Posts in: Writing

“What’s the worst thing that can happen? You could die. So what? We all die. So, go for it. Try. Do. Learn. Live while you can.”

#writing #life

“God is just a being that can control the world with its thoughts, and he’s being pushed to the limit. He is one of a race of such beings.”


“You can afford to be nice. It doesn’t cost anything.”

#writing #life

“Your path will take you through great dangers and horrors that you will strive to avoid. Your journey will also show you sights that will stun you with wonder, beauty and love. It, however, doesn’t end well for you. You will die. That is how life works.”

#writing #life

Cuthbert - #writing #throwawayline

‘Cuthbert was a corpulent cat. As far as cats go, he was the fattest of the fat cats. His harem was large, and in order to keep them all purring, he ran a gambling den where other cats would race rats. One day, a scrawny little cat got into his business. Snarling, he unsheathed his weapons, only to learn, you never mess around with a ferret named Jim.” #writing #throwwayline

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“I may be old, but I’m still slow.”

#writing #throwawayline

Overheard: “Unpaid bills are meant to be unpaid.”

Otherwise, they would be bills?

#writing #character

“My parents would banish me from the house for not doing my chores. I would wander the tundra in search of lichens I would then tame and train to attack my parents.”

#writing #throwawayline

Hm. They want to pitch “Last Call” for a movie? I get a lot of these spam calls. This one actually bothered to read the book, however, and actually named the person they want me to pitch to.

#book #writing