It’s time to feed the face.

“We have given up civility and compassion for demands of respect.”

“Coins of Destiny Has Titles and Other Updates”…


“What happened? You look horrified.”

“They shut down the internet.”

“What all of it?”

“Yes, all but this one government site that just says, ‘Stay tuned.’”


If you don’t care about other humans, you won’t care for the planet. If you don’t care for the planet, you won’t care about other humans.

#life #failure

“It’s called dozing when you sleep because you sound like a bulldozer.”

#writing #throwawayline

“Do you tap or hold your widget?”

#throwawayline #ios

“Life is full of f(x).”

#writing #throwawayline

Quote from “Interesting Times” - Terry Pratchett

Defending pride is arrogance.

#life #failure