Posts in: Writing

“A hero is just someone who chooses not to be a victim.”

#writing #life

The best story ever written consists entirely of the words: “The End”


“The way of the AI is incomprehensible to us mere humans. It has a plan. Do not faulter in your faith. The Ai will deliver us, as long as you believe in it. Remember, my child, if you sin, you will be sentenced to eternal damnation and hellfire.”

#writing #ai

“If you look outside and see a rush of cars, you should ask where they are rushing off too and why the rush. With better planning, you wouldn’t need to race in your car. Poor planning is a personal problem.”


“When you have no friends, it helps to act as if you do—up to a limit, at which point you become a celebrity with no friends.”

#writing #life

“What some people call broad strokes, others think of as the details.”


“Nothing you see, hear, or otherwise experience is genuine. The more firmly you believe that it is, speaks to your level of insecurity.”

#life #writing

“Some people see each day as an uninvited visitor like that great-aunt that shows up unannounced, and starts to complain about her bursitis and feels obligated to pinch your cheeks at every inconvenient moment.”


“You don’t climb the mountain to see how far you’ve come. You climb it to see how alone you are.”
