Posts in: Photography

Settling in to write morning pages. The Boox is nice, but I’m looking forward to the Manta. Selling this guy with styli and cases.

#writing #boox #eink

Boox Go 10.3

I learned this independently, and it has served me well. The downside being, you end up with a ton of chapters.


Quote from “Outline Your Books or Die!” - Jim Driver

It’s the holiday publishing spam season. This one, at least, is formatted nicely.

#publishing #marketing #spam #failure

Email spam letter

Latest from a beta reader about my WIP.

That’s what I was going for.



I decided to see how good the Summarize feature of Writing Tools is. It’s a failure. This on a text file with pure text content.

#apple #ai #failure

Writing Tools error message on a text file

Got the new Click & Grow to replace my aging (and no longer supported) AeroGarden. Seeded with tomatoes, lettuce, and basil.

Simpler, fewer parts to worry about and clean, and no fertilization. Yes, it has an app.

#plant #aerogarden #clickngrow

Unit with lighting

I really don’t understand how this works…

0 messages in the Unread folder with 20 unread?

There are no unread messages in any of the other folders. Yes, I’ve checked the rules.

This is really annoying.

#apple #mail #failure

Unread folder shows 20 unread but no messages.