“The richer you become, the less you care.”

Absolutism and certainty are failure.


“When you least expect it, your unwanted friend shows up offering unwanted advice and asking for a loan.”


Punctuation is the seasoning of words. It must be used in the proper amount, time, and place.


I think I should make some jambalaya in the next few days. Why? Because I can.


Serfdom and fiefdoms…

How many years do you have left? How many successes and failures will you experience in that time? Will you do something about it or just accept what comes?


If you have to yell to be heard, you are either far away or your opinion isn’t valued.

— ancient proverb I just made up

“If you can’t change, bend, or adapt, you are old and brittle. Your strength lies in certainty. You will break and fail.”


“Gods come and go. That tells you they are all false. That’s why I pray to the rock.”

“He was a better actor than wrestler.”
