Posts in: Writing

Why is doing a backflip a sign of happiness/joy/elation, and not training? And why isn’t doing a frontflip the opposite? @grammargirl #etymology #writing

When life hits you in the eye, With a big pizza pie, It hurts like a sty, But you won’t die, So don’t try Just eat It.

#writing #poetry #poem

“Death always knocks politely when it arrives. Many ignore it and then Death is forced to barge in with a bulldozer.”

#writing #life

“You may ask wha tI do for a living, isn’t living enough?”


“My parents would taunt me until I pitched them the mouse.”

#writing #throwawayline

“His mouth was full of food as he spoke. Most of it was unchewed, but the bits that were, dribbled down his chin in a river not unlike the Mississippi during a dry spell.”


“Mommy, what happens after you die?” “You have to give a PowerPoint presentation to God.”

#writing #throwawayline

And… another fountain pen runs dry.

#writing #fountainpen

“When your hands are covered in blood, use a red towel.”

#writing #throwawayline