Vicious Rumor: Nintendo’s flyby of the Switch2 shows a headphone jack. This is misleading. This will be a stylus slot in the production models.

#nintendo #switch2

XOJO is finally coming back to me, after being away from it for literally decades. I’m enjoying it more than fighting with Swift and XCode. I still need to wrap my mind around a bunch of new things.

#programming #xojo

What if everytime you woke up, you woke up in a different universe, with a different body, and all new memories and plans? How would that be different from today?

#writing #prompt

Good morning. Find the truth in yourself, before you demand it of others. Time for the ceremonial coffee.

Plan for tomorrow:

— PICO-8/Picotron

— read

— play games

— eat stuff

I just realized I haven’t made an egg cream in decades. I don’t have any coffee syrup, but I can make some. That’s the plan for this weekend, or part of it.


Time to switch it up. Stipula Passporto Clear (F) w/ Diamine Ancient Copper


Fountain pen and ink

Vicious Rumor: NSO to get XBox GamePass on Switch 2.

#nintendo #xbox #switch2

After months of speculation and rumor, it’s finally here! Friday!

Happy Judgement Day

Yes, the end is here?