Kindness and joy are not commodities to be hoarded or traded.
Kindness and joy are not commodities to be hoarded or traded.
Telling someone “you’ve really outdone yourself”, just means they’ve been subpar the rest of their life.
#life #failure
A smile goes a long way. It goes further when it’s honest.
#life #success
Texas is the only place in the US you can actually cosplay every day of the year. Just wear a cowboy get-up.
#life #failure
Just because your voice can hit falsetto doesn’t mean you can or should sing.
#life #failure
The more money you have the more you focus on your own needs, wishes, desires, and power to the exclusion of others.
#life #failure
Patience and focus. We all need more of both.
You don’t need to be rich or powerful to help someone. You just need to have empathy and be a hero to someone.
#life #success
Back in my day, we thought measles had been conquered. We didn’t expect idiots to “believe” that vaccinations were bad, or people were willing to put their offspring at risk.
#life #failure
Find some stillness physically, emotionally, and mentally.
#life #success