If you are certain of something, make sure that thing is fact, not belief. It’s all well and good to be certain of your beliefs, but you must understand and acknowledge their limitations.
#life #failure
If you are certain of something, make sure that thing is fact, not belief. It’s all well and good to be certain of your beliefs, but you must understand and acknowledge their limitations.
#life #failure
If someone tells you something is important, it’s important to them or their business. That doesn’t mean it’s important to you. If it’s not your priority or aligned with your values, there is no reason to align your actions with theirs.
Smart does not equate to intelligent.
Your time is yours to use, or squander, as you see fit. You need personal time to recover, heal, and regroup. If you allow someone to take that time away, you place their priorities above your health and sanity. You take the responsibility.
Praise someone from whom you’ve learned, received help, supported you in times of failure or weakness, stood by you in hard times, and hasn’t paid you to do so.
“Life is about conquering yourself, not others.”
#writing #life #success
If you spend more time organizing stuff than using it, you have a problem.
Some people want to be creative and helpful. Some people want to be told what to do. Some people would rather go through life and not be bothered.
If you don’t care about other humans, you won’t care for the planet. If you don’t care for the planet, you won’t care about other humans.
#life #failure
Defending pride is arrogance.
#life #failure