If you live in a place with an Indie bookstore, you are lucky. I live in a city with none. Your next best bet is your local library. You have one, right?

#books #library #store

“Keep plugging away. Just make sure you put the square plugs into the square holes and the round plugs into the round holes.”

#writing #throwawayline

“If god wanted humans to fly, he would have given everyone a parachute. So, either he doesn’t want people to fly, or there is no god.”

#writing #throwawayline

Literally, many people don’t’ know the meaning of the word.

“Just because a ukulele is smaller than a guitar, doesn’t mean it’s easier to play.”


Many say they’d love to write a novel. The same many think it’s too much work.They’re right.


Bald eagle sighting on Silver Lake here in Dover, DE. A matched set.

#bird #baldeagle #delaware

Two eagles on ice

Etiquette tip: If you’re at a restaurant, even for lunch, don’t crank up the volume on your phone speaker while you watch a video.

#life #failure

The next “major” holiday is Valentine’s Day. Why do we celebrate a massacre?

Apple, how about fixing the Books app first before you put out new shovelware?


#apple #failure