Posts in: Writing

“His breath was as fetid as a festering fetus in a garbage dump.”

#writing #throwawayline

“I shall pull down the sun and bring the endless night.” “How—how will you do that, Master?” “I shall fling this useless planet into the void.” “Wasnt’t that Space:1999?” “That was the moon and a TV show. My plans are bigger.!By the way, you’re an idiot.” #writing #throwawayline

“He stared intently. He stared with intentions most foul. He was The One.”

#writing #throwawayline


“Nobody likes the blues. That is, no one who is already dead.”


Observed. His long gray beard had a top-knot.

#writing #character

“Life is easy, if you are.”

#writing #throwawayline

“If you dont know why you are crying, you cry. If you know why you are crying, you stop.”


First draft done. It’s not as polished as my typical frst drafts, but it has Doctor McCoy–“good bones”.

#writing #shortstory

“You should be like a river. It doesn’t know where it’s going. It just does.”


“You can’t know everything. Not even God knew what would happen when he went on vacation”

#writing #throwawayline #life