Remember when all we had to worry about were oil millionaires wanting to take over the world? .~

What’s the silliest part of your life? Do you enjoy it or the silliness?


I’ve shifted gears from ordering wings to ordering a salad. Go figger.

IF you believe your life is boring, you should read a book. May I suggest one of mine? Then you’ll know what boredom is.~

#book #reading

“Your life may be a rollercoaster, but remember every ride comes to an end.”


If you can buy shorts, why can’t you buy longs?

#fashion #clothes

For all the hullabaloo about AI, we still don’t have email spam filtering that works. That’s because big money and billionaires are stifling filter development…


#email #spam #apple

“Remember, son. You can’t be everyone to everyone. Often, you can’t even be yourself, even though that’s the best thing you can ever be.”


Do you write to 144 people out?


If you’re a writer, or reader, you should jump on the bandwagon and register for Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity.…

Yes, I’ll be there to do what I do.

C3 is a fun time, and not as dangerous as C4.

#writing #mdc3con #reading #author