Posts in: Writing

“His crosswords puzzles always had a lot of empty spaces that mapped nicely to the ones in his mind.”


Write what you know.

Write what you read.

Write what you experience.

Make stuff up.


“He was a vegan by choice, carnivore by nature.”

#writing #throwawayline

“Son, sometimes you have to wear in your wallet, jeans, and mind enough so that it feel comfortable-like. Otherwise, they feel stiff and not what you want.”


“His parents couldn’t figure out how to spell Noel, or were from another planet. They, however, had money so they asked a faulty AI what to name their son.”

#writing #throwawayline

“In a previous live, I’ve had many, I was Shakespeare shaking my spear and yelling at kids to get off my portico.”

#writing #humor

“Don’t be the person with all the money and none of the brains. Money can by brainpower, but you still won’t be smart.”


Yeah. My handwriting is that bad. But the recognition on Manta is top notch.

#writing #eink #manta

Recognized text.