“Life is an empty room you fill with hopes and fears and old papers and cat fur. If you’re lucky you get a cat.”
#writing #throwawayline
“Life is an empty room you fill with hopes and fears and old papers and cat fur. If you’re lucky you get a cat.”
#writing #throwawayline
“New friends sometimes turn into old friends that die.”
“His name was Justin Case. His parents had a sense of humor, or so they said. He had no talent, so he became a detective. He thought it would look good on his door when he hung out his shingle.”
#writing #throwawayline
I’m enjoying writing my WIP. But I always think that when I write it. This set of characters could become recurring if I want to make a new series. But I doubt I will.
#writing #pulp
In case anyone wonders, I use the Micro.blog API to scrape my posts by hashtag to extract my thoughts/ideas by topic.. It’s easier than doing text searches or plowing through handwritten journals/lists.That’s why I mind dump.
#writing #idea
“He slammed his fist against the table. It hit hard, bounced, rolled onto the floor and onto the sleeping cat who promptly batted it behind the fridge with all of his other body parts and various dust bunnies.”
#writing #throwawayline
“I don’t write life. I write fiction. Life is to be lived, not read.”
#writing #life
“He stood around, waiting for life to drive by. That’s what it did. He stood wondering why it hadn’t stopped and passed him by.”
#writing #2024
“Everyone is old enough to die. There is no such thing as someone being ‘too young to die’. We die when we die. Whether a single person or an entire country, death doesn’t value any life more than any other. After all, that young person may have grown up to be a total shit.”
I could probably pump out the last 5K words tomorrow, but I don’t want to kill myself on New Year’s Eve, so I’ll write the usual 2.5K a day and finish on the first.
#writing #newyearseve