“It’s not your responsibility or option to declare whether or not you deserve something. Everyone believes they deserve everything they want or need.”


Quote from “The Gods Themselves” - Isaac Asimov

Time to switch it up. Kangaroo Special Edition (M-Italic Cursive) w/ Diamine Poppy Red


Fountain pen and ink

Good morning, all. You can sleep all day, if you want. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

Plan for tomorrow:

— get back to my normal schedule

— edit

— eat/free-write

— house stuff

— relax

Quote from “Trading the Trends” - Fred McAllen

There is not enough kindness in the world. Be kind.

Quote from “Equal Rites” - Terry Pratchett

“Don’t give people too much credit.”

The opportunity for failure is equal to the opportunity for success.
