Posts in: Writing

It’s time to wind down the day. More words have coagulated onto the story; 2520 to be exact. I have around 5K words to wind this story up/down.


It’s time for a break. I’m making good progress. I’m in the middle of the climax now and working up to the all is lost moment. That’s how I do it.


I’m always amazed when I write a complete story / book. This year, I published my 10th book. I think I probably amaze too easily.


Repeat after me: I will never write a prequel.

Prequels should’ve been written first. And usually, they are bad and a way for someone to try to make money. You’re better off trying to sell a film adaptation.

Flame on!


If you’re an author, do you sell signed books? Does it help your sales? Do you know or just guessing? Do you charge extra?

#publishing #books #writing

My WIP is as close as I’ve gotten to a cozy mystery. Of course I’ve never ever gotten near a mystery, cozy or otherwise. Maybe that’s why.


Fountain pen just ran out of ink. Switching over to the Manta. I’ll fill up the next pen in rotation once I get home later.

#writing #fountainpen #supernote

“The Knight Who Slept During The Day”

Seems like a good title for a book about a gallant knight vampire.
