Good morning. Being gracious and kind goes a long way in this world. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

OK. I managed four hours of napping. I feel more human. Obviously, no writing today.

My Year In Books:

— I found it cramped.

Back home. NYE at an emergency room is a circus/nightmare. Lots of trauma so the wait after triage was 5-6 hours.

They found nothing wrong after running multiple tests multiple times. I’m supposed to follow up with my cardiologist. Today, I try to relax and catch up on a night without sleep.

Still in the ER. They are running tests. So far all negative. Happy New Year!

Fun NYE. Checked myself into the ER with a high heart rate.

Plan for tomorrow:

— finish writing “The Cat and the Warlock”

— cook some soup

— read

— play some games

— relax

Time to relax now. Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone. Celebrate safely. Heartfelt thanks and good wishes to all.

I didn’t feel like writing today. But I hunkered down and wrote another 2.5K words. I have around 2K left to hit my 50K goal for this book. Tomorrow, I wrap it up.

#writing #pulp

Natural fireworks here. Huge thunderstorm moving through.

Weather map