Wintry mix of sleet and mostly rain here. It’s a good day to stay home and have soup for lunch, or some other food.


Good morning, everyone. The sky is always there. Spread your wings. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

Anyone remember when we were worried about drones over the US NE? Our attention was diverted somehow.~

“Why are you so annoying?”

“I’ve spent a lot of time honing my craft.”


“Too many people confuse or conflate wealth with power and intelligence.”

#life #failure

Drink water, take time for yourself, stay balanced.


Good morning. It’s mid-week, Hump Day, and still winter. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

Time for some tea.

If you live in a place with an Indie bookstore, you are lucky. I live in a city with none. Your next best bet is your local library. You have one, right?

#books #library #store

“Keep plugging away. Just make sure you put the square plugs into the square holes and the round plugs into the round holes.”

#writing #throwawayline