Posts in: Writing

Yes, I’m in a weird randomly entropic mood. I have a book to finish writing, and I’m dumping non-related thoughts so I can focus on what matters. Doing a mind-dump helps focus, as long as you dump properly.

#writing #focus

“You have to experiment in life in order to learn what you are capable of. Unless, of course, your experiments kill you.”


“He collected chickens the way some people collected stamps and coins or the way Death collected souls. He was always a step ahead of Death.”


“She wore her nobility on her head and finger. Everything else about her was crass and debaucherous. Royalty has its privileges and she was royalty with a capital R and small t around four o’clock.”

#writing #character

“You have to struggle in life, because you hate dying.”


“Did you ever look in the mirror and wish you looked like Colonel Sanders because you loved chicken? I did. But I hate chicken.”

#writing #throwawayline

“Her nostrils exuded a liquid not unlike gelatin which hadn’t set. If anyone were brave enough to taste it, which she did, they would have found it to be more disgusting than lime-flavored gelatin. This made her cry, which just produced more of the substance.”

#writing #character #throwawayline

“Each year winds down like an old-timey clock that needs winding. Each year, politicians and stress wind it back up.”

#writing #time

“He was a small man. He was lacking in stature, wisdom, honor, honesty, kindness, and manhood. His bravado was the biggest part of him, but that was still as small as he was.”

#writing #character

I’m in the middle of this book’s climax. There are some twists and turns that I need to reveal. But I still don’t have a clear picture of how the book ends. Metaphorically speaking, since I have aphantasia and can’t picture anything.

#writing #wip #pulp