Do you allow your mother read your writing/books? Is she still alive? #writing #books

Marie Marionette Lost her head To a blade As dull as her mind. #writing #poetry

“I fear the end. It will come as as a swarm of anteaters.” #writing #throwawayline

OK. The first part of this short story is done. It’s time for a break. #writing

“You need more friend.” “Why?” “They have money you don’t.” “I don’t want friends with money.” “You still need friends.” #writing #throwawayline

“The Royal Ligatures” should be a title. #writing #prompt

Practice what you don’t know. Preach what you do. Until the pitchforks and torches come out. Then go back to the beginning. #writing

Obsidian. Drafts. Bear. Hibernate. Java. Coffee. Mmm. Homer. Ulysses. If you get it, you get it. #poem #writing

“He stood ramrod stiff. It had been difficult the first year or two. He tended to fidget and sway from boredom and tiredness. Now, he was a true tree. Then, the dog came and pissed on him.” #writing

“Shallow water is as dangerous as deep. You can just as easily be shot in the head.” #writing

Lately, I’ve been getting cold-calls from companies telling me “It’s your lucky day.” Book aquisition spam. #books #writing

Questions to ask about your characters: — What are they willing to lose? — What are they not willing to lose? — How will they lose it? — To what end? I have my antagonist. #writing #planning

“The warm sun is out. The water appears to move across the blue-gray lake against the green backdrop of trees. The birds flutter to and fro like oversized butterflies. It’s a perfect day for the end of the world.” #writing

Self-goal: ensure every scene or chapter has humor, whether it is obvious to the reader, or not. #writing #planning #coinsofdestiny

“Coins of Destiny 2” - Yakuza vs. Triad vs. tech vs “Big Trouble in Little China” vs lots of explosions…and a woman trying to keep her daughter safe. The story is coming together. #writing #planning

I hate writing antagonists/villiains of any ilk. I guess I’m too nice a guy. #writing

Time to eat and work out my antagonist for “Coins of Destiny 2”. #writing #planning

“Snark runs fast and furious during the spring months. It leapfrogs over the currents of thought as it jumps to spawn.” #writing #throwawayline

Well, I didn’t do any writing today. Tomorrow, I need to make up for that. #writing

“Pain is gain when you’re in the lane.” #writing #life

“I have a bone to pick with you if you think you’re humorous.” If you get it, you get it. #writing

“The tin can of life has a hole in it.” #writing #throwawayline

I think I know how I want to end this short story. I need some time away from it. Tomorrow, I get back to transcribing/editing “The Man With All the Cards”. #writing

“The sound of the paper slicer soothed him. It reminded him of the sound a guillotine severing through a head, unlike a garrote.” #writing

“The Zombie God” should be a title. I #writing