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Observed: Someone reading a menu out-loud.

Do you feel a need to read everything out-loud? Menus, Movie posters/reviews, traffic signs, or subpoenas?

#life #character

💬 John Philpin

reminded me of a Better Call Saul scene

S Koren

@JohnPhilpin Don’t know anything about that.

💬 John Philpin

ask and ye shall receive ... the set up before the video is that he had been trying to get a meeting with this woman and she was pushing him away.

S Koren

@JohnPhilpin is that a movie or a show? That’s what I meant.

💬 John Philpin

Better Call Saul is a US TV show ... Currently running on Netflix ... it’s a spin off (prequel) from Breaking Bad.

S Koren

@JohnPhilpin oh ok. I’m not up on current media events. Thx.