Posts in: Life

Do you smile at strangers? Or do you walk by staring at the ground, straight ahead, or at your phone? Why don’t you smile at strangers? Do you believe they will lash out at you for smiling? Or do you believe they are not worthy of your smile?



PSA: “Talking heads”, on TV, cable, etc., always have something to sell. Are you willing to buy?

#life #media #failure

Many people never find out what they are good at. Some never find out what they enjoy doing.


How you live your life tells us what you value.

How you live other people’s lives tells us what you don’t value.


Take your time. Be focused. Work on one thing at a time. Enjoy what you do.

#life #success

Be happy with yourself when you choose to learn something new.

#life #success

Success doesn’t require power, money, or technology.

#life #success

A to-do list and calendar are not a plan. #planning #life

Observation: People now say, “I appreciate you,” rather than “I appreciate it.” Yes, it’s more personal, but it still seems forced and fake in most cases.

#life #failure #usa

Keep your expectations low.

Keep your mistakes to a minimum.

Keep learning and growing.

Keep trying.

#life #success