Take charge of your own life. You own it or someone else will.
Take charge of your own life. You own it or someone else will.
You have to have a sense of humor here. I left mine there.
#life #humor
Compliment a stranger today. Be kind.
#life #success
Take time to empty your mind of the cruft you gather each day.
#life #succes
Focus on the now. IT’s the only thing that doesn’t persist, but it is the only thing that is eternal. Until you die, of course.
Life is fun, until it isn’t.
It’s ok to make mistakes, as long as no one knows about them and you hurt no one. Learn from them, but you don’t have to beat yourself up.
Celebrity AIs are becoming a thing. Not AIs that pretend to be a celebrity, but AIs that garner (not Jennifer) attention through word of mouth or marketing. We’re all just lemmings to the cliff.
#life #ai #celebrity #failure
Cherish the friends and family you have gathered in life. Make sure they are worth cherishing.
#life #success
Observed: The guy next to me is having an extended conversation, apparently with no one. Back in my day, he would have been considered insane, or worse. Now, he just has a single AirPod and in a phone call. Maybe back in my day, they weren’t insane…
#life #progress #timetravel