Time to relax. What are you doing?

Final word count: 51321. Nice quick read as far as novels go.

#writing #pulp

I’ll take a day or so off and then start rewrites and edits on “Coins of Destiny - Book 2”.

#writing #editing

Phew! 3500 words today. And that concludes the first draft of “The Cat and the Warlock. This was the hardest ending I’ve ever had to pull off. Lots of threads, lots of questions, lots of promises to fulfill.

I’m hoping editing will be easier.

#writing #pulp

Vicious Rumor: Nintendo Switch2 to include scratch-and-sniff Joycons.


“He sat banging his head against the piano keyboard. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘I’m playing it by ear.’”

#writing #throwawayline

Promising feedback on my WIP from a beta reader: “The Cat and the Warlock”.

#writing #pulp

Positive feedback

“Fear of the future is fear of looking into the rose flower because you love the bud.”

#life #writing

“Listen to yourself, but don’t take yourself seriously.”

#life #success

“Son, the fun begins when you start being so serious and stop hating everyone.”
