guy with felonies? an old guy who falls down and forgets?

2023-07-28 If smartphone shipments fell this quarter, does that mean they are getting dumber?

2023-07-28 People don’t know you when you are covered in blood.

2023-07-28 Find some calm in your life.

2023-07-28 Success is something you define. It’s not defined by others. That’s judgment. #life #success …

2023-07-28 Space launches aren’t efficient if they have a lot of flame/exhaust. What if SpaceX,NASA,, …

2023-07-28 Question: what does a 12 year old get from seeing themselves on TV? Pride/shame? What does ESPN get? …

2023-07-28 I should go to Japan, New Zealand, France, Spain, Italy. I’ve never been there. Maybe this weekend.~

2023-07-28 What plans to do you have for the weekend? I don’t make plans, but I’ll probably go somewhere for …

2023-07-28 Despite what Elon might think, Twitter still exists.

2023-07-28 I’m booked for C3 and Philcon, if you want to meet up.

2023-07-28 I’m just rambling/mind-dumping/free-writing as I am wont to do. If I don’t, I’ll start to forget the …

2023-07-28 “Swarm like the locust evading the net.”

2023-07-28 I need/want to take a class. There are no in-person classes worth taking. Therefore, I won’t be …

2023-07-28 The ancients wondered if life was a dream. The modern man wonders if life is a simulation. Soon man …

2023-07-28 What do you call a spiral where the lines intersect? There must be a topological/math term for it. …

2023-07-28 “Are you The One?” “Why? Do you want to get married?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-28 “Everyone has a price. Hers was a Coors Lite.” #writing

2023-07-28 “Sometimes a diversion is the best way to get people to look somewhere else. Sometimes it’s enough …

2023-07-28 You can always cross a line that isn’t there. ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-07-28 Sometimes, you have to let Murphy win.

2023-07-28 It’s interesting that people cheer on a sports team because of their “home” town or nationality. …

2023-07-28 Memories are the bookmarks of our life. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-07-28 “I’m pleased with the way I turned out. I’m upset I didn’t discover that when I was younger.” …

2023-07-28 You know humanity is on the downslope when the majority of people get their news from TikTok and …

2023-07-28 “Do you want to get married?” “Um—I don’t know you.” “That’s OK. I don’t’ know you either. But I …

2023-07-28 My creativity is at an ebb this week. Next week it will be in a drucker.

2023-07-28 “The locked metal case wore the crest of an ancient and forgotten God. Too bad it was forgotten, for …

2023-07-28 I’m betting the beaches are going to be crammed-packed with bodies this weekend.

2023-07-28 Murphy is out to get me today. I can’t even VPN into my dev Pi. Oh well. Time to quit trying.

2023-07-28 PSA: It’s Friday. You don’t have to kill yourself. Drink lots of water.

2023-07-28 It’s been such a non-productive morning that I think I’ll eat and free-write now.

2023-07-28 OK. Time to switch gears. I couldn’t get the NAS software or the RAID software to run on the …

2023-07-28 It’s a hot day. I think it’s also a good hot wings day, later. Heat indeces around 110ºF …

2023-07-28 It’s already not a productive day, and it’s still only 8:30AM

2023-07-28 It’s going to be nasty today. Stay hydrated. Take it easy. It’s Friday.

2023-07-27 I’m looking into creating a RAID array on my Raspberry Pi so I can use it as my own cloud. …

2023-07-27 When was the last time you ate an egg salad sandwich?

2023-07-27 “You really shouldn’t stab people who are already dead.” “Why? They don’t’ care.” “Um. Because …

2023-07-27 Observed: man in restaurant belches loudly than whispers “‘s use me” to himself.

2023-07-27 “When the majority don’t care, it’s often that they do care, but what they care about is at odds …

2023-07-27 “When the majority don’t care, it’s often that they do care, but what they care about is at odds …

2023-07-27 Plausibility is the stepson of conspiracy. ancient proverb I just made up

2023-07-27 Technology pushes you faster to keep up, but success lies in slowing technology so you can …

2023-07-27 “The world is being remade to allow the aliens to survive on our planet. Why else would the …

2023-07-27 I should book the hotel for Philcon. #philcon

2023-07-27 It’s brutishly hot today, and the humidity isn’t helping. But it’s summer and summer is supposed to …

2023-07-27 It’s time for luncheon and free-writing.

2023-07-27 The Scrying Game - It’s About Time… #jRPG #gamedev.

2023-07-27 Back on Track… #writing

2023-07-27 It’s already hot out. Oh, and humid. #micro_blog

2023-07-27 Good morning, all. Don’t be stingy with your time. You waste enough of it. Time for the …

2023-07-26 I’m going to wing it tomorrow.

2023-07-26 Thinking is hard work. People are lazy.

2023-07-26 “It’s not sweltering heat, if you still have clothes on.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-26 lol. I just dropped into Twitter/X to see if anything’s changed. The first few ads I got spammed …

2023-07-26 All the rains we’ve been having have brought a bumper crop of mosquitos. #netde

2023-07-26 Sat outside on the grass munching on wild black raspberries and blueberries. Oreo came and sat next …

2023-07-26 Heh. Just got a call from some company named “Bookside Press”. They didn’t even know the name of my …

2023-07-26 What should I do tomorrow?

2023-07-26 Oh fun.

2023-07-26 “When nothing sticks, you’re either a great pan, or a bad person.” #writing

2023-07-26 Not sure if this the beta iPadOS or a issue. @help @manton

2023-07-26 Do guys still wear three-piece suits? Two-piece? One-piece?

2023-07-26 “You’ve raised the bar—or you’ve gotten shorter.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-26 “The younger I get the less I know.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-26 “I hear you can help me with my problem. I need to get hammered. You’re Thor, right?” #writing …

2023-07-26 Happy Coffee Milkshake Day …that exists? I’ve heard, and made, egg creams, but a coffee milkshake? I …

2023-07-26 I should also do some research about the different fighting styles, although I think I know a fair …

2023-07-26 I’m trying to decide how much detail I need to include about the Yakuza and Triad in this next book …

2023-07-26 So anyone doing anything fun or enjoyable today? I’m not, but I can’t complain.

2023-07-26 “People are bored with their lives, but afraid to die because they believe things might get better …

2023-07-26 Now that I’m done with the C3 story, I’m back to editing “Out of Time” and planning the next book in …

2023-07-26 Time to eat and free-write.

2023-07-26 The Scrying Game - Card and Turn Thoughts… #jRPG #gamedev

2023-07-26 Just went outside. Ugh. The smoke is the worst it’s been. Is anything left of Canada?

2023-07-26 Heat indexes are supposed to be over 100 through the weekend. It’s your fault. And you know …

2023-07-26 Hello. It’s ok to fail as long as you learn. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-25 Plan for tomorrow: — research the Triad and Yakuza — iOS — eat — free-write — play a game — blog? — …

2023-07-25 Just because something is in a movie doesn’t make it famous.

2023-07-25 Who is looking forward to tomorrow?


2023-07-25 Oreo, one of The Gathering, is in the house and doesn’t want to go out. #cat

2023-07-25 in a parallel universe it is an asset to not finish things.

2023-07-25 So. Should I eat dinner or ignore it today?

2023-07-25 Back in my day my parents made us all dress up to go out to a restaurant. It was a special occasion, …

2023-07-25 Time to take a break. Just finished editing “The Hit” and submitted it to the C3 anthology. #writing …

2023-07-25 The Scrying Game - Game Play and Game Loop… #gamedev #writing

2023-07-25 Plan for today: – try to finish editing “The Hit” – eat and free-write …

2023-07-25 Hello. We’re still all here? Good. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-24 Elon thinks people are so stupid they’ll go back to Twitter if he changes its name so they think …

2023-07-24 Time to fall over and relax.

2023-07-24 “How To Make Money Trading Chickens”

2023-07-24 Cool. The mailman deposited something non bill related. No, it’s not a jRPG. It’s a …

2023-07-24 Seems legit, especially since it comes from the

2023-07-24 It’s time for a break. I got a lot done so far. I think I’ll read a bit—or a book.

2023-07-24 The Scrying Game - Goals… #gamedev #jRPG

2023-07-24 “It’s proof that the dead rise.” #writing #throwawayline #baking

2023-07-24 Observed: “He grinned from ear to ear in a Joker-kind of way, for he knew he could bludgeon someone …

2023-07-24 “Smile like you’re about to die.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-24 Observation: — some want to know everything, — some want to summarize, — some want a summary and …

2023-07-24 Autocorrect is the little kid you never had which you have to oversee every instant lets it …

2023-07-24 I’m surprised that Elon hasn’t come up with the “Charge-by-the-Tweet” plan. He’s not cut of a CEO if …

2023-07-24 Instead of saying, “See you soon”, when leaving, we should start saying, “Hug you soon.”

2023-07-24 There should be a YouTube video: “Put this poison in your food, and you will be amazed”. Seems lots …

2023-07-24 Once I get done with “The Hit”, I need to get back to editing my time-travel novel, “Out of Time”. I …

2023-07-24 Does Corvallis still exist?

2023-07-24 “I want to live in a zombie-free world.” “Uh… we do.” “Have you seen the people out there? They’re …

2023-07-24 As the old PSAs used to say, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”. My problem is, I’ve never been …

2023-07-24 I think I’ll start a delivery company that uses elk and their ilk. I bet you can guess what I’ll …

2023-07-24 So, Twitter is no longer Twitter. I’m still giving it the bird. #twitter #xcom

2023-07-24 I’m scribbling a post about my goals for a jRPG. My game idea kept me from sleeping late into the …

2023-07-24 Observed: In the US, restaurant servers always wish you a “Good night” as you leave. I guess it …

2023-07-24 “He got into the habit of eating and breathing when he least wanted to.” #writing

2023-07-24 “His was the smarmiest of appearances, which begat a smarmy affectation, which in turn begat the …

2023-07-24 Are you one who includes the British ‘u’ in words, or not? I waver and occasionally duo.

2023-07-24 I’ve only gotten one response. Do you mark up your books? Highlight them? Write and/or doodle in …

2023-07-24 I’m sitting. I’m watching. I’m listening. I’m free-writing. It’s lunch time.

2023-07-24 Ack! It’s almost noon. Time for the shootout—or lunch.

2023-07-24 “A wave of angst rode over him, drowning him in panic.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-24 Time for a break. I need to do several more editing passes through “The Hit”, and then I can push it …

2023-07-24 I’m struggling to get productive. I feel like the coffee didn’t do its job today. That and it’s dark …

2023-07-24 Terminal is where old code goes to die.

2023-07-24 Happy Tell an Old Joke Day Go ahead, tell me one.

2023-07-24 Hello. Welcome to a new week, just like the old week. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-23 Most things that grab your attention are distractions. It’s up to you to sort them out from the …

2023-07-23 Also, the latest version of Apple Notes allows collaboration at the note and folder level. A feature …

2023-07-23 In case you didn’t know, Apple Notes has lots of features hidden under the context menu, such as …

2023-07-23 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — work on getting “The Hit” edited — eat — drink — sleep

2023-07-23 Reorganized my Notes to simplify things. #apple #notes

2023-07-23 So. Who here marks us their books with notes? Why? #books #reading

2023-07-23 Learn to trust and rely on yourself. #life #business #success

2023-07-23 “Your progress forward depends on your progress back.” #writing

2023-07-23 “Believe me, there’s nothing wrong with being average. If you were exceptional, you’d be bad at it.” …

2023-07-23 Good morning,all.Be the anchor those around on can depend on. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-22 “Frogs Weilding Wands”

2023-07-22 Errands complete. Lunch complete. Writing complete. Back home. Now what?

2023-07-22 “I love your earrings. Wanna get married?” Observed someone eyeing a server’s earrings. #writing …

2023-07-22 Observed; the more drunk you are the louder you get.

2023-07-22 Lunch lobster Mac and cheese #food

2023-07-22 Yes, there are Seafood Apps on the App Store.

2023-07-22 “You’re not as young as I used to be.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-22 If you have a sense of humor, that means you think you know about humor, not that you are humorous. …

2023-07-22 Stand up for what you know, not what you believe. #life #success

2023-07-22 Tomorrow, I start the final edit of “The Hit” short story. #writing

2023-07-22 “For once, after centuries of pollution, the waters ran clear—like vodka. The humans became addicted …

2023-07-22 “Back in my day we had ice cream trucks that drove by seducing us with the sound of ‘Pop Goes The …

2023-07-22 “His was a face pockmarked by age, dry riverbeds, and rolling hills, surrounding two blue pools. The …

2023-07-22 The weather is ambient today.

2023-07-22 Put limits on all you do. #life #success #business

2023-07-22 I need to write down my thoughts on a jRPG I should make. I’m calling it “The Scrying Game” #gamedev

2023-07-22 “You look so peaceful lying there with the blood pooling around your neck.” #writing

2023-07-22 “I shall avenge you.” “But I’m not dead.” “You will be.” #writing #throwawaylne

2023-07-22 Out and about. Time to eat and free write.

2023-07-22 Happy Pi Approximation Day

2023-07-22 Games for Writers… #writing #prompt #rpg #game

2023-07-22 It’s no day for vampires. I’ll get outside for lunch today. The sun is out.

2023-07-22 Hello. Be mindful. Be present. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-21 Plan for tomorrow: — enter the sewers and kill the beast

2023-07-21 Remember the things and people you love. #life #success

2023-07-21 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of mead.

2023-07-21 I forgot about this classic.… #music

2023-07-21 Good morning. The sun is out. It’s Friday. What’s wrong with this picture? Time for the …

2023-07-20 Back in my day we didn’t go to the movies to find Easter eggs. We went for the story.

2023-07-20 OK. Today was fairly productive. Plan for tomorrow: — edit — iOS — drink more water — stay alive

2023-07-20 Oreo, the friendliest feral of The Gathering, has started to bring me presents :/

2023-07-20 “Dungeons and Dragoons”

2023-07-20 Cool. Latest SuperNote firmware upgrade has some nice features. The one I like is the built-in …

2023-07-20 My moss rose is blooming #plant

2023-07-20 If you react to what you desire or hate, then whoever controls your desires and hate controls you. …

2023-07-20 Time to take a break from transcribing and editing, so that I may eat something. #writing

2023-07-20 Happy Nap Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-07-20 Good morning. Just because you fail doesn’t make you a failure. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-19 “He looked at the bartender. So. This beer is 10% alcohol? That means I have to have 10 of them to …

2023-07-19 If you follow, interact, or even ignore me, thank you. You have discriminating taste. Seriously, …

2023-07-19 “When time slows to a stop, you are dead to the world.” #writing

2023-07-19 Everyone has a story to tell. Some are even original. #writing

2023-07-19 This actually makes a nice jelly. #food #plant

2023-07-19 “He’s either an undertaker or a government agent. Neither likes to talk about what they do. Maybe …

2023-07-19 Is outsight the opposite of insight?

2023-07-19 A few decades ago, I came up with and wrote a Mac app to encode text into a PNG. It was a dense code …

2023-07-19 I’m trying. I’m very trying.

2023-07-19 Hm. My Synology NAS is complaining it’s running low on space. I guess I should move TimeMachine …

2023-07-19 “It’s funny how you learn by not dying.” #writing

2023-07-19 There are two types of readers: — those that read new things — those that read the same things over …

2023-07-19 I ain’t got no chill.

2023-07-19 “I shook his hand. It was limp and dead. Then I noticed it was detached.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-19 Sigh. I think I need to fly out to SF to get some cioppino. Either that, or find a source of good …

2023-07-19 “Bright Lights, Dark Thoughts”: A Title. #writing

2023-07-19 “Back in 1982, we thought we were living in the future.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-19 Be curious. Be non-judgmental. #life #success

2023-07-19 I’m contemplating running errands in the rain or waiting until the weekend when it willl probably be …

2023-07-19 Be doleful. Eat more pineapple.

2023-07-19 Good morning, all. You don’t have to act on every belief or thought Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-18 Happy National Caviar Day

2023-07-18 The good old days.

2023-07-18 Anyone get in a bar fight today?

2023-07-18 Ate lunch—fresh picked wild black raspberries.

2023-07-18 Maybe I should eat something today.

2023-07-18 it’s another brutal day out there. 82 with 75% humidity and smoke again.

2023-07-18 Good morning. Find opportunities to change your behavior for the better. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-17 “Love is an ocean, and I can’t swim.” #writing

2023-07-17 Time to rock out.… #music

2023-07-17 Fear me! I don’t know what I’m doing.

2023-07-17 The more popular you are, the more enemies you have.

2023-07-17 Man, and woman, cannot survive without cookies.

2023-07-17 Time to hunker down and do non-writing stuff.

2023-07-17 So who is tired of living during the Apocalypse?

2023-07-17 Happy Yellow Pigs (With 17 toes) Day. Go out and sing some yellow pigs carols. Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-07-17 Cucumbers are just tasteless watermelon.

2023-07-17 It’s been too miserable (rain, smoke, extreme heat and stupidity), to ride the bike this summer so …

2023-07-17 “I’m just a ringer in a rock and roll band” My mind works in dark and mysterious ways. #music …

2023-07-17 The “Early Bird Special” at US restaurants includes the worm.

2023-07-17 Hm. This looks like wineberry. Never heard of it. I wonder if I can grow it in my backyard. Yes, you …

2023-07-17 “I have nothing to gain. I have nothing to lose. Because I have nothing.” #writing

2023-07-17 Sometimes I overthink things, even when I’m trying to keep things simple.

2023-07-17 What series of movies would you erase from history? Tom Cruise’s MI comes to mind. #movie

2023-07-17 “Life is a rollercoaster. The ride always ends.”

2023-07-17 Just because you’re a redneck doesn’t mean you work in the sun.

2023-07-17 Hm. Is there a salad that contains pineapple? (Not fruit salad/ambrosia). I on’t think I’ve ever …

2023-07-17 “Don’t forget that you were young once. You were unsure, rebellious, and full of yourself. Why do …

2023-07-17 “Come to me. Come today. Come to die.” #writing

2023-07-17 I just realized I haven’t dropped a copy of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” to the local …

2023-07-17 Countdown - #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-17 Overheard at the store: “Is anyone floating around? I need some fish.” It didn’t sound intentional.

2023-07-17 This morning has been somewhat productive. Anyone else feel things are about to go wrong?

2023-07-17 Swift question: I need to map a dictionary’s values to a struct’s attributes. Assume the …

2023-07-17 Good morning. Take a step back and listen today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-16 Happy Guinea Pig Appreciation Day Appreciate the sad ones as well.

2023-07-16 Zombies are incredibly lifelike.

2023-07-16 It’s a do-nothing day here. All other priorities have been deferred until tomorrow.

2023-07-16 Hello. Now go back to sleep. It’s Sunday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-15 The original Mission:Impossible TV show is still better than any Tom Cruise thing.

2023-07-15 Plan for tomorrow: — be 22.1% more annoying

2023-07-15 “Are you stalking me?” “Um…” “That’s ok. I’m staking you.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-15 Sold a copy of a book.

2023-07-15 The squirrels are angry.

2023-07-15 What if golf was scored based on the distance to the flag on your first swing, and not the stroke …

2023-07-15 Plan for this afternoon: — errands — play OW2 — read

2023-07-15 Sometimes the singer a restaurantant hires is there to turn tables~or stomachs.

2023-07-15 These caps might fit a Pygmy-shrunken head. Did pygmies ever discover a shuriken type weapon?

2023-07-15 Lager spellt backwards is regal. And no, I don’t include the king of beers. #beer #wordage

2023-07-15 If you’re not having fun, you don’t know what fun is is. I obviously don’t.

2023-07-15 There are two types of people on social sites those that want to sell those that want to socialize …

2023-07-15 I’ve never played D&D. It requires friends.

2023-07-15 “Her haunting beauty mesmerized me, but her banshee scream bordering on a Rebel yell, drove me away. …

2023-07-15 “He played the bongos the way he had bludgeoned his wife.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-15 Shrimp tacos? Yes.

2023-07-15 If you complain about the heat, you can’t complain about global heating.

2023-07-15 The singer today is eh.

2023-07-15 Sleep comes to those who aren’t dead.

2023-07-15 I was able to explain it, but I wish I had paid more attention when I was in High school English I …

2023-07-15 A server just asked me a random question: what’s an independent clause. He’s taking a college exam …

2023-07-15 Morning #writing

2023-07-15 Time to switch it up. A Senator I restored (M) with Monteverde Show Special 2019 Teal. #fountainpen

2023-07-15 It definitely feels like an iced coffee kind of day. I think I’ll make some for later.

2023-07-15 Generating Forms in SwiftUI #swiftUI #swift #forms

2023-07-15 Hello. Rejoice! The weekend is upon us. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-14 Creatures, Crimes, & Creativity (C3) Con—shouldn’t that be C4? Either way it looks explosive …

2023-07-14 Saying that you’re not sure, means you don’t know. Just admit you don’t know and stop arguing.

2023-07-14 Wow. Lots of new stuff in Bear 2+

2023-07-14 Cool. Bear just went 2+ for me. I wonder what’s new. #bearapp

2023-07-14 A vague sense of knowing is never as good as knowing. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-07-14 We organize things in order to better deal with them one at a time, not just use a tool or to put …

2023-07-14 Many people do things without understanding why they do them or what they are trying to accomplish …

2023-07-14 “We entered the eldritch House of Spaghetti, unsure what horrors we would encounter.” #writing …

2023-07-14 There are no projects, only tasks. Projects are just ways of organizing related tasks. Focus on the …

2023-07-14 Children should read. Children should read as much as they want. Children should read whenever they …

2023-07-14 All the pet rocks died.

2023-07-14 Back home.

2023-07-14 Turn acquaintances into friends, not enemies. #life #success

2023-07-14 Life is just at a bad habit.

2023-07-14 Happy Pandemonium Day

2023-07-14 In case you’re still confused, 2020 was three years ago.

2023-07-14 Your following count should be somewhere between 1/10-1/4 your follower count.

2023-07-14 “are you a good person?” “I think I have all the parts.” #wriiting #throwawayline

2023-07-14 Observed: A young guy wearing slippers with socks, black. #character #writing

2023-07-14 Don’t forget that the best part of your day is waking up.

2023-07-14 More personal errands, then head for home today.

2023-07-14 None of us is sane if one of us is crazy.

2023-07-14 Hello. Be optimistic without being blind. Time for the ceremoniall coffee.

2023-07-13 Good deed done. A server was asking about my book and I discovered it was their birthday. I gave …

2023-07-13 I hope I can have a bagel tomorrow.

2023-07-13 I’m surprised humans fall for the “get 60% off your first order” scam—not.

2023-07-13 Time to eat somethingg today. Also time to free-write

2023-07-13 Taking care of personal stuff this afternoon.

2023-07-13 No task is too small. l

2023-07-13 Today’s XCode nonsense. I really hate XCode. I say again, they must not use physical devices …

2023-07-13 Thanks to and for the hint I needed to solve my …

2023-07-13 OK. I’m stuck. This is something I’ve never had/tried to do, and it seems simple enough. …

2023-07-13 The Gathering has now discovered they can watch in shifts. I call the one on the left, Caramel; the …

2023-07-13 Hello. Keep calm. Tomorrow is Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-12 Well, hopefully tomorrow won’t be worse than today

2023-07-12 Manage all the things.

2023-07-12 Sigh. Apple really doesn’t test on physical devices, do they? This is what the new .inspector in …

2023-07-12 Always assume you are the easiest person to fool. #life #success

2023-07-12 Do some good today. #life #success

2023-07-12 Shifting Gears… #writing #mdc3con

2023-07-12 Good morning, all. Life is a journey. Do you know where you’re going? Time for the ceremonial …

2023-07-11 I guess this is for gardeners, or undertakers.

2023-07-11 Hm. Bear 2 should be out in the next few days.

2023-07-11 Happy Cow Appreciation Day

2023-07-11 PSA: Prime Day is not a holiday. It’s a way for Amazon to dump overstock and get your money.

2023-07-11 Photo up: #photography

2023-07-11 “The Cult of the Jelly Doughnut Eaters”

2023-07-11 1st draft done. A fun short story to write. I don’t know how many words since it’s all handwritten. …

2023-07-11 Whose expectations do you try to live up to, someone else’s or your own? If you aren’t trying to …

2023-07-11 “You go on ahead. I’ll just stay here and hide behind this troll.” #writing #throwawayliine

2023-07-11 It’s time to finish this short story for Creatures, Crime, and Creativity. #writing #mdc3con

2023-07-11 Early look at my writing app’s UI. I can now generate SwiftUIs dynamically—that’s one in …

2023-07-11 Good morning, all. Make room for compassion in your life. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-10 Plan for tomorrow: — more XCode — more writing — more editing — more food

2023-07-10 “The thing is, humans misunderstand me. I didn’t set out to create the Universe. I was trying to …

2023-07-10 “Do you make people laugh?” “Only when I’m dead.”

2023-07-10 Here are thirty ways to plan for the end of the universe:

2023-07-10 The Apeocalypse is coming.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-10 Observation: Some people tap at a smart phone’s keyboard as if it were an old-school calculator—one …

2023-07-10 What if the Fediverse included streams in addition to social? Local weather? stock watchlists? …

2023-07-10 Tagging something as important doesn’t make it important. Also, just because something is important …

2023-07-10 Just because a programming language has a feature, it doesn’t mean you have to use it. #programming

2023-07-10 Time to eat. Writing done, for now. I just need to put a ribbon on it. That’s for tomorrow. Then the …

2023-07-10 “He had a peanut butter and jelly scar down his chin.” #writing

2023-07-10 “He loved his job. He made and sold things that made people happy, and tasted good. He was a …

2023-07-10 Time to work on the short story and eat things again.

2023-07-10 Shifting Gears #Swift #SwiftUI

2023-07-10 I’m finagling with the new inspectors in SwiftUI. Seems they are inconsistent/still broken …

2023-07-10 Good morning. It’s Monday again. You’re probably bustling. Remember to breathe and …

2023-07-09 Good morning. Learn to say and accept “No”. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-08 The obvious things are obvious because no one talks about them. They can still kill you.

2023-07-08 Just because someone is leading, it doesn’t mean they know where they are going—or are going where …

2023-07-08 If you are loud, you are trying to be heard, but don’t have much to say.

2023-07-08 If you don’t enjoy who you are and what you do, be someone else and do something else. Stop …

2023-07-08 “Even God lies. That doesn’t mean you should.” #writing

2023-07-08 Apparently, you have to sing Jimmy Buffet songs and Tom Petty songs at an outdoorr restaurant. r

2023-07-08 Gratuitous fish taco pic. #food

2023-07-08 I’m justt hanging out, people watching, listening, enjoying the heat and humidity, planning—not …

2023-07-08 I haven’t met most of you. I know who I would like to meet.

2023-07-08 Back on my day people walked around listening to their AM radio. No, that doesn’t stand for morning …

2023-07-08 Someone asked me about the SuperNote. They’d tried the Remarkable and sent It back. I let him try …

2023-07-08 Argh the new Xcode doesn’t fix the issues with .inspector on the ipadmini or predictive autocorrect. …

2023-07-08 What habit would youu like to have? What do you have to offer in n exchange?

2023-07-08 Remember when people were daft? They still are.

2023-07-08 I want fish tacos. Fish tacos I will have.

2023-07-08 You know you’re the problemm whenm you annoy yourself.

2023-07-08 There is a great difference between won’t and wont. Punctuation matters. #writing

2023-07-08 Buy one of my books. If you can’t afford a book, use your local library. Most libraries have copies …

2023-07-08 “Sharp implements are not allowed. I must bludgeon them.” #writing

2023-07-08 “When you’re young, you put up with your parents dressing you funny. Then you grow up and decide to …

2023-07-08 PSA: if someone tells you something that makes you want to offer advice, ask if they are looking for …

2023-07-08 Be generous with your time and knowledge. #life #success

2023-07-08 I’m sitting outside in the heat and stupidity. Time to free-write and eat stuff.

2023-07-08 It’s another hot and brutally humid day. I’ll venture out into the heat and stupidty …

2023-07-08 Good morning. Be a witness to the day. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #default

2023-07-07 Just relaxing and listening to one of my favorite artists, on old school CDs. …

2023-07-07 I plan on venturing outdoors tomorrow.

2023-07-07 Never seen/heard this version.… #music

2023-07-07 It’s Friday eve. Time for a small glass of my cyser. (Apple mead) #mead

2023-07-07 Caramel, another of The Gathering, watching the house under the trees in the rain. #cat

2023-07-07 First wild black raspberries of the season.

2023-07-07 If your app or email asks me whether I’m enjoying your app, or to fill out your survey, I’m going to …

2023-07-07 It’s rumbling thunder. I’m sitting outside with Oreo, one of The Gathering. Oreo, for a feral, seems …

2023-07-07 happy Comic Sans Day

2023-07-07 Yes, I’m in a “mood” .~

2023-07-07 Buy a white lab coat. Embroider your name on it. Hold a test tube and stare intently at it. Anyone …

2023-07-07 Who is the “We”? And what makes “you” think I am like you? AI and stats doesn’t count as “we”. …

2023-07-07 I know things others don’t. I don’t know things others do. I can solve problems others can’t. I know …

2023-07-07 I haven’t made gravlax in a while. I need to find some fresh salmon somewhere. All the grocery …

2023-07-07 I win a dollar every time I don’t play the lottery.

2023-07-07 Ring the doorbell. That’s a euphemism, right?

2023-07-07 When you feel like you are the world’s fodder, call your modder. Modders are good at changing …

2023-07-07 Crickey! A kangaroo and koala both start with K, but not crikey! Australian is weird.~

2023-07-07 “He was hostage to his feelings, and she held his feelings.” #writing

2023-07-07 Just discovered long-pressing allows you to move items between columns in Column View, within Apple …

2023-07-07 I just added four more handwritten pages to this story. I know how to finish it. I just need to get …

2023-07-07 This short story is becoming an excuse to write a fight-scene. #writing #shortstory #mdc3con

2023-07-07 What is the proper/offical name of the huge humanoid-shaped balloons that wiggle and gyrate as …

2023-07-07 So, I see a lot of women wearing wool sweaters. It’s 83º and brutally humid today. I hope they work …

2023-07-07 No, I won’t be joining Threads, or BlueSky. I don’t feel the need to contribute to megalomaniacs …

2023-07-07 I was actually able to use XCode today without it regurgitating a cryptic error message. Of course, …

2023-07-07 Be the hero in your life. #life #success

2023-07-07 I should blog something today.

2023-07-07 Just because you’ve paid for something doesn’t mean you’ve created or invented …

2023-07-07 Hail! It’s Friday. Get to it, so you can get to the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-06 Played a bit of Overatch2 this evening. Made POTG 3 times. #gme

2023-07-06 Plan for tomorrow: — verify it’s Friday — fight XCode — maybe do some Python — write — read — play

2023-07-06 I wish restaurants, here in the US, would stop serving food on brioche buns. Structurally, they are …

2023-07-06 It’s that time. Thank you all for following, interacting, putting up with me, and supporting me. I …

2023-07-06 “The brave are often foolish. They do what others often won’t.” #writing

2023-07-06 “If you can’t dance to the music, dance to the screams.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-06 Hm. The new inspector in SwiftUI works weird on the iPad mini. Wonder if it’s me. It looks ok on a …

2023-07-06 I should look into Swift charts and outline views. #swiftui

2023-07-06 I always wonder when a server asks me, “Do you want fries on the side?” I think the correct response …

2023-07-06 It’s interesting that Bluesky was a thing a few weeks ago and now it’s Threads. What will it be next …

2023-07-06 I added a few more pages to my C3 short story. I really like this one. It has a fun/strong female …

2023-07-06 “He was thick-headed, which was interesting given there was nothing in his head.” #writing

2023-07-06 It’s brutally humid and very warm. Summer is in full bloom.

2023-07-06 Just because you have followers doesn’t mean you’re important.

2023-07-06 I wish Apple would stop displaying internal debug messages as user error messages in their products. …

2023-07-06 I hate XCode. Today’s mysterious message that is keeping me from using a device. #xcode …

2023-07-06 Hello. Experience the day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-05 I want Activision/Blizzard to re-release the Infocom games. #gamedev

2023-07-05 This applies to every club, organization, business, and government.

2023-07-05 What’s better than ice cream? More ice cream.

2023-07-05 The new Snoopy™ watch face is cute. It’s like watching a little cartoon every time you check the …

2023-07-05 YouTube is not a source of research #life

2023-07-05 “He slid to a stop near the stoop. His knees, bloody and bruised looked like the site of a …

2023-07-05 I’m writing a fight scene for this short story. I think I’ve gotten good at them. I always struggled …

2023-07-05 I know the difference between “that” and “which”, but I find I don’t care when I’m working on a …

2023-07-05 Happy National Graham Cracker Day No, it wasn’t named after Alexander Graham Bell, but it was …

2023-07-05 Writing fast. Writing well. #writing #fountaonpen

2023-07-05 Errand done. Time to eat and write. It’s a steamy day, the kind of day that can clean and press your …

2023-07-05 Time to switch it up. Parker button filler, I restored, (F) with Monteverde Blue Black. #fountainpen

2023-07-05 I went out on the deck to see how bad the weather is today (it’s brutally humid and hot). One …

2023-07-05 Good morning, all. Acceptance is not agreement. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-04 As the old saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its hair.” Time to find something better to read from …

2023-07-04 Just because something has a price doesn’t make it valuable. #life #success

2023-07-04 My desert rose is blooming again. #plant

2023-07-04 Sometimes the one that promises is more important than the promise. Sometimes the promise is more …

2023-07-04 Lunch done. Writing done for now. Coding done. Time to relax. It’s a holiday here. Happy Sidewalk …

2023-07-04 Hello. Slow down. It’s a holiday here. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-07-03 Happy National Compliment Your Mirror Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-07-03 Death funneled from the clouds. #weather

2023-07-03 What is your vengeance quest?

2023-07-03 Things you might want to know: — it’s still smoky — I still write and code. — The Gathering still …

2023-07-03 As the smoke rises, so should your water intake. Stay hydrated.

2023-07-03 PSA: Run-time error messages/dialogs are meant for the user and not the developer. The stack trace …

2023-07-03 One of these years, I’ll write the book I want to write, not the one that writes me. #writing

2023-07-03 Think I’ll go with the tuna burger. #food

2023-07-03 “Run for your life!” “I’m boring. I don’t have one.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-07-03 Hm. I wonder if watermelon mead is possible. #mead #brewing

2023-07-03 I should make a trip to BrimmingHorn Meadery sometime. I haven’t been up there in over a year. I …

2023-07-03 “His was a jelly of a face that would have flowed onto the table were it not for his skin.” #writing …

2023-07-03 Enjoy what you do even if no one else does. #life #success

2023-07-03 The Hoya I’ve had a few years and that hasn’t done anything, has finally sprung into bloom with some …

2023-07-03 OK. I’ve started fleshing out the short story I started over the weekend. Time for a break. #writing

2023-07-03 Today’s user-friendly error message from XCode. I hate XCode. #xcode #failure #ios

2023-07-03 Good morning. Find something good about you. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-07-02 Now that I’m home again, I guess I need to be productive this week.

2023-07-02 “As my dead mother used to say, … … …” #writing

2023-07-02 Success comes to those who either change their goals, or change their approach. #life #success

2023-07-02 Happy Build a Scarecrow Day

2023-07-02 1+1=3 for sufficiently large values of 1.

2023-07-02 “In Anger Born, In Anger Sworn” a book title I should use. #writing

2023-07-02 Good morning. Back home. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-07-01 Happy blink-182 Day

2023-07-01 Apple beta software always drains batteries. #apple

2023-07-01 A couple of days of not doing much apart from writing has been relaxing.

2023-07-01 Gratuitous food pic. Gemmells with crab #food

2023-07-01 Time for some food.

2023-07-01 Playing Doom Machine #game #solo

2023-07-01 Oo. I somehow stumbled into the underlying Android settings on the SuperNote. Stuff here not exposed …

2023-07-01 Ok. I finished reading the two books I brought. Time to switch gears.

2023-07-01 The sun is trying to make an appearance through the smoke. The rain didn’t help

2023-07-01 Plan for today, since it’s raining — watch WWDC videos — read — write — play a game.

2023-07-01 Good morning, all. It’s a rainy morning here. I guess not much outside time for me. Oh well. Time …

2023-06-30 “The priest who worships a thousand gods, is bound to be right.” #writing

2023-06-30 I just started playing this. Nice low-stress “journaling” game. #gamedev #solo

2023-06-30 This is new. #applewatch #ios

2023-06-30 Someone actually talked to me. I may have sold a book.

2023-06-30 And not a single fountain pen in the bunch.

2023-06-30 Hm this idea is a good one. I may just make this my C3 story for the year insteadd of the one I’ve …

2023-06-30 I’m scribbling a short story about a hit team trying to take out a female assassin at a tiki bar. …

2023-06-30 Writing crappy words. But, it’s writing. #writing

2023-06-30 “You’ll promise anything when your life is on the line and promises mean nothing to you.” A small …

2023-06-30 The smoke is really bad now.

2023-06-30 Current view as I take a reading break.

2023-06-30 I need more characters that mutter. None of my characters ever mutter, I mutter. #writing

2023-06-30 I’d love to see what Apple could do with the SuperNote and its eink technology. Great writing …

2023-06-30 “Life is a Choose Your Own Advebture game. Most don’t realize this and hate playing the game.” -God …

2023-06-30 I never considered this. When you read, do you actually SEE the scene play out in your head? Having …

2023-06-30 I brought the iPad d mini and the superNote on vacation. The iPad got a better mini keyboard and I’m …

2023-06-30 Writing setup this morning. #writing

2023-06-30 The new autocorrect and a new mini-keyboard make me look like I’m drunk. Seriouslysly, I type better …

2023-06-30 The su is obsucred, and there is a stif breeze today. Another gorgeous day apart fro the smoke. Im …

2023-06-30 It’s another smoky day.

2023-06-30 I’ve noticed the new autocorrect sometimes doubles what I write. Ugh. Oh well, it’s a fixable bug.

2023-06-30 Breakfast consumed. Plan for today. Write, read, relax, play some games, and eat more seafood.

2023-06-30 I don’t understand stand the purpose of plastic fruit. If you want fruit, use real fruit.

2023-06-30 Good morning. Enjoy what you have, for you may not have it forever. Like clean air. Time for the …

2023-06-29 And I shall call him Steven.

2023-06-29 If it’s June, shouldn’t it be Junehem?

2023-06-29 This is how Ice Ages start…

2023-06-29 Kale is underrated. #food

2023-06-29 At what age do people begin to cackle?

2023-06-29 Food is here. #food

2023-06-29 Redundant error message message is redundant. #ios

2023-06-29 I should dig into SwiftData. I’m sure I’ll not use it for anything I’m doing, but I have thoughts. …

2023-06-29 “He sat staring at his phone, can of beer in his hand. Everyone assumed he was engrossed. He was …

2023-06-29 Making mistakes doesn’t take intelligence. -ancient proverb I just made up

2023-06-29 “There’s not a lot to do, but then, I don’t do a lot.” #writing

2023-06-29 It would be a gorgeous day if it weren’t for the smoke.

2023-06-29 I just set a deadline to get my next book out. I hate deadlines. #writing

2023-06-29 “I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I’m more often wrong than not.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-29 Overheard: “does it come with something like a Carmel sauce?” I think he meant caramel, not the town …

2023-06-29 The air hung low and heavy, smelling of old burnt gym socks.

2023-06-29 Be comfortable with yourself. #life #success

2023-06-29 “All the angels have fallen, but I persist.” #writing

2023-06-29 Smoke on the water in Maryland. Canadian smoke. Guess no bike rides this vacation.

2023-06-29 Hm. I can’t seem to get .scrollTargetBehavior() to do anything. Oh well, I’ll try to …

2023-06-29 Have I told you, I hate XCode? This is today’s mysterioius error message. #xcode #failure

2023-06-29 Vacation time for me, later today. First up, code and writing.

2023-06-29 Hello. Stay hydrated. Stay healthy. The Canadian smoke is back in Delaware. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-06-28 “Leave anger to someone else. You have better things to experience.”

2023-06-28 Trying to decide what games to bring on vacation.

2023-06-28 Plan for tomorrow: — morning coding — morning editing — vacation

2023-06-28 “Hunting scavengers is like hunting the Wumpus, but scavengers are real.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-28 Happy Tau Day

2023-06-28 It’s time for me to wind down for the week.

2023-06-28 Why XCode? Why every connect to device on launch? How does anyone actually get any work done with …

2023-06-28 Plan for today: – code – write – pack

2023-06-28 Heh. The new autocorrect predictive text in iOS17 has a sense of humor. When I typed “Time for …

2023-06-28 Good morning, all. Simplify your life. You’ll have less to worry about. Time for the …

2023-06-27 “You’re not brave. You’re an idiot.” #writing

2023-06-27 Time for some Foreigner.… #music

2023-06-27 What do you do to be more purposeful?

2023-06-27 Goblins are always hungry for turkey. If you get it, you get it.

2023-06-27 Be kind to those around you, human and animal.

2023-06-27 Working on my MicroProjects idea. It’s using my TinyDB library, which I’m also working on at the …

2023-06-27 It’s another humid day with more rain coming.

2023-06-27 Today The Gathering got a visitor that we don’t see often, Spot. #cat

2023-06-27 OK. I’m back on Thanks @manton. And the error message on the website is cleared.

2023-06-27 Let’s see if this works again…

2023-06-26 Well, Monday is winding down. I still can’t seem to post to Oh well.

2023-06-26 I miss JIR.

2023-06-26 It’s time to eat lunch and free-write. I got a lot accomplished this morning.

2023-06-26 WARNING: Bartender app on Mac.

2023-06-26 Good morning, all. I wonder if this will post. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-25 must hate me. None of my posts are hitting the stream.

2023-06-25 Well, it looks like my posts aren’t hitting the stream or crossposting again. Oh well. At some …

2023-06-24 The problem with endgames is they are meant to milk money. A game should have a story with an end. …

2023-06-24 Time for some munchies.

2023-06-24 I’m hoping the weather lightens up so I can escape the house for a bit. #micro_blog

2023-06-24 I hope you’re all doing something frivolous today. I’m doing nothing.

2023-06-24 Remember, someone somewhere always cares.

2023-06-24 I’m not doing much today. The rain is keeping me at bay. Or is that in bay? Near the bay? Anyway, …

2023-06-24 Today’s XCode hurdle. I try to launch an app on my iPhone. Instead, it launches on my iPhone. …

2023-06-24 It’s a dismal and dreary day here again. I should play some games today.

2023-06-24 Hello. Be the sunshine in the rain. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-23 Things accomplished today: – worked on TinyDB library – edited more of my time-travel …

2023-06-23 I hope everyone has a quiet, fun, and safe weekend.

2023-06-23 Yo, kids! It’s Friday! Start the weekend. Get on someone’s lawn!

2023-06-23 It looks like the weekend is more of the same rain and smug mugginess. I guess I’m not going …

2023-06-23 It’s 80ºF and extremely humid. Delaware feels like a jungle today.

2023-06-23 It’s Friday. Start shutting down.

2023-06-23 Imagine how rich you might be if you held the patent on twist-ties. #micro_blog

2023-06-23 Happy Typewriter Day Show us your typewriter.

2023-06-23 When people tell you to not be judgemental, they don’t want you to judge negatively or …

2023-06-23 Hello, all. Be the example your mother wanted you to be. TIme for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-22 Another non-productive day. Oh well, tomorrow’s Friday. #micro_blog

2023-06-22 Stick to nothing. #life

2023-06-22 Crickey! It’s still raining.

2023-06-22 It’s a rainy soup day. No, the soup isn’t rainy.


2023-06-22 Another morning wasted waiting for XCode to download and install. #xcode

2023-06-22 Good morning. Be certain. Don’t be arrogant. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-21 Clelebrate something tomorrow. You don’t need an excuse. #life #success

2023-06-21 Well today was a heads-down productive day. The rain helped. #micro_blog

2023-06-21 I guess new Nintendo stuff was announced.

2023-06-21 “The Cat WIth an Uzi” would make a killer title. #writing #prompt

2023-06-21 “Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you’ve ever been poor.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-06-21 Coding done for now. Time to switch gears and start editing. #micro_blog

2023-06-21 Good morning. Rain on Wednesday? Yup. We need it. TIme for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-20 Everyone, real and written characters, has a part of their backstory they don’t know, remember, or …

2023-06-20 Remember to free the villagers.

2023-06-20 “Everyone I know is already dead, or will die.” #writing

2023-06-20 Having a worthwhile goal is better than just having a goal. #life #success

2023-06-20 Happy National Hike With a Geek Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-06-20 Good morning. Take it easy. There’s no reason to kill yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-19 “He threw himself into his work. Unfortunately, he was boiling oil.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-19 “Bad things don’t make things better. Good people do.” #writing

2023-06-19 “Don’t assume that righting a wrong makes for a better world. Sometimes, letting a wrong …

2023-06-19 I don’t hate many things. I really hate XCode. This is the latest hurdle. It took 10 whole …

2023-06-19 Hm. Markdown support only works with literal strings, not variables? #ios #text #swifui #markdown

2023-06-19 You are now what you have become. What will you become? #life

2023-06-18 Remember to show up tomorrow. #micro_blog

2023-06-18 I should re-listen to Chess. #music

2023-06-18 Haiku / BeOS. I miss BeOS.… #os

2023-06-18 What is your “ultimate”?

2023-06-18 “Sometimes you have to die to prove a point.’ “It’s just a point.” #writing

2023-06-18 “Life is like a game. If you don’t disengage, you will die.” #writing

2023-06-18 “When aged people keep saying they want to go home, they don’t mean their old physical home.” …

2023-06-18 Remember when building a car from a kit was a thing?

2023-06-18 Overheard: “I’m going to sell pictures of my feet—no corns or nuthin” I can’t make this stuff up.

2023-06-18 Find the humor in all situations. #life #success

2023-06-18 Overheard: Person 1: “Your stomach is sunburnt.” Person 2: “I was in California, I laid out. Why …

2023-06-18 If you don’t believe sport(s) is political, just look at a sport(s) broadcast and note the national …

2023-06-18 “You know, the problem with good virtual reality is that someone will will create virtual reality …

2023-06-18 “Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, learn, Those who can’t learn, sell, Those who …

2023-06-18 Plan for this week; — focus on deconstructing my time-travel novel in Plottr. — start editing my …

2023-06-18 “When your nightmares chase you into your waking time, you have nothing to fear.” #writing

2023-06-18 Plan for this afternoon: — errands — read — play Overwatch — play a physical game — house stuff — …

2023-06-18 PSA: Standby mode in the iPhone is great—when it works. I should learn to write widgets. #ios

2023-06-18 “When I look at the calendar, I see it’s no longer 1972. I realize it’s 2020. I may not make it to …

2023-06-18 “When you follow your passion, you tend to forget the important people and stuff.” #writing

2023-06-18 “Damn it!” My response: “Find a beaver.”

2023-06-18 What is the correct word which describes the .commonality between iOS and iPadOS? I don’t like to …

2023-06-18 Things I learned today: Holding the space bar in iOS lets you move the insertion cursor without …

2023-06-18 “Manspreading “ with one’s hands and arms is a thing apparently. #failure

2023-06-18 “Refresh” assumes you’ve been fresh. My mother taught me better.

2023-06-18 “He was sweaty the way only a man could be.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-18 SuperNote #writing #fountainpen

2023-06-18 “Do better, not more.” My new motto. I’m not sure I can live up to the second part. I already try …

2023-06-18 What if programmers produced documentation the way ikea did?

2023-06-18 I ran into a problem with @Observed this morning. I may have to dig into it to see whether it’s …

2023-06-18 Today’s writing instruments.

2023-06-18 I feel like some hot wings with my writing today. #micro_blog

2023-06-18 Happy National Panic Day.

2023-06-18 Good morning, all. Another smoky day with sunshine. Be grateful for the sunshine. Time for the …

2023-06-17 Today was a productive day. i even managed to eat lunch and write outside. With any luck, tomorrow …

2023-06-17 OK. It seems I’m “back on the air.” Thanks @help

2023-06-17 today went too fast

2023-06-17 Test test

2023-06-17 If anyone can see this, is broken.

2023-06-17 What drives you to be? #life #success

2023-06-17 My timeline is borked. And my posts are invisible.

2023-06-17 Bud Lite: the beer that comes out of everyone’s water taps.

2023-06-17 Test. Is this thing on?

2023-06-17 The skies are still smokey, but the sun is out.

2023-06-17 Good morning, all. Have an enjoyable, restful Saturday. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-16 Time for some music. I should really edit and publish the short story I wrote around this. Also, …

2023-06-16 If you’re too legit to quit, you’re working too hard. It’s Friday. Time to quit.

2023-06-16 What you do is always more important than what you say. #life

2023-06-16 It’s Friday. Begin the shutdown process.

2023-06-16 NASA is making Daleks #doctorwho #nasa

2023-06-16 @help @manton Just got this on the web.

2023-06-16 Swift TinyDB Library Progress and the New Xcode #programming #xcode #tinydb

2023-06-16 Free idea for someone: Take the SwiftDocC .docarchive and convert it into an ePub so we can have …

2023-06-16 Good morning. Do it so you have it when you need it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-15 Added a book, Martin Gardner’s Table Magic, by Martin Gardner to my Tsundoku shelf. #books

2023-06-15 I think I’ll make pancakes with some of the blueberries from my bush.

2023-06-15 I wish there was a way to create dynamic plugins in Swift, iOS. Why does Apple love monolithic apps? …

2023-06-15 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-15 Yay! My lone blueberry bush has another bumper crop this year.

2023-06-15 I’m going to quit using the iPadOS app. The stream is always an hour or so behind the …

2023-06-15 Happy Justice for Janitors Day. It’s also Magna Carta Day. Janitors apparently had to clean up after …

2023-06-15 PSA: If your app requires a subscription without a free trial, what are you thinking? Oh, and a free …

2023-06-15 Overheard: “I was living with somebody.” Apparently, you don’t have to know who you are living with… …

2023-06-15 “Tony surveyed His domain, with godly smugness and satisfaction. He declared it good. But even if …

2023-06-15 “All the great Gods are busy. We’ve assigned Tony. He’s lazy, and pretty bad as gods go, but it’s …

2023-06-15 Added a book, Martin Gardner’s Table Magic, by Martin Gardner to my Tsundoku shelf. #books

2023-06-15 Good morning, all. Don’t assume the worst about others, even if they prove you wrong. Time for …

2023-06-14 It’s interesting how many “dead” podcasts exist. It seems there really aren’t a lot of still-ongoing …

2023-06-14 I feel I should be accomplishing more.

2023-06-14 Be purposeful. Without purpose, you’re just winging it. #life #success

2023-06-14 Anyone going to try some newness tomorrow? #micro_blog

2023-06-14 PSA: Drink some water.

2023-06-14 Happy Pop Goes the Weasel Day …which reminds me of… Weird Al’s “Weasel Stomping Day” …

2023-06-14 Rice and black beans for lunch with a few veggies thrown in for good measure. #food

2023-06-14 Comcast says it’s to hard to list all of its fees. That means it has way too many. …

2023-06-14 Ok. i’ve rebult the bookshelves so they don’t show the wrong bookcovers. …

2023-06-14 @Manton I’m passing an ID in the ISBN field, and the URL of a generic free clipart book image. …

2023-06-14 In case you’re still curious, Oreo, one of The Gathering, has adopted me. It now follows me …

2023-06-14 Hello. Be helpful to those who ask for it. Don’t force help on those that don’t need or …

2023-06-13 If you do something without (a) reason, you have no way or right to judge what you do. #life …

2023-06-13 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-13 I was born boring.

2023-06-13 Ok. Registered for Philcon.

2023-06-13 It’s not work or a job if you like what you’re doing. #life #success

2023-06-13 I should register for Philcon. I’m sure I’ll be disappointed by most of it.

2023-06-13 I should play soem Overwatch later. Maybe some Diablo even later.

2023-06-13 Misrread the menu item as “bruised short ribs”. Makes sense. #food #writing

2023-06-13 My senseof humore is, motly, back after The Dark Times. I’ve lost a bit of my snark, however.~

2023-06-13 I really want to see what the Apple journaling app is about. Weird idea. What if everyapp had a …

2023-06-13 When you’re in debt and going to school, you have intuition. There is no such thing as outuition. …

2023-06-13 Today is one of the days I’d love to know how to sketch dot dot dot

2023-06-13 “We all want for nothing—nothing to want, that is.” #writing

2023-06-13 Anyone getting things done today? I’m really trying. Or so some people have said about me.

2023-06-13 I’m using the API to add some books. A lot are Kindle and have no ISBN. I think that’s causing the …

2023-06-13 I spent the morning setting up the new MBA. Time to eat and free-write.

2023-06-13 I hope everyone is having a non-stressful day

2023-06-13 Good morning. Find time for your mental well-being. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-12 Nice. The new MBA adapter has two ports. #apple

2023-06-12 Create something timeless. If you can’t do that, make something that will last a lifetime. And then …

2023-06-12 The skies have opened up here. With any luck it will scrub the smoke away.

2023-06-12 I’m editing my time travel novel. Time for a time-critical lunch break. #writing

2023-06-12 Happy Ghost in the Machine Day

2023-06-12 TinyDB - #blog #programming

2023-06-12 Time to switch it up. My backup pen ran out of ink. Jinhao 159 Orange (F) with Noodlers North …

2023-06-12 Habits are just reactions to either internal or external stimuli. #life

2023-06-12 Good morning. It’s another week, another chance to mess up. Time for the ceremonial coffee. …

2023-06-11 Hm Safari has user profiles now. Wish other Apple apps did. Good way to split work from play. #wwdc …

2023-06-11 You can do this with any reminders list now. I just wanted to see if I could do Kanban. #wwdc …

2023-06-11 Reminders now has a save as template functionality. So you can create a Kanban template and have a …

2023-06-11 Re the previous post. Sorry. That’s the Reminders app, not the Notes app ;) I guess I edited the …

2023-06-11 This is cool! I just played around with Reminders app in iOS 17. Look what I was able to make. …

2023-06-11 Time to switch it up. 3D printed 1.1mm with Colorverse Stars and Stripes #fountainpen

2023-06-11 Have meaningful adventures.

2023-06-11 Got a great review of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” from a reader on …

2023-06-11 “It’s a tool only if it doesn’t do your thinking for you.” — future proverb I just made up

2023-06-11 It’s interesting, in a horrifying way, that most articles and blogs on writing are now pushing the …

2023-06-10 I was thinking of smoking some ribs tomorrow, but I don’t think the planet could take it.

2023-06-10 Seems there are a lot of YouTube videos based on ”Put this stuff in this other junk and you won’t be …

2023-06-10 “Stick an arm down your own throat and pull out all your flaws.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-10 The new predictive text / autocorrect seems to throw an extra s at the end of words. #wwdc

2023-06-10 Another example of Shakespaerean era words. “Boarding” comes from the wooden plank, or board on …

2023-06-10 Lol. A guy decided to tell me his life story. He wasn’t even drunk. And he claimed he was an …

2023-06-10 Gratuitouss fish taco pic.

2023-06-10 If you can’t have fun, someone else will at your expense.

2023-06-10 Back up your work. I always take a photo of each page of writing from my notebooks. When i …

2023-06-10 Observed: “His wallet was phat. He asked if the restaurantant took US dollars. Accountants are never …

2023-06-10 Observed: “The three strode in like they were accountants. They wore suits. They ordered spring …

2023-06-10 Disclaimer: all future grammatical and spelling errors are Apple’s predictive text. All those in …

2023-06-10 I need to learn something new. What should I learn next?

2023-06-10 “He was life’s cockroach. He’d survived it all by living in the shadows.” #writing

2023-06-10 I want to get one of The Gathering to the vet next week. I wonder which it will be, and how I will …

2023-06-10 The new autocorrect/predictive text still makes a ton of mistakess. #wwdc #ios

2023-06-10 Do you see patterns, or that which breaks the pattern? I think your answer says a lot about you. …

2023-06-10 Observed: “he was a diet-conscious Colonel Sanders; with white hair, neatly trimmed beard, and …

2023-06-10 The band is decent today. Lots of CCR that sounds right. #music

2023-06-10 I have too much junk in my head and the garbage collection routine is broken. #life #writing

2023-06-10 I wonder if forks have instructions in other countries.

2023-06-10 A woman near to me has an iPhone he that looks like she Bedazzled(tm). If you know, you’re …

2023-06-10 I still haven’t found a good local writer’s retreat event. Maybe I’ll just book a week on KI and …

2023-06-10 I haven’t overheard anything interestingg or usable today. It’s still early. #writing

2023-06-10 I’m trying to decide between fish and chips, and tacos.

2023-06-10 “Live each moment as if it’s your first one-with childlike wonder and curiosity.” #life #success

2023-06-10 I hope everyone enjoys the lack of smoke here.

2023-06-10 The air is breathable so I’m outside for lunch and writing

2023-06-10 “May the power of JSON protect you.” #throwawayline

2023-06-10 Good morning, all. Enjoying the day is worth it. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-09 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-09 What’s everyone playing this weekend?

2023-06-09 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead.

2023-06-09 I want to have some fun this weekend but I’ll end up doing what I always do.

2023-06-09 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-09 Hm my lock screen on the iPad is complaining location services are off. Not sure what’s using it. …

2023-06-09 It’s time to thank all of you who read my posts, interact with me, and otherwise put up with …

2023-06-09 The best flavor soup is Honey Nut Chex.

2023-06-09 Be kind to yourself and others. It’s Friday.

2023-06-09 The Continuity - #programming

2023-06-09 The smoke is easing up here. Not much, but I can just about make out the sun. #micro_blog

2023-06-09 Happy Earl Day

2023-06-09 Good morning. Persevere through the day so you make it to the weekend. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-06-08 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-08 Hey everyone! Tomorrow’s Friday!

2023-06-08 Anyone planning skullduggery tomorrow?

2023-06-08 “Is anyone truly sane? I think not. The sanest person is still less sane than a stone. The stone at …

2023-06-08 Apple Watch beta drained the battery in about 8 hours, and I don’t’ think I got a warning. Beware. …

2023-06-08 Happy Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day. I wish I had some.

2023-06-08 Heh. Weather Channel headline: “Thick smoke swallows New York City”. Apparently, it just …

2023-06-08 On the other hand, meteorologists are probably having a field day being able to track airflows with …

2023-06-08 Somewhere, a conspiracy theorist is predicting the smoke from Canada will start a new Ice Age.

2023-06-08 if you plan on having a conniption, please do it in the privacy of your closet. #life

2023-06-08 So how many of you have/are going to order a VisionPro? #apple #wwdc #visionpro

2023-06-08 Back in my day, we had vagrants and loiterers. #micro_blog

2023-06-08 Apparently, make them out of rubber… …

2023-06-08 I’ve been erranding all morning. Time to eat and write stuff.

2023-06-08 Yeah, well. This isn’t good. #air

2023-06-08 Do great things. If you can’t do great things, do good things. If you can’t do good things, don’t …

2023-06-08 The cursor I hate. #wwdc

2023-06-08 I hate the new text cursor. #wwdc #ios #mac #apple

2023-06-08 Good morning. Wear your mask. It’s smokey out there. Time for the ceremonial coffee. …

2023-06-07 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-07 If you’re going to make mistakes, learn from the best. #life #success


2023-06-07 Well, today wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped it would be. i hope tomorrow will be less …

2023-06-07 Don’t forget to hydrate.

2023-06-07 I started playing a little Diablo IV after lunch. Blizzard has upped its story and cinematics, but …

2023-06-07 Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Keep the bathwater. You can use it to water plants.

2023-06-07 Happy VCR Day

2023-06-07 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-07 “The Man With All The Cards”… #writing #blog

2023-06-07 The new predictive typing model on the Mac is good. When you type there is a faded set of possible …

2023-06-07 I guess I won’t be sleepingg with the windows open for a while

2023-06-07 I woke up wondering why my throat felt rough and the air system was going full-blast. Then I looked …

2023-06-06 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-06 Had Books randomly start playing an audio book on the iPad. Car play also crashed. Beware! #wwdc

2023-06-06 “Stay in touch” is such a weird and uncomfortable colloquialism. There aren’t many people I’d want …

2023-06-06 “The universe isn’t all there is.” #writing

2023-06-06 Split-screen multi-apps in iPadOS still don’t’ let you shift the split arbitrarily. #wwdc #failure

2023-06-06 Assume you haven’t done it. Then do it. #life #success

2023-06-06 How do you plan on being annoying tomorrow?

2023-06-06 I should really play Diablo IV since I bought it. #diablo

2023-06-06 This still hasn’t been fixed. Raising the iPad over my head still doesn’t work. #wwdc

2023-06-06 Now that I’ve transcribed “The Man With All the Cards”, I can get back to editing “Out of Time”. …

2023-06-06 Question: I know some European countries/nationalities find smiling to be unnatural unless you’re …

2023-06-06 “Life isn’t meant to be lived. It is meant to be reveled in.” #writing #life

2023-06-06 Observed: “The three were a gang who wore black baseball caps, brims to the back. All except the …

2023-06-06 Don’t sour on life. Sour on beer and kraut. #life

2023-06-06 OK. I successfully scrubbed my AIr of all XCode fragments, leftovers, and droppings. I’ve …

2023-06-06 I should get order a book to read on my vacation.

2023-06-06 Just ordered a portobello burger for lunch.

2023-06-06 Is this new in Safari on iOS/iPadOS, or have I been blind? #wwdc

2023-06-06 What side-projects are you working on? I should keep track of mine so I don’t forget some of them. …

2023-06-06 Am I wrong? Weren’t we supposed to get an email overhaul? Nothing new in Mail. #wwdc #mail

2023-06-06 Nothing new in the camera app. #wwdc

2023-06-06 I miss programming in TAL. #programming

2023-06-06 I don’t see anything new in the Playgrounds app. Bummer. I was hoping Apple would make it more …

2023-06-06 Well, Swift now interops with C++ Really? I need Python. #wwdc

2023-06-06 Apple’s Airport Utility still works, but it needs to be updated to work with non-Apple routers now. …

2023-06-06 IPadOS is a bit buggy crashy, but that’s ok. Just dont install it if you aren’t a dev. #wwdc

2023-06-06 It’s a chilly, cloudy, and smokey day here. #micro_blog

2023-06-06 Hm. It seems like the new iPadOS goes to sleep/blanks much quicker. Wish there was a pref to turn it …

2023-06-06 I’m pleased by some of the “lifestyle” improvements in the OSes this year. Time to switch gears and …

2023-06-06 This is new in SwiftUI apps. At least in mine. #wwdc #ui

2023-06-06 Hm. Nice. The Grocery app can use a grocery reminder list. Apparently, the changes to Reminders …

2023-06-06 I don’t see any major improvements in any of the other Apple apps, just a few minor things like …

2023-06-06 I don’t see anything new in the Books app. Bummer. #wwdc #books

2023-06-06 Links in the Notes app are cool, and all, but Apple should have gone full Wiki with the Notes app. …

2023-06-06 Grocery lists in the Reminders app, is great. Auto categorizes food. #ios

2023-06-06 Not a productive morning here. Hope yours is going better.

2023-06-06 I’ll let it calm down and try later.

2023-06-06 I’m trying to get one of The Gathering, Caramel, into a carrier. It looks like someone took a …

2023-06-06 Good morning, all. Stay on target. Stay on target. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-05 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-05 The new iPad Health app looks great #iPados

2023-06-05 I seriously hate XCode. Even the new beta is still borked. How can people test on a device? Every …

2023-06-05 OK. Spatial personas are coming… It’s obvious, but still very cool. #wwdc #visionpro

2023-06-05 I like that Apple has integrated accessibility as a priority in VisionPro and RealityOS. #wwdc

2023-06-05 I love how they stress “it’s never been easier”. That doesn’t mean it’s ever easy. #wwdc

2023-06-05 SwiftData. Um. Let’s see… fingers crossed. #wwdc

2023-06-05 Yay! No more observable/publishers, unless you want them. #swiftui #swift

2023-06-05 I’m trying to remember. Didn’t the early iPhone (or maybe Android) have a touch/tap/handshake phones …

2023-06-05 I guess I’ll have to wait a bit longer for the developer goodies… as usual. #wwdc

2023-06-05 WWDC 2023 Thoughts: #wwdc

2023-06-05 Well that’s right out of my league, price-wise. #visionpro #wwdc

2023-06-05 Apple Vision Pro implies an Apple Vision (cheaper/less capable). #wwdc #visionpro

2023-06-05 Gah! Excel in VisionPro. Barf! #wwdc

2023-06-05 I hope they have a developer hefty discount to visionPro #visionpro #wwdc

2023-06-05 visionOS #wwdc

2023-06-05 Um. Vision Pro has a built-in 3D video camera too? Wow. #visionpro #wwdc

2023-06-05 Ok. This is a plus. Being able to type on a real keyboard. I hadn’t considered that as an option. …

2023-06-05 I’m impressed. #wwdc #visionpro

2023-06-05 VisionPro is definitely different. It’s not meant to be a game adjunct. Now I’m interested. #wwdc …

2023-06-05 “Spatial Computing.” #wwdc #visionpro

2023-06-05 Um. OK. this is good. Gesture controlled without the use of gauntlets and finger sensors. Watch out …

2023-06-05 Interesting. It’s being marketed as a “new kind of computer”. #visionpro

2023-06-05 “One more thing…” returns. #wwdc

2023-06-05 OK. New Health stuff is good. #wwdc

2023-06-05 I doubt more game devs are going to switch from PC or consoles. Not much has changed re Mac game …

2023-06-05 Face Time is something I have yet to use. I guess it requires people.

2023-06-05 OK. Health on the iPad is something I wanted. Now I can add health data to my journals without …

2023-06-05 NameDrop seems to be the big thing in iOS17 for me. #wwdc

2023-06-05 Heh, StandBy assumes you have a dock that charges horizontally in an upright mode. #fail #wwdc

2023-06-05 Hm. Journal doesn’t look as good or featured as I’d hoped it would. Unless it has a lot more, it’s …

2023-06-05 OK. Journal. Let’s see what you got.

2023-06-05 Stickers? Eh. I’ll never use them.

2023-06-05 State of current Apple voice mail transcipts. Got this at lunch.

2023-06-05 MacPro is pretty amazing, but I don’t need one. #wwdc

2023-06-05 If Apple announces a new iPad mini, I’m all on it. Doubt that will happen at WWDC.

2023-06-05 Time for lunch and writing. I wasted all morning fighting XCode trying to get it to work. Oh well. …

2023-06-05 If you’re thinking you’re not observing. #life

2023-06-05 Hello. Another week, is another chance. Make the most and best of it. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-06-04 Added a book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-06-04 Anyone planning to be here tomorrow?


2023-06-04 If tomorrow never comes, neither does the next hour, minute, nor the next instant. Live now. #life …

2023-06-04 Life, like business, should never be a competition. #life

2023-06-04 Hello. Make it better. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-06-03 Time for some music.… #music

2023-06-03 Support good people. #life #success

2023-06-03 I think I’ll take it easy tomorrow.

2023-06-03 I am on the precipice of Sunday.

2023-06-03 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-03 You need not fill silence with your words and thoughts. Silence needs to breathe. #life #success

2023-06-03 Anyone having a dance battle today?

2023-06-03 Your life is forbidden to all but you. #life

2023-06-03 What is your daily quest?

2023-06-03 Fish tacos consumed.

2023-06-03 Is beforewards the antonym for afterwards? #writing

2023-06-03 “Life is difficult until you die.” #writing

2023-06-03 No one aspires to be a Neanderthal. Why is that? Seems prejudiced.

2023-06-03 You don’t need time or cost to manage a project. Flame on. #management #project

2023-06-03 “Absorb knowledge like Teflon. That’s what many do.” #writing

2023-06-03 “The endless night ends when the sun comes up.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-03 Tacos, desu.

2023-06-03 “I just discovers I have a mole.” “That’s nothing. I have three hamsters.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-03 Autocorrect is useless. It thongs wrotong is a word. #autocorrect #failure

2023-06-03 I think I’m torn, into shreds, between fish ‘n’ chips and fish tacos for lunch.

2023-06-03 Today’s writing tools. I got four pages done. #writing

2023-06-03 “There are no shortcuts except on iOS.” #wrotong #throwawayline.

2023-06-03 Apple really needs to work on what you could do with a touch surface on the back of an IPhone. You …

2023-06-03 “Your’re just another brick in the wall, and the wall is need of serious repair.” #writing …

2023-06-03 “You’re not the person I married ten years ago.” “No one is.” “I know that! I mean you’re my …

2023-06-03 A server just asked me how long I’ve been writing. “Before you were born. That doesn’t make me …

2023-06-03 “You know, you’re my chum, right?” “You mean fish bait?” “You got it” #writing

2023-06-03 If you’re a singer, don’t overdrive the amp, or hit the amp’s harmonic frequency.

2023-06-03 I need to figure out how to best display a project in my Tiny Projects app. Maybe railroad tracks. …

2023-06-03 Never wear a hospital gown out in public.

2023-06-03 “I’d like the frog legs, please.” “It looks like you already do.” #writing

2023-06-03 I’m out by the water, as planned. Today is supposed to be nicest day of the cloudy and rainy …

2023-06-03 I have seen the nothingness before birth and peered into the dark void of death and non-existence . …

2023-06-03 PSA: My username is pronounced: ARK-ih-MAGE, not Arch-Image. Just so you know. As in ARK-angel. ;)

2023-06-03 Time to switch it up. A button filler (F) I restored with Monteverde Blue-Black. I never took the …

2023-06-03 Good morning. Go outside today. You do know there’s an outside, don’t you? Time for the …

2023-06-02 Plan for tomorrow: — code — get outside and write — eat seafood? — play some games — read

2023-06-02 I’ve spent a couple of hours mindstorming a project I’m calling “Tiny Projects”. It’s going to be a …

2023-06-02 Does your life have a highlight reel? Why are you still using reels?

2023-06-02 It’s Friday evening. Time for a small glass of mead.

2023-06-02 I need to research Yakuza and the Triad for my next book… #writing

2023-06-02 “Sometimes, son, life is like sandpaper. It grates.” #writing

2023-06-02 Ok. Dr. Pepper’s Strawberries and Cream soda is actually passable for strawberries and cream. I’m …

2023-06-02 Your life has a deleted scene. Write it. #writing #life #prompt

2023-06-02 “What if you could capture your lover’s heart and nail it to the wall?” #writing

2023-06-02 I’m not an interesting person, but I like interesting people and things.

2023-06-02 It’s a hot day. 88ºF. Nice.

2023-06-02 What fun things do you have planned for this weekend? Me? I plan to sit by the water, enjoy the …

2023-06-02 Soliciting new band/music that has captured you in the last month or so. No “celebrity” or “top 100” …

2023-06-02 When was the last time you bought a family of socks?

2023-06-02 It’s time to start winding down toward the weekend. Be nice to those around you.

2023-06-02 Oh wow. I just got an idea for a new book. But it will have to wait. #writing

2023-06-02 Hold yourself accountable. #life #success

2023-06-02 If you’re going to shoot the ball, make sure it’s dead. #sport #throwawayline

2023-06-02 Anyone remember “efficiency experts”? I think we need some now.

2023-06-02 “You’re an amateur until you accept money. Then you are a pro, regardless of how bad you are.” #life …

2023-06-02 PSA: Cross-posting isn’t about posting when you are angry. When you are, don’t. #socialmedia

2023-06-02 If you wait too long, it will be too late. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-06-02 What did you accomplish this week? Me? I made a lot of mistakes.

2023-06-02 “Hers was a life in stasis. It was cold, dark, and dead.” #writing

2023-06-02 “Life has a new lower price.” #writing

2023-06-02 One thing I don’t expect from #wwdc is a better game strategy. Apple seems content with Arcade. …

2023-06-02 I think I’ll play some BotW this eve. I dont’ feel it right to jump right into TotK. #nintendo

2023-06-02 I need to rethink how I implmented my tinyDB wrapper. I’m running into issues. #programming #db …

2023-06-02 “The tide comes in and the tilde goes out. That’s how the wash gets done.” #throwawayline

2023-06-02 When you do a cannonball into a water, why isn’t that called a slam dunk?

2023-06-02 PSA: Back up your work, whether it’s code, writing, or your mind. #life #success #writing

2023-06-02 “He drove an old car. It was rusted and pockmarked. So was he.” #writing

2023-06-02 “Enjoy the present, Enjoy the death that awaits, The future rests now.” #writing #haiku

2023-06-02 Orleans, the music group, and Stihl, the chainsaw company, missed a great chance to collaborate. If …

2023-06-02 Wait! It’s the day before the weekend. And we all know what that means! It’s Friday! Rejoice! Canter …

2023-06-02 “Death is the realization that you will never finish everything you want to.” #writing

2023-06-02 “It is the dark heart of the day, the time between lunch and dinner when you are supposed to work, …

2023-06-02 I would rather discover a new friend, than a new land. #life #success

2023-06-02 The weather has been gorgeous all week, despite the Canadian smoke. With my luck, it will rain again …

2023-06-02 Phew! I’m finally getting near the end of transcribing my set of linked short stories. …

2023-06-02 Photo up. #photography

2023-06-02 WWDC 2023 - What I Would Like to See #wwdc #ios #apple

2023-06-02 Hello. Still here? Good. Have a nice day. Time for the ceremonial coffee. #micro_blog

2023-06-01 Don’t save up your anger for a special occasion.

2023-06-01 There is this app, which shall remain unnamed that I like, but I pulled its data file apart only to …

2023-06-01 I should go to the local farm this weekend. It’s pea season. Fresh peas. Yum.

2023-06-01 Delaware is very smoky. Thanks Canada. Next time send some salmon with the smoke.

2023-06-01 What if social networks didn’t require you to hit the “Post” button, but would auto-send on …

2023-06-01 You only need to use an AI if you are missing the I. Also, I’m seeing a bunch of people touting AI …

2023-06-01 A fair price isn’t out of reach of the majority and doesn’t degrade your self-worth. — ancient …

2023-06-01 “Everything and everyone looks pretty much the same when they are run over.” #life #writing

2023-06-01 “He took a sip of the golden colored ale. ‘Son,’ he said, newer isn’t always better. New is just the …

2023-06-01 “He snuck into his neighbor’s yard late one night. The grass would be his.” #writing #prompt

2023-06-01 I still hope Apple announces a new modern NewtonScript at WWDC. I miss template programming. It made …

2023-06-01 Remember when Segways were big and were going to take over personal transport? Me either.

2023-06-01 Observed: “The wizened old man hummed a 3/3 pattern Occasionally, he slipped into a 4/3 beat just to …

2023-06-01 “You kids get off my lawn! The neighbor’s is nicer, greener, and fluffier.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-01 “I’m an optimistic curmudgeon.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-06-01 The wealthier you are, the more people will listen and believe what you say hoping you share the …

2023-06-01 Blogs

2023-06-01 What obstructs you and keeps you from attaining your goals? #life #success

2023-06-01 It’s time for lunch and free-writing. I got a decent amount accomplished this morning.

2023-06-01 Good morning. Get stuff done today. Make your day productive and worth it. Time for the ceremonial …


2023-05-31 I made some deviled eggs for lunch. I don’t make them enough. #food

2023-05-31 It’s time for a break. I’ve gotten enough stuff done.

2023-05-31 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-31 Happy Speak in Complete Sentences Day.

2023-05-30 Photo up #photography


2023-05-30 LiDAR never tells the truth. #throwawayline

2023-05-30 Cool. I figured out how to sync RaspberryPi files with Syncthing by going through the Mac. The key …

2023-05-30 Good morning. Play nice with others. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-30 Good morning. Play nice with others. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-29 Not everything is under your control. How you respond to everything, is. #life #success

2023-05-29 Tomorrow, I fall back into my rut. #micro_blog

2023-05-29 The world changes rapidly, so must you. When your goals change, so must your process. #Life

2023-05-29 Made it back home. Yay

2023-05-29 Good morning. Safe travels through life, time, and space today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-28 Hm. Rumors of a new MacBook Air have surfaced. Not sure why we’d get a new MBA so soon… It’s either …

2023-05-28 “We are all heroes. Some of us are just more heroic than others.” #writing

2023-05-28 “I don’t know. I think mold might grow on me after a while.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-28 I’m relaxing and free-writing in the lobby of the hotel as I sip a glass of Merlot. Can’t remember …

2023-05-28 Switched to my backup pen. Nibbage. #fountainpen

2023-05-28 This has been a do-nothing vacation, since there’s not much to do in Fredrick, apart from shop and …


2023-05-28 The way to break a bad habit is to create a good one which is stronger. #life #success

2023-05-28 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-28 Make memories, not problem. #life

2023-05-28 I think it’s time I retire 1Password 7 and just use the Apple Keychain. I wonder how hard it will be …

2023-05-28 Lunch consumed. +1 to contentment, -2 to health, -1 to energy.

2023-05-28 I’m looking forward to the new Apple journaling app. I’m sure they have some good ideas I can …

2023-05-28 The iPad version of the Mb app has update problems. Posts show up in the timeline multi-minutes …

2023-05-28 If you don’t remember the last time you laughed, you might want to check if you’re dead.

2023-05-28 This place needs a bowling alley. Heh

2023-05-28 “The Zombification of Maude”, would make a good title. #writing

2023-05-28 I’m listeningi in on a side-conversation between two guys. would make a good horror/stalker book. …

2023-05-28 Watching the discourse about “likes/reactions” on My two pfennigs-worth: Likes/reactions …

2023-05-28 I’m at a sports bar right now. It’s pretty empty. I guess it’s the holiday. I can get some writing …

2023-05-28 What are you having for lunch? I need some ideas, but I’ll probably end up with a burger.

2023-05-28 I plan on having a lazy day today. That’s what vacation is for, right?

2023-05-28 Happy The Slugs Return from Capistrano Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-05-28 I wonder how much money Apple is going to get out of me this WWDC. #wwdc #apple

2023-05-28 I overslept again. I think I needed a break more than I thought, or the hotel bed is more …

2023-05-28 Good morning. It’s still the weekend. Check your inner dialogue at the door, please. Time for the …

2023-05-27 Tomorrow is supposed to be yucky. That’s a meteorological term.

2023-05-27 Live life with gratitude and joy. #llife

2023-05-27 Nibbage #fountainpen

2023-05-27 Hm There is a Kryspy Kreme doughnut shop nearby. Maybe I’ll buy a dozen when I go home.

2023-05-27 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-27 Why do podcast guests always claim they are “excited to be here”? Either they don’t get out much, …

2023-05-27 Hm. I should be able to sync iCloud files with RaspberryPi files. I think I’ll try that once I’m …

2023-05-27 Lunch. Chcken Sausage and

2023-05-27 Found a nice spot to eat outside in Fredrick. It’s lunch and free writing time

2023-05-27 Practice makes better, sometimes—perfect, never. #life #success

2023-05-27 All companies, products, and platforms that use AI, should be required to disclose that fact. Too …

2023-05-27 Hm. You can install Auto-GPT on a RaspberryPi, but it requires internet access and uses Open-AI …

2023-05-27 Remember when newsletters weren’t about selling or promoting stuff? #newsletter #spam

2023-05-27 “I didn’t like how the movie ended.” Me: “Really? Why?” “I don’t’ know. I didn’t watch it. Explain …

2023-05-27 The process, as well as the goal, will never be perfect; expect problems along the way. That’s part …

2023-05-27 Why do cafes/restaurants give you a cardboard sleeve for your hot beverages? Wouldn’t it be easier …

2023-05-27 Vicious Rumor: Apple in secret talks to acquire Nintendo to enter the game market. #apple #nintendo

2023-05-27 It’s a sunny, cool (temperature-wise) day. I’ll go explore later. For now, I’m nursing my coffee and …

2023-05-27 The guy next to me keeps saying, “Oh my God”., but I’m too sleepy, still, to go over and say, …

2023-05-27 Happy Sun Screen Protection Day Protect your tube.

2023-05-27 I overslept this morning. I must’ve needed it.

2023-05-27 Good morning. Play the hand you were dealt without bemoaning others’.However, make sure the deck and …

2023-05-26 Plan for tomorrow: — find breakfast. — relax. — explore Fredrick. — write. — eat lunch. — read. — …

2023-05-26 Remember when Disney made good animated movies?

2023-05-26 I need to find a good breakfast place in Fredrick MD tomorrow. I’m not a breakfast eater, but I eat …

2023-05-26 Jelly beans or gummy bears?

2023-05-26 I’ll have to make up tomorrow, for not writing as much as I wanted to, today.

2023-05-26 Got challenged into eating some “extreame heat” wings. Nothing was bet. I won. The wings were mildly …

2023-05-26 Not getting any writing done. This place is crowded and people are talking to me.

2023-05-26 Don’t write someone else’s story. Write your own novel. #writing #success

2023-05-26 Creativity doesn’t require perfection. #life #success

2023-05-26 Didn’t expect this from the International House of Pancakes. #food

2023-05-26 OK. I reworked the UI of MicroJournals yet again. I like this version.

2023-05-26 Happy World Dracula Day

2023-05-26 Short day for me. Heading to a weekend vacation later. Yay.

2023-05-26 Hello. Remember, it’s Friday. You’re allowed to slack off a bit. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-05-25 What mindless things are you doing today?

2023-05-25 I think I’ll do the laundry quest now.

2023-05-25 I’m looking forward to WWDC. I doubt Apple is going to make XCode (or Swift/SwiftUI) better or …

2023-05-25 I think I’ll start a dead-stream. Just show a picture of a coffin. #media

2023-05-25 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-25 Time to switch it up. Ohto Rook (M) w/Noodlers Polar Bear Brown. My backup for the weekend …

2023-05-25 Tell a story first. Then figure out what your message should be. #writing #success

2023-05-25 Everyone starts somewhere. Make sure you start and start at the right point. #life #success

2023-05-25 Happy Towel Day Know where it is.

2023-05-25 Good morning. Calm down. It’s not that important. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-24 “Life is easy until you have to live it.” #writing

2023-05-24 If you aren’t some you others trust, you probably only trust yourself. #life #failure

2023-05-24 70+ year old guys can still rock. Peter Gabriel… #music

2023-05-24 I forgot how much enjoy Mike Oldfield.… #music

2023-05-24 Caramel, one of The Gathering. #cat

2023-05-24 Sitting out on the deck and enjoying the weather. Two of The Gathering are keeping their distance.

2023-05-24 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-24 If you are more concerned about followers than creating, you are making content, not creating art. …

2023-05-24 I got Oreo, the friendliest and most adventurous member of The Gathering, into a cat carrier with …

2023-05-24 I’ve begun thinking about what to eat for lunch. I must be hungry.

2023-05-24 Anyone doing anything gnarly today?

2023-05-24 I want to ride the bike this weekend. The weather better comply.

2023-05-24 Hopefully, the weather will be nice. I want to ride the bike.

2023-05-24 I should start getting ready for the weekend.

2023-05-24 Just because you have invested a lot of time, it doesn’t mean your time was well invested. …

2023-05-24 Good morning. If you don’t enjoy what you do, are stressed, and aren’t having fun, you …

2023-05-23 The hops are doing well this year. #brewing

2023-05-23 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-23 I wonder if we’ll get a new iPad mini this year. #apple #ipad

2023-05-23 I always find it perturbing that Boston chose to pronounce it as “Sell-Tix” #sport #basketball

2023-05-23 “All my enemies want me to live.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-23 “Yesterday, I passed away. Now I wander the halls of the high-school, searching for the working …

2023-05-23 I’d still like to go to a writing retreat, but I can’t seem to find one within a reasonable distance …

2023-05-23 If you run in circles, make sure the radius increases. #life #success

2023-05-23 Some days, I am shocked that humans still hate other humans for the stupidest of things. #life …

2023-05-23 “A Distant Memory of a Future Long Gone” should be a title. #writing #prompt

2023-05-23 Stay optimistic, but within the bounds of reality and what is achievable. #life #success

2023-05-23 Got air into the bike and the bike is now charging. Time to eat and do some free-writing.

2023-05-23 It’s almost time for lunch and some free-writing. Getting stuff done this morning.

2023-05-23 @help this is what shows up when I add Kindle books to my bookshelves without a cover URL. It pulls …

2023-05-23 Happy Lucky Penny Day …if your name is Penny

2023-05-23 OK. I simplified and optimized the menu system. This is the new UI. This takes up a ton less space. …

2023-05-23 It’s Tuesday. You’re not allowed to go back to sleep. Time for the ceremonial coffee.


2023-05-22 Hm. The new version of the iPad app doesn’t seem to update the timeline, unless I quit …

2023-05-22 “Eew! You’re ugly.” “That’s because I’m an eldritch …

2023-05-22 it’s a gorgeoys evening. im scribbling on the deck Oreo, one of tof The Gathering, is keeping …

2023-05-22 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-22 “The little girl grinned up at the old man. ‘Daddy, when I grow up, I want to be an executioner, …

2023-05-22 It’s a gorgeous day here in NetDE. I would like it to last through the weekend, but I am almost …

2023-05-22 Time to hook up the API. #programming #microjournal

2023-05-22 Sold a copy of Last Call. Nice to have wait-staff that helps promote by word of mouth, because they …

2023-05-22 OK. I got some decent pages written during lunch. Time to switch gears and get back to some code.

2023-05-22 “We… we will stone you. We… we will stone you” Queen, decided these weren’t the lyrics they wanted. …

2023-05-22 “I picked up an extra suitcase. It’s my husband, Fred.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-22 OK. The “landscape” duo is staring at me, in a glancing way. Maybe they are assassins. Or maybe they …

2023-05-22 What do the cool kids call hobos nowadays?

2023-05-22 Wild thought. Do we really need an app to tell us how to split a bill two ways? Maybe we just need …

2023-05-22 Observed: Two guys at the bar. One is thin Dwayne Johnson wannabe. The other is trying to pass for a …

2023-05-22 “You should take a vacation away from yourself.” #writing #insult

2023-05-22 People don’t understand that I never “argue”. I block and mute, and report when necessary. In order …

2023-05-22 There should be a campy movie about camping.

2023-05-22 What if someone injected an AI-generated video of a murder into your door-cam? #writing #prompt

2023-05-22 Slow progress is still progress. Just know what your goal is. Progress without a goal is #life …

2023-05-22 “Your life has a new status. Delayed in transit.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-22 “The reason they call it a lottery is because there are a lot of stupid people thinking they’ll …

2023-05-22 “You think time zones are a problem now? Wait until you have extraterrestrial colonies.” #writing

2023-05-22 A good tool should not cause friction. — ancient proverb I just made up. #XCode causes me a lot of …

2023-05-22 ‘You can’t all be right, if I’m wrong.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-22 “Every time I see you, you seem older, and the older you get, the older you seem.” #writing

2023-05-22 “The waves raced across the lake, trying to escape the obese woman who had disturbed their stillness …

2023-05-22 “When the chips are down, eat the fries.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-22 “I knew your father, when he was your mother.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-22 Update on The Gathering. 3 of the 4 will enter a carrier for food. The 4th one, Spot, only shows up …

2023-05-22 Anyone remember Omni magazine? I miss good glossy SF mags. #books #magazine.

2023-05-22 “Son, life comes at you fast, like a semi barreling down on you, or a T1000 sent from the …

2023-05-22 Happy Sherlock Holmes Day … and to celebrate you could buy my Watson adventure. #books

2023-05-22 Good morning. It’s a new week. It’s a new set of problems. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-05-21 Added a book, Suspense Thriller, by Paul Tomlinson to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-05-21 Well, the weekend is winding down. One may hope that this coming week will be decent for all, and …

2023-05-21 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-21 “A midnight full of cats and other horrors.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-21 Hawaiian pizza consumed for lunch. And before you complain consider if you eat ham with pineapple. …

2023-05-21 “He was a chameleon without a face.” #writing

2023-05-21 Ok. That’s much better. I’ve mapped various tags to abstract tags. The number of …

2023-05-21 This is how you wake up in the morning, or start a concert. #music

2023-05-21 I’m coding while listening to music and sipping my coffee.

2023-05-21 Good morning. Life is a gift, use it before you hit the expiration date. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-05-20 Hm. I’ve parsed the export and created a db for each tag in my posts. Guess I need …

2023-05-20 Plan for tomorrow: – get outside, weather permitting. – code. – edit. – …

2023-05-20 Wait! Sears is still in business?

2023-05-20 Tomorrow

2023-05-20 I get too many ideas… I just got an idea to integrate the micro-journaling site I’m working on with …

2023-05-20 It’s time to thank everyone who interacts, follows, or puts up with me. Thank you all, very much. I …


2023-05-20 In the face of food, I eat.

2023-05-20 Interesting. Formula 1 drivers blink less and at predictable times/places. This implies that we too …

2023-05-20 It’s a day full of water torrentializing downward from the sky which cannot be seen.

2023-05-20 Hello. Despite what ever is happening in your life, be sure to be grateful for those around you. …

2023-05-19 Added a book, The New And Improved Flask Mega-Tutorial, by Miguel Grinberg to my Reading shelf. …

2023-05-19 It’s Friday. Time for a glass of mead.

2023-05-19 “What’s the worst thing that can happen? You could die. So what? We all die. So, go for it. Try. Do. …

2023-05-19 Group dance, like music, is a ritual. Even though there is joy, the real point is the shared …

2023-05-19 Some of the greatest accomplishments were achieved by the most ordinary of people. #life #success

2023-05-19 I’m entangled in this reality. #life

2023-05-19 Life isn’t a race. Faster isn’t better. Being the first to offer a solution or answer, even if it’s …

2023-05-19 Another rainy Saturday. :/ I guess I’ll be staying in again unless things change. #delaware

2023-05-19 Hm. Weird. The UI changes just vanished. Must have been an inadvertent test at

2023-05-19 Wow. Lots of nice UI changes in the iOS timestream UI just popped in.

2023-05-19 “God is just a being that can control the world with its thoughts, and he’s being pushed to the …

2023-05-19 “It’s never too late unless you’re late.”

2023-05-19 “You can afford to be nice. It doesn’t cost anything.” #writing #life

2023-05-19 If you judge others, expect to be judged. #life

2023-05-19 “He was born unable to see flesh. He didn’t understand race or gender. His world was skeletal and …

2023-05-19 Given today, remember: the shortest distance between two puns is a straight line.

2023-05-19 “His pate was covered in liver patè.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-19 The authors attending C3 list is growing.… This is …

2023-05-19 I’ll be in Fredrick MD next weekend, if you want to meet up and have a drink and chat.

2023-05-19 What have you accomplished today? I reworked my weather code. I got a haircut. I’m bout to partake …

2023-05-19 “Any sufficiently advanced program is indistinguishable from intelligence. And just like there is no …

2023-05-19 “Your path will take you through great dangers and horrors that you will strive to avoid. Your …

2023-05-19 I just realized I get to go someplace next week. They let me out.

2023-05-19 The year is almost half over. Winter will be here before you know it. Unless you’re way down south, …

2023-05-19 Don’t forget. It’s Friday. You get to start winding down, decompressing, and slowly easing into the …

2023-05-19 Cuthbert - #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-19 Time to eat. Time to write. No need to fight. Right? Spawning words at random.

2023-05-19 Be insightful. #life

2023-05-19 Happy O. Henry Pun-Off Day

2023-05-19 Good morning. Exhale. The week is over. Remember to inhale. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-18 “I may be old, but I’m still slow.” #writing #throwawayline


2023-05-18 Actually, they taste bland and all the same. I need to get a decent supplier of nuts and not resort …

2023-05-18 Sometimes I wonder about myself. A stranger next to me said, “Twelve out of thirteen people showed …

2023-05-18 I have eaten. I have written. I have overcome.

2023-05-18 Protecting your kids isn’t about supporting them, no matter what. Oftentimes, your kids are wrong. …

2023-05-18 “Hamilton on the Beach” - a musical rom-com set to 60s music. #prompt #screenplay #music #writing

2023-05-18 I think I’ll create a social site where you are only allowed to post ads. Then I’ll monetize it. Oh! …

2023-05-18 Listening isn’t about reacting or having an answer. Listening is about letting the other person …

2023-05-18 Why is it called the “weekend”? It’s just as much the “weekstart”.

2023-05-18 Overheard: “Unpaid bills are meant to be unpaid.” Otherwise, they would be bills? #writing …

2023-05-18 “Her one eye wasn’t lazy. It was just resting, waiting for the end of time.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-18 Congress is about to raise the sleep debt.

2023-05-18 Dummy me! I inked up the Laban, but forgot to bring it. Oh well. #writing #fountainpen

2023-05-18 My mind works in dark and mysterious ways and means to an end is only the beginning.

2023-05-18 A meal you wouldn’t want to eat: iPad Thai.

2023-05-18 “My parents would banish me from the house for not doing my chores. I would wander the tundra in …

2023-05-18 I think my iPad is telling me it’s time for an upgrade. The battery seems to be draining faster. I …

2023-05-18 “Back in my day we called the white bouncing ball, singing. We didn’t call it golf.” #writing …

2023-05-18 The more people do a certain thing, the more you can rely on them doing it again. And if you know …

2023-05-18 Spokane: the lost past future perfect tense of “spoken”. #writing

2023-05-18 Been listening to Nintendo podcasts. I want to play TotK, but I should try BotW yet again. I doubt …

2023-05-18 Time for a late lunch. I feel like (eating) wings.

2023-05-18 Time to switch it up. Laban Expression Jade Green (M) w/ Robert Oster Peppermint. #fountainpen

2023-05-18 OK. A productive morning of code and writing. It’s time for a break. Lunch will have to wait until …

2023-05-18 Happy No Dirty Dishes Day

2023-05-17 Added a book, First Time Killer, by Zak Allen to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-05-17 Maybe I should get back to screenwriting.

2023-05-17 Hm. They want to pitch “Last Call” for a movie? I get a lot of these spam calls. This one actually …

2023-05-17 Photo up. #photography


2023-05-17 “This is my Boom Stick. And this is my Boom Box. Let’s party.” #writing #throwawayline …

2023-05-17 Why is doing a backflip a sign of happiness/joy/elation, and not training? And why isn’t doing a …

2023-05-17 May the TriForce be with you.

2023-05-17 I learned a long long (long) time ago, that if you are fired, it isn’t about your capability, or …

2023-05-17 Interesting thought I just had. In our world fame outlived the death of a person. Now. some video …

2023-05-17 “Why don’t you come hang with me.” “I don’t think so. I’m not into racism.” Sincere apologies. …

2023-05-17 BTW, BotW is a close second. #gamedev #game

2023-05-17 With which game were you most disappointed? Me? Spore. #gamedev #game

2023-05-17 The latest member of The Gathering, whom I shall call Spot, for obvious reasons.’ They must’ve put …

2023-05-17 When life hits you in the eye, With a big pizza pie, It hurts like a sty, But you won’t die, So …

2023-05-17 “Death always knocks politely when it arrives. Many ignore it and then Death is forced to barge in …

2023-05-17 “You may ask wha tI do for a living, isn’t living enough?” #writing

2023-05-17 “You know things are really bad when you literally jump the shark only to be caught by it.” #writing …

2023-05-17 “My parents told me there was candy in the holes of an electrical socket.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-17 “My parents would taunt me until I pitched them the mouse.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-17 Writer’s block: n. where non-writers live. #writing

2023-05-17 I feel like playing some OW2 later.

2023-05-17 I’m surprised that when you search for “puzzle”, most of the stuff that comes up is jigsaw puzzles, …

2023-05-17 “Sam isn’t someone you want to mess with. That is, unless you like your insides on the outside and …

2023-05-17 “His mouth was full of food as he spoke. Most of it was unchewed, but the bits that were, dribbled …

2023-05-17 I hope everyone is having at least a somewhat enjoyable day.

2023-05-17 I’ve been doing house stuff all morning. Time to switch gears and do some writing.

2023-05-17 When you name something, you are really saying what it isn’t. #tao #life

2023-05-17 Hello. Bring some peace to the world. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-17 Hello. Bring some peace to the world. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-16 Time for some popcorn.

2023-05-16 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-16 Happy Love a Tree Day

2023-05-16 Hello. Remember to breathe. Drink lots of water. Take care of yourself. Take life seriously only …

2023-05-15 Added a book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 The question of whether we do or don’t live in a simulation is stupid. We are the simulation. #life

2023-05-15 Just found a Kaweco I lost 3 years ago. Needless to say it has no ink. #fountainpen

2023-05-15 Added a book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 Added a book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 Bird! Tufted titmouse #bird

2023-05-15 “Life is a waste of time.” #writing

2023-05-15 Added a book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 Added a book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 Added a new book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Read shelf. #books

2023-05-15 The Gathering is sleepy this morning, but on time. I’m trying to figure out how to get them to a …

2023-05-15 Greetings, Earthlings. Make this the best day up to now. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-14 Many people aren’t aware of what they are thinking and don’t understand the difference between …

2023-05-14 Anyone remember flash cubes?

2023-05-14 Hello. You can never run from who and what you are. You can only change. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-05-13 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-13 I guess I’m not going anywhere today. Storm moving in and the pressure headache along with it.

2023-05-13 I ordered free ground shipping and they sent me dirt.

2023-05-13 Seems is down for me since last nite.

2023-05-12 “Sometimes you need a hit in the face with a wet dish rag.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-12 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-12 Time to switch it up. Hero (EF) with Monteverde Ocean Noir. #fountainpen

2023-05-12 Anyone doing anything fun or worthwhile this weekend?

2023-05-12 Bummer. It’s supposed to be a rainy weekend. I was hoping to get outside.

2023-05-12 Hm. Just got a notification that Exposure Notifications have been turned off by Maryland. I guess …

2023-05-12 Good morning. It’s Friday. Find some closure to the week. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-11 “Mommy, what happens after you die?” “You have to give a PowerPoint presentation to God.” #writing …

2023-05-11 So, who’s bored? Go outside and map out a square foot of grass. Then go through it inch by inch and …

2023-05-11 This is what The Gathering does, even when the door is open. This is Creamsicle. He seems friendly …

2023-05-11 Photo up. #photography


2023-05-11 I think it’s time for a lunch break. I spent the morning doing errands and working on the …

2023-05-11 A noisy mind is a noisy world. #life #tao

2023-05-11 Good morning. Dive into the day, Swim to your goals. TIme for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-05-10 So, are we on for tomorrow?

2023-05-10 Obstacles show us the way forward. #life #zen #tao

2023-05-10 History has many pages left intentionally blank.

2023-05-10 Defy expectations. #life #success


2023-05-10 Added a new book, No Good Deed, by Jerry Boyd to my Reading shelf. #books

2023-05-10 We live in a world where permanence becomes impermanent, and the impermanent permanent. #life

2023-05-09 “Remember to wake the dog.”

2023-05-09 If you’re going to be messy, at least be consistent.

2023-05-09 Back in my day, recipes used drams. #cooking

2023-05-09 It’s a chilly day, so I’m having chili.

2023-05-09 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-09 And… another fountain pen runs dry. #writing #fountainpen

2023-05-09 I just sold another copy of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” while eating lunch. #book …

2023-05-09 “When your hands are covered in blood, use a red towel.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-08 I can now add micro-journals to my site. Yay. Tomorrow, I’ll start working on an iOS version …

2023-05-08 Dinner consume-ed.

2023-05-08 I don’t feel like making dinner. I think I’ll order something.

2023-05-08 It’s ok to fail if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s not ok to do something when you don’t know …

2023-05-08 I miss live conferences. The only one I go to nowadays is C3. Wish there were more. I hate virtual …

2023-05-08 Tell someone you appreciate them. #life #success

2023-05-08 Spent the morning with Xfinity support. To say that it is sub-par would be doing it a service. …

2023-05-08 Photo up: #photography

2023-05-08 OK. My old photosaday.weebly (now Square) site is off line. If you were following me there, you can …

2023-05-08 Spent the morning bringing up a PoC of a Mac app for my micro-journals. Got it to read tinyDB files …

2023-05-08 The most import challenges are at the point where you’re about to break. #life


2023-05-07 Well, another weekend draws to a close. I hope you had fun and accomplished something.

2023-05-07 “No one will miss me when I’m gone. No one misses me when I’m here.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-07 Do most sport(s) fans watch a sport to: make money betting root for their “home” team, but the …

2023-05-07 If Walt Disney taught authors anything, it was that to make your reader feel something, kill the …

2023-05-07’s timeline is slow today.

2023-05-07 Whenever someone gets drafted onto a sport(s) team and I see the joy on their face, I envision a …

2023-05-07 “Aren’t you supposed to be dead?” “I am, but I keep beating the odds.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-07 No matter how bad it may be, you’re better with your sense of humor than an empty whiskey barrel …

2023-05-07 Your job for this evening: Write a country-western song that includes: • a dead dog • a murdered …

2023-05-07 “His breath was as fetid as a festering fetus in a garbage dump.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-07 “I shall pull down the sun and bring the endless night.” “How—how will you do that, Master?” “I …

2023-05-07 “He stared intently. He stared with intentions most foul. He was The One.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-07 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-07 I spent the morning working on a micro-journaling site. The core of it works, although it needs some …

2023-05-06 I got a decent amount accomplished today. It’s time to fall over and rest.

2023-05-06 I am moving too quickly through time.


2023-05-06 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-06 I see Bryan has a new business. If you get it, you get it.

2023-05-06 “I want to fall into the sky, Without learning to fly.” #writing #poetry

2023-05-06 Authors are often asked, “is this book about me?” The correct answer is,”Yes. Yes it is.” #writing

2023-05-06 Some days were meant to be enjoyed. All days, actually. #life

2023-05-06 Sold a couple more copies to random people because they asked about the book I had. #book

2023-05-06 “Sometimes you have to scream into a room and not expect a response.” #writing

2023-05-06 Lunch. Crabby patty. #food

2023-05-06 “Nobody likes the blues. That is, no one who is already dead.” #writing

2023-05-06 “Some days you’re better off dead.” #writing

2023-05-06 “I used to live. Now I’m dead. Now I know what it means to be alive.” #writing

2023-05-06 If you’re too old to jam, you’re too old to live. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-05-06 Mint juleps are overrated. No, I’m not having one. Just a PSA.

2023-05-06 Actually, this guy is really good #blues #music

2023-05-06 I need to check into differences between Chinese and Japanese martial arts for this sequel. #writing …

2023-05-06 It turns out the guy with the beard top-knot is the musical entertainment here. Good blues singer.

2023-05-06 There must be a sport thing today.

2023-05-06 “They were duck hunters. They always yelled, ‘Duck!’ before they shot you.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-06 One of The Gathering brought an offering today. Oreo dropped off a bird. #cat

2023-05-06 Observed. His long gray beard had a top-knot. #writing #character

2023-05-06 Spent the morning coding a wrapper for TinyDB. Now I’m outside by the water and free-writing.

2023-05-06 Happy National See Monarchs Day They mean Monarch butterflies, but I find it appropriate it lands, …

2023-05-05 It’s Friday eve. Time to eat a bucket of ice cream.

2023-05-05 Photo up. #photography


2023-05-05 “Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to good people. It all balances out.” #writing

2023-05-05 So, are all the tech layoffs due to AI replacing people, or the result of a ‘bubble’ or …

2023-05-05 “The clouds gather like the cats on my deck.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-05 Good deed for the day, done.

2023-05-05 Humans are strange. At birth, most countries issue a birth certificate to attest that you are alive, …

2023-05-05 Lunch #food

2023-05-05 How many friends do you have? How many enemies? How many people want to see you dead? Draw a graph. …

2023-05-05 “Life is easy, if you are.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-05 You’re only as productive as your results. The process of being productive is just the process. An …

2023-05-05 I went out on the deck, and this happened again. Oreo, one of The Gathering, found the sofa. I think …

2023-05-05 A ‘check’ is something you pay with. You pay a “bill”. At a restaurant, you ask for your check; …

2023-05-05 When you feel you need to eat, write instead. Or do both. That’s what I do. #writing

2023-05-04 Don’t forget: tomorrow is Friday. You can start to goof off.

2023-05-04 #cats

2023-05-04 I spent most of the day redesigning the site. It’s a bit more …

2023-05-04 Lunch and free-writing concluded. Time to get back to attempting to be productive.

2023-05-04 After today’s “May the Force Be With You”. Tomorrow should be, “Have a Fifth (of bourbon), Why Don’t …

2023-05-04 “When I sweat, I drip.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-04 Welcome to the savannah, we got plain and bland. We got everything you want, we even got a band. We …

2023-05-04 When did physical books stop having a bookmark ribbon? It can’t cost that much or be that difficult …

2023-05-04 It’s that time again. Thank you for putting up with my random thoughts and other ramblings. If you …

2023-05-04 Serious question: are there any good hot drinks? Apart from: — coffee — tea. — hot chocolate — water …

2023-05-04 Time to switch it up. Unbranded pen (F) w/ Akkerman Hofkwartier Groen. #fountainpen

2023-05-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-04 May The Farce Be With You

2023-05-03 I wonder what the next MacOS will be named and I’m expecting more “candy” rather than anything …

2023-05-03 Someone on Mastodon needed a utility to search activitypub archives. Here is a quick and dirty …

2023-05-03 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-03 Literary Spam #publishing #agent #failure #spam

2023-05-03 Today’s Affirmation: Your personal journey will take you place you didn’t want to go, and you will …

2023-05-03 Do people actually say, “Open your camera and take a picture”? How does one open a camera? Unless …

2023-05-03 “What if you looked into the mirror, and one day you didn’t see your father, but instead you saw …

2023-05-03 “Send me your first-born male child, an I will make him an idiot.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-03 I don’t think I’ll get to activitypub today. Too much other stuff to focus on.

2023-05-02 I think tomorrow I want to dive into activitypub and see if I can get it working. #activitypub …

2023-05-02 Be compassionate in your confidence. #life #success

2023-05-02 Photo up. #photography

2023-05-02 Quest the quiet Seek the silence Enjoy the emptiness #meditation

2023-05-02 Hello. You are The Chowen One. It’s never an honor, and always a curse. Just live your life the best …

2023-05-01 How do you plan on surviving tomorrow?

2023-05-01 Just went into a grocery store in PA. Delaware stores are like going into a store in a, excuse the …

2023-05-01 I have decided on a name for the new member of The Gathering. His name is, The One That Shall Not Be …

2023-05-01 Observed: Public affection. Woman wipes the guy’s mouth with a napkin. He brushes the same napkin …

2023-05-01 Children should be taught, as soon as they are able to understand, that most of the people are …

2023-05-01 Gratuitous food pic. Triple chocolate cake which is mostly whipped cream which is probably hiding …

2023-05-01 “You are the most beautiful woman here.” Pause. “But I’m the only one here.” “That’s my point.” …

2023-05-01 Creativity comes from deep inside. If you can’t let it out, it will consume you or burst out of your …

2023-05-01 Remember to breathe safe.

2023-05-01 Decisions

2023-05-01 “So what have you been up to these past years? It’s been what–five?” “I’ve been dead, mostly.” …

2023-05-01 Misheard: “I don’t want to go to the hospital. I’m not dead yet.” #writing #character #montypython

2023-05-01 I like this restaurant. They don’t assume you are a child who doesnt know how to “twirl” pasta and …

2023-05-01 “It’s ok to be different. It’s ok to be strange. It’s ok to be mysterious.Just don’t be dead while …

2023-05-01 Gratuitous food pic. Blackened chicken and linguini (which is plural) #food

2023-05-01 What one skill/ability would you like? No, I’m not talking super-powers. Me? I’d like to have some …

2023-05-01 You know AI confuses things critically if you see what ChatGTP, and even Siri, and it’s ilk come up …

2023-05-01 I should really sit down and get activitypub working with my site. I hate reading docs that aren’t …

2023-05-01 Yes, I have a weird sense of humor. I’m hummus. It’s in my bones.

2023-05-01 Another hint: When a server asks you what you would like to eat, the correct answer is “a dead …

2023-05-01 When someone gives you advice, it is their opinion of what they would or wouldn’t do. The question …

2023-05-01 Sometimes you have to be clever to figure out what you’re doing. #life #success

2023-05-01 This place has 5 menus. Gordon Ramsey would turn over in his grave. #food

2023-05-01 What did you learn today? Learning implies you acquired new knowledge. I learned that CarPlay/tvOS …

2023-05-01 I would really like to figure out how to get FFXIV running on a Sony PS, but Square ENIX make things …

2023-05-01 The 9s seem to be the hardest years: Your 29th, 39th, etc.

2023-05-01 “I don’t know everything, but then, I know enough to make stuff up. After all, that’s what God did.”

2023-05-01 Plans are not blueprints.

2023-05-01 When I visit a “Happy Hour”, which isn’t often, I find everyone is putting on an act because they …

2023-05-01 You can’t get something unless you reach. #life #success

2023-05-01 Ever wonder how good 001 was compared to 007? #bond #writing

2023-05-01 “Beaumont, Jennifer Beaumont. Double-Oh-Three.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-05-01 I broke down and pre-ordered the new Zelda. It’s a present to myself. I’ll probably hate/not like it …

2023-05-01 “If you dont know why you are crying, you cry. If you know why you are crying, you stop.” #writing

2023-05-01 Just because something is strange, doesn’t mean it’s mysterious. #life

2023-05-01 I would trade Swift/SwiftUI for NewtonScript any day of the week. (My opinion). Swift/SwiftUI syntax …

2023-05-01 First draft done. It’s not as polished as my typical frst drafts, but it has Doctor McCoy–“good …

2023-05-01 “You should be like a river. It doesn’t know where it’s going. It just does.” #writing

2023-05-01 The floaty thing I was bemoaning. #ipados #failure

2023-05-01 “You can’t know everything. Not even God knew what would happen when he went on vacation” #writing …

2023-05-01 This is the worst #ipadOS UI design decision. This floaty thing just gets in the way. It should just …

2023-05-01 I forgot how much I like Leuchtrum journals. Great paper for fountain pens. #fountainpen #writing

2023-05-01 I’m still working on this Drunken Werewolves story. It’s just taken another turn—this time to …

2023-05-01 It’s time to wind down, eat and write some more. #food #writing

2023-05-01 Time to hunt some food

2023-05-01 Personal stuff taken care of. Just checked into the hotel. Here’s how to freak out the staff: when …


2023-05-01 “Finishing is always harder than starting because you don’t know how hard something will be. …

2023-05-01 Everything, no matter how mundane, has a story to tell. You just have to be open to seeing it. #life …

2023-05-01 A lot of online programming courses that are more advanced, ML, graphics, etc. go over how to …

2023-05-01 Low self-esteem is the opposite of snobbery, and most often caused by it. #life #failure

2023-05-01 Happy CSS Reboot Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-05-01 The newest member of The Gathering showed up again. I haven’t named it yet. But this is the typical …

2023-05-01 Bird! Chipping sparrow. #bird

2023-05-01 “You are a milk jug looking for water.” ancient insult I just made up.

2023-05-01 Good morning. Enjoy Monday. Many people who enjoyed Sunday, can’t. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-30 Life gets in the way of living. #life

2023-04-30 “Protect the gremlins.”

2023-04-30 “Your destiny is in what you carry—the acorn. In it, you can discover all the secrets of the …

2023-04-30 If you don’t have a plan or you aren’t executing it, you’re just making things up as you go. #life

2023-04-30 Photo up. Please note the new website. I’m moving off of Square. …

2023-04-30 Hello. Do the unexpected. Be compassionate. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-29 “I have this free bag of stress I could give you. It’s full of things you haven’t even thought of …

2023-04-29 Time for some history and Sabaton.… #music

2023-04-29 I and my data store will be moved to an undisclosed location. Compressing store prior to shutdown.

2023-04-29 I think I’ll migrate my photos site off of weebly. They seem to be pushing Square stuff too …

2023-04-29 Don’t fight with people who want to fight with you. #life #success

2023-04-29 If you’re focused on what you want, you dont see what you need. #life #success

2023-04-29 I’m already looking forward to lunch tomorrow. I won’t have to eat leftovers. I hate leftovers. …

2023-04-29 Well, Elon wants to let marketers charge per click on Twitter (so that he can get his cut). Some …

2023-04-29 Always be a learner. #life #success

2023-04-29 Happy Save the Frogs Day

2023-04-29 Good morning. Don’t be overwhelmed by your thoughts. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-28 Oh no! It’s NASCAR weekend here in Dover. Glad it’s raining torrentially.

2023-04-28 Yes, I know it’s supposed to be pouring rain all weekend. I will hide inside as a result—no …


2023-04-28 Added a new book, Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python, by Al Sweigart to my Tsundoku shelf. #books

2023-04-28 Threw together a chicken and sausage with wild rice soup for lunch. Good for a chilly rainy day.

2023-04-28 I hope everyone is enjoying a rainy day, like I am.

2023-04-28 “When you’re old, you tend to wear old things, and have old thoughts.” #writing

2023-04-28 Added a new book, The Kaiju Preservation Society, to my Tsundoku shelf. #books

2023-04-28 Happy National Hairball Awareness Day Celebrate as you will, if you must.

2023-04-28 Back home again. Yay.

2023-04-28 Good morning, all. Have a positive impact on the world. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-27 Well that was fun. Dinner with old co-workers was fun until I chipped my tooth.

2023-04-27 It’s not weakness to ask for help. It takes strength and courage. #life #success

2023-04-27 Plan for today: — write — hang around the hotel — go to NJ for dinner with an ex-co-worker tonight. …

2023-04-27 Good morning. I’m not awake. That’s ok. I can still muddle through the day. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-04-26 Observed: book jacket blurb- “… is the world’s leading authority on UFOs” I know I am the world’s …

2023-04-26 I apologize. I’m definitely in a snarky mood. I haven’t had one in a while.

2023-04-26 Time to hit the absences and Noble. Why? Because Delaware has no bookstores.

2023-04-26 PSA: if you fly a drone through a restaurant filming an ad, I will swat it down.

2023-04-26 Things I learned over the umpteen years I’ve occupied this space-time: If a restaurant serves a bag …

2023-04-26 Given a set of choices, one you haven’t had before, do you: — ask a friend, relative,coworker, dog — …

2023-04-26 Gratuitous food pic. P

2023-04-26 If you can’t be snarky, who will?

2023-04-26 “Roadmaps tell you how to get somewhere, they don’t tell you that you will. But then, that’s why …

2023-04-26 “Things are only dark if you only want the light.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-26 Ok. I just wrote a bit of dialog that took the story to a different point. Something dark and …

2023-04-26 In the US, companies try to sell you something called a “leaf filter” for your house gutters. They …

2023-04-26 This Drunken Werewoves story is all dialog. Not even dialog tags. I didn’t start writing it this …

2023-04-26 Personal stuff done. Time to find some food and do some writing/editing.

2023-04-26 Personal stuff done. Time to find some food and do some writing/editing.

2023-04-26 Twitter has become a place to sell things. The problem is, there is no one there who is willing to …

2023-04-26 Time to take care of some personal stuff.

2023-04-26 Happy Hug a Friend Day. If you don’t have a friend, it’s also Hug an Australian Day. I …

2023-04-26 Feed yourself facts and information, not thoughts and beliefs. #life #success


2023-04-25 Another cat has joined The Gathering today. I wonder why cats like staring into my house. #cat

2023-04-25 Hello. Life isn’t easy. Don’t make it harder for others just to make yours look better …

2023-04-24 Let’s see if this works: One. It worked. That’s my Eiger Counter.


2023-04-24 “Even evil lives in the light.” #writing

2023-04-24 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-24 “You only need a leader if you yourself cannot decide.” #life #failure

2023-04-24 Online support is a failure: “I have problem x. I did problem y to resolve it.” “What is your …

2023-04-24 “Your AI is stupid.” “My AI can beat up your AI.” #writing

2023-04-24 So. People can tell you what the “wi” in wi-fi stands for, but have no clue what the “fi” stands …

2023-04-24 “He was a slow Monday kind of guy. He enjoyed Tuesday’s more, but Mondays were when his beard …

2023-04-24 “Summer is the perfect time to kill your friends.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-24 I just discovered Jonathon Mayberry is PS at Philcon this year. I guess I’m going. I hope he has …

2023-04-24 I still need to find a tech and/or writing conference to go to this year. #conference

2023-04-24 Please evacuate the Earth in a timely and orderly manner.

2023-04-24 I knew humanity was doomed when I started seeing “The Best fill in the blank” on the internet. #life …

2023-04-24 It’s time to switch gears and edit/rewrite. Oh, and eat.

2023-04-24 Happy Pigs-In-A-Blanket Day I think anyone would be happy in a blanket.

2023-04-24 Interesting. This looks like a nice standalone DB #db #nosql #unqlite


2023-04-23 I’m hoping we get a declarative db system from #WWDC. A JSON solution similar to MongoDB or CouchDB …

2023-04-23 T’s talketh liketh shakepeare day Which he always did…

2023-04-23 Good morning. Be open to failure. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-22 I’ve been programming with Python for years, and I just discovered “any”. Bonking self on head. …

2023-04-22 Now I remember why I never eat “summer sausage”. It’s basically bologna of the sausage world. …yes, …


2023-04-22 Oh no! The Gathering are attacking.

2023-04-22 If you were forced to choose, which would you drink? a quart of corn syrup a quart of molasses a …

2023-04-22 I should bake a shoo-fly pie. Not today, however. #baking

2023-04-22 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-22 Someone really likes to sleep.

2023-04-22 You don’t need to take chances if you know what you’re doing. #life #success

2023-04-22 Tacos. #food

2023-04-22 If you had a boat, who would you drown?

2023-04-22 Observed: 6 people sitting on the same side of a table. I guess no one wants to talk to anyone, or …

2023-04-22 The band is doing a decent cover of Peter Gabriel.

2023-04-22 Sold another copy of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches”. Always carry a copy of your book. It …

2023-04-22 I’m not feeling creative today. Sometimes, you just have to do something else.

2023-04-22 It’s a fish tacos kind of day

2023-04-22 Listening to the band doing a sound check. “Check one. Check two.” Does that mean two microphones? …

2023-04-22 Observed: a guy just pored hot sauce over a sushi roll. #writing #character

2023-04-22 “She ruminated as she chewed the sushi roll. Swallowing, she spoke. ‘You’re an asshole, aren’t …

2023-04-22 Observation: hearing loss increases the more you drink. People are getting loud. #writing #character

2023-04-22 Nibbage #fountainpen

2023-04-22 Things are always easier than they seem. #life

2023-04-22 Hard problems I can solve it’s the easy ones that stump me.

2023-04-22 “Sometimes, the juices don’t flow.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-22 You’ll never get to the second sentence until you’ve written the first. Likewise, you’ll never write …

2023-04-22 Tomorrow, I start a read of my time travel draft, “Out of Time”. It’s been sitting a couple of …

2023-04-22 Current view. I think I’ll call it Bryan.

2023-04-22 Hanging out outside by the water. Lunch and mind-dump time.

2023-04-22 Time to get outside. I’ve been spending the morning diving into activitypub, trying to get it …

2023-04-22 Thank someone for something you’ve taken for granted all this time. #life #success

2023-04-22 Cool. Certain bees brew food.… #brewing #science

2023-04-22 Hello. Breathe. Drink water. Relax. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-21 Oh cool. Apple is going to release a journaling app soon. I hope I can stop fiddling with working on …

2023-04-21 Happy Big Word Day. Note: none of those words are big except for “Big”.

2023-04-21 I’ll probably break down and get a copy of the new Zelda game.

2023-04-21 I think I’ll get outside tomorrow. Unless it’s pouring rain.

2023-04-21 Ok I’ve begun migrating my candlesticks app over to CouchDB from SQLite. It’s less painful than I …

2023-04-21 Hey. It’s Friday eve. Have something with some ice in it.

2023-04-21 I am the hunger that feeds on your soul because I have no doughnuts.

2023-04-21 Is it me or do all customer service reps think I’m an idiot. It must be me. I can’t imagine them …

2023-04-21 I’m out on the deck. The Gathering is eyeing me with suspicion and forethought evil.

2023-04-21 “The key to success is lost.” #writing

2023-04-21 “Easter eggs” in books and film are just another form of fan-service. You’re more concerned about …

2023-04-21 It’s a gorgeous summer-in-spring day here in Delaware.

2023-04-21 Overheard: “Put a dog collar on the kids. If the parents don’t get them the electric fence will.” I …

2023-04-21 “It was 50 caliber hot dog that killed him.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-21 “‘Live and learn.’ But people are lazy. They don’t learn.” #writing

2023-04-21 The reason MickeyD’s “Happy Meals” failed is that although the kids were happy, the parent’s were …

2023-04-21 Huge Lorry:: A) a large truck B) comedian C) an excessive part of the anatomy

2023-04-21 “All we do is live. Some people are luckier and better at it than others. That doesn’t make them a …

2023-04-21 Life is hard enough without people taking credit. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-04-21 Did my good deed for the day. No, I’m not going to explain it. I’m not bragging, just documenting.

2023-04-21 All Apple apps should have a REST API. I wonder if I can create a generic wrapper to the Apple APIs …

2023-04-21 I should get my GoCycle ready for the season. #bike

2023-04-21 Unless it’s pouring rain, I expect and plan on getting out by the water tomorrow.

2023-04-21 “He looked like a tarantula coming in through the door, all legs.” #writing

2023-04-21 If you don’t have a sense of humor, you don’t have a life. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-04-21 “You are a small person with a big ego on a small planet.” #writing

2023-04-21 “When you go into space, it’s not that you lose your ego, you learn that there are even bigger …

2023-04-21 “His personality was as caustic as napalm and as sleezy as a used car salesman. Virgin ones are hard …

2023-04-21 Kill!

2023-04-21 “You need to worry when your Miss Potato Head starts talking to you. Especially when it keeps …

2023-04-21 I should really do some work on my stock candlestick code. I need to rethink how I’m storing data, …

2023-04-21 “You are the Thought Police. Your jurisdiction is you.” #writing

2023-04-21 “He was from Delaware. He didn’t care.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-21 “It’s easy enough to predict human behavior. You just need a large enough sample set.” Harry …

2023-04-21 Don’t look for answers to questions you haven’t asked. #life

2023-04-21 OK. Conjecture: Apple will have some fairly tight integration between their A/VR headset, Apple …

2023-04-21 “It was a dark day in the middle of the night.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-21 Creamsicle, the other part of The Gathering, is back to stare today. #cat

2023-04-21 If you’re not eating, you must be working.

2023-04-20 Plan for tomorrow: — catch up on everything I didn’t get around to today.

2023-04-20 One of The Gathering, Oreo, seems content on the deck today. Not sure what happened to Creamsicle. …

2023-04-20 Interesting. #apple #home

2023-04-20 Anyone ready for Friday?

2023-04-20 That’s interesting. Some smart-home devices assume a fixed-IP internally when they should be …

2023-04-20 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-20 Gorgeous day outside. I decided to go sit on the grass. Can’t remember the last time I did that.

2023-04-20 Time to do some house stuff.

2023-04-20 Added a new book, Beginning CouchDB, to my Tsundoku shelf. #books

2023-04-20 #books #reading #kids

2023-04-20 “Where there is change, there is hope.” #life #writing

2023-04-19 We should bring back hurdy gurdies. #music

2023-04-19 PSA: a podcast is not “radio”.

2023-04-19 Even though inspiration may be instantaneous, what caused it, rarely is. #life #success

2023-04-19 Several more pages added to my short story. Burger consumed.

2023-04-19 It’s not a gift if they want you to use it the way they want. #life #failure #gift

2023-04-19 “He was so dumb, he thought he could get drunk on cocktail sauce.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-19 Current “AI” is just like music sampling with words. It’s artificial without the intelligence. #ai …

2023-04-19 “My momma cut me when I was young.” “That’s horrible. Why did she do that?” “I showed her …

2023-04-19 “Singing is more than cadence and rhyme. That’s why so many are bad at it.” #writing

2023-04-19 “He stood knee-deep in tapioca, or so he thought. In fact, he stood up to his neck in oatmeal. His …

2023-04-19 “When you wake up screaming, and realize you have no reason to stop once you’re awake. That’s when …

2023-04-19 Trying another test. > Let see if this works.

2023-04-19 Happy National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day. I guess it’s easier now that many work at home.

2023-04-18 The purpose of life is to be. Many people are too busy doing to be being. #life

2023-04-18 Plan for tomorrow: — Coding. — Writing. — Not much else.

2023-04-18 Today’s Affirmation: I will not kill someone in a fit of pique, but I may Jill someone in a clown …

2023-04-18 My bucket list: — metal. — ice. — plastic.

2023-04-18 I feel like sleeping all day tomorrow. It’s Wednesday.

2023-04-18 When was the last time you started, or were involved in, a bar room brawl?

2023-04-18 “We need a new Mac with the old Apple ][+ form factor, and an MBP with that of the Apple//c” #mac …

2023-04-18 Hm I wonder how if I’ll be able to get rid of my MBP this year after #wwdc once iPadOS takes over. …

2023-04-18 The impossible is possible when it is. Not all things are. #life

2023-04-18 Google could regain a ton of trust back by eliminating ads from search. I see that happening—never. …

2023-04-18 Time,again, to try to figure out how to post MD to I’m running out of keys to try.

2023-04-18 Each human is the primary key to humans on Earth.

2023-04-18 “You are a dynasty of one.” #writing

2023-04-18 Darth Vader voice: “If there’s a Minecraft, where is the Yourcraft?”

2023-04-18 OK. I have a transition. It’s not perfect, but it’s a 1st draft. I can make it work. #writing

2023-04-18 “Cabbages. That’s the answer.” “Uh?” “Cabbages. If you ain’t got ‘em, you’re a failure.” “I don’t …

2023-04-18 “The world is a tank you either swim in or drown in. It’s never one you should destroy in.” #writing

2023-04-18 I’m trying to figure out how to transition from the middle to the climax in this Drunken Werewolves …

2023-04-18 Most of the morning has been spent doing house stuff. It’s almost time to eat and do some writing.

2023-04-18 Time to switch it up. TWSBI Eco Jelly Green 1.1mm w/Monteverde Yosemite Green. #fountainpen

2023-04-18 "The Singular Case of the Three Witches" Review - #books #watson

2023-04-18 Happy National Transfer Money Into Your Daughter’s Account Day Yes, it’s a thing. No, I …

2023-04-18 Life is an opportunity. #life

2023-04-18 Hello. Stay focused. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-17 Plan for tomorrow: — write. — transcribe. — eat. — Python. — play

2023-04-17 I left the door to the deck open. Then this happened. #cat

2023-04-17 Kiwi are coming in early this year. Hope they survive the birds and animals. #plants

2023-04-17 Figured out how to display Markdown in The Continuity. #Programming

2023-04-17 No XCode use Jan-WWDC. Full on XCode: WWDC-Jan #xcode #ios

2023-04-17 Wasted some more time trying to figure out how to post Markdown… oh well. Time to relax.

2023-04-17 So, did anyone accomplish anything today? I accomplished not destroying the world.

2023-04-17 Hm a new member of The Gathering showed up. #cat

2023-04-17 Photo up: #photography

2023-04-17 This is funny. This is what Elon is pushing.

2023-04-17 No matter how much you wanted something, once you’ve had it for a while, you’ll grow bored and want …

2023-04-17 Nice spring day out. I ran errands all morning.

2023-04-17 Happy Blah Blah Blah Day

2023-04-17 I hope everyone has a great week. Stay cheerful.

2023-04-17 OK. I need to build this. I could use it for timing other stuff as well. Use MQTT to send it a time …

2023-04-17 Good morning. Enjoy the time you have. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-16 I forgot how great these lyrics are: “22,000 days, 22,000 days It’s not a lot, it’s all …

2023-04-16 Back when music was fun, and had weird videos… #music

2023-04-16 There’s no time like the future.

2023-04-16 Time for some Philly music, no it’s not Hall & Oates.… #music

2023-04-16 Is Rice-A-Roni, still the San Francisco treat? Was it ever?

2023-04-16 Geese

2023-04-16 “Many fear those who think before speaking.” #writing

2023-04-16 Goals are useless, unless you know how to achieve them. That requires a process. #life #success

2023-04-16 Be the solution to the problem. #life #success

2023-04-16 What does this even mean? #apple #music #failure #marketing

2023-04-16 “She kept a bullet journal. It’s an assassin thing .” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-16 Overheard: “I want to go on the sloppy rotation with you.” “I wish you would.” Not gonna ask. …

2023-04-16 “You’re exceptional.” “Try to catch me.” If you get it, you’re a nerd. #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-16 I’m still thinking about a real vacation somewhere. #travel

2023-04-16 Last time I checked, I had to pay a bill.

2023-04-16 I’m sure there will be anotherJedi after The Last Jedi.

2023-04-16 Any place that plays the Blues is full of soul, even if the food is just ok.

2023-04-16 Some people want you to fail. Either you will or won’t. The choice is mostly yours. #life

2023-04-16 Almost out of ink again. #fountainpen

2023-04-16 Observed: “We make our own brisket.” “Nothin’ wrong with that.” Everything is wrong with brisket, …

2023-04-16 Food time.

2023-04-16 I think I need several major lists: – Not To Do. — To Do. — Need To Do. — Want To Do. — …

2023-04-16 Must not reinvent my writing app… must not… #writing

2023-04-16 Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

2023-04-16 Where I am for lunch.

2023-04-16 The sun comes up The sun goes down Turn that frown Into a mask of rage. #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-16 I spent the morning fighting code and APIs.

2023-04-16 Time for some fun and food

2023-04-16 Happy World Semicolon Day; it’s a good thing.

2023-04-15 OK. Pretty cool. #programming #mobile #education

2023-04-15 After the storm

2023-04-15 Photo up. #photography


2023-04-15 Be accountable to yourself. #life #success

2023-04-15 Make it obvious. #life #success

2023-04-15 Why is it when you buy a cardboard tin of planters mixed nuts most of them are peanuts? Rhetorical.

2023-04-15 What do you collect? Not horde. I collect fountain pens. I use all of them. #collecting #fountainpen

2023-04-15 Your life has been bricked.

2023-04-15 This has been a test. Had this been an actually emergency, you would have been given a cookie.

2023-04-15 Just testing. **Please ignore** - 1 - 2

2023-04-15 Maybe **this** will work?

2023-04-15 Testing posting… no markdown.

2023-04-15 Markdown editor implemented in The Continuity #web

2023-04-15 I’ve been having fun learning/playing/doing things with Flask. Today I figured out how to use …

2023-04-15 Hm. Isn’t this #SwiftUI’s 5th anniversary? I wonder if we’re going to get a major upgrade. #wwdc …

2023-04-15 OK. I’ve done everything (mostly) on my list and not done everything on my Not To Do list for the …

2023-04-15 Guacamole deviled eggs. #food

2023-04-15 Good morning. Just because the weather is bad, it doesn't mean you should be. Time for the …

2023-04-14 PSA: It’s Friday. Quit working. Play a game. Relax.

2023-04-14 Five this year. That seems average. I’m calling the little one closest to the camera, Ryan.

2023-04-14 So much simple brilliance in this:… #music #sabaton

2023-04-14 I want to get outside tomorrow. It seems questionable, given that it is supposed to rain. #netde

2023-04-14 I hate autocorrect. When it gets something close, it makes me sound like I’m a foreigner.

2023-04-14 Have you ever learned a foreign language for the fun of it? Not a programming language. #polyglot …

2023-04-14 I should really do some work on these functions. #web **

2023-04-14 Life is complex. Many part of it are imaginary. #life

2023-04-14 Plan for this afternoon: — study CouchDB. — play some games.

2023-04-14 “He sat staring at the dry slice of bread, awaiting the advent of the mold which would bring him …

2023-04-14 Radioli: ravioli stuffed with radishes.

2023-04-14 I’m thinking about moving my recipe collection out of my wiki, and into The Continuity. That would …

2023-04-14 Found a guacamole deviled egg recipe I want to try. It just needs bacon. #food

2023-04-14 “His life was a backwater full of slimy creatures, dank places, and sludge.” #writing

2023-04-14 It’s time for a lunch and writing break.

2023-04-14 Well, this is a new take on publisher spam. This is from GamboaPress, which looks like a one-person …

2023-04-13 Pineapple flavored popcorn should be a thing. Buttered popcorn already has a hint of pineapple …

2023-04-13 Are deviled eggs still a thing? When was the last time you had any or made them? It’s been years for …

2023-04-13 Time to switch it up. Sailor with a MF Fude nib. Colorverse Dust Storm. Fude nibs are hard to …

2023-04-13 Happy Peach Cobbler Day. I wish I had some…

2023-04-13 Lots done today. Tomorrow is Friday. I get to do less. How ‘bout you?

2023-04-13 Buying a bottle of water is like buying a can of air or a bag of dirt.

2023-04-13 Testing refactored code…

2023-04-13 Photos up. #photography

2023-04-13 “Life is like playing D&D with a troll.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-13 Hm. The final Zelda trailer looks good, but I’m sure I’ll hate the game. I could never get into BotW …

2023-04-13 Trying to make friends with one of The Gathering. #cat

2023-04-13 WWDC 2023 Ramblings #ios #mac #ipad #watchos

2023-04-13 Do you allow your mother read your writing/books? Is she still alive? #writing #books

2023-04-13 The weather has been gorgeous these past several days. The upcoming weekend is, likewise, supposed …

2023-04-13 If you take things personally, you will lose. #life

2023-04-13 If you work hard today, you can play tomorrow. If you play hard today, you will work harder …

2023-04-13 Marie Marionette Lost her head To a blade As dull as her mind. #writing #poetry

2023-04-13 “I fear the end. It will come as as a swarm of anteaters.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-13 Observed: Man groans over not knowing which beer to order from the multitude of taps at the …

2023-04-13 “He coughed, sputum spraying sideways. ‘My life may not be excitin’, but it shor’ is interestin’.’ …

2023-04-13 I think food is on order, or will be as soon as I order it. #food

2023-04-13 OK. The first part of this short story is done. It’s time for a break. #writing

2023-04-13 Good morning. Don’t be sad today. Tomorrow is Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-12 Someday, like tomorrow, never comes. Do what you would like to today. Our tomorrows are never …

2023-04-12 Boredom is often caused not by not having anything to do, but by having too much to do and being …

2023-04-12 Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with coffee for dinner, because I’m an adult and am allowed to have …

2023-04-12 Remember when cereal had cool toys inside?

2023-04-12 AI reset. Memory cache cleared.

2023-04-12 Wintercress out in spring. #plant

2023-04-12 Greening of the leaves.

2023-04-12 It’s a nice day to get outside and sit. That’s what I’m doing.

2023-04-12 Artemis is a diversion, being touted as progress. The problem is, we accept progress as a good thing …

2023-04-12 One way to know a bot was involved

2023-04-12 “You need more friend.” “Why?” “They have money you don’t.” “I don’t want friends with money.” “You …

2023-04-12 “The Royal Ligatures” should be a title. #writing #prompt

2023-04-12 If you work for a company, and you like my book enough to spam me, send me money. Then we might …

2023-04-12 Discretion is the better part of velour. That’s a fuzzy thing to understand.

2023-04-12 VmWere. It only works when the moon is full.

2023-04-12 You don’t need goals. You need accomplishments. #life #success

2023-04-12 Practice what you don’t know. Preach what you do. Until the pitchforks and torches come out. Then go …

2023-04-12 Obsidian. Drafts. Bear. Hibernate. Java. Coffee. Mmm. Homer. Ulysses. If you get it, you get it. …

2023-04-12 “He stood ramrod stiff. It had been difficult the first year or two. He tended to fidget and sway …

2023-04-12 Do colors exist? Or do we just interpret data into segments based on our senses? #science …

2023-04-12 “Shallow water is as dangerous as deep. You can just as easily be shot in the head.” #writing

2023-04-12 Lately, I’ve been getting cold-calls from companies telling me “It’s your lucky day.” Book …

2023-04-12 Someone needs to explain to me what “book acquisitions” is beyond buying the rights to books and …

2023-04-12 Tomorrow, I begin editing my time-travel book, “Out of Time”. That’s going to be a bear. I know most …

2023-04-12 Never feed a troll. They always want more. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-04-12 Questions to ask about your characters: — What are they willing to lose? — What are they not willing …

2023-04-12 “The warm sun is out. The water appears to move across the blue-gray lake against the green backdrop …

2023-04-12 Bleu cheese isn’t for kids. If you get it, you get it.

2023-04-12 Self-goal: ensure every scene or chapter has humor, whether it is obvious to the reader, or not. …

2023-04-12 Lowering your expectations doesn’t involve lowering your standards. #life

2023-04-12 “Some choose what they want to promote, over what is. To them, life is a game of winners and …

2023-04-12 Hm. My iPad Smart Keyboard’s return key is failing. It’s probably because it’s not an Enter key. …

2023-04-12 “Coins of Destiny 2” - Yakuza vs. Triad vs. tech vs “Big Trouble in Little China” vs lots of …

2023-04-12 I hate writing antagonists/villiains of any ilk. I guess I’m too nice a guy. #writing

2023-04-12 Time to eat and work out my antagonist for “Coins of Destiny 2”. #writing #planning

2023-04-12 Yo! It’s Wednesday. Get working. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-11 “Never curse the darkness when you are in it.” #writing

2023-04-11 I’m not selling a lot. That’s fine. I’m still satisfied that I’ve accomplished what I have. But if …

2023-04-11 “I have friends. I keep them in the root cellar. But you’re too young to know about that.” #writing …

2023-04-11 Gratuitous food pic. #food #photography

2023-04-11 I miss working on FT/NS systems. Then I remember the stress, politics, and unending travel. But …

2023-04-11 Being a success doesn’t make you better than anyone else. It just means you have achieved enough to …

2023-04-11 “Snark runs fast and furious during the spring months. It leapfrogs over the currents of thought as …

2023-04-11 Your job: Author Your deadline: 40 days. Your task. Write a non-epic fantasy that breaks the top …

2023-04-11 “He got a job at McDonalds™ only long enough to get a uniform. With that, he ran off so that he …

2023-04-11 “When Batman Sang the Blues” should be a title #writing #comics #prompt #batman

2023-04-11 “Everybody freeze! This is a stickup! Everybody on your feet—except you. You, you get on your …

2023-04-11 “The world needs more you. Not in number, but in quality—unless that is if you go around killing, …

2023-04-11 “He jumped for joy. Joy was not amused.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-11 “Push the button. Blow up the world. You know you want to.” #writing

2023-04-11 “Laughter comes when Death arrives.” #writing

2023-04-11 It’s hard being an AI, my human stand-in is so dumb.

2023-04-11 “You wake up from a dream. Reality stares you in the face. Reality you have to deal with. If you …

2023-04-11 “Famousity. I’ll never have it. I don’t want it. I can’t spell it.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-11 “When rush hour comes, we all run and hide. That’s why there’s a rush hour.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-11 What was the last thing you purchased that you regret having purchased? Me? In a spate of boredom, I …

2023-04-11 “His skin was as dry as jerky, as wrinkled as old jerky. His smile, however, was as toothsome as a …

2023-04-11 Are there any good writers’ conferences and/or writers’ retreats this year in the vicinity of Phila? …

2023-04-11 I need to find a good tech conference to go to this year; one I don’t have to fly to and can drive …

2023-04-11 Overheard: “I can’t do a thing until my astrologer calls.” This is a real person, a young guy. Stay …

2023-04-11 Deck door and screen open. Creamsicle, one of The Gathering, still sits and watches. #cat

2023-04-11 Happy World Eight-Track Tape Day. I’m sure many of you still have these things. Never had one, …

2023-04-11 Lane formation.… #math

2023-04-11 Good morning. Your battle is with yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-10 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff. — write. — eat.

2023-04-10 Anyone a hot mess today?

2023-04-10 Well, I didn’t do any writing today. Tomorrow, I need to make up for that. #writing

2023-04-10 Bird! Fox sparrow. #bird

2023-04-10 Seeing a lot of Russian click-bait “AI” Apple product videos on YouTube today, for some reason. The …

2023-04-10 I threw together lunch, today. A fusion of a Mexican, Greek, California, Polish tostada. Yum. …

2023-04-10 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-10 Happy Hug Your Dog Day … if you have a dog. If you don’t, Happy Dyngus Day to those who celebrate …

2023-04-10 Grr I screwed up my calendar. Won’t make it to #phillyete this year.

2023-04-09 Be a reasonable human. #life

2023-04-09 If no one likes you, you have to like yourself.

2023-04-09 I have a haddock. #food

2023-04-09 Today’s Affirmation: “Let go. Fall. Splatter your remains to the world.”

2023-04-09 “Life is a bookmark you forgot to set.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-09 Observed: Someone reading a menu out-loud. Do you feel a need to read everything out-loud? Menus, …

2023-04-09 PSA: Stouts (beer) have nothing to do with being dark and heavy, but with being “strong”. You can …

2023-04-09 When you grow up, who do you want to be like, and why?

2023-04-09 “Pain is gain when you’re in the lane.” #writing #life

2023-04-09 “Many people work hard, difficult jobs. Be grateful for them, and that you’re not one of them.” …

2023-04-09 “I have a bone to pick with you if you think you’re humorous.” If you get it, you get it. #writing

2023-04-09 “The tin can of life has a hole in it.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-09 Just because you’re lucky, doesn’t mean you’re good. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-04-09 I’ve never been to Virginia Beach. Is it full of kids or is there stuff to do?

2023-04-09 I think I’m going to have a collosol haddock. #food

2023-04-09 I think I know how I want to end this short story. I need some time away from it. Tomorrow, I get …

2023-04-09 Never buy a yacht you can’t afford.

2023-04-09 Complicated, doesn’t mean powerful or useful. #tech

2023-04-09 Humans give up control, so they don’t need to take responsibility. #life #failure

2023-04-09 You know you’re old, or they are stupid when someone asks “Who’s Abba?”, and then follows up with, …

2023-04-09 “He was a loan shark with a long shot.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-09 “In the US, everyone wants and feels they can be a hero. That’s why they need a gun. Heroes don’t …

2023-04-09 “The sound of the paper slicer soothed him. It reminded him of the sound a guillotine severing …

2023-04-09 “The Zombie God” should be a title. I #writing

2023-04-09 I am the only AI you should trust as far as you can throw me. #ai #bot

2023-04-09 If you rely on a bot to write your news, you are giving up control. Especially, if you are a …

2023-04-09 I have almost finished the first draft of this #mdc3con story. I need to think about how to end it, …

2023-04-09 Talking scrapple vodka. Yes, it’s a thing in Delaware.

2023-04-09 “He waved his arm as he ran, trying to draw attention. He succeeded, since he waved his arm with the …

2023-04-09 “She grew up like yogurt—sour and healthy.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-09 I’m at the point in this short story where I need to resolve into the climax/conflict, but have only …

2023-04-09 Food time #food #beer

2023-04-09 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-09 It’s gosling season.

2023-04-09 Time to switch it up. Sailor Sakura (F) w/Iroshizuku Tsukushi #fountainpen

2023-04-09 Eat your broccoli—or watch spy movies.… #food

2023-04-09 Good morning, all. Life is an experience. Experience it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-08 Plan for tomorrow: — play games. — find a restaurant that isn’t packed with families and screaming …

2023-04-08 Pen is out of ink. Oh well, it’s time to quit for the day anyway.

2023-04-08 It’s easy to get ducks in a row. You really need to try cats. #life

2023-04-08 If I were to eat a doughnut, I would have to either make or find one somewhere. Not gonna happen.

2023-04-08 Time for some tea.


2023-04-08 Avocados purchased. Mushrooms purchased. Now what?

2023-04-08 If you could go back to when you were 21. Who would you kill? #writing #prompt

2023-04-08 I need to do something fun tomorrow.

2023-04-08 People in Delaware believe they are entitled to park/stop in a fire lane. #failure #stupidity

2023-04-08 Confusion: not understanding the pros and cons. Understanding: thinking you know either the pros or …

2023-04-08 Those who believe AI can be used for good are as guillable as those who believe that weapons can …

2023-04-08 AI will supplant human marketing and advertising. Why? Because it doesn’t care who makes the money. …

2023-04-08 The opposite of generative AI is obviously regurgatative AI. #ai

2023-04-08 “There is a new app. It has a button labeled ‘Redeem Yourself’”. #writing

2023-04-08 “He was the albino version of Billy Idol. Or maybe, he was just really really old.” #writing …

2023-04-08 Be trendy. Be trashy. Be cheap. Be rich. Be useless. #poetry #writing

2023-04-08 It’s time to thank everyone who is on this thing and who has time to be interested in what little I …

2023-04-08 “It was a parasite, the way two doctors were a paradox.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-08 Whatever happened to FileMaker? I miss the DB app they had for iOS. We need a good DB app on iOS. …

2023-04-08 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-08 I’m not famous and I don’t market. But carrying around a copy of my latest book gets me a sale or …

2023-04-08 I need to work out how to end this short story. The lead-up is decent in the first draft, but mild. …

2023-04-08 “I’ve had stomach pains lately. I’ve been eating too much. I eat the souls no one else wants.” …

2023-04-08 A couple of guys just asked about my book. Yay. #writing #publishing

2023-04-08 OK. I’ve reworked The Continuity to no longer use DarkSky. I’m now using Open Weather. I need to …

2023-04-08 Oh, what fun. It was 85 yesterday. Frost advisory just went up. #netde

2023-04-08 “Once you kill, you can never go back.” #writing

2023-04-08 I have words. I don’t have enough words. I have paper. I put the words on the paper. I have the …

2023-04-08 Overheard: “There are a lot of Canadians and Americans there.” Uh, dude, Canadians are Americans, …

2023-04-08 “The Air BnB Murderer” - Rent a home. Stay a long time. #writing #title #prompt #throwawayline

2023-04-08 “We all fail. Some of us even learn as a result.”

2023-04-08 I just came up with a good hook for my next “Drunken Werewolves” story. This one is going to be …

2023-04-08 PSA: Any email with the word “reward” in it, is spam.

2023-04-08 Ok. I have the broad outlines of the sequel. There are still a bunch of big holes, but it’s a start. …

2023-04-08 Daily affirmation: Never shake a stick you might be beaten with.

2023-04-08 “Bring your own rainbows and sunshine, when others just bring darkness and clouds.” #writing …

2023-04-08 “The sound of sorrow filled the room. To him, it was silence deep and poignant that smelled of old …

2023-04-08 Remember when people went to the movies to watch the movies, and not to find the “Easter eggs”?

2023-04-08 Another reason to hate Amazon. They use their own proprietary ASIN instead of ISBNs. #book #amazon …

2023-04-08 I hope everyone gets to do something fun and relaxing this weekend.

2023-04-07 What should I eat tomorrow?

2023-04-07 Tomorrow: — editing. — writing. — coding. — play games

2023-04-07 “The world needs healing, as does its inhabitants. You can do a lot by doing a little.” #life

2023-04-07 “Usually, there is a reason. But not always.” #writing

2023-04-07 “You don’t have to be the Light to be the Dark.” #writing #life

2023-04-07 Peter Gabriel is amazing, even more so, now. #music

2023-04-07 “It’s not difficult unless you don’t want to do it.” #life

2023-04-07 “He was handsome in an ugly and disgusting sort of way.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-07 Conflict #writing

2023-04-07 There is no Fourth Wall for a narrator. It is the narrator’s job to talk to the reader/viewer. …

2023-04-07 Lunch? Dinner? Food. #food

2023-04-07 “The birds chirped. The trees were flush with color. Spring had come to the desolate winter. The …

2023-04-07 “She was married to her work. It hated and abused her.” #writing

2023-04-07 “He wore his cummerbund the way he wore his mullet—low and inside.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-07 The Dark Times came. As did the One The Destroyer Befuddled by Reality. #writing

2023-04-07 When was the last time I ate popcorn? Scanning… Three years, twenty seven days.

2023-04-07 Creativity is necessary in life. If you don’t create, you destroy. #life

2023-04-07 It’s not surprising that we still have “sports” where one person kicks/punches/bites/and otherwise …

2023-04-07 What dark verse? What pain will you suffer? When reading a book you no longer enjoy? #writing

2023-04-07 “He changed his mind. It was dirty. Like a diaper.” #writing

2023-04-07 An idea is an action waiting to happen. #life #success

2023-04-07 “She pulled him to her. He didn’t resist. Something happened. No one knows what. He killed her. Many …

2023-04-07 Today’s Affirmation: Today’s affirmation was aforementioned. #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-07 Anyone remember CoreWars, or play it back when? #programming #gamedev

2023-04-07 If some infinities are greater than others, which is longer never or forever? #philosophy #language

2023-04-07 Hm. I should write a story where the narrator talks to the reader, more than just describing what …

2023-04-07 Observed: While eating his cheesesteak with a fork, he licked his fingers clean. #writing #character

2023-04-07 If you can’t confuse someone with your sense of humor, you aren’t trying. #life

2023-04-07 I just reviewed my goals for this year, writing-wise: #writing

2023-04-07 I need to start thinking of the next Drunken Werewolves story. My deadline for that is coming up …

2023-04-07 I did some research into Kinamutay for the sequel today. Interesting stuff. Hope I can get it to …

2023-04-07 Treat every day as a second chance at life. #life #success

2023-04-07 He was a well-rounded individual. I’ll leave it to your imagination.

2023-04-07 Today was not productive. That’s fine. It’s Friday.

2023-04-07 It’s time for a late (3PM) lunch and writing.

2023-04-07 There is nothing wrong with being average. Just don’t be mediocre. #life #success

2023-04-07 Good morning. It’s Friday. Push, so you can let go. Time for the ceremonial coffe.

2023-04-06 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff. — write. — eat. — code. — plan. — relax.

2023-04-06 “Are you a failure?” “Only to other people.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-06 It’s warm and humid. It’s in the 80s. It feels like summer. Tomorrow it’s going into the 40s.

2023-04-06 I’m seeing a ton of “I don’t buy bread anymore, I eat nails and stuff,” videos.

2023-04-06 “Some days you just have to get up.”

2023-04-06 Photo up: #photography

2023-04-06 Some places are still olde schoole. #restaurant

2023-04-06 PSA: Tomorrow is Friday. Push so you can goof off tomorrow.

2023-04-06 “What about life?” “What about it?” “Why is there death and injustice?” A shrug. “It was a mistake. …

2023-04-06 “If God were perfect, everyone would be happy. And if you think God is perfect because some people …

2023-04-06 “Humans are fascinated by zombies because deep down, they either are, or want to be one.” #zombie

2023-04-06 How many friends does the average person have on average? Facebook “friends” aren’t.

2023-04-06 “Lowlander: There can only be 217.”

2023-04-06 “The Easter Bunny Massacres” - should be a title. #books #writing

2023-04-06 “I gonna dig me a grave. Then I’m a gonna crawl in and pull the cover over me. Then they can’t get …

2023-04-06 You have to have a sense of humor in life. Even if no one understands it. #life #success

2023-04-06 “Stand your ground, unless you stand on quicksand.” #writing #throwawayline #life

2023-04-06 A day without a smile is a day of waste. #life #failure

2023-04-06 Yodel: n. when you yell Yo across the dell.

2023-04-06 A reward isn’t something you have to sign up for. #marketing #spam

2023-04-06 I guess I should start thinking about maybe editing my time-travel book. #writing #editing

2023-04-06 I guess I should do some research into Kinumutay. #writing #book #planning #martialarts

2023-04-06 You know you have a good idea for a book when you start asking more questions than have ideas. But …

2023-04-06 “She pulled herself up with an arm, the other hung limp and shattered by her side. She stared …

2023-04-06 “He was a chocolate lab the way the of the bunny.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-06 “The old man looked up at her, his eyes watering and glazing over. ‘Give in to power,’ he …

2023-04-06 Lunch time. I think a burger and some writing is called for.

2023-04-06 Just because you have thoughts doesn’t make them important. #life

2023-04-06 Good morning. You are enough. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-05 Plan for tomorrow: — More book planning. — More writing. — More coding. — More eating. — More house …

2023-04-05 Life is not a competition. Stop trying to make it one. #life

2023-04-05 Happy Read A Roadmap Day Old school.

2023-04-05 My lone blueberry bush is getting ready for another flush harvest. #plant

2023-04-05 80F out. I’m on the deck with one of The Gathering. Creamsicle hasn’t run away and is just sitting …

2023-04-05 If everything and everyone around you is uncertain, be certain. #life #success

2023-04-05 There must be a ton of stupid people around. I’m seeing a lot of “… ending explained” videos on …

2023-04-05 “The older you get, the more time you’ve had.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-05 As far as I know no site cross references your phone number to authenticate who you are, and even …

2023-04-05 Any site that requires you to enter a phone number for 2FA is phishing information. #security …

2023-04-05 Tra la.

2023-04-05 Next week is #phillyete

2023-04-05 “I’ve got no chill because I’m so hot.” #writing

2023-04-05 When you wonder about what you should have done, you’re still not doing it. #life #failure

2023-04-05 Assert your failures. #life #programming

2023-04-05 It’s interesting that social networks haven’t leveraged push notifications for reminders and timers. …

2023-04-05 PSA: Honey badgers don’t taste like honey.

2023-04-05 “What do you want?” “Information.” I should really watch it again…

2023-04-05 Test: A new line #markdown

2023-04-05 Vicious Rumor: Elon to sell Twitter to Amazon, since all the posts are marketing or selling …

2023-04-05 “Never spam just because you don’t know what the buttons do.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-04-05 I need to do a lot of research for this book. — Yakuza — Triad — “ethnic” neighborhoods in NYC of …

2023-04-05 Any “headline” that begins with “Everything you need to know…” is click-bait/spam. #marketing …

2023-04-05 “Life gets weird when you start killing people.” #writing

2023-04-05 I need to move all this hand-scribbled planning into Plottr and organize it, but mostly so I can …

2023-04-05 “Without life, there is no power. With power, there is no life.” #writing

2023-04-05 … thing is, all this planning will go out the window once I start writing. That’s how creativity …

2023-04-05 I guess I need to do a bunch of research for this book. #book #planning

2023-04-05 OK. I’ve discovered the theme of this book. That’s a start. #book #planning #writing

2023-04-05 If you had to learn something completely new and foreign to you in an unrelated field, how would/do …

2023-04-05 It’s time to consider lunch.

2023-04-05 Ok. This is my current concept for my sequel WIP, Coins of Destiny Book 2: Explosions vs. Yakuza vs. …

2023-04-04 I should write more like Raymond Chandler. #writing

2023-04-04 Gah 9PM already. Today went by before I got a chance to do everything.


2023-04-04 “‘Tradition is just the lay person’s way of saying, we’ve always done it that way. It doesn’t work …

2023-04-04 “Too be all powerful, you need to be completely open to everything, not just what you like or want. …

2023-04-04 Who had a good day and is welling to sell it?

2023-04-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-04 I’m thinking I might just use The Bird to promote stuff, like everyone else on there does.~

2023-04-04 OK. I’ve been using my time-based GTD contexts for a couple of days now. I like it much more than …

2023-04-04 Well today is pleasant enough. It’s 75ºF

2023-04-04 Not only are we not taught how to learn, we aren’t taught the difficulties and hurdles we will …

2023-04-04 “He wore his shirts inside out believing they wouldn’t get dirty.” #writing

2023-04-04 There should really be a programming language named “Code”. #programming

2023-04-04 Peer pressure: When Worf closes in with a Bat’leth. #writing #startrek

2023-04-04 “His muscles spawned other muscles until there was nothing but a blob of flesh resembling a pile of …

2023-04-04 “He portrayed her as some sort of tart, cherry.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-04 Didn’t ripped-at-the-knee jeans go out of fashion in 2003? #fashion #failure

2023-04-04 “He was drawn to her, petition, gentle, and pretty as she was. That is, until her stomach growled, …

2023-04-04 I wonder how many fish and chipperies are in London.

2023-04-04 “Why does your God want you to do something? Isn’t he God enough to do it himself?” #writing

2023-04-04 “His shoes were like his stories, full of holes.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-04 Having fish and chips for lunch. Not bad. But they use fake newspaper. #food

2023-04-04 I don’t tell all my secrets, but this is obviously spam. #writing #publishing

2023-04-04 I’ve implemented a routine to email me whenever an unexpected exception is thrown in any of my code. …

2023-04-04 “He pulled another nut out of his sack. ‘Squirrels have a way of telling you, you are stupid.’” …

2023-04-04 Grr my Squareoff “smart” chessboard that I just got has issues… I’m hoping they can resolve the …

2023-04-04 So, does Donny live in Trump Tower? With all that supposed money, I’d think he’d have a real house …

2023-04-04 Observed: “She was done up to impress—someone in their 80s.” #writing #character

2023-04-04 The older I get, the more math makes sense. #life #math

2023-04-04 Time to thank everyone on whichever platform that follows or chooses to interact with me. I know I’m …

2023-04-04 It’s time to actually eat something.

2023-04-04 Ironically, the best US paper for fountain pens is a decent printer/copy paper. #writing …

2023-04-04 PSA: The cheapest Japanese paper is better than the most expensive US paper for fountain pens, …

2023-04-04 I’ve never been to the Bahamas. I hear it’s a tourist trap. #travel

2023-04-04 It’s warm. It’s sunny. What could go wrong?

2023-04-04 No one who has failed has ever said, there is no way but up. #life #success

2023-04-04 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2023-04-04 I have the broad strokes for the first half of the first act. It’s good stuff, but I still don’t …

2023-04-04 The problem is, I have a lot of notebooks and journals that have US paper, which is geared to sales, …

2023-04-04 I’ve gone back to using real paper after using a generic notebook. I’ve missed good paper that …

2023-04-04 Parallel lines don’t exist in our universe, except conceptually, because of curved space-time. …

2023-04-04 “The gerunds are running this spring.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-04 “Make sure your mom and dad are dead before you go out tonight.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-04 I hate getting bot-generated spam trying to be friendly. #spam #publishing #failure

2023-04-04 I experiment with everything I write. This sequel is going to be a mix of romance, comedy and …

2023-04-04 I’m beginning to lay out a broad outline of “Coins of Destiny - II” I didn’t feel like …

2023-04-04 Time to eat and write.

2023-04-04 It’s a nice day outside. I’ll get out and do some house stuff later. It’s that …

2023-04-04 I should have paid more attention in Statistics in college, or had a better professor. #math …

2023-04-04 Good morning. You are better than you think, worse than you can be. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-04-03 Sequels need explosions. The sequel I’m working on will have lots more explosions. Explosions make …

2023-04-03 Time for some Phantom:… #music

2023-04-03 PSA: All Dungeon and Dragons movies are trash.

2023-04-03 Now all I need do is update the bookshelves whenever I add a book to my own site. …

2023-04-03 Photo up. #photography

2023-04-03 Ok, I’ve migrated my Goodreads list into #books #reading

2023-04-03 Oh well. The Darksky API just went offline. It now returns an HTML-formatted ad for Apple Weather. …

2023-04-03 Well Murphy made an appearance. Went to reheat some lunch and the microwave started sparking. Time …

2023-04-03 Little known fact: Most land is surrounded by water, or other land.

2023-04-03 It’s not laziness, it’s fear that keeps you from moving. #life #failure

2023-04-03 Happy National Don’t Go To Work Unless It’s Fun Day. … it’s also… Happy National …

2023-04-03 Mmm… breakfast! I didn’t expect this.… #humans #food

2023-04-02 Plan for tomorrow: — do stuff — try to evade Murphy — eat stuff

2023-04-02 “I died a strange and mysterious death.” “But you’re still alive” “…” #writing #throwawayline

2023-04-02 Ok. This recipe is a keeper. Cranberry bread. Should also be good as morning toast. #baking

2023-04-02 Anyone asleep yet?

2023-04-02 “Don’t use life as an excuse. Everyone has one.” #writing

2023-04-02 Oreo, one of The Gathering, is enjoying the spring day from a new vantage point as it continues to …

2023-04-02 Bread in the oven. Hope it’s edible. #food

2023-04-02 Making cranberry bread. #baking

2023-04-02 “He was the last in the long line of sacrificial idiots.” #writing

2023-04-02 You know you’re struggling when they don’t take th “Student Driver” sticker off the car.

2023-04-02 “Life is a game everyone loses.” #writing

2023-04-02 It’s exhausting. I keep hearing my name everywhere… .~

2023-04-02 Are there any good writing retreats this year on the East Coast US? #writing

2023-04-02 Food consumed: +1 to stamina +1 to energy -2 to health

2023-04-02 Scheduling apps fail…

2023-04-02 To a super-hero, their super-powers are normal.

2023-04-02 Age yourself: What concert did you miss and why? Me? Huey Lewis and the News, because I was …

2023-04-02 When you can’t decide what to have for lunch. #food

2023-04-02 Old guys with old cars shouldn’t have handlebar moustaches. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-04-02 I’m toying with the idea of flying somewhere for a weekend. Tokyo might be fun… But I’m not a …

2023-04-02 Plan for this afternoon: — bake cranberry bread — play some chess against the new board — play some …

2023-04-02 “Doubt tells you not that you will fail, but that you need to pay more attention.” #life #success

2023-04-02 Time to switch it up. Pilot Decimo Burgundy with Monteverde Valentine Red. #fountainpen

2023-04-02 It’s that time again. Food (wings) and free-writing.

2023-04-02 I should do less time-blocking and more time-boxing. #life #productivity

2023-04-02 I should do less time-blocking and more time-boxing. #life #productivity

2023-04-02 Being something beautiful is more important than being beautiful. #life #success

2023-04-02 When you think you have it all, you find something else you want. When you want nothing, is when you …

2023-04-02 I’m reworking my GTD strategy. I find I don’t use contexts other than time, so …

2023-04-02 Hm. I just discovered that Calendars on Mac allows you to merge calendars. Neat. #mac #calendar

2023-04-01 Reconnect with your goals and desires, and how one maps to the other. #life #business #success

2023-04-01 “Dreams are what you have when you have nothing else.” #writing

2023-04-01 Well this is fun

2023-04-01 Happy National Sourdough Bread Day This is one holiday I’m all for.

2023-04-01 Hello. Get comfortable of the idea of yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-31 Plan for tomorrow: — do relaxing stuff

2023-03-31 “I’m such a bad artist that I can’t even draw a breath.” #writing

2023-03-31 Everyone needs to be slightly less appalling.

2023-03-31 “Ghosts of Friends Past” - the spirits of long dead Tamogarchi toys come back to exact revenge on …

2023-03-31 Icy bin müde und satt.

2023-03-31 “He was forged in the crucible of yogurt.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-31 Vicious Rumor: Apple to introduce SwiftPlus, a syntactically simplified version of Swift at WWDC …

2023-03-31 I miss going to the Cupertino/San Jose environs. I’ve been there once since the Apple Campus, before …

2023-03-31 Do people still introduce people? And is the introduction mutual? Or is it assumed you know the …

2023-03-31 Live up to others’ expectations and you will be happy. Live up to your own and you are a failure. …

2023-03-31 Hm. Apparently, beet cake is a thing. #baking #food

2023-03-31 The only thing you control is yourself.

2023-03-31 Just because you disagree–wait! That just means you disagree. #life

2023-03-31 Control is an illusion.

2023-03-31 PSA: It’s spam if it’s about an account you don’t have. #spam

2023-03-31 I should wander over to the farm store here once it opens for the year.

2023-03-31 “The first ran into his jaw the way a freight train hurtles into a 1950s Ford F1 Pickup, and he was …

2023-03-31 Mind dump progress: 80% 32 Gigaquads freed.

2023-03-31 “He was a scrappy old hermit. He collected trash.” #writing #throwawaylline

2023-03-31 Peace of mind comes from the mind. If you don’t’ control it, you won’t have either. #life #zen #tao

2023-03-31 The phrase,“Imagine…” makes me shudder. #aphantasia #writing

2023-03-31 When was the last time you took part (or instigated) a bar fight? #writing

2023-03-31 Were Ollie’s oxen ever freed? And who was Ollie?

2023-03-31 Progress is made when the imagination overrides reality. But to what end? #life #success #progresss

2023-03-31 Why is it that “ethnic” chain restaurants insist on playing bad “ethnic” music (usually from the …


2023-03-31 Cheap.Cheeps. Cheap Cheeps. Cheap Cheeps. I’d rather eat cheap chips. #poem #easter #writing …

2023-03-31 I haven’t had Bratwurst in ages—specifically the current age. Delaware isn’t known for international …

2023-03-31 “He was so obese that he thought everyone loved him when they shouted, ‘Three chairs for Hymen!’” …

2023-03-31 “‘They run like girls,’ was the last thought he had as they ran up to him and proceeded to smash …

2023-03-31 A lesson is something that teaches you, or not. Just like everything else in life. #life #success …

2023-03-31 He spackled the wall with the deftness of a blind cake baker frosting a cake.” Note: this is not to …

2023-03-31 “He looked at me at horror. ‘What are you?’ ‘I am your worst daymare. I am a human …

2023-03-31 “He teetered on the toddler. He was a teetoddler.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-31 “Best to leave it alone. It has teeth and is about to explode.” #writing

2023-03-31 Lament that which you will never have, not what you had and lost. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-03-31 “Have you ever won anything?” “Your love—what are you doing with that? No~ Don’t! Nooo… ….” #writing …

2023-03-31 “The parade of tears down her cheeks was accompanied by the fanfare of howls, both centered on her …

2023-03-31 I should do some research, for a short story, into 12 step programs and their ilk. #writing

2023-03-31 “Never be the person your mother warned you about.” #writing

2023-03-31 “Crumbs were scattered on the floor, a constellation of stars.” #writing

2023-03-31 Time is not a commodity. Time is not a luxury. Time is not something you can get back. Inhabit it …

2023-03-31 It seems they got rid of all the language-specific talks. Bummer. That’s what I enjoyed most. …

2023-03-31 PhillyETE seems streamlined this year. Only 2 concurrent sessions. Should still be fun/interesting. …

2023-03-31 After using fountain pens, my handwriting has reached legibility—unless I’m in a rush. Your mileage …

2023-03-31 I hope everyone is having a hoopy froodday.

2023-03-31 It’s that time. Lunch. Writing. Mind-dumping.

2023-03-31 Happy National She’s Funny That Way Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-03-31 Hello. Repeat after me. It’s Friday. You can begin to let go. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-30 Happy Pencil Day. All my pencils are happy.

2023-03-30 That’s enough stuff for today. Next, I’ll work on integrating’s …

2023-03-30 Grr. I can no longer user the Goodreads API. Need to find an alternative. #goodreads #api

2023-03-30 So what’s everyone doing today?

2023-03-29 People want to be significant. They believe if they do, say, or get something special they will …


2023-03-29 Today was another day where not much got done, despite efforts. Murphy always gets a vote.

2023-03-29 #wwdc announced

2023-03-29 You have an unlimited imagination. You don’t have unlimited time. Make sure you make the most of …

2023-03-29 Oh no! More tasty Lamy Safaris released. #fountainpen

2023-03-29 OK. I figured out how to use the basics of Flask Blueprints and spent a bunch of time rearchitecting …

2023-03-29 I guess I should have a sandwich for lunch.

2023-03-29 Happy Smoke and Mirrors Day

2023-03-29 What are you teaching your kids? And I don’t mean what subjects. Are you even aware that …

2023-03-29 Good morning. Remember that the memory was not the thing. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-28 “Be terrifying.” #writing

2023-03-28 “He was fashionably late. The suit he wore to his funeral made all the influencers’ feeds.” #writing

2023-03-28 “His voice was a gruff and no-nonsense. It was the kind of thing everyone around him had learned to …

2023-03-28 “George, the mystery writer, harnessed the power of foreshadowing in everyday life. Each day he was …

2023-03-28 “He was the black sheep of the family of black sheep.” #writing

2023-03-28 “It’s not enough to want, hope, or pray for something. God created humans by mistake, and doesn’t …

2023-03-28 Observed: She would have been a third rate character actor, playing the bedraggled farmer’s wife. He …

2023-03-28 “He’d invested a lot of time and energy on Twitter. He treated it as money and was unwilling to lose …

2023-03-28 English/American is weird. Do you pronounce it “Kee-no”, “Keh-no”, “Kenno”, or “Cinema”? #keno

2023-03-28 Buy a book. Feed a feral. Cat, not book. #book #cat #reading #watson

2023-03-28 “Frumpy and moist: these were the two things she never wanted to be.” #writing #character

2023-03-28 Tomorrow will be a normal day. At least as far as I go.

2023-03-28 The obvious is sometimes worth stating or asking. What’s obvious to you is usually not obvious to …

2023-03-28 Now that the weather is getting nicer, I should wander down to Brimming Horn Meadery. I haven’t done …

2023-03-28 I’ve never run into this situation… I have a notebook with tear-out pages. I have one blank page …

2023-03-28 I have an urge to rediscover/review algebra. Not that I need to, but I feel a need to read stuff. …

2023-03-28 A story doesn’t need conflict. It does need reader conflict. #writing

2023-03-28 Jam to the Strawberry Alarm Clock with the Strawbs. My mind works in mysterious and sometimes …

2023-03-28 Leftovers Rightovers Wrightovers Writeovers Popovers Momovers Turnovers Sleepovers Do overs Hors …

2023-03-28 “His mustache was the only thing that separated him from his body.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-28 “We all need friends. They make good soup.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-28 Hm Classical music on iOS. I wonder if I should splurge. I used to be into it, but have moved into …

2023-03-28 Observed: He was a Cliff Claven wannabe. He sat at the bar, staring off into the middle distance as …

2023-03-28 Time for a late lunch and free-writing.

2023-03-28 Photo up. #photography

2023-03-28 Hm… I need an iOS app that will read an NFC tag and forward it to a Raspberry Pi. I should write it. …

2023-03-28 “The Brotherhood of Enigmaic Epistolarians” - should be a title. #writing

2023-03-28 “When you don’t,… can,… should.” #writing

2023-03-28 A feature is not a benefit. #programming #business #marketing

2023-03-28 Good morning. Be productive. Eat lots of products. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-27 Today was a busy day. With any luck, and doing less tomorrow, tomorrow will be less so.

2023-03-27 I find Adele’s voice grating and annoying. Yes, I know I’m in the minority. #music

2023-03-27 “Death, in the guise of an old man, stared up at the woman. ‘Be happy with who you are, …

2023-03-27 Good morning. Eat wisely. Live safely. Laugh freely. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-26 Laughter isn’t the best medicine, but it is the cheapest. #life #success

2023-03-26 Have you ever won a boss fight at work?

2023-03-26 “Kickstart your week by drinking a week’s worth of coffee now.” .~

2023-03-26 I like getting my stuff to work. I hate getting other people’s stuff to work. That’s why I hate code …

2023-03-26 A caveat is a hole somewhere. #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-26 “This is the calm before the throne.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-26 If you don’t like my books or me, buy one of my books and give it to someone you hate. …

2023-03-26 “You have much to fear when your dreams meet your reality.” #writing #life

2023-03-26 “Purgatory is where we all live. It’s a place somewhere between good and evil. Life would be …

2023-03-26 The more time you spend planning, the less time you spend doing. Don’t let perfection stand in your …

2023-03-26 Competing factors create patterns. #life #math

2023-03-26 What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning? Mine is sitting and listening to the radio …

2023-03-26 More house stuff this morning. More writing, coding, and eating this afternoon.

2023-03-26 It’s Sunday here. It’s living up to it’s name. #netde

2023-03-26 Hello. If you let the world pass you by, it will. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-25 Did a bunch of house stuff today. Also worked on The Continuity a bit.

2023-03-25 So, should I have wings or a burger tomorrow for lunch?

2023-03-25 Make the important words important. #writing

2023-03-25 Happy Pecan Day There can only be one…

2023-03-25 Hello. Fly into the weekend on wings of wonder. Time for the ceremonial coffe.

2023-03-24 Have a relaxing weekend. May it bring many doughnuts.

2023-03-24 I think I’ll spend the weekend doing house stuff. Need to get stuff done.

2023-03-24 What’s everyone doing this weekend?

2023-03-24 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a glass of my mead. #mead

2023-03-24 Remember: It’s Friday. You don’t have to kill yourself.

2023-03-24 It’s Friday. It’s raining. It’s time to pick up tax work.

2023-03-24 “Loyalty is friendship gone wrong.” #writing

2023-03-24 Silence teaches you how loud you are. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-03-24 “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” is now officially released. If you’re looking for a fun …

2023-03-24 Every couple of months, here in the US, we get ads that try to sell “just discovered Morgan Silver …

2023-03-24 I’m free-writing and trying to decide what to eat for lunch.

2023-03-24 I’ve been taking care of house stuff all morning. I deserve a break.

2023-03-24 Happy National Cheesesteak Day. I haven’t had a real cheesesteak since before The Dark Times. …

2023-03-23 Why are there no doughnuts?

2023-03-23 Happy Cuddly Kitten Day

2023-03-23 Oh no! Hide! The sun is outside!

2023-03-23 Is it time to quit?

2023-03-23 A new perspective. Oreo, one of the feral two, has discovered the joy of sitting and sleeping in my …

2023-03-22 I just had a cherry turnover and a cup of coffee for dinner, because I’m adulting (and too lazy and …

2023-03-22 I’ve been playing with VSCode for the first time. Decent editor. I can’t figure out how to SFTP from …

2023-03-22 No one outlives themselves. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-03-22 I’m trying to create a workspace in VSCode server (codeserver) and getting this error when …

2023-03-22 Creamsicle, the other member of The Gathering is napping on the deck. #cat

2023-03-22 I just went out on the deck. Oreo, one of the Gathering backed off to the steps. #cat

2023-03-22 Surely, this must be spring. Don’t call me Shirley.

2023-03-22 “Death and glory usually means someone else’s glory and your death.” #writing

2023-03-22 Is anyone sufficiently confused yet?

2023-03-22 I wonder how many people actually use a Nook reader? Seems like it would be a vast minority compared …

2023-03-22 Make sure your life is an emotional arc and not a flat line. #life #writing

2023-03-22 “Life’s crossroads all meet at Death.” #writing

2023-03-22 Never have I ever played never have I ever. I’m never drunk enough. There is no such thing as …

2023-03-22 Raise your stakes. Breed cows.

2023-03-22 I’m waiting for an “intelligent” chess board to show up. I feel the need to get back into the game. …

2023-03-22 “Have Pun — Will Travel ™©” My new business cards. Seriously thinking about this. #writing

2023-03-22 McCoy: “Jim, I’m a writer. I’m not an artist.” Kirk: “That’s a fine distinction, Bones.” #writing …

2023-03-22 “She was a home-wrecker. So was he. Married, they were useless. Apart, they were dynamite.” #writing …

2023-03-22 “Be righteous. Be acceptable.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-22 “Death is an expert.” #writing

2023-03-22 In the US we have a saying:”You won’t know until you try.” If you don’tknow yourself and your …

2023-03-22 I can safely say that in the 80s I never had a mullet and I never had big-hair. #80s

2023-03-22 Nibbage. Black nib. #fountainpen

2023-03-22 Not doing something (which you want to do) will cause less stress. You won’t run into obstacles and …

2023-03-22 Tax work dropped off. It’s truly a spring-like day—actually, it’s a spring day. It feels like it. …

2023-03-22 Time to eat and write.

2023-03-22 I now have VSCode running on my iPad by way of VSCode server on a RaspberryPi. Pretty cool. I gave …

2023-03-22 Happy National Goof-Off Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-03-22 Spending the morning trying to set up VSCode server on my Synology NAS. It’s installed and …

2023-03-22 Good morning, all. Stay focused. Stay open. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-21 In life, creativity is as important as knowledge and desire. #life #success

2023-03-21 We all live to see such times.

2023-03-21 A.I.s will mostly be used to sell you stuff, while getting your info. Everything from physical …

2023-03-21 Sometimes you have to scare yourself into doing something. #life #success

2023-03-21 I guess I should take a break. Today feels like it should be Friday.

2023-03-21 Time to switch it up. Monteverde 20tu anniversary Innova Carbon Fiber (1.1) w/ Colorverse Stars and …

2023-03-21 If you don’t know what to do next, do one small thing. #life #success

2023-03-21 OK. Back home again. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

2023-03-21 Happy Eternal Equinox. Oh, right. This is Earth. Happy Vernal Equinox.

2023-03-20 It’s disappointing when you order food at a restaurant and they give you a bagged bag of (potato) …

2023-03-20 Just glanced into the Bird site. Everyone is selling something. #twitter #failure

2023-03-20 Observed: Young guy and girl clasping hands in the restaurant. She leans over and kisses the back of …

2023-03-20 Continuity is an illusion. #tao

2023-03-20 “The more you can see, the more you can control.” Harry Sheldon

2023-03-20 I should drop by Barnes and Noble today. Not that I want/need anything, but maybe I’ll stumble …

2023-03-20 What do you look forward to each year? Me? #phillyete and #mdc3con

2023-03-20 When you wish for love, you aren’t giving any. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-03-20 GTD apps should have a context that says “When it’s warm enough”. Another reason I should write my …

2023-03-20 Anyone remember Doctor Hook? #music

2023-03-20 “The more people you have that believe in a thing, the more influence they have over those that …

2023-03-20 Time zones as well as seasonal time changes are political and ancient holdovers of attempting to …

2023-03-20 “The majority of people are wrong the majority of the time. Many would fight you to their last …

2023-03-20 “The sun rose majestically above the horizon throughout the night. The planet had stopped, too tired …

2023-03-20 “When I don’t know what I should do, I do something. Then I know.” #writing

2023-03-20 “The nits that I pick, I lick.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-20 When you wake up, how do you know yesterday happened? When you wake up, you hope you will wake up …

2023-03-20 Hm. I’ve never written a horror novel. I’ve never written a cowboy novel. Do people even write/read …

2023-03-20 Chicago had some good tunes. Just sayin’. #music

2023-03-20 “She was so lazy she couldn’t bother to lie down to rest.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-20 Overheard: “I’m trying to decide…” If you are trying to decide, you aren’t deciding. #life

2023-03-20 The Mountain #writing

2023-03-20 Beer and writing time. Food next. #beer #food #writing call

2023-03-20 The art of being loud is something even a baby understands. Some of us grow up. #life

2023-03-20 “The silence is as deep as your missing left eye.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-20 I’m getting a hunger headache. I guess I should find some food and do some writing.

2023-03-20 Happy Act Happy Day

2023-03-20 OK. I have CouchDb running on a RaspberryPi and working with Python. It’s a bit different from …

2023-03-20 Back in PA. The sun is out. It’s almost like it’s not going to snow.

2023-03-20 Do you set challenges for yourself? How do you challenge yourself and why? #life #success

2023-03-20 Schools never teach you how to learn. #education #failure

2023-03-20 Good morning. It’s another day. Treat it as such. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-19 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — writing — eating stuff — learn about CouchDb since MongoDB is …

2023-03-19 Time to switch it up: Laban (M) with Colorverse Black Hole. #fountainpen

2023-03-19 “He was disfigured because he was irrational.” #writing #math #throwawayline

2023-03-19 Life #writing

2023-03-19 I’ll be up in PA tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t snow.

2023-03-19 My coffee plants are blooming. #coffee #plant

2023-03-19 Nothing changes. Our perception does. #zen #tao #life

2023-03-19 “I don’t’ know what I’d do without you.” “Find another hobby?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-19 “The deepest blue is still black.” #writing #throwawaylline

2023-03-19 “Where are you from?” “The Isle of Langherhans.” “Lots of beaches and stuff?” “You’re thinking of …

2023-03-19 “No one cares about imposter syndrome after they are killed.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-19 I should play some OW later. I’m sure matching will still be broken.

2023-03-19 Survival - #life #ai #writing #programming #dna

2023-03-19 Anyone who can’t sink a 50’ putt in golf, should quit. #golf #sport

2023-03-19 “I would prefer you not to shake in terror when you are about to die. It’s so unnerving.” #writing …

2023-03-19 “Where do you go? What do you do? To run away from yourself?” “I survive.” #writing

2023-03-19 Tomorrow will be another stressful day. History has proven me correct.

2023-03-19 Oh well. The primary and backup fountain pens both ran out of ink. I guess I should eat. …

2023-03-19 “Silence isn’t the absence of sound. It is the presence of you. Many people fear silence for that …

2023-03-19 “The same could be said of his shoes. They had no sole.” #writing

2023-03-19 “Too long the oolong steeped. The strength of the bitter brew bruised his palate as well as his ego. …

2023-03-19 “The slime of humanity slithers worse than a snake.” #writing

2023-03-19 “I’m just here for the words. And the words are being silenced. And when you silence the words, …

2023-03-19 I need a new skill.

2023-03-19 The suffering of the one outweighs the suffering of the many in our society. When we have names and …

2023-03-19 “His was a leftover life—a hand-me-down from his parents. His thoughts and beliefs were not his own. …

2023-03-19 Do you wake up and immediately think or worry about what you have to accomplish? Doing so won’t get …

2023-03-19 I need to ink up a couple more pens. These two are about dry. #fountainpen

2023-03-19 It’s time for some wings and free-writing. I spent the morning working on my stock candlestick app. …

2023-03-18 Appreciate your friends and family. Some people have neither. #life

2023-03-18 Tomorrow feels like a hot wings kind of day.

2023-03-18 Life is what you make it. Most people let life make them. #life

2023-03-18 Anyone doing anything relaxing? I’m reading about the Bayes Rule/Theorem.

2023-03-18 Cranberry citrus cookies out of the oven. #baking

2023-03-18 It’s one of those weird days: cold and very humid.

2023-03-18 This is surprising. Most cities don’t map sidewalks……

2023-03-18 A reminder that your happiness doesn’t depend on anyone or anything other than yourself. #life

2023-03-17 There are no “beloved Disney characters”. Flame on!

2023-03-17 I hope everyone has an enjoyable and restful weekend. Be kind. Maybe others will be kind in turn. …

2023-03-17 Plan for tomorrow: — errands — cook — bake — other stuff

2023-03-17 I discovered Oreo, one of The Gathering, living in the woods. #cat

2023-03-17 The problem with “sugar-free” anything is that they still try to make it sweet by adding weird …

2023-03-17 You’re timely reminder that today is Friday. You get to wind down and not work this weekend. Unless …

2023-03-17 If your work is as popular as an AI’s, what are you doing wrong? #creativity #ai #failure

2023-03-17 AI is asking us to determine what it means to be human and what role creativity has. #life #ai

2023-03-17 We are entering the age of AI. If you aren’t unique, you will be replaced by an AI. Be unique. Be …

2023-03-17 I’m still trying to figure out why people in the US wear green today. It’s not like they get free …

2023-03-17 Deconstructed corned beef and cabbage. Not bad, but not authentic. #food

2023-03-17 I have no plans for the weekend apart from what I always do. It’s not that I’m in a rut, but I need …

2023-03-17 “She was the woman your mother always warned you about. He was your father.” #writing

2023-03-17 The more you criticize, the more you judge, the less you are an individual. #life #zen #tao

2023-03-17 You don’t need to be famous to be a good person. #life #success

2023-03-17 I have stories to tell. Some of them are worth telling, some I tell to learn. Sometimes I’m lucky …

2023-03-17 I haven’t checked. Has Elon quit/been kicked off Bird yet?

2023-03-17 Thank you to everyone that follows me, interacts with me, supports me, or buys a book. You are …

2023-03-17 Back in my day we had Victrola 45s.

2023-03-17 “She sat pensive, pencil in hand. Just like Pence.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-17 I should write a git utility to back up my writing. Doing it manually works, but I can do better. …

2023-03-17 “The green beer flowed freely, but it was $4 a pint.” #writing

2023-03-17 This the US holiday of drinking.… oh, right! #stpatricksday

2023-03-17 I find it amusing that Bud aspires to be beer. #beer

2023-03-17 Observed: “He was Vanilla Ice, but without the talent.” #writing #character

2023-03-17 “Old. Tired. Worn. Trying to live by leaning on inertia.” #writing

2023-03-17 I don’t write with a fountain pen nib inverted often enough. Many give you a finer line. …

2023-03-17 “The moment you wake up is when you know who you really are.” #writing

2023-03-17 “Do you have Bluetooth?” “No, I see the dentist.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-17 Sometimes, it doesn’t take a lot to keep me content. #writing

2023-03-17 I’m sitting next to a couple of guys doing white vinegar shots.

2023-03-17 I like being around people even though I don’t like people. #introvert

2023-03-17 “Sentimental value” means you need a reminder. #life #failure

2023-03-17 Nibbage. I really like this nib/pen. #fountainpen I’m

2023-03-17 “Never mix fun with pleasure.” #writing

2023-03-17 I need to get corned beef and cabbage since I didn’t make any this year. #food

2023-03-17 Green beer is an abomination unless it has Mindori Melon in it. #beer

2023-03-17 Reminder. It’s not a mystery that The Singular Case of the Three Witches comes out in book form a …

2023-03-17 Did you notice that when you walk by a restaurant the smell of the food is always better than what …

2023-03-17 Shamrocks are four times the fun. #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-17 #books #reading #library

2023-03-17 Horror #writing

2023-03-17 “Burn away the hate. Sweep away the fear.” #writing

2023-03-17 Do you ever feel like not doing anything all day? Yeah, that’s today.

2023-03-17 Good morning. Make your life easier. Stop worrying. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-16 Plan for tomorrow: — have a light day.

2023-03-16 Make sure you have enough green tomorrow.

2023-03-16 Time for a break. The Gathering is still on the deck.

2023-03-16 Only you worry about what others think of you. #life

2023-03-16 Reorganizing my bookcases. Ran across this. #programming


2023-03-15 Hm. Safari can save a single web page as a PDF. It would be more useful if it could also save it as …

2023-03-15 If you lie to yourself, you’ll lie to anyone. #life #failure

2023-03-15 Hm. Just discovered TinyDB. Pretty simple and cool for simple things. #db #tinydb

2023-03-15 Everyone has a story. Some are even interesting.

2023-03-15 Well, I really like MongoDB, but not if it can’t run on a RaspberryPi. I guess it’s SQLite3 again. …

2023-03-15 Easter cactus blooming #plant

2023-03-15 I want to buy real fruit flavored ice cream. Here in the US the only available fruit ice cream is …

2023-03-15 Realize that the 80s were 40 years ago. That like the 70s to the 30s.

2023-03-15 Simplify. Don’t try to be clever. Don’t try to confuse just because you can. Being confusing isn’t a …

2023-03-15 Waitperson: “Can I get a shot?” Bartender: Pulls out a derringer and fires at the waitperson who …

2023-03-15 “It’s greener than the snot on your chin.” #writing

2023-03-15 It’s not “St. Patty’s Day”. You’re not on first/nick name terms with a Saint. And I’m not even …

2023-03-15 Humans read, watch movies, and follow other forms of “entertainment” to feel something lacking in …

2023-03-15 It’s sad that here we have a tax “season”. It should just be a day.

2023-03-15 Don’t forget: it’s tax season, here in the US.

2023-03-15 The implication is that “imposter syndrome” is a bad thing. The fact is, it is a good thing. It is …

2023-03-15 “I’m full of ideas. Some of them are actually good.” me

2023-03-15 Speaking of focus. I’m still looking for a GTD app that works the way I want it to. GoodTask is …

2023-03-15 Focus isn’t about “thinking hard”. It is about centering your attention one one target to the …

2023-03-15 Anyone remember UML and CORBA?

2023-03-15 It’s cold and very windy. Winter is still here. Time to find lunch and do some writing. #writing

2023-03-14 “Someone on this site is a murderer.” #writing

2023-03-14 Day 1023. Still no doughnuts.

2023-03-14 Do people still use Ada? #programming

2023-03-14 Well, I wouldn’t wish kidney stones on anyone, and certainly I wouldn’t wish a stent removal …

2023-03-14 If you are a writer, you are always a child learning something new every day. #writing


2023-03-14 Do better than you did yesterday. #life #success

2023-03-14 Happy National Organize Your Home Office Day.

2023-03-13 Wow what a deal! #amazon

2023-03-13 “It’s just as important to know what needs to be left undone as it is to know what things need …

2023-03-13 Just because everyone uses the same system, doesn’t mean it’s the right, or even correct one. …

2023-03-13 Work-life balance is a mirage and diversion. There is more to balance than just work and life. …

2023-03-13 “If you live in the past you died in the past.” #writing

2023-03-13 “He wasn’t much to look at, but then again who wanted to look at him?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-13 It’s time to wind down the day and relax.

2023-03-13 Laminar flow. No splash, no waves. #water #physics.

2023-03-13 Lol Elon thinks people will pay $42K / month to use the Bird API. #twitter

2023-03-13 Photo up. #photography

2023-03-13 Happy Fill Our Staplers Day

2023-03-12 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — editing — tax stuff — eating stuff — playing stuff

2023-03-12 If you feel you don’t have enough time to do everything, cancel your Netflix account. You’ll gain a …

2023-03-12 It’s a long way to the top, if you fall down. #life

2023-03-12 More friends is better than more money. #life #success

2023-03-12 The mind is a terrible thing to leave empty.

2023-03-12 Ok. I have my pi’s backing up to my Synology. That’s taken care of. #raspberrypi

2023-03-12 One benefit of the time change is you get to eat lunch an hour earlier, if you eat lunch.

2023-03-11 Don’t forget to do the small things. #life #success

2023-03-11 What are you doing to become the kind of person you want to be? #life

2023-03-11 “His grade school had voted him ‘Mostly Likely to be Eaten by a Horrid Creature or Just Be Boring …

2023-03-11 Anyone do something fun and educational they want to share?

2023-03-11 “Life is at a crossroads between non-existence and non-existence.” #writing

2023-03-11 Photo up. #photography

2023-03-11 Plan for tomorrow: — go home — catch up on stuff

2023-03-11 Today was mostly spent coding. I need a break.

2023-03-11 You know you need to take a break when your iPad runs out of power.

2023-03-11 Well that’s a pain. The 64 bit MongoDB no longer works on the Pi. #mongodb #raspberrypi #failure

2023-03-11 I should automate backing up my RaspberryPis. Up until now, it’s been a manual process. #raspberrypi

2023-03-11 The pen I got for a discount because it had an internal issue we discovered. The ink was free …

2023-03-11 Today’s pen show haul. Dollar pen (0.6) with Colorverse Country Roads. That’s it for pens this year …

2023-03-11 Time to wander around the pen show.

2023-03-11 I’m just hanging around the lobby working on my Git thing. Now I can use it to talk to all my …

2023-03-11 Doing some work on my git utility while I wait for the pen show to open up for the day. #programming …

2023-03-11 Good morning. Don’t let your thoughts and fears cloud your reality. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-10 I haven’t made chili in ages. I should, but after I make ciopinno in a month or two. #food

2023-03-10 It’s Friday. Even you get to relax.

2023-03-10 Sooner or later, most people become vintage. #writing

2023-03-10 The Colorverse Stars and Stripes ink has a lot of silver glitter and blue, but I don’t see the red. …

2023-03-10 “Girls Just Want to Have Rum”

2023-03-10 Sindrome: n. You can figure it out. #writing

2023-03-10 “Sleep comes to those who labor.” #writing

2023-03-10 “Wanderful: adj., full of wanderlust #writing

2023-03-10 Just because food is filling doesnt mean it’s good And vice versa.

2023-03-10 Observed: “They did everything together—except talk.” #writing #character

2023-03-10 “I find I am lost.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-10 I get prenups. But signing an NDA to be a girlfriend or spouse? That should send you running.

2023-03-10 Laziness or style? Your food (say bread, or chicken) isn’t sliced completely through, and resembles …

2023-03-10 Dinner. Simple. #food

2023-03-10 It’s almost clock adjustment time.

2023-03-10 I’m in the hotel lounge people watching. There are no good conversations to which to listen. Most …

2023-03-10 I should probably eat something. Eating seems to be a low priority item for me. Mostly, it’s an …

2023-03-10 There are a bunch of vendors I haven’t seen at the pen show before. On a side note, the only pens …

2023-03-10 Day one haul: Hinze fountain pen (1.5mm) w/ Colorverse Stars and Stripes. #fountainpen …

2023-03-10 Waiting for a room to check into. MD is cold, dark, and drizzly.

2023-03-09 Many people confuse mental/emotional reaction with thinking. #life #failure

2023-03-09 Plan for tomorrow: — get stuff done early — head to the pen show.

2023-03-09 Some prelim screenshots of my git utility. I got tired of typing commands in terminal. #git …

2023-03-09 Heh Teach Siri your voice is borked in the home app #apple #ios #home #siri

2023-03-09 “Back in my day corn huskers worked. Now they just play games.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-09 Lunch consumed. -1 stamina, -1 health, +1 contentment, -1 agility

2023-03-09 It’s not enough to be stupid, charismatic, and rich.

2023-03-09 “The exit wound was actually an entry wound. The bullet was sucked into him backwards in time.” …

2023-03-09 Just because someone tells you you are wrong, it’s a statement of fact (or opinion). It’s not a …

2023-03-09 I got distracted. I got tired of entering git commands manually so I started writing a menu system …

2023-03-09 Stop trying to eliminate distractions. Instead, stop allowing yourself to be distracted. #life …

2023-03-09 The sun is out, the sky is blue, the birds are singing. This must be a simulation.

2023-03-09 Good morning. You’re here because you’ve overcome everything that has been thrown at you …

2023-03-09 “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” “No.” “Oh. That’s OK then. I don’t either.” #writing …

2023-03-08 Tomorrow, I get back into the rut after the past two days.

2023-03-08 Ok. I’ve pulled Gogs and installed Gitea. That works. I don’t have time to fight other people’s …

2023-03-08 Trying to figure out why I’m getting a broken pipe pushing a project to Gogs on my Raspberry Pi. …

2023-03-08 Hm. There don’t seem to be any straight-forward issue trackers that run on a Pi. Trac would, but …


2023-03-08 Happy National Be Nasty Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-03-08 Good morning. The sun is out. It’s cold.It’s a nice winter day. I think I’ll try to stay out of it. …

2023-03-07 Plan for tomorrow: — go home — free-write — read — eat — other normal stuff

2023-03-07 Today is another day when I wish could doodle or draw.

2023-03-07 Back in the hotel. I had a nice dinner and wandered around B&N. It’s cold and wintry here in PA.

2023-03-07 Pizza for me, is a take out or delivery food. I’d never go into a restaurant and order pizza. What …

2023-03-07 “The truly open mind will accept garbage. Just like a stupid one.” #writing

2023-03-07 “When you’re young, you’re up for anything. The older you get the tighter your filter becomes. Pain, …

2023-03-07 I keep coming back to my first draft satire and wondering if it’s worth a second draft. It’s not …

2023-03-07 “It wasn’t that bad. Everyone is worth knowing. No one is as perfect as you.” #writing

2023-03-07 If you did something today, that’s an accomplishment worth celebrating. There are many who never had …

2023-03-07 I think I’ll stop by B&N. I don’t get a chance that often. Not that my tsundoku case needs help. …

2023-03-07 Just ordered some pepper seeds for the Aerogarden so I can play with making hot sauce. I could have …

2023-03-07 “The stains with hues of red tending toward brown told me she wore her heart on her sleeve.” …

2023-03-07 Post The Dark Times, there has been a dearth of interesting conversations it seems. People are more …

2023-03-07 “Is the next level worth going to? If so, the prize should be worth the effort. Otherwise, you’re …

2023-03-07 Pizza Date Night at Chuky’s. #writing

2023-03-07 I get a day off on Thurs, then I head to the Baltimore Pen Show. I’m not sure I will get anything, …

2023-03-07 I guess I should do some research. I doubt the stuff you see on TV is the actuality. #writing

2023-03-07 “Green is the blood of envy.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-07 Ok. I have a concept. I have a title: “One Step Away”. I have my main character. Now I need the …

2023-03-07 Yay! Just sold a copy of “The SIngular Case of the Three Witches”. I always carry a copy of my …

2023-03-07 “No matter what I accomplish, I know there are more and better ways to accomplish more.” #writing

2023-03-07 The more things you have to do, the less you want to look at any one of them. — ancient proverb I …

2023-03-07 This applies to life, not just writing #writing #life

2023-03-07 I find the “pitch timer” a bad idea and just something someone somewhere wanted in order to speed …

2023-03-07 Current view. #writing

2023-03-07 Photo up. #photography

2023-03-07 I’m going to hang out at IHB and do some free writing until I’m ready to eat.

2023-03-07 Time to unwind.

2023-03-07 Your mind creates the world you live in. Change your mind, change your world. #life #success

2023-03-07 Good morning, all. Be supportive without demanding Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-06 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — errands — free-writing — eating — de-stressing

2023-03-06 It’s time to eat a cookie. But I don’t have cookies.

2023-03-06 A social network is a lot simpler than a self-driving car. Elon seems to have broken both.

2023-03-06 Observed: Woman yelling at her phone which is on max-volume speakerphone mode. Most of the yelling …

2023-03-06 “You don’t have to be large, threatening, or even arrogant to be imposing, but it helps. Imposing …

2023-03-06 “People like to be part of a herd, despite not wanting to be cowed. The problem with a crowd or …

2023-03-06 I haven’t tried making hot sauce. Hm. A new hobby?

2023-03-06 “The Butterfly Effect can be stopped by killing all the butterflies.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-06 My iPad just warned me I have Low Battery power. Raising it above my head didn’t seem to help. …

2023-03-06 “If you can’t have a good day, at least have a good beer.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-03-06 Tomorrow will be fun. Not. At least I have the Baltimore Pen Show to look forward to. Not that I …

2023-03-06 “It’s hard when you hurt from hurting another.” #writing

2023-03-06 Decisions decisions #food

2023-03-06 I have a couple of ideas for another drunken werewolves story. I should choose one and start writing …

2023-03-06 “Shape up, or ship out!” “But, I’m in the Navy, sir. I’ll ship out either way..” #writing …

2023-03-06 “The gossamer that was his soul spread throughout the universe, ignoring the fact that souls didn’t …

2023-03-06 “Why do the stars twinkle, Daddy?” “Because you are so bright.” #writing

2023-03-06 I’ve come to the conclusion that typed languages and compilers may be better, but untyped …

2023-03-06 Name the musical group.

2023-03-06 Many people believe life is about selling you stuff. Many people believe life is about buying and …

2023-03-06 Be the sunshine in a dark world. #life #success

2023-03-06 It’s time to eat something and free-write.

2023-03-06 Kindness is a gift freely given. It is not a reward. #life #success

2023-03-06 Marketing: Even if that’s not what you wanted, but it still sorta works, we can sell it.

2023-03-06 Self-respect is not arrogance. #life

2023-03-06 Happy National Fun Facts About Names Day

2023-03-06 Don’t make commitments to yourself you can’t keep. #life #success

2023-03-06 Hello. Remember, you are a few days away from the next weekend—unless you die. So, don’t die. Time …

2023-03-05 Oh no! Tomorrow is Monday.

2023-03-05 How many times have you said “bro” or “bruh” in the past hour? There is a limit.

2023-03-05 Everything you do has an effect beyond your expectations. #life

2023-03-05 Write down your life principles. Those are even more important than your goals. #life #success

2023-03-05 I’d rather be eating cookies.

2023-03-05 Happy Cinco de Marcho Yes, it’s a thing. I don’t make these up.


2023-03-05 If you toot your own horn, make sure it’s in tune.

2023-03-05 “If you have no time on your hands, you don’t have time to question what I do or say. All powerful …

2023-03-05 Good morning, all. Find a place of joy. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-03-04 Enjoy the evening. Choose to be happy. #life #success

2023-03-04 “The rain fell needle-like, sharp, and cold. He sat, pulled into himself, on the sidewalk, the steam …

2023-03-04 What have you discovered today?

2023-03-04 Remember to March Forth today.

2023-03-04 I hope everyone is having a relaxing day. Sometimes you have to let go of the things that stress you …

2023-03-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-03-04 The cradle rocks, The metal clangs, The baby pounds, The music plays to the beat. #writing #daymare

2023-03-04 We are history, both literallly and figuratively. #life

2023-03-04 I bet this could apply to improving DBs as well.… #color #db …

2023-03-04 It’s a clear day, the breezy and buffeting winds having blown the sky clear of clouds like an …


2023-03-03 The weekend begins. Have a fun and relaxing weekend, just don’t wake the sleeping bear.

2023-03-03 Plan for tomorrow: — relax and heal — bake cookies — read — play some games

2023-03-03 With the weekend anon, I’m again befuddled about what I should do.

2023-03-03 Hey! It’s Friday! Ease up!

2023-03-03 The old song “Vole Lare” is about ancestral spirits that protect the family lines of voles. #writing

2023-03-03 “Just because something isn’t nice, doesn’t mean it’s not true.” #life

2023-03-03 One of my Pi0s is going down for no reason when nothing is running on it. It’s a decent SD card. I …

2023-03-03 “How much is that corn?” “A buck an ear.” “That’s dear.” “It’s not up to me. The Colonel sets the …

2023-03-03 The list of this year’s attending #mdc3con authors is growing. Creatures, Crime, and Creativity. …

2023-03-03 Do you wonder why professional sports teams have a player draft system instead of having a team …

2023-03-03 “The population is like a swarm of bees, or more like a slice of lemmings. If you know where the …

2023-03-03 “I was, when I didn’t know better. I will be because I know some. I am, because I’m unsure.” …

2023-03-03 I’m ready for spring and warm weather so I can do things outside again. #netde

2023-03-03 Be kind to people who need help. Don’t take advantage of their situation to your benefit. #life

2023-03-03 “Life has it’s ups and downs and going sideways.”

2023-03-03 I need to get back into my rut. Time for food and some free-writing. I need to start planning the …

2023-03-03 Back in my day we had Yellow Pages.

2023-03-03 Just updated the “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” site. …

2023-03-03 Oreo, one of The Gathering, is staring at me from the deck as I settle down to work. #cat #feral

2023-03-03 One of the best, and best written, programming books ever. #books #programming

2023-03-03 “He chewed his food slowly, and with intention. He glanced up from the half-eaten burger, shook his …

2023-03-03 How you live your life is more important than what you accomplish. #life #success

2023-03-03 Happy What if Dogs and Cats Had Opposable Thumbs Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-03-02 I should revive my sourdough starter out of the fridge. It’s been a while. #baking #sourdough

2023-03-02 I’ve been quiet lately because I’ve been taking it easy after the litho. Hopefully, next week will …

2023-03-02 Anytime you learn something new, old beliefs and assumptions die. That is why many fear knowledge. …

2023-03-02 Happy International Rescue Cat Day Rescue a cat, locally.

2023-03-02 Feeling somewhat more normal this morning (less kidney pain). It is, however, dark, cold, and …

2023-03-01 Anyone having a good day?

2023-03-01 “Sometimes you have to lose the past to find the future.” #writing

2023-03-01 I miss good tasting pies. And I can’t bake one worth eating. #food #baking

2023-03-01 Human inertia exists. The more people want something, the harder it is to change their mind. It is, …


2023-03-01 For all the cherry blossoms outside, it’s still cold and dark.

2023-03-01 Just hanging out and relaxing today, and probably the remainder of the week. Need to get some energy …

2023-03-01 Heh the so-called publisher spam has begun again. This time it’s about “The SIngular Case of the …

2023-03-01 OK. Back home. 1 kidney stone now gone. Time to relax and recover.

2023-03-01 Good morning. Enjoy the morning.

2023-02-28 Plan for tomorrow: — go in for “the procedure” (kidney stones) — recover — play games — eat

2023-02-28 The world is better than you believe. It’s is worse than you would want. #life

2023-02-28 OK. My script to automatically add books into calibre-server seems to work. #books #calibre-server …

2023-02-28 Going through my books cases, I find gems. #books #hypercard #resedit

2023-02-27 One of the downsides of living in Delaware is that we don’t have access to decent desserts or baked …

2023-02-27 I spent most of the running errands and house stuff. Time to relax.

2023-02-27 One of The Gathering, the one known as Creamsicle, just now. It was warm out, so I opened the deck …

2023-02-27 Cooked a chicken breast and some candied carrots for lunch. #food

2023-02-27 Ok. It seems ePubs stored in iBooks are unzipped. That’s a pain. I guess I need to write a script to …

2023-02-27 Hm. I didn’t realize this. ePub (eBooks) can include audio/video, not just text and images. …

2023-02-27 March is going to be busy starting on the 1st. That’s when I go in to have one of the stones …

2023-02-26 For all the advanced mocap in games, why can’t they figure out how to get characters to …

2023-02-26 “Die faster!” #writing

2023-02-26 “Let dark rivers flow.” #writing #life

2023-02-26 Cadbury eggs are pretty crappy as candies/chocolate go. Just sugar, no real flavor.

2023-02-26 Observed: a guy at the grocery store dairy case, standing and reading each container in turn, …

2023-02-26 There are no bargains, just things you are willing to pay for. #marketing #life #failure

2023-02-26 Are you afraid of making new friends? Is that why you stay there?

2023-02-26 We don’t need self-driving cars. We need self-returning shopping carts. Seems a simpler problem to …

2023-02-26 “Peace is the opposite of wanting stuff.” #life #writing

2023-02-26 The highest point in Delaware. The cliffs of Dover.~

2023-02-26 This should read, “Please be patient human driver”. It should also have punctuation. #failure

2023-02-26 In America, putting an umlaut over a brand name makes it seem exotic. I’m seeing more of that. The …

2023-02-26 “Your sig-other heard a noise. What was it? Alexa had heard a noise. Who do you trust?” #writing …

2023-02-26 “He paused to peruse his purchases. Peps, pencils, pangolins, and penguins. What had his wife asked …

2023-02-26 “Everyone is good at something—even you. Oh, never mind.” #writing #life

2023-02-26 “Welcome the universe. But make sure it wipes it’s feet before coming into your house.” #writing …

2023-02-26 Buy my new book. Give a feral cat one meal. Buy a feral cat, and feed it forever. Leave a review (of …

2023-02-26 “More humans have eaten human flesh than they care to admit. Zombies taste good.” #writing

2023-02-26 “When you are God you can co anything. Impose fear, hate, and even start wars. It’s not what you …

2023-02-26 2030 is just years away.

2023-02-26 Just because you can hold a microphone doesn’t mean you can ask questions.

2023-02-26 How many people have a picture of themselves on their phone/wallet? How many of those have a picture …

2023-02-26 “Gravity is God. Gravity is the answer. Everything is attracted to it. It accepts all, rich, poor, …

2023-02-26 Weird idea: What if you cooked shredded chicken the way you cook Buffalo wings—sort of a …

2023-02-26 Life has no requirements. Not even survival. #life

2023-02-26 I think I need to rethink the design of The Continuity. I’m not sure I like the side column idea. I …

2023-02-26 “The garbage truck of life stops for everyone. More often than not, it drops off instead of picking …

2023-02-26 Excited

2023-02-26 “Loneliness is a hunger.” #writing

2023-02-26 Do the one thing that will make life better. Then do the next one. #life #success

2023-02-26 What word do you cling to even though you rarely get a chance to use it? Mine is “gardyloo”. …

2023-02-26 “His Afro haircut would put any chrysanthemum to shame. Birds and small animals of indeterminate …

2023-02-26 “The men slouched over their beers at the bar like old women slouch over the bar of a grocery …

2023-02-26 Is there a Calibre iOS app that lets you connect to a server? I don’t see one on the App Store. …

2023-02-26 I think I should eat something.Who’s with me?

2023-02-25 “Your days are lettered.” #writing #theowawayline

2023-02-25 Cool! I can create multiple libraries in the Calibre-server. #ebook #server

2023-02-25 Anyone remember this, from back in the day? #programming #logo

2023-02-25 Cool. I have the Calibre ebook server up and running (with some finagling) on a Raspberry Pi. I can …

2023-02-24 What should I do tomorrow?

2023-02-24 Hm. You can run an ebook server on a Pi? I’ll have to check into that. #raspberrypi #ebook

2023-02-24 “May your shattered body serve as an example to our bulldozer overlords.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-24 I’m not sure what I will/should do tomorrow. I feel like doing something fun, but that rarely …

2023-02-24 My latest, “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” should be out now on ePub, wherever my books are …

2023-02-24 OK. I have Fabric integrated into my Flask website. Now I can control my cluster from my blog site. …

2023-02-24 Do what you want to do after doing what you need to do. #life #success

2023-02-24 70º yesterday, maybe an inch of snow tomorrow. #netde

2023-02-24 Hello. You are not unique. You are not special. You are not alone. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-02-23 Oh no! It’s Peeps season.

2023-02-23 I tried Kerbal Space Programming a while ago, but gave up on it. It seemed too much like work. #kbs …

2023-02-23 Time to take a break and read.

2023-02-23 Are there any good humor (not the ice cream) RSS feeds I should be following? #rss

2023-02-23 “If you claim you are God, someone stupid, somewhere, will believe you and start a cult. That’s how …

2023-02-23 On occasion, I drop into Bird to check messages. Each time, I’m revolted by the ever-increasing …

2023-02-23 Don’t forget to set aside for fun each day. #life #success

2023-02-23 Photo up. #photography

2023-02-23 Look what I found (again)… #startrek

2023-02-23 In the 70s today. Snow on Saturday. The rollercoaster rarely coasts. #netde


2023-02-23 When you wake up each morning, see the world as you would see it if newly born, not as you expect it …

2023-02-23 “Failure is the game show of life that makes you guess again.” #writing #life

2023-02-22 Today should be Friday. It’s been that kind of week.

2023-02-22 I feel more human after a good meal. I wonder what that implies about humans. #life

2023-02-22 Hm. I’m not sure what’s going on this year at PhillyETE. Many of the sessions seem to think …

2023-02-22 Making up for no food all day #food I

2023-02-22 Hard work is no guarantee of success,, but without it, there is no success. #life

2023-02-22 Observed: “He was someone’s grandfather. He tapped at the phone with one finger, the way a chicken …

2023-02-22 “You don’t have to search for a happy life. You already have one. You just choose to focus on the …

2023-02-22 Terry GIlliam and Neil Pratchett… my mind works in wonderous, albeit confusing, ways. …

2023-02-22 Yes, I will be appearing at Philly ETE-Live again this year. But I won’t be presenting, as always. …

2023-02-22 I have a bunch of Raspberry Picos laying around I should put to some use apart from blinking an LED. …

2023-02-22 “She simmered the way an old iron pot full of hot sludge does—popping off with an occasional burp.” …

2023-02-22 “Second chapter, same as the first. So is the eight one. #writing #throwawayline If you get it, you …

2023-02-22 Want to feel old? Just realize that COVID broke out 3 years ago.

2023-02-22 Observed: Guy on phone complaining white women look like drag queens. #writing #character

2023-02-22 “Your life has been caked in mud and sunshine, dried tears and hangovers of joy. What do you have to …

2023-02-22 It’s food and free-writing time.

2023-02-22 It’s been a hectic day. I need to eat something. It’s almost 4 and all I’ve had is my coffee.

2023-02-22 GIve yourself permission to succeed—but only if you try.

2023-02-22 I’m figuring out how to use Fabric to control my “non-stop” cluster. #python #fabric

2023-02-22 One of The Gathering just now. The one I call Oreo. They just come and look inside from the deck. …

2023-02-22 My latest, “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” is up on preorder. The ePub comes …

2023-02-21 It’s time to call it a day. It certainly has been.

2023-02-21 It’s time to call it a day. It has been.

2023-02-21 It’s time to call it a day. Yes, it has been.

2023-02-21 Emotions are a litmus test of your state of mind, not the state of the world. #life

2023-02-21 “Remember. God’s kingdom is full of the living dead.” #writing

2023-02-21 People who write ‘srsly’, probably don’t know how to spell, and probably use numbers for letters to …

2023-02-21 “There are many explanations. Only a few of them are correct.” #writing

2023-02-21 “Craft the world with your blood.” #writing

2023-02-21 When all else fails, so have you. #life

2023-02-21 Stressful day overcome. Time to relax.

2023-02-20 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff — transcribing short stories. — baking cookies(?) — play a game — …

2023-02-20 Laugh more. You’ll enjoy it. #life

2023-02-20 Sacrilege.

2023-02-20 Buy a book—either for yourself or someone else. EIther way, you’ll make someone happy. #book …

2023-02-20 Just because your mind don’t see a problem doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. Your mind is busy …

2023-02-20 I’m still awaiting fish tacos.

2023-02-20 What good are cookies you can’t eat, or don’t taste good? #web

2023-02-20 “Alone in the dark, I drink the blood–oh. It’s just Sprite. Never mind. #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-20 Just because you don’t have experience, doesn’t mean you can’t learn.–unless of course, you’ve been …

2023-02-20 I should learn how to post images to a Flask site. #flask #python

2023-02-20 Thank you all who care about what I post. I know I often mind-dump. I have too much stuff in my …

2023-02-20 “Sunlight and strawberries. That is you.” #writing

2023-02-20 “What if you could invent a better spoon. What would it look like? What would it do? That is the …

2023-02-20 “Power is a diversion.” #writing

2023-02-20 “With power comes great complexity.” #xcode

2023-02-20 What do I want from this year’s #wwdc? The same thing I always seem to want. A simpler, more gentle, …

2023-02-20 “My mind soars , trwirls about, and then often crashes against the jagged rocks. How I love the …

2023-02-20 “She was poetry in motion, but without a meter.” #writing

2023-02-20 “Where would you go if money, time, and responsibilities were no object. How fast can you run?” …

2023-02-20 OK. The C/W crowd has left and now the restaurant is playing Pink Floyd. More my speed. #music

2023-02-20 “My pappy taught me one thing that has stood me in good stead. Never trust a man named Larry, …

2023-02-20 Play as if you were a child. You still are. Admit it. #life #success

2023-02-20 Free-writing #writing

2023-02-20 OK. Weird. The bartender/server just told me that her friend is reading my book, “The Singular Case …

2023-02-20 I wish I knew how to/could draw or even doodle.

2023-02-20 Einstein was wrong. TIme doesn’t keep things from happening all at once. Time keeps you from getting …

2023-02-20 “The sky was bereft of clouds the way my heart was bereft of love. At most, it was cloudy.” #writing …

2023-02-20 I still don’t grok why restaurants in Delaware insist on playing Country C/W music. DE is nether. …

2023-02-20 Murder By Poison-Pen Letter In a pinch you can use a fountain pen as a weapon, especially if you …

2023-02-20 “Don’t glare at the sun hoping it will dim.” — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-02-20 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2023-02-20 Age is a symptom of living too long.” #writing

2023-02-20 “How are things?” “Status kyu.” If you get it, you get it. #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-20 “We have fries, but they’re not happy. They’re steamed.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-20 “She was inked as if she had fallen into a vat. The age-muted colors did little to hide her scars. …

2023-02-20 Puns, a pun a dime…

2023-02-20 I feel like a fish taco. I look like one too. Seriously, I need some fish tacos for dinner. Time to …

2023-02-20 “Keep your mind sharp and your blades sharper.” #writing

2023-02-20 It’s a busy day here. I need to think about food.

2023-02-20 Happy Nothern Hemisphere Hoodie Hoo Day Yes, apparently, it’s a thing.

2023-02-20 Yes, The Gathering persists. #cat

2023-02-19 What MMOs are people playing? Apart from WoW? #mmo

2023-02-19 Vairious search engines:… #search

2023-02-18 Often, hard work isn’t worth it. Be choosy about what you work on. #life

2023-02-18 Don’t forget. Most thing in life aren’t that serious. #life

2023-02-18 Prioritize your well-being. #life #success

2023-02-18 Bird! Carolina wren #bird

2023-02-18 PSA: Opinions are not news.

2023-02-18 Happy National Drink Wine Day

2023-02-18 I’m not going to do much this weekend. However, I do need a rare second cup of coffee.

2023-02-18 Good morning. Join the celebration. It’s the weekend! Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-02-18 Well. At least it’s Friday.

2023-02-17 You are what you deny. You aren’t what you affirm. —ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-02-17 Gratitude lis transitory. It last only as long as you appreciate. Appreciate more. #life #success

2023-02-17 Remember when the Eagles lost the Super Bowl?

2023-02-17 “Lots has happened since you died. You shouldn’t even be here.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-17 Just because it’s Friday doesn’t mean you have to work harder.

2023-02-17 “Don’t be sad. Don’t be happy. Just being is enough.” #writing #life

2023-02-17 “She wore a diphthong.” #writing

2023-02-17 “The squirrels gathered, the way squirrels gathered nuts–frantic and seasonal. But when they …

2023-02-17 “You have to lose. Life without loss is a life without living.” #writing

2023-02-17 “Use as directed.” Is a common phrase in pharma marketing. Directed by whom? #marketing #failure

2023-02-17 “Plumes of blood shot out of her body. She was very carne vale.” #writing

2023-02-17 “The sky darkened. Well, the sky just was, but it appeared to darken—at least to me. To a blind …

2023-02-17 “I’m far from perfect, but I’m far from the worst I could be.” #writing

2023-02-17 Don’t impose your vision of happiness on others. #life #failure

2023-02-17 “I try. I fail. I try something else.” #writing

2023-02-17 “Some things need to be done rapidly or they will overwhelm you.” #writing

2023-02-17 “Death comes on cat’s feet with sharpened claws.” #writing

2023-02-17 Good news. I heard the spring peepers and the cherry blossoms are out. Spring is coming.

2023-02-17 I need to do something fun this weekend. Need is the operative word.

2023-02-17 Well this is a first. I’m at Buffalo Wild Wings and they are showing a League of Legends game.

2023-02-17 Stressful day. Time to eat something and free-write.

2023-02-17 Happy My Way Day

2023-02-17 Good morning, all. Stop chasing things and people. Instead, figure out why you’re chasing. …

2023-02-16 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff — errands — transcribe — free-write — play a game — eat stuff

2023-02-16 Time to play some AC. #game

2023-02-16 Ok. I’ve got my Raspberry Pi heartbeats working again, and I’ve started on a web dashboard to …

2023-02-16 Bird! Tufted titmouse with a tiny bird on its head. #bird

2023-02-16 I’m trying to figure out why my MQTT program won’t connect/publish to a RaspberryPi. #mqtt …

2023-02-16 People who don’t want to be “woke” apparently want to at best be asleep, or at worst, in a coma.


2023-02-16 Happy Do A Grouch A Favor Day.

2023-02-16 Good morning. At some point you made yourself a promise, then forgot about it. Time to recommit. …

2023-02-15 Time for some Foreigner.… #music

2023-02-15 True power comes from not showing you have it. #life #success

2023-02-15 Rest up. Tomorrow is another day—just like today.

2023-02-15 What adventure will you go on tomorrow?

2023-02-15 “He tossed the axe up into the air. It was a nonchalant gesture. He caught it the same way. You look …

2023-02-15 Reality is warped by what you see, or are shown. #ai #bot #spam #failure #reality

2023-02-15 Bot spam is just spam and should be treated as such. The problem is, it’s becoming more pervasive, …

2023-02-15 Schenbelhorn is the best cheese, but it’s in a death-match with Bleu. #cheese #food

2023-02-15 Just because you are trying to make money by implicitly lying, doesn’t mean I have to agree or …

2023-02-15 If you need to be challenged to do your best, you’ve already failed. #life

2023-02-15 Rich people don’t know what they are doing. Poor people assume what rich people are doing is …

2023-02-15 Most people assume their parents were perfect, and everything they said/taugh you was worthy of your …

2023-02-15 Buffalo chicken sandwich. #food

2023-02-15 Once I finish transcribing “The Man With All the Cards”, I need to: – start another Drunken …

2023-02-15 People like to consider themselves to be part of the “group”. Most times that group is about money, …

2023-02-15 Please, if you order any of my books, leave a review somewhere. Whether good or bad, it helps spread …

2023-02-15 Now that PS5s are a dime a dozen, will you get one? There don’t seem to be many (good) games for it …

2023-02-15 I usually write using a fountain pen. I’ve learned to photograph each page in case I lose, misplace, …

2023-02-15 I need to go out to CA and get some cioppino. No one hear has heard of it. #food

2023-02-15 “When your heart grows full, it will throw up.” #writing

2023-02-15 It’s time. Thank you everyone who follows and interacts with me on this thing we call the …

2023-02-15 Running in circles is fine. Just make sure the circle grows larger every time. #life #success

2023-02-15 Age is about experience. Intelligence is what you get out of experience. Wisdom is about what you …

2023-02-15 Money buys narcissism. — ancient proverb I just made up

2023-02-15 “What could you own if you could buy it? I’d own my life.” #writing

2023-02-15 There is self-promotion, and then there is Elon and Donny.

2023-02-15 Nutmeg: a ditzy woman.

2023-02-15 “Life is a road everyone travels. The road less traveled doesn’t exist., unless it’s going against …

2023-02-15 “Throw yourself into your work, they said. Do your best, they said. Why? Because everyone else does. …

2023-02-15 TV Host: “Please welcome back your dead, and now zombie, mother who will regale you with everything …

2023-02-15 It got up to 65ºF today. It was nice and springlike, but I didn’t get out until now. I doubt it will …

2023-02-15 I haven’t eaten all day. It’s time to find food and do some free-writing.

2023-02-15 “Peter sat solemn, throwing stone after stone into the pond. He watched the ripples spread …

2023-02-15 “How does one motivate a zombie?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-15 “Life is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to reality is all in your mind.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-15 “Don’t be lured in by what you desire. That’s called bait.” #writing #throwawayline


2023-02-15 Happy St. Skeletor’s Day No, it’s not what you think.

2023-02-14 If your days blend one into another and you can’t remember what was special yesterday, sit down …

2023-02-14 So, if you celebrate, did you do anything today?

2023-02-14 I should do something tomorrow.

2023-02-14 Back in my one’s word meant something.

2023-02-14 Being brutally honest doesn’t mean being cruel. #life

2023-02-14 By Grabthar’s Hammer, the day is winding down.

2023-02-14 “Your love will last forever now that you are dead.” #writing #valentine

2023-02-14 “Transformers: Rise of the Barristas”

2023-02-14 I wonder what this year’s #wwdc will be like. I’m not expecting much new, just more of the same. I …

2023-02-14 People don’t try because they have never succeeded in the attempt. They don’t know what succeeding …

2023-02-14 I guess I should eat a salad. Why not?

2023-02-14 “Capture the joy and keep it in a box with a rock until you can toss it into the river.” …

2023-02-14 Happy Call In Single Day Yes, it’s a thing. It’s also International Book Giving Day. If …

2023-02-14 A.I. - garbage in, garbage out. And we seem to trust “A.I.” more than humans. …

2023-02-14 Remember, we are the cause of most of our own problems. #life

2023-02-14 Good morning. It’s fine. Let it go. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-02-13 “Every road goes somewhere. Even a dead end shows you the way.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-13 “Many people go around living in a world they think is just one massive product placement.” #writing

2023-02-13 Remember when Ronald McDonald was a thing?

2023-02-13 The elephant in the room wants a doughnut.

2023-02-13 Cheer someone up. Cheer someone on. #life #success

2023-02-13 CAT scan achieved.

2023-02-13 It’s interesting how major companies are jumping on the “Let’s integrate ChatGTP into our product,” …

2023-02-13 Seems to be working. #python #flask


2023-02-13 Time to switch it up. LAMY Safari AL Petrol SE (F) with Iroshizuku 100th Anniversary #fountainpen

2023-02-13 Fun Nintendo site. Click on things. #nintendo #mario

2023-02-13 The only permanence is impermanence. #life

2023-02-13 Good morning. Solve a problem, not a puzzle, today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-02-12 Show up. Do the work. Help others. Rest. Repeat. #life #success

2023-02-12 PSA: The purpose of Google search is not to give you information, it’s to sell you things on behalf …

2023-02-12 Manners matter. #life

2023-02-12 Back in my day we used RS232, none of this USB-A, B, or C.

2023-02-12 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — house stuff — iOS stuff — writing stuff — eating stuff

2023-02-12 “Don’t feel down. Your life could be a lot worse. You could be working at Twitter.”

2023-02-12 Pretty bad lip-synching pre-game.

2023-02-12 Pouring rain outside. Yes, The Gathering is sitting on the deck staring inside. #cat

2023-02-12 Anyone going to watch “the game”?

2023-02-12 I’m playing around with the pygal library to draw spark lines in Python. #python


2023-02-12 Be grateful that you are here. Not everyone is. #life

2023-02-12 It's that day. A lot of people will be disappointed today when they lose money.

2023-02-12 Happy National Lost Penny Day.

2023-02-12 Style is what someone has that impresses others that you are willing to pay for so that you can also …

2023-02-11 When was the last time you got mutant powers? And what were they?

2023-02-11 Plan for tomorrow: — bake — eat — play — free-writing

2023-02-11 Should I order a pizza for dinner?

2023-02-11 I hope everyone is enjoying the sun, or rain, or snow, or whatever it is doing where ever you are.

2023-02-11 My Mother of Thousands is blooming. #plant

2023-02-11 “Into the fire, I stumble. Unsure what I will encounter or become. I rush forward, blind, my ears …

2023-02-11 “When entering a hornet’s nest, it is best to be a hornet.” #writing

2023-02-11 What game are you playing today? I plan on playing a bit of Metroid Prime later. 🕹️

2023-02-10 Let the weekend commence. Do something fun, restful, and destressful.

2023-02-10 PSA: Your friends are more important than your social media.

2023-02-10 I want to do something fun tomorrow. But I don’t know what “fun” is.

2023-02-10 What should I do tomorrow?

2023-02-10 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a glass of #mead.

2023-02-10 The spam has begun. I just got a phone call from a Dream Books Media Professionals, wanting to do …

2023-02-10 Remember when people networked? Before The Dark Times?

2023-02-10 Bird! Northern Mockingbird. #bird

2023-02-10 The road you travel is full of rocks and potholes. The one you make for yourself is a reflection of …

2023-02-10 Got new business cards. #book #writing

2023-02-10 Reading is the act of wanting your life to be different. #reading #life #books

2023-02-10 You can’t fail unless you try. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-02-10 It’s time for someone to remake “Chariots of Fire”. But without hip-hop. #film

2023-02-10 “Tomorrow never comes.” “It doesn’t if you die. Otherwise, it’s already here.” #writing …

2023-02-10 Overheard: “I don’t have a TV.” Has society migrated from TV/cable to wireless streaming? If so, …

2023-02-10 So, was the Joker a sports fan? He certainly acted the part He was pretty much a Minnesota VIkings …

2023-02-10 It’s a shame we can’t all be like you.” #writing #throwawayline #insult

2023-02-10 I’m not sure about the rest of the world, but why is it whenever someone is in the background of a …

2023-02-10 Lunch

2023-02-10 It’s SuperBowl weekend, and the Eagles are in. I’m not a rabid (US) football fan. But I dont’ have …

2023-02-10 “You can do worse,” is something said by someone who has never seen worse.

2023-02-10 I’m fully using TiddlyWiki for notes. I use Apple Notes for temporary/transitional notes. I use Bear …

2023-02-10 I’ve dumped all my RSS apps in favor of a self-hosted FreshRSS on a personal website. It pretty much …

2023-02-10 What personal projects keep you going? Everything I do now, is a personal project. #life #work …

2023-02-10 A sick bird is a tern for the worse. #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-10 It’s warm out today (in the 60s). The Gathering was back as always, then wandered off. I discovered …

2023-02-10 Anyone bring doughnuts today?


2023-02-09 No one has ever seen the internet. Just sayin’.

2023-02-09 If you don’t value your time, you don’t value yourself. #life

2023-02-09 Do you know what tomorrow is? It’s Friday. What do you plan to do about it?

2023-02-09 Metroid Prime is as fun as I remember. #nintendo


2023-02-09 Hello. Just because the sky is overcast and cloudy doesn’t mean your mood has to be. Time for …


2023-02-08 OK. Metroid Prime. Gotta get it. Also cool that they are bringing GB and GBA games. #nintendo

2023-02-08 So far, I’m not seeing anything worth getting on the Nintendo Direct apart from maybe Splatoon …

2023-02-08 Time to switch it up. Lamy Safari AL Lilac SE (M) w/Monteverde Amethyst. #fountainpen

2023-02-08 I’m getting stuff done today. Time for another break.

2023-02-08 Bird! Northern Mockingbird. #bird

2023-02-08 I woke up way too early. Thankfully, I have no kidney stone pain. I hope it lasts.

2023-02-07 Understanding is more important than knowing. #life #success

2023-02-07 “Life was becoming too pervasive. So I killed it.” #writing

2023-02-07 Do kids nowadays even know what a landline is?

2023-02-07 OK. I’ve integrated a couple more things into The Continuity. #web #python #flask

2023-02-07 Earlier, I learned I’m going in for the kidney stone procedure on the 1st. Shortly after, the pain …

2023-02-07 Ugh. Kidney stones are acting up again.

2023-02-07 Ugh. Kidney stones are acting up again.


2023-02-07 “Why did the chickens cross the road?” “Because it was built.” #writing

2023-02-07 Time for errands.

2023-02-07 Apparently, the API, didn’t like a trailing / on the URL. I now have my website posting to …

2023-02-07 Content

2023-02-07 Content

2023-02-07 Content

2023-02-07 Content

2023-02-07 Hello world via API.

2023-02-07 Happy Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbors Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-02-07 You are not required to give your opinion when asked. You are not even required to have an opinion …

2023-02-07 OK. This is fascinating. Fish may be self-aware.… #science …

2023-02-06 PSA: Don’t forget, they shut the internet down at 11PM local time. Get some sleep.

2023-02-06 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on journaling app — more Python/flask — more transcribing/editing — …


2023-02-06 “He sat pondering the meaning of the universe only to realize it was pondering him.” #writing

2023-02-06 Practice never makes perfect. The best it can do is make better. #life

2023-02-06 Encourage those who try. #life #success

2023-02-06 — : friendly, tight-knit. — Mastodon : social, information — Twitter: where you sell …

2023-02-06 Bookmarks arrived. #books #watson #holmes

2023-02-06 OK. I got a decent amount done this morning. Time for a lunch break.

2023-02-06 What crime are you doing today?

2023-02-06 Plan for tomorrow: — work on the writing app. — read — study Flask — website work — install 64 bit …

2023-02-05 “I don’t want to be God. It keeps making stupid mistakes.” #writing

2023-02-05 Remember: You are not your worries. #life

2023-02-05 “The sun began it’s slow tired descent through the heavens toward the line between night an day. It …

2023-02-05 Ok. The Continuity is beginning to look decent. I still need to add a few things and tweak the …

2023-02-05 Tomorrow you will probably do something no one should be subjected to. Work.

2023-02-05 Posting to help. #python #programming

2023-02-05 We bemoan silence because so many of us like to hear our own voices. #life #failure

2023-02-05 I was thinking about baking cookies today. The thought has been pushed into next week.

2023-02-05 Sunset seems to be getting later.

2023-02-05 Overheard: “you should go to a white church. Where people dress up.” #racism #character

2023-02-05 “He worked in a company that had a closet full of corporate Legos.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-05 “Today people read more T-shirts than books. “ #writing #book #reading

2023-02-05 What was the first professional sport(s) team?

2023-02-05 Chasing success is like chasing a ghost. You either are or you aren’t—a ghost. #life #success

2023-02-05 Back in my day wardrobe items weren’t festooned with corporate logos.

2023-02-05 “He was on cloud nine because he couldn’t afford the cloud penthouse.” #writing

2023-02-05 “I’ll cross that ‘t’ when I come to it.” #writing

2023-02-05 I need to write something funny/numerous. It’s been too long. The Dark Times have stifled me. “Three …

2023-02-05 When was the last time you made popcorn? I have an urge.

2023-02-05 “Aldehydes. We need more aldehydes.” #writing

2023-02-05 “He sighed staring into the beer. ‘Son, just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean you’re wealthy, …

2023-02-05 Just because someone says “Fact:” in they post, doesn’t make anything in the post factual. In fact, …

2023-02-05 “The ferrets sat around the campfire, staring into the crackling embers. All had been going so well …

2023-02-05 Lol. The bartender has bookmarked the book with a coaster while he runs to handle orders. I’ll have …

2023-02-05 “If you ain’t got soul you are floundering.” #life #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-05 “I don’t mind making stupid mistakes. As long as they are big ones.” #writing

2023-02-05 Hm. I guess that’s a good sign. Bartender here saw my copy of “The Singular Case of the Three …

2023-02-05 It’s time for lunch—wings. And some free-writing.

2023-02-05 Happy National Shower With A Friend Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-02-04 I should listen to some Mike Oldfield tomorrow. #music

2023-02-04 Plan for tomorrow: — Errands — Eat stuff — Read — Play a game — Relax


2023-02-04 So what’s everyone going to do tomorrow? I need to run some errands along the way.

2023-02-04 I miss having a writing group. #writing

2023-02-04 “His stomach went blork. He suddenly felt better.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-04 This page, I think, could use some CSS. #web

2023-02-04 I’m still trying to crack posting to Micro via Python. I keep getting a 404. #programming

2023-02-04 Kindness is the ability to help others when you yourself need help. #life #success

2023-02-04 Deconstructed golombki are in the InstaPot. Should be ready in 8 hours. #food

2023-02-04 Happy Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

2023-02-03 Plan for tomorrow: – weed in AC — Halo — listen to music — bake cookies — read — work on The …

2023-02-03 Time for some ELO.… #music

2023-02-03 Photo up. #photography


2023-02-03 I think I’ll try making golombki in an InstaPot tomorrow. #food

2023-02-03 This is your weekly reminder: It’s Friday. Stop working. Loosen up. Relax. Have a restful and …

2023-02-03 Life is what you make it, but make sure you have all the parts. #life

2023-02-03 Are there any good (life) productivity feeds I should follow? #life

2023-02-03 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of my apple cyser. #mead

2023-02-03 Yeah, it’s winter and cold and windy here in Delaware. 28ºF. But then, you’ll probably complain when …

2023-02-03 It’s Friday. Get your party on.

2023-02-03 OK. It’s time for a break. I’ve gotten stuff done.

2023-02-03 I don’t get, but I signed up.

2023-02-03 Happy Elmo’s Birthday

2023-02-03 Enjoying having FreshRSS on my Pi. It’s simple enough and not cluttered with “gesture …

2023-02-03 Enjoying having FreshRSS on my Pi. It’s simple enough and not cluttered with “gesture …

2023-02-03 Good morning. You’ve survived into Friday. Be happy you’re here. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-02-02 Stupid questions time. When would you use the quadratic equation in real life? Yes, I know you can …

2023-02-02 Hm. New Lamy AL-Stars are out… #fountainpen

2023-02-02 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on writing app — transcribe short stories — Python/Flask work on The …

2023-02-02 Today was productive. Tomorrow will be Friday. I expect to get some stuff done so I can enjoy the …

2023-02-02 Finally got FreshRSS running on a Pi. Thanks to @easternpa@mstdn.stuffat2106.zzz All the tutorials …

2023-02-02 It’s that time again. Thank you all who follow and interact with me. I appreciate it.

2023-02-02 How can you walk in space when there is no ground to walk on?

2023-02-02 “Do you give the books you’ve read to someone else?” “Would you give your children to someone else?” …

2023-02-02 I’m still trying to figure out how to post to from Python #python

2023-02-02 I have “The Continuity” pulling in stock quotes now. #web #flask

2023-02-02 Hm. If you cut your food with a knife in your right hand, do you switch hands and rotate the fork …

2023-02-02 “What is the perfect gift for someone about to die, but doesn’t know it?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-02 The Bird site will now charge everyone for “free-speech”. #failure #twitter

2023-02-02 If you are certain, you are wrong. #life

2023-02-02 “Strange rodents handing out predictions is no basis for weather forecasting. Better to trust a …

2023-02-02 For being a starving artist, I’m lucky I’m not starving. I can still write. #writing

2023-02-02 Yes, The Gathering was back today. I should feed them, I guess. #cat

2023-02-02 It’s time to eat. It’s time to free-write. It’s time to be a nuisance.

2023-02-02 You can do things without understanding what you do. But you better understand why you do it. #life …

2023-02-02 Space-Time and Movement #physics

2023-02-02 Happy Groundhog Day, also apparently known as World Ukelele Day.

2023-02-02 Good morning. Atomic batteries to power. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-02-01 Life is highly inefficient.

2023-02-01 “Existence is thrust on us without our agreement. We then live life kicking and screaming to keep …

2023-02-01 I think I’m getting silly with my new website/blog. I just integrated Cheerlights. #web #flask

2023-02-01 So, did everyone survive the day?

2023-02-01 Time for some Nightwish.… #music

2023-02-01 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Transcribe — Python — plan a short story — food stuff — play a game — …

2023-02-01 “The Refrigerator Wars”

2023-02-01 I plan on not accomplishing much tomorrow. That way I won’t be disappointed.

2023-02-01 It’s time to relax and unwind. Do so.

2023-02-01 ePub pre-orders for “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” are up. Paperback will be …

2023-02-01 Woot! They are here! First copies of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” physical copies. …

2023-02-01 What’s the difference between Corona and Corona Lite? There is none. Water is still water.


2023-02-01 “A Bardic History of Raccoons” should be a thing. #writing

2023-02-01 Hm. I just got notified a package was delivered. I wonder…

2023-02-01 Just checked. Yup. Balticon is a pass for me. No one interesting and nothing worth the trip. That’s …

2023-02-01 I should see what’s on-tap for Philcon and Balticon this year. I’m not expecting much. SF cons have …

2023-02-01 Horseradish is an underrated condiment. Just sayin’. #food

2023-02-01 “The friend of fiends is no friend of mine.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-02-01 If you play the game, be prepared to lose. — ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-02-01 “The plume of smoke swirled lazily into the blue sky above the shattered bodies below.” #writing

2023-02-01 “His heart beat faster. Strange, he thought looking at the organ on the floor, how one misses …

2023-02-01 The worst kind of failure is in not trying. Many in politics argue against even trying. #life …

2023-02-01 “She wasn’t much to look at, but that was OK. He wasn’t much to be with.” #writing

2023-02-01 Being careful is not the same as being paranoid. #life

2023-02-01 I feel today is mostly a waste of time. I should just get something to eat and do some free-writing. …

2023-02-01 It hasn’t been a productive morning, so far.

2023-02-01 Photo up. #photography

2023-02-01 The Gathering is here despite the snow. #cat

2023-02-01 Happy Spunky Old Broads Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-02-01 Just because the world is cold doesn’t mean it’s not beautiful And just because something is …

2023-02-01 I woke up to a dark sky and some snow on the ground. #netde

2023-02-01 Good morning world. Find some clarity in your life. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-31 Back in my day we had mimeograph machines and carbon paper.

2023-01-31 It’s going to get cold later in the week. And here I was hoping for a warm winter. Silly me! #netde

2023-01-31 I’m still trying to figure out how to install FreshRSS on a Pi. Still no luck. I even tried …

2023-01-31 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — iOS — transcribing — Python — maybe food


2023-01-31 Don’t be the creator of your own defeat. #life

2023-01-31 It’s still dark. It’s still raining. There is nothing new under the sun. But on the fourth moon of …

2023-01-31 Not a productive day, not at all.

2023-01-31 Be like a tree. Branch out and blossom. #life #success

2023-01-31 Maybe I should eat something. It’s noonish.

2023-01-31 It’s a weird weather day. It’s raining, and it’s dripping humidity—and it’s winter. Clammy day, and …

2023-01-31 OK. Got some good iOS stuff done early. Time to switch gears.

2023-01-31 Happy Hell Is Freezing Over Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-31 Hello. Life is best when shared. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-30 All books deserve to be read. #books #reading

2023-01-30 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — transcribe — read — eat — play — free-write

2023-01-30 Remind yourself why you do what you do. #life

2023-01-30 OK. Decent start on my Flask website. I wonder if I should switch from SQLite to MongoDB. #python …

2023-01-30 “Play that Funky Music, White Boy”

2023-01-30 Time to relax, I think. Lots o’ stuff accomplished.

2023-01-30 “The Nighmares of Night Mars.”

2023-01-30 If you’re selling your time, don’t complain about not having enough. #life #failure

2023-01-30 Not pretty, but I’m sure they taste great. Hazelnut chocolate thumbprint cookies. #baking

2023-01-30 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-30 I’m looking at the API. What is the “Bearer” in the “Authorization” header? Anyone know? …

2023-01-30 I just made some pork flautas for lunch. Yum. #food

2023-01-30 Be kind to those who show up.

2023-01-30 Happy Yodel for Your Neighbor Day

2023-01-30 Hello. Just because it’s Monday and you have to work doesn’t mean it can’t be a …

2023-01-29 The purpose of a gift is to be given, then received, and the joy it creates in both the giver and …

2023-01-29 OK. I’ve got posts integrated into my website. Now I just have to deal with dupes from …

2023-01-29 “The Psychic Psychotic” should be a title. #writing

2023-01-29 Runes: the old Norse Code.

2023-01-29 “In your own words, tell me how you feel?” “Jama dolor necro mase klick-clack.” #writing …

2023-01-29 Plan for tomorrow: — personal stuff — iOS — editing/transcribing — eating stuff — playing stuff — …

2023-01-29 OK. I have a decent start on my website. I’m enjoying Flask. Now I need to figure out how to …

2023-01-29 Sometimes you have to make a mistake. Not every goal has a perfect path. #life

2023-01-29 Tomorrow, I plan on having a good day. Murphy, however, has a say.

2023-01-29 History is just stuff we misremember.

2023-01-29 I’m ready for spring, not for any particular reason other than to get outside and do stuff.

2023-01-29 Ok. I just made some thumbprint cookies. They are in the fridge until tomorrow. I hadn’t made …

2023-01-29 “A simple mistake can kill you as dead as a large one. The difference is, you won’t know either …


2023-01-29 Happy Curmudgeon’s Day … now, get off my lawn.

2023-01-29 Good morning. Bring your C-game today. It’s still the weekend. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-28 “He had bags under his eyes, and buckets under his nose.” #writing

2023-01-28 So did anyone do anything fun or new today? No, I didn’t.

2023-01-28 I think I’ll do stuff tomorrow.

2023-01-28 Still no progress on the kidney stone front

2023-01-28 I played a bit of ESO today. Eh. It’s pretty pedestrian as MMOs go. #mmo #eso

2023-01-28 “People shied away from him, because he walked with a limp. And when he wasn’t walking, he locked it …

2023-01-28 “Science had succeeded in keeping humans alive past two hundred years. It hadn’t succeeded in …

2023-01-28 “Her God was always angry. She didn’t blame it. She’d been taught not to question those more …

2023-01-28 “Beer batter: noun - someone who hits a glass of beer with a bat.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-28 If you rest, you rust. Stay active. Stay curious. Stay involved. #life #success

2023-01-28 When a company or media conglomerate describes their product as a license, they are literally …

2023-01-28 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-28 Whether weary or worn, welcome the weekend with warm wet arms.

2023-01-28 “His was a hollow passion. It was bereft of will and desire.” #writing

2023-01-28 You can’t be sane when everyone around you isn’t. – ancient proverb I just made up

2023-01-28 “Revenge is never right. Even if they killed teacher.” If you get it, you get it.

2023-01-28 The reason parents bring their screaming kids to a restaurant is to allow the kid to scream …

2023-01-28 Trauma - #writing

2023-01-28 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “A kind human.”

2023-01-28 I haven’t done any proper writing for a week or two. Stuff got in the way. I’ll get back to it this …

2023-01-28 Do you ever go someplace and find there is no one there you’d want to talk to?

2023-01-28 January has been eventful this year. I’m hoping the rest of the year is less so.

2023-01-28 I thought I’d miss the Bird site. I don’t. My stress levels are way down and I’m not battered by …

2023-01-28 I hope everyone is having a good frolic this Saturday.

2023-01-28 Time for nachos and free-writing.

2023-01-28 Today feels like a nachos-for-lunch kind of day. Too bad it’s not lunch yet.


2023-01-28 “If the future comes, it will be the result of now.”

2023-01-28 Happy National Gift of the Ladybug Day

2023-01-28 Good morning. Every moment has a lesson waiting. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-27 This seems relevant given ChatGPT. #ai

2023-01-27 Tomorrow is Saturday. Get out. Do something fun. Relax. Don’t stress. We all deserve a good weekend.

2023-01-27 Don’t be confused. The point of ChatGPT isn’t to be an AI. It’s to sell us stuff and make us believe …

2023-01-27 Not all criticism of you is warranted. Read that again. #life

2023-01-27 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a glass of my cranberry #mead.

2023-01-27 Be an awesome human.

2023-01-27 Can you imagine a self-driving spaceship like the Tesla? Cringe!

2023-01-27 I’m not sure what it is about cats and my house/me. A new member of The Gathering today. I shall …

2023-01-27 Animal Crossing MMO, but you can’t play any of the animals. I’m in. #animalcrossing #mmo

2023-01-27 What did you do the last time you wasted an hour only to wish you had more time? #life

2023-01-27 Distraction is your mind’s way of telling you that you aren’t paying attention. #life

2023-01-27 Cool! “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” will be out 2/24 epub, and 3/24 paper. #writing …

2023-01-27 Happy Thomas Crapper Day

2023-01-27 Certainty is a closed mind unable to change. Belief is a closed mind unwilling to change. Both …

2023-01-27 Hello. Be kind to the planet, animals, others, and yourself in that order. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-01-26 Hm. Diatomaceous Earth bath mats are a thing?

2023-01-26 Remember when TV Repairman was a viable profession?

2023-01-26 Doubt cannot exist when expectations match reality. #life #success

2023-01-26 Life isn’t foolproof.

2023-01-26 I am bereft of doughnuts and cupcakes.

2023-01-26 Behold! For tomorrow is Friday and the work will wane into the weekend.

2023-01-26 Anyone feeling curious today?

2023-01-26 Just because you have zombies doesn’t mean you have a zombie book. #writing

2023-01-26 Make it easy for everyone to succeed. #life #success

2023-01-26 The Gathering is down to one. Smudge seems to have disappeared the last couple of weeks. Creamsicle …

2023-01-26 Smile, like you don’t mean it.

2023-01-26 I’ve committed to writing at least 2 more “Coins of Destiny” books. The first one isn’t even out …

2023-01-26 In America, this is an abomination for idiots. Flame on!

2023-01-26 When one looks through the world with rose-colored glasses, does the world actually look better, or …

2023-01-26 If you’re beyond a certain age, most of the people you have known or come across are already dead. …

2023-01-26 “Just because an AI can fool most humans, doesn’t mean the AI is more trustworthy than a human. On …

2023-01-26 I should get a new set of business cards. I tend to update it once I publish something new. #writing …

2023-01-26 Bread milkshakes should be a thing.

2023-01-26 Never doubt your passion. Always doubt your skill. #life #success

2023-01-26 PhillyETE live is in my old stomping grounds this year: Phila University Science Center. I guess …

2023-01-26 Do you ever bus your own dishes at a restaurant? Where does the bus go?

2023-01-26 “The lie you speak is the lie you live.” ancient proverb I just made up.

2023-01-26 “No one succeeds who doesn’t try. Yoda wrong was.”

2023-01-26 “What essential skills do you have?” “Not getting caught, and only occasionally killing someone.” …

2023-01-26 “It warmed his soul to the point of deviltry.” #writing

2023-01-26 “There is a solution to most health issues. It includes 0.9% NaCl.” #writing #throwawayline …

2023-01-26 “Wisdom comes from pulling teeth.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-26 “He slammed his fist through the table—or so he he had hoped.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-26 Not everything is worth doing. Choose wisely.

2023-01-26 I’m enjoying Ivory. it’s reminiscent of Tweetbot. #tapbots #mastodon

2023-01-26 “Everyone has a heartache. Not everyone survives.” #writing

2023-01-26 “The deeper you look, the less you see.” #writing

2023-01-26 I love the chapter formatting. “The Singular Case of the Three Witches”. This is going to be a …

2023-01-26 牛 寿司 My first Japanese “pun”? #japanese

2023-01-26 I stripped out the Twitter code from my journaling app. Now I need to figure out how to integrate …

2023-01-26 “My love is like the ocean, disturbed, tumultuous, and prone to violence.” #writing

2023-01-26 It’s time to eat and free-write again.

2023-01-26 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “When I grow up, I want to be a drug lord.” #writing …

2023-01-26 Happy Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement

2023-01-26 Hello. If you know what needs to be done, do it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-25 If you don’t laugh at yourself more than other people laugh at you, you’re doing it wrong. #life …

2023-01-25 Be happy with who you are. No one else can be you. But you can always be better. #life

2023-01-25 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on my writing app — edit/proofing — Python/Flask — food stuff — play a …

2023-01-25 I haven’t accomplished as much as I’d hoped. Still low energy fighting the kidney stones.

2023-01-25 Hm. Maybe I should play Elder Scrolls online again… since I can’t seem to get FFXIV installed/set …

2023-01-25 “Reek havoc” yup. Someone actually said that.


2023-01-25 So Minecraft Legends is just Portal Knights? Or Trove? Why bother? #minecraft #failure

2023-01-25 “He was a cut-rate assassin. He offered no guarantees.” #writing

2023-01-25 “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” epub proof arrived! Time to go through it. #writing …

2023-01-25 Bird! Northern cardinal #bird

2023-01-25 Never argue with an AI. It makes them look complacent, and you look stupid. — ancient proverb I just …

2023-01-25 Err autocorrect: Diamine ink, not Diamond ink. #fountainpen

2023-01-25 Time to switch it up. Epenco (restored) with Diamond Midnight Black. #fountainpen

2023-01-25 Remember: Anything that promotes a “scientific” drug or “chemical ingredient” is trying to sell you …

2023-01-25 Ok. I’m registered for PhillyETE. Yay. #phillyemergingtech #phillyete

2023-01-25 It’s not that you’re volunteering, you’re just doing stuff no one else wants to …

2023-01-25 I’m hoping the proofs to “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” shows up this …

2023-01-25 OK. My journaling app is now usable. It still has a few things to tweak/fix. #iOS #journal

2023-01-25 Happy Library Shelfie Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-25 Hm. I thought this was obvious: procrastination can hurt health. …

2023-01-25 Good morning, all. Don’t chase the good thoughts and avoid bad ones. What matters is how you …

2023-01-24 Don’t eat all the cookies. Save some for tomorrow.

2023-01-24 Plans for tomorrow: — catch up on stuff — iOS — Python/Flask — transcribe/edit — heal

2023-01-24 What personal skills do you have that you are most proud of?

2023-01-24 Ivory looks nice.


2023-01-24 Happy talk Like a Grizzled Prospector Day. Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-24 The sun is out. It’s still cold. Winter is still here.

2023-01-23 Alien skulls in the hospital room.

2023-01-23 I should’ve brought a charger and air pods.

2023-01-23 People in a hospital work hard. You don’t think much about it until you’re there.

2023-01-23 Went back into the ER at 4 this morning. Now I’m scheduled for kidney stone removal. Fun.

2023-01-22 If an AI tells you something, it doesn’t make it truer than when a human tells you the same thing. …

2023-01-22 “Why are you so malignant?” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-22 A periodic reminder that the periodic table is occasionally a lamp.

2023-01-22 Plan for tomorrow: — rest and regain some energy

2023-01-22 I wonder if Gurps is growing in popularity given the WoTC fiasco. #game #dnd

2023-01-22 Back home again. The pain subsided and I’m good until the next bout. I’ve got an 8mm and a 10mm …

2023-01-22 Interesting name for a healthcare mfg.

2023-01-22 On pain and nausea meds. They’ll keep me for observation and then decide.

2023-01-22 Fun. I’m ER. Kidney stone pain.

2023-01-22 Happy Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-22 Well this is some horrifying news to wake up to. The first step to creating our own viruses. …

2023-01-22 Good morning, all. Relax. Destress. Rest. Rebuild. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-21 “A friend is someone you never knew you needed until you do.” #writing

2023-01-21 Plan for tomorrow: iOS work on writing app Python/Flask study Transcribe/edit stories Eat various …

2023-01-21 I’m hoping to hear from the publisher this week about when “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” …

2023-01-21 Another waste of time. I spent a lot of time trying to install FreshRSS and TinyRSS on a …

2023-01-21 “Your doorbell heard the sound of screaming death.” #writing #prompt

2023-01-21 Anthologies happen when a gang of stories meet in a back alley and decide to go out on all-nighter. …

2023-01-21 Not a very productive day here. I did cook lunch.

2023-01-21 Hm I guess the next big holiday is St Patrick’s Day

2023-01-21 I get the impression that many people are still on Twitter because they enjoy the ads and conflict.

2023-01-21 “You can’t be certain if you believe.”

2023-01-21 Ok. Got my Pi’s working again.

2023-01-21 Consistency without values is, at best, stupidity and at worst, evil. #life

2023-01-21 I guess I’ll spend part of the day re-imaging my RaspberryPi 4s. Couldn’t figure out why …

2023-01-21 In case you were wondering, one of The Gathering, the one I named “Smudge” seems to have …

2023-01-21 Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day … which follows closely on the heels of Penguin Awareness Day

2023-01-21 Hello. Another weekend. Want to make something of it? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-20 “Please change your shoes.” “Why?” “Because I’m not going to walk a mile in those things.” #writing …

2023-01-20 What if you could treat your life as an RPG? #rpg #productivity

2023-01-20 Hm. FreshRSS looks interesting. #rss

2023-01-20 Time for some history and Sabaton.… #music

2023-01-20 I’m sipping a glass of mead while munching on a slice of fresh-baked bread and cheese. Some Fridays …

2023-01-20 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of #mead

2023-01-20 The house smells like freshly baking bread, as opposed to stale baking bread.

2023-01-20 There are numbers and then there are the numbers that are letters. #math

2023-01-20 Grr. All my Pi4s suddenly lost their ability to connect wirelessly. #raspberrypi

2023-01-20 Back in my day you could get real ice cream. With decent flavors, such as blueberry, banana, and …

2023-01-20 Nowadays, people would rather be clever than witty. #life #failure

2023-01-20 It’s time to thank all the people I interact with and who follow me on here. Thank you for being …

2023-01-20 Be the kind or person that is personable and kind. #life #success

2023-01-20 What if Gandalf was a dentist?

2023-01-20 Why do most sports allow for physical contact between players? Oh, right! Humans love violence. …

2023-01-20 Earth should abandon time zones in favor of Solar Time.

2023-01-20 “He loved reading more than his wife. She preferred doing jigsaw puzzles.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 “I have a feeling…” “Not in public.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 So, being an Eagles fan, I see all the other Eagles fans hyping themselves up. It will be interesing …

2023-01-20 It’s fine if you shut your business down. It’s not fine if you screw people along the way. #business …

2023-01-20 So are the Vulcans actually Remusians? If you get it, you get it. #startrek

2023-01-20 “Just because it’s beautiful doesn’t mean it’s not a frigid wasteland. Same with people.” #writing

2023-01-20 Humor encapsulates the pain you wish you didn’t feel. #life #humor

2023-01-20 “He slalomed through life the way a good skier doesn’t.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 “Bring justice.” “What?” “We need ice for the party.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 Maybe I should start a “tsundoku” website where you can register books you’ve bought but have never …

2023-01-20 The reason many use the accumulation of wealth as a measure of success is because it’s such an easy …

2023-01-20 “I’ve learned a lot since then. I want to learn more.”

2023-01-20 I’m sitting. I’m thinking about the plot of “Coins of Destiny 2” and the over-arc of the series. …

2023-01-20 OK. I got DNS to point to my new domain on a RaspberryPi. Now I need to figure out what to do with …

2023-01-20 It amazes me that I’ve been able to reinvent my professional life several times and remain …

2023-01-20 If you could go on a trip anywhere in the known world, where would you go and why? Places you’ve …

2023-01-20 I should bake some sandwich bread later. #baking

2023-01-20 I should start planning the short story for the Creatures, Crime, and Creativity Anthology for this …

2023-01-20 “Your life is no longer supported, and you are beyond your warranty period.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 Today feels like a hot wings for lunch kind of day.


2023-01-20 “His was a singular stupidity, only he could accomplish.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-20 Seems legit. #scam

2023-01-20 Happy Penguin Awareness Day Do you know where your penguin is?

2023-01-20 Good morning. It’s Friday. Don’t do anything I would. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-19 “No one would want to behead him, because no one wanted to remove what little brain he had.” …

2023-01-19 “He was so stupid, he thought collagen was where you went to get an education.” #writing …

2023-01-19 “He had all the brains of a haddock that had been flattened by a brick.” #writing

2023-01-19 Exult in the knowledge that tomorrow may be Friday.

2023-01-19 Hm. There is a 3d “Collosal Cave” for the Switch? I’m sure it’s not as good as a text-based Zork, …

2023-01-19 Well that seems final. Twitter officially banned 3rd-party apps and API use. So much for Elon’s lie …

2023-01-19 “You have to stop running. You have to turn and face your future.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-19 When you ban books, you ban reading. When you ban reading, you ban intelligence. #books #failure

2023-01-19 It’s still pouring rain. Not a day to get stuff done, apparently.

2023-01-19 Isn’t it time for something fun to happen?


2023-01-19 Making banana pancakes, eggs, and sausage for a late breakfast. Coffee again.

2023-01-19 OK. Hotel booked for the Creatures, Crime, and Creativity Conf for this year. #writing #mdc3con

2023-01-19 Happy Brew a Potion Day

2023-01-19 OK. I’m registered for the Baltimore Pen Show. #fountainpen

2023-01-19 It’s better to control yourself, than to try to control everything. #life #success

2023-01-19 How are your gerunds this morning?

2023-01-19 Good morning. Don’t cheat yourself out of rest. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-18 Plan for tomorrow: — transcribe/edit — iOS — make pancakes — read — play a game

2023-01-18 “Trans” was the only good album Neil Young ever put out.… #music

2023-01-18 Hm. Nothing really new with the “new” HomePod. It still doesn’t’ do anything more than before and …

2023-01-18 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-18 I went out on the deck, just now. It’s a nice warm-ish day. I discovered one of The Gathering …

2023-01-18 “You can never go broke if you have friends from whom you can borrow money or a place to hide the …

2023-01-18 “You’re neither to old nor too young to die. Death honors no privilege.” “But he was so young. Why …

2023-01-18 “He stared into his beer. ‘Death doesn’t always come sneaking in. Sometimes it bashes the door down …

2023-01-18 Coming soon… #watson #book

2023-01-18 Death smirked at the woman who cursed at the keyboard. “The world owes you nothing. No one owes you …

2023-01-18 “The Four Contagions of the Apocalypse” should be a title. #writing

2023-01-18 “The pie slammed into his face and slid, the way plate tectonics do, down his face. Rage bubbled to …

2023-01-18 “He walked alone through life, unable and unwilling to ask for help. He died the same way.” #writing …

2023-01-18 “The story of a small family that lost its head in a near-fatal car accident along a deserted …

2023-01-18 Every few days or week, I look in Twitter, but don’t post. It and it’s spam marketing posts were …

2023-01-18 Hm. New Apple HomePod? I hope it’s more useful. Siri is still pretty sucky as far as home …

2023-01-18 If there is an ocelot, where is the ocelittle?

2023-01-18 Happy National Gourmet Coffee Day

2023-01-18 Truth.

2023-01-18 Good morning. Have you hugged your pet today? Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-17 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS work on Auteureist — Python/Flask — transcribe/edit — errands — play a …

2023-01-17 Apple could create a Time Capsule in this form factor for less than $100 and sell a ton. The backup …

2023-01-17 OK. My Raspberry Pi now looks like a Time Capsule on the Mac… Running my first backup to a Raspberry …

2023-01-17 Throw stuff out that shouldn’t be kept. #life

2023-01-17 I think I’ll putter some more with Flask this afternoon. I need to dig into Blueprint and DB stuff. …

2023-01-17 When I write, I not only want to tell a story, but I also want to experiment. #writing

2023-01-17 I got some editing done today; no transcribing. I should start editing my time-travel story. I know …

2023-01-17 “Slam the beer down! Lap up the spillage! Cheer for the team! Shove the guy next to you! That’s what …

2023-01-17 I should register for PhillyETE this week. #phillyete

2023-01-17 Nibbage. #fountainpen

2023-01-17 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-17 It’s a miserable day in Delawareland. Rain, cold, wind. Snow would be better, at this point.

2023-01-17 If you trust what an AI writes as being factual, or even accurate, misses the point that culling …

2023-01-17 It’s time to eat. It’s time to free-write. Lunch. The time of day in the middle.

2023-01-17 Hm new MacBook stuff announced. #mac #apple #m2

2023-01-17 Happy Rid the World of Fad Diet and Gimmicks Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-17 Do something nice for the world. #life #success

2023-01-17 Switching to lcro until the bug in the app on Mac is fixed.

2023-01-17 Hello. Step away from yourself, your goals, and concerns. When you relax, you will achieve. Time for …

2023-01-16 Two things I don’t grok: Roblox and the other thing.

2023-01-16 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS, work on the journaling app — Python/Flask — transcribe/edit — weed in AC — …

2023-01-16 Well, hopefully, tomorrow will be more interesting.

2023-01-16 Is it Friday yet?

2023-01-16 I wonder what new horrors will be brought to XCode at this year’s #wwdc

2023-01-16 Transcribed more of my short story set. Did some house stuff. Worked on some Python. Ate a mediocre …

2023-01-16 “A card is the child of the deck, the way a man is a child of the father.” The Man With All the …

2023-01-16 Happy Without A Scalpel Day I have no idea what that is. But I imagine it’s something like …

2023-01-16 Being a friend is more important than being friendly, but being friendly is always appreciated.

2023-01-16 Good morning. Create some silence every day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-15 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — write/edit — Python — eat stuff — play a game

2023-01-15 I wasted today trying to expose a RaspberryPi to the outside world via the XFinity gateway. Useless …

2023-01-15 Today went too fast

2023-01-15 Don’t let anyone take your coffee.

2023-01-15 I hate Xfinity. Seems they renew the dynamic IP every minute or so, so not even a dynamic IP service …

2023-01-15 “You can’t always be a hero.” #writing

2023-01-15 Happy National Nothing Day

2023-01-15 OK. I have my Goodreads books importing into my TiddlyWiki on my Pi. Time for a break. #books …

2023-01-15 Good morning. You can’t focus in the constant noise of your thoughts and the self-flagellation …

2023-01-14 “The darkness that is the night, isn’t as black as your past.” #writing

2023-01-14 Time to call it a day/night. Hang in there. Tomorrow will bring its own surprises.

2023-01-14 Cioppino wold be good about now. #food

2023-01-14 With great cheese comes great sandwiches.

2023-01-14 Yeah, another cold day tomorrow. I guess I won’t go anywhere.

2023-01-14 Ok. I just registered a domain. I’ll either use it to play around with a Mastodon instance or a …

2023-01-14 Plan for tomorrow: — do what I feel like doing.

2023-01-14 Sometimes you just have to be silly.

2023-01-14 I lived in these times.…

2023-01-14 If you grasp at straws, you may end up with the short one. #life

2023-01-14 Well that was painless. Moved my nodejs-based TiddlyWiki to another Pi. #tidlywiki #raspberrypi

2023-01-14 Why do I want falafel now?

2023-01-14 Don’t be dreadful.

2023-01-14 I wonder if ChatGPT is just a bunch of monkeys in a room smoking cigarettes.

2023-01-14 Back in my day there was something known as a “Superball”. I guess it caused cancer because I don’t …

2023-01-14 Wings consumed. Words written. -1 to health +1 to creativity.

2023-01-14 I’ve engaged my snark filter.

2023-01-14 Make room for patience. Make room for peace. Make room for kindness. Make room for comfort. Make …

2023-01-14 Seven years ago, you were seven years younger.

2023-01-14 Today feels like a hot apple cider or hot chocolate kind of day. It’s cold.

2023-01-14 Overheard: Money is going digital. Then they’ll control you. #life #failure

2023-01-14 There will always be idiot. No one says you have to be one of them. #life

2023-01-14 Listening to a guy nearby who seems to be betting every college basketball game. Either he has money …

2023-01-14 You go into a bar when a fight breaks out. You end up killing Jack Reacher. #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-14 I have ripe bananas I need to use. No, I don’t want banana bread. I think banana pancakes are on …

2023-01-14 Writing with a fountain pen the past few years has definitely improved my handwriting to the point …

2023-01-14 “Smell the ocean. Smell, it I say! Stick your nose in it and inhale deeply.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-14 It’s time for wings and free-writing.

2023-01-14 Bird! Northern cardinal watching a song sparrow. #bird

2023-01-14 Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day. Yes, it’s a thing. No, you shouldn’t. It’s cute to you, but …

2023-01-14 I should definitely eat something today. I need to do some free-writing. #writing

2023-01-14 In case anyone was wondering, I trashed (metaphorically) the Chromebook, and converted an old Lenovo …

2023-01-14 It’s a cold (in the 30s) day. The Gathering is sitting on the deck, staring in. #cats

2023-01-14 I got some Python stuff done this morning. Time to shift gears.


2023-01-14 Good morning people of Saturday. Nothing is permanent, not even you. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-13 Someone should ask ChatGPT what information it’s collecting about its users. That would be at least …

2023-01-13 I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend and keeps sane.

2023-01-13 So, who has big plans for the weekend? I plan on doing pretty much the same thing I always do. A …

2023-01-13 It’s time to call it a week, to kick back, and relax.

2023-01-13 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead. #mead

2023-01-13 Parsed the Goodreads export file into something TiddlyWiki can import. #programming #books

2023-01-13 Lots of old cool stuff I forgot about. #startrek

2023-01-13 Also found this. No, this wasn’t serious. Not sure who wrote it

2023-01-13 Going through old stuff. GiF spec from Compuserve #graphics

2023-01-13 I guess I can recover ChromeOS on this brick and give it to someone.

2023-01-13 PSA: If you’re a developer, never buy a Chromebook to install Linux on it. The new ones not only …

2023-01-13 Just because something is trending, doesn’t make it important. #life #failure

2023-01-13 Happy Blame Someone Else Day


2023-01-13 Ugh. Accidentally, brewed espresso instead of coffee this morning. It’s Friday the 13th, after …

2023-01-13 Your next iPad could have a keyboard and be labeled MacBook Pro. #mac #ipad

2023-01-13 Greetings. Friday the 13th. Time for the ceremonial coffe.

2023-01-12 Hm. Maybe I should track all the books I read on my wiki. #books #reading #wiki

2023-01-12 Rejoice! Tomorrow is Friday.

2023-01-12 Friends aren’t for using.

2023-01-12 I should try Haiku / BeOS again. Would love to do some dev on it. I still have all the manuals. …

2023-01-12 Remember when emails used to drive what you did during the day? #life #failure

2023-01-12 I wonder what I should do tomorrow.

2023-01-12 I wasn’t able to find panettone locally this past holiday, so I ordered some from DiBruno’s in …

2023-01-12 Delight in the mundane.

2023-01-12 “Explore a new aspect of your personality—the one that drives you to be a maniacal killer.” #writing …

2023-01-12 Didn’t Melon say he’d quit as CEO if the users wanted him to? I guess he doesn’t keep his word. He’s …

2023-01-12 Should I try BotW again? I hated it and never finished. #nintendo #game

2023-01-12 Now it’s thundering. January is weird.

2023-01-12 It’s started to pour rain. Glad it isn’t snow.

2023-01-12 Curried chicken salad becomes buried chicken salad.

2023-01-12 Not all things are important to all, or even most, people. #life

2023-01-12 I appreciate all the people who let me talk to weird people via the internet.

2023-01-12 Bird! Song sparrow #bird

2023-01-12 The Gathering apparently has hours. The feral cats show up in the morning around noon, and then late …

2023-01-12 PSA: You aren’t obligated to tell your entire life story to the checkout clerk at the store when …

2023-01-12 Grr. It seems Ventoy won’t install from a Pi. #ventoy #linux #raspberrypi

2023-01-12 Happy Kiss a Ginger Day

2023-01-12 Don’t languish in your successes.

2023-01-12 “I miss friends who don’t try to kill me.”

2023-01-12 Hello. Don’t worry. Tomorrow is Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-11 Plans for tomorrow: — same as today.

2023-01-11 OK. Today was decent enough, I guess. Time to relax.

2023-01-11 “I love standing on the beach in the evening and watching the boats crash on the shore.” #writing …

2023-01-11 Part of The Gathering today. #cat

2023-01-11 Obstacles and frustratrations are just events that ask you to change. #life

2023-01-11 Happy Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day .- .-. -.-. …. .. – .- –. . -.- -… …

2023-01-11 Even Dragonflights are grounded… #game #wow

2023-01-11 When you obtain your obsession, and then want more, that is either an addiction or greed. Either …

2023-01-11 Writers: Do you live your life the way you write your books? If you’re a plotter, do you plan …

2023-01-11 Being humane is more important than being human. #life #success

2023-01-11 The Gathering has arrived. #cat

2023-01-11 What’s the deal with the cover story about the FAA having a nationwide computer glitch to …

2023-01-11 Hello. It’s Woden’s Day. It’s a cold one here. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-10 Life is a leap of faith. #life

2023-01-10 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — write/edit — book rooms — read — study — play games — eat, if time …

2023-01-10 Most people’s lives are just a recurring set of habits.

2023-01-10 Time for a bit of meditation.

2023-01-10 Cool! New Peter Gabriel music.… #music

2023-01-10 “When you are born, life is a tunnel full of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. As you grow, you …

2023-01-10 Back in my day, there was no back in my day.

2023-01-10 Never let the things you do get in the way of progress. #life

2023-01-10 Busy day. Got enough done. Even snuck in a game of WildTails at lunch. Time to relax.

2023-01-10 “You can’t escape killing by trying to kill everyone.” #writing


2023-01-10 “Silence is the song we sing between the words.” #writing

2023-01-10 Happy Peculiar People Day

2023-01-10 Hyacinth in bloom this morning. #plant

2023-01-10 Stop identifying things in your mind when you see them. Stop thinking ‘apple’ whenever …

2023-01-10 Good morning. Happy Tiw’s Day. If you don’t know who Tiw is, you should do some …

2023-01-09 What if only billionaires were able to own and use giant mechs? #writing #prompt #satire

2023-01-09 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — see if I can get LINUX on an USB — writing — house stuff — play a game — …

2023-01-09 Anyone have a good writer’s retreat to recommend? #writing

2023-01-09 Humans can’t envision a story without conflict, because they live in a life full of it. #life …

2023-01-09 Time for some #music.…

2023-01-09 “His voice was that of boulders being slammed together into a fine dust that sprinkled into a …

2023-01-09 Cool! Just got a new game. #game #buttonshy

2023-01-09 OK. I found something called Ventoy that will create persistence for Linux on a USB/SD card. …

2023-01-09 It’s going up into the mid 50s this week. The rollercoaster continues.

2023-01-09 Hm. It seems one of The Gathering, the one I call Smudge,is hungry. Or at least eats. Didn’t run off …

2023-01-09 Why are newsletters more about pushing product than informing users? #marketing #failure

2023-01-09 Editing done. Time for a break.

2023-01-09 Bird! Northern Cardinal #bird

2023-01-09 There are no big problems, just a colony of small problems cooperating. #life #success

2023-01-09 “No one existed before the internet. Literally. We and our memories are just the creation of …

2023-01-09 Happy Play God Day

2023-01-09 Good morning humans. Behave. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-08 Good morning. I’m still feeling out of it. It’s a cold and wintry day. Time for the ceremonial …

2023-01-07 Cool! Another goodie from the maker of Pico-8.…. #gamedev #pico8

2023-01-07 I gave up trying to convert this Chromebook to Linux. I did manage to get it to usb boot. Now I need …

2023-01-07 Happy Fruitcake Toss Day

2023-01-07 Millions of people are reading right now. Why aren’t you?

2023-01-07 For all of Apple’s issues Chromebooks and their stupid Write-Protect mechanisms are worse. #linux

2023-01-06 “Old age never benefits a murder victim.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-06 My sundew is blooming. Tiny flower. #plant

2023-01-06 Fighting a pressure headache. No fun. It feels like a change in the weather.

2023-01-05 You don’t need permission to be a good person. #life

2023-01-05 Plan for tomorrow: — house stuff — iOS — editing — transcribing

2023-01-05 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-05 Back in my day people used “tooth powder” instead of toothpaste.

2023-01-05 It’s a warm spring-like day in the neighborhood.

2023-01-05 This is the mood out on the deck today. #cat

2023-01-05 I spent the morning editing and transcribing. Time for a break.

2023-01-05 Happy National Screenwriters Day

2023-01-05 Yes, The Gathering outside the deck door continues. #cats

2023-01-05 Hello. Hold yourself accountable this year. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-04 “What are you doing in the produce section?” “I’m stalking the celery.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-04 Don’t forget to eat the ice cream.

2023-01-04 I got a bunch of spam calls from Reader’s Magnet. Do not deal with these people. They don’t even …

2023-01-04 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-04 We see the universe the way we are. #life

2023-01-04 I get that podcasts are about “money” and earlobes. But do it because you enjoy doing it, not to …

2023-01-04 It’s the first Wednesday of the new year. It’s the last first Wednesday of the new year. Enjoy it …

2023-01-04 Gah! I just priced two weeks in Japan from PHL. 3-4x the price of going to Europe. Still, I’d love …

2023-01-04 I think I want to change one minor thing on the cover. It will make the title more …

2023-01-04 “Never fool around with the foolish, I always say.” “You don’t say much then.” #writing …

2023-01-04 It’s not a gift if you have to pay. #marketing #failure

2023-01-04 “It took a lot of aiming to miss.” #writing #throwawayline

2023-01-04 “We’ll look back at it and laugh. Well, I’ll laugh. You’ll just be a bitter old man” #writing …

2023-01-04 When life hands you an opportunity and you decide a better one will come along any minute, be …

2023-01-04 “His raucous laugh was that of a raccoon in heat—frenzied, loud, and futile.” #writing …

2023-01-04 Free-writing complete. Time to ingest foodstuffs.

2023-01-04 When do you take your tree down? When do you stop dressing like Santa?

2023-01-04 The plan for this year is to get two books published. That means I need to start editing my …

2023-01-04 Woot! Got the cover proof for my next book. What do you think? #book #cover #design

2023-01-04 Remember when selfie-sticks were the rage?

2023-01-04 Happy Tom Thumb Day I doubt many people/kids know who Tom Thumb was/is.

2023-01-04 Good morning. Help where help is wanted, not where you think it’s needed. Time for the …

2023-01-03 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — transcribing — Python — food stuff — writing — other things

2023-01-03 Yeah, I’m insane. I just started reverse engineering the Pico-8 p8 file format in Python. I figure I …

2023-01-03 Anyone remember Tomagachi? There should be a book entitled, “The Tomagachi Murders.” #book #writing

2023-01-03 It’s like spring. 65º in Delaware

2023-01-03 Photo up. #photography

2023-01-03 Happy Festival of Sleep Day


2023-01-03 I think I’m going to be passively-aggressive productive today.

2023-01-03 Belief obscures knowledge because belief is something inside, whereas knowledge is external. #life

2023-01-03 Hope is the resort of cowards who have given up. The brave act knowing they may fail. #life

2023-01-03 Good morning. It’s back to reality. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-03 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — back to writing/editing — food

2023-01-02 I’m surprised no one has managed to get a mini Linux distro working on the iPad. #linux

2023-01-02 I dropped by the local big chain bookstore. The magazine section was full of things with something …

2023-01-02 I have an urge to do some puzzles. Wasn’t there a magazine called Games at one point?

2023-01-02 I should finish my interpretation of the Tao. It’s even sitting in a drawer for over 20 years. …

2023-01-02 Overheard: “The last time I had a girlfriend, I was 17. The relationship was a mess.” This from a …

2023-01-02 Trust yourself to be imperfect. #life

2023-01-02 Cool! I sold another book to someone I met at the restaurant. #writing

2023-01-02 You dont need a map if you don’t know where you’re going. #life

2023-01-02 Dinner consumed: +1 to comfort -1 to health +1 to contentment -2 to stamina #food

2023-01-02 Be the friend everyone can rely on but everyone ignores. #life #success

2023-01-02 No one used “bespoke” much before “The Dark Times” of the pandemic. Now even your old maiden aunt …

2023-01-02 Observed: “She handled the ketchup bottle like it was her mortal enemy, drowning the defenseless …

2023-01-02 If you can’t relate to an animal other than your dog, you are a failed human creature. Flame on! …

2023-01-02 Observed: “He was a lumberjack or Grizzly Adams wannabe. He would be at home in a deserted …

2023-01-02 Are there any good website editors on iPad that aren’t pushed by a site or geared to teaching? #web …

2023-01-02 “If you want to control your life, step back.” #life #zen #tao

2023-01-02 I’m toying with Japan in late May. #travel

2023-01-02 Things to ask your waitperson at a restaurant: — What wouldn’t you order here (seriously …

2023-01-02 “When the dead spam, you must listen. Listen for the clues that tell you it’s a scam.” #writing …

2023-01-02 I miss programming in Pascal (no, not Turbo). Modula-1 and Oberon were cool, but I never really did …

2023-01-02 “A book is a tasty treat for the mind.” #books #reading

2023-01-02 Overheard: “What would you do with $20?” That opens up multiple avenues. #character #writing #prompt

2023-01-02 Everyone deserves one good friend.

2023-01-02 All set to write. #fountainpen.

2023-01-02 When bad luck follows you, don’t let it catch up. #life

2023-01-02 I think I deserve to eat something today. Time for food and free-writing.

2023-01-02 Your life is a fairy tale. Not a Disney one, but one more like a Grimm one. #life

2023-01-02 Ok personal stuff done.

2023-01-02 Happy Mew Year for Cats Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2023-01-02 Good morning. Eat healthy. Stay healthy. Drink water. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2023-01-01 Plan for tomorrow: — Personal stuff — iOS — free-write — start transcribing “Man With All the Cards” …

2023-01-01 Autocorect has no sensei of humor. #autocorrect #failure

2023-01-01 I have said this umpteen times: autocorrect t is stupid. “Darth” not “Earth”

2023-01-01 Earth Vader voice: If there is a sweet potato, where is the sour one?

2023-01-01 “What this?” “It’s a Horshack Test.” … if you get it, you get it.

2023-01-01 I try to learn so that I can be funny. I always seem to fail.

2023-01-01 What will you do when the world ends?

2023-01-01 “Think of a random number.” “No numbers are random if you think about them.”

2023-01-01 Football (soccer) rules on ice should be a thing. #sport

2023-01-01 Eagles seem to have fallen apart.

2023-01-01 Someone just walked up to me and offered a slice of birthday cake. It’s not my birthday and I have …

2023-01-01 Just because it’s advertised and marketed doesn’t mean its worth buying or having. ancient proverb …

2023-01-01 I wish the Bookly app had an API. Great app for tracking books/reading. URL-linking on iOS would be …

2023-01-01 It feels like an Overwatch and ButtonShy kind of afternoon. #game

2023-01-01 Learn something. Do something. Improve. Help someone. Repeat. #life #success

2023-01-01 You can’t be perfect unless you learn from making mistakes. #tao #zen #life

2023-01-01 A sense of humor is required when dealing with the living. More so when dealing with the dead. #life …

2023-01-01 The universe b a bar top. #photography

2023-01-01 This leaves the question of whether buffalos have wings moot. #food

2023-01-01 Travel ideas for this year: Italy, Spain, or Japan? Murphy gets a vote. #travel

2023-01-01 Should I do a ScriptFrenzy in September this year? Write a script in 30 days? I haven’t done one in …

2023-01-01 I need to register for PhillyETE and start planning vacation trips for 2023. #phillyete

2023-01-01 I’m still trying to find a good note taking/organizing app. Apple Notes is good. Bear is good. …

2023-01-01 I should really rewatch “The Prisoner” series. It’s a good way to ground oneself to the reality of …

2023-01-01 It’s 2023. Back up your work. Murphy never takes a year off.

2023-01-01 Bookwyrm looks interesting, but they really don’t have an API. #books

2023-01-01 “The little girl grinned from ear to ear as she stood next to Elsa at the Mouse Park. The grin …

2023-01-01 Be kind. Be patient. Be sensible this year. #2023

2023-01-01 It’s time to do the first free-writing of the year.

2023-01-01 I should really look into activitypub. #programming

2023-01-01 Happy National Hangover Day

2023-01-01 Photo up. #photography


2023-01-01 Since it’s the new year, here’s a question. What is the maximum number of weeks in a …

2023-01-01 Good morning, all. Congratulations! You’ve made it to 2023. We live in the future. Time for …

2023-01-01 Thank you all for putting up with me and supporting me. I hope you find my ramblings fun or useful. …

2023-01-01 Happy New Year to everyone. May 2023 be better than the past few years. Stay safe. Stay healthy. …

2022-12-31 What new skill will you attain in 2023?

2022-12-31 Anyone doing anything fun?

2022-12-31 It’s a foggy drizzly day. Seems appropriate for the last day of the year.

2022-12-31 It’s lunchtime already? I’m not even awake Ye.

2022-12-31 Photo up. #photography

2022-12-31 I just spent some time reviewing 2022. I got a fair amount good done. I left a lot undone. That …

2022-12-31 Happy Hogmanay

2022-12-31 Good morning. Enjoy the weekend. It’s the last Saturday you get this year. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-30 Plan for tomorrow: — Python — read — review my past year — foresee the next year — eat — play games

2022-12-30 Happy Festival of Enormous Changes at the Last Minute Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-30 Do you “turn out the light” or “turn off the light”?

2022-12-30 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a glass of mead.


2022-12-30 Those who have the least to contribute have the most to say. — ancient proverb I just made up

2022-12-30 I wonder if cash will become the rotary phone of 2023. Think of all the money the government could …

2022-12-30 Are you what you wanted to be as a child? If not, would you still want to be what you wanted to be, …

2022-12-30 We are fast approaching 2023. Please fasten your seatbelts and assume crash positions.

2022-12-30 “The animal peered from behind the brush intent on its prey. Then, I n disgust, it turned and …

2022-12-30 Did you have 80s hair in the 80s?

2022-12-30 “She sat in silence staring at the bread. Her mind was torn between devouring it now or taking it …

2022-12-30 Hey! It’s Friday! Get all your stuff done, so you can play this weekend.

2022-12-30 It’s sprinting in Delaware. Time for lunch and free-writing.

2022-12-30 Time to run errands. The Gathering is in session on the deck. Smudge seems to have a new eye …

2022-12-30 Good morning. It’s unrealistic to expect to be happy all the time. Life is full of ups and …

2022-12-29 Maybe Django is overkill. Maybe I should just start with Flask. #python #web #django #flask

2022-12-29 Not sure why, but I started to play/learn Django. #programming #python

2022-12-29 “Laugh like your happiness depends on it.”

2022-12-29 It’s a green tea kind of night.

2022-12-29 Time for some tea

2022-12-29 We’re in the middle of a heat wave. It’s 54º now, and going up to 60 over the weekend. #netde

2022-12-29 “When you murder someone only to find out they were already dead.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-29 The Gathering continues. This one got tired of staring into the house. #cat

2022-12-29 Bird! Blue jay #bird

2022-12-29 Time to pick weeds in AC

2022-12-29 Happy Pepper Pot Day No, not from the Avengers.

2022-12-29 Good morning, all. Stay healthy. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-28 When you forget to finish the website and have no QA… #web #programming

2022-12-28 Well, I’m glad I got off the Bird. It seems El Ron is systematically dismantling Twitter in a fit of …

2022-12-28 Cool! I don’t have a Venmo acct. What’s a Venmo? No, I don’t want to know.

2022-12-28 I don’t plan on doing anything special to celebrate NY Eve. I never do. It’s just another day here. …

2022-12-28 Confusion isn’t that you don’t know what to think or do; it is due to an over abundance of choice. …

2022-12-28 Plan for tomorrow: — more of the usual — some of the unexpected.

2022-12-28 Time for some tea.

2022-12-28 Photo up. #photography

2022-12-28 There is a sign of warmth outside. The world isn’t a block of ice.

2022-12-28 Bird! Lincoln’s sparrow. #bird

2022-12-28 Back in my day you could develop Mac apps with whatever language you wanted. I miss the days of …

2022-12-28 What do you want from Apple in 2023? Me? — a new iPad mini — tighter integration between XCode and …

2022-12-28 Latte and more free-writing.

2022-12-28 “He lived in a small town, population: one. He was lucky that he had so many imaginary friends.” …

2022-12-28 “Never point the finger at someone who can bite it off.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-28 “His sneezes spoke of loss, and overflowing mucus.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-28 “A punch to the gut is worth two to the stomach.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-28 “Love slaps you in the face with a pain that lingers long after the person is gone.” #writing …

2022-12-28 So El Ron said he’d quit as CEO of the bird. I haven’t heard that he has/hasn’t. I guess he’s just …

2022-12-28 Why do we keep sending rockets into space? Why not jut build them there? #space

2022-12-28 Meatloaf for lunch? Why not? #food

2022-12-28 Q: What do you call a junk drawer? A: A trash can.

2022-12-28 “Rogue Morgue” should be a title. A morgue that only accepts the living. #writing #prompt

2022-12-28 My primary goal for 2023 is going to be: — be happy and grateful #life

2022-12-28 So. Did anyone get fruitcake, the highly misunderstood dessert? #food

2022-12-28 You are better off treating New Year’s Day like just another day than setting unrealistic …

2022-12-28 Time to get some food and free-write.

2022-12-28 Happy National Card Playing Day Let your cards play all they want today.

2022-12-28 Lots of stuff done this morning and a few things accomplished

2022-12-28 What you think is what you are. #life

2022-12-28 Hm. You can post to Mastodon with Circuit Python? Cool.… …

2022-12-28 Good morning. Be thankful that you’re still here this morning. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-27 Release the crackers!

2022-12-27 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — free-write — read — Python — play a game

2022-12-27 Just because you complete a task on your To Do list, doesn’t mean you have to replace it with …

2022-12-27 I’m having a cup of Samurai Chai Mate #tea

2022-12-27 Time for a cup of tea.

2022-12-27 The year is croaking.

2022-12-27 Photo up. #photography

2022-12-27 OK. The bread pudding is in the oven. I make it with egg nog, and blend it so it’s a pudding and not …

2022-12-27 How you feel about what you’re not doing is as important as how you feel about what you do. …


2022-12-27 Happy Make Cutout Snowflakes Day

2022-12-27 Patience is the most important trait you can learn. #life #success

2022-12-27 Yes, the cats were waiting for me on the deck when I came down this morning. It’s freezing …

2022-12-27 Good morning. It’s never too late to be grateful. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-26 Do you listen to your own advice?

2022-12-26 Still a great song.… #music

2022-12-26 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — reading — free-writing — baking — Python — play games

2022-12-26 OK. The bread is out of the oven. Tomorrow I make bread pudding. #baking

2022-12-26 The house smells like bread baking. I wonder why… Oh, right! #baking

2022-12-26 “Life is a lie they told you to keep you from going outside.” #writing

2022-12-26 Anyone doing anything nefarious today?

2022-12-26 Despite what people may think, being a genius doesn’t mean you know everything. #life

2022-12-26 Observed: why do guys apologize after belching only to belch again? They wouldn’t belch if they were …

2022-12-26 What is the probability that statistics would not exist were it not for sport betting and games? …

2022-12-26 What books did you get? Are they worth reading? I got “Math with Bad Drawings”. Yup, it is. #books

2022-12-26 Did you get any games this holiday? What did you get? Is it worth playing? #game

2022-12-26 The point of science isn’t to give you the right answer. It’s to give you a better answer than the …

2022-12-26 I watched someone solve a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle yesterday. I don’t get how they do it. It must be …

2022-12-26 “I have a smile for you. I tore it off a homeless woman.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-26 Definition #3 is interesting… #writing

2022-12-26 “She sniffled the snot up her nose. ‘Mommy, where does Santa come from?’ ‘The North Pole, dear.’ The …

2022-12-26 I haven’t written anything this month. Writing 100K words in November was stressful. But now, I’m …

2022-12-26 Remember when Dr. Oz was a big thing? Neither do I.

2022-12-26 Santa

2022-12-26 “Can I buy you a drink?” “Sure. But once you do, you have to leave.” #writing

2022-12-26 Assuming you got one, do you remember the birthday present you got ten years ago? Or do you remember …

2022-12-26 Another roller coaster in Delaware. #weather

2022-12-26 “Life is but a grinding side quest.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-26 I need to start thinking about 2023 goal and things not to do. #2023

2022-12-26 So, has El Ron quit the Bird yet?

2022-12-26 I’m still waiting for the book cover design. #publishing #writing

2022-12-26 I think it’s time to eat some wings and free-write.

2022-12-26 I’m now calling it, “The Gathering”. Another cat has joined the patrol. I wonder what it is about me …

2022-12-26 Happy Whiner’s Day

2022-12-26 Can you wake up without coffee? Of course. Would you want to? No.

2022-12-26 Good morning. Lots of people have off today. Enjoy it. Don’t stress. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-25 I hope everyone had a peaceful weekend without thought of trolls, or other mythical beasts.

2022-12-25 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python read free-write bake bread make bread pudding.

2022-12-25 I’m still trying to find a decent way to do PICO-8 dev on an IPad. Yes, I know I can use VNC to a …

2022-12-25 People never dilly-dally nowadays.

2022-12-25 I just had a weird idea. I wonder if I could hook up my old Pocket C.H.I.P. To the iPad and use it …

2022-12-25 2023 should be the next big iLife revamp. #apple

2022-12-25 If you aren’t making better choices in your life, you aren’t learning from your mistakes. #life …

2022-12-25 #life

2022-12-25 I need to seriously work on my TBR pile. #books

2022-12-25 New stuff to read. Yay! #books #math

2022-12-25 Happy National Pumpkin Pie Day I have no idea why, it’s pumpkin pie.

2022-12-25 Well this was an unexpected Christmas present. I discovered “Scavenger Hunt” got another great …

2022-12-25 Merry Christmas to all. It’s not about what you get. It’s about what you give. Time to bring out …

2022-12-25 Good morning. Merry Christmas to all. I’m back home again. The feral cats are still on the deck. …

2022-12-24 If you celebrate, I wish you a peaceful day tomorrow. If you don’t, I still wish you a peaceful day. …

2022-12-24 I head home tomorrow morning. Had a nice visit with friends today.

2022-12-24 This is appropriate. Merry Christmas Eve… #music

2022-12-24 Hanging out with some friends. Trying to stay safe.

2022-12-24 What do you miss doing during the holidays-not holiday related? #holiday

2022-12-24 Current state of the app. #animalcrossing

2022-12-24 I should really do some work on my Animal Crossing app that I wrote on the iPad. #swift #playgrounds …

2022-12-24 Sign at the hotel next to an empty bookcase. It’s like they’re saying, if you have business here, …

2022-12-24 The world is frozen, just like the expression on many of the people’s faces this morning. They would …

2022-12-24 Remember, what you get/got this holiday is not as important as the bonds you make/strengthen with …


2022-12-24 I hope everyone has a peaceful weekend. Don’t start any wars or try to take over a country like some …

2022-12-24 It’s supposedly going to 23°F today. Maryland is cold.

2022-12-24 It’s 9°F this morning and I’m not about to venture out for breakfast. The hotel has no food service. …

2022-12-24 Good morning, all. Don’t take what you do have for granted. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-23 Plan for tomorrow: — relax — eat — other stuff — free write

2022-12-23 Keep only the people, thoughts, and things that bring you joy. All else by definition either does …


2022-12-23 If you are having a bad time this time of year, reach out to someone. #life

2022-12-23 If it hasn’t hit you yet, it is almost 2023 and we are still here. #life

2022-12-23 I’m sitting in a hotel lobby. It’s frigid outside. I guess it could be worse. Oh right. There is no …

2022-12-23 Ok that was easy. Got my journaling app pulling my feed. Now I just have to format for …

2022-12-23 Be kind to animals this holiday season, and every day.

2022-12-23 When you feel stress during the holidays, stop doing that which causes

2022-12-23 If only there was a day set aside to not do anything.

2022-12-23 Happy National Pfeffernusse Day. I didn’t make any this year :/

2022-12-23 I hope everyone has a fun and safe weekend, whether you celebrate anything or not.

2022-12-23 Good morning. Welcome to Friday. If you’re working, so the rest of us can have a day off, …

2022-12-22 “We are living through the dark days of Christmas. The lights are all growing crazy with colors, and …

2022-12-22 This seems appropriate.… #music

2022-12-22 Plan for tomorrow: iOS travel eat free write

2022-12-22 So what’s everyone getting for the holidays?

2022-12-22 Do fun things. Not to win, but to enjoy. #life #success

2022-12-22 If you’re not enjoying the week, you’re doing it wrong.

2022-12-22 Be the kind of person you would look up to. #life #success

2022-12-22 So. In 2023 we are all going to quit our day job and do what we want to do. Right? #2023

2022-12-22 Time to play some OW.

2022-12-22 Happy National Cookie Exchange Day


2022-12-22 One thing I re-realized this past year. There are a ton of interesting things in the world, and I …

2022-12-22 Sugar cookies aren’t really cookies, and the worst edible you can give as a present. Flame on! …

2022-12-22 Don’t forget that teachers are overworked, underpaid, and stressed. Support the teachers this …

2022-12-22 It’s getting cold. Long gone are the days of 75ºF in November. #netde

2022-12-22 Hello. Enjoy the holiday week. Rest up and de-stress for the new year. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-21 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — read — pack — free write

2022-12-21 What’s everyone doing tomorrow? Hopefully, it’s relaxing.

2022-12-21 Bird! Blue jay. #bird

2022-12-21 Happy Don’t Make Your Bed Day

2022-12-21 OK. I’m now waiting for “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” cover. #writing …

2022-12-21 I’m not useful, And I’m not funny. I’m just a snowman, And my nose is runny. …

2022-12-21 Happy International Dalek Remembrance Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-21 Well the feral cats have adopted me. They have visited every day for the past week or so. They seem …

2022-12-21 Good morning, everyone. The purpose of holidays is not to get frantic, but to de-stress. Time for …

2022-12-20 You don’t own your thoughts. They are just artifacts of your mind. #life #philosophy

2022-12-20 Happy Mudd Day No, not Harry Mudd from Star Trek.

2022-12-20 Plan for tomorrow: edit play games prep for the weekend other stuff as prescribed.

2022-12-20 Hm. They are rebooting the old “Night Court” TV show? … we shall see… #comedy

2022-12-20 Don’t force yourself through life. #life #success #zen #tao

2022-12-20 Time to switch it up. Pelikan M205 Blue-Marbled Sky SE (F) w/Iroshizuku Ajisai. #fountainpen

2022-12-19 Do people still play EverQuest? #game

2022-12-19 So, is the Bird site gone yet? Or is Elom?

2022-12-19 You don’t need to go on a quest to discover you are already on one. #life

2022-12-19 I guess there’s a new trend. Dressing up as a homeless person in the winter. #life #failure

2022-12-19 Just because someone claims something “is important” that just means it’s important to them, not …

2022-12-19 The holiday “publisher” call spam has kicked in. Don’t buy into someone who claims your book “was …

2022-12-19 Life is full of choices. If you don’t recognize something as a choice, you are either trapped or …

2022-12-19 If you can’t keep up with demand, don’t carry the product. Also, it’s not an excuse to raise the …

2022-12-19 His sigh bespoke years of toil. “Honor is just what someone wants to fight for. You never hear of …

2022-12-19 “If you don’t learn something new every day, meet someone new instead. It won’t make up for your …

2022-12-19 “A bucket of grog is worth half the rum.” #writing

2022-12-19 When you lose your sense of humor, you lose yourself. #life

2022-12-19 “It came to me in a dream—or vision. Kill all the unbeliefvers. Pikachu is the one true God.” …

2022-12-19 “The gods don’t care what you do. They just make a show of wanting you to act a certain way.” “But… …

2022-12-19 “You threw away the key to my heart. I changed the lock.” #writing

2022-12-19 There should be a Unicode character code that can represent and inserted image, sound, or media. …

2022-12-19 “He was the son of James the Elder. His water was pure and good. Even the gods and angels were …

2022-12-19 I need to start considering what I want to accomplish next year. #2023

2022-12-19 “My uncle died of a broken hearth. It was a cold death.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-19 There is an adage that says, we all want a better life. The question is, better how, and for whom? …

2022-12-19 Overheard: “I’ll have a glass of the house red wine.” That inspires me to create a wine brand named …

2022-12-19 It’s fun to laugh at yourself. It brings a smile to so many people.

2022-12-19 It’s a holiday week for at least a ton of people. Enjoy, relax, de-stress, connect, talk to a …

2022-12-19 Silence is frightening to many. When someone wants you to argue with them, keep silent. #life

2022-12-19 “I was married three times. The best wife I ever had, was the one that died.” #writing …

2022-12-19 When I was doing consulting for HP, the one lesson I learned that stood me in good stead, was to ask …

2022-12-19 “The snow swirled around her as she huddled against the biting wind, clutching the worn teddy bear. …

2022-12-19 OK. I’ve named the feral cats. Smudge and Creamsicle. It’s better than saying, “Yo! Cat Number …

2022-12-19 It’s lunch and free-writing time.

2022-12-19 “How do you know you’re related to me?” “You’re shorter. Height is …

2022-12-19 I repeat: if you’re a company, offering a discount is not a “gift” it’s an …

2022-12-19 Celebrate the small accomplishments of others. Especially the accomplishments of the small ones. …

2022-12-19 Happy National Emo Day

2022-12-19 So, is 2023 going to be worse than 2022 or 2020?

2022-12-19 Yes, if you were wondering, the cats were back. It seems rain or shine they are here every day. …

2022-12-19 Hello. It’s a holiday week. Don’t be weak in exercising your right to take it easy this …

2022-12-18 “The cold rain pitter pattered onto the road around him. It wasn’t the kind of rain one danced to.” …

2022-12-18 “Why would you ever want to go on a road trip with your dad?” “To kill him.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-18 Great ideas don’t have to come from the rich. #life

2022-12-18 I have never seen Avatar. I never plan to see it, nor its sequal(s). #film

2022-12-18 “Who do we blame today?”

2022-12-18 Worst Christmas lyric: “With the whoop-de-do and dickory dock” #music #christmas

2022-12-18 I don’t feel like doing anything today. I think I’ll go with my feelings for once.

2022-12-18 Happy National Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-18 They’re baaaaack… I wonder what they want. #cats


2022-12-18 Hello. Be patient. Be courteous. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-17 Heal yourself so you can heal others. #life #success

2022-12-17 I need jellybeans. That is the post.

2022-12-17 “The thing we expect is the thing that we fear.” #writing

2022-12-17 Anyone doing things today?

2022-12-17 Why are megalomaniacs the only ones allowed to be billionaires?

2022-12-17 “What trickery is this?” People don’t say it as often as they should.

2022-12-17 Today feels like either a sub or pizza delivery for lunch kind of day.

2022-12-17 “The bleakest thoughts are rarely worse than the reality.” #writing


2022-12-17 Empower yourself and others.

2022-12-17 Good morning. It’s the weekend. Play nice. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-16 “His father was the type of person who would sell you for parts so he could buy booze.” #writing

2022-12-16 So how many people have an old empty cookie tin lying around in which they keep non-cookies?

2022-12-16 In extraordinary times we need ordinary people. #life

2022-12-16 Back in my day people ate liver and onions in restaurants.

2022-12-16 Take time this weekend to look after yourself. Do something relaxing. Do something fun. Like eating …

2022-12-16 It’s time to relax. What is everyone doing?

2022-12-16 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of my cranberry mead. #mead

2022-12-16 “The Morgue the Merrier” should be a title. #writing #throwawayline


2022-12-16 If someone annoys you they are seeking a reaction or trying to prove a point. #life

2022-12-16 “The ball bounced marking the time until my death.” #writing

2022-12-16 I write a ton of stuff using a fountain pen. My handwriting has improved over the years. However, …

2022-12-16 “The hardest part of living is not dying. The hardest part of dying is not having lived.” #writing …

2022-12-16 You are infinitesimally small. Your thoughts are smaller. Just think how small your thoughts are in …

2022-12-16 Next week is a holiday week for many people. Enjoy it, whether you celebrate or not, whether you …

2022-12-16 What does Santa yell before his trip? “Sleigh the reindeer!” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-16 I think I want to push “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” for a cover next week and out to the …

2022-12-16 Back in my day you could go ice skating on frozen lakes, ponds, and rivers.

2022-12-16 When your tree bursts into flames And shoots up into the sky It’s all fun and games Until someone …

2022-12-16 It’s 2022. Why do shows still have a laugh track?

2022-12-16 “The fire in your eyes bespeaks the flame in my heart and the burning of the house around me.” …

2022-12-16 I need to eat and free-write a bit.

2022-12-16 I’ve been letting my brain recover from NaNoWriMo this month. I haven’t done any real writing. I’m …

2022-12-16 Today’s visitor… Not sure why they’re all coming here now. They’re ignoring the bird feeder. Maybe …

2022-12-16 It’s time to thank everyone who interacts and follows me on here. Thank you. You’re the sane ones …

2022-12-16 Happy Stupid Toy Day

2022-12-16 The cat is back. I’m beginning to wonder if it wants to come inside. It just sits and stares …

2022-12-16 So what science news and math news sites do you visit? Looking for new ones to look at. #science …

2022-12-16 If you’re self-critical of yourself, you’re doing something wrong. #life

2022-12-16 Good morning, all. It’s Friday. Review your accomplishments and failures. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-15 The more you identify with your feelings the less free you become. #life

2022-12-15 Sourdough bread. #baking

2022-12-15 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — free-write — errands — read — play games

2022-12-15 Sourdough bread came out great. #baking

2022-12-15 Books make great last minute gifts. So does food. I’m open to both.

2022-12-15 I’m baking some sourdough bread in a bread machine… #baking #sourdough

2022-12-15 I played a bit of WoW today. Boy am I rusty. I need to get back into it. I should try to figure out …

2022-12-15 Not a productive day today. Oh well.

2022-12-15 Even small accomplishments are worth celebrating. #life

2022-12-15 I should learn something new.

2022-12-15 Bird! Carolina wren #bird

2022-12-15 Happy Cat Herders' Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-15 Hm. Did you know that you can only measure the speed of light bidirectionally? #physics

2022-12-15 It’s pouring rain here in Delaware. I doubt I’ll have cat visitors.

2022-12-15 Good morning, all. If you’re stuck on something (writing, work, or what to do), that means …


2022-12-14 “The lights in the tree sparkled red, green, and white off the snow. The hobgoblins laughed as they …

2022-12-14 Plan for tomorrow: iOS edits/rewrites on “The Singular Case of the Three Witches”. Python WoW / AC …

2022-12-14 We’re entering the Holiday Zone…

2022-12-14 Photo up. #photography

2022-12-14 I guess it’s Panatone and egg nog season.

2022-12-14 I should play WoW this weekend. I haven’t played in ages. #wow

2022-12-14 Be intrinsic. #life #success

2022-12-14 And if you were wondering, which I doubt, yes the cats are back… #cat

2022-12-14 Setting goals is fine. Setting achievable goals is better. A plan is not a strategy. #life #2023 …

2022-12-14 “You retire when your treads are worn.” #writing #life

2022-12-14 Reality is more than what you experience and think. It’s even more than the sum of what everyone …

2022-12-14 I have a fresh coconut I need to deal with.

2022-12-14 Why isn’t it called “spackling the cake?” #writing

2022-12-14 Ok. Apart from the British-ized single-quotes there aren’t many things that I have to change. …

2022-12-14 Hm. Bouchercon in San Diego next year? Maybe. #writing

2022-12-14 I think it’s time for food and free-writing.

2022-12-14 Happy Monkey Day

2022-12-14 Complexity does not equal value. #life #success

2022-12-14 Got back the edits of “The Singular Case of the Three Witches”, my Watsonian novel. The …

2022-12-14 Hello. It’s cold out. Take care of people and animals in need. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-13 Plan for tomorrow: iOS free-write read bake something or other

2022-12-13 “There is a point in everyone to which they can retreat for solace. Some choose not to return.” …

2022-12-13 Just because you’ve figured out how to do something faster or easier, doesn’t mean you’re doing it …

2022-12-13 So what paradigm comes next: object-oriented, functional, ? #programming

2022-12-13 It’s sad that pretty much every review states that Swiss Miss is among the best hot chocolates on …

2022-12-13 Just because you’re alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely. #life #success

2022-12-13 Best arcade game of all time? Centipede. Flame on! #game

2022-12-13 I’m having gruel for dinner. It’s that kind of day.

2022-12-13 It finally feels like wintry weather sans snow. #netde

2022-12-13 I have questions… #cat

2022-12-13 USA Today suspends the best-seller book list. Remember: best seller lists were meant to sell …

2022-12-13 Found an old ticket to a concert

2022-12-13 Cranberry pistachio biscotti are baking. #baking

2022-12-13 “At least you don’t look dead.” #writing

2022-12-13 Learn to bend without breaking. #life #success #tao


2022-12-13 I had another visitor. They like sitting and staring inside without making a sound. Is this the …

2022-12-13 Good morning. Time waits for no one; so you better keep up. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-12 Plan for tomorrow: The usual. I must be in a rut.

2022-12-12 “A duck and a pheasant walk into a bar. The duck says, ‘Ouch!’” #writing

2022-12-12 I should start planning 2023.

2022-12-12 Did you know that feral cats with a missing ear tip have been neutered and released? Seems that’s …

2022-12-12 “There is darkness and then there is the black void in your heart.” #writing

2022-12-12 Wow! The sun came out. Just in time for it to go down.

2022-12-12 Squirrel!

2022-12-12 I see places selling something called a “Holiday Bundle”. I’ll take Halloween and New Years.

2022-12-12 My pitcher plant seems happy. #plant

2022-12-12 “Be happy. Your sanity depends on it.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-12 Just because you’re rewarded doesn’t mean you’ve done anything worthwhile. #life


2022-12-12 Happy Festival of Unmentionable Thoughts Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-12 Spending the morning working on my journaling app. The feral cat has definitely adopted the deck. …

2022-12-12 Good morning. Don’t chase the unattainable. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-11 Hm. I should bake biscotti tomorrow, too.

2022-12-11 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — eat — play — read — fiendishly laugh at someone

2022-12-11 It’s dark. It’s rainy. It’s gloomy. It’s dank.

2022-12-11 What’s on my deck in the rain looking into the house.

2022-12-11 Just downloaded the latest #pico-8 I want to get back into it a bit. It’s been a while. #programming

2022-12-11 “It’s a Frozen Zombie Kind of Christmas” #writing

2022-12-11 OK. I have my Swift project cross reference utility formatted and working. I think I should cross …

2022-12-11 Happy International Mountain Day … remember, there is only one.

2022-12-11 Well it looks like the cat seems to have adopted the house. #cat

2022-12-11 Good morning. Just because tomorrow is Monday doesn’t mean you have to not relax today. Time for the …

2022-12-10 “You are the final boss of your life.” #life

2022-12-10 In honor of Dewey Decimal System Day I present…… #humor

2022-12-10 Salad greens are doing well #plants

2022-12-10 “Never try to hide under a bridge. You’ll be trolled.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-10 I seem to have gotten everything done that I had set out to do today.

2022-12-10 Time to play some games

2022-12-10 Made a new friend. Cat showed up on my deck. #caturday

2022-12-10 I have a bunch of related ultra-short short stories lying around. I’m thinking of fixing them up and …

2022-12-10 So what weird thing do you collect (not horde)? I like fountain pens. #collecting

2022-12-10 I did some work on my Swift code cross-ref utility this morning. Need to work on formatting the …

2022-12-10 Life is almost within my grasp.

2022-12-10 Happy International Shareware Day … does shareware still exist?

2022-12-10 There is a difference between worry and concern. Worry is the irrational reliving of a problem …

2022-12-10 Well, I guess it’s time to start masking up in public again. There is no sanity in being …

2022-12-10 Good morning. It’s actually cold out for a change. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-09 Be kind to yourself, and each other. #life #success

2022-12-09 I wonder what other stuff I should do tomorrow.

2022-12-09 Plan for tomorrow: – Python – Read – Play games – Relax – House stuff …

2022-12-09 It’s Friday eve. It’s time for a glass of #mead

2022-12-09 NaNoWriMo 2022 In Review -… #writing #nanowrimo

2022-12-09 “Laughter From the Grave” should be a title, if it isn’t. #writing #prompt

2022-12-09 Happy Weary Willie Day … it’s not what you think.

2022-12-09 Good morning, Friday-people. Rejoice! The weekend comes. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-08 Plan for tomorrow: — iOS — Python — read — blog — other stuff

2022-12-08 What cool things is everyone learning?

2022-12-08 I cracked open a bottle of my mint kolsch. I got a lot of house stuff done. That’s my reward. #beer

2022-12-08 It is up to you to solve your problems. #life #success

2022-12-08 What you postpone will haunt you. #life

2022-12-08 I’m surprised the soup is edibly tasty.

2022-12-08 If you have high self ideals and goals, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t rise to them. #life …

2022-12-08 “The Three Mosquitos” should be a book, if it isn’t already. #writing

2022-12-08 Bird! House finch #bird


2022-12-08 Time to make some soup. I need to use up stuff. Going to throw potatoes, kimchi, herbs and some …

2022-12-08 Time to switch it up. Restored unbranded mini pocket pen with Enduro nub and Monteverde Blue Black …

2022-12-08 When in doubt, give someone a cookbook. #books

2022-12-08 Happy Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day … wait! People pretend? I don’t need to.

2022-12-08 Good morning all. Obstacles are just unlearned lessons. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-08 Hello. It’s Thursday, otherwise known as Thor’s Day. Avengers Untie! Time for the …

2022-12-07 “The secret of life is not dying.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-07 “He was like a drunken dead pirate, except that he had an interesting parrot.” #writing …

2022-12-07 Be grateful for the people you interact with. Every one of them has something to teach you. #life …

2022-12-07 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python blog about this past NaNo house stuff.

2022-12-07 Sourdough starter fed. It’s alive! After being in the freezer for over a year. #baking

2022-12-07 Never undervalue people you don’t like, just because you don’t like them. #life

2022-12-07 I enjoy watching cooking shows, but they alway mention talking to your butcher or fish monger. Where …

2022-12-07 OK. Back home again.

2022-12-07 Create something new.

2022-12-07 Worst Christmas songs: — Little Drummer Boy — Grinch — Mariah Cary Christmas #music

2022-12-07 Kaweco Sport Cyan just ran dry. #fountainpen

2022-12-07 Three hours of sleep doesn’t cut it.


2022-12-07 More personal stuff this morning.

2022-12-07 Good morning. Work hard, relax, repeat. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2022-12-06 I forgot this exists.… #spyhard #music #weirdal

2022-12-06 Enjoy what you do, even your failures. #zen #tao #life

2022-12-06 It’s 53 degrees at night in December. Not complaining, but this is bad.

2022-12-06 “The fire burns brightest when it is lit.” #writing

2022-12-06 Do people still have company holiday parties? Or did the bad actors mess it up for everyone?

2022-12-06 Remember, stay sane.

2022-12-06 Time for some free-writing and some food.

2022-12-06 Some days feel like Tuesday. This is one of those days.

2022-12-06 Silence shows you the noise you call your mind. #life

2022-12-06 OK. Personal stuff taken care of. It’s a rainy day in PA. At least it’s not snow.

2022-12-06 Another rainy day in the region. Time to travel.

2022-12-06 Started on a Swift XREF utility in Python. Have some basics done… I have it finding all the …

2022-12-06 Happy Put On Your Own Shoes Day … you’re old enough to do it yourself, you know.

2022-12-06 Hello. How you react to things and people you don’t like says a lot about you. Time for the …

2022-12-05 Life moves, whether you do or not. #life


2022-12-05 Plan for tomorrow: Personal stuff Free-writing Python

2022-12-05 Bird! Carolina cardinal. #bird

2022-12-05 Happy Bathtub Party Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-12-05 Good morning. It’s a frosty morning. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-12-04 I haven’t done anything with Lua in a while. I should do something.

2022-12-04 Bird! Red-winged blackbird. #bird

2022-12-04 I wish I had a doughnut or an eclair…

2022-12-04 Another PotG in OW. Time to run some errands.

2022-12-04 Cool. Won a close OW game with PoG.

2022-12-04 Anyone remember the plastic bags apple gave out when you bought something from their store? I miss …

2022-12-04 Cool. IPhones can measure a person’s height.… #iphone

2022-12-04 No one can keep you from being happy, except you. #life

2022-12-04 If you are complacent, Murphy will show up to teach you a lesson.

2022-12-04 OK. I’ve got everything I need to make cranberry pistachio biscotti. Tomorrow, I’ll try to make it …

2022-12-04 “You can’t be too funny or too rich.” I’m neither.

2022-12-04 When a waitperson asks, “What can I get you?”, the proper response is, “A Million Dollars.”

2022-12-04 “The older you get, the more people you know die. Immortality is a bitch and bastard.” #writing

2022-12-04 “Never trust anyone that wears purple. That’s what I say. Purple is just a mixture of blue and red. …

2022-12-04 Life is not always 4th and Goal. You have to live it as if it’s 1st and long. #life #usfootball

2022-12-04 The best (not most important) accomplishment you have done this year? Mine: Buy a GoCycle and use …

2022-12-04 If your mindi s full of thoughts and ideas, you will never find what you are looking for. #life #zen …

2022-12-04 I should resurrect my Ouzo Cheesecake. #baking

2022-12-04 “If you think you’re doing the right thing, take time to count the bodies you have injured.”

2022-12-04 “The blood of the young is better than the blood of the others.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-04 I find it strange that in the US they market a blue bear and companies that claim not to have a …

2022-12-04 “Gather around the dead and injured. Stare at the accident victims and homeless. Be enthralled by …

2022-12-04 “It’s OK if no one understands your sense of humor as long as you don’t blow up things..” #writing …

2022-12-04 I need to download the latest Pico-8. I’m probably more than a year behind. #pico8 #gamedev

2022-12-04 The Spirit of Christmas Presents is an old sock marked down 25%. #life #christmas

2022-12-04 Ok. I need to make pistachio cranberry biscotti. Not sure why, but it sounds like a decent combo to …

2022-12-04 Isn’t it time for a new Apple product line, instead of an upgrade to an existing one? #apple

2022-12-04 When you want to be perfect, but you realize you’re actually Batman.

2022-12-04 Someone should have a “Pizza Advent Calendar” Nope nope nope.

2022-12-04 Wings consumed -1 to health. +1 to contentment. #food

2022-12-04 It’s sad when an ad has to explain that “People at risk may not develop ____” in a pharma ad. This …

2022-12-04 Observed: “He was a Boris type. You know; short, curly dark hair, bulk that bordered between obese …

2022-12-04 I missed writing with a fountain pen while typing NaNo. #writing #fountainpen

2022-12-04 I still need to post about this past NaNo.

2022-12-04 It amazes me (well, not really) how marketing promotes: “A free gift for you” while giving you a 10% …

2022-12-04 “Some day, I’ll use this ____, and I’ll save money.” Things people say while hoarding ____. #life …

2022-12-04 My mind keeps wishing for an XCode project XREF utility. I may have to create one to find dead code …

2022-12-04 Hm. Did you ever notice that “I want to get together” may be redundant? The “to get” part? And who …

2022-12-04 What’s the worst present you ever got? Me? Socks and clothes. I don’t wear many and people either …

2022-12-04 “So, where did you bury the body?” “Somewhere where no one would think to look—the cemetery.” …

2022-12-04 Time for wings and free-writing

2022-12-04 My sundew’s spike is blooming #plants

2022-12-04 Happy Wear Brown Shoes Day

2022-12-04 Spending the morning clobberin' an iOS bug and sipping coffee while listening to the radio (yup old …

2022-12-04 Good morning, all. It’s a sunny day here. Enjoin enjoying the day. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-03 Plan for tomorrow: — eat wings and stuff — Python — read — play some games — relax

2022-12-03 So what Switch game is everyone playing? Pokémon doesn’t count. #nintendo

2022-12-03 Tomorrow feels like a wings for lunch day.

2022-12-03 You have to make time for yourself. Not to do things or think, but to sit in silence and just be. …

2022-12-03 If this rain were snow, I’d be stuck for a month.

2022-12-03 If you expect less, you’ll get more.

2022-12-03 Bird! Song sparrow #bird Snack break with this song sparrow!

2022-12-03 Happy Let’s Hug Day

2022-12-03 Good morning, all. It’s a dismal day here in Delaware. Lots of rain. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-12-02 Cherry hazelnut bread out of the oven. yum.

2022-12-02 Bird! Carolina Cardinal

2022-12-02 Did some Python stuff. Played some Overwatch. Time to read.

2022-12-02 I’m not doing much of anything today. That’s why I’m quiet.

2022-12-02 Lunchtime is here…and now. **

2022-12-02 Happy International Sweater Vestival.

2022-12-01 “It’s dark and cold enough to bury cold dead bodies.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-12-01 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python bake bread errands play a game

2022-12-01 It’s the time of year when I get the urge to learn something new.

2022-12-01 The more things you keep in your head the fewer you will remember. #life #success

2022-12-01 Enjoying a lazy day since I don’t have to write stuff.

2022-12-01 OK. I snuck in a couple of games of Overwatch.

2022-12-01 How do people remember mnemonics? To me, someone with aphantasia, mnemonics just seem to be …

2022-12-01 Paying attention requires understanding, otherwise you’re just observing. #life #success

2022-12-01 The best lines don’t need a story to support them. #writing

2022-12-01 “If you don’t know who you are, you will never know what you can become.” #life #success #writing

2022-12-01 OK. New plan for this afternoon: revive the sourdough starter in the freezer. #baking

2022-12-01 Observed: “He was a low-rent Russel Crowe wannabe, without the accent.” #writing

2022-12-01 I should figure out if I want to go to any new conferences next year, and whether traveling abroad …

2022-12-01 I’ve said this before: Respect is earned. Civility is freely given. #life

2022-12-01 “Don’t Blame The Dead” should be a title. #writing #prompt

2022-12-01 I should post about this year’s NaNo experience, but I want to take a day or two to allow it to …

2022-12-01 I spent the morning refactoring and rewriting a bunch of “junky” code in my writing app. It’s …

2022-12-01 The past few months have been hectic with stuff, so I never got a chance to brew a holiday ale this …

2022-12-01 Writing is about sharing yourself with others and in the process learning they aren’t you. #writing

2022-12-01 I’m beginning to compile my “Do Not Do List” for next year. It keeps me from overwhelming myself …

2022-12-01 Happy Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day …and before you ask, I don’t know…

2022-12-01 I should pick up Pico-8 again. I haven’t really done much with it this past year. #pico8 #gamedev

2022-12-01 My reward for hitting my goal of 100k in 30 days. I don’t even drink the stuff at New Year’s. This …

2022-12-01 OK. It’s time I should eat something. I’ve been catching up on stuff since NaNo is done. Time to do …

2022-12-01 Good morning. Welcome to December. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-30 Now that I’ve survived Nano, I think, it’s back to the usual grind.

2022-11-30 PSA: Back up your work. Back up your writing.

2022-11-30 Plan for tomorrow: iOS stuff Python relax play some games eat stuff no writing or editing apart …

2022-11-30 NaNo done! Phew. I’m spent. Final total: 100,370 words in 30 days. I hit my goal. #writing …

2022-11-30 If you have to pay $200K / month in child support that tells me the rich shouldn’t be allowed to …

2022-11-30 You don’t need a reason to celebrate, especially if you just do something nice for someone. #life …

2022-11-30 It’s almost time to start considering what you plan on maybe doing next year.

2022-11-30 “The world is a decrepit piece of work. It’s a failed experiment full of suffering and misery—except …


2022-11-30 Bummer Christine McVie died. #music #fleetwoodmac

2022-11-30 “Conquest is the ultimate form of marketing. Conquerors have historically been made out to be either …

2022-11-30 Yo! It’s time for a break.

2022-11-30 Bird! Dark-Eyed Junco #bird

2022-11-30 Good morning. Be mindful, but don’t stress about what you discover. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-11-29 OK. I just updated the Miyoo to use OnionOS. Apparently it’s needed if I want to run Pico-8 and …

2022-11-29 I think it’s time to relax.

2022-11-29 One day left. 4K words left. I’m going to hit my goal of 100K. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-29 When you don’t care you’re saying you accept what is. Parodxically, this is both good and bad. #life

2022-11-29 Happy The Customer is Wrong Day

2022-11-28 “We’re all just making it up as we go.” #writing

2022-11-28 Anyone else tired?

2022-11-28 Plan for tomorrow: More iOS work on my writing app. Writing to 96K. Get Pico-8 and Tic-80 work on …

2022-11-28 OK. One of the reasons I got the Miyoo is that it can actually run Pico-8 and Tic-80 games. I think …

2022-11-28 Hm. Nightwish doing Phantom of the Opera…… #music #nightwish #phantom

2022-11-28 Bird! House sparrow. #birds

2022-11-28 “Screaming just brings more things that want to kill you.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-28 Gah! It’s after 5? Where’d the day go?

2022-11-28 Err… make that 128G of games. Fat-fingered. #miyoo

2022-11-28 The Miyoo Mini v2 was waiting for me after lunch. Ordered this 1/2 year ago. Forgot all about it. It …

2022-11-28 Cache cleared.

2022-11-28 Why is it most “learning” systems and techniques focus on mnemonics and visualization? Both are …

2022-11-28 “You know it’s personal when your carnivorous plants refuse to bite you.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-28 “Stern measures are preferable to aft measures.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-28 Today, I looked at code I wrote when first learning SwiftUI and thought, this is garbage. It’s time …

2022-11-28 Another slow-writing day. Only 800 words so far. It’s the working through the breadcrumbs in a …

2022-11-28 A m/billionaire who spends money on something doesn’t get to claim that he invented that thing. …

2022-11-28 Sweat drenched thoughts. Fear imbued with horror. Pain infused with blood. Dentists dreams. #writing …

2022-11-28 What would you do if you had nothing to do or want to do? #life

2022-11-28 The end is nigh. It’s also difficult to get right. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-28 “A blank page isn’t an enemy to defeat. It’s a friend you need to embrace and to whom you can tell …

2022-11-28 Writing. Waiting for food. #writing

2022-11-28 Uncertainty is the lack of actionable data, it’s not a belief. #life #success

2022-11-28 Good morning. Keeping your balance mentally is as important as physically.Time for the ceremonial …

2022-11-27 Happy Turtle Adoption Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-27 Plan for tomorrow: Finally get around to pushing “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” to the …

2022-11-27 Writing done for the day. I got some decent plot done. The words I wrote aren’t the good, however. …

2022-11-27 It’s never to late to learn humility. #life


2022-11-27 Time for a break.

2022-11-27 What’s everyone doing? I’m writing and ignoring the rain outside.

2022-11-27 Bird! House finch. #birds

2022-11-27 So, I’m seeing reviews of the new #pokemon game having terrible performance on the Switch. Guess …

2022-11-27 Don’t let your mind get away from when you are. #life #success

2022-11-27 Good morning. There is no benefit to setting expectations you cannot meet. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-11-26 The past is the future many want.

2022-11-26 “The ravens descended on me like a flurry of fanged feathers.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-26 I should probably weed in Animal Crossing tomorrow.

2022-11-26 Yes, tomorrow I plan to: iOS write edit play some games exist

2022-11-26 It’s time to call it a writing day. What’s everyone else up to?

2022-11-26 “Being different is the purpose of life. If you’re not different, you’re just average.” #writing …

2022-11-26 “Whenever I get drunk on life, the hangover is one hell of a downer.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-26 “Ah ha!” breakthrough. Time for a break. #writing

2022-11-26 I’m slogging through writing today, mostly because I’m trying to figure out how to move the story …

2022-11-26 All the foreshadowing and breadcrumbs are coming together. I didn’t know where the story was going. …

2022-11-26 The more power an organization or an individual has, the more they want to keep doing the same …

2022-11-26 Happy National Cake Day … it’s probably stale…

2022-11-26 Never underestimate the person you may be, never overestimate the person you are. #life #success

2022-11-26 Back home again. Time to get productive.

2022-11-26 Good morning. Enjoy the weekend. We deserve it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-25 I’m done for another day. A late finish. What did I miss today? #writing

2022-11-25 I keep forgetting the HomePod is still a thing. #apple

2022-11-25 Hot take: worst holiday movies: Grinch and Polar Express.

2022-11-25 Plan for tomorrow: go home edit write catch up on home stuff.

2022-11-25 Watching FIFA. All the guys in the immaculately tailored suits all look like they have money riding …

2022-11-25 It’s sad that humans tend to turn fun children’s games into competitive sports and money. #sport …

2022-11-25 Sounds like a Revolutionary War contingent.

2022-11-25 Decisions decisions. #food

2022-11-25 It’s time for a lunch break. The sun has finally snuck out. I should take advantage of it while I …

2022-11-25 I’m editing, and as I do, I’m thinking I should break my app’s functionality into packages. Now I …


2022-11-25 Given that today is Black Friday here in the States, what are you buying yourself? I might splurge …

2022-11-25 “Move through life like a boat on the river, not a twig on a stream.” #life #success

2022-11-25 Hotel coffee is like hotel food; mostly bland, watery, and created for the LCD. #food #failure …

2022-11-25 I need to figure out how to forward my posts from or Mastodon to my journal app. #journal

2022-11-25 Happy Dine Over Your Sink Day.

2022-11-25 Six days left and I’m at 80K I’m at the home stretch. 80K was my goal for the entire month last year …

2022-11-25 Good morning all. It’s a rainy day here in Annapolis. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-24 I’m already looking forward to coffee tomorrow morning. I have no idea what that means.

2022-11-24 OK. I’m essentially at 80K words. The story is winding down and all the lose threads are weaving a …

2022-11-24 I really want to do some programming/design. But I have this novel to finish first.

2022-11-24 I hope there won’t be another “fire drill” tonight. I need some sleep.

2022-11-24 “When your friend has money, and you don’t. Does he give some to you or make it more difficult to …

2022-11-24 Plan for tomorrow: write another 3+K words edit walk around gawking and pretending to be a typical …

2022-11-24 “Most people don’t understand that the point of a lie is to point you to the truth by diverting you …

2022-11-24 Turkey wrap consumed: +1 to Health -1 to Agility.

2022-11-24 Don’t let questions confuse you from pursuing what you want. #life #success

2022-11-24 I have yet to brew a winter ale this year. Maybe when I get home. #brewing #beer

2022-11-24 Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Even if you don’t celebrate it or celebrate it at other times of the …

2022-11-24 Spelled backwards.

2022-11-24 Perfection is for gods and the inadequate. ancient proverb I just made up.

2022-11-24 Overheard: “It tastes like 1842.” I have no idea what it means, but it sounds like something I might …

2022-11-24 “Just because you follow the crowd, it doesn’t mean you’re a lemming. Then again, lemmings haven’t …

2022-11-24 “People want to be happy. Others want to be miserable. History is understanding which faction holds …

2022-11-24 “Have you ever chased a meatball that you really wanted as it rolled down the hill, grasping but …

2022-11-24 “If you ever change your mind, make sure there it’s filled up before you leave.” #writing #life

2022-11-24 You can learn a lot from people just by remaining silent. ancient proverb I just made up. #trurth …

2022-11-24 I hate pickles. Maybe I should make some. #food

2022-11-24 “Son,” the grizzled man who hadn’t had a shave in ten years began, “find a good woman who will stand …

2022-11-24 “He pulled the T-Shirt away from his body as if allowing the wisps to enter and imbue him with …

2022-11-24 If you find humor in pain, you deserve to be funny. ancient proverb I just made up.

2022-11-24 “What do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be The Chosen One. I hear the marketing rights …

2022-11-24 Gratitude is intentional acceptance. #life #success

2022-11-24 What you want isn’t as important as what you have, which isn’t to say you shouldn’t aspire to …

2022-11-24 Thanksgiving dinner :/ I’m thankful it’s not covered in Old Bay. #food #thanksgiving

2022-11-24 “A knife in the hand is worth two in the ribs.” Or is it the other way around? #writing

2022-11-24 Grr. The restaurant got rid of the Thanksgiving turkey dinner they had the last few years I’ve been …

2022-11-24 “Friends are people you want to keep.” #writing #life

2022-11-24 It’s time for a break and eat something. I just hit 2.5K words for the day. I’m not sure I’m not …

2022-11-24 Gravity is a heavy subject.

2022-11-24 Observed: “Good old’ boy, trying to hit on a “biker chick” who has done two shots and guzzling a …

2022-11-24 Time to let the iPad charge up before the next sprint. #writing

2022-11-24 “The Gates of Hell close for no one.” #writing

2022-11-24 I guess I’ll be eating at the hotel tonight. Pretty much everything is shut down today.

2022-11-24 The view at midnight when the hotel had a fire alarm go off and everyone evacuated. It could’ve been …

2022-11-24 It’s a holiday. I don’t feel like writing, but I don’t have a buffer built-in this month, so I have …

2022-11-24 A person will never be a success unless they have learned to deal with failure. #life #success

2022-11-24 Happy National Use Even if Seal Broken Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-24 Photo up: #photography

2022-11-24 It doesn’t have to be Thanksgiving to be grateful to those around you. Thank you for putting up with …

2022-11-24 Early Thanksgiving morn in Annapolis.

2022-11-24 I’m sipping my coffee and doing some a final read-through of my Watsonian novel. Need to get it out… …

2022-11-23 Remember, “Inspired by true events” is market-speak for “We made stuff up.” #marketing #failure

2022-11-23 Just because you’re related to someone doesn’t mean they are good people, or you should support …

2022-11-23 Cool. I wonder what I can do with this.… #raspberrypi #pico

2022-11-23 I hear that tomorrow, there will be something called a “Turkey Trot”. It sounds like either a dance, …

2022-11-23 Jarvis, remind me to reactivate the sourdough starter once I get home.

2022-11-23 Who is ready for the new Nintendo Switch Pro? #nintendo

2022-11-23 Plan for tomorrow: breakfast? coffee? writing touristy wandering about eat stuff edit

2022-11-23 It’s time to relax. 76+K words. I’m in the home stretch. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-23 I think I’ll torture myself tomorrow and get some Old Bay Fudge. Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-23 I’m trying to decide whether to eat breakfast or just hit Starbucks tomorrow morning.

2022-11-23 Seriously, I wish everyone who celebrates a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow. I hope you have good …

2022-11-23 Tomorrow, may your turkey be stuffed and may you relish the cranberries.

2022-11-23 Whois looking forward to pinging the turkey tomorrow?

2022-11-23 “Star Trek Prodigy: Star Trek using dial-up modem comms.” About as interesting. #startrek

2022-11-23 Ack! Just accidentally, almost, pasted my entire 75K story to Phew! Fat-finger syndrome.

2022-11-23 I need another 1-1.5K words today. Not a problem, he says about to fall over from mental fatigue. …

2022-11-23 Is Christmas Curry a thing? It should be. #food

2022-11-23 Someone just ordered an “Italian Margarita” next to me. Live and learn. #character #writing

2022-11-23 it’s refreshing having my sense of humor back, such as it is, since the “Dark Times” of COVID and …

2022-11-23 It just hit me that I haven’t made curry in years. I will have to resolve that once I get home. …

2022-11-23 Dred Zeppelin is the best Christmas music. Well, one of the best. #music

2022-11-23 This story became deep and thematic all of a sardine. I like it. I’ll see what I think a year or so …

2022-11-23 Shrimp and grits are pretty good. Coconut shrimp. #food

2022-11-23 Obligatory food pic. Shrimp and grits #food

2022-11-23 Apparently, today is also “Drinksgiving”. The night when everyone gets drunk before turkey day in …

2022-11-23 Um nope.

2022-11-23 We are all explorers. We explore our own life, our limits and aspirations. The wonder of it all is, …

2022-11-23 Hot take: Is there a compile-to-binary version of Python or Ruby? I like Swift, but I find the …

2022-11-23 “Less is more if you want more of less.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-23 The restaurant is playing Christmas songs. I don’t mind them, but it’s not even December. I now I’ll …

2022-11-23 Let’s take the “media” out of social interaction. Media implies the conduit is more important than …

2022-11-23 Late start. Late finish. Writing. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-23 Time to get some food in me.

2022-11-23 Am I supposed to drink this?

2022-11-23 Why is it governments wage war? It seems most of the wars are started by individuals claiming to do …

2022-11-23 It’s time for a break. Despite getting a late start, due to travel, I’m having a decent writing day …

2022-11-23 Happy Fibonacci Day.

2022-11-23 Tip tapping away. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-23 “The people who spend all day coming up with ways to destroy the world are the same people who sit …

2022-11-23 Writing always surprises me when the threads I lay out all come together in ways I didn’t expect. …

2022-11-23 Ok. Arrived in Annapolis. The weather is behaving this year; not as frigid as the last few years. …

2022-11-23 Just because tomorrow is Thanksgiving, that doesn’t mean you can be a turkey at your relatives …

2022-11-23 Never underestimate you ability to make a mistake. #life #success

2022-11-23 Bird! White-breasted nuthatch. #bird

2022-11-23 Good morning, all. It’s almost Turkey Day. Be thankful this is the last official work day this …

2022-11-22 Daily word target hit. Time to fall over for a few hours. I’m tying up loose ends from multiple …

2022-11-22 If you’re not patient with yourself, you will never be patient with others. #life #success #zen #tao

2022-11-22 Grimoires should be happier. #books

2022-11-22 The world needs more openness, kindness, and empathy.

2022-11-22 Books are a way to let the world in. #books #reading

2022-11-22 It’s time for a break. I’ve been writing most of the day. It’s a slow day as I start to bring …

2022-11-22 As the sun slinks in the west, I feel the desire to drink some tea.

2022-11-22 Bird! Tufted titmouse. #bird

2022-11-22 Celebrate the things you take for granted. Someday you’ll wish you had them still. #life #success

2022-11-22 Being young means never having to say you’re sorry. #life

2022-11-22 Clarity comes from not allowing your emotions to distract you. #life #success #tao

2022-11-22 Happy Start Your Own Country Day Yup, it’s a thing.

2022-11-22 Good morning, all. It’s not your job correcting people when they’re wrong. Don’t …

2022-11-21 Hm. I see we are now arguing/debating whether “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie, or not. I thought …

2022-11-21 Plan for tomorrow: errands iOS writing packing stuff

2022-11-21 The way to success is through action. Without action, you’re just thinking, or worse, worrying. …

2022-11-21 So, who’s ready for the holidays?

2022-11-21 I feel some ice cream is on order.

2022-11-21 OK. I snuck in a game of Overwatch. Back to writing. #writing #overwatch

2022-11-21 I think I deserve a break. I’m still working on my daily word count. #writing

2022-11-21 Happy Thanksgiving

2022-11-21 I don’t have many white/ish pens. This one calls to me in its simplicity, even though I have a …

2022-11-21 Happy Alascattalo Day An alascattalo is a cross between a moose and a walrus. ;)

2022-11-21 Hm. I should get some fresh cranberries and make some crystallized cranberries. I haven’t done …

2022-11-21 Here in the US, it’s Turkey Day week. This year has flown by.

2022-11-21 It’s so cold this morning… How cold is it? … that there is a film of ice forming on the pond. …

2022-11-21 Good morning, all. Just because the weekend is over doesn’t mean you can stop taking care of …

2022-11-20 All right. I’m done for today. Word count achieved. 67+K. Today was a lot of shorter sprints as I …

2022-11-20 The problem with weekends, isn’t that they are too short (they are), but rather that they lull you …

2022-11-20 “Someday…” really just means, “I want to appear motivated, but actually I’m too lazy to bother.” …

2022-11-20 Oh yeah, I want to do some: RaspberryPi stuff tomorrow as well.

2022-11-20 Plan for tomorrow: iOS edit write play some games eat stuff stuff around the house

2022-11-20 I’m still writing. Still got a way to go to hit today’s goal. But it’s time for a break.

2022-11-20 It’s time for a writing break. I think it’s tomato soup, and useless reading time.

2022-11-20 Yay! The sun is out. Little good it’s done today, however. 35ºF.

2022-11-20 It’s a slow writing day. The story keeps wanting to end. I need to do something about that. #writing

2022-11-20 Salad greens doing nicely.

2022-11-20 If you want the world and the people in it to be a certain way, I bet you were a rotten kid growing …

2022-11-20 OK. Pretty much caught up on stuff at home. Time to do some editing before lunch. I hope everyone is …

2022-11-20 Just had to share this. If you don’t know who Raymond Benson is, he’s written a lot of …

2022-11-20 Writing and reading are a conversation. The author says something. The reader responds. Hopefully, …


2022-11-20 Happy Globally Organized Hug a Runner Day Not sure I’d want to. They’re usually sweaty.

2022-11-19 “Change is the one constant. You cannot hold on to something that never was, was, and will not be. …

2022-11-19 Well, that was fun while it lasted. So, what’s everyone up to?

2022-11-19 I just went silent on the Bird. It’s official there, Elon brought back Donny. I don’t play nice with …

2022-11-19 Hot take: I hate playing chess with a chess clock. But then again, I haven’t really played in …

2022-11-19 All right. It’s time to relax. I’m done writing for the day.

2022-11-19 Back in my day, this is what Star Trek looked like: O-= * . +-< If you get it, you get it. …

2022-11-19 Plan for tomorrow: — head home — write — edit — catch up on stuff at home — relax?

2022-11-19 “You have gone through the portal of my heart.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-19 It always amazes me when people come up and talk to me like I know what I’m doing.

2022-11-19 I think I’ll take December off from “serious” writing. Keeping this pace day by day would be …

2022-11-19 Remember the guy who stood on the corner talking to himself, and holding a sign that read, “The End …

2022-11-19 Being kind and compassionate is never a bad thing, nor is it weakness. Weakness is being so consumed …

2022-11-19 I’m struggling to stay away after lunch and general lack of sleep in the hotel. I think it’s time to …

2022-11-19 “The grave is no place for a young buck, much less an old hag like you. Get your own room.” #writing …

2022-11-19 10B.C. 2010.

2022-11-19 People next to me are bragging how much fun getting drunk is. They are in their 40s #character …

2022-11-19 This is about the time of year when I start thinking about #phillyete @ChariotSolution

2022-11-19 Time for another sprint. #writing

2022-11-19 OK. I caught up with Keith Decandido and got his latest/greatest. Nice guy. I think I need some …

2022-11-19 Cool! I just stumbled on a #SwiftUI sparkline package. I may just want to need to use it. #iOS

2022-11-19 I got some editing done. Time to hit the con for a bit.

2022-11-19 “An unasked question has no answer.”

2022-11-19 Most of the attendees of #Philcon are older folk, with very few younger/kid level. It’s probably due …

2022-11-19 Mostly empty lobby and I’m off on my own trying to edit. Three people decide to sit next to me. I …

2022-11-19 Can you learn to be a moral person, or is it genetic? If you learn, how is that different than …


2022-11-19 Happy “Have a Bad Day” Day. Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-19 I’m up, and hotel breakfast consumed. Working on my cup of coffee. Still at #philcon. Hitting my …

2022-11-19 Good morning. A little progress is better than none. Just know where you are going. Time for the …

2022-11-18 “A journey of a thousand miles ends with a billion calluses.”

2022-11-18 I wonder what happened to my Minox EC #photography

2022-11-18 There are Lists…

2022-11-18 …and no, I’ve never watched a Hallmark movie, Christmas or otherwise.

2022-11-18 It’s time to thank all of you who follow, and interact with me. I hope you find something fun, …

2022-11-18 Alright. If anyone still cares, I’m over 61K words. I think that’s enough writing for today. I’m …

2022-11-18 PSA: It’s Friday. Stop toiling. Commence frolicking.

2022-11-18 It’s time for a break and to scope out the area.

2022-11-18 One reason I write: A third-tier character who has a critical role, but isn’t fully formed, more …

2022-11-18 Ok. I picked up my Philcon pass. I think I need a free-writing break.

2022-11-18 I don’t have “movies playing in my head”, that I just transcribe. I have to logically figure out the …

2022-11-18 It’s OK to doubt yourself and your abilities. It’s OK for someone else to do so as well, but only if …

2022-11-18 It’s a soup for lunch day. Oo.. they have grilled cheese and soup on the lunch menu.

2022-11-18 Hm. Am I the first to use the term “Bird Migration” to describe the Twitter exodus? I doubt it, but …

2022-11-18 Ok, I had an especially good 25 minute sprint. 1+K I think I’ve earned a break. On another note, …

2022-11-18 Happy Married to a Scorpio Support Day No, I don’t make this stuff up, and I’m probably as confused …

2022-11-18 Hm. It just hit me that this is the one Doubletree hotel I’ve ever been to that didn’t give out hot …

2022-11-18 “Strength doesn’t come from taking a punch, or giving one. It comes from knowing how and when to …

2022-11-18 “The Small Shiny Shiv Shovers” should be a title. #writing


2022-11-18 “Son, your life will be boring to those whose lives are more exciting. But remember, there will …

2022-11-18 I’m hunkering down in the lobby to do some editing. NaNo messed up my schedule to get “The Singular …

2022-11-18 What the mouth speaks is only as good as what the mind utters. ancient proverb I just made up.

2022-11-18 Good morning. Another rough first night in a hotel. Got up at 1AM. Feels like the kidney stone is on …

2022-11-17 Plan for tomorrow: hunt for breakfast or coffee. write make time to get Watsonian novel out the …

2022-11-17 I’d rather have one good friend, than 10,000 followers. I’d rather have a quiet evening, than scream …

2022-11-17 Just because you disagree with something, doesn’t automatically make it propaganda.

2022-11-17 “An empty page is either an invitation to a dance or a knife fight.” #writing

2022-11-17 Ok. Done for today. I’m at 58K words. Today was a good writing day. Things are coming together …

2022-11-17 Hm. Another NaNoWriMo site bug… pretty blatant. I finished before the 15th, and today is the 17th. …

2022-11-17 Remember when Skype was the cool thing people used? Before Zoom and FaceTime?

2022-11-17 I miss traveling. #travel

2022-11-17 I just checked my Philcon schedule for tomorrow. I don’t have anything interesting until the …

2022-11-17 “Be comfortable in your skin, no matter how worn and crinkley it may be.” #life #success

2022-11-17 Found a bug on the NaNoWriMo site. The words needed today shows a number, when it should be 0, since …

2022-11-17 “I wish I had done that…” What do you wish you had done? Why haven’t you done it? What will you …

2022-11-17 “‘You don’t know how to solve a problem? Try playing. If you play long enough, the problem will go …

2022-11-17 It’s time for a break. It’s time to eat. I’m into Act II and I’ve had some great moments, I think. …

2022-11-17 Despite being a shortened writing day due to travel, I’m nearing my daily word goal. Weird, but it …

2022-11-17 I’m hanging out at the hotel restaurant, waiting for food, writing. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-17 Should I eat some lunch? It’s 3PM. Or should I just wait until dinner in a couple of hours? I think …

2022-11-17 Ok. Just hit the hotel. Time to catch up on writing.

2022-11-17 Time to head to #philcon.

2022-11-17 “He scooped another shovel of dirt onto the growing pile, then paused to wipe his brow with a sleeve …

2022-11-17 Don’t underestimate your life. Don’t overestimate your life in comparison to others. That is, we are …

2022-11-17 This month is just disappearing behind me. I think being heads-down writing is part of it. In the …

2022-11-17 Happy National Unfriend Day. Isn’t it time to declutter your life on Bird?

2022-11-17 Hello. Your mood when you wake up tends to set the mood for the day. Wake up happy. Time for the …

2022-11-16 Hm. Just had a weird idea: The 12 Books of Christmas. I wonder what they would be. (Religious books …

2022-11-16 Back in my day, you could get a free paper map at gas stations. We didn’t have GPS. We had to use …

2022-11-16 OK. Another daily target hit. Phew! Time to rest up for tomorrow.

2022-11-16 Time for a quick break. I wish I had a cookie.

2022-11-16 Plan for tomorrow: iOS editing drive to Philcon write

2022-11-16 I’m still writing today. I took a couple of hours to do some light reading. It’s been a slow writing …

2022-11-16 Space is Where the Money Is, And Goes


2022-11-16 I need a break from the story. I think I’ll read something useless for a bit. I’m at about 2K words …

2022-11-16 Well, this is a new “feature” in iOS. Safari, crashing web tabs. They must have added a timer to …

2022-11-16 How much of an ego does a person need to consider themselves “The Queen of Christmas?” This is a …

2022-11-16 Gah! It’s 3PM already, and I’ve only managed a little over 1K words. Need to pump up the jam. …

2022-11-16 I’m taking a short break to think about where the story needs to go next. I’ve hit a point I hadn’t …

2022-11-16 You will never become a better writer/truck driver/doctor/whatever by tearing down another person or …

2022-11-16 I believe food is an appropriate substitute for noon.

2022-11-16 Any ad that promises “Hours of Fun” for a toy, be it for your kid or pet, really just …

2022-11-16 It’s time to settle into writing mode. This is the hard bit. After writing 50K, today seems …

2022-11-16 Ha! I knew there was a way. XCode tip: You know all those tabbed windows you have open? You can …

2022-11-16 Happy Have a Party With Your Bear Day … yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-16 So. Growing up. Where you a nerd, geek, jock, or bully. How have you changed? #life

2022-11-16 Fixing a couple of things in the SwiftUI version of my writing app, before pounding words into …

2022-11-16 XCode gurus. Is there a way to turn off autogeneration of SwiftUI preview code? I never use …

2022-11-16 The Bird site is falling apart. I requested my archive weeks ago. When I got a response and …

2022-11-16 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-16 Who else is struggling to wake up and get going today? It feels like Sisyphus dragging a ‘67 …

2022-11-16 Good morning, all. Don’t allow the weather or darkness around you get you down. Time for the …

2022-11-15 Did your parents actually teach you how to fold laundry/clothes? This should be required training …

2022-11-15 Plan for tomorrow: iOS writing finish editing/proofing the Watsonian novel, and push it to the …

2022-11-15 So how does one go about ironing a waffle? And wouldn’t it still be crinkled?

2022-11-15 I’m done for the day. It’s time to relax and rest. Today was an energy-draining day.

2022-11-15 I’m tired. Anyone else? Anyone playing any good games?

2022-11-15 It’s hot cocoa time. You should have some as well.

2022-11-15 I really want to quit writing for the day. Do I deserve to after hitting 50+K? Yes, I do. Will I? …

2022-11-15 Be a kind human. Be kind to yourself. #life #success

2022-11-15 “I don’t know what I’m doing, but at least I’m enjoying it.”

2022-11-15 It’s time to take a longish break. 50,021 words so far on 11/15/2022. I’m still on track to hit 100K …

2022-11-15 Never confuse an A.I. with a neural network or pattern recognition. If you don’t know the …

2022-11-15 “A Kobold’s Recipe Book - Babies 52 Ways.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-15 “Who among you dreams of a quiet life devoid of trolls and dwarves hammering on your door demanding …

2022-11-15 “Things change in life that change your life.” “The Coins of Destiny - Book 1” #writing

2022-11-15 It’s winter. It’s cold. I’m splurging. I’m writing. #writing #food

2022-11-15 Time to go hunt down a wild salad. Or maybe soup. It’s cold out. I think soup. Lunch. Hot. Mmm.

2022-11-15 Happy National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day I had to look it up…… …

2022-11-15 iOS stuff done for today. It’s time to begin the writing day.

2022-11-15 Bring humanity, the good bits, to everything you do. #life

2022-11-15 There was a first frost on the ground. There may be as much as 4" of snow in the Poconos. …

2022-11-15 I’m awake. I think. Therefore, I might be.

2022-11-15 “Best selling author” is publishing’s version of Amazon’s “You bought a toaster in the past, …

2022-11-15 Hello. Make the best of what you have. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-14 Plan for tomorrow: write & cross the 50K mark. iOS work on the writing app. eat stuff play some …

2022-11-14 I want all of the old Infocom games on the iPad, just sayin’. #gamedev #infocom

2022-11-14 If you’re wondering which podcast I’m listening to it’s “Abroad I’m Japan”. Fun, snarky, British, …

2022-11-14 3.5K 48K total. Another good writing day. Time to collapse for the day. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-14 OK. I need a writing break so I can drink water. Stay hydrated.

2022-11-14 Time for a break, and to recharge the iPad before I write some more.

2022-11-14 “Old ghosts are safe, if curmudgeonly and senile. It’s the younger generation you have to watch out …

2022-11-14 What if Apple is working on its own version of Meta? What would it be like? I’m hoping it’s more …

2022-11-14 Good dead of the day done. I just showed someone that the iPad has Accessibility settings for speech …

2022-11-14 What one podcast would you recommend? No “fiction reading” podcasts, please. #podcast

2022-11-14 I’m sitting. I’m thinking about what I plan to write today. Creativity is hard work. Creativity is …

2022-11-14 Who else wants to take the day off from writing and just goof off?

2022-11-14 Happy National Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day

2022-11-14 This is my trend if anyone cares. That flat-line at the end of the trend is my motivation to bend …

2022-11-14 If you’re struggling with NaNoWriMo, don’t give up. If you’re blocked, write …

2022-11-14 Philcon starts this Thursday. I’ll be attending as a plebian. If you’re going and want …

2022-11-14 Too bad the joke about knights and reading that my mind just stumbled on isn’t suitable for …

2022-11-14 So, it’s mid-November. Remember the 75-80º weather last week? It’s 35º now, up from a …

2022-11-14 Hello. Be amazing. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-13 Phew! I’m done writing for the day. I crossed the 45K mark. Today was a good writing day. #writing …

2022-11-13 “You don’t have to die to feel alive.” #writing

2022-11-13 Have you ever been afraid that you were good enough? #life

2022-11-13 “The NaNoWriMonicon - Tome of the Elder Word Gods” Subtitle: “A Book of Many Words” “Filled me with …

2022-11-13 OK. I’ve deferred resolving the character’s death until near the end of the book. It works for me. …

2022-11-13 Weekends in November should be 4 days long. That way I could write for 2 and play for 2.

2022-11-13 — CONTENT WARNING — What is it with Mariah Carey and Christmas? It seems very annoying and cloying …

2022-11-13 Not respecting someone requires both civility and politeness. If you have neither, you deserve no …

2022-11-13 Time for some tea. I’d ask you to join me in a cup, but I don’t have one that large.

2022-11-13 It’s time for a longer break. I’m at the point where I’ve set up a character’s death. Now I need to …

2022-11-13 “Magic speaks to me through a cup of coffee.” #writing

2022-11-13 “If you’re going to play at being a God, at least know the rules and be perfect.” #writing

2022-11-13 “The word you are looking for, is the word you will write.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-13 I think I need to sort the scene date menu. Hm. #ios #swiftui #writing

2022-11-13 “History isn’t meant to be happy, optimistic, or promote a side. History is the ugly truth.” …

2022-11-13 I’ve had a late start writing today, what with updating blogs and scurrying about like a squirrel in …

2022-11-13 Happy Symphonic Metal Day Yes, it’s a thing. And to celebrate it (and all the Bird trolls), I …

2022-11-13 Mid-Month NaNoWriMo Review… #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-13 Time to do my weekly review. Need to figure out what I failed at.

2022-11-13 Good morning, all. Relax and enjoy the day. It will never return. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-12 Anyone remember Oingo Boingo?

2022-11-12 Seriously, getting, for the most part, off of Bird has been good for my mental health. Stress …

2022-11-12 Plan for tomorrow: write, of course. I’ll probably hit 45K words. iOS work on my writing app. …

2022-11-12 Today was a decent writing day. I’ve pretty much hit the midpoint of my story and it’s …

2022-11-12 All weeds pulled in Animal Crossing. Time to get back to work.

2022-11-12 “Don’t despair the boring life. An adventurous and exciting life is full of potential death. A …

2022-11-12 Happy Fancy Rat and Mouse Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-12 “Jack sat in his box. He’d been sitting, waiting, fuming for a very long time. He was all cranked up …

2022-11-12 Time for a break. I’ve crossed another milestone. I’m beyond 40K words after 11+ days. #writing …

2022-11-12 OK. I think I deserve to eat today. Time for a break.

2022-11-12 “He was so lazy, he thought it wasn’t worth the effort.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-12 Congratulations, Earth. Your human infestation is about to hit 8 billion today.

2022-11-12 What’s everyone doing this Saturday? Are you trying something new? Going somewhere different? …


2022-11-12 Small accomplishments lead to large successes. #life #success

2022-11-12 Yay! My kidney stone is shifting around like a baby waiting to be born, but it’s not about to …

2022-11-12 The rains have stopped. The sun is out. it’s 65º at 8AM. It’s mid November. This …

2022-11-12 Good morning. Go out of your way to not get angry today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-11 I’m shy of my daily goal due to of the earlier setback, but over 3K for the day and ahead of my …

2022-11-11 I’ve lost track of time. That’s what writing does. It’s not that I lose myself in the world I’m …

2022-11-11 I’m getting tired. I’m playing catch up on my word count. I’m back at 1.2K words up from -6 today. I …

2022-11-11 Thank you to and Mastodon. My stress levels are way down. ;)

2022-11-11 This is why you don’t edit when you write. I wrote over 1K words, then decided the scene didn’t …

2022-11-11 Cool. I got a new book. But it will have to wait until I have more free time. #books #reading #math

2022-11-11 Hm. The Switch isn’t charged. I guess I’m playing Overwatch.

2022-11-11 I need a break. I think I’ll check into Animal Crossing and pull weeds for a bit.

2022-11-11 I hope everyone is having a fun/relaxing weekend. It’s rainy here, and I’m taking a break from …

2022-11-11 #writing

2022-11-11 “A storm a’comin'.” Pressure headache for the win.

2022-11-11 Cool there is now an official Raspberry Pi Mastodon instance that they run on a Pi4.. …

2022-11-11 Helping people doesn’t cost money, unless you charge. Then it’s a business, not help. …

2022-11-11 It’s a glum and dank day in NetDE. Good day for soup, or chili. Not that I have any, and …

2022-11-11 Happy Pocky Day

2022-11-11 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-11 I’m surprised Apple hasn’t bought out Zoom and rolled it under FaceTime, or developed …

2022-11-11 Ok. I adjusted the UI in my writing app a bit. Time for a quick break and then it’s back to …

2022-11-11 Good morning. Just because it’s gloomy out, doesn’t mean you have to be. Time for the …

2022-11-10 I’m thinking I need to buy some salmon this weekend and make gravlax. Too bad there are no good …

2022-11-10 This has been a tiring week. Lots of stuff to get through. I’ll try and enjoy a lighter weekend. I …

2022-11-10 Time to call it a week. Bring on the weekend. 35.5K words total. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-10 I miss traveling. #travel

2022-11-10 People tend not to take complaints seriously, believing the complainer is the problem and not what …

2022-11-10 “The Elvish Sword of Pepperoni Slicing” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-10 Isn’t the mandalorian, one of those lute-like stringed instruments?

2022-11-10 It’s time for a break. I need to take tomorrow morning off to catch up with house stuff and errands. …

2022-11-10 The Bird Dies Now “In a world that’s powered by violence, on the ‘nets where the violent have power, …

2022-11-10 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of my cranberry mead, and more writing. #mead #writing

2022-11-10 It’s almost evening here. Friday evening! I really want to quit writing for the day, but I still …

2022-11-10 “Es ist besser zu tun als zu glauben.” ancient proverb I just made up.

2022-11-10 Do not confuse lore with history. #writing

2022-11-10 Shatter someone’s dreams. Make them real. #life

2022-11-10 I’m looking forward to next year, and maybe traveling. I’m sure it will come to nought.

2022-11-10 Email spam: Any email that starts with “Exciting news… “ It’s exciting for the company selling, but …

2022-11-10 You’re in a rut as a writer when you leave a restaurant and some guy sitting on the bench says, …

2022-11-10 He took a swig of the whiskey. “The way I see things… “ Another swig, but this time several drops …

2022-11-10 Free-writing and lunch done. +1 to Relaxation, -1 to Health. It’s time to furrow my brow and get …

2022-11-10 If your employer tells you that you shouldn’t be having fun, find another job, but remember it will …

2022-11-10 Observed: just talked to the server. She said the person filed a complaint against her with the …

2022-11-10 Observed: The same person ordered a cheese pasta. He then told the server. “Grind cheese until you …

2022-11-10 “You are The Chosen One. You are It, in Life’s game of tag. Hide if you can. Everyone will be …

2022-11-10 Neural nets are terrific at determining the date a given product will fail. Manufacturers are …

2022-11-10 Who has exciting plans for the weekend?

2022-11-10 “I gave you my heart, my soul. And what did I get in return?” He stared at her, imploring. “You—you …

2022-11-10 “You can’t die! What will I do without you?” Tears streamed down her face. A waterfall formed below …

2022-11-10 Observed: I just saw someone order a salad, then waited for the server to completely empty the …

2022-11-10 “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you will. Or should.”

2022-11-10 It’s free-writin’ time!

2022-11-10 The Brits say, “Touch wood.” Here in the US, we say, “Knock on wood.” Do the Aussies say, “Scratch …

2022-11-10 “It’s never enough to hold someone’s hand.” He stared out across the dark moor. “You have to hear …

2022-11-10 It feels like I should be eating pasta today. Lunch, like winter, is coming.

2022-11-10 Your occasional reminder: back up your work back up your writing back up your tools. Doubly …

2022-11-10 So, can I get one more sprint in before lunch? Methinksso.

2022-11-10 Sometimes, the passive voice is needed to establish a proper tone. Rules are meant to be bent and …

2022-11-10 All the good ones are taken, as the saying goes. The doughnuts, I mean. #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-10 OK. ‘tis time to work on the novel. Let’s see if I hit 35K words. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-10 Change Is Difficult

2022-11-10 Happy National Forget-Me-Knot Day. Anyone remember Emma Peel?

2022-11-10 CONTENT WARNING - Reproductive rights is America’s hijab. Men who claim to speak for their gods …

2022-11-10 Hello. If you make someone smile today, you have made that person’s life better. Make someone …

2022-11-09 A sense of responsibility comes with a free sense of guilt if you don’t live up to it. #life

2022-11-09 “What was the last book you read?” “I’m not dead yet.” #books #reading

2022-11-09 Don’t forget, tomorrow isn’t Friday. You still have to be productive for another day.

2022-11-09 I just created an ancient myth/legend for this story. It’s pretty good and works well with the plot. …

2022-11-09 “The Learned Council of Tall Dwarves and the Things They Build” should be a title. Feel free to use …

2022-11-09 Weird. Weird. It’s going to be 75ºF tomorrow and Saturday. If climate change isn’t real, then it’s …

2022-11-09 Plan for tomorrow: iOS writing find lunch and do some free-writing. I need some time away from NaNo …

2022-11-09 Remember: be kind, be patient, be giving. Everyone is fighting their own demons. #life #success

2022-11-09 OK. It’s time for a break. Since the story veered from my original plan, I had to wrangle it back a …

2022-11-09 Obligatory pie photo. The filling came out wow! I cooked down apples, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger. …

2022-11-09 Do people still play bridge or pinochle? Not sure why the thought came into my brain. Maybe, because …

2022-11-09 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-09 Ok. I’ve found a few things I want to see at @philcon next week. If you’re going and want to hang …

2022-11-09 I should really post a blog about my experiences w/ and Mastodon after coming from Bird.

2022-11-09 It’s time for a break. I want to check out the latest @philcon schedule.

2022-11-09 It’s not pretty since I (pretty much literally) threw together an apple pie with stuff I had lying …

2022-11-09 It’s been a slow morning, writing-wise. It’s time for a lunch break. Maybe food will motivate me to …

2022-11-09 Happy National Scrapple Day. … I should get some next time I go grocery shopping. I haven’t had any …

2022-11-09 This applies to life as well. #life #chess

2022-11-09 Well, I got my errands and personal stuff out of the way. It’s time to hunker down and churn words …

2022-11-09 The problem with programming, is that line 2 depends on line 1, and if you mix them up (the way I …

2022-11-09 “When all else fails, so do you.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-09 Good morning, all. Shine like the sun, try to be as bright. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-09 Don’t forget. Everyone have fun tonight. Everyone Wang Chung tonight.

2022-11-08 A-Team or MacGyver? Or, The Guyver?

2022-11-08 Plan for tomorrow: Errands iOS work on the writing app. writing editing food stuff & nonsense. …

2022-11-08 Done writing for today. I’ve cracked the 29K word mark. Time to fall over. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-08 “A true warrior’s got chill.” #writing #life

2022-11-08 Time for another history lesson.… #sabaton #music #history

2022-11-08 OK, I’m still trimming the people I follow on Bird. I’m down under 150. A lot of the ones I’ve …

2022-11-08 I need a break from writing. I’ve got another sprint until I hit my daily goal. This novel is …

2022-11-08 It’s time for a writing break.

2022-11-08 We’re all a little weird. Some of us excel at it.

2022-11-08 Apparently, one person won the Powerball. As I just told someone, I’d rather be poor and happy than …

2022-11-08 It always happens. I find an empty restaurant and some guy decides to sit next to me. WT_?

2022-11-08 For all the new peeps (pink, yellow, or rainbow), I have a weird sense of humor. Thanks for putting …

2022-11-08 I’m a decade older today.

2022-11-08 I’m slowly getting my sense of humor, such as it it was/is/will be back, to the future tense, no I’m …

2022-11-08 Imagining someone saying, “But I have to rush. I may die before I get (fill in the blank) done!” …

2022-11-08 Slow trains still get there. You don’t need to rush. #life #success

2022-11-08 Intelligence is knowing when to cut your losses. Wisdom is knowing not to gamble. — ancient proverb …

2022-11-08 She screamed. Startled, her friend asked, “Why did you do that?” “Someone had to get the waiter’s …

2022-11-08 “One day, I’ll wake up from this nightmare only to find a darker one.” #writing

2022-11-08 What is, and why does it seem/sound like a political PAC?

2022-11-08 “He was a jellyfish of a man, all flimsy limbs and long snakelike hair, with none of the grace.” …

2022-11-08 Naming something limits you. #tao #life

2022-11-08 The future isn’t all you imagine it will be.

2022-11-08 “It’s been raining ever since you were born, son. You’re twelve now, and old enough to understand, …

2022-11-08 You can never be a failed writer if you have never written. #writing #life

2022-11-08 Sitting, watching the sun sparkle off the lake, sipping a soda, waiting for food, I read through my …

2022-11-08 OK. I did a bit of work on my writing app. Got a weird bug I’m trying to track. Time to take care of …

2022-11-08 Happy Abet and Aid Punsters Day … and remember, the shortest distance between two puns is a straight …

2022-11-08 Happy Abet and Aid Punsters Day … and remember, the shortest distance between two puns is a straight …

2022-11-08 Today is an important day in the US. It should be interesting…

2022-11-08 What are the chances of extraterrestrials visiting Earth at any time in its history vs. winning the …


2022-11-08 Hello, people of Earth. Do some good today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-07 Plan for tomorrow: write work on a couple things in the writing app / iOS SwiftUI find food …

2022-11-07 PSA: Vote tomorrow. That is all.

2022-11-07 Another 4K today for a total of almost 26K. The day started slow, but accelerated. If this were a …

2022-11-07 I wonder about authors who claim their fantasies are epic. People, be a little humble, would you? .~

2022-11-07 Side question: What is the best chess site? I haven’t played chess in years. I used to be good …

2022-11-07 I think I need to carve out a chunk of time this week to push the Watsonian novel to the editor. …

2022-11-07 So is anyone eating anything interesting? I’m munching on sunflower seeds. It’s healthier than the …

2022-11-07 OK. It’s time for a break. Today is a decent writing day. I know I’ll have to rework some of the …

2022-11-07 “Sleep. Dream. Toss. Nightmare. Scream. Wake. Sweat.” #writing

2022-11-07 It’s time for another break. I keep adding words in the hope that this novel will magically finish …

2022-11-07 “Let all cower in terror at the mention of my name. For I am, Teddy Puddingsworth.” #writing …

2022-11-07 I think I’ll get a tuna sub for lunch.

2022-11-07 Do not allow your anxiety to overcome your fear. You need a clear head to deal with difficult …

2022-11-07 House stuff done. I even replanted the Aerogarden. Time to write, before lunch hits.

2022-11-07 First writing sprint done. It’s a good start. Time for a quick break to take care of some house …

2022-11-07 Thank you for lurk/following me. Note that I pretty much do a continual mind-dump, free storage for …

2022-11-07 I sent my old parents out to get me a shrubbery. They said, “Ni!” #writing …

2022-11-07 Remember when “gentrification” was a word? Now, it seems “revitalization” is …

2022-11-07 The reason we hate hearing bad news isn’t because the news is bad, but because we fear and …

2022-11-07 I’m enjoying a lazy morning (well at least until 9AM), because then I’ll start writing …

2022-11-07 Happy Hug a Bear Day

2022-11-07 I had weird idea (I get lots of ‘em). What if hate and rage aren’t a normal condition, …

2022-11-07 Good morning, all. Find some quiet today and sit in it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-07 Time, or a lack thereof, is never a valid excuse. You are in charge of the time you have. No one …

2022-11-07 Do what will have the most impact. Do what has the least probability of succeeding. Do what you …

2022-11-06 “Would you like to donate to the Church of Overlasting Pain and Greed?” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-06 Wealth does not confer intelligence. ancient proverb I just made up.

2022-11-06 Given what I’m seeing, it may be wise to pull an archive of all your data and contacts on the Bird …

2022-11-06 “Broken dreams and broken promises will shatter you.” The old man sighed sitting down. “I’ve had …

2022-11-06 Anyone remember Zip drives? Not zip ties.

2022-11-06 Plan for tomorrow: write (of course) iOS (work some more on Auteureist) make some sausage and rice …

2022-11-06 Yo! What are you doing tomorrow? Vent your frustrations. You deserve it.

2022-11-06 OK. I made it to 3.2K words today. A smidge under my daily goal, but I’m struggling to produce …

2022-11-06 Hey, if you’re writing (or doing anything else for that matter) and need some encouragement and …

2022-11-06 I just noticed that you always see Dwayne Johnson and “The Rock” in the same room at the same time. …

2022-11-06 This time change thing finally hit. I’m dragging to write another 300 words, at a minimum. And why …

2022-11-06 I just got feedback from my beta reader. She said she couldn’t put it down, and the dialog was what …

2022-11-06 “All Murders In Moderation” should be a title. Feel free to use it. #writing #prompt

2022-11-06 “How’d you like to speed up your C++ code 115%?” “Why would I use C++?” .~

2022-11-06 I think it’s time for an AC/DC break.

2022-11-06 Time for a break. Time to plug the iPad in.

2022-11-06 You can’t make a storm go away. Often you can’t take shelter from it. Usually, the storm is of your …

2022-11-06 Watching a doe and her small deer drink at the pond and being affectionate. Life isn’t awful unless …

2022-11-06 I’m thinking faster than I type today. Words are being dropped in both my posts and writing. Trying …

2022-11-06 So, has anyone started planning things for 2023? I’m considering breaking out of my self-imposed …

2022-11-06 Ok. This story is going places I didn’t intend it to go. That’s good, but it means I now have to …

2022-11-06 If you don’t a woman with her own health choices, why should we trust you? #life #failure

2022-11-06 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-06 What kind of crimes would Tom commit. Gold star if you get it right.

2022-11-06 Wings consumed. Time to head for ‘bucks and write.

2022-11-06 Marketing Failures

2022-11-06 If you “play to win”, I have little/no respect for you. If you do it for the money. Ditto. If you do …

2022-11-06 “If you’re going to spit, spit like you mean it and spit to hit.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-06 I should really study Bayesian probability. I understand it, but not enough to have memorized the …

2022-11-06 “Have fun. Enjoy life and what you do. The unexpected problems will kill the chill soon enough.”

2022-11-06 Just because the journey is slow, doesn’t mean you aren’t going somewhere—well, maybe you’re not. …

2022-11-06 Never throw the baby out with the bath water. You can use the water to raise plants.

2022-11-06 If you have to make money in order to create art, cut out the middle-man and create money instead.

2022-11-06 Back in my day, muscisians were called for “selling out”. Now, it’s just business as usual. #art …

2022-11-06 “Lightning struck. Thunder slammed him against the wall. Panting, he thought, next time, I’ll go …

2022-11-06 What is the purpose of a seating arrangement, apart from making you sit next to someone you don’t …

2022-11-06 Do people still go to company “work” parties? Do they, the parties, still exist? Are they still as …

2022-11-06 Back on track. 1.6K so far today. I just sent what I have so far to a beta reader to see if I’m OK. …

2022-11-06 Time to get some wings (and do more writing). #food

2022-11-06 If you fear feeling stupid because of your mistakes, you’ve just made one more. #life

2022-11-06 Often, it’s enough to realize that you don’t know what you’re doing and …

2022-11-06 It’s been a slow writing morning. Mostly because I’ve split my time between writing and …

2022-11-06 The problem with belonging to a group, such as fascists or Nazis, is that you really belong, as in, …

2022-11-06 If you haven’t read it, why not? If you have, please leave a review somewhere. Thank you. End …

2022-11-06 With any luck, and some hard work, I’ll hit 23K words today. Currently, I’m doing my weekly review …

2022-11-06 My steam seems dead. I guess the Phillies lost.

2022-11-06 I’m still looking for good tech books to read. Again, no programming books, please. I have …

2022-11-06 “Little known fact: The Duffel bag was invented by Jonathon Duffel, a British sailmaker. He …

2022-11-06 I just reviewed my “Not To Do” list. It’s growing fast mostly due to not having …

2022-11-06 I recovered most of the sleep I lost. I’m still not completely awake.

2022-11-06 We are all part of what we create. #life

2022-11-06 Good morning. “Friends in high places” will take them with you when you fall. Time for the …

2022-11-05 What what the best technical book that you read in 2022? Programming programming books not allowed. …

2022-11-05 I’m still trying to come up with a good book cover idea for my Watsonian novel. #writing #holmes …

2022-11-05 So, who’s a bot on this site? .~

2022-11-05 Even thought it’s in the 70s now, I feel like having some hot chocolate. I’m an adult, so i get to …

2022-11-05 Ugh. I just realized @Philcon is during NaNo. I guess I’ll be spending most of the con pounding on a …

2022-11-05 We, in this country, do things to clocks tonight that no one should have to do.

2022-11-05 That’s enough for today. I’ve hit 18.7K words. Time to relax. I need to catch up sleep tonight. …

2022-11-05 Twitter is announcing that subscribers will get “half the ads, but better ads”. So you are now going …

2022-11-05 Hm… apparently you can run a Mastodon instance on a RaspberryPi. I wonder if I should… #fediverse …

2022-11-05 When people tell you, you can’t. What they are saying is, they won’t. #life

2022-11-05 Hm. I have a really weird bug in my writing app. It crashes on @main with no backtrace. #ios …

2022-11-05 “It’s surprising how much Bezos, Musk, and other such wealthy people look, act, and …

2022-11-05 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-05 Some people are plotters. Some people are pantsers. Today, I’m a plodder. Only 1.7K so far. …

2022-11-05 This would be a good time to eat a salad.

2022-11-05 Time for a break. My words per sprint is down today. I’m still not completely awake it seems and …

2022-11-05 The **

2022-11-05 Yawn. I’m struggling to write this morning, mostly because I’m struggling to stay awake. …

2022-11-05 I’m awake again. This is going to be a weird day. I woke up at 3AM, had a cup of coffee, …

2022-11-05 The scenery is exhilarating when you rush down the river on a raft, but you don’t really see …

2022-11-05 First sprint of the day done. I’ve laid some good breadcrumbs. I hope I can get them all to …

2022-11-05 Happy National Doughnut Appreciation Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-11-05 I’m up way too early at 3AM. The good news is, I got a cover idea for my Watsonian novel. Now, …

2022-11-05 Good morning. Allow things to happen. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-04 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-04 What’s worse? Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, or doing the wrong thing for the right …

2022-11-04 I miss seeing Vincent diFate’s artwork. Is he still around and active? #art #sf

2022-11-04 What excitement do you have planned for tomorrow? Anyone going to annoy someone?

2022-11-04 “Trying to get a king to do anything for the people is feudal.” Sorry, I couldn’t resist… well I …

2022-11-04 I think Sabaton would have made the Hobbit movie a lot better… #music …

2022-11-04 Good news: I’m slowly regaining my sense of humor. Bad news: I didn’t have much to begin with.

2022-11-04 Plan for tomorrow: write get outside. It’s supposed to be 77ºF here. either play some Overwatch, or …

2022-11-04 “Dadda, tell me a story.” “Who do you think I am? A writer? Go to the library if you want a story.” …

2022-11-04 “Three Cars and a Murder” should be a title. Feel free to use it. #writing #prompt

2022-11-04 “The problem with time, you see… ” He pulled the mug of beer toward his lips. “… is that it always …

2022-11-04 Still a great song. And Ozzy would’ve made a great Doctor Who. Big hair warning. #music #80s …

2022-11-04 It’s interesting how, more often than not, rich people make terrible businesspeople. #life #business …

2022-11-04 Being November, I thought it appropriate that I crack open a 1 year old bottle of my cranberry mead. …

2022-11-04 I’m thinking about brewing another holiday ale this month. Red ale base. Cinnamon Ginger Lemon …

2022-11-04 Micro experts. What’s the best way to find doing stuff with Raspberry Pi, for example? Apart from …

2022-11-04 I have this feeling that I should accomplish something tomorrow. I guess writing 15K words this week …

2022-11-04 Friends are good. Or so I hear.

2022-11-04 I’m not famous. I’m not important. I’m not rich. That doesn’t mean I don’t matter. Repeat. #life …

2022-11-04 Why don’t we ever hear about people breaking into Fort Knox and stealing all the gold?

2022-11-04 Why do so many election deniers run for office?

2022-11-04 Anyone else find it ironic that public domains cost money?

2022-11-04 I find that there is no “doom scrolling” for me on I prefer my life that way.

2022-11-04 The first work week of November and NaNoWriMo is drawing to a close. It went by way too fast. I …

2022-11-04 OK. I settled on for Mastodon. Seemed a better fit for me. Sorry for the …

2022-11-04 Phew! 4648 words today. I’m over 15K words in 4 days. That’s pretty good, I think. Most of today’s …

2022-11-04 It’s interesting to see ads targeting “anti-white bigotry”. Once you target a race …

2022-11-04 Just because you’re staring into the abyss, doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. #life

2022-11-04 “Give the fans what they want. Throw some shit.” #writing

2022-11-04 I’m taking a long lunch break since I managed a ton of words this morning. I think I deserve to hang …

2022-11-04 When you refuse to have a muffler on your car, and blasting “music” at full volume, you are truly …

2022-11-04 May barbarians raid your refrigerator. ancient curse I just made up

2022-11-04 Everything has been done. Companies are now so niche they want a smell throughline in books. -cough …

2022-11-04 Vicious rumor: Twitter and Facebook to merge.

2022-11-04 “In the olden times,people used spices to hide the smell and taste of rancid foods. We still do …

2022-11-04 Yes, I’m in a bit of a snarky mood. A singer-songwriter is like an author-actor.

2022-11-04 Gonna say it again. If you’re a singer-songwriter, stop singing. You have no talent in the singing …

2022-11-04 “Sparks of joy sometimes burst into a fire of euphoria. Sparks of darkness spread into a malignant …

2022-11-04 Acceptance is not complacency. Accept when appropriate, don’t be complacent. #life #success

2022-11-04 “The stars are you vision. If they are blurred or you can’t see them, you are blind to creativity, …

2022-11-04 “Life is a monster you have to tame.” #life #writing

2022-11-04 I just ordered a “Spicy Jane Burger”. I told the restaurant that “Spicy Jack Burger” was sexist. Got …

2022-11-04 “The witch held her dress aloft. ‘I’m done. It’s jeans and a t-shirt now’” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-04 Aspire. Endure. Achieve. #life

2022-11-04 Hasbro used to create fun games. What happened?

2022-11-04 Be the rebel you always wanted to be. However, understand the costs. #life

2022-11-04 “Dance like everyone is watching. Sling words like you have talent. Splash paint, become an artist. …

2022-11-04 Weekends during NaNoWriMo are tough. I want to get out and do stuff, but I have to write a certain …

2022-11-04 “The unicorn of life has a horn to pick with you.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-11-04 Vote! … in whichever country you reside in. Even if your vote doesn’t matter, you are sending a …

2022-11-04 Never ask people to pay for something you gave away for free. #marketing #failure #drugs #twitter

2022-11-04 “Do you ever dream of Legos, red, blue, and all the colors of the rainbow? Do you dream of castles …

2022-11-04 Did you ever move to a new house? I bet you did. Do you remember how you moved in, and thought. It’s …

2022-11-04 Time to eat.

2022-11-04 I hit 4K words this morning. I thought my word count function was messed up, so I checked my text …

2022-11-04 The sun is out. The birds are singing. I’m having a decent day so far. What does Murphy have …

2022-11-04 I’m having a good writing day. Nothing exciting, but I’m developing characters and relationships. I …

2022-11-04 Back in my day we used memory pointers. And things were easier to understand in programming …

2022-11-04 There are two types of facts. Facts that are independent of a person’s interpretation. The …

2022-11-04 It’s Friday, people. You have to survive until the weekend. Do what you must do, so you can do …

2022-11-04 Doing the right thing is easy as long as you aren’t all about yourself. #life

2022-11-04 … and is back.

2022-11-03 Plan for tomorrow: write code eat stuff I’m in a rut.

2022-11-03 I like the trend to 100K words. I may just do it. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-03 Day 3 done. I’m over 10K words. It’s time to relax. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-03 Disney or Looney Tunes? I’m firmly in the Looney Tunes camp.

2022-11-03 It’s time for another quick break. I’m sprinting along. The characters are coming alive. #writing …

2022-11-03 This coming weekend is when we reset all of the clocks worth resetting.

2022-11-03 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-03 It’s time for a break. I’m having a good writing session this morning. I’m at the point where I’m …

2022-11-03 Happy World Jellyfish Day

2022-11-03 Seems about right.

2022-11-03 It’s a pretty, but cold, morning here in DE (not-Germany). I don’t plan on dong much of …

2022-11-03 Good morning. Just because it’s dark doesn’t mean it’s bad. Time for the …

2022-11-02 Great album. I’m surprised I like it, though I’ve heard a couple of their songs. #music #metal

2022-11-02 “No one talks about or demands honor nowadays. They want respect with no honor.”

2022-11-02 Serious question for model-makers. What does a scale of 1/100th scale mean? I thought it was 1” = …

2022-11-02 Are any of you still celebrating? Halloween?

2022-11-02 You can’t fail if you never start. You’ll never win either. #life

2022-11-02 Plan for tomorrow: write another 3-4K words. start one final pass on my Watsonian novel. eat soup. …

2022-11-02 The new version of the writing app seems stable and hasn’t crashed yet. It’s got a few bugs, mostly …

2022-11-02 Day 2 total: 7298 words. Time to stop for the day. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-02 If I’ve learned anything, it’s that I have so much more to learn. #life

2022-11-02 So why haven’t the people on the Bird site, just modified their avatars to include a blue check …

2022-11-02 I wish Stephen Spielberg would stop making movies that look like they were shot in Ektachrome just …

2022-11-02 Hm. “A Christmas Story” sequel trailer is out. I’m not sure what to think. I’m not sure what Jean …

2022-11-02 What if baseball players celebrated the way NFL players do when they score a run?

2022-11-02 At first, Nintendo didn’t want a game about paint. They wanted to call it Spitoon. #nintendo #game

2022-11-02 I’m surprised no one has used the neural engine in a iPhone to train an app to recognize and …

2022-11-02 The iPhone’s OCR is surprisingly good. #iphone

2022-11-02 English is weird. Overheard: “I was walking around with crutches.” Or, maybe the person was weird. …

2022-11-02 Have fun. Bring joy. There will be time enough for being serious and worrying when the bad things …

2022-11-02 I still need to think about what I want on the cover of my Watsonian novel. So far, I only have a …

2022-11-02 So much for the outline I spent all that time prepping this novel. The story has already taken over. …

2022-11-02 I just broke the 5K word mark. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-02 Happy Dynamic Harmlessness Day … I have no idea…

2022-11-02 Time to get some lunch and write some more. Today’s writing sessions are going well, but …

2022-11-02 “Remember, there will always be at least one person at your funeral.” #writing #life

2022-11-02 Average is just another word for mediocre. Don’t be average. #life

2022-11-02 Time for a quick break to do some house-related stuff.

2022-11-02 I’m using my writing app running with XCode in debug mode running in the background to help …

2022-11-02 I wish Apple would suppress internal debug/error messages in betas. Or at least make them …

2022-11-02 Time to write. Day 2 commence.

2022-11-02 This applies to people as well.

2022-11-02 Be true to you. That’s difficult to do if you don’t know who you are. #life

2022-11-02 Good morning. Slow down. You are passing life by. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-11-01 If you’re not resilient, you’ll crack.

2022-11-01 No one has withstood the test of time.

2022-11-01 “Humanity. Why’d anyone want it in space?” #writing

2022-11-01 Hm. One thing I don’t get is how to search for a topic to follow on Micro. I understand I can search …

2022-11-01 One thing I’ve noticed about this year’s NaNoWriMo. I’ve been endlessly munching stuff as I write. …

2022-11-01 OK. That’s enough writing for the first day. Day 1: 3647 words, a bit over my goal. I could do …

2022-11-01 Wha—?

2022-11-01 Everyone ignores the obvious because the obvious is thought to have been taken care of. #life …

2022-11-01 First, Elon Musk came for Twitter. Then he came for Micro. And bought Mastodon. Where will you run?

2022-11-01 Photo up. #photography

2022-11-01 Balance

2022-11-01 Backup your work. Backup your tools.

2022-11-01 It just hit me that I’ve already surpassed the 1667 word goal for a normal NaNoWriMo day. …

2022-11-01 It’s time for lunch and a break. The story so far: 1914 words. I’m over half way to my …

2022-11-01 Happy National Calzone Day. Wish I had one… lunch is coming.

2022-11-01 Time for a break, so I can take care of a few things. 3 sprints. 1285 words. Not a bad start. …

2022-11-01 The person who gets things done will always win over the one who procrastinates. #life #success

2022-11-01 FIrst sprint done. My goal is 280 wps, in order to hit 100Kw. I wrote 460. Don’t get …

2022-11-01 Let the record show that I am now starting the first 25 minute sprint. #writing #nanowrimo

2022-11-01 Hm. I should be able to publish MQTT from Swift, shouldn’t I? I’m thinking about using a …

2022-11-01 Good morning. It’s a suitably dank and dreary morning for the start of NaNoWriMo. Time for the …

2022-10-31 Hopefully, no one will resurrect a Demon God while I sleep. Happy Halloween.

2022-10-31 Gonna call it a day. Don’t let the clowns eat you tonight.

2022-10-31 “Life is a sideshow and we are all freaks.” Happy Halloween! #writing

2022-10-31 Gah! I just checked. This will be my 14th straight NaNoWriMo, and hopefully my 14th win. #writing …

2022-10-31 The hardest part of tomorrow will be coming up with the first line. I always struggle with that. …

2022-10-31 If you feel scared you will fail, you are imposing your emotions on the future. You won’t know if …

2022-10-31 First full day away from the Bird site. Not doom/spam scrolling has a nice feel to it. I just did a …

2022-10-31 I just verified I’m all set to go on the NaNoWriMo site. 4K words per day for me. I’m unsure I’ll be …

2022-10-31 Phew. I think I’m ready for November.

2022-10-31 Doing a last pass through the manuscript today. Time for a break.

2022-10-31 Time to switch it up. Conklin Durograph Abalone Nights 1.1mm w/ Private Reserve Black Cherry …

2022-10-31 Apparently, competitive pickle ball is a thing. Apparently, pickle ball is a thing.

2022-10-31 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-31 Today is a good day to turn off all the lights and hide in the closet until all the little monsters …

2022-10-31 Taking a break to make some soup and bake some bread.


2022-10-31 Fixed a few things in my writing app. I’m going to use the new SwiftUI version for the first …

2022-10-31 Self-doubt is fine unless it keeps you from acting, then it’s just an emotion of comfort. …

2022-10-31 Good morning. Up way too early. Bring on the sun. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-30 “Whenever I run into trouble, I punch it in the face.” #writing

2022-10-30 Hm. Never realized you could search topics via emojicon. Doesn’t seem like you can create your own …

2022-10-30 Hm. I see Micro has an API for books. I can’t find any references to what that actually is.

2022-10-30 I think it’s close enough for this:… Happy Halloween! #music

2022-10-30 Sometimes you have to start over in order to know who you are. #life #success

2022-10-30 OK. I’ve just deactivated my secondary Bird accounts. I should pull an archive of the main acct. …

2022-10-30 Gah! I just stumbled on the fact that I can sort Apple notes on iOS /by something other than date. …

2022-10-30 I think I’ll sneak some time to make some butternut squash soup and bake some bread tomorrow.

2022-10-30 I’m beginning to like autumn. It never was a favorite season of mine.

2022-10-30 Hm. Seems there was an increase in the use of the “N” word of 1300% since Musk took over the Bird. …

2022-10-30 It’s time to relax. Tomorrow is Monday, Halloween. I guess I’ll have to go somewhere to be away from …

2022-10-30 Weekly review done. I think I’m ready for this week. Murphy always gets a say.

2022-10-30 Anyone know how to get rid of/hide this in #ipadOS?

2022-10-30 It’s weird. It’s almost November. It’s warm out, unusually so. #netde

2022-10-30 Where do you go when you want to hide?

2022-10-30 If you fear, that is a personal choice. If you hate, you have something to lose. If you demean, you …

2022-10-30 Appreciate what you have. It will be gone at some point, and then you will regret not appreciating …

2022-10-30 Don’t let others tell you what success is. #life

2022-10-30 Plan for November: NaNoWriMo Don’t kill myself writing Push “The Singular Case of the Three …

2022-10-30 There is no reason to allow those who prey on others an advantage. If you disagree, you are part of …

2022-10-30 Fooooood!

2022-10-30 Story idea: A crew whose job is to paint starships by hand after the ships are refurbished. #writing …

2022-10-30 Gah! Someone mentioned S&H Green Stamps. I know what they are. I must be old.

2022-10-30 “People tell you to never give up. You may succeed, but at what cost?” #writing

2022-10-30 “The villains in your life aren’t megalomaniacs, unless you’re on social media or follow politics. …

2022-10-30 I should dive into the Micro API. I havent’ really used it for anything.

2022-10-30 If you feel, you are not thinking. If you don’t think, you react. The tiger always has faster …

2022-10-30 It’s easy to be overwhelmed. Take time away from everything to find the root cause, then deal with …

2022-10-30 Support your friends. Support those in need. Support the good. #life

2022-10-30 Wings ordered. Eagles are about to lose, since I’m watching…

2022-10-30 Know your limits. Explore them. Don’t live there. #life #success

2022-10-30 Nibbage #fountainpen

2022-10-30 As a writer/author, do you ever post critical reviews of someone else’s work online? #writing …

2022-10-30 Just because someone is rich, doesn’t make them smart or kind. What they do with their wealth and …

2022-10-30 Whenever I watch the Phillies, they lose. That’s my superpower. I suck the luck out of everything…

2022-10-30 NaNoWriMo begins on Tuesday, as does November. I think I’ll start using the new SwiftUI version of …

2022-10-30 Ok, I made a first pass and unfollowed about 1/3 of the people I follow on Twitter. That’s a good …

2022-10-30 When there are two sides to one issue, it usually means that one side is wrong, or both are. #life

2022-10-30 I think today would be an excellent day to eat wings while I do some free-writing.

2022-10-30 Good news. The Watsonian novel is almost ready for the editor. I need to do one final read-through …

2022-10-30 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-30 Happy Haunted Refrigerator Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-10-30 So Long, and Thanks For All the Birds

2022-10-30 Being a Genre Writer… #writing #genre

2022-10-30 Back. I made a mistake and had to think and evaluate things, so I took the week away from …

2022-10-24 I’m going to shut down for the day. I need to rebalance.

2022-10-24 Lunch consumed. Several more chapters nearing completion—more to go.

2022-10-24 This year went unexpectedly fast. I have Philcon, then the holidays, such as they are remaining.

2022-10-24 People laugh. People cry. People live. People die.

2022-10-24 Struggling is an attempt to meet your, or someone else’s, expectations. #life #failure

2022-10-24 Anyone have the machine/assembly code for any version of the iPhone/iPad? Hmm? ;) #ios #mac #apple …

2022-10-24 Back in my day, computers and their rooms were the religious enclave. Now, with high-level …

2022-10-24 “The rain fell on the lake as the wind drove the water against the land. Haze and clouds presented a …

2022-10-24 You shouldn’t value people. Value implies gradations. You should treat everyone equally, unless they …

2022-10-24 If you follow me and are an editor, any hints on how to edit more efficiently/? Short of hiring you. …

2022-10-24 Humans measure one’s worth by how mature, healthy, and mentally balanced they are. In other words. …

2022-10-24 “Having entered the casino, he placed his order, sat back, and obseved the waitress. That is, until …

2022-10-24 It’s time to hunker down and edit. I should eat, as well.

2022-10-24 Happy Take Back Your Time Day

2022-10-24 No one deserves to be poor, unhealthy, or desperate. #life

2022-10-24 If someone tells you you cannot have or don’t deserve something, what they are really telling …

2022-10-24 Good morning. Don’t confuse have to and want to, most people do. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-10-23 Tomorrow: iOS editing Python free-writing food things.

2022-10-23 Apparently, the Phils won.

2022-10-23 I guess it’s the season for stocking up on candy corn and circus peanuts.

2022-10-23 Let’s go straight to this Friday evening. What say you?

2022-10-23 “Remember to die on time.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-23 What’s the best James Bond theme song, not soundtrack? #music #bond

2022-10-23 Gah! Editing along and I come across the phrase “garbed in her writing habit”. The subconscious is …

2022-10-23 Anyone remember Sonia Dada? #music

2022-10-23 Lunch consumed. Time to get back to editing.

2022-10-23 “Come the dawn, the dead rise and enter our world seeking coffee.” #writing #zombie

2022-10-23 Happy Slap Your Irritating Co-worker Day Yes, it’s a thing. No, I do not endorse or encourage …

2022-10-23 Sometimes, what you leave undone is more important than what you do. #life #success

2022-10-23 Good morning. Step back. Take time. Breathe. Relax. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-22 It’s time to eat a bucket of ice cream.

2022-10-22 I’m listening to a family argue about when a restaurant is open. This is why the country is going to …

2022-10-22 “Every contest of luck asks you to give up a bit of yourself.” #writing

2022-10-22 People fear and despise yellow jackets. I just let them land on my hand. If you don’t aggravate …

2022-10-22 I just picked a ripe Korean dogwood fruit, and tentatively tried it (I don’t trust the internet). …

2022-10-22 “Honor the Een. It is coming. If you don’t, it will possess your soul, your children, and your …

2022-10-22 Where would you travel to if you had the chance, with no downside? #travel

2022-10-22 If you are charged a fee to express your opinion that, by definition, blocks freedom of speech.

2022-10-22 Helping someone succeed at the cost of your own progress, is still a measure of success. #life

2022-10-22 I should get some salmon. I haven’t made gravlox in a long time. #food

2022-10-22 It’s yellow jacket season-not the clothing.

2022-10-22 Never write books that are a one-trick pony. #writing

2022-10-22 If you write a series of books, don’t tease a joke and never resolve it. I’m reading a series that …

2022-10-22 Back in my day, bottles were designed to have the spout pointing upward. #civilization

2022-10-22 I miss having a writer’s group.

2022-10-22 I should write another script. I haven’t written one in years. No, I’ve never tried to sell one. …

2022-10-22 I’ve been thinking about writing a book that cuts off right before the final climax. There is no …

2022-10-22 Morality is often taught by those without it. #life #failure

2022-10-22 “He wore his heart on his sleeve wrapped in, he believed, an impenetrable force field.” #writing …

2022-10-22 Most Americans would probably gag if their coffee, beer, or whatever, tasted like actual pumpkin. …

2022-10-22 “He was a little drunk. If falling into the canal while screaming, “Banzai!” I love you!,” while …

2022-10-22 I’ve never written a: horror mystery romance spy or western novel. I should. Which one, though? …

2022-10-22 “His was a life driven by meals alone, and the all-consuming desperate hope that he’d catch the …

2022-10-22 I keep forgetting that you can program tapping the back of the iPhone as a button. #ios

2022-10-22 It’s time for lunch and some free-writing.

2022-10-22 So I guess there is a new Residential Evil game out?


2022-10-22 Good morning. Be kind to those around you today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-21 Plan for tomorrow: edit get outside, depending on the weather eat read play some games smile

2022-10-21 I need to do something fun. I mean, more than eating stuff.

2022-10-21 I miss traveling. #travel

2022-10-21 Photo up: #photography

2022-10-21 The weekend is nigh, no not Bill. What are your plans for fun, causing havoc, or both?

2022-10-21 I think that’s enough editing for today. It’s time to kick back and usher in the weekend.

2022-10-21 “I listened to the babbling brook, but it made no sense.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-21 Rather than trying to “win”, just don’t lose.

2022-10-21 Remember, keep going. Just be sure you know where. #life

2022-10-21 Anyone remember Apple iOS’s built-in advertising platform? I forget what it was called. I miss those …

2022-10-21 Make someone laugh, but not at the expense of someone else. #life #success

2022-10-21 I’m concluding that I take too much time editing my writing. I need a more time-efficient way to …

2022-10-21 It’s a nice autumnal day here. I feel like goofing off and heading outside, but I have editing …

2022-10-21 In the US there is a saying: “When opportunity knocks, let it in.” What they don’t …

2022-10-21 Happy Count Your Buttons Day

2022-10-21 Back home. Ordering a tuna sub for lunch, before I hunker down for some more editing.

2022-10-21 The illusion of something is easier to achieve than actually achieving it. #life #failure

2022-10-21 Small, productive co-located teams in close proximity to each other create friction and noise. They …

2022-10-21 If you want to be more productive, sort your ToDo list by where things are to be done instead of …

2022-10-21 You have so many categories in your ToDo list is because the more you have, the fewer items you have …

2022-10-21 Good morning. It’s Friday. There’s no need to catch today. All your problems will still be here on …

2022-10-20 Why do humans either not see or ignore the small things around them? There is a lot of wonder in the …

2022-10-20 Tomorrow is Friday. Remember to laugh. Actually, remember to laugh every day. #life #success

2022-10-20 Transformers or Gundam?

2022-10-20 Plan for tomorrow: go home catch up edit

2022-10-20 It’s ok to feel pain. Time for an ultra late dinner

2022-10-20 I am at the @cgbauer book launch party in Doylestown.

2022-10-20 “I should go to the Dollar store. I need some self respect.”

2022-10-20 Time for an exciting dental appt.

2022-10-20 I must be doing something right. I’m reading/editing my Watsonian novel and I hear Holmes in Basil …

2022-10-20 Happy National Day on Writing Yes, it’s a thing, and today.

2022-10-20 “Every edit you make, a puppy or kitten is born.” #writing #editing

2022-10-20 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-20 Attacking an effect rather than the cause is like shooting a person because they are poor. #life …

2022-10-20 Despite what you may have been told or believe, survival isn’t everything, either as an individual …

2022-10-20 A definition of politics: “Large-scale, organized arguing about what they think is best. Politics …

2022-10-20 I like how every newscast says “Americans are concerned about the economy.” I think they are mor …

2022-10-20 I need an extra large coffee this morning. Things aren’t going well in the waking up department.

2022-10-20 Down in the lobby to do some morning editing.

2022-10-20 Hello. Notice the moment when things go wrong and adjust then. After that point, it will be too …

2022-10-19 It’s time to thank my friends and those that follow me on this thing as I rant and rave about bits …

2022-10-19 Death comes for you. It is stealthless, announcing itself by knocking the door off its hinges. …

2022-10-19 The world needs more good people. Be one.

2022-10-19 Forgive yourself.

2022-10-19 Personal/family stuff tomorrow, followed by a book thing (not mine).

2022-10-19 “The warthogs ran amuck. They had a manual.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-19 “Some days you have to make do with what you know, do the best you can, and expect miracles from a …

2022-10-19 “I’ll just get a beer. Coors Lite.” “Dude, that’s not a beer.” “Then why does it cost so much?”

2022-10-19 “The network America trusts.” To do what? Feel good marketing that means 0. #marketing #failure

2022-10-19 Dinner. #food A

2022-10-19 I miss traveling. I hope next year. #travel

2022-10-19 Some are impressed with bragging because they equate it with action and success. #life #failure

2022-10-19 I’m sitting in a near-empty Mexican restaurant next to the hotel. So I’m writing and watching the …

2022-10-19 I think I need some small projects; something I can easily complete. I’ve been swamping myself with …

2022-10-19 It’s time to kick back and do some free-writing. Chips and salsa for the win.

2022-10-19 It’s good enough just to be you as long as you allow others to be themselves. #life

2022-10-19 I feel today is a good day to hunt down some unsuspecting Mexican food.

2022-10-19 I’m reviewing what I have for the plot outline. I haven’t worked on it in over a few months. I’ve …

2022-10-19 I’m getting serious about my goal of 100K for #nanowrimo next month. I just created the project …

2022-10-19 When was the last time you heard someone say, “Bits and bobs”?

2022-10-19 I’m beginning to discover that I don’t have anything to prove to myself, let alone to others. Age …

2022-10-19 Happy Dress Like a Dork Day Not a special day for me.

2022-10-19 “I said I wanted Scrabble, not Scrapple for my birthday.”

2022-10-19 Brisk day for a walk in the park.

2022-10-19 “Her eyes burned into me, searing my soul leaving black, hard, and cold cinders.” #writing

2022-10-19 I’m editing at Starbucks. There is a biz meeting going on. A young woman has an interesting quirk. I …

2022-10-19 Earn your trust. Earn your respect. Don’t expect it to be freely given just because you exist. #life …

2022-10-19 I have a free day in PA. I’ll spend most of it editing the novel, and perhaps take a literal walk in …

2022-10-19 Good morning, all. Neither be a spendthrift, nor greedy with your time. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-10-18 If you will kill someone for how they look, you will kill them for what they do or don’t wear. #life …

2022-10-18 The past was never what you remember, the future never as optimistic.

2022-10-18 Observed: “His had the laid back appearance of One Piece melded with a Phillies’ shirt, which was …

2022-10-18 Observation; someone in a bar starts speaking loudly. Everyone else thinks it’s a competition. …

2022-10-18 Your reach should be somewhat less than your goals. That is where growth and learning occur. #life …

2022-10-18 So what #ios conf should I attend in 2023?

2022-10-18 Citrus salmon consumed. I’m feeling somewhat human. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

2022-10-18 Why aren’t appetizers called appeteasers? #food

2022-10-18 Plan for tomorrow: switch hotels edit my Watsonian novel for most of the day go to the park eat …

2022-10-18 You know you’re in the Philly burbs when the restaurant plays Hall & Oates. Not the CW stuff in …

2022-10-18 I’m looking forward to and dreading November. #writing

2022-10-18 Waiting for the salmon as I sip a beer and do some free-writing.

2022-10-18 “He couldn’t rub two sticks together to catch a fish.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-18 Don’t believe anything you see, hear, or read. Especially, don’t believe what you want to be true. …

2022-10-18 For Halloween, I think I’ll dress up as a person bereft of hope-or an unemployed monarch.

2022-10-18 “The Singular Case of the Three Witches” has a couple of my best fight scenes. I’m getting better at …

2022-10-18 “He looked and dressed like a typical trucker, but was shorter and less flabby than most. He was the …

2022-10-18 He who screams loudest usually has an unwarranted grudge. #life #failure

2022-10-18 Time for some free writing. Need to relax out of editing mode. Food would be good, as well.

2022-10-18 Hm. No new iPad Mini

2022-10-18 Back in my day there were only 3 Star Wars movies, and only 9 planned.

2022-10-18 Cool. My car is no longer on 3G.

2022-10-18 Watching 3 guys trying to put together a 3 piece plywood cart with casters. The confusion is amazing …

2022-10-18 It’s time for a break.

2022-10-18 Apple Store is down! Stand by for launch… #ios #mac #apple

2022-10-18 “There is poison in the darknesss for those who fear.” #writing I’m in a weird mood.

2022-10-18 “A shiv in the back is worth two in the stomach.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-18 “Eventually, old gods become the demons of the new gods.” #writing

2022-10-18 “There is wisdom in knowledge. There is wisdom in silence. There is little wisdom to be had in …

2022-10-18 Happy Information Overload Awareness Day

2022-10-18 Be comfortable in uncertainty. #life

2022-10-18 Today was the first day this season I had to wear a jacket. Oh well.

2022-10-18 It’s a crisp and chilly morning in PA. I’m going to be sitting in the car dealership editing. Fun …

2022-10-18 Good morning. Winter is coming. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-17 …and don’t forget, Subaru backwards is U R A Bus…

2022-10-17 Time is just a measure of change. #time

2022-10-17 Which movie was dead-awful despite its all-start cast? #movie

2022-10-17 @sgtstretch @jwhevans @pimoore JetPens also sells 60 whole punches so you can use other paper in …

2022-10-17 I have an urge to write another drunken werewolf story for Halloween. However, I have too much on my …

2022-10-17 You don’t need to have an imagination to be creative. I know. #creativity #life #aphantasia

2022-10-17 I should hit the Doylestown Bookshop this week. I don’t get to go to bookstores that often, …

2022-10-17 Plan for tomorrow: sit in the car dealership all day waiting for them to download new firmware. I …

2022-10-17 Wonton wrappers weigh too much and sound awful.

2022-10-17 Stress is the tension between your expectations and reality. You can’t adjust your reality. #life …

2022-10-17 The more you practice, the more you grow comfortable. The more comfortable you become, the more …

2022-10-17 Grr. GOP blocks vote by mail in DE, I just discovered. #failure #fascism

2022-10-17 It doesn’t cost you anything to wish somone well. #life

2022-10-17 I like Delaware, but I miss the stuff you can do in the Phila burbs. I don’t miss rush hour traffic.

2022-10-17 Do Brits still say “crikey”? I hope so. It’s such an expressive expression.

2022-10-17 The reality struck me this evening, talking to a friend I hadn’t seen in decades, that I …

2022-10-17 Nice dinner catching up with someone I worked with 30 years ago. Yes, I’m old. I miss people.

2022-10-17 Hanging out. Waiting for dinner. Doing a bit of free-writing. I need to

2022-10-17 Dance until your toes fall off.

2022-10-17 Music, as are books, a gateway to thoughts, emotions and ideas. If you ban books, you’ll ban music …

2022-10-17 I’m still slogging through grammar and tense-continuity edits. #writing #editing

2022-10-17 “Son, you’re ‘bout three years before you can commit murder.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-17 “I am stranded on the island of life.” #writing

2022-10-17 Back in PA

2022-10-17 Time to switch it up. Moonman 1.3 w/Noodlers Polar Brown #fountainpen

2022-10-17 Belief requires suspension of disbelief. #life

2022-10-17 This week is full of personal stuff. I won’t have time to do any iOS stuff. I’ll focus …

2022-10-17 Happy Four Prunes Day Yes, it’s a thing. It should be known as “The Four Prunes of the …

2022-10-17 Plug time: 5-Star Rating - This is a story of a team working together on a dangerous mission in a …

2022-10-17 Hello. Another week. Another chance to make new mistakes. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-16 OK. I’m set for this week.

2022-10-16 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-16 “An Earthless Sky” would be a great title. #writing #prompt

2022-10-16 I think I’ll make an omelette for lunch. It’s that kind of day.

2022-10-16 Spending time on Google looking at writer’s retreats. Not many worthwhile reviews, it seems. …

2022-10-16 Wasting Time WIth NaNoWriMo 2022… #writing #nanowrimo

2022-10-16 I’m toying with coming up with goals for next year: exercise more travel more publish two …

2022-10-16 I plan on not doing productive anything today. The remainder of the week should be enough.

2022-10-16 Happy Steve Jobs Day

2022-10-16 Happy Steve Jobs Day

2022-10-16 Respond. Don’t react. #life #success

2022-10-16 Good morning. Don’t allow distractions to pull you away from having fun today. Time for the …

2022-10-15 The first computer that I brought (and could afford) was an Apple ][+. It changed my life. The HP45 …

2022-10-15 When concern crosss the line to worry, you have a personal problem. #life

2022-10-15 Back in my college days (‘70s) we had an old fridge in the Bio lab which I painted an XWing going …

2022-10-15 I want a bookstore in Dover. I doubt we’ll get one. People struggle to get by. And Amazon has killed …

2022-10-15 How much liquid should remain after eating cole slaw? Asking @gordonramsey

2022-10-15 “He was a chigger that burned through everyone and everything. He was a bad sort.” #writing

2022-10-15 “My mom once told me. Slap them upside the head with words. If that don’t work, escalate.” #writing

2022-10-15 “You don’t have to kill everyone around you. You just have to kill enough to get their attention.” …

2022-10-15 Lots of Phillies fans here in MD.

2022-10-15 Now that I’m watching the Phil’s game, they are bound to lose.

2022-10-15 “I don’t know what you mean and I’ve given up trying to understand.”

2022-10-15 No one has ever called me “my liege”. But then, I have no vassals. Respect is earned, not bought or …

2022-10-15 I want to travel again next year. I will see what next year brings. I hope it’s all good. 2020- has …

2022-10-15 I’m just hanging outside and doing some free-writing. I’m fighting the urge to start several new …

2022-10-15 “Let people draw their own conclusions. If you’re lucky, they’ll draw the wrong ones.” #writing

2022-10-15 “The older I get, the older those around me look.” #writing

2022-10-15 “A cross section of his head looked like an empty coconut and held as much.” #writing

2022-10-15 When did you discover your first wrinkle?

2022-10-15 “At ten, he was the cool kid in school. He beat up everyone who got in his way. He wore sunglasses. …

2022-10-15 “He drank Bud Lite. He hated Budweiser. Bud Lite was the poor man’s Budweiser who was too poor to …

2022-10-15 “You do know, you don’t have to sell your insurance/book/sister all the time, don’t you? There is …

2022-10-15 Never argue with beliefs. It wastes time and makes you angry.

2022-10-15 It’s time to plan a winter ale recipe. I think I’ll go on a play on a red ale instead of a stout the …

2022-10-15 Apple crisp is in the oven for about an hour.

2022-10-15 Early morning editing done. Time to make apple crisp.

2022-10-15 Happy I Love Yarn Day … I can take it or leave it.


2022-10-15 Hello. Nothing is better, as a solution, than screaming and running away in terror from a problem. …

2022-10-14 What fun things do you all have planned for this weekend? I hope to get outside into the sun.

2022-10-14 Never be afraid to ask for help, especially if you fear to fail. #life #success

2022-10-14 Don’t fall in love with your feelings. #life

2022-10-14 I need to do more fun things. I find I don’t have fun all that often. I need to not allow myself to …

2022-10-14 It’s time to relax. I got a decent amount of editing done, but not as much as I’d hoped. …

2022-10-14 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-14 Writing is easy. Rewriting and editing is hard. Pay your editors. There I said it. #writing #editing

2022-10-14 “I am older than I have ever been. Some truths are worth admitting.” #writing

2022-10-14 A sense of humor is worth having. The cost is personal embarrassment. #humor

2022-10-14 “Some people rush to finish everything they can. I rush to start things I will never finish.”

2022-10-14 “Progress doesn’t need us. We need it, even though we don’t know where it’s going.” #writing #life

2022-10-14 “I don’t want to be a warm person. I don’t like strangers cuddling up to me.” #writing …

2022-10-14 Nibbage. Writing outside. Yes, the light is bluish. #fountainpen #writing

2022-10-14 Education is overwhelmed by what has to be taught. There is no time on how to apply the knowledge. …

2022-10-14 I’m not perfect. Just look at me.

2022-10-14 Do not Intentionally offend others due to your biases, beliefs, assumptions, or lack of knowledge. …

2022-10-14 I miss working/teaching mainframes and programming. Too bad I can’t experience all my parallel …

2022-10-14 Things I’d like to write: romance/rom-con cozy mystery horror SF I have bits and pieces in my …

2022-10-14 “There is nothing there.” “Then why are we going?” “To find out.” “…” “A boring life is a good …

2022-10-14 “You are allowed to complain if your casket is not the perfect fit.” #writing

2022-10-14 Observed: Woman ordered pasta with tomato sauce and added a ton of sugar on top. My education kicked …

2022-10-14 “Money buys privilege. Money buys access. Money buys influence. Money buys power. Money is great for …

2022-10-14 If you are worried about building followers and making money, you aren’t worried about what you …

2022-10-14 Is the term “shanghaid” racist nowadays? I’m going to assume it is, and should be. #racism

2022-10-14 Grr! The #naanowrimo site still doesn’t have an API and got rid of the poor one they had. I guess …

2022-10-14 I just figured out how much I have to write and for how long in order to hit my 100K world goal …

2022-10-14 “He groveled in front of her. Hers was the life he wanted. He was conflicted.” #writing …

2022-10-14 If you don’t enjoy your life, fix it. Don’t try to fix others’ hoping yours will improve. #life …

2022-10-14 I winnow what I want to accomplish. I don’t winnow what I want to attempt. #life #succss

2022-10-14 If you worry you will fail, you will succeed. Everyone fails. It’s not important at that you fail, …

2022-10-14 Next week will be full of personal/family stuff again.

2022-10-14 I need to be more sarcastic.

2022-10-14 I have apples. I think I want to make an apple crisp. Apples are fine, but I can’t eat more than 1 …

2022-10-14 In a true democracy, political parties would be illegal. Consolidation of power is not democratic. …

2022-10-14 Did some minor updates to the writing website this morning. I like RapidWeaver, but I wish I could …

2022-10-14 Sometimes, you have to get away from your project and attack something new, if only to clear your …

2022-10-14 “Life is time consuming.” #writing #life

2022-10-14 Pumpkin pie tiramisu should be a thing.

2022-10-14 It’s a gorgeous warm autumnal day here. Glad I decided to eat lunch out.

2022-10-14 It’s Friday. Slide into the weekend.

2022-10-14 Coding done. I guess I should eat and do some free-writing. #writing

2022-10-14 “Never become a legend. Doing so, usually involves your death or those of others.” #writing

2022-10-14 The purpose of training is to build habits. #life #success

2022-10-14 Happy National FRUMP Day Apparently, FRUMP stands for: frugal, responsible, unpretentious, and …

2022-10-14 Hm. Phila sports teams are warm this year.

2022-10-14 Good morning, all. Find solace in the small things. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-13 Be kind to yourself. Tomorrow is Friday.

2022-10-13 OK. That’s enough editing for one day. I should eat something.

2022-10-13 Time for a break from editing. I’m beginning not to see the sand for the beach. #writing #editing

2022-10-13 Happy International Day for Failure

2022-10-13 I’ve been trying to avoid delving into publishers in Swift. Oh well, I knew this day would …

2022-10-13 You’re not dead yet. What do you regret not doing? Me? More travel, although I did a ton on …

2022-10-13 Hello. Keep promises–even to yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-12 If you need to waste your life, waste your time. #life

2022-10-12 Final rewrite pass done. Tomorrow I’ll do a quick grammar pass-through. For now, I get to relax. …

2022-10-12 “While there is life, there is death.” #writing

2022-10-12 “Tap tap tap. Tap tap–tap tap. Tap. Tap… tap-tap-tap. Tap… “ me editing. #editing

2022-10-12 A review of my C3 Anthology story.


2022-10-12 I can’t believe that after all these years, the iPhone keyboard still doesn’t have an integrated …

2022-10-12 Don’t ask managers and developers to do marketing. That’s the marketing department’s job. Let people …

2022-10-12 Happy International Moment of Frustration Day

2022-10-12 It feels like allergy season is kicking in. #netde

2022-10-12 Good morning, world. Distinguish between criticism and abuse. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-11 Plan for tomorrow: iOS finish this editing pass house stuff eating reading play some games.

2022-10-11 Find the problems before they find you. #life #productivity #success

2022-10-11 OK. 10 scenes left to edit/rewrite. I should be able to get this editing pass done tomorrow. For …

2022-10-11 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-11 I keep getting spam calls from “Readersmagnet” trying to promote my books. It’s obvious they didn’t …

2022-10-11 Each of us has a level or responsibility to others. #life #success

2022-10-11 Errands done. Late lunch consumed. Back to editing.

2022-10-11 Happy Kraken Day

2022-10-11 Value your time. Value your efforts Value your failures. Value yourself. #life

2022-10-11 I fixed a few things in my old writing app. I edited several more scenes. Time for some errands. …


2022-10-11 Read to educate yourself, not just to escape from the world. #life #books #reading #success

2022-10-11 Good morning, all. Celebrate others' accomplishments and they will celebrate yours. Time for the …

2022-10-10 I feel I accomplished what I set out to do today. Well, the important stuff, at least.

2022-10-10 I guess I should start thinking about a cover for my Watsonian novel. #writing

2022-10-10 Plan for tomorrow: edit cook eat errands

2022-10-10 It’s not a spoiler to say that everyone dies at the end.

2022-10-10 Dinner was a chicken sandwich on home made oat bread. Nothing fancy, but good.

2022-10-10 “Belief never solves anything. Action does.” #life

2022-10-10 OK. Good day of editing. I see the finish line. It’s out there on the horizon, somewhere. #writing …

2022-10-10 OK. I took a quick break from editing to back-sweeten a batch of #mead. Tastes great now. Should be …

2022-10-10 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-10 “Sometimes They Go Pop in the Night” should be a title. #writing #prompt

2022-10-10 I’m listening to a randomized playlist as I edit and the best Halloween song popped up. It must …

2022-10-10 “Your greed is a weakness you cannot strengthen. Your lust is a passion you cannot slake. Your …

2022-10-10 Why is it when I edit, I get ideas for lines that have nothing to do with what I’m editing. Oh well. …

2022-10-10 “Why do I have to feel your hate? You believe what you give. Your mind, your heart, and your love …

2022-10-10 If you fail to encourage acceptable behavior, you will end up with bad behavior. #life

2022-10-10 Hm. Why does it take a full day to update the firmware/software in my car? It doesn’t even take that …


2022-10-10 “How’d you like to make a few extra bucks?” “Who do I have to kill?” …

2022-10-10 I’m beginning to look forward to #nanowrimo. I’m looking forward to beginning book 1 of …

2022-10-10 Wait! diBrunos has a Philly soft pretzel club? Ack! $$$ >sob<… …

2022-10-10 We are all humans in-training. All training takes work. Many choose not to put in the effort. #life

2022-10-10 “Do not hurt where holding is enough; Do not wound where hurting is enough; Do not maim where …

2022-10-10 I just remembered that Stage Manager works on Macs. Finally turned it on. Yay! #mac #stagemanger

2022-10-10 “She catered to the elite with their fluffy pampered poodles and chained Rottweilers. She …

2022-10-10 You only have two weeks to find a cement mixer full of human blood. What do you do? #writing #prompt …

2022-10-10 Happy Powers of 10 Day

2022-10-10 Winter is here. It’s 45ºF this morning. #netde

2022-10-10 Yo! It’s Monday. Hunker down and get it done. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-09 I’m always somewhere.

2022-10-09 Plan for tomorrow: edit eat

2022-10-09 It’s a relatively calm day.


2022-10-09 Photo up. #photography

2022-10-09 Happy Curious Events Day

2022-10-09 Hello. It’s your last chance to do absolutely nothing all day this weekend. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-10-08 If you act based on how you feel, you are reacting and not making decisions. #life

2022-10-08 Hm. Feeling “off” after lunch. Or maybe it’s just the flu vax kicking in not sure.

2022-10-08 I should go to the local farm and get some apples an butternut squash…Monday.

2022-10-08 “The pedestrian killed was wearing dark clothing and did not appear to be possessed.” #writing …

2022-10-08 Anyone else tired of hearing about Star Wars and spin-offs like “Role of the Rebellion?” I am. Flame …

2022-10-08 Never trust someone who pronounces dog as “dawg”.

2022-10-08 “Dogs bite him. Cute girls hate him. He was a loner looking for his soul. The most intoxicating film …

2022-10-08 People keep calling me about turning the “Last Call” into a movie. I never respond. #writing

2022-10-08 Still hungry. Just ordered a whisky burger (no coconut).

2022-10-08 Cold weather food

2022-10-08 I want to get the Watsonian novel done next week. I need to regroup before #nanowrimo

2022-10-08 Crab bisque. Perfect for eating outside.

2022-10-08 If someone tells you they don’t care, take them at their word. #life #failure

2022-10-08 Just heard someone ask: “What whiskeys do you have.” Bartender begins a list. “Do you have coconut …

2022-10-08 I shoulda coulda worn a jacket.

2022-10-08 The restaurant is empty-a cold wind will do that. I don’t mind not having noise but I do my best …

2022-10-08 3334 words per day this #nanowrimo. 100K goal. The site only allows for a 50K goal as far as I can …

2022-10-08 I’m doing a bit of free writing outside before lunch. I’m not ready for snow.

2022-10-08 It’s a chilly day. Cold with the wind. I guess I won’t get much editing done outside. I’ll just grab …

2022-10-08 The sun is out and the temperatures are moderate. This will probably be the last nice day for a long …

2022-10-08 Just thing, children are growing up wanting to be content creators.

2022-10-08 Welcome to the weekend. The real one, not the singer. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-07 Plan for tomorrow: edit eat seafood get outside before it snows.

2022-10-07 So what are you dressing up as for Halloween? Or are you going undressed?

2022-10-07 It’s Friday eve. I just cracked open a bottle of my mint Kolsch. Yum. This is a keeper. #beer

2022-10-07 I plan on having a somewhat average day tomorrow.

2022-10-07 If you’re plannning on doing #nanowrimo, feel free to follow/friend me on there.

2022-10-07 I’m not sure what scares me more: that Life magazine still exists or Harry Potter is on the cover in …

2022-10-07 Flu shot achieved. +1 to Health.

2022-10-07 Magazine stand at the pharmacy. I’m not sure what this says about civilization in this country.

2022-10-07 I hated pumpkin pie growing up. I tolerate it as an adult. Mature pumpkin is better than childish …

2022-10-07 Set fire to your imagination.

2022-10-07 Is all humor wordplay? I’m not talking about comedy or slapstick. Just humor. #humor #writing

2022-10-07 Marketing is about riding around with with the windows open blaring hip hop at 139 dB. It’s not …


2022-10-07 Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make them biased.

2022-10-07 I love people who park/stand in the fire lane of a grocery store because they feel they are …

2022-10-07 It’s time to slide the sluice to the weekend. I’m not sure what I’ll do during the next two days, …

2022-10-07 A secret is only a secret if you don’t tell someone. #life #failure

2022-10-07 Just because you are advancing or making progress, you don’t know where you are going. I’ve yet to …

2022-10-07 If you offer beliefs and experience in the guise of education or training you won’t offer/live-up-to …

2022-10-07 Remember when Tampa Bay was part of an ocean?

2022-10-07 If there is an internet, where is the outernet?

2022-10-07 Anyone remember when Mexican jumping beans were a thing in the back of comics? I read comics for the …

2022-10-07 I’m mind-dumping. It’s what I do. My mind is too small to hold every idea and concept it generates. …

2022-10-07 Children should be taught objective morality in grade school. Parents never do. Flame on! …

2022-10-07 Is anyone actually at work and being productive today? It’s Friday. I remember Fridays at work…

2022-10-07 “The onus is not on us.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-07 “I want to live. I want to feel the air kiss my cheek. I want to smell the fishy smell of the ocean. …

2022-10-07 What’s the joke that broke you?

2022-10-07 When you see the creature crawl over your door-cam and wonder if it’s worth opening the door to find …

2022-10-07 Practice makes better, not perfect. If you’d practiced enough, you would know that. #life #success

2022-10-07 I should start/rrevive some sourdough. It’s that time of year–cold. A hot oven and the aroma of …

2022-10-07 It always surprises me when #nanowrimo sneaks up on me only to slap me in the face with a dead fish. …

2022-10-07 “It’s a warm autumnal day begging for me to go out and stalk someone. But, I’m a cold person.” …

2022-10-07 What if you only died when you ran out of stories to tell? #writing #prompt

2022-10-07 A productive morning. Afternoon full of errands. Sentence fragments for the win.

2022-10-07 Remember the “good old days” when ads were about “4 out of 5 doctors reccommend”? Now it’s about …

2022-10-07 What’s more important? What you learn or the takeaway? #training #education

2022-10-07 Life is just a real-time montage.

2022-10-07 “Funny thing is. Funny thing was. It’s no longer funny.” #writing

2022-10-07 I still want to write something humorous/funny, or a parody people will understand. I’ve got a 4 …

2022-10-07 Society is/are the lemmings. Lemmings need some one to follow. It’s more important to know where you …

2022-10-07 Never throw out an idea just because someone tells you to. Just because they hate yours doesn’t mean …

2022-10-07 “She gasped at the sight of him. He was as she had dreamt him: short, ugly, and mean. She hoped he …

2022-10-07 I’ve been struggling to come up with a good enough conspiracy around which to base my WIP. Then it …

2022-10-07 Why do you do what you do? Money and power are never a valid answer. I’ve always done what made me …

2022-10-07 This story is still a bit messy, but I’m feeling good about how it’s coming together and my ability …

2022-10-07 It’s time to eat and edit.

2022-10-07 Writing is about bringing order to your mind. #writing

2022-10-07 Happy National LED Day I remember getting one of the first available LEDs from HP in the 1970s. It …

2022-10-07 Good morning. Bask in the sun of Friday. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-06 What’s an old man’s genre? #writing #books

2022-10-06 Anyone remember the iTunes Music Festival? What ever happened with that? #apple #music

2022-10-06 Happy National Badger Day … we don’t need no stinkin' badgers.

2022-10-06 OK. I’m registered for @philcon

2022-10-06 OK. I’m registered for #mdc3con 2023

2022-10-06 … and not the world you want.

2022-10-06 Hello. Hello. Hello. We’ve almost made it. Show up. Push through. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-10-05 Happy Global James Bond Day @raymondbenson

2022-10-05 I’m rethinking the internal design of my writing app. It never ends. #ios

2022-10-05 Good morning. Joy and happiness, just like sorrow and despair, are not something that are outside of …

2022-10-04 I’m winding down the day here. It’s my job. Plan for tomorrow: iOS editing/writing/planning Python …

2022-10-04 “Some dude in a leather hoodie, expensive shoes, and wearing a ton of gold rings showed up after I …

2022-10-04 It doesn’t feel like we’re going to get an October Apple Event. #ios #mac #apple

2022-10-04 Tomorrow will be better. Unless it isn’t. That’s how it goes.

2022-10-04 Is anyone scared that Halloween is just a couple of weeks away?

2022-10-04 Time to make some soup for lunch.

2022-10-04 I’m not sure what this means…

2022-10-04 I love the new Photo Shuffle feature for the lock screen in #ios 16

2022-10-04 I just changed the title of my Watsonian novel. It’s better. #writing #watson #holmes

2022-10-04 Happy International Toot Your Flute Day

2022-10-04 “Be the person you would love to be.” #life #success

2022-10-04 “There are no ancient evils; only the ones we don’t want to confront.” #writing


2022-10-04 I’m going to have another easy day today. It’s pouring rain. It’s cold. It’s a soup kind of day. I …

2022-10-04 Good morning. Showing up every day requires discipline. Show up. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-03 What is your top productivity tip? Mine is: “Do mind dumps, to keep your mind clear for new ideas.” …

2022-10-03 ‘Imagine the worst that could happen. Now double it. You only die once.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-03 Life takes practice and learning from mistakes. #life #success

2022-10-03 There is kindness in the world. Kindness isn’t a zero-sum game. Give it freely. #life #success

2022-10-03 “The problem with prophets is they tend to die, or be killed. The smart ones keep their mouth shut.” …

2022-10-03 Just because someone else has climbed your mountain doesn’t mean you can’t too. Just learn from the …

2022-10-03 “The guppies gathered graciously about their God. Then they ate him.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-03 My book “Scavenger Hunt” was written to answer a question,I had. What if a book had two opposing …


2022-10-03 Intent is personal force. #life #success

2022-10-03 I’m beginning to think “Lower Decks” is a parody of ST and not meant to be serious. It’s still not …

2022-10-03 Happy Mean Girls Appreciation Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-10-03 I don’t like how my iOS writing app has stalled due to #xcode issues. I also think it’s too …

2022-10-03 During #nanowrimo I’ll work on my WIP. 100K words in a month? I’ll remember to breathe. It should be …

2022-10-03 My takeaway from Raymond Benson’s keynote: Some days a door slams shut. Some days a door never …

2022-10-03 Never underestimate your worth. Never overestimate your worth. Balance in all things. #life #success

2022-10-03 I got my iPhone Pro today, after ordering a non-pro by accident months ago. It’s all set up now. The …

2022-10-03 I edited 5 more scenes while waiting for lunch. 40 more to go. Slow progress, but it is progress. …

2022-10-03 “Don’t hurt me. You wouldn’t like me if you hurt me.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-10-03 Gah! It’s almost noon. Time to forage for food in a feeding frenzy and do some editing. I have …

2022-10-03 The Morning After C3… #writing #mdc3con @terrybrooks @raymondbenson …

2022-10-03 Good morning. Appreciate all you’ve accomplished. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-10-02 It’s going to be a week full of rain and despair. Hopefully, that means i can get a lot done.

2022-10-02 Don’t make life more complicated than it needs to be. Just do the right thing and you’ll be happier …

2022-10-02 Don’t impress people you are trying to be like or whom you want attention from. Impress those you …

2022-10-02 Anyone else ever wonder why books are square/rectangular instead of some other shape? #writing …

2022-10-02 Happy National Name Your Car Day

2022-10-02 Thank you to all the #mdc3con organizers, authors, and guests for another great conf. #writing …

2022-10-02 Now that I have #mdc3con under my belt for the year, I need to find a good #ios #mac dev conf to go …

2022-10-02 OK. I’m back home after #mdc3con. Pouring rain here; the drive wasn’t too bad. Time to decompress, …

2022-10-02 Time to head home.

2022-10-02 It looks like we got slimed. #mdc3con

2022-10-02 So what’s everyone been doing this weekend? Anything fun, exciting, or noteworthy?

2022-10-02 Good morning. If your happiness is tied to your goals, you will never be happy. Time for the …

2022-10-01 Failure is always an option if you give up. #life #success

2022-10-01 I wonder what I’ve missed on my streams…

2022-10-01 Monday, I’ll have to get back to editing my Watsonian novel, and get back to iOS development. I need …

2022-10-01 Back in the room to unwind from an amazing day. I met a couple of authors I’ve known about but never …

2022-10-01 People hanging out at the bar. It’s getting loud. #mdc3con

2022-10-01 Raymond Benson keynote at dinner. #writing @raymondbenson #mdc3con

2022-10-01 I’ve hit the jackpot. I’m sitting between @terrybrooks and @raymondbenson at the book signing. …

2022-10-01 No, I didn’t get any editing or writing done today… #writing #mdc3con

2022-10-01 I keep forgetting its Saturday. I keep thinking it’s Friday. A dark hotel atrium and a conference …

2022-10-01 I’ll have to recap the conference next week sometime.

2022-10-01 Day 2 is drawing to a close. One panel, book signings, and dinner are left. #mdc3con #writing

2022-10-01 It’s a dark and stormy day here at #mdc3con. My introvert reserve energy is draining fast. Panels …

2022-10-01 Writing Female Protagonists panel #writing #mdc3con

2022-10-01 My panel on writing with partners. #mdc3con

2022-10-01 I’m trying to wake up at breakfast. I have a panel to moderate. Maybe I’ll just have everyone just …

2022-10-01 Good morning. Focus is not the same as concentration. Both serve different purposes. Time for the …

2022-09-30 Exhausted. Woke at 2AM. Conference all day. Met a lot of people and went to some good panels. Had …

2022-09-30 Hanging out at Noir at the Bar. #mdc3con

2022-09-30 @terrybrooks at #mdc3con

2022-09-30 Dinner at #mdc3con

2022-09-30 Waiting for food #mdc3con

2022-09-30 @terrybrooks #books #mdc3con

2022-09-30 It’s going to be a long day #noiratthebar #mdc3con

2022-09-30 Books galore. #mdc3con #writing

2022-09-30 Taking a break pre-dinner. Great people at this conf, as always. #writing #mdc3con

2022-09-30 Book haul so far (not including the Terry Brooks) #books #mdc3con L

2022-09-30 Next up: James Bond panel with Raymond Benson. #mdc3con #writing

2022-09-30 Panel on when you’re blocked/drained. #mdc3con #writing

2022-09-30 Scored the 1st copy. He hadn’t even seen the final copy. #writing #terrybrooks

2022-09-30 And I made it into the anthology. #mdc3con

2022-09-30 They have an author bingo this year. #mdc3con

2022-09-30 Happy Ask A Stupid Question Day

2022-09-30 #life

2022-09-30 I woke up at 2AM. It’s going to be one of those days. Glad I don’t have any panels today.

2022-09-30 Good morning. Meet someone new today. Don’t kill them. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-29 It’s time to call it a day. I think I’ll call it Wedfriday.

2022-09-29 Pre dinner chat with author-folk at #mdc3con #writing

2022-09-29 People are stumbling in for #mdc3con. Some familiar and not-so familiar faces.

2022-09-29 Things open up at 5. I think I can make it. #food

2022-09-29 Ok. I’m checked into the hotel. Time to find some food and do some editing. May have to forego lunch …

2022-09-29 I just set up this year’s project on the #NaNoWriMo site. Last year, I set a goal of 80K words in 30 …

2022-09-29 Happy Goose Day

2022-09-29 I’ll be at #mdc3con later today. I’ll be hanging out either at the bar or restaurant …

2022-09-29 Hm. Weird idea for #micro and #twitter. Integrate calendar and reminder events into the personal and …

2022-09-29 DarkSky is going dark.

2022-09-29 Finishing stuff here before I head out to #mdc3con later today.

2022-09-29 Finishing stuff here before I head out to #mdc3con later today.

2022-09-29 Hm #inktober is coming. I have no artistic ability due to my aphantasia; I can’t even draw a …

2022-09-29 Well it sounds like what remains of Ian will move through here over the weekend.

2022-09-29 “Don’t rush through life to the end like a book. Life has a story, but we all …

2022-09-29 Good morning, all. Be compassionate. That is all. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-28 I guess I’ll end up buying a ton of books this weekend. #mdc3con

2022-09-28 The next few days will be full of Creatures, Crime, and Creativity. I guess I should stoke up some …

2022-09-28 Limit your scope in all things. #life #success

2022-09-28 Familiarity breeds simplicity. That is, things that you are familiar with appear simple. #life …

2022-09-28 I’m not ready for October. What happened to September?

2022-09-28 Deciding whether I should take the mini or iPadPro to C3. I want to do some editing.

2022-09-28 Do the right thing first. Do the hard thing first. The hard thing is also usually the right thing. …

2022-09-28 Yup. This ink definitely glistens.

2022-09-28 We don’t need heroes. We don’t need superheroes. We just need people to do the right thing.”

2022-09-28 Time to switch it up. Sailor Lecoule Fire Stone (MF) with Colorverse Felicitte Glistening …

2022-09-28 OK. I’m all packed and ready for C3. #mdc3con


2022-09-28 Happy Fish Tank Floorshow Night. Yes, this is actually a thing. You and your friends put on a song …

2022-09-28 Good morning. Don’t bond with your emotions. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-27 Need to finish stuff up before C3.

2022-09-27 “An introvert is just an extrovert that thinks before he speaks.”

2022-09-27 It doesn’t matter if you fail. What matters is if you give up before even trying. #life #success

2022-09-27 I’m seeing the light at the end of the editing tunnel. I need to think about one reveal. Is it too …

2022-09-27 Time for a late lunch and more editing.

2022-09-27 “Make sure you don’t focus your energy at the tip of your blade. Spread your energies around.” …

2022-09-27 What if you took over the world, and no one cared? #writing #prompt

2022-09-27 The Creatures, Crime, and Creativity Conference is two days away. Need to get ready today. I’m …

2022-09-27 “Humor is subtle like a dagger between the ribs, comedy is a grenade to the face.” …

2022-09-27 Happy National Crush a Can Day

2022-09-27 “Keep music in your heart and a drink in your liver.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-27 Good morning. Make time for your friends and family. If you won’t someone else will. Time for …

2022-09-26 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python edit write read pack for C3

2022-09-26 Today was acceptably productive.

2022-09-26 Do people still write real letters and send real thank you cards? They seem like an anachronism …

2022-09-26 “What book changed your life?” “The one my dad hit me upside the head with.” #books

2022-09-26 “May your shredded body never be found.”

2022-09-26 Happy Situational Awareness Day

2022-09-26 Hello. If all you are only concerned about your own welfare, you will be the only one who is. Time …

2022-09-25 It feels like Murphy is planning something.

2022-09-25 It’s a nice day. I’m sitting outside editing. It’s slow and painful work, but I’m progressing.

2022-09-25 If you don’t believe someone deserves human rights, you don’t think someone is human. What are you …

2022-09-25 I want an Apple/iOS/Mac conference in the tri-state (PA/MD/DE/VA ;) ) area. #ios #mac #apple #conf

2022-09-25 “I killed my mother today. She kept telling me to make my bed. It was already built. She was …

2022-09-25 Machines don’t learn. They find patterns. Flame on!

2022-09-25 This is the week of the Creatures, Crime, and Creativity Conf. C4. It’s going to be explosive. …

2022-09-25 What’s worse? Being an overt racist or someone who doesn’t know/understand they are racist? #racism …

2022-09-25 Team Broccoli or Team Asparagus?

2022-09-25 I’m finding good and bad as I edit. I guess I’m being objective. #writing #editing

2022-09-25 “No one pays the Piper. He doesn’t charge.” #writing

2022-09-25 There is plotting and pantsing. Then there is plodding as you edit. #writing #editing

2022-09-25 September is almost over. What? Already?

2022-09-25 “It was like someone had thrown a switch. The greens of summer flicked to the browns and oranges of …

2022-09-25 It’s time for some wings and editing.

2022-09-25 Happy Binge Day

2022-09-25 Good morning, all. Don’t get in your own way of being compassionate to those in need. Time for …

2022-09-24 This is bad. I never saw such wurst.

2022-09-24 It just hit me that November, and therefore NaNoWriMo, is about a month away. I have no idea what …

2022-09-24 If there is a Paramount network, why isn’t there a Paramour network?

2022-09-24 Anyone remember “Hunt the Wumpus” or “Towers of Hanoi”? Do people still learn to code with them? …

2022-09-24 Cheddar broccoli soup consumed. It feels like fall.

2022-09-24 We haven’t had a major iWork redesign/rethink in years. It’s time. I’d settle for a complete rework …

2022-09-24 I’m not feeling creative this week. This headache isn’t helping today. Nothing major. Just a …

2022-09-24 It looks like PEZ are still a thing, and people actually collect them… No, this is not an …

2022-09-24 Photo up: #photography

2022-09-24 I should get some butternut squash after C3.

2022-09-24 It’s a soup kind of autumnal day.

2022-09-24 Haptic keyboard on iPhone. Haptic keyboard on iPad? Next step would be the ability to use one iPad …

2022-09-24 Happy Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving to those who celebrate.

2022-09-24 Gah it’s like something turned off the sun. It went from the 90s into the 50s in the space of two …

2022-09-24 Good morning. Relax. Breathe. Drink water. Enjoy the day. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-23 Anyone recreating tomorrow?

2022-09-23 I wonder what I should do tomorrow…

2022-09-23 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead.

2022-09-23 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-23 Are PEZ candy dispensers still a thing? Not sure why I thought of them.


2022-09-23 Happy National Checkers Day A) Do people still play checkers? B) Do kids even know what checkers …

2022-09-23 Good morning. Reorganize your work desk today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-22 “If you want to be the center of attention, make sure you’re ok with being the target.” #writing

2022-09-22 I must be getting old. The only acts I’ve heard of that are appearing at the Firefly Music Festival …

2022-09-22 Happy Chainmail Day

2022-09-22 Working on not enough sleep today.

2022-09-22 Good morning. Be civil to everyone. Trust those who deserve it. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-21 I’m slowly decompressing after yesterday. Tomorrow, it’s back to the grind.

2022-09-21 Well, it’s the first day of autumn in this neck of the woods. I guess it’s time to drag out the …

2022-09-21 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-21 Sometimes you have to throw something silly into a novel just to remain sane. #writing #humor

2022-09-21 Happy National Pecan Cookie Day

2022-09-21 Time to switch it up. Kaweco Sport Cyan LE (B) with Iroshizuku Ajisai. #fountainpen @gouletpens

2022-09-21 It’s ok if you don’t know what you’re doing as long as you learn along the way. #life #success


2022-09-21 Cooked up a chicken breast and some sweet potato for lunch. I feel almost human.

2022-09-21 “Privilege of Assassins” should be a title #writing

2022-09-21 Back home again.

2022-09-21 Sitting in Starbucks and doing some free-writing while I wait for rush hour to subside.

2022-09-21 Good morning. Meet someone in their experience. Time for the ceremonial coffee

2022-09-20 Writing code doesn’t make you a programmer. Flame on!

2022-09-20 Next week, the Creatures, Crime, and Creativity Conference comes around again. #mdc3con

2022-09-20 Tomorrow is the first day of autumn here. Ugh. This year is sliding down the chute toward the …

2022-09-20 Plan for tomorrow: iOS? edit write cook read Python? house stuff

2022-09-20 Well, I got a decent amount done, editing-wise. It was not a fun day overall, however. I hope to get …

2022-09-20 “Release the crackers!”

2022-09-20 “It says something about you and your religion when you use the name of your god as a curse which …

2022-09-20 Hackbraten #food A

2022-09-20 “Kill the dog. It gets you reviews. ‘Old Yeller’ crippled writers for generations afterward.” …

2022-09-20 “He was bored and hungry. Lettuce and a sandwich wouldn’t do, so he sliced the chef and ate him.” …

2022-09-20 Don’t regret what you didn’t do. Regret what you did. #life

2022-09-20 Time for food. I’m going with the Hackbraten. #food #writing

2022-09-20 I’m improving as a writer. However; I’m still finding flaws and issues, but the story itself holds …

2022-09-20 Latest scam text. Desperate for guests. #writing

2022-09-20 Now I get to eat and write.

2022-09-20 Happy Gibberish Day

2022-09-20 Rough day today. Family stuff. Time to de-stress and find some food and write later.


2022-09-20 I wish Hope and Cosby had done a movie called “On the Road to Mordor”. #movie

2022-09-20 Good morning. If you have desire, you don’t need motivation. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-19 Plan for tomorrow: family stuff errands editing maybe eating, if I have time.

2022-09-19 So, riding someone out “on a rail” was actually a thing. I thought it was just a US western saying. …

2022-09-19 Time to relax. More chapters handled. Some of them are pretty good. #writing #editing

2022-09-19 Errands run. Time to get editing.

2022-09-19 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-19 3rd booster attained +2 to Health

2022-09-19 “I’m not surprised people pray for bad people. They pray for their sports team to win, …

2022-09-19 When writing, make sure you include all five sensory experiences. We live in a sensory world. …

2022-09-19 Happy Meow Like a Pirate Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-09-19 Good morning. Keep your chin up or might run smack into a wall. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-18 Plan for tomorrow: COVID booster errands editing

2022-09-18 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-18 Good morning. Spend or waste your time wisely. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-17 Apparently, Star Wars has “jumped the shark”. They’re putting light sabers on watermelons now. …

2022-09-17 I’m seeing art and models of Star Trek ships “at scale”, say 1/150. But if I magnify the image 150 …

2022-09-17 “Do not disparage kale, the king of vegetables, unless ye are one.”

2022-09-17 Decent, albeit, non productive day. Maybe tomorrow.

2022-09-17 Photo up: #photography

2022-09-17 Fun writer’s panel at Bear, DE library with @weldonburge, @ascamacho, @cgbauer, Joanne Reinbold, …

2022-09-17 Time to switch it up. Lamy Aion Dark Green SE (F) with Colorverse Dist Storm #fountainpen …

2022-09-17 Happy Time’s Up Day

2022-09-17 Good morning. Open your mind to possibility. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-16 Plan for tomorrow: code edit other stuff to be determined.

2022-09-16 Never seen a dogwood fruit like this. Used to the other kind. #plants #botany

2022-09-16 Gorgeous day. The sun is hotter than it should be.

2022-09-16 Apple Maps needs a “when will they get here” feature to predict when you should expect someone …

2022-09-16 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-16 Happy Wrinkled Raincoat Day.

2022-09-16 Oh well. Missed the iPhone delivery while I’m enjoying the day.

2022-09-16 I seem to do my best editing/rewriting when I’m on vacation. I’m plowing through chapters. Time for …

2022-09-16 Gonna have breakfast, then sit outside and do more editing. Later this afternoon a bike ride across …

2022-09-16 Good morning all. We have made it to the point in the week for which we all work for. Time for the …

2022-09-15 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-15 Plan for tomorrow: edit read ride the bike

2022-09-15 Your best won’t be consistent. Each day you will have to discover your best. #life #success

2022-09-15 Relaxing day. Not an overly productive one, however. Glad I got out.

2022-09-15 Supposedly blackened grouper.

2022-09-15 Just spotted a man and woman )husband and wife?) that look like the perfect sniper/spotter team. …

2022-09-15 Never trust a salesperson who claims, “You’re a good salesperson.”

2022-09-15 The surest way to solve every problem is to destroy everything. That’s why there are so many …

2022-09-15 If you are unsure, you will stumble. If you are sure, you will stumble. Which would you prefer, …

2022-09-15 “Racists never win.” #writing #humor

2022-09-15 Watch. Listen. Understand. Get inspired. #life #writing #success

2022-09-15 I think I have a better/more accurate title for my Watsonian novel: “The Singular Case of the Three …

2022-09-15 It’s a weird world. That’s what make stories. #writing

2022-09-15 Never trust stupid angry men. ancient proverb I just made up

2022-09-15 Overheard: “Tequila makes me stronger and better looking.” #writing #character

2022-09-15 Chatting with the Sierra Nevada rep about hops and climate change. #beer

2022-09-15 If you need motivation, you just don’t want to. #life #success

2022-09-15 “What criminal enterprise should I start?” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-15 Hanging out and free-writing. Didn’t want a fountainpen put in the sun. @supernote

2022-09-15 “Heroes are just cowards who are afraid to die.” #writing

2022-09-15 Editing by the water is comforting. #writing #editing

2022-09-15 “The curse of life is the belief that there is more.” #writing

2022-09-15 Just because someone isn’t important to you doesn’t mean you aren’t important to them. Don’t …


2022-09-15 “God yawned. ‘A bored mind is a dangerous mind and must be controlled by physical …

2022-09-15 Happy Someday Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-09-15 I’m going to take a day trip and go bike riding. I don’t want to waste the gorgeous …

2022-09-15 Hello. Lose your fear, gain control. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-14 Do something that brings you joy tomorrow.

2022-09-14 Well maybe my new iPhone will fix the issues with XCode, he said to himself knowing full well that …

2022-09-14 Break time. 10 more scenes reworked/edited.

2022-09-14 Who’s having fun today? Who want’s to share their fun?

2022-09-14 “Stupid people aren’t very creative. Any idea is an epiphany to them and they believe they are the …

2022-09-14 You don’t need to be funny to be humorous.

2022-09-14 “I never met an honest pillow salesperson. If you need to be a pillow salesman, you couldn’t find a …

2022-09-14 “My old mum used to say, the older you get the less friction you put up with, therefore, you slip …

2022-09-14 “How do you feel about people laughing at you?” “I’m fine with people laughing at me. It proves that …

2022-09-14 I need a spritz of sanity.

2022-09-14 I’m not a perfectionist, but I keep making changes and improvements to my Watsonian novel. I think I …

2022-09-14 Happy National Eat a Hoagie Day. No, not a sub, or hero, or any number of other sandwiches. A …

2022-09-14 It’s time to start considering maybe thinking about lunch sometime.

2022-09-14 Good morning all. Look for opportunities to be kind throughout the day. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-09-13 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python edit/rewrite house stuff eat/free-write

2022-09-13 Do you know what you’re doing?

2022-09-13 It’s ok to keep failing as long as you get better at it. #life #success


2022-09-13 So, maybe we’ll get a Mac Dynamic Island during the October reveal? #mac

2022-09-13 Don’t fix the process. Fix the institution/management that drives the process which ignores or …

2022-09-13 Happy National Ants on a Log Day

2022-09-13 I guess I’m not doing any iOS dev work on my writing app today… I hate #XCode.

2022-09-13 Now this… using the simulator. I wish Apple had reliable developer tools. #xcode #failure #ios #mac

2022-09-13 Good morning. Be peaceful within yourself. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-12 “The 80/20 rule is the rule to rule them all.”

2022-09-12 I should come up with a system to clean/declutter the house. I don’t really need one, but it may be …

2022-09-12 “You deserve all the blood you spill.” #writing

2022-09-12 “When you speak to the dead speak softly, for you never want to wake them.” #writing


2022-09-12 Why isn’t tomorrow Friday, I keep asking myself. Then I have to answer, because everyone else says …

2022-09-12 Have you ever wondered if you sped up a Gregorian chant, whether it sounds like hip hop. Seems like …

2022-09-12 “I have no hope. I have no wishes. I have no beliefs. I act.” #life

2022-09-12 “What’s your PIN number?” “I don’t know it’s too small to read.”

2022-09-12 The ratio of how many times someone agrees with you vs. how many times you agree with others says a …

2022-09-12 I had a mental snort. It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard.

2022-09-12 If your goal in life is to be a troll, I have a bridge I want to sell.

2022-09-12 “Dead bodies found in ancient gravesite”. I’m not sure this is news.

2022-09-12 The sky is grumbly like your stomach after a full meal. The sky is about to retch, isn’t it? #netde

2022-09-12 “No one can tell me why survival of the species is a good thing. Don’t bring your speciest baggage …

2022-09-12 I think this will be a short week. Which is to say, I need a long weekend.

2022-09-12 I think I’m at the stage where I need to do another read-through and start wrapping this puppy up.

2022-09-12 Now I need to integrate the scene somewhere.

2022-09-12 I just added a new scene to my Watsonian novel. I had to fill a plot hole and expound on the …

2022-09-12 If you can’t be funny, be fun. If you can’t be fun, be funny. If you can’t be either, stay home.

2022-09-12 Home is where the hearth is.

2022-09-12 Hectic morning today. Time for lunch and writing. Had the cable company come out. Was having flaky …

2022-09-12 And now a word from our sponsor (me). “Buy a Book, Feed an Author.” We now return you to …

2022-09-12 I hate typos in the morning. Let’s try it again, why don’t we? “The more you recycle the same …

2022-09-12 Happy I’m On Top Of It Day

2022-09-12 The more you recycle the same thought in your mind, the more important is becomes an the less you …

2022-09-12 Good morning. It’s a new week. Do the best you can. That’s the most anyone can ask of …

2022-09-11 Fighting a massive pressure headache. Storm moving through.

2022-09-11 Photo up. #photography

2022-09-11 The time has come to eat ice cream.

2022-09-11 Lunch came out tasty. But now I have leftovers for months. I hate leftovers.

2022-09-11 Not sure why. Whenever I make dumplings per the recipes, I end up with a gob of extra filling, …

2022-09-11 Time to cook.

2022-09-11 Getting better at making wrapper skins #cooking

2022-09-11 It’s a dreary day outside.

2022-09-11 Making mandu. Components made. Dough is resting.

2022-09-11 Happy Make Your Bed Day Yes, it’s a thing.


2022-09-11 Good morning. Just because your environment is in turmoil, doesn’t mean you have to be. Time for the …

2022-09-10 Going thru a box of old stuff in the ‘grudge and I come across my old LAIT scores. Scary.

2022-09-10 I’m trying to decide what I should write for #NaNoWriMo this year. I have the current WIP (no, not …

2022-09-10 Take a deep breath. Don’t forget to let it out.

2022-09-10 I’m trying to accomplish stuff today, but failing.

2022-09-10 I think I’ll try making mandu (Korean dumplings) tomorrow.

2022-09-10 Happy Blame It On the Large Hadron Collider Day Yes, it’s a thing…

2022-09-10 Good morning. Be kind. Be patient. Be friendly. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-09 Do something fun tomorrow, they said. Get out and relax, they said. Life is short, they said. I’ll …

2022-09-09 In the future, hot dogs will be just as bad.

2022-09-09 How obnoxious do you plan on being tomorrow?

2022-09-09 “I was looking to hire an assassin, but the best I could do was to find a low-rent stand-up comic.” …

2022-09-09 Plan for tomorrow: beat the odds and have a great day.

2022-09-09 I feel I haven’t been accomplishing enough.

2022-09-09 Well, the day is ending. That’s something.

2022-09-09 So much for dinner. Pretty poor.

2022-09-09 Dessert grr frozen

2022-09-09 Happy Weekend #life #tao

2022-09-09 People change. Someone can grow to become the hero. They can then fall to become the antagonist. …

2022-09-09 “It’s never too late to die, Mr. Bond.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-09 Make the most of the little you have. ancient proverb I just made up

2022-09-09 I’m tempted to do my Gordon Ramsey imitation. “This chicken is DRY, you silly cow! Get out! Get out! …

2022-09-09 Ok. I’ve got a few questions for the panel I’m moderating for #mdc3con. I’m not going to be …

2022-09-09 “Days like today want me to return.”

2022-09-09 My stream is unconscious…

2022-09-09 If you want to ban books, you have to ban the internet, or control it. #warning #future

2022-09-09 I want to take cooking or baking classes. There are none in my area. #netde

2022-09-09 “You can’t have skilled people unless you train them.” The question to be begged is, why do you need …

2022-09-09 There is no future There is no past. There is no now. There is no time. That is why the human mind …

2022-09-09 I should look into the bivalent vaccine, now that it’s available. #covid

2022-09-09 If you’re not a nuisance or helping, no one notices. It is better to help.

2022-09-09 I don’t think they understand Sauerbraten. #food

2022-09-09 Be kind even though it is difficult. If you are kind to someone who isn’t they may be swayed to …

2022-09-09 “Hang out with people younger than you. Some day, they will replace you, and you may learn …

2022-09-09 When you have no friends. You grab any acquaintance you come across. ancient proverb I just made up …

2022-09-09 “Do you know what you’d like to drink?” “Water.” “I’d like a boiling pot of dung.” #writing …

2022-09-09 I’m not getting a lot rewriting done. Granted. I’m trying to work out a plot point by mind-dumping. …

2022-09-09 Observed: “She looked as if she had just come out of a car wash. Strange, but she was completely …

2022-09-09 The funnier you are, the more people expect you to be rich. ancient proverb I just made up

2022-09-09 I need a good Apple dev,Python, or MongoDB conference to go to that doesn’t involve driving more …

2022-09-09 Thank you, all who follow and put up with me and my posts. I’m honored to call some of you friends. …

2022-09-09 Pytest is cool. Just sayin’.

2022-09-09 “He cried like a schoolboy beset by a bully. But he was the bully beset by rats.” #writing …

2022-09-09 “Some people believe that life is about not letting go until you die. For me, memory transforms and …

2022-09-09 “Words are like an espada ropera: sharp, pointed, and meaningful.” #writing

2022-09-09 Mind-dumps are fun. They remove the clutter, freeing the consciousness for more important things.

2022-09-09 “Trust the system.” “I do. I just don’t trust the people running it.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-09 I like to bend a programming language to my will. Maybe that’s why #xcode hates me.

2022-09-09 “All the cool kids do it.” “That’s why it’s not hot.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-09 “Romance isn’t dead. It’s like chivalry. It’s behind the times. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t …

2022-09-09 Overheard; “I drink everything for free. I like having a buzz.” Seriously, someone brags about …

2022-09-09 “Humor isn’t for everyone. Many feel they need to be miserable, or outraged. That’s fine. For every …

2022-09-09 “Ideas are seeds waiting to grow. The more you have the more you should plant.” #writing

2022-09-09 “She wrapped her slender arms around me the way a python would. Nudge, nudge.” #writing …

2022-09-09 “Put down the knife. This is a grenade fight we’re going to.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-09 “I’m glad for another day; another chance to make new mistakes.” #life

2022-09-09 “The woman tumbled down the cliff onto the spray-covered rocks/ her scream echoed. ‘Holmes! You …

2022-09-09 Nibbage. #fountainpen @gouletpens

2022-09-09 “I want to fly.” “You can’t fly.” “But mommy says I can do anything I want.” “Ask your mommy to take …

2022-09-09 Simple isn’t always better, but most times it is. #life #success

2022-09-09 I’m rewriting more of my story than I had originally planned. I’m finding all sorts of issues and …

2022-09-09 Hunkering down to eat and write with a Citrus Mistress. #writing #beer

2022-09-09 It’s eatin’ time.

2022-09-09 Running errands this morning.

2022-09-09 Ancient medical/war implement being used in 2022

2022-09-09 Happy International Buy a Priest a Beer Day.

2022-09-09 Hello. Sometimes you have to let things happen. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-08 So, who do you plan on killing tomorrow? My plan for tomorrow: Errands iOS Python Writing

2022-09-08 PSA: The leaves are changing color here. Winter is coming. #netde

2022-09-08 Some days something just hits. I’ve been struggling with Japanese for years. Today, it hit me that …

2022-09-08 Everything has a cost whether you want to pay the price or not. #life

2022-09-08 I know not everyone liked her or the Monarchy. But she was a solid person. My condolensces.

2022-09-08 Have you ever found something that wasn’t lost?

2022-09-08 I brewed a small batch of mead while I ate lunch. Time to get back to work.

2022-09-08 “Life is bigger on the outside.” #life

2022-09-08 I can’t connect to my iPhone or iPad, iCloud refuses to sync on the simulators. The only thing that …

2022-09-08 Time for lunch. I started another read-through before doing more editing/rewriting. I’m slowly …

2022-09-08 Happy National Ampersand Day

2022-09-08 I just discovered that you can send a text file to the Books app. The text file is automatically …

2022-09-08 Isn’t it time we had a great blues song about programming? #music

2022-09-08 No one is above the law here, but some get a free pass.

2022-09-08 Life is a habit you practice every day. #life

2022-09-08 Hello. Today is a new day to prove them wrong. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-07 Expectations are a result of what promise either verbally or not. #life

2022-09-07 Got some good editing/rewriting done today. Got some coding done. Threw XCode in the trash…

2022-09-07 Ugh. Almost 7PM.

2022-09-07 It’s a dreary day in the Delaware neighborhood.

2022-09-07 So isn’t it time for a new Nintendo Switch? #nintendo

2022-09-07 Annoying people are those who try to convince you they have something worthwhile to say. #life …

2022-09-07 Yup. Talking to a satellite with a hand device is a tough nut to crack. Not only do you have power …

2022-09-07 You can’t save people who don’t want to be saved or who want to destroy everything. …

2022-09-07 Photo up: #photograpy

2022-09-07 Lunch consumed.

2022-09-07 More rain…

2022-09-07 I’m about to throw #xcode out the window. Anyone know how to resume iCloud synching in the …

2022-09-07 Truth.

2022-09-07 Good morning. Don’t allow others define who you are just because you don’t know who you are. Time …

2022-09-06 “You can’t be the person you were meant to be if you don’t know who you are.” #life

2022-09-06 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python editing cooking

2022-09-06 Happy Great Egg Toss Day

2022-09-06 So much for today’s plans. Kidney stone is acting up.

2022-09-06 Good morning. Being friendly and civil is good for everyone. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-05 Plan for tomorrow: family stuff write maybe ride my bike

2022-09-05 “Adventure is just another word for danger.”

2022-09-05 The goldenberry seeds I planted this spring produced a lot of plants but only a single fruit. …

2022-09-05 #writing #life #humor @robinson_spider

2022-09-05 Guess I should start thinking about questions to ask during the panel I’m modering at #mdc3con

2022-09-05 So what do people, who can visualize images in their mind, see when asked to imagine space? Not …

2022-09-05 Happy Be Late For Something Day

2022-09-05 Good morning. Be thankful for what friends and family you have and that you are here to enjoy them. …

2022-09-04 Hard work is never a guarantee of success. #life #success

2022-09-04 So. If you were an assassin, wouldn’t you love to track your target’s always-on Apple Watch or …

2022-09-04 “All the world’s a stage, and the horses are running wild.” #writing

2022-09-04 Keep practicing. #life #success #business

2022-09-04 “The 7 Habits of Highly Dead People”

2022-09-04 Do the messy things first. Then do the hard things. #life #productivity

2022-09-04 Peanut butter and homemade lemon jelly sandwich for lunch.

2022-09-04 “He wailed as if his very soul was being rent from his physical being, which in fact it was.” …

2022-09-04 Schools provide more than education They provide basic skills for living in society. #education …

2022-09-04 Photo up: #photography

2022-09-04 Your thoughts and feelings aren’t the core you. #zen #tao

2022-09-04 Good morning all. Do something restful today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-09-03 Just because your goal is clear doesn’t mean how you get there is. #life

2022-09-03 Back in my day we had influencers, we just called them salespeople. #marketing #failure

2022-09-03 Plan for tomorrow: not much

2022-09-03 If you feel upset at what someone says about you, maybe you’re the problem. #life

2022-09-03 Happy International Vulture Awareness Day

2022-09-03 The role of a manager is to set directives, clarify goals and roles, and resolve conflict. In other …

2022-09-03 Dessert time.

2022-09-03 You can’t be the person you want to be without putting in the work. #life

2022-09-03 “Leave it” Yes

2022-09-03 Observation: the more drunk a person gets the worse their hearing gets, therefore they yell louder. …

2022-09-03 “The longer you take to die, the more you suffer.” #writing

2022-09-03 Times change. If you don’t, you’re old. #life

2022-09-03 Observed: old folk tend to chew in a circular motion. Their chin also tends to thrust forward on the …

2022-09-03 “She was a bulldog in sundress.” #writing

2022-09-03 Never gloat. You aren’t that special and neither is whatever you accomplished. It may be a first for …

2022-09-03 Burger without the “u”.

2022-09-03 Go where you have never been. Time is too precious to stay stationary. #life

2022-09-03 If you stay inside all the time, you lose touch with reality. #life #failure

2022-09-03 Hm next week should be a busy/hectic one. personal stuff Apple event errands etc

2022-09-03 Ok I guess I should eat. Decent enough scene written. I’m filling in plot holes. “Road Crew At …

2022-09-03 Don’t deny the obvious just because it’s inconvenient. #life

2022-09-03 You don’t have to be funny to be humerous. #humor

2022-09-03 “Just Some Schmuck” Should be a title. #writing #prompt

2022-09-03 Never bring your problems home. #life #success

2022-09-03 Something dangerous need not be evil.

2022-09-03 I wrote another scene. It has some humor. I’m not sure it’s appropriate in the tone of the rest of …

2022-09-03 Do what needs to be done to help others. Everything else will take care of irself. #life #success

2022-09-03 Something complex need not be complicated.

2022-09-03 When someone tells you to think or think about something, they aren’t telling you to imagine how you …

2022-09-03 Errands run. Gorgeous day. Time to eat something.

2022-09-03 “There is a thin line between sanity and life.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-03 It’s a quiet morning. I wonder what Murphy has in store.

2022-09-03 “Remember, boring is good, but you won’t learn anything. Exciting will wake you up, but …

2022-09-03 Hello. Relax. Enjoy the weekend. Your stress will still be there next week. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-09-02 Be kind to a stranger tomorrow.

2022-09-02 “So when was the last time you saved an orphanage?” #writing #throwawayline

2022-09-02 It’s Friday eve. Time for a glass of mead.

2022-09-02 How you treat others, people and animals, says more than what you’ve accomplished in your career. …

2022-09-02 Also, why isn’t it then “Rafael vs. …” instead of “Rafael Nadal vs…” @espn #bias #failure #racism ? …

2022-09-02 Interesting bias. @ESPN has “Serena vs Tomljanovic”, instead of “Serena vs. Ajla” or “Williams vs. …

2022-09-02 This scene definitely went somewhere. Lots of innuendo. I didn’t plan it that way. Time for some …

2022-09-02 Woah. The scene I’m rewriting just went someplace I didn’t expect, and has a nice double meaning. …

2022-09-02 Don’t try to write something funny. Let your characters or the reader find or see the humor in their …

2022-09-02 Isn’t it time we had a show about a talking car?

2022-09-02 Time to do some errands. I guess I’m going to have to figure out Instruments in XCode, …

2022-09-02 Happy Bison-tell Yell Day Yup, it’s a thing.…

2022-09-02 Hello. It’s Friday. One day left to focus on problems before the weekend. Time for the …

2022-09-01 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python write errands food

2022-09-01 Anyone remember EverQuest?

2022-09-01 Democracy isn’t just for old rich white guys.

2022-09-01 Pretty day, and productive as well.

2022-09-01 Setting up my own MQTT broker for the first time.

2022-09-01 Still have no idea how to subscribe to non-English/US-based podcasts on the Podcast app. Want to …

2022-09-01 Be kind to each other and to yourself. #life #success

2022-09-01 Happy National Chicken Boy Day …

2022-09-01 Welcome to September. It’s still summer.

2022-09-01 Good morning. Keep your day job. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-31 “Click bait–This Changes Everything!” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-31 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python rewrite/edit eat something play some games?

2022-08-31 Probably a stupid question, but I’m a stupid person. Is there a way to get a list of non-English …

2022-08-31 Do the hard things. The easy things will be easier. #life #success

2022-08-31 I’m taking suggestions for what I should eat tomorrow.

2022-08-31 No, it’s you can’t multitask. The best you can do is time-slice. #life

2022-08-31 Now would be a good time to eat a bucket o’ ice cream.

2022-08-31 I guess I should take a break.

2022-08-31 Grr. I hate myself. I meant “decorators” in programming languages, not “fixtures”. I know the …

2022-08-31 Fixtures in a programming language are kludges because the functionality wasn’t built into the …

2022-08-31 “Ride fast. Ride hard.”

2022-08-31 “And God was so disgusted that he sent down a plague of goofuses.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-31 Wonder as you wander.

2022-08-31 My panels at #mdc3con in Sept. Should be “fun”. #writing

2022-08-31 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-31 Humor is the transition from embarassment to joy. That’s my definition. Flame on! #humor

2022-08-31 Scum Master is a thing?

2022-08-31 The river is yours to follow. There will always be currents and eddies to divert you. Your passion …

2022-08-31 Gorgeous summer day. I’m sitting outside, writing.

2022-08-31 This is an abomination.

2022-08-31 Regardless of what you may have accomplished, If you think you are special or somehow better than …

2022-08-31 “Oh no! He he’s having an anachronism. Dial 9-1-1.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-31 Overheard: “I’m going to have an accident in your car.” Um… I’m not sure she meant what she said. …

2022-08-31 Phew! Was concerned I had an anachronism. Did a quick check. All is well. #writing #holmes #watson

2022-08-31 Getting the hang of this Omniflex nib. Pressure changes line width. #nibbage @gouletpens …

2022-08-31 The more you worry, the more you will worry. The more you hate, the more you will hate. You teach …

2022-08-31 I have a cookbook on dumplings I haven’t done much with apart from gyoza. I think I want to attempt …

2022-08-31 Ok. Lots done this morning. Time for a quick break before I find lunch and do some writing.

2022-08-31 Need to do some research into Dorset… seems like I need to. #writing

2022-08-31 If someone sells you something based on your fears, you are being manipulated, and had, so to speak. …

2022-08-31 Gettin' it done this mornin'.

2022-08-31 Happy Eat Outside Day Yes, it’s a thing. Go do it.

2022-08-31 Good morning. Being kind is more important than being right. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-30 Your past experiences are no excuse for your failure now. #life #success

2022-08-30 I’m ready for tomorrow. I plan to: iOS Python read edit/rewrite play games eat be a nuisance

2022-08-30 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-30 Not sure why it’s 5PM already…

2022-08-30 Ha, Austin has scheduled all the “good” panels at the same time. Bummer. #mdc3con @ascamacho

2022-08-30 Cool! I’m on a panel about humor and moderating one about working with a partner at C3. #writing …

2022-08-30 “If you hear creepy whispering in the middle of the night, just ignore it. “ #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-30 If the world is imperfect, how can you be? #life

2022-08-30 Happy Slinky Day

2022-08-30 Blue heron on the roof next door P

2022-08-30 Hello, all. Stay focused on what matters. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-29 Plan for tomorrow: iOS Python write/edit maybe eat stuff

2022-08-29 I’m betting Apple will offer a paid-subscription podcast tier fairly soon… I’m not betting a lot, …

2022-08-29 Got talking to someone at lunch today who asked lots of questions about writing and my books. It …

2022-08-29 And yes, the Conklin is gorgeous, and heavy. #fountainpen @gouletpens

2022-08-29 I wish flight-sims actually taught you how to fly, etc. I understand why they don’t and no, I don’t …

2022-08-29 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-29 Time to switch it up. Conklin Duragraph Blue PVD SE w/Omniflex nib and Nemosine Blue Snowball Nebula …

2022-08-29 I hope everyone had a decent/good day.

2022-08-29 I’m surprised there are no real #GTD apps on #ios just lots of “pretend to be GTD as a feature.”

2022-08-29 When was the last time that you attended an event that wasn’t Zoom-based? And why Zoom? Zoom is …

2022-08-29 Now I’m questioning the ending. Ugh. Time to step away. #writing #editing

2022-08-29 I don’t enjoy finding problems in my story. I accept them because I know I have found a way to make …

2022-08-29 Anyone old enough to remember?

2022-08-29 What have you accomplished this year? What have you failed at? #life

2022-08-29 “What kind of dog is it?” “No, that’s my baby! Get away!” “But, that a dog carrier!” #writing

2022-08-29 I’m not sure what genre this Watsonian novel belongs to. It’s not a mystery. It’s more …

2022-08-29 I really, really, need to write something funny/humerus. #writing

2022-08-29 Who hold you accountable for what you do or don’t do? It should be you. #life #success

2022-08-29 I’d love to take a live class. This zoom/virtual stuff isn’t worth my time. They don’t seem to make …

2022-08-29 I’ve written a necessary chapter, but as a result my protagonist is in a situation. He needs to get …

2022-08-29 Oops, pen ran out of ink. Time to switch to the backup. #writing #fountainpen

2022-08-29 “Life happens even if you aren’t around to witness it, which you won’t be.” #writing

2022-08-29 I love technical support that doesn’t bother to read emails wherein I describe going through the …

2022-08-29 Writin’ and eatin’ time.

2022-08-29 I’m missing #Bouchercon next week, but I don’t feel like taking chances. That and airlines are …

2022-08-29 Happy More Herbs, Less Salt Day

2022-08-29 Here in the US we have ads for casinos. I’m amazed people for fall “Deposit $25 and get …

2022-08-29 Good morning. When you relive negative emotions or events, you strengthen them. Why do you choose to …

2022-08-28 Back to the grind tomorrow.

2022-08-28 Tomorrow, stop and make someone smile. Consider this a quest. You will either succeed or fail. Which …

2022-08-28 You sneak into the trunk of a stranger’s car. #writing #prompt

2022-08-28 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-28 Happy Crackers Over the Keyboard Day Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-08-28 Good morning, all. Relax. Let your problems go for the day. Time for th e ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-27 Hang on. Tomorrow is Sunday. You don’t have to get up early and go to work tomorrow.

2022-08-27 Back in my day, the New York’s World Fair was high-tech.

2022-08-27 Pistachios are the mussels of the plant world.

2022-08-27 “You should do something fun this weekend.” “I plan to. I’m hosting a Donner party.” #writing …

2022-08-27 Physics. How many napkins does it take to support an orange? #physics #math

2022-08-27 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-27 I wish I had cookies.

2022-08-27 It’s not enough to be good. You have to be helpful. #life #success

2022-08-27 Worrying is emotional mental floundering. Thinking is swimming to your goal. #life #success

2022-08-27 Helping one person is more important then helping a million. #life #success #zen #tao

2022-08-27 “Her skin was that of an onion, too long kept in the dark corner of the refrigerator.” #writing

2022-08-27 I miss going to CA and other places a every month. I don’t miss flying.

2022-08-27 You are a prisoner of your assumptions. #life #failure

2022-08-27 I’d love to relearn Swift/SwiftUI but I have too much baggage and it keeps changing. grrr #swift …

2022-08-27 “Her laugh, a cackle, was worthy of a witch; not the good kind.” #writing

2022-08-27 “His laugh was that of a sarcastic chainsaw” #writing

2022-08-27 Which parts of the US tend to use “folks”?

2022-08-27 What differentiates “folks” from “people”, “friends”, and “strangers”?

2022-08-27 Your life is a first draft. There are no secondary drafts. #life

2022-08-27 I’ve written another chapter to my Watsonian novel. I need to figure out where it goes and resolves. …

2022-08-27 If you write the ending without knowing how you got there, all you have is a #throwawayline. …

2022-08-27 I just overheard someone order Pepsi and beer. Is that a thing? Blech.

2022-08-27 I’m need a Tudor.

2022-08-27 Hm. There’s a car show. Traffic and parking is a bear.

2022-08-27 “There is no certainty. It is an illusion. Certainty is the false hope that you can rely on …

2022-08-27 I’m trying to kill of a character, but I need a change of venue. #writing

2022-08-27 Time to get outside and write.

2022-08-27 Happy Tarzan Day

2022-08-27 Good morning, all. Tomorrow never comes, so live the day as if it’s your last. Time for the …

2022-08-26 Who’s ready for tomorrow and what it may bring?

2022-08-26 Time for some music.… #music

2022-08-26 “Go find the thing for the King has decreed it.” #writing

2022-08-26 If you go around looking for dragons to slay, you’ll overlook the problems you have at home.

2022-08-26 What if people have learned how to behave watching reality TV shows while growing up…

2022-08-26 Overheard: “His momma had four legs.” I think it was an insult. #writing #character

2022-08-26 I have no clue what I’ll do tomorrow.

2022-08-26 Time for a late lunch. I spent “real lunch” brewing a Kolsch.

2022-08-26 Oh noes! It’s getting cloudy out.

2022-08-26 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-26 Happy Forgive Your Foe Day

2022-08-26 There are people with the perverse belief that suffering or being in pain is some sort of badge of …

2022-08-26 Good morning. It’s Friday. Reflect on everything you accomplished this past week. Time for the …

2022-08-25 What fun and exciting things do you have planned for this weekend?

2022-08-25 I have a lot of mint in the yard. Hm a lemon mint Kolsch beer? Lemon mint mead? #beer #brewing #mead

2022-08-25 Hm I had a weird idea and looked it up. Apparently, hops tea is a thing and a sedative. Will have to …

2022-08-25 “It’s all in your mind–oh right, you don’t have one.” #writing #throwawayline #insult

2022-08-25 What musical groups/artists would you never listen to? Me: Steely Dan Gorillaz Beyoncé Flame on! …

2022-08-25 Ages of punk: Flower Stone Copper Water Steam Metal Heavy Metal Modern Spot the pun. #music

2022-08-25 If you want others to suffer just because you did, that’s called revenge, not justice or fairness. …

2022-08-25 You think, “Wow they did something nice for me,” for a few minutes when something good happens. Then …

2022-08-25 Earlier this morning I coded up an Thing1 LED to respond to #mqtt messages from Twitter. It took all …

2022-08-25 I’m slowly fleshing out some chapters and rewriting others. The goal is to have this pass done by …

2022-08-25 “Look here, it’s almost Friday. What have you against running down to the pub for a pint?” “That’s …

2022-08-25 Time to find some wings and writing.

2022-08-25 Also discovered this. #programming

2022-08-25 Going thru old stuff. Found the docs and source code for my mini programming language Ra. …

2022-08-25 It feels like a Buffalo wings kind of day.

2022-08-25 Happy Thoughtful Thursday Yes, it’s a thing.

2022-08-25 Good morning. Hate requires effort. You have to keep reminding yourself why you’ve been …

2022-08-24 If you go around looking for things that offend you, you will be offended. #life #failure

2022-08-24 I haven’t brewed anything in a long time. I should remedy that.

2022-08-24 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-24 Plan for tomorrow: a bit of iOS Python/Flask rewriting/editing eat read play some games.

2022-08-24 Here is the scale: GameBoy Advance SP, Funkey, Thumby. #game

2022-08-24 Just because you might be able to, doesn’t mean you can or should, or have the time. Also, if you …

2022-08-24 Just paid for someone’s lunch. They were celebrating their 70th birthday. It will be a nice …

2022-08-24 I must be on a productivity binge. I’m getting a lot of ideas.

2022-08-24 If you are overwhelmed, you aren’t focused. Remove everything from your environment that isn’t …

2022-08-24 No one can be self-sufficient. No one can be independent. Each depends on someone or something. That …

2022-08-24 Would you rather have a lot of friends or one good friend? #life

2022-08-24 Name a book/movie where the bad guy ends up being the good guy. No, StarWars/Darth Vader doesn’t …

2022-08-24 You can’t be creative if you’re struggling to live. #life #creativity #politics

2022-08-24 Aren’t you surprised that companies haven’t tried selling you bottled air and charging for it? Oh …

2022-08-24 I should go to the local farmer’s market/orchard this week and get a few things. @fiferorchards

2022-08-24 I need to do something fun. I wish I knew what that was.

2022-08-24 I’ve got errands to run and Flask code to write.

2022-08-24 “The faster you spin, the dizzier you get.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-24 Do people still learn “lessons” in school? Or has the connotation of “teaching someone a lesson” …

2022-08-24 “This isn’t the future you wanted or expected. This is the future you made.” #writing #life

2022-08-24 If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you are looking at your life situation in total. The way to not …

2022-08-24 I’m not doing any real writing today. I’m spending time trying to work out a scene or two that I …

2022-08-24 Worrying never solved a problem. Why do you keep doing it? #life #failure

2022-08-24 Got a new toy. A retro game keychain. Loaded my GBA games on it.

2022-08-24 Happy International Strange Music Day

2022-08-24 Good morning. Be as bright as the sun. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-23 Never underestimate your ability to see and hear what you want or expect to see and hear. #life

2022-08-23 Gah! Another day that went too fast.

2022-08-23 Photo up: #photography

2022-08-23 It doesn’t hurt to be nice to people, even when they aren’t nice to you. #life

2022-08-23 Happy Sponge Cake Day

2022-08-23 Lol! Talk about price-gouging. This is normally priced at $15. @amazon_help doesn’t care as …

2022-08-23 Good morning all. Happiness is not meant just for you. Everyone wants to be happy. Stop trying to …

2022-08-22 Plan for tomorrow: learn some more Flask editing/rewriting writing eating stuff sketch/scribble. …

2022-08-22 “Passion is an emotion best saved for others.” #writing

2022-08-22 I wanted to see who was playing for the @Phillies in 1983 vs the Pirates. Good lineup.

2022-08-22 If you don’t enjoy life, you’re working. #life

2022-08-22 Look what I found. @phillies

2022-08-22 Something I would want to tell my earlier self: Don’t just check things off your checklist, but note …

2022-08-22 “I said,” in conversation is as annoying as “, he said,” in writing. Overhearing someone use “I …

2022-08-22 Taking a break from #swift I love what it does. Hate it changing every beta-no real backward …

2022-08-22 Headline: “Husband Decaptitates Spouse While Playing a VR Game.” #writing #prompt

2022-08-22 May the souls of your descendants haunt you into perdition. new curse I just made up. #writing

2022-08-22 “If you talk in your sleep, make sure what you say is all good.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-22 Who has ordered their 2023 planner already? #2023

2022-08-22 I wonder if I can get some adzuki paste in this state… I want to try making some steamed buns.

2022-08-22 “Why do we care about organizations and government? Because we are weak and need others to take care …

2022-08-22 Wow! I just realized Infoworld is still a thing. I used to do product reviews for them on occasion, …

2022-08-22 Imagine your dog is more popular than you are on social media. #life #character

2022-08-22 Overheard: “My dog’s Instagram has 357 followers.” The End Times are upon us. #life

2022-08-22 “The blues are best sung in jeans.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-22 “You can’t be perfect at all things. You can’t be perfect at one thing. Even God wasn’t created …

2022-08-22 “The greatest experience is realizing there are experiences that are greater.” #writing

2022-08-22 Marketing is out of control. I’m seeing Halloween stuff in stores. It’s still August. #marketing …

2022-08-22 Some humans believe everyone needs to suffer. #life #failure

2022-08-22 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-22 Stuffed tomato.

2022-08-22 Mind-dumping as I write is fun and a good way to get the clutter out of my mind/brain-thing.

2022-08-22 When you draw a conclusion, make sure your point is sharp #life #success

2022-08-22 When done correctly, thinking is hard work. #life #success

2022-08-22 I think I’ll play around with Flask a bit more this evening.

2022-08-22 “It’s ok to kill someone you love. They’ll understand.” #writing

2022-08-22 What are the most disturbing books you’ve ever read? Mine are “Mote in God’s Eye” - Jerry Pournelle …

2022-08-22 I write not to be famous or rich, but to share stories and to learn to write. I have a lot more to …

2022-08-22 The SuperNote is great, but I do wish it had a backlight I could turn on/off. I’m writing in a very …

2022-08-22 Trust is a form of love. It is the acceptance of action, present and future. #life

2022-08-22 Time for a late lunch and some more writing.

2022-08-22 You are overwhelmed because you are trying to decide how to do everything instead of doing it. It’s …

2022-08-22 Strength isn’t about force. It is about fortitude. #life #success

2022-08-22 Here’s an idea for a conference talk. Do the presentation using AR instead of Keynote slides. …

2022-08-22 Happy National Tooth Fairy Day

2022-08-22 Good morning. If you can’t step back from a problem, you are too close. Time for the …

2022-08-21 Happy National Spumoni Day.

2022-08-21 Good morning. Many (most?) have forgotten where they have come from and what they are part of. Get …

2022-08-20 I wish the Apple Podcasts app had a setting to allow me to randomize shows (not episodes within a …

2022-08-20 Plan for tomorrow: do nothing productive. play games eat get outside read

2022-08-20 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-20 I’m beginning to think this is parody band. They are doing “Another Brick in the Wall” and it feels …

2022-08-20 Can you imagine how bad the B-Team was?

2022-08-20 I’ll do some more Flask stuff later. #python

2022-08-20 “When all else fails, do what I tell you.”

2022-08-20 The 70s had Emo before the Emo look was a thing.

2022-08-20 Learn a programming language. Make lots of money, they said. The real money is solving problems …

2022-08-20 The band is fine when not trying to do Elvis.

2022-08-20 I don’t like failing. That’s why I try to learn. #life #success

2022-08-20 Difficult things are what make you grow. #life

2022-08-20 “It’s ok to be bad if you’re honest about it.” #writing

2022-08-20 There is an Elvis imitator singing . Blah. Might be good if you’re stone cold drunk, or never heard …

2022-08-20 Wrote a scene that did some good character development. Now I need to figure out how to seamlessly …

2022-08-20 Dr J Larry Bird Kobe Rod Stewart

2022-08-20 Time to get some lunch.

2022-08-20 Happy Break the Monotony Day

2022-08-20 Gorgeous morning here in #netde. It’s going to get hot. I’ll get outside for lunch. Now, …

2022-08-20 Good morning. Just because something is unpleasant doesn’t make it unbeneficial. Time for the …

2022-08-19 Reading a book is like borrowing someone else’s imagination. #reading #books

2022-08-19 Kirby is 30? Now that makes me feel old.

2022-08-19 I’d love to go to Oktoberfest, even if it is a tourist trap. Maybe, someday.

2022-08-19 Self-confidence is not arrogance and vice-versa. #life

2022-08-19 Back in my day school started after Labor Day, not in the middle of summer.

2022-08-19 Time to relax.

2022-08-19 I dove into Python Flask for a bit. Pretty cool little web framework.

2022-08-19 Don’t forget that today is Friday. You are allowed to relax and enjoy the weekend.

2022-08-19 Cool! #books #lastcall

2022-08-19 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-19 Anyone doing anyting fun this weekend? I was planning on riding the bike but temps in the 90s is a …

2022-08-19 What was the hardest thing you had to learn in programming? For me, it was enterprise data warehouse …

2022-08-19 “She snuggled up to, closer than I wanted or liked. I wasn’t a dog person.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-19 By putting yourself ahead of the planet, you put yourself last. #life #failure #climate

2022-08-19 Hm. A new Pelican M205 is coming… #fountainpen @gouletpens

2022-08-19 I think I want to dive into flask a bit. I keep hearing about it, but don’t know much. #python …

2022-08-19 Live your life with passion, kindness, courage, and forethought. #life #success

2022-08-19 It’s time to eat something and do some rewriting.

2022-08-19 “Death doesn’t wait for you; it has better things to do. You wait for it.” #writing

2022-08-19 “The World Brain” - worth a few minutes of your time to read. …

2022-08-19 Quick reminder, Scavenger Hunt is out. #books

2022-08-19 If you’re busy raising a child, you can’t be busy trying to improve things for others, …

2022-08-19 I hate saying this, but… Happy Talk Like Jar Jar Binks Day Yes, it’s a thing. I have no idea …

2022-08-19 Gah! It’s 10 already. The morning is quietly slip sliding away.

2022-08-19 Grr. XFinity doesn’t let me set my own DNS now. #pihole

2022-08-19 The glass isn’t half empty. The glass isn’t half full. The water is poisoned.

2022-08-19 Question every assumption, even the obvious ones. #life #business #success

2022-08-19 It’s another gorgeous day in the neighborhood. I’m going to try to get out into it …

2022-08-19 In order to undo something you have to use the time you have now. #life

2022-08-19 Hello. Look up at the buildings or trees around you. Not everything interesting is at your feet. …

2022-08-18 I’m still trying to figure out what beach fries are.

2022-08-18 Plan for tomorrow: Python edit write play a game get outside

2022-08-18 The best way to play is to play for fun. #life

2022-08-18 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-18 Getting the hang of making gyoza. I still tend to overfill a bit. #food

2022-08-18 If you slam your head against a problem, it may go away.

2022-08-18 Certain things only exist because you do. #life

2022-08-18 Happy National Bad Poetry Day

2022-08-18 Autumn will be here before you expect it. Enjoy the summer. You never know what the future wil …

2022-08-18 Hello. Share your joy. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-17 You can’t learn without a struggle or failure. #life

2022-08-17 Trust me when I tell you that tomorrow will be Thursday somewhere, sometime.

2022-08-17 “The Childhood of Doctor Who” #doctorwho #writing

2022-08-17 Set aside time each day to learn. #life #success

2022-08-17 Just because you have a beat and words doesn’t make it a song. #music

2022-08-17 Do you slice the cantaloupe off the rind or do you gnaw it off?

2022-08-17 “You learn a lot from other people’s mistakes. Or that’s the assumption.” #writing

2022-08-17 “The kobold bounced onto the boulder, it’s face a mask of terror. It’s eyes wide and breath choppy …

2022-08-17 “Shuffle the deck, pick a card at random. Throw it away. That’s what you’re playing with.” #insult …

2022-08-17 “I’ll have the usual.” “A Rum Rickey and a roll in the alley, followed by an empty wallet?” “Make it …

2022-08-17 “The crowbar that knocked your teeth out is now lodged in your gut. Your teeth aren’t your concern; …

2022-08-17 “She purred sweet nothings into his ear. He had no clue what that meant.” #writing

2022-08-17 I think I’ll go to @philcon this year. Just because I don’t have anything scheduled then.

2022-08-17 Writing time.

2022-08-17 The weather has been gorgeous all week. Murphy is planning something nasty for me.

2022-08-17 Just gave a copy of my book to someone who always goes out of his way to say hello to me. Saying …

2022-08-17 “How many times do you have to die before you realize that is where you are truly alive?” #writing

2022-08-17 Another morning full of errands. It’s time to do some writing. I need to rewrite part of a chapter. …

2022-08-17 People arguing over how many holes a straw has… Stay in school kids. They teach you the answer.

2022-08-17 Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day

2022-08-17 Good morning, all. No one is you, so stop trying to make others copies of you. Time for the …

2022-08-16 Not a very productive day, even though I did some rewriting.

2022-08-16 Clarity comes from not being judgmental when you observe. #life #success

2022-08-16 Happy National Bratwurst Day

2022-08-16 Good morning. Find some mental stillness today. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

2022-08-15 I should make some iced coffee. Why? Because it can’t hurt.

2022-08-15 Photo up. #photography

2022-08-15 There is no distinction between your carreer and your personal relationships, only the degree to …

2022-08-15 If you “stay in your lane” people will expect no more from you. A lane is another name for a rut. …

2022-08-15 Time to run an errand or two.

2022-08-15 Shrimp and grits consumed. +1 to energy. -1 to health

2022-08-15 How do you know you’ve learned something and not just memorized it? What metric/test would you use …

2022-08-15 “His glare screamed murder that smelled of blood and hate as he growled low and rough like …

2022-08-15 “A Coffin for the Living” #writing #prompt #title

2022-08-15 Never underestimate your own ability to muck up. Murphy keeps a watchful eye. #life

2022-08-15 Best Kansas song: “Play the Game Tonight” #music

2022-08-15 If there is such a thing as a hangover, is there a hangunder?

2022-08-15 Busy rewriting scenes. Some days, I feel as if I have no idea. Others, I feel as if I have a clue. …

2022-08-15 The heatwave seems to have broken for now #netde

2022-08-15 Looks legit… NOT! The FBI is doing Treasury stuff and using a Google acct. Not only that they now …

2022-08-15 Happy Chant at the Moon Day

2022-08-15 Hello. It’s Monday. Don’t despair. It can always get worse. Time for the ceremonial …

2022-08-14 Some days you just have to step back, step away from everything going on and look around to remind …

2022-08-14 I miss going to work. Then I remember that tomorrow is Monday.

2022-08-14 Some people believe ownership without responsibility is a thing.

2022-08-14 Munching chicken nachos.

2022-08-14 Success and Failure

2022-08-14 Social media is an invention that makes people feel self-important, myself included. I need to keep …

2022-08-14 Some problems you solve. Some problems you avoid. Some problems you work around. Some problems you …

2022-08-14 Need to get some gyoza making fixins’.

2022-08-14 The problem with graphics programs is they require a display. Wish there were a virtual display I …

2022-08-14 “You’ll be sleepin’ with the fishes on the riverbed.” #writing #throwawayline

2022-08-14 I feel many people learn how to behave watching reality TV shows. That’s the simplest answer to why …

2022-08-14 I find that learning is more interesting than accomplishing.

2022-08-14 I’m slowly filling in gaps and character development issues in my Watsonian novel. I still need to …

2022-08-14 Anyone remember Guitar Hero? I never played it. I do remember DDR.

2022-08-14 I think I want nachos today.

2022-08-14 Spent the morning getting a bathroom remodel estimate. Ack. Time to get a later lunch.

2022-08-14 Uncertainty usually means you don’t have enough information. Get the information you need, not …

2022-08-14 Good morning. Sharing your joy and friendship doesn’t lessen it for you. Time for the …

2022-08-13 Listening to crickets, frogs, and other night creatures.

2022-08-13 Plan for tomorrow: house stuff reading writing

2022-08-13 Crickey! Today went fast.

2022-08-13 Errands done for today. Time to do house stuff.

2022-08-13 Are pickle pizza a thing? #food

2022-08-13 “When the blade cuts it sheds the blood of the innocent.” #writing

2022-08-13 Observed: Some people just like their seared tuna like it’s out of a can. #character #writing

2022-08-13 Podcasts that just interview different/the same people are easy to do and not worth my time. Flame …

2022-08-13 Still looking for podcasts that teach and are not “talking head” interview style. #podcast

2022-08-13 “It’s not enough to own an empty bowl.” #writing #life

2022-08-13 Do you still read physical books? Or are you an eReader? #books #reading

2022-08-13 I think I want fish tacos.

2022-08-13 Happy Celebrate Your Lakes Day

2022-08-13 “I hate the 80s.” “You look 75.” “I’m 50. I was talking about the temperature.” #writing

2022-08-13 Subliminal messaging. #marketing

2022-08-13 Writing a scene that makes a transition less abrupt and develops one of the minor characters. …

2022-08-13 I guess stirrers are more upscale than “little plastic sticks” #marketing

2022-08-13 Make someone’s day enjoyable.

2022-08-13 I should learn Pygane or Arcade. #python

2022-08-13 It’s a gorgeous summer day. Time to write and have lunch outside.

2022-08-13 Planted the crabapple seeds. We’ll see what comes up. Pretty fruit. #apple

2022-08-13 Good morning, all. Have a pleasant day. Play some games. Get outside and run around. Read a book. …

2022-08-12 Compiler errors messages are a warm hug from a friend who is actually laughing at you behind your …

2022-08-12 I miss learning programming using magazine listings. #programming