Posts in: Writing

“In all of humanity’s existence, humanity has not solved any of its problems. Humanity is a failure.”

#writing #life

“Why are you so annoying?”

“I’ve spent a lot of time honing my craft.”


“Keep plugging away. Just make sure you put the square plugs into the square holes and the round plugs into the round holes.”

#writing #throwawayline

“If god wanted humans to fly, he would have given everyone a parachute. So, either he doesn’t want people to fly, or there is no god.”

#writing #throwawayline

“Just because a ukulele is smaller than a guitar, doesn’t mean it’s easier to play.”


Many say they’d love to write a novel. The same many think it’s too much work.They’re right.


“Lamentation of the Lambs”

#writing #throwawayline

“Some people say ‘I’ll sleep when I’m dead., others ‘I’ll sleep until I’m dead.’”

#writing #throwawayline

Phew! Second editing pass done. Tomorrow, I start a proofreading (spelling/grammar) pass. Now, it’s break time.

#writing #editing

“Everyone Wants Me Dead” - title. Feel free to use it.

#writing #prompt