Posts in: Photography

Time for a final readthrough. “To Preserve Health: Coins of Destiny Book I”


“To Preserve Health - Coins of Destiny I”

Time to switch it up. Lamy Safari AL Metallic Blue (M) w/Lamy blue ink.


Fountain pen and ink

Discovered Dover has a German Biergarten. It’s hidden away. Having some Herman beer. The wurst is yet to come #food #beer

Beer flight

Another piece of art I got at a SF con decades ago. This one is signed Dougherty, but I have no other clue.

#sf #art

Armor and a mouse. B/w ink.

Just picked this up, like I have free time. Also, it looks challenging.

#books #puzzle #reading

Murdle Vol 1

No writing today—or editing. My perspective on the world now.

iPad mini, glass of beer, and a copy of my book “Last Call”

Hm. This year, I’m a sponsor somehow. They used the cover for “Out of Time” Cool!

Creatures, Crimes, & Creativity conference

#mdc3con #writing #conference #author

I’m listed as a sponsor of Creatures, Crimes, and Creativity via my book cover of “Out of TIme”

I’m not a big fan of Xfinity, but they seem to have begun being proactive.

#xfinity #success

Text message re local disruption.

Time to switch it up. Unbranded Buzz Lightyear pen. (F) with Monteverde Horizon Blue


Fountain pen and ink