If you feel stuck, your mind is telling you to stop and relax.
If you feel stuck, your mind is telling you to stop and relax.
Embrace the world and everything and everyone on it.
#life #success
“Fear of the future is fear of looking into the rose flower because you love the bud.”
#life #writing
“Listen to yourself, but don’t take yourself seriously.”
#life #success
It’s interesting that everyone has a “Best ____ of the Year”. It’s all marketing. It’s all opinion. It’s all unimportant.
#life #marketing #failure
Happiness is inside you. Of course, it’s there along with pain, fear, horror, and all of the other emotions. What you focus on is what you gain.
It’s a personal problem. I always want to accomplish more than I am humanly capable of each new year. Things to do. Things not to do. Things to read. Things to write. Things to program. Things to cook. Things to bake. Things to learn. Things to achieve. Luckily, I’m not human.
Just overheard a couple celebrating their 25 years together, 20 married. Just paid for their beers. Small things.
Everyone focuses on the new at the start of a new year. It’s just as important to focus on the old: the successes, the failures, and the people.
#nye #life #2025
It’s as important to know what you won’t do as what you will/want to do in the new year. That’s why I have a Do Not Do List to remind myself of the things to avoid in life. If you don’t write it down, you will forget or slip into doing those items you want to avoid.
#todo #tasks #life