Make new shiny things.
Having reread the ending, I’m surprised and shocked that it reads better than it did when I first wrote it. I was thinking I’d have to rewrite the ending. Now, I think a few minor tweaks is all it needs. It’s time to call it a day. Tomorrow, I start real editing.
#writing #editing
“The beautiful thing about life is that you are here.”
#writing #life
Everyone and their cat has a podcast.
Back home. Time to catch up on stuff.
After eating for the first time in 24 hours, I feel almost human.
Vicious Rumor: Next Legend of Zelda Zelda game to be named: “The Legend of Zelda: Destroyer of Worlds”.
Gratuitous food pic. Vodka rigstonni.
“Predicting human behavior is easy if you’re not human, and free of human bias.”
— Harry Seldon