Posts in: Life

Martial arts teaches that it is often best to run away. This doesn’t make you a coward. It makes you smart and leaves your opponent with nothing to shoot, punch, or yell at. This is equally valid online.

#life #strategy #success

If someone is so entrenched in their beliefs to the point of wanting to fight, debate, or troll, just disengage. You don’t have to go to any fight you’re invited to. Even if it’s a “civil” fight at ten paces.


Question the obvious. Question the assumed. Don’t accept the ready answer.

#life #success

The quality of a person comes down to how they treat others.


Do you organize your day or time? Why don’t you organize your life then?


Demeaning, degrading, and frightening others are no basis for influencing others.

#life #failure

Sometimes, you have to realize that people aren’t like you and don’t want the same things you do—no matter how much you may think you’re in the “right”.

#life #failure

“A hero is just someone who chooses not to be a victim.”

#writing #life

You don’t need to have more or be better off to help others. You just need the desire to do good.

#life #success

If you use an AI, you have admitted you can’t do the job yourself and are a failure as a living being. The AI is now your god since it solves your problems without you taking responsibility.

#ai #life